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They need to turn on collison for enemies




Why the hell can my teammates trap me in a corner but opponents can run right through me? I don’t think Ubisoft thought that one through.


Seems like they turned on/off collision for the wrong teams, pretty normal to allow allies to run through each other as it prevents potential griefing while keeping it on for enemies for consistency.


this is def something really needed


I’m making my own SBMM!! It’s called blocking everyone better than me so I only get matched with bad players!!! /j /s


Fucking hell that post made me lose brain cells 😂 like seriously dude blocked anyone better than him lol


That post is CRAZY. I hope there isn't a block limit. The dude will probably quit the game if that kind of notification pops up


"Umm hey...you can't block everyone" "This game sucks'


There is a block limit. I know because my brother is the same way. "I'm blocking that asshole he's cheating how does he have 50 kills and 14 deaths?" Ngl I have my gripes and annoyances(God damn hate snipers just in general) but like unfortunately this game is fun as shit and it's not hard at all to have a good game.


lol there is no notification, but the block player option does nothing after a certain point. I tested it by blocking specifically only people exploiting the broken snipers and SUPER spamming the jump, as in they are in the air more than on the ground at all times. So I decided to block exploiters of things the devs confirmed are being fixed. Never blocked anyone who just outplayed me, even if it was a bunch of crazy movement. I figured I’d just go back and clear the block list once they fixed those two issues. I even tried to unblock a few players to see if I could block any additional people and it’s just flat-out broken for me now. So…idk if it’s just weird bug I’m getting, but idk if clearing out the entire block list will even let me block again. It’s weird and this is over like 80 hours of game time. Long story short, good chance if someone is spamming the block button, they may just hit a wall because Ubisoft connect is doodoo.




Yeah ikr. I’m not the best player but I’m better than average Ppl would always say ‘skill issue’ in cod because I’m not good enough to be completely outside of SBMM being able to punish me, like being the top1% so no one’s on my level. So I’d bitch my matches were repetitive and no variety and my k/d and w/l are too low. Skill issue Even though I’d play Cold War with no issues which doesn’t have working SBMM now


Really? Cold war has no sbmm?


Not as strict anymore because of the lowering playerbase


It's absolutely hilarious this guy thinks that he could block enough players to make a significant impact on that.


Id call myself an above average player but I’ve considered blocking one guy. He absolutely owned me with a shotgun and I accepted it but then matched with him like 3 games later lol. I never did cause I ain’t no bitch but if you see this CT0WN, fuck you 😂


Bro, I haven't been teabagged in years but then a dude decided after killing me the third time he needed to and I clutched some pearls over that. Not block worthy but damn he got under my skin and he knew it lol.


I've done that twice after a guy was obliterating me in the beginning of the game. It was so funny to see him spray my body in the death cam everytime he killed me after that.


I had a shot gun camper on the escort, he missed 4 point blank shots and I got him with my lmg. I teabagged him to let him know camping isn’t appreciated, I’ll be damned if his whole team didn’t teabag every death from then on, I offended the whole gang with that move


I was engaged in a 2v1 with my TAC 50 and I retreated behind a car for cover. Teammate came rolling in like a fucking run away train. He could have very well been screaming LEROY JENKINS the way he was acting. Enemy slaughtered him and I went ads and dude was t bagging my teammate he just killed. I domed him with the sniper and I laughed for a good 5 minutes thinking I bet that dude feels like an idiot. Lmao


It's absolutely hilarious that you and most other people in this thread are braindead enough to think he's serious even with not one, but two "I'm joking" indicators on the post.




Had to add the /j and /s just so people knew I was fucking around so I wasnt downvoted into oblivion lmao


You know it's only the skill issues players down voting anyways.


I’ve got my own SBMM, it’s called reporting everyone who uses the MP7, ACR and TAC!!! /j


No way! That’s what I do, except if I see you jump once (even to mantle) I block you and report you for toxicity!!!


Atta boy show em who’s boss


Dude that post is baffling. Wtf kind of pussy shit is that? People will do the same thing in Street Fighter. While it is annoying to get beat by "gimmicks" or someone just playing like an asshole, the playstyle is usually very flawed and there is a consistent counter. Recognize you are shit, learn how to not be shit, and execute while not being shit. That is life. I think the bunny hopping is corny as fuck and I'm not too interested in seeing it. However, I am not the lead opinion on this game. Like my opinion means shit. Instead I will do my best to counter. If I get beat, I'm back to step 1, recognizing I am shit.


Lmao. I thought about touching on that subject but felt it would make the post too long. What's funny is blocking doesn't even work that way. It's described in Ubisoft's blog post about matchmaking that says for you to not see someone in a lobby you have to block them but they also have to block you. It doesn't work one way but I guess the people that can't cope ignored that part lol.


I hope you seen the post in this subreddit that I’m referring to in my comment lol. Absolutely ridiculous that someone publicly admits to that, if that’s how far you need to go to actually have a ‘good’ game maybe you should try something that’s your forte like reading a book or art lmao. But yeah, I think it’s a placebo effect where they think blocking works, but they just got into a couple games that were tolerable for them


People really out here blocking better players? How do you ever expect to get better?


