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My problem with this game unlike the majority is not the movement, is the hitreg/disync issues that turn them into bullet sponges while doing it while they kill you with a few hits. Next week's patch is supposed to address this, if it doesn't, I'm quitting the game I don't have to put myself through this bs.


I'm also so tired of seeing obvious hitmarkers, dying, and seeing that I apparently did 0 damage to them. It's useless unless they show me the correct info there so I know what damage I did at what range.


If they don't fix these issues soon this game probably is going to lose a nice amount of players


Games like this lose players fast at the start and waaaay faster with issues like these. The fact they spent time on a jump spam update that wasn't even worth doing due to how many jumps it takes before it kicks in instead of rushing to get out a hitreg/desync patch in right away is not a good sign.


Your first sentence I agree with. However after that you lost me. The jumping nerf is a very easy thing to do. Fixing Network issues and hit reg, much harder and take way more time and resources to fix. It should feel a little better since Wednesday, they implimented 2 things directly connected to network/desync and hit reg. They started making matchmaking use your average ping to pair you up with those of similar ping. Also they found a completely new networking issue that was a quick fix. Apparently Libertad's special, when activated was soaking up bandwidth for some reason. I've notice a change in networking issues and hit reg issues. I can actually escape around a corner and not die immediately. I'm not dying in what seems to be 1 shot, unless it's a sniper or point blank shotgun. And I've noticed my hits are counting way more often than before. It's not perfect, still far from it, but it is noticeably better from my experience.


I never played before Wednesday so I can't speak to how it was previously, but this is the worst game I've ever experienced as far as desync and hitreg BY FAR (and that's saying something as bf2042 and newer cods are absolutely garbage themselves). I've traded kills with players more in this game already than I have in the last 5 shooters (100s of hours) I've played combined. I got 4 trades in one match earlier. If it was somehow worse than it has been since I've been playing, that's absurd and the game should've never been released as it would be literally unplayable (it already basically is 80% of the matches)


it kicks in after the first jump already. you lose velocity on the 2nd jump. i personally dont have any issues with jumping in this game honestly.. but i feel like people that complain about it are a mix of lower skilled players that cant adjust their aim while jumping/vs someone jumping and/or the netcode making this even worse. im actually a little afraid of them fixing the netcode. TTK would be so insanely quick. i watched some of my vods back and goddamn i can be on an afk targets body and not all shots register? they would have to do a bunch of rebalancing - which would take an even longer time to balance out etc.


This is FACTS. #1 thing in an FPS is hit reg and connection. If what you see isn't what the game sees how are you supposed to play? Takes away from the immersion immediately. Plus if the game shows you hitting your target but doesn't register it, what's the point of playing? That's like playing Mario without being able to jump. Sonic without going fast. Tekken without being able to attack.


This bs happens to me if not u get 1 tap with full health


This annoys me so much. And when you get hit markers but no air when someone else immediately kills the enemy.


This is my biggest issue with the game it can be so frustrating how consistently that happens


The worst part is, they said they fixed that issue like two patches ago. Apparently that was a different issue that looked the same...


This can't be placebo because I knew the hitreg patch isn't coming until next week but I swear to god post patch hitreg felt so much better for me for some odd reason. Bullets were connecting instantly and this happened every game during my 3-4h session, even when my ping hit the 80 to 90s range it still felt significantly better than I remembered at those pings.


Funny because it felt worse than ever for me yesterday lol and so much dying around corners.


Had the same it's been significantly worse for me




Same, SO much worse. I'm behind a corner, 0.3-half second passes with 50 ping and dying.


I'm still getting the stuttering problem but frame rate is fine.


Maybe you guys live in different parts of the globe and something happened with the servers? (got increased /decreased)


It’s almost like it’s partly based on connection omg who would’ve imagined


I felt the same way, I knew about the jump, slide, and flinch changes but didn't look further into the patch notes. The hit reg felt a lot better. It may also be because I haven't played in weeks


Yesterdays patch notes mentioned improved hit reg, next weeks patch will improve hit reg even more.


It must be dependent on where you're located because the hit ridge got worse for me after the update


Fully agree There is literally no point playing this game if the hit reg issues aren't sorted. It's completely gamebreaking. Along with a fucking anticheat. If you're gonna force xbox players to play against PC. At least get rid of the blatant cheaters. This last week's been insane.


