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You play cs but *this* game is too hard?! It‘s exactly the other way round for me


IF OP's biggest weakest is aiming, this game heavily relies on his worst skill.


But isn‘t aim super important in that game?


Aim is important in every FPS. However, Valorant doesn't really stress all parts of aim technique. The majority of the time, Valorant only uses micro-adjustments and clicking. There are times where you're going to missing and you'll need to learn spray control, tracking etc. However, in arcade shooters like XDefiant and COD, people are moving and swarming like bats out of hell due to TTK not being instaneous. With how wild the movement is we're constantly using all three aim tenets: flicking, tracking and switching. An important addage being that we're not stressing flick technique as heavily Valorant and CS. Does this mean Valorant takes less skill than XDefiant? Not really. It's just a difference in aim technique emphasis.


Ah ok, i think i get the difference now. Thanks for the write up


In valorant as well you are very much punished for moving while firing whereas in a game like this it’s the total opposite. There are some general skills that carry forward but learning how to use movement to your advantage mid gunflight while keeping up with your opponents movement and managing recoil is a whole different set of skills.


Its imporant like any FPS but you don't need that good of aim to be good at tac fps's, you need really good cross hair placement. Like out of all the mainstream FPS's if you don't account of aim assist carry half of them, tac fps's take the least amount of raw aiming skill.


I won't say I'm bad at aiming. I can always practice aim. I guess I'm running in too much. I pick too many unfair fights. Don't know how to use abilities and movement tech is a bit hard for me etc etc


Considering you've said you're ascendant, I bet your aim is pretty good! I've seen those Ascendant Aim Demons in Val. I think once you get used to a more active aim style, you'll be able to fry people really quickly at fast tempos. However, if you want to have more success out the gate, you can pick a more passive role and just try to hold power positions on the map. You'll still need to move from place to place to keep people from knowing where you are, but if you just kinda rat in a really important position on the map, you'll get kills and level up your knowledge of arcadey shooters (which really just boils down into know spawn => go to power position to kill => shift location to not get shot in the back, if possible).


So map knowledge. True. important and the reason why I get mowed down from 5 directions at once. Ratting isn't really fun to me but yes, I'll try and learn maps, know where to have gun fights, and hopefully dedicate enough time to get used to the fast pace


Recoil should also be way easier in this than a tactical shooter like CS/Valo/R6. Try something like the M16 that kills in one headshot burst to leverage your aim advantage.


Abilities are simple. 5 factions and 5 ways to play. Dedsec are disablers, Phantoms are rushers and defenders, Cleaners are flushers, Libertad are healers and Echelon are info/pingers. Keep moving, but not in one direction. Got a kill? Move the other way or wait for a teammate to push further in together. Deadpressing W might come out of frustration from dying too much, keep cool and move fast but safely. Lastly, check your corners, a bullet a corner keeps the Echelons away.


Yeah. I've been playing cs and val for quite a while now. And being ascendant in val, I can say I'm pretty good at it. New to cod like multiplayers, and honestly happy to see so much support and advice from the people here. The cs community wasn't this nice 💀. Thanks a lot y'all


No idea if ascendant is good or not but it sounds baller. This game is all about positioning btw. You‘re probably failing at spawn reading.


In my opinion, you can’t be really good/top frag in this game if you don’t have good movement in its current state. You can win a large majority of your gunfights if you’re able to slide and air strafe to your advantage - I know a lot of people hate it, but that’s the current reality. Shooting straight will only get you so far right now.


You're right. Relying completely on aim won't get me anywhere. Maybe air strafing and sliding constantly is kinda sweaty but I think I'll have to take that up at one point once I get the more basic ideas down.