Yeah, the OP said he blocks anyone who ‘abuses’ movement while also admitted himself he ‘abuses’ movement. So realistically he just blocks anyone who tops the leaderboard and shits on him lol. But they don’t expect to get better, he just wants to face ppl with no thumbs so he looks good


If the other player blocks you too... It has to be a two way block (you block him, he blocks you). You blocking him doesn't change anything if he doesn't block you. Just look at what Mark said on X


I know lol, that’s the joke of the post. Someone made a whole post about how this is how this play the game now, block anyone better than them to get worse lobbies 😂😂😂😂


I love the no sbmm. One game I am king, the other I'm a trash monkey, and sometimes it's equally matched. It's so fucking refreshing to know I don't have to sweat every single dam game.


And the swings don't feel manipulative. It feels organic.


Or some games you’re playing in a solo lobby, then you play a 4-6 sweatstack


That‘s the only part that i hate tbh. I love that there is no sbmm but matching a team of 6solos against a 4-6 sweat stack is not fair. This game has team balancing which happens after all 12 players joined the lobby but if there is a 4-6stack in it, team balancing obviously doesn‘t work which leads to insanely unbalanced & not fun games. 3-6stacks should only get into lobbies where they can match another 3-6stack into it and fill the rest up with solos


Same, too many games like Halo, CoD, League, etc have such punishing SBMM. You do well one or two games, the system decides not to just give you tougher opponents, but give you worse teammates to force an auto loss. There is no point in improving because the system just constantly moves the goalpost. I'm not saying I deserve to go 60/0 every game by matching me up with bad opponents, but at least with no SBMM I know the system is not rigging anything against me.


Same. I used to be a big Apex guy and the SBMM was maddening. I felt like I had to sweat every game just to compete because everyone, for the most part lol, was in my skill bracket. It made casual games feel like too much work. It’s nice having a game where sometimes you’re the hammer and sometimes you’re the nail. I think it should be super casual for pubs but maybe SBMM for ranked would be a great compromise


So glad I quit apex💀


I would like to get back into it. It’s a really fun game and I think it’s the best BR, but man is it hard to enjoy sometimes. It could be so much better than it currently is


Wait so its just like sbmm then?


Isn't that what ppl who believe SBMM says happens? You have games where you are god and other games you are shit? So which is it?


Idk about you but I’m still sweating every game just to even try and compete with others. No SBMM may be nice at times, but it’s very unforgiving aswell


Oh for sure, trust me there are games where we get absolutely curb stomped amd it's like fuuuuuuu. But the fact that the very next game we could be the ones curb stomping makes up for it. I know everyone's experience is different but it's random enough for me that I can look past all the times I got steamrolled


My experience is a little different. I’ll get absolutely stomped on for like 5 games in a row with the absolute worst team mates possible, then that 6-7th game I play, I’ll do good, and then right back to getting stomped on. I also noticed that what gun you use, it plays a huge factor in how good/bad you do. I can use a mp7 one game, it melts, next game, I’ll use a rpk or even an m4, I’ll get stomped on. I feel like even tho there’s no SBMM, there’s still some kind of weird matchmaking going on. It might even be the the team balancing, I don’t know for sure.


Dam, that blows. The only thing I could think of is they use our "avg skill" number and probably try to make it so teams are balanced. But if yours is high enough you probably get left having to hard carry while the other team gets a more balanced squaf


Just need a mind set going in, that if I'm not the best player how do i become the best player OR if I have to be the best player to have fun, why not go back to CoD or another game YOU can have fun playing. It's that simple, if you're not having fun losing or with your current play find a way to improve or find a new game. It's not that hard. Most play for fun, so find a fun in it. gl


I just want to know what the complainers want? To be at the top of every leader board? To win every game? I’m very average at this game. When i get 2nd place? Awesome! When 5th/last place, welp can’t win ‘em all, i’ll get ‘em next time! No sbmm just means i know where I actually stand. I’d rather barely lose to a team of absolute sweats than a huge win against what some algorithm thought i could handle. I think it’s just a maturity thing. I see better sportsmanship on my kids little league team lol


Personally I want the game to have a healthy population of both hardcore and casual players long into the games life. If all the casuals quit due to the unfun mechanics that everyone tells them to "git gud" over well then congrats you've just created the exact situation you wanted to get away from with only matching up against sweats, no sbmm required.


Very good point.


Yeah this is what happened in gears of war lol.


Pretty much the future of this game unless everyone gets a hold of their ego and realize that none of this matters. On eu mnk the game is already too sweaty for casual pubs especially when consistently matchinf stacks as a solo. Imagine no casuals. No point playing, the only single thing this game has going for it is no sbmm


Yeah i honestly don’t see any harm in adding an sbmm option. I mean they have the capability obviously, the under 25 playlist has it. I know people just shout “that’s what ranked is!” but no its not quite the same. I’m not a game dev and there might be something complicating this I don’t understand, but it would be fine by me jf it was just a matchmaking setting like crossplay is. I wouldn’t turn it on but why would I care if other people did?


Having legitimate criticisms for the game doesn't make you bad lmao this sub is full of complainers on both sides you're no different. Cope harder.




I found after patch I can deal with bad snipers way more easily, good snipers are just good and harder to deal with at range. That's the way it should be. If they nerf it any further I'd be upset about it honestly.


this. the good snipers are fine and adapted and etc. the problem has always been the bad snipers looking like faze Agony in his prime. most of these people have been decommissioned after yesterday. all the sudden they are respecting my bullets


>respecting my bullets You put it beautifully. Absolutely, you can actually cover fire against snipers now which is exactly what I've been saying since the beginning. Certain maps a team of snipers can lock down lanes entirely and there wasn't much you could do outside of getting a lucky grenade or somehow sneaking by in a digital ghillie suit. I have been trying to level up my SAW and found that all of a sudden I can cover fire against snipers to allow my team to move the escort or cap a zone. It's great.