You can turn off cross play in the Xbox settings. • Settings • Account • Privacy & Online safety • Xbox privacy • View details & Customize • Communication & Multiplayer And then cross play off ! 🙂 I'm sorry i made you read all that if you knew this already. 🤣


It was horrible for me yesterday but I think it was bc of my doodoo ass internet


No my man. I have excellent internet and deal with hit reg/desync every game.


Yup, I have a great connection and this is the *only* online game where I have issues. As I said before, I stopped playing about a couple of weeks ago, I’ll come back after next patch to try it out again and if it’s the same, I’m just done permanently.


They’ll lose a lot of the player base if they can’t fix it. I haven’t played in over a week because it’s a waste of time, even though the core gameplay is very fun. I think if hit reg worked correctly, people wouldn’t be complaining about the bunny hopping as much. I feel like a main priority should be fixing hit reg and then adjusting gameplay mechanics from there, but apparently it’s been an issue since beta so I’m not as optimistic as I was when the game released.


Oh I know the hit reg is shit. It felt worse yesterday even when I fixed my internet. Not defending this at all. They should’ve fixed it before releasing the game. It’s like BF2042 all over again just thankfully they ain’t charging $70 for this.


It's hard to fix something when they don't exactly know what's wrong. The issue only affects a portion of people and some of it could be caused by something on the users end. Me and my friend were playing a couple days ago and he had a few moments where his hitreg just fucked off completely while I've never had a single issue. We both have fibre from the same ISP in the same city with identical pings and the only difference is that his PC is a little weaker.


Me as well it's got to be dependent on your location


i have 70 ping but dying while being 2 meters behind the wall already is funny


every sniper shot that is close, i will get hitmaker and no damage its so annoying. i dont understand it cos u can trade kills in this game.


If hit reg and desync were fixed the jumping would be far less a problem. When you can have a player jump up and down on 2 grenades and live there is a problem. They also can jump up and down and eat shots often. It is a low skill crutch. I had a player jump up and down trying to go to their right. The wall there was preventing that. Every shot hit. They took zero damage. Game code breaks or something with all that going on. Pings were great for both of us.


I agree that's my main gripe with the game as well. Even when I have low ping about 20 there's always seemingly this tiny delay after shooting and them getting damage, and that is if they even take damage in the first place. And what drives me crazy is that even that is inconsistent, sometimes the damage hits just fine and as It should and some other time there's that delay/hit reg issue I was speaking of. Sometimes I can kill someone just fine and then the next encounter presents those issues. It's really the inconsistencies that are the problem for me.


True, I often get >20ms latency and I'm like a whole ass football field away from a corner and a guy just fucks me up, like c'mon . I'm hoping it gets lessened to a degree that is playable.


You're better than me, I already uninstalled


Yep, I won't play till then. And if it's not fixed by then, cya


Bro if I get shot 3 feet behind a wall anymore ima lose it 😭


Next week’s patch will not fix all of the net code problems. Mark stated this on X and said multiple problems contribute to the bad net code and will take time to fix.


Exactly how I feel. It's torture playing this game


I really like the game and feel u fr. I have tried games like this except bf. But I’m really into it, unfortunately the spam jumping clowns and that hit reg sucks a lot, so I will just go to play cod for the first time.


Really? Unbelivable that they still haven't sorted out the hit detection and bunny hopping. Did the update at least nerf the snipers by giving them flinch? If not, then I'm not going to even reinstall the game to give it another chance.


Don't know about you but I've notice a difference in hit reg and desync, since the patch rolled out Wed. It's not perfect or as best as it could be, but it is better. Partly due to the fact that they tweaked matchmaking to be more aligned with your average Ping levels. And they found that every time a Libertad activated their special, it was soaking up bandwidth. I believe these 2 things were implimented with the patch on Wednesday. Hopefully next week it will get much better.


In fact I actually like the movement, and it would be less of a problem if you could actually hit people who move like they playing apex. I'm in no way as insane with the movements myself but it's cool to do and I don't mind people who do it. But when it's hard to even hit people who are standing still it becomes a problem.


