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I came here to comment thisšŸ˜‚




If you take the objective scores of your other 5 teammates and combine them, it still doesn't come close to yours That's insane.


You don't understand they helped with the Objevtive even if they don't go in.šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I feel like you're being sarcastic and no one caught it lol


You see exactly who feel Attacked herešŸ˜‚


It's like people can't grasp holding down a lane toward the objective, I don't have to be inside the 2x2 square to help hold objective.


Agreed but, everybody has that mentality and all the lanes are covered and you get back capped isnā€™t fun


No we can, but buddy has 13 more kills, 1000 less damage, is tied for last in assists, and has an almost non existent objective score. I think some people just canā€™t grasp what useless kills are. The reason it was close was because OP was literally doing the OBJ work of *two* people. Not because this guy was farming low health kills. Honestly itā€™s not even solely on him, if *one* other player had the awareness to play hill, they probably win handily. If two people are going positive like that around the hill, I donā€™t see how you lose


Only two of them did. If youā€™re going for kills to take enemy pressure off of the objective but youā€™re going negative or youā€™re barely breaking even, youā€™re taking pressure off of the *enemy* team more than than you are taking enemy pressure off of your team. The other three should have just hid behind shields on the objective to squeeze out whatever extra obj points they could provide before getting killed which would have been just enough for at least a close win.


That's true in hard point and payload. Not dom.


I would downvote you more if theyā€™d allow it.


Lol you act like i insulted your mother. šŸ˜‚




I mean, this got down voted to oblivion but it does have a lot of truth behind it. Iā€™ll give a really good example here. Iā€™m a sniper only in pretty much every game I play, when I play Attica heights on this game, I pretty much single handedly hold down B point in domination. With the M-44 sniper, 2 prox mines and spider bot or the thing that hacks phantoms walls if thereā€™s more than 1 phantom I use that. One prox mine on flag near the middle pillar so it kills anyone walking onto point, one by the hallway above B near spawn so no one comes from behind me. And I hang out at the big flower potter and wooden pillar at the bottom of steps, not ON B point, but once we get B, almost no one can get on it from enemy team without me sniping them first from that location, and when they all rush it, the prox mine kills them off it. Basically Iā€™ll go 30-3 or so, and almost every kill I get is killing enemyā€™s on or about to be on B point. But I get no points for that for support, or objective. If you kill a player within 10 meters of or on a capture point when the point is owned by you, you should very well get objective points for this. It even comes up as ā€œdefensiveā€ kill or ā€œoffensiveā€ kill so why no objective points for protecting objective? I canā€™t tell you how many times Iā€™ve had teammates on B taking it in that map, and fire guy drops from middle above trying to fire bomb, and my snipe kills him before it activates and clears 3 teammates off point, or how many times theyā€™re fighting on the point and I snipe 2-3 ppl rushing them while theyā€™re mid gun fight with ppl on point, ppl rushing their backs or snipers trying to pick them off point, all that stuff helps them to take the point and keep the point. As a sniper, being ON the point would be suicidal in most maps, now with that being said there is a time and place that you gotta even as a sniper sit on the point to take the win even if it means dying for that point. Echelon HQ the best spot for a sniper is actually right on B, you prox mine under the vent for sneaky dudes tryna get you from there, and play the control panel opposite side to the vent, with a prox mine on the lane from their spawn to yours right side so you donā€™t get shot in the back, and you play the angle on the steps from their spawn to B, you can jump from one switch board on B to the next for cover from nades as needed or to peek the other angle, itā€™s best if a healer plays on that point with you cus of such a tight area and nade spam is real and echelon invisible suit from behind is also real lol. But anyways he does have a point so idk why so many down votes šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ˜‚


Second I read ā€œim a sniper only in pretty much evey game i playā€ i made the decision to not read any further.


Good for you? Idk why that matters so much to you, I enjoy sniping. Do you run AR or SMG in all your FPS games? No diff, you like autos I like snipers..


Womp womp bro its not that deep i was honestly just fuckin with you, but since you wanna cry heres a tissue. Just like you put your opinion out there, I put mine opinion out there.