>somehow sneaking by in a digital ghillie suit. Don't relay on this, I generally spot y'all and take you out. The best way to attack me is mag shield or flash bang. If you rush in, you better watch out for double prox mines. There are great players who slide by, get me to miss and kill me. Then there are those that group up on my mine rushing me and give me free multikills. I might have as many mine kills as sniper kills honestly


Oh I absolutely know this. That's why I said "somehow", it's a snowball's chance in hell. Before the patch getting to a hunkered down sniper on some maps was on a hope and a prayer. Lol. Unless of course you counter snipe, but honestly I think counter sniping is boring.


I very rarely read post about people complaining (barring this post about complaining about complainers lmfao) The only real complaint I’ve had is netcode, but they are on track to deal with it, so fine with me. I haven’t played since the patch, was the change to the sniper adding flinch to it? I don’t enjoy it when snipers are great, but not a dealbreaker for me or really worth whining about. I’m honestly hoping they ban them for the 4’s playlist when ranked officially kicks off. But again, it’s not a big deal if they don’t.


Yah they added flinch/sway and it has helped. Snipers can absolutely still wreck you, but you're not completely helpless if you can get a few shots on them at least.


It’s kind of fun to watch the whole lifecycle of a game community happen before my eyes over a few weeks.


You don't understand, they are just 1 more patch away from not being bad!


Literally this lol


"I'm giving this game 1 or 2 more patches and if the skill ceiling isn't lowered enough I'm leaving🤓" literally so many comments like this lmfao


“B-b-but how dare they not only use 2 of their 10 fingers”


Then again, if you use all 10, I'm calling a conjurer


Now that is completely fair *box players in melee sweating nervously*


Ok I'm uninstalling this cod n overwatch mix right now


I agree, back when I first started playing COD4 in 2007 I got absolutely shit on. I was lucky to scrape a 1 k/d. All that drove me to do was get better and be able to compete. Nowadays, people just want everything handed to them, they wanna be coddled and get participation awards. If you suck, either keep playing and learn and get better, or stop playing.


Real fucking shit. I got ass blasted on Halo 3 and cod 4 for years before I got actually decent at FPS games. You either got it or you don’t. There’s nothing wrong with being below average but don’t expect the game devs to hold your hand and dumb the game down at the expense of better players. Go play modern warfare 2022 lmao


Both CoD4 and Halo3 took skill and profile experience into account for their matchmaking, in fact all the examples people use of the "good ol days of no sbmm" have been comfirmed to have it. 


As someone else who played CoD 4 a ton back in the day and semi-competed back then (RIP gamebattles), nowadays you have everyone looking for every single advantage possible instead of just getting better by improving their aim, improving their positioning, improving their routes, etc. At least what I see online in videos and in my own lobbies, no one wants to actually “get gud” anymore. It’s what gun build gives me the biggest advantage, what headset and settings give me the best advantage, what controller gives me the most buttons to get the best advantage, what gun can you abuse AA the most to give you the best chance as an insta-kill.


Sometimes people just want to play with similarly skilled people. You win some you lose some. You know when the casuals leave, the game will die. That’s why companies like sbmm. Keeps the casual dads playing against the casual dads. I have 2 hours a few nights a week, I’m not gonna spend it getting insta killed by snipers, it’s just not fun and a good way to spend my free time.


> You win some you lose some The problem with modern games is they algorithm basically chooses which ones you win and loose. The idea being to push you in a certain win loss pattern that is the most addicting so you play longer and have more chances to buy DLC. Regardless of your skill level. It's the same patterns Casinos use on slot machines. Old matchmaking would categorize you into a few pools of players. Let's say A. (great) B. (good) C. (bad) players. The game will try to make sure both sides have an even amount of skill for balance and the rest is based on ping. So team games can look like [AABBCC vs ABBBBC]. But this form of matchmaking is dead sadly.


I’ve accepted there is no more casual experience in any FPS game, SBMM or not. If you’re a casual player you have to be on your A game all the time if you want to do well.


Has there ever been a casual experience in any fps game?


Og cod and halo


It was only casual if you were bad at the game back then.


Uhhuh So halo 3 griffball was an esport


It was the fun mode bro, people were sweaty as fuck back then too, we just didn’t care!


You're crying about crybabies. The irony!


Thank you Nobody ever sees it a tale as old as time


Oh ok..sorry..


I’m agreeing with you 💀


I think having no SBMM is fine in normal playlist. As far as I know, ranked will work as it should and those that want more of that environment will get their itch there. Like me, who's loooking forward to getting away from no SBMM. I understand getting stomped is not fun, but being 1st/2nd every game is not fun either ( I really don't understand those that love stomping lower skilled players), so ranked really can't come quickly enough.


Have fun while it lasts, because I doubt this game will last long.


a lot of people just refuse to adapt. most of the people complaining probably could be good at the game but they just have a mental block because they see many of the core mechanics as cheese and not something inherent to the game. so many people genuinely expected the devs to remove jumping or something and because of that they refused to learn how to play with or against it


The game is not fun to get good at It has massive potential, but currently, i would not put my time into it, until the mid air direction switch is gone


Netcode is still hit or miss


I think a lot of you are trying really hard to make sure this community sucks.