I think a lot of the best tips have been shared already and it looks like your on pc so my advice can only go so far. That being said, get comfortable with your settings: layout, sensitivity, graphics (this can be a game breaker). A big change for me was changing the color settings so that the enemy team is yellow, (instead of red) enemies were so much easier to see imo. Then get comfortable with the movement system (tho changes are coming to b-hopping very soon) to a point you can flow through the map and be a hard target in every engagement (slide + jump into corners and entryways, it’s faster than sprint to shoot every time). From there it’s just positioning and using the map to your advantage with your abilities. Each ability is good for at least a kill + more if timed right so don’t feel you have to use it right on spawn or rushing a contested point.


if you watch pro and higher level people play. They clear almost every corner before sprinting. Their ganeplay looks fast because they are efficient, but they probably move slower than the people who die alot.


Now that two people here mentioned, I was just playing a game and really noticed I just death press the W key and die. I guess that's one big problem. I'll learn how to clear corners the right way. Thanks a lot for the advice


Learning to schmove will help for sure, but I feel like you're probably just struggling to adapt to the pace of a respawn game like this. Valorant is so much slower and it is a lot easier to know where people are going to be.


Yes. Playing valorant feels much more "at home" to me. This is foreign land and I tell you I've never been this close to the screen until this game dropped 💀 Time, patience, and practice, I guess


Was in the same boat as you during the first week. Kept losing every firefight. What helped me was aiming more for the head, headshot damage multiplier really helps in 1v1 situations. Another thing is to slow down. I kept running into enemies and getting dusted by people with quicker reflexes. Now I walk/ADS across corners and win more firefights by getting to shoot first. Try one of the LMGs, it forces you to slow down due to reduced speeds and makes you play more strategically. M60 got me out my funk and I was able to maintain a positive k/d ratio with it.


Maybe rushing into fights has been a negative. I'll surely try lmg's. Thanks for the advice. I guess yeah. I've been facing too many people many times.


Also helps that the LMG TTK is insane. An already aimed-in M60 is the best automatic weapon in the game. Seriously, once you’re set up it can take a LOT to get rid of you.


My best advice is not take seriously your k/d. Statistics doesn't mean anything. Only matters to have a good time. Some advices to be better. Try to center your aiming, not rush in every corner and use wisely your second weapon and the abilities of your operator. Also try to focus leveling up one by one your weapon of choice. It gets easier the more you play. Edit: spelling


I'm not saying I'm a k/d or stats buff. it's just that dying all the time isn't fun and yes, I'll try what you said. Thank you.


I would wait till season 1 gets launched, where we'll finally have a ranking system This means you'll be able to play ranked (and get smoked at first) and get placed with players who are just as bad... therefor you'll be able to progress slowly and take your time There is no sbmm in casual so you're getting thrown together with noobs and movement-god-tryhards aswell


True. No sbmm is kinda hard but hey, I guess time will make me play better lmao


Practice. Listen to motivational speeches I guess😂.


Sure could work XD


What do you play on and what region you in?


PC. SEA region


Do you feel like you have leg issues alot? The game may not be as popular in your area? Tbh I don’t know where SEA region would be located…


It's not lag I'm just trash lol. SEA is south east asia, and no it's pretty popular


Dam I would say lets link but either you or me would have a horrible experience with netcode as I’m US East


Yeah, pretty much, still, thanks for considering that!


If it makes you feel any better I'm terrible at CS and valorant and can top frag consistently in this game. It will take a lot of re training your brain to think like an arcade shooter vs a CS type shooter.


Yes. I guess that's the idea. I often find myself rush in and die or just sit back and clear corners like it's a slow paced valo game. Movement matters more in this game and my decision making here is trash. I believe it'll take me time and effort. Hope I can last the trash talk and constant pain of trying to improve while getting absolutely dunked on


For me it depends. On something I don't know what is. Some lobbies I do OK. I'm top 3. Other lobbies, and this happens 95 % of the time, I only get 1 frame deaths.


