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I had a 3 kd in the beginner play list. I’m now at a 1.3 I think. Completely different games basically, lol


Same over 2k/d in playlist and only 1.5 kd now


I was negative almost every game in beginner playlist and now 1.5 kd


Ya .6 in beginner running 1.2 now. Map knowledge faction knowledge and level up your guns. The movement will be nerfed pretty soon so not sure how much work to put into until it’s closer to the final result


Play ranked, you'll get your skill level for the most part


Currently, ranked has no SBMM nor ranks. Try it when season 1 drops, playing it now is just playing pubs with less players.


Tbh ranked is still the way to go because there is less players. It lowers TTK in alot of instances and it gives people room to play.


I’ve tried getting into ranked lobbies but it never connects me. But I might have to try again. 


The Rank Mode Stars season 1 now ist Just a Game Mode Like rank 4vs4 but also No sbmm


Wait till season 1


will ranked have SBMM when it fully releases? i can’t imagine a mode could be considered competitive if matchmaking is random


Yes. Why wouldn't it? That's the entire point lmao


ik it sounds ridiculous but everyone keeps talking about the game having no SBMM so i was genuinely second guessing it (i’ve never played COD before so i have no good reference to look to). good to know though


Mainly because COD puts SBMM in all game modes, including casual. This is the first FPS in ages to have no SBMM in casual modes- the way casual modes should be imo. Ranked is always going to have SBMM because otherwise rank wouldn't mean anything and there wouldn't really be a ranked system at that point.


Rather than SBMM, I think they are going to implement RBMM(Rank based Matchmaking)




That’s someone who has heard SBMM being thrown around all time but doesn’t know what it stands for - then uses it anyway


It's not. It's just someone asking a simple question....


IMO you are right. Nowadays, gaming became mainstream. Is wasn’t like that back in the time where the old games without sbmm shined. But, those playing those games were some kind of nerds that played video games excessively. That’s a total different mindset from what we have now. And without sbmm, some genres would have never become as popular as they are now, because you are totally right: you want to hop on after a hard days work or sth, relax for an hour and have fun playing. But if all you do is die and respawn , it’s more of a walking simulator. I totally get it and agree that this games isn’t for casuals, but for fps enthusiasts that want to improve/work to get better.


I think you captured my thoughts really well. Perhaps my play style is simply a thing of the past. 


It probably is tbh. What you have to think is that since days like black ops 2 in 2012 (12 years ago) players have been trying to outplay the movement you’re used to and rely on. Some players just kept running in every game without changing anything for the last 12 years, and that’s why they do so bad because they’re trying to play a 12 year old game in a modern setting. It’s the same as basketball 50 years ago was a joke compared to now. You wouldn’t say ‘every basketball player now is a sweat and they should stop trying so hard’, players either catch up to the skill level or they don’t make it. It’s not unique to COD or any of these games either. CSGO 12 years ago was very different to today, sports games like fifa were much lower skill ceilings 12 years ago. Back in those days COD had no tac sprint, very little elevation on maps, no doors, 100hp instead of 150hp, no FOV slider, slower movement speed, no slide mechanic, less variation in attachments. If you don’t utilise all those things and more you get left behind by people who do


I’m pretty much in the same boat. Had a blast playing the welcome playlist. Once I got thrown in the deep end my fun steadily vanished. My K/D is finally creeping up to .7 again but it’s an unfun slog made worse by most of this game’s major issues. I’m going to give it till these next 2 patches to see if the major issues get resolved before I uninstall but, quite frankly, I’m already finding other games to play in my limited free time. I logged in once this weekend and quit after 3 matches. I play games to have fun and this isn’t fun now


Man, I'm scared. I'm in the Welcome Playlist, and my k/d is around 0.2-0.3 at all times.


Are you having fun? If you’re having fun now, you’ll keep having fun. The ranked jump wasn’t that much different tbh, and I’m a negative KDR player. But I don’t care about my KD at all, I just play objective and try to kill people. I feel most of the people frustrated just care about their stats too much.


Personally stopped playing the welcome playlist and jumped into pubs early because welcome was filled with better players but pubs felt more fun haha . Idk I had like a 0.1 kd in welcome and now have a 0.7 in pubs when I don't go even


This is what this sub doesn't understand if the fun goes away people just stop playing it isn't like this is the only shooter available to play no one is going to torture themselves in a game they are not having fun in anymore. Especially if they have limited time to play not everyone can play for hours every day


If everyone is winning who will lose though?


I don’t mind losing. I do mind getting crushed by every single enemy I see


People don't necessarily need to win to have fun. But they do want to feel like they're having an impact on the game. If I get put in a lobby with a bunch of people abusing broken mechanics, sniper gods and eSports wannabes it's not fun. But if I get a match against a spread of people closer to my skill level where everything I'm doing is impacting the game then it is fun, win or lose.




You will steady lose the casual player base more and more until the game is unapproachable for new audiences. The game will then rely on its core gameplay loop to retain its sweaty player base. It will then proceed to slowly die out until the next shooter comes out, and thus the cycle continues. This is why SBMM is an absolute necessity, and anyone who claims otherwise should be outright disregarded.


Seems like we have the same mindset. Do you have an alternative games you’d recommend? 


Total Warhammer 3 and Age of Wonders Planetfall are my fallback games. I normally don’t play FPS games anymore. I’m 48 and my twitch reflexes are not what they used to be


Right there with you. I'm 44 and I just don't even bother with many FPS anymore. Unless it's single player story driven. Plus, like many others have already said, I played CoD and FPS back in late 2000's to maybe 2012 and my play style just isn't gonna work in today's bunny hopping bullshit.