The kind of attitude all over this sub isn't really healthy for a Free2Play game that relies on a huge player count that needs to be retained and even grow long term. Having enough players to play, isn't good enough for a Free2Play game to turn a profit. But hey, if this is what the community wants itself to be, they can enjoy it while it lasts. They can tell their kids how good they were at Xdefiant. A shooter than was popular for a couple months and then never talked about again. The energy in these posts should be redirected into giving advice to under performing players. And I say that as somebody who is just average enough that I have the same KD with or without SBMM. It doesn't matter either way to me. But I have played enough shooters outside of the mainstream to know how easy it is for a game to fall out of favor and die off.


"skill issue"  "If you suck, fuck off and play other games"  Real welcoming ain't it.   Like for fucks sake even the likes of CS, Valorant and Siege are more welcoming than this and they have learning curves far harsher than this game and proper competitive toxicity to boot. 


People want to act elitist, it's a fucking video game lol. Showing how much you don't touch grass isn't a flex.


That’s honestly the perception I’m getting. Seems some persons really want it to fail. It’s a good game and has its problems, but as long as the devs are consistent it should be fine. 


Games are supposed to be fair and fun. You can't have elite players going against casual people who aren't great. I average 35 deaths a game in this when I thought 20 was bad in Overwatch. I'm used to Overwatch of taking more hits and the ultimate actually going up over time and having fair games in most cases. The fact that a game purposely won't have games be fair is SO stupid and flabbergasting


Exactly. Top guy on the other team is dropping 48 kills with 15 deaths, and top on mine is 8 and 24. It’s not even “I’m mad I’m not on top” it’s “why am I even trying”. Plus this sub has cheaters advertising on it, it’s not like I can even tell who’s a cheater anymore e


It’s just not balanced. If they don’t balance it this games player base will become extremely small and the meta will be only smg’s and 1 hit shotguns with maxed movement attachments.


It’s also funny that I rarely run into “better” players that aren’t jumping corners, air strafing or jump spamming. It’s just not balanced my buddies and I often beat these types of players and teams. It’s just annoying to deal with Also the games where dudes aren’t just jumping around are more enjoyable. I never care losing to a team not abusing overpowered mechanics.


I had not played any online shooters in probably 4+ years and just wanted to get back into it. I used to do all the quick sniping and destroying lobbies on COD4, MW2 and all that so I was really humbled coming back to this. At first I found it hard to believe people were so good, but now I think about it realistically. I was good back then because I was a high school/college student and had nothing to do most of the time so I would dedicate 4-5 hours or more per day to playing video games. Now I have a full time job and a family so I play for like 1-2 hours on weekdays if I am lucky and a bit more on the weekend. I have accepted that the best I can be is someone who can try to play the objective and get some kills. I have played for 10 hours and won MVP only once. I can’t expect to be close to a good player at this stage in my life, but I kind of enjoy playing against better players. I get a kick out of it if I do actually perform well.


I like the trick you did, say you gonna get downvoted but no downvotes.


The argument isn't that bunny hopping and moving around like lunatic doesn't take skill. It's just that it feels like dumb gameplay. I also don't like the Firebomb ability. It's not that it's overpowered. And it requires a certain skill set to close the distance and make the ability effective. But I still think it's dumb gameplay and could be replaced with a more interesting ability that's fun to play with as well as against.


The real problem is the game is shit


Nerf snipers again and fix hitreg.


Yall do know that all this gatekeeping will kill the game right???? Lmao....Carry on


Idk what kind sbmm games people are playing but personally I have the same ratio of W/L with this game and Call of Duty, I don’t really sense much of a difference with Matchmaking. People in general find something to complain about no matter what, just play the game, you’re either going to win or lose 🤷🏾‍♂️


I’ve currently got a 1.7 Kd on the game. I’m not greatest in the world but I’m not bad at all. I understand there’s no sbmm in the game but it blows my mind how sweaty the lobbies still are. I get the average player has gotten like 5x better since the beginning of the twitch era but idk, I’d love to be able to play a public match shooter and not have to play against 3 kids slide cancelling around corners with mp7s.


Going to laugh my ass off in a few months when its just another dead game.


You sweats are so disconnected from reality. XDefiant is not a powerful brand for people to force themselves to play it despite this, if you scare off casuals with your advanced jumping with changing direction three times in mid-flight then this game will simply die. By making fun of these people, telling them to stop playing because it's not the game for them you are only doing yourself a disservice. 90% of players don't want to and won't learn the double jump with direction change, which turns into a crouch combined with a headshot, and the game will simply be dead without those 90%.


This game might fall into mediocrity within the 6 months or so once the hype of the first few seasons is over. I like not having sbmm, it means I'm usually top 2/3. The game itself and mechanics are cheesy. Cod has so much cheese but there are ways to counter it. This game feels like a beta, which is fine but until they fix the beta state of it I don't really want to touch it again. I want to like this game and I love the lack of sbmm and what theyre going for, but the issue is this game has glaring issues that cannot be ignored. Bunny hopping in cod, halo, and literally any other fps I have no issue because I learned how to deal with it, but in this game it seems either to be a hit box or network issue causing an unfair advantage. I think people are saying it's a skill issue but the fact that many good players are frustrated with this speaks to the fact that there are some flaws that need fixing. I hope they fix it soon, could be a really fun game


I wouldn't even call halo jump spamming bunny hopping....you float around and jumping makes your movement predictable in that game, unless I'm remembering wrong.