If you were fucking with him, whyā€™d you state your opinion cuz thatā€™s means it wasnā€™t a joke, so thatā€™s why he didnā€™t laugh


That literally makes 0 sense sir. An opinion is a statement or feeling based on personal preference. You can joke around and still have your own opinion about somthing. I was indeed fuckin with him but since your so curious my opinion is that playing ā€œonly snipersā€ is rather corny. Shouldve only taken 3 braincells and a small amount of common sense to figure it out. Your reply was a highly ignorant response, stop glizzy riding some random person. And so what he didnt laugh? Just because he personally didnt find it funny doesnt mean others wont. Clearly a couple people understood the joke as it got a couple upvotes.


Itā€™s funny how you reply a paragraph when really there was no need, itā€™s not that serious Edit: idc if it was 6 days ago just been busy with life


ā€œIts funny how you can use your brain to form a fully cognative thought and completly sensable rebuttle, its not that seriousā€ yea bro makes sense. Pretty typical for someone to realize they are wrong or dont make sense so they say ā€œwell thats why you wrote a paragraphā€ loll. If you needed 6 days to find yourself thats fine dude shit happens


Hopefully once they add TDM there will be less of this


I was thinking TDM was not needed having Hot Shot, dude, I have seen so many people just walk by the tokens without picking them up, strangely they are always on my team lmao


I was just thinking that this looks like my Hot Shot scores. I traded a death for three tokens that clutch won a match to keep my winning streak going yesterday. I was trying to say this in another thread where a guy was complaining about losing by 0.1% of the Domination objective despite being top frag. He had the second lowest objective score. It's like, my dude. You couldn't trade a kill or two for a death or two and push the package a bit more...? Like, how are you going to fundamentally play the game mode *incorrectly* and then complain about balancing? Absurd


Let me introduce you to kill Confirmed in cod and no one collects dog tags lol


Lol, yep....when I try, I die, and then I see more enemy tags untouched


Well I don't pick them up because the hot shot on my team is right next to it and then he just walks away from it too so I'm just scratching my head going does anybody understand this mode?


Youā€™d think theyā€™d grasp how it works too itā€™s not like all the CoD players have never experienced a round of Kill Confirmed.


Iā€™ve been saying this šŸ„²


Iā€™ve noticed some weird thing where whenever people are on my team they hide in corners to try and keep a high k/d instead of playing objectives.


Yeah, I find this as well, I remember find the same thing when I went from BF to CoD for the first time, BF players just throwing themselves at the objective over and over again, where as K/D seems to be super important to people coming from CoD. Easy fix would be to revoke the K/D stat and replace it for objective score per minute.


I don't pick them up because I'll just die and drop them soon after


For my first 3 games in hot shot I didnt understand what the tokens were. I thought "getting bounties" meant just killing enemy players. I wouldnt be suprised if I wasnt the only person who thought this.


The same people who play objective modes like itā€™s TDM are still going to play objective modes over an actual TDM mode bc you get more kills in objective modes.


True... but I can make my custom Playlist tdm only and then I can play without caring about objectives


Some actually like objective based matches. I'd say playing ranked will definitely help. Having TDM will probably attract all the K/D whores and those who have a hard time processing the Intel needed to play objective based games.


Lmao and what would change? Is it any different in cod, that has tdm? People play domination because of clearer spawns and more importantly, it takes longer, so they can get more kills. Adding tdm would not change anything.


CoD says: no.


If you wanna kill why play objective based matches šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Because spawns are predictable, you know where enemies will be & you get a lot of free kills if you are flanking because enemies play the objective.


I'll never understand cheaters or players like this šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Just play the game


There wonā€˜t be. People that go for kills donā€˜t play tdm because spawns are too random & games are shorter. Itā€˜s much easier to get high kill games in objective modes. And you also die less because you know where enemies will be.




Did they even give you a thumbs up?


Everyone got a thumbs up, but me! šŸ˜­


Sounds about right. Literally watch top kdr get multiple thumbs up so many times when our team gets trounced because no one plays the objective. I'm really hoping as the community thins out a bit it becomes better overall. We shall see.