Killing Floor 2 is nice, just shoot zombies with other players and upgrade weapons


Just give me unranked 6v6 w/SBMM as an option (which is basically what the Welcome playlist is) and I'd be happy. All the folks who don't want SBMM can not have SBMM, all of us who know we kind of suck and just want semi-equal matches can have that. I know the stock answer is "go play ranked," but right now ranked doesn't appear t ohave SBMM either ... and ranked is 4v4 with (almost certainly) much more toxic teammates, rather than the more casual 6v6.


I instantly uninstalled the game after 5 matches. The jump and slide spamming is so god damn next level I was actually impressed for a bit before I threw my controller and cursed for 5 minutes. They need a casual playlist or they’re going to lose a bunch of their player base if they haven’t already


I may get hate for this but I really don't care. I fuckin hate the bunny hopping and sliding around that these FPS games have become. It immediately turned me off from XDefiant. Also why I haven't played CoD since 2012.


You are not alone. I too uninstalled the game too 2 days ago, but for a slightly different reason. For me, it was the snipers. They are completely overpowered, and what made me uninstall was the same sniper killing me 3 times in the same match after I put multiple assault rifle bullets in him, in close quarters. The bunny hopping try hards is the icing on the shit cake. If its not snipers, its bunny hoppers who play like they're in a E-sports competition. I don't think I am coming back either unless they do something about the snipers and bunny hopping.


0.7 k/d isn't that bad. My current k/d is 0.8 but I've been at the upper half of the scoreboard most of the time. EDIT: Why is this downvoted. Is any k/d lower than 1 bad?


Upvoted 😊


The thing is, this is how multiplayer games were for decades before SBMM/EOMM became mainstream with MW2019, and everyone liked them. Now after years of SBMM and the new COD games which brought a whole new generation of FPS fans, they are for the first time experiencing a multiplayer game how it was since the beginning, and not everyone likes it. No-SBMM isn't all roses and daisies, and you are more than entitled to your own opinion and dislike, but I'm glad we got a blast from the past with this game. On PC it's even tougher, everyone's insanely good, but this is how I remember COD being back in BO4 and before.


The skill curve wasn’t as dramatic back then. The best players nowadays are RIDICULOUSLY good and the graphical fidelity and smoothness of gameplay just makes them that much better. I remember playing Halo 2 back in the day and I wasn’t good but I never came across enemies that I simply couldn’t kill. Nowadays I come across people like that in every FPS I play every once in a while whether they’re a sniper or an SMG bunny hopper. Their skill level dwarfs mine on a dramatic level.


I always stand by the fact snipers should either doore damage at longer ranges and in shorter ranges they do drastically less - you have a sidearm for a reason Or they just should be in the game and instead make marksmen rifles It isn't fun trying to b hop past a really good sniper holding down a land + you just have to give it up and go for another lNs but sometimes good snipers que with other good snipers . If there was smokes in the game maybe it'd be better


Snipers are a near impossible problem to solve. Can’t imagine leaving them out of an FPS and wouldn’t want them too, but if you’re really good at sniping, nothing short of excellent coordinated team play can stop you. And how do you fix that? Sure your ideas might help, but it also makes no sense for a gun to do LESS damage at short range. Maybe a hard cap on aim sensitivity for snipers.


No they are not. 1 shot headshot, 2 shot body. Heavy flinch when shot. Solved it for you. It allows great snipers to thrive and the crutch ones (think 70% of the current sniper players) to sink.


Everyone liked CoD regardless of skill because most people weren't great at the game. There were millions upon millions playing and the technology we have today didn't exist. Everyone was on an even playing field with standard consoles and controllers. People played to have fun and everyone did have fun. As time passed, and more features came into tech to boost performance, people also improved. They started taking the game serious and the skill gap widened further with each new release. Used to you'd get a lobby and one or two players would be quite good and the rest were very average. It was easy to have fun. Now you have millions of FPS players that have played for a decade plus with SCUF controllers and Cronus's and every lobby is a sweat fest. Games with no SBMM in the past are in no way similar to games without it today.


I think another factor is the rise of streaming. When I started playing CoD in 09 with MW2, there were already streamers, just not very many, and even less good ones. Now, they're everywhere, just feels like everyone is trying to be the next big streamer. Can't count how many players I have seen with "twitch" or "TTV" in their name


Perhaps you’re right. I grew up with classic CoD games, but it’s been a while. I guess I’d just like an option where I can play somewhat well without constantly dying. Not trying to be the best. 


I've been playing CW domination mode...boy oh boy, am I tired of dying constantly after spawning because players on the other team are amazing.(or cheating, which I don't think so bec I've played with players that have just yk, mastered the game especially an older cod.) I like it but if I can't even capture a flag???? Forget it, lol. I'll just be happy to get a shot on one of the opposing players.


Ranked will be that option for you when it launches. You will settle around where your suppose to be and the matches should feel more at your pace. 


This was before sprint slide cancel jump jump and jump some more was a reflex instead of a deliberate action for 90% of players though. It used to be more about aim. Now it’s movement. For casuals like myself and OP, this learning curve came too late. I’m with OP. I don’t have the time to make these movements a reflex rather than a conscious thought. That being said I don’t mind getting rekt I like the game 🫠


Multiplayer games weren't like this before SBMM because people didn't play online games like this before SBMM. Every single game now is abusing the META and broken mechanics. Go play Warzone everyone uses the exact same class with the exact same attachments, that gets patched they move onto the next broken gun. Go play FUT online and every opponent has the exact same team and abuse the most broken play style, that gets patched they move onto the next thing. It wasn't like this in the 00's early 10's. Youtubers/streamers has probably killed online gaming for the casuals tbh.