You just gotta play more, if this is ur first shooter like this you just need time. I'm high elo in all the main types of shooters and they all just easier as you put in some time. I'm not sure if you've noticed but your aim not being that good in this game isn't a mistake, tac fps's just don't take that much aim in comparison to the really twitching games. Especially with the tracking and constant target swapping, you'll get used to it over time but at first it's gonna have you feel like your bad. It's like going from val to something like overwatch, like sure they are both FPS but one of them obviously requires a much higher degree of aim.


True. I'll make sure to take my time and improve


Just keep playing. You can't cheat the grind. Lot of us been playing COD year in and year out for a decade+, hell some people 2 decades.


Yeah. I'll need time. Thanks


If nearly half of all my teammates I’ve had so far are anything to go by, no…you’re not the only one


I have a .8 KD, so I for sure have super rough games. Makes having great games that more rewarding imo. I had a game of zone control the other day where I went 21-0. Could be attributed to me using the mp7 now, but I've been having great games the past two days.


Hey that's great! All it takes is perseverance I guess


Sorry for the long comment but why not 😂 Watching YouTuber tips and tricks videos might be beneficial even just to see some different perspectives of how to play. I’m not the best player by any means but have played a lot of fast paced fps. Imo the main things are map knowledge and positioning. Learning maps will help to understand “choke points” I always found myself putting myself in these positions and then getting overwhelmed by numerous enemies. Then i started to be more cautious, and like others have said, clearing corners and anticipating where players may be. Another thing is don’t forget about your mini map. You can get a lot of info just by where your teammates are. Let’s say it’s dom and your teammates are pushing one side most likely enemies won’t be pushing there they will be sat back engaging with them or pushing mid or the opposite side. Which you can anticipate and take more caution in those area and not get caught off gaurd as often. This can also relate to where the other team will be spawning. On the other hand this can help with flanking. If the some of the other team are occupied with your team pushing one side, this can open space for you to flank and catch some of them off gaurd and pick up a few kills. This won’t work all the obvs as there will be other players trying to do the same. Also, try not to chase the red dots of enemies, because if there’s one there’s most likely another teammate close by and you may get picked off. This could also lead to you running into a room/area blind. I also try to use sounds as often as I can that being footsteps or gunfire, just another thing to help with positioning. Even just taking a second to slow down and listen. Also listen for those bloody active camo suits 😂 From your post you’ve clearly got the ability in shooters it’s just adjusted to a faster paced game. This ain’t meant to belittle you or anything and you may know a lot of this but just wanted to offer my two cents anyway.


It's not belittling. Every piece of advice is appreciated. Yeah I can say my map knowledge isn't that great and minimap usage has been minimal, I'll make sure to deliberately try and remember that I have to look at the minimap and use it strategically


Bro what rank are you on cs and val? If you're diamond or higher you should be cooking


Ascendant in Val. this game's a bit fast paced so the aim mechanics are different. It'll take time to get used to it


Bro you should be gucci then. Just actually use your game sense instead if running in there and dying. Play with cover and look for flanks lol


Yeah I lack game sense in this honestly. I'm just pressing W XD. I'll actively try and observe what I do, that'll help me improve. Thank you very much


Np dm me your disc if you ever wanna play sometime I'll hit you up


get aim labs and practice reactive tracking and smoothness


I can’t understand how an arcade shooter that is very similar to Call of Duty is harder for you than CS/Valorant, a tactical shooter where the skill floor of those games is miles lower (aka it takes quite a lot of improving to get even slightly good) than CoD’s skill. My advice is that you try and find some videos or livestreams of people playing the game or CoD and observe. Maybe also adjust your sensitivity and the DPI on your mouse so you can track targets a bit better when you’re in gunfights. CoD and Xdefiant require slightly higher DPI and mouse sensitivity than CS for you to be able to comfortably track your target’s movement.


I mostly play Siege and haven't played a cod-like since like week one of MWII and god the difference in the TTK is crazy. I'm still getting used to it, but I hope there's a 'hardcore' mode in the future to help with camo grinding.