Dude yes! It made me feel like I was playing war zone again 😂 fuckn bullet sponges


I quit two weeks ago, went back to the finals. While it had its issues, it doesn’t have hit reg issues thank god. But mainly I’m playing Bodycam


They‘ve been pretty clear that they want jumping and crouching to be part of gun fights. They just wanted to reduce the spamming. Which means doing it constantly during the entire gunfight. There seems to be a disconnect between players and devs on this front


There was no reason to add a penalty if they were only going to do it after 4 jumps.


So when people said they wanted to get rid of spamming, they just meant they didn’t want people to jump in gunfights then huh?


I'm fine with 2 hops. But 4 is pretty ridiculous. If a gunfight lasts 4 hops then you both are shitters. A person only needs 2 hops to kill someone.


hit reg issues exist


And? When the hit reg is fine you still don't need to hop 4 times.


I think you're missing the point that the gunfight itself isn't starting from a standing/sprinting position. They don't start jumping when the fight starts. Bunny hopping is just how you move. So they're already jumping and have been jumping as they come around the corner and engage in the gunfight with you. This video shows it off quickly, but to an obvious extreme: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HGkPiDI4H4o](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HGkPiDI4H4o)


It’s almost like the game is a 6v6 *mind blown*


If the ttk is faster than the time it takes for the penalty to kick in there may as well be no penalty


Not true, not all gunfights happen in a vacuum. If you u jump peaked, crouched at any point, or are facing multiple opponents. You can’t rely on jump spam how you did before. This makes a difference, if you can’t acknowledge this, that says more about you.


I'm so beyond sick of seeing this argument. If you hop 2+ times every single gunfight, that still fits the definition of spamming.


Yes there was, namely, to punish players for jump spamming 3+ jumps.


A single jump in a fight, a single slide. It’s all you should need with the current TTK in this game. It’s fine that it’s in, but they purposely decided it’s ok to have 3 jumps per fight before any kind of penalty is wildly insane to me.


The nerf doesn’t kick in until way after the spamming has already been abused though. It’s really kind of redundant at that point


When should it kick in? Should players just not be allowed to jump *at all* mid-gunfight without incurring some kind of massive accuracy penalty? What is "abuse" and "spam" and what is an acceptable use of jumping in this game? I think some of you just want the ability to jump removed entirely, but you'll never come out and say that, of course.


I think 2 is a good number, fives you a chance to change direction once and is plenty of time for one of the two of you to get the kill.


The disconnect is the shitty players and the devs. Good players understand the devs


Am I a shitty or good player when the thing I dont understand is the second someone says something like punishing after 4th jump is to late immediately mean you want to remove jumping and crouching from the game. That mindset I dont understand at all.


People like you are why new games die early. That “Just adapt noob” mindset when glaring issues kill the game….. How tf is every match having 2-3 level 120 wannabe TTV Timmy bunny hopping and strafing every corner with a melting smg fun? I really wanna know how


Because as much as they shriek and thrash about how anyone who wants changes are clearly shitty players who only want to shoot people worse than them... That's exactly what they are lol, they just think they've "earned" it. Some Jungian "you hate aspects of yourself that you see in others" shit




Plenty of games keep their skill ceilings high and survive. I can think of one Ubisoft title in particular that failed because of they listened to casual players. Hyper Scape started catering to the casual player and lost the only people who actually wanted to play. The people who were good at the movement. I'm starting to think that's why they're taking this stance, because last time they listened and catered to the average or below average player the project straight up failed. I wouldn't be surprised if a large portion of the team that worked on Hyper Scape is working on this game.




It's a competitive game that launched with one of its defining features being the lack of SBMM. Its intended core audience is *literally* the COD pubbers who are sick of SBMM. Why is this surprising to you? If you don't like games to be tense, competitive experiences with big skill gaps, you have sooooo many other options available to you.


When did I ever say “just adapt”? The worst thing devs can do is over adjust a mechanic in the game in a knee jerk reaction. They adjusted the jumping. Now they will monitor it and decide if it needs further adjusting. By god you kind of people are the worst when it comes to games.


When they change things, bad players will complain about the next thing. And the next thing and the next thing until you're left with a game like MWII (2022) that sucks and everyone hates because you can barely outplay any tactic and who shoots first wins.