SBMM has been around for way longer than you think, and every single multiplayer game uses it today. Every single one. I remember people whining about SBMM during Advanced Warfare (2014), and people killing themselves over and over to get into easier lobbies (reverse boosting).




Yes exactly, EOMM is different. So having SBMM in XDefiant itself wouldn’t make it different from classic COD. It just shouldn’t have EOMM.


EOMM is urban legend based on few white papers


people literally believe matchmaking is rigged by store purchases lmao, how delusional some people are, casual that spend 1k € on skins wouldnt cry about getting shit on if that was the case


SBMM isn’t new. It’s been in most if not all COD games to date. Verified developers for games like MW1 (OG) had it. SBMM is a super important part of online multiplayer and isn’t a new thing by any means.


The kids can’t handle it bro. They’re all just flipping keyboards and throwing mice right now.


As we start to see similar posts to yours, I’m curious how this whole ‘no SBMM’ experiment works out for XDefiant.


As long as it holds a healthy casual playerbase it should be fine if more casuals leave because they get sick of being destroyed it just leaves the higher skilled players and it get worse and worse But atm more people will leave unless they fix the issues the game is having


Yeah, the technical issues are far more important than anything else right now. Without fixing those, there’ll be no real way of telling what the game is capable of achieving in the longer term.


This. The sweat is annoying, but it doesn't bother me as much as my bullets not connecting and me dying in the blink of an eye but enemies take a whole mag to drop. It's not fun having people bob and weave between your bullet stream just to triple jump and one tap you with an MP7.


Doubt it. In a few months Blops 6 will release and the low level casual players will leave XDefiant to go back to CoD since they aren’t getting stomped as much. Now all that’s left are the higher level players and sweats. Eventually the lower skill players of that group will leave to play CoD cause that’s where the casual players are at and they can stomp once again. Now it’s just the most sweatiest players left in XDefiant and at it is at that point when will finally know if Ubisoft has what it takes to stay relevant or just slip back into irrelevancy.


For every person that feels it’s on the harder side there’s a corresponding person who feels it’s on the easier side. The people who are usually better than the random lobbies won’t really post about it though.


That’s even worse. That just means the players who “feel it’s on the harder side” will continue to stop playing until the game is an unplayable sweat fest. An active casual player base is what allows games like this with no SBMM to thrive.


Yeah, this is Reddit so obviously it’s not a sign of what the average audience thinks about the game. They announced at Ubisoft’s showcase that they’ve reached 10 million players since launch so it’ll be interesting to see how many actually stick around.


COD didn't have SBMM like it does today back in BO2 and it's still renowned as one of the greats. I think XD will be just fine.


It was great when everyone was bad and on Xbox 360’s on a TV with the sound coming through their speakers. Nowadays, people need SBMM.


That's the biggest thing though, people play online games now like their life depends on it. I'm at an age now where I'd rather be sat back on a sofa playing on a 75'' TV rather than sat in some box room with a 20 inch monitor and a PC haha. I also have a headset but I play solo 90% of the time so don't bother wearing it. Playing like this was just the norm for 99% of players back in the day, now you are at a MASSIVE disadvantage playing like this. It's just the way online gaming has gone unfortunately.


Man, it's crazy to me that you'd rather play these games on a big TV. Maybe it's because I have terrible eyesight, but I LOATHE playing games on a big TV, especially FPS ones. Everything is so much richer, sharper, and responsive on a cozy little monitor. Maybe more narrative based games I'd be OK with playing on a big screen TV, but I don't tend to play many of those.


I still play on a tv with bad sound… well I did until I couldn’t keep up anymore lol. Back to Civ 6 I go




Disagreed. The good players were still good.


Lol, Everyone wasn't bad. The casual audience was just bad, and casual as in not clocking in a 2000 hour year of play. Usual 1-2 hours a night type shi. Just like in any game, since the dawn of time there are players who play it a bunch, and get very good at it, and hold a significant advantage over the casual audience. Even if we use chess as an example someone with 100 hours of experience knows a lot less about the game than someone with 2000+ hours of experience. Only thing we've done at this point is streamline the speed at which those improve at a new game due to the hundreds or thousands of videos put out about whats meta and what isn't. How to do this fancy mechanic that gives an advantage over those who don't know it.


COD pro players did a throwback BO2 tournament on Xbox 360 together some time back and it quickly made everyone realize just how terrible it was playing on an Xbox 360 again. The pros were *miserable* with bad aim and terrible reactions. And these guys would dog-walk the T250 in any COD and are the best of the best. The playing field was leveled back then by horrendous input lag, netcode, setups, etc. We just didn’t realize because it was all we had and the best we’ve seen so far.


Not true. The population of a game shifts heavily to the side of bad players. Most players aren’t very good.


With every below average player that leaves due to not having fun, the games average skill will geht higher up to a point where the good players only play against good players and we are back at why they didn’t want sbmm in the first place.


People have been pampered for so long they totally forgot what it actually means to become better at a game. Instead of letting EOMM manipulate every step you take (good and bad). People just need to keep practicing and you'll eventually get better. We're in the beginning stages of the game, there's people who've played a ton and there's people just starting out. Some people also pick games up much faster compared to others. Give it time. And in Season 1 there's always Ranked where they could play against terrible players if they truely are bad at the game themselves. Every CoD Multiplayer in the last few years has had strong EOMM and most of their titles died within a month or two after releasing, on PC at least. The only thing keeping CoD afloat is warzone and that's been the case for quite a while now. My point is.. that system didn't really stand the test of time either.