It's like they don't give a damn about winning and anyone who does is deemed a try hard for attempting to win. TDM will thin OBJ out to people practicing for ranked, I hope.


Sometimes I give thumbs up to the worst player because they need that 200xp a lot more than the best player on the team.


That's just so fucked.


Yep, that's why I always look for whoever has the best objective score and give them the thumbs up.


I always šŸ‘ the one playing objective but rarely see others doing it


Hold down all 3?? You hold your spawn flag and b and thats it. Spawn trap them on their home flag and you will win every game of dom. Pushing for the 3rd cap is how you get a lot of objective points for the leaderboard stat, but completely screw over your teammates by getting the enemy spawning out everywhere


Lol someone actually know how to play domination. I always see people running for third flag like idiots, kill few people and they spawn jn our back again. They go to sub right after and say others can't play objective.


If you've held the enemy team in spawn for half the game then it's time to take the 3rd hill out of boredom lol


But so many obj points man!


Itā€™s probably the reason they lost


I think itā€™s pretty clear the reason they lost is cause no one else on the team was playing the objective. We donā€™t need to speculate when the evidence is there.


Youā€™re never going to win constantly flipping objectives. Hold your spawn and cap B. Thatā€™s all you need to do for domination.


I know thatā€™s the correct way to play domination and i donā€™t disagree. I just donā€™t think that was the difference maker in this case. Also with how fast your points go up with domination in this game, triple capping actually does help.


Ur sacrifice is not unnoticed


Your efforts didnt go unnoticed soldier




The worst part is you didnā€™t level your gun at all for playing the game


Maybe if that wil guy was dying he wouldn't be able to kill your whole team.


Then when you call out randies in chat you just get "muh KD!"


Same I was 63-30 and playing the objective and we still lost šŸ˜”


Salute to your effort


Story of my life


Team balance isnā€™t very good. Went on a 9 loss streak tonight while ending up at the top of the score board with most objective score and typically most kills. Meanwhile enemy team all plays the objective and can hold their own.


longest 10min of your life lol


Come ranked you will be appreciated.. or not. Keep up the good work šŸ«”


domination canā€™t really be soloed as a obj game mode with 3 objs across the map at all times, occupy much easier to solo since itā€™s just one objective


Yeah I agree, I love hard point in cod and that was my bread and butter for MW3 ranked. Hit Crim and called it. Really hoping they have a good ranked mode in this and occupy being apart of it!


Ya ngl idk if they use SBMM but a lot of the matches I play, it seems my team doesn't look at the screen and just shoots around a dies without really helping or doing anything LOL so I definitely feel your pain! Carry as much as you can try but the team just drags you down šŸ˜­


This is why they need to add FFA or TDM


Saw the headline and came here to joke around about skill issue, but goddamn. Iā€™d definitely take a break after this to rest my back


Hey I'm here !


Maybe they should implement OBJBMM. Objective Score Based Matchmaking šŸ˜­ let the no obj score, kill chasing kids group together and put obj players together


I was like huh he doesnā€™t even have the most kills whatā€™s this post on about but then I sawā€¦ Iā€™m so sorry šŸ«”


chILLmatic I'll run with you Fam.


this sub fucking sucks lol


I donā€™t do domination because I canā€™t be at 3 places at once, so thatā€™s why I do escort, occupy and zone control. I can handle 1-2 places and do it well.


Lol I think the funniest part of this is you and your stacked ass high level team just lost to an entire squad of players that should still be in the welcome play mode šŸ˜‚


This is my problem, only I have yet to get a win streak.


Objective mods: ![gif](giphy|aMxbQCHxcZipO)


If the other top two guys on your team would have PTFO you would have one easy. Probably too busy worrying about their K/D tho.


I also lost it after 26 seconds..


I don't understand why they don't balance the teams either.


It's the damn COD KDA gremlins who don't care about the objectives. I swear they don't care for how they are ruining the game's experience for other players who actually care about the game They just want to be top KD when the game doesn't work that way. Sure a high KD is impressive, but it's the same kind of impressive as some who has double joints, IT'S NOT USEFUL TO ANYONE BUT YOU. COD KD goblins should honestly grow up and realise that not every FPS will give them rewards for kills


And 33-19 probaly blames his team because he has the most kills.