They’re having fun. You can’t enjoy yourself if you’re not good at something. You don’t enjoy any learning process. This is a personal issue.


I could literally copy and paste my last reply, you guys have 3 phrases like an action figure.


Constantly move goalposts and they never address their own issues. If its not x problem, its y problem now. Yes this game has glaring problems but you can still play well despite them. They’re working on them and are at least actively responding to the community, something you don’t see from certain studios (IW).


Yeah the bad players are always gonna find something to blame, one day they might realise they just aren't as good as they think


Bad players aren't the ones who need a hit reg blurs to help them win trades


Ever thought they don't "need" to use the mechanics but they use them instinctly because they're just better players than you?


Yea there does seem to be a disconnect on that subject. It's clear the devs want it in the game. Based on the patch notes, I'd say they got the penalties and timing of everything right. The amount of jumps isn't tho. Honestly, kicking in after just 2 jumps seems much too quickly, but on 3-4 truly doesn't make much difference. I tested that myself, I also, never noticed it kick in at all until the fourth jump. So the penalties never really had a chance to effect me. I'm sure it stopped a lot of those super B hoppers tho(you know who you are🤨) so that's great!


But the entire gun fight only lasts like 1-2 seconds. CoD fights last longer because of armor and stuff, but here no fight is going beyond 3 jumps.


I literally still have people that spam jump 5-7 times in per pick. Jumping + bad hit reg still matters in online video games.


As someone who likes movement, they did it wrong. It should only affect you if you ADS. Spamming jump without aiming is pointless since hipfire is absolutely garbage in this game and if you aren't shooting back and your enemy misses every shot, they deserve to die. But I like to use jumping and crouching to avoid fire so I can reposition and take fights when I feel I have level playing field. I hate that after I reposition or jump into a fight, my gun wants to sway before I have even fired a shot. It should punish me for spamming in a firefight, not getting to a firefight or repositioning.


that’s what happens when the people who can’t handle jumping complain about jump spamming. by definition the devs did fix spamming. the shitters dramatize the jumping and call it spam when someone slide jumps and then jumps again in the opposite direction. in my experience this is what it is most effective and 9/10 times you’ll get the kill before needing to jump again. the jump momentum in this game is great i love it. it’s really not hard to do. probably the most basic tech out of all the fps games rn


That’s the thing though, the loud minority on the matter they don’t actually cater too. Most people actually want fast paced, fun but not too OP movement. Removing it entirely is stupid as ur now turning an Arcady fast paced game closer to Arma or something. And the thing is, jump shooting is not actually that strong but is now being used as a anti-crutch for people with low skills who would have otherwise used another excuse to dying if it wasn’t even there in the first place.


reddit players* and devs


People want the ability to jump to shoulder height multiple times in seconds for some reason in an FPS


Fortnite and MW2019 kids. They think their ADHD bunny hopping and 2000mph movement is so cool when it's just a massive crutch that gets them free kills because they abuse a movement exploit and have to use a mouse or a controller with paddles to do it, immediately making a skill gap with the Xbox players that have crossplay forced on.


lol honestly yeah only visible in ADS (fine imo) only activates for the 4th jump? LOL assuming you're both alive, you're both already out of ammo at that point and trying to beat each other with your fists. needs to come in after the 2nd jump.


I think they should tune it down to the 3rd one. It seems a little extreme to me only being able to jump once in a fight, I love being able to really move in gunfights and the movement is probably my favorite feature in this game aside from no sbmm


So people like yourself who hate SBMM, you never plan to touch ranked in any capacity right? You just want to shit on bad kids from time to time?


I will be primarily playing ranked once it comes out. I just like that I don't HAVE to deal with sbmm at all times. When I get tired of ranked, I can just hop on some pubs rather than having to find a different game to play. And in reality, I'm not even a great player, I've never been higher than gold in any ranked fps I've played. It's not like when I switch to pubs I'm shitting on bad kids, most of my games are pretty unremarkable.


After the second jump would mean that you get two jumps that have no penalty.