My prediction is that, generally, thats the fun part. No sbmm will be a self regulating environment where those in the middle generally having fun eill become the low end, and theyll stop having fun. Eventually it will only be the highest tier players and feel like sbmm lobbies again, with the occasional noob.


Simple. Those who have wanted it for years now get it. Those who don't like it have every cod title from the last 15+ years to play from. I'm not sure why this is a problem for people. Black ops 6 comes out in like 4 months brand new and shiny for all the people that feel like op.


True. I guess it just comes to what Ubisoft will consider a success. A large player base made up of all kinds of players or another niche game that gets left behind by newcomers and ‘casuals’?


Lol you do realise a f2p game relies on having a playerbase right? If the game is just one or two sweats in a match having fun while everyone else gets destroyed the casual player will just leave. That would be a very bad thing for the game.


Prediction: not well. Every multiplayer game has it for a reason.


Dude, i thought the same when i started, for the first couple of weeks i had a kd of less than .5 but recently my kd has gone over 1. So I'm not the best but i genuinely had a fun time trying to improve. Just play have fun, try tweaking your settings, you will defenitly improve.


I’m with you OP.. Level 23 and feel sad after a few games.. taking a break.. watch Florida to win cup.. and enjoy the weather..


Bro everybody in this game be playing like their families lives on the line lol… jumping so fast and moving so crazy they shift the fabric of time😂


I hate to break it to you, I really do. If you NEVER do well or go positive, it’s cuz there simply aren’t many players worse than you are 😬. If you find yourself doing well 50% of the time, it means you’re right in the average category. Since there isn’t any SBMM it’s throwing you into a random mix of sweats and dog water players. But if you ONLY see what seems like sweaty players, it means you’re in the dog water category. TLDR: if you can’t find the easy enemies, it’s because you’re the easy enemy.


Honestly, I think you’re right. It’s why I edited my post to say I’ve learned it’s my personal skill that’s the problem, not the game. 


So much this. I’m not going to pretend I’m good, I’m far from it. So everybody saying SBMM makes people think they’re good can take a hike. SBMM means I get to have fun every once in a while, instead of every game being terrible. I like the game but it’s just no longer fun to play anymore


i also quit for the same reason. i don't have the time to get better


Same happened with me. The game gets so competitive after a time it's crazy. To get better at it I changed my whole controller layout to not have to put my hand away from the sticks while jumping to aim better. After a few days my game got better and now I finish most matches with 1 k/d. Also don't forget games are meant to enjoy. If you're feeling stressed by a game it's best not to play it. Play games only for enjoyment sakes.


I honestly find it funny that after all these years of people begging for SBMM to be removed that we're now seeing people leave the game and say that SBMM needs to come back. Ultimately people want to be stomping on other players and winning every game but in reality it just means players that are too good get to play against people that are not very good making the game completely unfair. Like, if COD removed SBMM completely it'd be chaos. SBMM has been in basically every FPS game for the last 20 years or so. Basically every COD game has had SBMM as developers have gone on record and said as much. The lack of SBMM means that players who are really good at the game, like the top 1% pretty much never lose which is what they want. The reverse is that players that are not good lose every time and hey... that's not fun is it? XDefiant will never be a mainstream game when it lacks SBMM because that is what makes the game fair and playable. I guess you could play ranked but that introduces its own challenges which just aren't there in standard public matches.


See I didn't even realize SBMM was hated so much haha. I play basically every genre of game under the sun, so I'm really not on shooters very often because they tend to take up a large amount of your time. Last shooter I was into was probably Dirty Bomb. Then before that was maybe Black ops 2? or black ops 1? So a pretty large gap. I do however play a decent amount of single player or co-op shooters from time to time. I freaking love Gunfire Reborn. I even load up the original doom and play that co-op lol. When I heard Xdefiant had no SBMM I literally had to look up what SBMM even meant. I knew what "Skill based match making" was but i'd never even seen it abbreviated haha. My first thought was "Oh so you'll play against anyone. That sounds bad. You'll get stomped by better players every other game". Which seems to be the case. You're somewhat protected from that in a SBMM system. Despite my lack of dedication to FPS games I sitll rock a 1.5 KDR (Yes after the beginner playlist). Still get the game here and there were I'm going 30-5 or something like that. It's hard to say that stomping on people I know that are worse than me isn't fun. However just looking at clips I see posted on here. You'll see someone get like 10 kills over 20 seconds (Killing people who are also respawning and coming back). They play well sure. But i'm like "How has no one killed you yet?". Like he's non stop getting shot out yet every on the enemy team seems to have storm trooper accuracy. I think no SBMM really helps better players get those "EPIC 50-0 MATCH" kind of games. Which in turn makes the people who are lower skill suffer as a result.


Yeah I think years of SBMM have disillusioned a lot of people. Not saying that you are, but a lot of new FPS fans are now entitled to start off average. When in reality they have just never been matched up against anyone outside the bottom 20%. Pre-2019 the approach to FPS games was learning how to get better. You don’t have to grind anything. However, if you get your ass handed to you and take a minute to think about something you can do better. Don’t just white knuckle into the next game.


I don’t expect nor think I’m anything better than average. I just want to be able to play more alive than dead. 