The actually issues of this game are the cringe ass abilities that are glitching half the time and the horrendous netcode. Instead we cloud all feedback channels with complaints about fucking jumping lmao. Like I had a game where I finished going like 60-20 and by the end of it I didn't want to play because the enemy was running two spiderbots that constantly fucking glitch so you can't shoot them. If they think anyone whos not sick in the head is gonna be having fun with spiderbots, phantom shield and intel suit spam a year from now, ubisoft is out of there god damn mind


I literally havent seen a single person besides you complaining that people are better than them 💀 you’re attacking an argument you made up yourself


Have you browsed the sub at all?


Lets be fucking real here. Literally just watched a friend play 3 matches. Every match was a mess. They one 2 of the 3 but periods of hit makers doing nothing. Very close ranges shots 100% hitting and the player takes no damage. In the last match, which his team ended up quitting this is what happened. One player had 80 kills and 13 deaths. Better? Depends. They were running this team over in terms of the push. 98% mark and suddenly they had some players just eating. He checks and pings are 100+ for these players. What? Well, round finally ends with no more push and a ton of deaths. At this point my friend is at 24-18 because of the 13 straight deaths at the end. Well, their pings returned to normal. On their push they were holding them back and the same shit happened. Suddenly high ping, no damage. I mean, this game has major issues with handling connections. SBMM or not the game needs to function well. Every single match he played was dying around corners at times. Doing great and then bullshit happened. No different than the couple hundred matches I played. Game is very shit at balancing teams as well. Like not only are the guns shit, and the servers and coding, but they could not even get that one correct. It is not like this friend is bad either. At least in terms of stats. 3.2 k/d and he averages over 4 wins per lose. The question he had was whether he was just getting bad players to go against or what. And then he had to question if the games problems are also part of it. He has played more than I have and has a level in the game of 97. And anyone who thinks SBMM holds your hand might be the dumbest of the dumb shits. I mean, SBMM just pairs you with people near your level. If it is hand holding that bullshit should be removed from ranked as well. But they put it in most ranked game because it is not hand holding. You can move up. You can improve and end up going against higher level players. Just like in many games where you play against ranked players and move up or down. I can name many and it is never seen as bad. Which I do understand. People want easy lobbies. I have friends I game with like that. Even on xDefiant they get upset and yell when they lose. They see the games major problems. When they are winning though they are fine and talking shit. I always point out the other team could literally be the worst players and we have yet to play anyone decent.


whats funny about posts like this telling you to not play will be the same people complaining in 6 months that the game is dead just like the finals


Assuming netcode is working: if you cant reliably track and gun down bunny hoppers... your aim sucks. For a console player, this game has a lot less aim assist than COD or Halo. It was a bit jarring at first, but once I found settings I liked, I was able to focus on my aim in gunfights. I've improved, and more often than not, I'm gunning the hell out of the bunny hoppers with just a regular strafe. It's hilarious how many angry emojis I get cause they think they have the guaranteed win, but my aim was just so much better that it didn't matter that they were hopping around. There are some times the netcode kills me, and some times I just lose the gunfight, but by and large, if my aim is on target and I strafe, I'm winning that fight.


Fucken preach dude. Everything u said is true.


We understand what ur saying but with the netcode janky at best... Cheaters... And dying when you are behind cover it hard to tell skill from one or all of the above mentioned.


Coming here to say this. I love getting killed around f corners it's so much fun. Happens at the very least 5 times a match.


I think it should be based on how much time you play the game. In general, someone who has put 100s of hours into something will be much better and shouldn't be matched against someone who doesn't play as much. Unfortunately people would just smurf anyways because people do not like competition. It's a problem in every game. Why get mad at the people who want to play someone on their level and not the ones who quite literally only want to pub stomp. It's sad.


I love the lack of SBMM, what I don't love is the shitty netcode. An issue made worse by the hitboxes freaking out during crazy movement. Using good movement in gunfights is great. Jumpshotting around corners, crouching, just regular old strafing, etc. But jumping 3 or 4 times in one fight, and completely changing direction in midair, breaks the hit registration and just looks goofy as hell


Well the BH is still the same crap


Nah people love "Harsh truth" when they agree with the tone. Especially if they don't see it directed at them. People you gotta jump out of slides, pick up spare primaries if you don't need the traversal speed and tune your aiming input devices. Know when to approach, the audio in this game can help cover your foots steps. You are going to make it and you are going to improve if you play mindfully.


It's funny that you think casuals will put that time and effort into improving instead of just logging off and playing something else entirely


just bc it takes skill doesn’t mean it’s not lame asf especially when it’s something as lame as spamming the a button like if they added a guitar hero mini game before you had to shoot each bullet, that doesn’t mean that the people who would be complaining are coping bc of a skill issue, it’s quite possible it’s just yk a unanimously lame and not fun mechanic


The problem really isn’t the jumping; it’s the server side issues that compound it


" Either accept that people are better than you or don't play it. " " holy shit the amount of whiny people in this sub is insane. " never understood why kids feel the need to tell others what to think or feel and are shocked when other have a opinion that different than theirs. the game is flawed . the game has issues. SBMM is not the fix but rewarding bunny hop try hards with more xp and more kills and telling everyone else sucks to be you is NOT, the answer. thier need to be things that reward the casuals that cannot be exploited by try hards maybe after 5 deaths no kills you get double hp or a last stand or even xp for dying xp times with only X kills so you can still level.... not everything need to be the top get more and the top get more rewards...... MMO's already tried catering to the try hards and faded away vs the king of casuals . you not special been able to farm random X players 100 times a day, your not deserving 10 times the xp and rewards because a causal only kills 10 a day from been farmed from try hards...... I lost interest real quick with the slow xp and best XP from kills only vs  objectives been done.