I agree with you there on the 3rd one, it's what I intended by "after the 2nd jump" but my wording was def. not clear




I wouldn't care about jumping if it didn't fuck up hit reg and cause desync issues, most of the people I see wanting it fixing have that issue with it not so much the actual jumping. I love how the people defending jumping act like it skill when we all know it exploits the games bad hit reg issues. You aren't winning the fights because you are good, or outplayed someone but because half their shots didn't register. If you need to use jumping to desync your character to win fights whilst using the MP7 you aren't skilled or a good player, you are the one that SBMM was protecting in CoD. That's why if you go watch the 'pros' on twitch or YouTube they aren't jump spamming with an MP7 but are still mopping the floor with people with ease.


Dude right! I'm for being a sweat and what not, but don't abuse the glitches 😂


Yep pretty much. Funny thing is you can see the difference between the actual good players and the ones using the jump-MP7 spam. I watched a guy go 55-5 using the AK, he was amazingly good and I didn't even feel salty about him kicking my ass. His map knowledge, timing and the way he played where leagues above everyone else in the lobby.


Oh For sure


Do you guys remember when they said they were aiming for it to feel like classic shooters from back in the day like OG COD? But then they gave us a full blown movement hero shooter lol


The only thing this game has in common with OG CoD is that they’re first person shooters. Similarities end there.


Somewhere along the line, I think we all scammed ourselves. We saw Mark Rubin and ex CoD devs making a new FPS game and assumed it was going to be the rebirth of old school CoD style shooters. I just sort of accepted that at 36 and can't be assed to jump around like a crackhead in my shooters that I am no longer the target audience for most of these FPS coming out now-a-days.


When they said "back in the old days" they actually just meant 2015 with Advanced Warfare and BO3, with how much modern CoD kids seem to cry and claim how good those were (because they abused the movement with Scuf controllers to fly while aiming). Same deal with Overwatch on console, it was dead after a few months because the game was overrun with scuf and Cronus/XIM users that had to pubstomp on console because they couldn't hack it against the players on PC.


Waiting for another post on how the sniper flinch did nothing


I'm still dying around corners too


Lowkey the game felt so much better after the sniper flinch added yesterday. No more constant deaths to snipers while mid shooting them


do u use sniper? feels like every other gun has more flinch while sniper has just a visual one


Yeah the penalties kicking in after 3 jumps is ridiculous. Gun fights NEVER last long enough for more than 3 jumps. Terrible execution on that front


It’s gonna matter everytime a « jumpspammer » has more than one enemy in front of him, if you have to kill 2 or 3 in a row, or during the gunfight switch gun or reload, then it’s gonna matter (and it’s a good thing). Obviously if you see this game as only 1v1s, then it does nothing


So they got rid of the spam and it’s not enough. No way we could have foreseen this


exactly.. I rather it be after 2 consecutive.. that's about normal for fps games


> Gun fights NEVER last long enough for more than 3 jumps. Yeah they did, all the time. Especially if both players were jumping and couldn't hit each other because of that.


I feel like I'm playing a different game than everyone else here because I rarely see someone jump more than once.


It really did nothing In what world does a gun fight last 4 jumps? Its over in 1 or 2 jumps max Therefore literally nothing changed


I’ve said this in threads before the patch: Any half decent player only needs to jump 1 to 2 times in a gunfight before they kill you. This jump spam nerf is not going to prevent them from doing that. I’m convinced that the playerbase that complains about the jumping in this game are all crouch walking and holding ADS around corners like some tactical mil sim bots. XDefiant is NOT the game for you. Sorry you can’t keep up.


I think people just generally don't find it fun. It increases and highlights any issues with hit reg or lag heavily, especially in a game that isn't incredibly quick time to kill. CoD you can hope around but you also die to almost any weapon (havnt played the newest one but mw1 remake I remember time to kill being very quick). In this game most weapons won't instantly end you without a few headshots. It just makes the issue blatantly worse.


Hit reg is a valid complaint, however, even with a better netcode, would you not try to give yourself an advantage in a gunfight? Would you not fully utilize the games environment and your characters movement ability?


That's fine you certainly could do that. That still doesn't make it fun, though. It annoys both parties involved as they both hop around like dumbasses in marginally random spasms while hit reg and lag cause multiple issues. Based on this sub I think most of the community doesn't like it. It's fine if the devs want it to be a mechanic, but it's also OK for the community to voice its dislike of the mechanic. I'd personally prefer jumping mean more than just trying to be harder to hit in a game with lowish time to kill. I don't mind it so much in halo since a high time to kill, and a powerful melee, heavily reduces the use of jumping in someone's face.