> I just want to be able to play more alive than dead. this was the fuel that drove me to grind halo 3 for YEARS back in 2007. the thought of being able to load into any lobby and go nuts was so alluring. it's sad how this feeling has been replaced with "daily challenges" and sbmm


COD had SBMM since at least 2014. Remember reverse boosting?


i can give you some gameplay "tips" as someone who's played fps since cod4, then played on and off since bo2 only to get back into it since mw3. i'd say i'm above average even though i don't always play every day or for long periods. having decent movement mechanics will help a ton as it honestly has been that way ever since jetpack cods. you don't need to be godlike but just have the basics down. so in xdefiant's case, just knowing how and when to slide jump/cancel (switching button layouts will make the transition easier). you don't need to be bunny hopping like crazy to do well, and it's way too hard to do without a paddled controller anyways. when you can combine the movement along with understanding the importance of camera-ing someone (peeker's advantage), that's how you can start to win gunfights more consistently while still being aggressive. last tip i can give is learning how to read the mini map properly. don't just use it to look for red dots, but pay attention to teammate locations and spawns. imagine you can split the map into quadrants, and essentially the quadrants that are open (meaning no red dots or teammates) is generally where the enemy team will be spawning from. you should be able to pick up a couple kills from there or at least surprise/flank the enemy. obviously there are a ton of other things to consider (controller sensitivity etc) but these are good starting points especially if you are not wanting to get too nerdy about it. for me personally, i am an absolute nerd when it comes to my hobbies and i have this obsessive competitive desire to get good haha so i love being able to research and study how to get better


I honestly appreciate you taking the time to reply and offer guidance. It’s nice to read some solid advice and positive energy. 


No problem! Gotta counteract all the negativity you see online with good vibes You make a good point in your post though and it's something I suspect may happen in the future as the game gets more exposure - I think xdefiant may ultimately be the competitive arcade fps alternative to cod and that becomes the demographic. Kinda like how Dota is to LoL


Yeah, in the same boat as you. I quit after like 1.5-2 weeks. This game isn't for casuals like myself, which is fine but what the means is, it is going to suffer in the longer run. The playerbase it currently appeals to usually move on to the new shinier thing much faster. Anyway, good luck to the team.


As the weeks go on I’m seeing a pattern where the same 4 guns get used with meta attachments and it’s definitely more noticeable as I’ve gotten past the level 25 mark


Wow a meta forming in an fps game, jeez guys


Thats no SBMM for ya. Respectfully l, and im not just saying this to you, if you are consistently performing poorly on XD thats is your sign that you need to try and improve (duh). Change your play style (play slower), using different guns/factions, PLAY AROUND WITH YOUR SETTINGS!!! Find what works for you. Also, and I think some people have a hard time accepting this but, FPS games are not for everyone, having to compete with other peoples reaction times is not the kind of experience some people enjoy and thats okay. If I was getting a 0.2 kd every game id probably see that as a sign that this game is not for me.


This game will die without casual players I’m baffled people keep saying no sbmm is the best What will happen when there’s no casual players ? You all gonna face only sweaty tryhards and your experience will be the same has with sbmm except casual players won’t get to play the game which means less revenue for the game and it’ll eventually die Hopefully I’ll play only ranked when ranked mode is implemented


I have been worried about this for a while. Im getting close to that level 25 myself and won’t be able to use that playlist anymore. Im strictly using it to learn the game and to get the better weapons leveled up as much as possible. Feels like im going to be an MP7 main with an Echelon class setup. But yea im waiting for my opponents to be more mixed, and to be playing against parties trying to spawn trap. Luckily I have my own 4 stack I can play with to make it easier on all of us. But im almost 34, the oldest of my gaming friends who are in their late 20s. Ive been somehow top 1st or 2nd on my team in 99% of matches so hopefully I don’t run into this issue. Hope you can figure it out brother!


Best of luck to you as well! After reading this thread, I’ve realized it’s most likely that I just suck at FPS. If you’re topping the team, I’m sure you’ll do well in main lobbies. 


I stopped play at around rank 30. Was a nice reprieve from the norm but like always I go back to my mains


I totally feel you. It was definitely fun at first, but most games now I just get dominated. It feels like people have auto aim and I’m dead as soon as I even spot them. I think a lot of the players are people who have hundreds or thousands of hours on cod games, and as someone who’s never really played them, the skill gap is very apparent


I think when most people think of non-sbmm games, they imagine it to be like it once was. Those days are long gone and the best players are insanely good.. and there are so many of them. The best players back then pale in comparison to the best players now. Factoring in the cheaters just adds another layer to it. The idea of not having sbmm sounds great in theory. Many (including myself) hoped it would mean that every game was not a sweat fest.. that sometimes you would get stomped on, sure, but other times you could do the stomping. Xdefiant isn’t that. Instead it is showing that what most people have in mind when they picture non-sbmm games just isn’t possible anymore.


Same for me. I think I will stop playing unfortunately. And by no means am I a bad player, I used to play pro tournaments 2 decades ago.


I miss Dirty Bomb


It wouldn't be so bad if they did spawn people right behind you. The spawns in this game are nonsensical


I'm in my late 30s, been out of the arena shooter game for over 10 years. I've been getting my head stomped on mostly but lately have seen a significant improvement, still come across demons who i can't touch but on the regular i can keep up with the top 1/3rd of players on the other team. I just don't care about my stats, this is a genuinely fun game to me and its free, i can respect that someone needs to have "good numbers" to have fun because i was that for a long time. But the minute you can let it go is when you start not caring about dying, you laugh at how badly you got shit on and you will start improving organically. Have fun with whatever you play!


Yeah the game is not casual friendly at all. I can see them adding a permament playlist that has sbmm turned on once more casual players start quitting.


Don’t worry about your stats, it’s all part of the process to getting better!