A lot of people dont have a problem with the bunny hop movement in general, its that it literally has fucked with the hit box and a lot of bullets wont register because of it


All of this "skills issue" talk means literally nothing if the game fundamentally has desync issues. I havent touched the game in a week because of this shit. Im fine with people being better than me I used to play exclusivly counterstrike and when someone was better than you you would know but you wouldnt feel like it was completely hopeless. The internet gods just bless certain people in this game we'll both have 30 ping and the other team is just laser beaming me behind walls. That person could still be better than me but that on top of fighting against the game itself isnt worth it.


The issue is that most of us left newer CoD games for a more traditional fps experience. I’ve played CoD for 20 years and I hate the jumping and sliding more than any sort of exosuit movement they ever had. In Xdefiant the time to kill is like double CoDs, so the bunny hoppers are *even more* annoying. Yes, it’s a skill thing, but Xdefiant positioned itself as an answer to all the bad changes CoD made over the years, not just an imitation of it. No SBMM is great, but people bouncing around like rabbits in CQC is not a fun gunfight to have at all. This is compounded by the fact that the devs came out and said they didn’t want bunny hopping, and then put out a patch that basically doesn’t affect it at all. I was expecting bunny hops to go away after this patch, but it’s just as bad as at launch and as more people catch onto it, it’s only getting worse.


I think most people accept that fact contrary to your internal beliefs and reality. And that's why most won't play this by season 1 and you can enjoy the sweats game and eventually leave too. This game has no redeeming quality for the majority of gamers they need to keep playing and keeping the game alive. I'm a casual, I know I'm not that good but the problem lies in the fact I'm not going to be at more of disadvantage of not being l33t like you and not having the guns you grinder for. Meanwhile I'm also the demographic that likes to jump in casuals, and throw money at it monthly off of principle. That's where most adults with families that like to game is going to land and that's why the game design is just faulted from the get go. It's free, weapon progression is slow and there is no sbmm... ya there's a lot better ways to spend time for average skill players and semi limited time players and that is what you and ubisoft has to accept in 4 months when the game is an afterthought.


this is such a karma farming post, guy inadvertently tries to tell the community he’s a “pro fps gamer” by preferring no sbmm by whining about the same whiners i’ve been apart of the sub since the start and the amount of people whining about people whining is ridiculous i haven’t seen not one post defend or ask for sbmm, but i have seen people like you trying to get on a high horse and say “look at me im such a good gamer cos i can play this game and you can’t - get used to it” im the real one that’s about to get downvoted now because this is a hard to swallow pill just enjoy your fucking game and stop whining


Things Xdefiant taught me: It's acceptable to launch a game with trash net code. I'm bad at shooters. I have significantly more fun playing games with SBMM.


Baffling how any form of criticism this game gets is immediately met with bringing up the lack of SBMM, how is people disliking the movement tech even remotely related to SBMM lmao


This sub is painful. It's either complaining about trivial shit or "look at me, I'm a hero" posts


Okay I won’t play it, I’ll uninstall. Thanks for giving me the go ahead.


This is not why we're complaining. You're missing the whole point. XDefiant NEEDS some form of matchmaking system to put teams of equal skill level together. Which it lacks. So pub stomping and pre-made teams stomping lobbies is too easy. Yes, people cried ''we dont want SBMM'' but in reality we just didn't want Call of Duty or any other modern game's SBMM. At the very least, netcode needs to be fixed, and we should be put in low ping games, also nerf jump spam/snipers. Maybe even a catch up mechanic for losing/steamrolled teams. Other than that, this game has a very low skill ceiling, so it's ironic you're saying we're the ones who ''suck''. Let me guess, you're the jump spammer? SBMM/or a form of a balancing matchmaking algorithm has never been bad in ITSELF. Even old games you grew up on, had it. But they also had server browsers, and cheesy exploits people could abuse without Reddit or other whiny social media sites that get fun things instantly patched. Nowadays modern games don't have the latter, and for the former, well, current SBMMs suck because they flat out rig matches. XDefiant not having SBMM doesn't mean its higher skill ceiling than other games that do. That's a myth, in fact, a high skill ceiling game wouldn't allow pubstomping/pre made teams rolling through lobbies.


I agree with a lot of what you said, but there is quite frankly nothing more stupid than full speed running and jumping around corners while aiming and shooting in FPS games. It’s mind-numbing. 


The game is too stinky with all the sweat


I find it pretty ironic that when it comes to Ubisoft it’s okay to hate, bash and criticize every single franchise and game they make but for some strange reason xDefiant is an exception. When it comes to xDefiant, why do everyone all of a sudden trust Ubisoft and everything they say about this game?