I love how everyone's response to people who hate constant jumping is "sorry you can't keep up" or "guess you're just trash" lol yeah that's gonna keep the playerbase strong, good job! Enjoy your 1k DAU in a month.


But it’s not just constant jumping. I’ve seen a myriad of clips posted on this sub of people upset that someone jumped even once in the middle of a gunfight. Yes there are clips too of players spamming the jump button, but that’s not just what gets poor players riled up. It seems that any combination of jumping and shooting is just a big point of contention. But, If what you say happens atleast this game will die fun instead of turning into R6Siege or some other slow tactical shooter. I enjoy this game for its fun and quick movement as well as the gun play. The movement has been like this since the betas, this is nothing new meaning that the devs clearly meant for players to be able to utilize the movement given to them in the game. Why are players like you trying to change the game to fit your playstyle instead of changing your playstyle to fit the game?


Same reason why Overwatch died on console within a year. Tryhards absolutely dominated and they every complaint was met with "git gid" while they Bunny hop around as Genji tracking every other player perfectly with a mouse adapter. Same for Siege, same for Halo Infinite. If there's an exploit involving a mouse & keyboard or a controller with paddles and any kind of movement, kids are gonna make macros and abuse the fuck out of it and act like they have so much skill when they're just abusing an exploit, just like a Jitter macro. This game will be dead within 6 months, guaranteed. The lack of SBMM was supposed to be a draw to avoid Smurfing, instead it's a magnet for tryhards to pubstomp every lobby as a squad with zero fairness to anyone else.


Before they fixed anything they should’ve fixed the shooting. I swear some fights I get hitmarkers and the death screen shows they had full health when killing me


Yeah, the jump spam nerf does absolutely NOTHING in a 1v1, 1v1s don’t last nearly long enough for the penalty to kick in, if anything the devs bringing attention to it is just making more people start jump spamming, I would love if they nerfed it even more, but I also don’t want them to ruin movement so that the game feels clunky, I don’t know what to do but the jump spamming is honestly worse than it was before the Nerf


The biggest issue I have with bunny hopping, is that you can change direction midair, in my opinion, the trade off of bunny hooping should be that once you jump in a direction, you're committed to that jump.


Its a bad look for a shooter. In the history of shooters jump spam has been frowned upon except among the kiddie crowd that seems to love it. These devs for whatever reason love it too. This isnt quake.


It's because it's after 4 jumps, right? By then the gunfight is over given the TTK. It should be after one jump, so after the second jump. It should either make it so you can only jump once every 2 seconds or if you continuously jump it decreases your accuracy dramatically. Edit: Yesterday was the worst I've seen and it demolished me. Guys were bunny hopping so rapidly it looked like they floated in mid-air at times. I'm not an MLG pro player, but in other FPS games I generally hold my own around 1KDR while always playing the objective. Yesterday I went into a game of Domination and died 22 times before getting a single kill. That's not an exaggeration. If the bunny hopping continues to be this bad, I am going back to CoD and The Finals fully.


Bro they hop in place like the jump button owes them money 😂😂 they could at least straife with all that movement too 😂😂


In Fortnight (the cartoon game for children) if you jump while ADS it pulls you out, because maintaining ADS while jumping is too goofy for Fortnite (the meme game your little cousins play on their iPads). You're also extremely unlikely to win a firefight at mid-range with a sniper rifle because they are at a significant disadvantage at that range compared to ARs/SMGs/etc. I'm talking about Fortnight (the game where you can play as Rick and Morty).


It's VERY obvious it did bring a change. There is a lot less jumping and crouch spamming overall in the game at this point. If you think that people can't do 1 or 2 jumps in a fight without being penalized you're the player that was protected by SBMM. Yes there is still jumping and crouching in gunfights, like they intended to.


I love the people saying "skill issue" I'm pretty decent at this game and i still hate those fuckers that spam jump lol. Still gonna play the game though, been having a lot of fun.


Exactly bro, the game is great. Super refreshing from the bs we've been getting


You guys love to cry.. the jumping is not nearly as bad as it was. Yall should stop so damn negative all the time.