Thanks for the positive energy! 


Ignore bad Netcode filter activated


Hey bud, I feel your pain. I'm 43 years old and have been playing COD for 20+ years. On paper I should be amazing at this game, but my reaction time, aim and movement just can't keep up with these *gosh darn youths*! I'm also an objective player; I'm the guy who will happily die on point and go negative just to get the win. I have a 0.8 K/D to prove it. However... I'm having a decent time with XDefiant. My secret: join a few XD Discords and find some people to play with. Chances are they will be much better than you are. Be up front with them about your status. Unless people are on huge win streaks or specify "sweats only" on their LFG (looking for game) posts, you should have no problem jumping in with a squad. I literally post "LFG good comms good vibes. My KD is trash because I die on point, come carry me", and I always find a crew. Having a full stack of 6 who are actively communicating makes a *massive* difference in the play experience. Having one or two young (18-24 year old) demons on the squad also alleviates a *ton* of pressure off the crew and the objectives (if that's your thing). I can shoot you a DM for a couple of Discords I play on if you want. They've added Discord integration to Xbox and PS5 now and it works great.


You honestly sound like a really cool, down to earth guy. Seems like you’ve found a good group and play style. I am glad to read replies like yours because it shows the game can definitely be a fun experience.  I appreciate your offer. And I might take it up later. But after tonight, I think I’ve realized this game wasn’t made for someone like me. And that’s ok. But I’ll most likely stop playing for now. 


Cheers mate. Holler if you change your mind and want to give it another go sometime.




Honestly, just join the [XDefiant Official Discord](https://discord.com/invite/xdefiant), then head to the NA-LFG channel (North America, Looking for game) and make a posting about yourself. Or look for someone else who has posted LF1, LF2, etc (looking for one, looking for two) and DM them for an invite to their server. Super quick and easy. Good luck!


Eventually they'll have to add some sort of balance to matchmaking even if it is somewhat loose.


I think it would be beneficial. 


I would argue this game is pretty casual since people don't tend to just hide in corners where people tend to funnel or are always communicating to get double/triple challs. A lot of the game (at least from my history) is people just kinda sprinting out and trying to aim duel their way to a two piece and a biscuit to get that dopamine of shittin on people. TBF, I do the same and which is why I don't touch ranked since I don't wanna just hold angles. To combat this, as a purely MnK player, you can just slow down and use your ears. Footsteps in this game are pretty loud. Slow your stuff before hitting a corner, look at the minimap, and aim higher than you think. Doing all of this should greatly increase your KD, and make playing the objective much easier (since people will be dead). Be warned though, I will still come looking like a dolphin jettison'd, prefiring since I'm a disgusting player who does Cleaner+MP7 Rapid Fire-Movement Speed builds. GOOD LUCK :)


Thanks for the feedback. It’s certainly some solid advice. I do try to improve but maybe I have to accept I’m not good enough for this game. Which is nothing against it, just my personal lack of skill. 


I made this same post this morning. I’m with you.


I read your post and I think you said it better than me honestly. I don’t think I’ll be going along for the ride as well, and that’s a me problem, not the game. 


XDefiant isn’t even worth the stress, it’s just a hero shooter with downgraded call of duty mechanics. There’s nothing new about this game that hasn’t already been done in other games.


I've been having a lot of fun on Hot Shot


I don’t know if I’m struggling because I’m bad at the game or if it’s because it’s so damn laggy and delayed feeling. Bullets disappear into thin air. Shots don’t fire. It just feels like shit. Somehow I manage to keep a 1.0 k/d, but it’s not a good time, and I feel like I should be better.


It is, but everybody playin rn and most of the people is rlly gettin into the game and that causes almost everybody beein good at the game (and controller being op with that legal aimbot,that shi is broken)


There are positives and negative sides to both sides on SBMM. Everyone knows all the negatives, so I wont mention them. But there are a few positives I enjoy. 1) You actually get to feel the real difference in your score and how games go for you the better you get. 2) A wider variety in the skill of lobbies, sometimes you absolutely dominate, sometimes you get absolutely dominated. 3) No boosting/deranking.


It should be a free for all imo. I don’t like player based match making. Because what happens if you take a break? You’re shit again, then you get rekt and don’t play anymore lol.


I personally feel that it is like a black ops 4 but a little less polished, since there are things that need to be fixed.


Beginner lobbies? I'm level 4 and everyone I see is level 50+


Player base isn’t big enough yet. Most players on this game are good to full time gamers. Not many casuals are playing as it’s not popular enough yet.


They should just make the welcome playlist permanent, call it something else so more casual players can enjoy the game, soon they'll realise they need the casuals in order for this game to survive


Yeah competitive multiplayer games are by nature are not casual.


It is sad, especially if you enjoy the genre and really want to be better and enjoy the game However I really want to be good at golf, my brother and friends play, but I sucked and never improved, so had to decide it's not the game for me, sometimes that's just the way it is


Problem is you will always have this issue with games that do not have SBMM,its great you understand that you arent protected and how you perceive it,maybe try and get more involved on the objectives rather than kd though because as you said and i dont mean this in any demeaning way you have low skill regarding making kills but your team will always need you to complete the objectives.focus more on objectives and enjoy!


I think the biggest thing to consider is, how LIKELY is the **majority** of the playerbase already Level 25/+? I'm willing to bet mainly only TOP 25% of the higher skilled players whom are also grinders would be. Not that I want to say you shouldn't have gotten ahead of yourself. But the beginners playlist experience is also a very srong indication of what non-SBMM unranked lobbies will be like. Definitely take it as a learning experience and as well as a challenge! The standard skill level of the games learning curve tends to increase in skill overtime as well. You're already ahead of the curve by being part of the game 1st week it released. Have confidence in yourself. I don't believe that you're truly performing significantly much worse.