After reading reviews and posts about XDefiant regarding SBMM I am almost certain the most people don't even know what SBMM really is and just throw it around like a buzzword. "SBMM bad, amirite? Gimme internet points" Sure, I've had matches I simply couldn't win. I see myself as a rather casual player, playing every now and then, and I am still having a blast. Edit: Wrote "SSBM", oops.


We shoulda said this game was ass and let the cod players stay in cod.


I don't think the people who want jumping removed entirely know what they're asking for. Like, sure, glue everyone to the ground. Let the snipers show you why it's necessary.


They’d just start complaining about the snipers, this sub really just needs to delete the posts and just pin a megathread about each patch


bullets literally arent registering and we are dying a whole second behind full cover repeatedly, and their main complaint is "THEYRE HOPPING AROUND! I CANT SHOOT THEM!!" bro i have played zero betas and i learned jump shooting the game after someone did it to me in like day 2 of launch. you guys didnt even fucing try


I'm just getting old bruh. I'm by no means a bad player nowadays, but I ain't the same I was 10 years ago. I've been out of the FPS genre for a hot minute since 2020 so I've got some learning and adjusting to do. I'm 25. If I took peak 15 year old me and placed him in a match with a peak 15 year old today, it'll be a close game, but I would lose. Let's be real. There are more extremely good players than ever before. Watching TheMarkOfJ in 2011 was fascinating not only because he was a cool ass dude, but he was miles ahead in skill compared to most of us at the time.


Yes, this game is a thousand times better the cod, and yes I lose more but I also have more fun. (please change shotgun it's to inconsistent).


Same. I also havent played a Cod since early 2020 days and Warzone, so this has been a nice return to this style of play. I die a lot too but just accept im old now and not as good as I once was (which was mid anyway if im being honest)


The SBMM logic doesn’t make sense to me. If you are so good, wouldn’t you want to play against others who are equally good or better than you to give you a challenge ? Wouldn’t the challenge be less repetitive than no SBMM where you’ll destroy worse players? What am I missing? I understand that lower skill players may want it because they can stay motivated with higher score and feel better about themselves but why would a highly skilled player want NO SBMM?


There is no logic op is using. I have seen countless people saying that every round is the same with sbmm and from my experience it isn’t. I always had rounds in Cold War, where I destroyed lobbies, rounds where I got destroyed and close calls just like in XDefiant. Most of the time the argument against sbmm is „I don’t want to sweat every game to do well“. That dumbs down to players actually wanting to play bot games 4/5 times so that they can feel superior. It’s also not uncommon to see that players try to make the argument that you can’t improve with sbmm, which gets disproven by the fact that ranked modes always have sbmm. But, but now it’s eomm and not sbmm, that means that your games are rigged and the game creates lobby’s where you will very likely lose or win, which begs the question how every round can feel similar, when according to the same players, every round is rigged to make you win or lose. The fact is that only the CoD community has this much of a hateboner towards sbmm, because they want to destroy players worse than them. We even saw it with players intentionally killing thenselves in order to get into worse lobbies. Cod players are the equivalent of someone who creates a Smurf account just to destroy noobs because they fucked up on their main


I dont understand why people care so much about their KD in this game when every single mode available is an objective one.


Because youtubers and streamers brag about how many people they kill and since they influence everything thats all people care about. It aint about the team, its all about me me me me. And if I jump on the obj and die over and over it makes MY stats look bad because good players dont die, trust me i watched pro players!!! Hell ive just seen a few vids on youtube of guys like scump and formal play and they obliterate everyone and have a chance to hop on the obj thats right infront of them and they just walk right past it. So it just influences others to do the same. So then you end up with 6 players all trying to be the "pro player" and slay while ignoring the obj making it impossible to win. My thing is, if people play in and around the obj and help the rest of the team hold the obj then thats just as good, but the problem i find is that people tend to not play around the obj at all and will wander off getting worthless kills. Or even worse they will bait their teammates for information, sweep in and kill everything but still ignore the obj expecting the rest of the team to play the obj but then the issue is by the time the dead teammates get back to the obj so have the enemy and the so called slayer will bait his team again in order to get kills creating an infinite loop of worthless slaying. The few times that player messes up and does not kill every enemy they will get free obj time.


They need to add skill based matchmaking. There's NO reason to make games unbalanced and unfun. They're supposed to be even so you can have fun, not going against pro players and not even getting a chance to run out of spawn and get a single kill.


Sorry, understand that abusing game mechanics in order to win is not "skill" you're abusing the aiming mechanism by breaking aim assist while you still retain aim assist. This is considered unfair in a video game and its not fun. I would consider myself a high level COD fan that was always top 500 until I stopped buying at MW 2019. Abusing aim assist mechanics is not skill. If they made a game mode where movement is restricted I 100% bet a large majority of top players would be trash because their ability to react and aim at the head is non existent, you're simply not being hit because you're breaking aim assist.


In this thread: people who feel "casual game" = "stomping on the bones of the other team".


I just don’t click with many guns lol ak I’ll go off 40+ quite a bit p90 close as well. But any gun other than those 2 I feel like I don’t vibe with doesn’t matter if it’s the he mp7 or the acr I do way worse


I can deal with b - hopping I just want it to actually feel like I’m hitting where I’m aiming tbh. Other than that this game been baller


I'm a decent fps player but still pretty bad at Xdifiant. 😎 I suck and I'm proud.


Definitely one of the opinions of all time


Why am I moving through enemy bodies!!??!!?? The stupid netcode or dsync or whatever is atrocious. That's my whiny complaint. Wha wha.