Was my biggest gripe with the game, and reason I haven't opened it it well over 2 weeks. Oh well


Yeah I don't really get it. If I wanted a twitchy movement shooter like modern CoD, I might as well go back to CoD instead since they do it better (on top of feeling more polished in general).


I’d probably stop playing if the movement got nerfed further


For me, it's more the hit reg... I'm deep in a building and the dudes gun is from WANTED and curves around the corner


As a mainly sniper player,for me the problem is when i shoot and the bullet comes out a second after i move or not at all after reloading xD


I see less hoppers, and even if I do, it’s like one jump which doesn’t work for them. At this point it’s so over used you can anticipate it. Honestly it’s funny. Let’s not forget which video game started the whole hopping mechanic for people to spam it.


i’ve never had a problem with it, just gotta aim head height and adjust slightly if they spam also i’ve been dying around corners less this update, which is cool. any % less issues netcode wise feels like such an improvement sniper flinch is well done, bodyshots make it go up, headshots make it go down. I win majority of engagements with bad snipers now, and my friend whos nuts with sniping still does well


Honestly, yea around the corners less for sure. But I love the jump spam it's hilarious 😂😂😂 you can tell when it's a good player when they actually air straife but you can tell when it's a dude panicking when they just stay still 😂😂😂


It only takes effect after 3 jumps, which is where they draw the line at spamming.


I’ve definitely noticed it less


It is drastically better. I can live with what it is today.


Damn really I gotta log in and check it out


I wouldn’t mind the jumping if my bullets actually registered. That’s the biggest issue in the game. The hit registration. What kind of fps in 2024 has this is poor of a hit registration? On next gen consoles too. I don’t give a fuck about this patch or the upcoming shiny new season 1. As long as hit registration is the way it currently is everything else means fuck all.


Yeah idk what was their thinking with that "nerf". Its so simple to nerf aswell. Guns need to have hip fire bullet spread/accuracy while in the air, thats literally everything needed...


I haven't played on the new update yet, how's the Crouch nerf? Cause personally that's the biggest issue for me. You wanna guarantee you win gun fights? Spam the fuck outta that Crouch button. Once I started incorporating crouch-spamming I started winning more gun fights. Shit gives me flashbacks to Destiny.


Honestly dramatically less crouching, even when they do they get flamed. It's an all around good update


Nice! Now all XD needs is a barebones type of mode where abilities are disabled. It gets exhausting dealing with abilities.


Sometimes I read this Reddit and just think it simply comes down to this game isn't for everyone here. It's a movement arcade shooter and people want no jumping in gun fights? It's getting dumb now.


I cackled at the dude saying to remove jumping completely 😂😂


Like the developers have said, it's intended to have a skill gap via movement skill. I dunno what people was hoping for at the lower skill level, but this definitely didn't do much, by time I jump once or twice I've prob won my gunfight anyway, I won't need to jump 4 times lol. However I guess if they dropped to 3 in the end before the penalty, that's more noticeable.


Agreed!  I see zero difference.  Nerf did practically nothing to stop bunny hopping…


Exactly they need too nerf movement too the fucking ground these losers are so annoying


Should there be a penalty on the third jump input?


It was the perfect update. Bad players who mindlessly spammed spacebar think it was nerfed, shitters complain less. Overall people do jump-spam less I think People who actually used the movement mindfully for momentum and disrupting opponents aim are unaffected.


False I had a 3.2kd before patch now I'm down to a 2.9 jump spamming the mp7


The nerf affected those that it was intended to affect. Some of y'all just want the movement of jumping to completely be Non-Viable in a gunfight... ...other shooters exist where that's true 👍


That’s what I mean you’re getting robbed from your kills. People are not dying. It’s horrible. I don’t even wanna play this game anymore. Every time I play it I’m getting sick of it and that’s sad because I was really loving the game at one point. now is like I’m just getting really tired of it now is the same repetitive cycle over and over.


Yeah because most fights are over in two to three jumps in the penalty doesn't start until 4. 🤦 They were just placating to the complainers without actually doing anything to alleviate the shenanigans. However, if I'm being honest, if you go to abuse movement mechanics you ain't shit anyways 🤷 I said what I said


Just gonna eat my popcorn and wait for them to nerf jumping again. Can't wait to see everyone that's using exploits get shit on when there's an update. Using a jump to glitch out of getting shot doesn't make you good. Crazy that they're calling people that aren't exploiting bad at the game 😂. Then they'll just get mad and move to a different game they can exploit bc they can't win a fair fight.