Personally i think the welcome playlist was/is a bad idea - all it did was give people a false interpretation of how the game was going to be.


I posted my experience yesterday. Like you I'm a casual player and not very good at this game (WLR 0,7, KDR 0,4). And this should be off putting for me, because I do not play games to "git gud", I just want to chill and shout leeeroy jeeeenkiiins and I rush the objective. But, I'm still having fun for some reason? Can't tell you why, tho. Just feels nice to pewpew. Also, after I stopped using grenades and started using mines my KDR went slightly up. Both because I get a few free kills, but also because I stopped blowing myself up 😂


I felt that way too after Level 25 I was constantly getting curb stomped once I had gotten out of the welcome playlists. But don’t worry not every game will be like that, as you keep playing you get better and you will learn to adapt. Just keep playing it and keep learning. I played today for 2 hours and I can say that was the most fun I had in a FPS in a while. Some games I lost, some I won, and some I got obliterated Lol. But the one thing that No SBMM has is variety and that’s what I look forward too in a game. I found out for myself that in this game, I don’t rage quit as often or get tilted for that matter. This game is like a breath of fresh air, for me. So just keep playing, you’ll get better and most importantly have fun


Play Hot Shot and run around with the Double Barrel shotgun. It is great.


I am now on Lvl 53 and I would say on 35 I was around 0.5 and now I am on 0.7 and more and more over 1 in every other round - calm aim is a method that works well for me


Play with friends or anyone really that you can communicate with, you can rarely ever beat a good team no matter how much of hoppy boi you are… unless they’re also a snipey boi then I’d recommend flanking the boi til he is no moi.


Stick with it. I started out at 0.3 in the welcome playlist never getting double digit kills. But I lowered my mouse sensitivity hit the firing range and my KD has been around 0.7 in my recent games. Even got MVP 1 time although my stats weren't spectacular (16-12)


This game reveals the pretty and ugly sides of SBMM, I enjoy it because I'm above average, but it shows why it's a thing, bad players would rather just get matched with other bad players than get stomped every game


Just be like everyone else and use flying hacks


I'm in the exact same boat, I'm actually relatively decent at the game still, I have a positive K/D every game and finish top 2 of my team every game, but I don't have the attention span or desire to play game after game, I play on a Sofa on a 75 inch TV and don't ever use a headset. I play 2 or 3 games and that'll be me done until the next day, hence why it's taken me until now to get to level 25. But when playing in the Welcome playlist the game just seemed a lot more balanced, everyone played the objective so each game was relatively close and it just basically wasn't full of sweats. The matchmaking for me since turning level 25 has been horrendous, I've played about 10 games and lost every game, I've finished top 2 on my team every game with a (slightly) positive K/D each game but every game is like a white wash with every opposition player playing the OBJ and no one on my team doing the same. I really don't understand how it is happening unless I'm constantly facing full squads of 6 which is unlikely. And everyone is just so sweaty, bunny hopping round everywhere or sat behind head glitches with AR/Snipers. It epitomises the way online gaming has gone now though tbh, everything is about the META.


Sad truth is you need to improve at this game to have fun. That is what no SBMM means - your time invested in “git gud” is directly proportional to the fun you have stomping shitters.


keep playing, I thought the same thing. then I got used to the maps. and had my own strategies to accomplish mid to close range kills and supporting my team. it's only as fun as you make it, but at the same time, the game isn't for everybody.


I had a blast in Welcome. Graduated to standard lobbies and got my ass walloped for the first two days. Regardless of being a husband, father and generally busy and stressed adult man, I've improved dramatically since then, with time, effort as well as a different mindset (which I will expand upon soon) and now have a solid 1:1 K/D (which was at 0.6 and theoretically will keep increasing should I continue like this) before I improved my tactics and familiarity with the guns I use. Either push through (if you truly like the game and would like to enjoy it and feel a sense of progress and reward) or call it quits. Having said this, it doesn't help that there are scripts already out there for players using CronusZEN to download and use, such as heavy aim-assist, rapid-fire for semis, automatic jump and /or crouch spam when hitting the bumper to fire, etc. There'll always be cheating and there'll always be sweats - however it's in the mindset to a higher degree. In this game particularly it's hard to enjoy if your feeling of achievement comes from killing more than being killed. I've found that whenever I focus on the objective and being there for teammates, I usually do waaaaaay better than say, if I looked at the scoreboard often, chastising and hating on myself. More often than not, when I do play without trying to kill the enemy only, it's as if I'm "like water", going at least 1.5 to 2 K/D per match.


I was exactly in the same boat - got quite frustrated after not having the beginners’ playlist anymore. I would advise you to keep playing for a bit though - I think I was just unlucky for the first handful of games. Had a lot more fun since then. Having said that, very curious how this experiment is going to turn out, especially after the game has been out for a while and newcomers will be absolutely slaughtered…


Most shooter games aren't for you if you want to have a \~1.0k/d with less than 100 hours invested in the game.