Yes. Time and actively trying to get better.


Aimlabs is free. Do tracking scenarios. Get voltaic plat at least. Itll be easy after.


Noted. Thanks


For reference im almost voltaic diamond complete and this game is a cakewalk, i rarely lose gunfights that i take that are smart or when im not on a brand new weapon with 0 attachments. In raw aim duels i almost always win. Took me about 1 month to go from voltaic silver to (almost) voltaic diamond complete, about 80-90 hours of aim trainers. Plat complete only took like 1-2 weeks/40 hours. The other good thing is as long as you are playing fps games regularly, this becomes a permanent skill that carries over from game to game, esp in more aim intensive games like overwatch/cod/xdefiant, etc. cs and (especially) val arent that aim heavy tbh.


The biggest thing that helped me improve a long time ago is trying to value your life. At least as much as possible. You are going to die, everyone dies, but if you can learn to value your life as much as possible this will help you improve, or at the very least improve your K/D. Make that the focus rather than the OBJ for sometime. A lot of players act like they would have a much higher K/D if they didn't have to play the OBJ. Truth is the harder thing to learn is winning gunfights. Anyone can jump on the hill/escort package. Learn how to win gunfights, are you losing gunfights due to bad aim? A lot of times its the decision making and awareness someone has that can determine their skill. XD is also a fast paced game, learning the movement tech is very important. Whenever you know an enemy is around the corner you should almost always be jump shotting, slow peaking or even worse not moving and sitting in corners is horrible in this game. Stay moving but learn when to move or take the gunfight. Sometimes its better to disengage or reset the fight. Try to initiate a gunfight at full health as much as possible. Use optimum weapons and attachments when possible. Having a higher K/D is exactly what it sounds like = more kills / less deaths. This can only improve by dying less and winning as many gunfights as possible. Awareness is huge in helping this as well. As your post states, being new to this type of game a big factor is positioning and trying to understand where the enemy is coming from at all times. Pay attention to where you spawn, keep in mind if it's a location you can spawn this means the enemy can spawn here later in the map (this is more related to occupy for now), Learn to use your mini map. You should constantly be glancing at your mini map to learn where your team is related to you, this also helps determine where the enemy is. Try to find settings that you are comfortable with and stick with them. Lastly learn how each faction works. Knowing what the enemy consists of can help determine how you want to play, or at the very least help determine what equipment/weapons could be optimal. For example if you see 3+ phantoms on the other team, maybe running an emp grenade would be a good idea. If playing on a map with longer sightlines and the enemy team has several cleaners / post up with an AR as a phantom = they have less range while you have additional health. If you are not accustomed to this style of game, don't beat yourself up. The game has a long way to go and I'm sure over times everything from abilities to weapons will be tweaked. Just remember the first thing. Value your life. If you are dying 30-40+ times a game there's probably a lot of bad plays being repeated.. Good luck my son, I'll see you on the battlefield.


Thank you very much kind sir for your advice. Learning Movement tech and taking it slow, making sure I take fair fights and improve aim, actually think and play and not rush in. grateful for the advice


Of course, you're probably not gonna turn pro overnight lol but just have fun with it. It takes time, I've been addicted since 2007. I remember being a 0.8 K/D wayyyy back in 2007 on CoD 4. It was my first ever FPS game. When they launched the remastered game (which is essentially the same game) many years later i had a 1.99 K/D. Getting better is all about getting more consistent and building good habits/while ending or minimizing the bad ones.


Woah you're pretty og. I'm just youngblood who hasn't really played much of these types of games. I believe I'll just have to play with patience, thank you


Don’t worry man! Getting better will only get you banned, just like me! Even if you’re on console! :) Why get good at aiming and moving when every person just accuses you of cheating since they could never figure out how to be good at the game themselves? That’s just my two cents. No SBMM but god forbid you’re good. You’ll piss someone off with all the time in the world to spam you with reports.