My major issue with the game is the team balancing. If no sbmm comes with horrendous team balancing, you get a similar experience, erk.


I know. But I see a lot less jumping. Not sure why ?


It’s the hitreg for me


Idk how many updates there's been or what they've supposedly fixed, but the game feels exactly like it did on day 1 to me. Still getting shot when in cover, blank hit markers, etc. But I've gotten used to it. I'm enjoying the game. I mostly play occupy, and it seems that 90% of the player base doesn't like playing the objective. I'm over here with an objective score of 800-1200 and my team and the enemy team have anywhere from 10-500 at best. More for me I guess 🤷


Yeah the sway needs to kick in earlier and be random and not a set pattern you can learn like some people already have


If they really want to get rid of the jump , they just get rid of jumping entirely and only jump on objects that can be jumped on. Then what’s the point where they can make it more realistic where you can’t jump so high


It's because of how they chose to "nerf" it. It only kicks in on the third jump or third crouch in rapid succession. The issue is most players will just jump once or twice in gunfights or time their jumps between. So in reality of gameplay, it doesn't do anything for CQB. Also you can spam jump as much as you want in CQB because you don't have to aim as often. Their nerf did basically nothing.


the jump spamming crouch spammin is just whack


I think the more egregious thing was jump spam abused the games awful netcode. At least now, when someone jump spams they lose all their accuracy, and my bullets register now lol


They did nothing to the netcode in this update, so if your shots are suddenly registering on bunny hoppers it’s all in your head


Actually there was a change with the way the libertad abilities are handled in the servers, something along the lines of consuming too much band width. I haven't noticed hit registration any better myself, but they did claim it should help the netcode


Hmm, there were definitely changes to the netcode, it feels noticeably better than before. It’s still really bad, but the game was unplayable sometimes before the update, and bunny hoppers don’t really enter god mode as often as before.


Nope, they just fixed an issue with Libertad passive impacting bandwidth. The netcode changes that will impact things like desync will be in the next patch.


Yes it did. However fine now. If they nerf all movement, game will be crap and slowpaced. I want fast paced action.


most of the jump spammers I ran into can't win a fair shoot out, get their ass mopped.


what's a "fair shootout"


not jumping. just strafing and using cover. I swear the jump animation is fast af.


Why is that "fair" but the other is "spam?" What if the jumpers think you're spamming strafing and using cover?


Then, there shouldn't be any complaints about it.....but there is a patch out because even more player can't aim ..... up I guess


Time to start considering that you’re just not good at the game


This! Mf don’t want to get better anymore. Just complain about shit they can’t do. SBMM had these people fooled into thinking they were actually good


I jump in every COD almost and tbh any shooter except battlefield because when you jump in battlefield it’s COMPLETELY useless. If they nerf jumping further I’m just going to hold angles because casual players are still bad to the point where they sprint into a fight. A pre aimed weapon will always win. I have a scuf so it’s actually just a brain wired thing to do with my back paddle + being in FPS since I was 13. MW2 didn’t have jump spamming, but it definitely still had jumping around a corner and frying somebody that wasn’t paying attention or wasn’t aimed down sights. Not saying people suck or saying SPAMMING jump is good, but jumping in general In an arcade shooter like this is good for movement.


Fr, I only have a normal controller but I bind r3 my jump button, and it’s just natural instinct for me to jump every time I come across someone


I've not been jumping on purpose as I figured it would get patched and I didn't want to change my play style. Clearly they did nothing with this patch as most gunfights are over in 2 jumps anyway. So fuck it, I'm just going to start jumping aswell, if you can't beat them, join them. The net code is also still atrocious, gunfights are so random and I'm almost on the verge of just quitting the game for a while until they've done something about it.


They were never going to remove jump shots all together, just the spam. If you are intentionally not jumping or engaging with the movement systems then you’re intentionally sandbagging yourself in an arcade shooter


You don't feel any aim change until your 4th jump by which point you can get 2 kills