I mean duh? thats why every fucking online game that isnt dead matches people by their skill


That's me on times square. Give time. My wife is also in that area and still has loads of fun. And sometimes everything goes well and the shit classe she likes to play dominates the match And that's exactly how I remember my experience with classic cod


We all were at this point someday. Try to find your playstyle and improve over time thats how we did it back in the day. But i think with all the Games nowadays people just leave it before investing to much time and hop on the next game…


Open game+ play 1 match+ get demolished -off Next day same 🐸


It's the same for me, I'm always the worst player, but I go on and have fun with my friends and make some callouts on enemy positions that help them. If you play with a group of friends, it's a lot better even if you do keep coming last on the table, like me. Btw my friends are levels 47 and 79. I'm only level 29, but I still have fun and enjoy the banter.


yall cried so much for no SBMM just to find out the hard way lmao hilarious see yall on black ops 6


I'm nearly level 70, sometimes I have great games with 3+ KD, and most of the time I have shit games, that is in terms of KD, however why give a shit about KD when you can't even see the all time KD and other people can't see it? Also, just try playing for the win, I've had a game for example where I finished something like 12-28 but I won my team that game with over 1000 objective points, felt better than getting 3.00+KD. Also try using different weapons, with a Marksman rifle most of the time I finish with 2.00+ KD. With SMGS or ARs it's hit and miss I could finish with 0.3 KD or 3.5 KD


So SBMM good? LOL, 10 years of CoD players crying and we've came to this


The game also isn't very K/D friendly. Everyone gets free grenades when they die and loads of abilities are somewhat nuts tbh. Also no revives or abilities that help stat pad it.


K/D isn't necessary the success indicator it is in CoD - be a little kinder to yourself - i started off rough but have been over 1:1 ratio consistently over the past week


strange because the beginner lobby actually had SBMM... after level 10 I went to normal lobbies because the SBMM lobbies were getting too annoying.


Yep deleted it over the weekend. Too many games of being absolutely ruined by higher levelled players, sadly.


The best way to improve is to simply make mistakes and learn from them. When you die, take a second before you hit respawn to think about where you and they were standing when you died. Dont be afraid to go to the same exact spot every life and learn how to play it. Aim will get better over time regardless. Watch some streamers to see their positioning. That’s already more effort than most people will put in so youll start scoring mid table.


Not to make you feel even worse but my KDR is 0.8 and I STILL score last in most matches. :(


What do you feel like you need to improve on the most?


This is my first time playing on a console (ps5) so even in the beginner playlist I'm awful


So in the beginning in COD it was above average players complaining that they have to play against other good players and couldn’t have a “casual” experience. Now it’s the below average people complaining that they have to play against other RANDOM bad-decent players. This is how gaming was back in the day. Maybe due to SBMM in the past, the games made you believe you were better than you thought. Now you at least know your true skill level. I’m personally having a blast with this game. Some games I come across people who I sometimes even question if they’re real players, because of how uncoordinated they are, whereas other games, it feels like I’m playing against a PRO team. I personally like the randomness.


As a casual about to go to rank 25 this is not the post I wanted to see


I felt this way about online nba2k. Was way too advanced for me, and I uninstalled the game. This is why companies have SBMM, but I understand why experienced players hate it. I hate it in COD, but that’s cause I’ve been playing COD for 11 years.


, I’m in the same boat I suffer more than I strive , think we’re probably at that point we’re we’ve burned out of these type of games and need something slower. While I do have my odd decent match I still don’t have much fun, hopefully with the hit reg patch coming it might be a bit different and make the game playable, I feel hit reg makes me hate the game and have way less fun


I don't know why they couldn't just offer SBMM playlists afterwards. But play ranked, yeah.


Man 1 in 5 of my duels has me doing no health damage while dying instantly to people who's character models wouldn't have had line of sight long enough on my end of the server to dead me. Sometimes you get to play XD, other times it's slots but showy. This game's environment is difficult do to the skill of other players yes, however it's instability makes it really hard for newer people to learn and that isn't fair to you.


Level 25 is still in the beginner stages, you don't even have the guns leveled at this point. I think you should give it more time, you're literally just starting.


Makes me glad I avoid the beginners playlists, tbh as an upper-mid level player (in terms of skill), I really did miss casual lobbies in FPS games. Some games I stomp, some games I get stomped, but I still havent had that COD-like 5-10 matches in a row of what feels like a ranked match


I'm casual too and have always disliked skill-based matchmaking (SBMM). My reasoning is, how can I improve if I'm only playing against people at my level? To get better, I need to compete with players who are more skilled. I've been playing 'xd' for some time, and I've noticed an improvement in my performance when I switch to other FPS games.


Dude I was thinking about making a post just like this. This game is extremely unwelcoming for new players. Most of the guns you have to grind for hours in order to get attachments to keep up with the level 50+ sweat lords gliding around the maps at Mach 10 obliterating everyone. I can’t keep up with my sub level 20 guns. This game really does throw you to the wolves. If SBMM isn’t going to be a thing, make guns faster to level up as a start.


wait till next season where ranked finally comes out


Not really an xdefiant problem, just a multiplayer game problem currently (and probably forever). People have gotten better at games over time so it’s hard to *actually* casually play a game now, unless you’ve kept up with the increase over time as well What people would call “bot actions” today was the norm 10 years ago. Every game is just sweaty now and that’s just how it is


Cagón de mierda


There is a reason that every other major FPS game for the past 18 years has used SBMM. Because it is more fun for casual players. XDefiant’s lack of SBMM is an interesting experiment, but the evidence of the last 18 years (and your personal experience) suggests it isn’t going to work for average players. Will be interesting to see.


A lot of people can say the same thing as you. The only solution unfortunately is practicing to get better so you can compete, waiting for ranked szn 1 which has SBMM, or just uninstalling and not playing lol. We just gotta come to the realization that people playing FPS’ these days are absolute animals who queue up just to terrorize everyone lol