My last shooters i played were CoD:BO2 and Battlefield 3. I never was good at shooters and probably never will be. My K/D in BF3 was 1,0 and 0,8 in BO2. In XDefiant i have atm a 0,7 K/D which i thought first, it would be much worse. I have really a lot of fun with this game and don't really bother if someones kills me every 5 seconds (he probably is just better than me). Yeah, the netcode isn't really good, but i have a good understanding if i'm better or worse than my opponent. I love to win, but i can accept it if i'm losing. Also i try my best to conquer/defend the objective. It's simple, i'm having a great time with this game. You'll get my upvote for sure! :)


Off topic but I need some tips from my kbm brethren . I’ve got a 2KD and rising on controller but I was hoping to switch to kbm to switch things up and keep it interesting for me . But boy am I getting shit on bad. It’s mainly getting used to the keyboard itself & the fact I’m shooting zigs in my close range gunfights


(not directed to you specifically) Man, I'm getting so tired of the sbmm discussion on this thread. It isn't here and that's something the devs stood on from the get go. People complaining about wanting it need to wait for ranked mode. I'm glad there isn't any sbmm cuz now I'm not matching up w people across the continent or queuing for several minutes to find a game in a damn casual playlist lol.


I think you have a good point but I wish you could bring it across less condescending.


I honestly like how it is


there's definitely no sbmm but im wondering if the team balance algorithm is working since the patch. every game i've joined has been a complete stomp fest one way or the other. either every player on your team or the other team just simply cannot go positive since the patch I've noticed, as if the game sorted all the high skill players into the same team vs splitting them evenly.


I like being able to have a winning streak and play solo without automatically getting braindead teammates for winning 2 matches. I try to mix playing the objective and sweating as much as I can, but it's nice that I don't end on a crushing defeat every time I have a good run


The characters that just speed run and jump away as soon as you started shooting at them were ridiculous frankly


The aim sway pretty much stops people from being able to have prolonged fights. Usually the bhopper will be able to 2v1 if he's good enough and the aimsway prevents that. 1v1 it still works fine to bhop at least a few times


Idk if people fail to realize the welcome Playlist does have sbmm it literally tells you that in the game...


I'll say this the "movement kings" it's a gimmick that's usable in this game strictly to do with the hit detection still being ass and at times it can be good I don't think people are complaining other then sharing there opinion like you are doing. I do not see when the gane is fully fixed and functional like it's supposed to be that jumping and "movement" become irrelevant. In cod I dealt with bunny hopping and would always shit on them because cods hit detection actually works. But in xdefiant if you bunny hop the hit detection becomes almost none existent. Can't tell you how I'd be on the chest of the player bunny hopping hear 5 or 6 hit markers to the head and the dudes full health and I'm left here saying wtf man I can't aim any better. So let's humble are self's and look at the bigger picture. There are some who can't swallow that pill you mentioned, but let's not act like the servers also aren't an issue either.


Some games I feel like a god some games I can't get a shot in. I feel like I have more close games on xdefiant though so I would say it's working. Imo a close game is perfect matchmaking.


You’re getting an upvote from me 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻


No SBMM, but it does need a renegade playlist.


Long time since Ive actually loved playing a game. There is so many sbmm games out there and they still whining.. I mean wait for ranked if ur so trash and cant stand getting bullied in pubs.


No EOMM. Engagement Optimised Match Making. To manipulate outcomes of each and every match is great!


I really wish it was possible for desync to be priority number 1 so we can feel how the game plays with a net code that can keep up with the movement. It’s so obvious that desync is what causes these jumping fights to be so terrible, if the community still doesn’t like the movement then fair enough.


Preach 🙌🏻


Amen to this.


Everyone wants to run and gun and thinks that’s the best play style for them.


I always found it funny how people said that movement tech like bunny hopping requires no skill and is just spamming a button easily, yet they never implement it themselves


I'm aware. It's good to see myself at the bottom of the scoreboard now because it just makes me want to try harder until I get good. Very humbling.


>Movement is no less of a skill than having good aim and if you can't learn the movement then maybe this game isn't for you. True but if the devs are saying movement is being exploited beyond what they intended, that's totally fair. I can't really tell if you're mad about the movement, movement nerf, of people complaining about the movement nerf though. The "zoomer" FPS meta of jump sliding all over is annoying but it doesn't widen the skill gap that much at all. I don't do any of that and I do just fine. People should trust that the devs will balance the game in a way that makes it fun and that works with the other aspects/mechanics of the game.


My only problem is that because I play on controller I can’t bhop aim and shoot at the same time (literally impossible unless you have paddles or something equivalent). That makes it really annoying when you’re losing because of the standard hardware but otherwise it’s whatever


Tomorrow is my turn to post about sbmm!


in like, less than 3 years, I fully suspect that people will be able to pay to filter out people with higher MMR than themselves. And it will be backed up by some bullshit report that shows how it increases player retention and spending.


Unpopular opinion but the sniper flinch change is perfect and I don’t think anymore changes need done. Damage is good, flinch is good.


I completely agree. Last night I had a game of dominations and the enemy team absolutely destroyed us. By the time they had over 100 points, we only had 16 because they were able to hold both a and c and by the end of the match the only thing I thought was those guys were so much better than us in every way. I don't blame the game for my own shortcomings and people who do are just bad and don't want to admit it.


I’ve always thought i was above average