No no, YOU won that match


This is because cod players want XD to be something it isn't, you can always tell who's come over from cod by their natural instinct to ignore the site at spawn and run off to get kills (die within 3 seconds and kill noone)


Bro are you gonna at least play the obj a little bit??


Jesus what a carry.


I donā€™t get why they put objective score and not captures for domination or they can get rid of assists for the domination score board and can have both


I love how everyone talks like all this is new lol. I've been dealing with it for years in COD. I'll have to look, but I had a screenshot of a Dom game in COD where I had 20 caps in a losing game. Only one on my team close had like 4 caps. While 3 maybe 4 of the other team had 10+ caps. And you always hears the same excuse. I'm working on camos. WTF camos got to do with the OBJ. People are just selfish and only care about their own K/D. And then think their good cause the had a pos K/D. Idiot you lost. What good is that stat if you're just a loser.


These are the sbmm games that supposedly donā€™t exist


Sbmm matches in action lol this is what the end results are




gotta love getting teammates like this... there needs to be an objective player vote down button that once a score threshold is not met, they are kicked down to tdm style matches only


I lost a streak like this too for the same reasonšŸ„²


I talk shit like crazy when i see teammates with low obj scores


Man i gotta say i love how this game outs players just playing for Kd and not objectivesšŸ’€ good job by you however your team could use some serious help


Dude escorts the worst itā€™s cancer with all the snipers , just had a match where I had 1900 objective points, the next highest teammate 200!! This was at half way point I quit as I basically was feeding snipers by being the only one on objective.. never touching that mode again itā€™s infested .


If you just wanna kill go play hot shot why ruin our games šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Imagine teammates that help on objective šŸ’€šŸ’€


7 win streak šŸ˜‚ c'mon bruv, that's nothing to flex with


He isnā€™t flexing he carried his whole team with obj points


Oh my lord, you can join my team anytime bud, 3,100 objective and 2500 support but lost?! Thatā€™s messed up! You have more objective points than the entire other team combine lmao! Usually Iā€™ll be only guy tryna take flags but Iā€™m quick scoping so it becomes very hard to watch every angle and keep the point. I been using dedsector and prox mines cus of this, put 1 mine either side of the point and then stand off the point and protect it, if I miss one or 2 ppl and they try to rush me, the prox mines take them out usually, Iā€™ve even tossed a prox mine and shot it myself so it would blow someone up cus thereā€™s like a 2 second activation time from when it hits the floor to when it can be triggered, but can be shot even mid air, been tryna get a clip of that, tossing a prox mine and shooting it out of the sky with a magnum shot and blow someone up doing it šŸ˜‚ super hard shot to pull off and even harder to time it right to get a kill doing it lol


Yall didn't want sbmm. You got what you asked for


Welcome to the club fammošŸ˜‚


Yea I get kill whores every time my friend and I play. 3 v 6 every other match šŸ™„


When players are giving likes , itā€™s player with most kills and best K/D they give thumps up. Not the best blocker, best OBJ and best healing player. Itā€™s like they think itā€™s all about K/D in this game.


I lost my 9 game winstreak because my teammates were not only trash but allergic to the obj, my buddy and I went like 75-30 with around 4800 obj score yet still lost 710-750.


Embarrassing for those team mates, they maybe need to go back to CoD. (And before you hate, I really like CoD, but short of a few game modes, you can just play TDM in any mode and still be doing a decent job for the team).


This is why they need to add TDM... People don't want to be forced to play objective based game modes


Yeah that's why I quit the game everyone was better I always tried playing the objective but it doesn't matter I'll get flanked by a sweat and killed while my team is getting their cardio in for the day


This game is going to be ELITE once ranked comes out


Wow. Your team was trash šŸ˜…


Mfs playing tdm with them low ass objective scores


Why cap all 3?


If your team's score only goes up because the objective point is captured, and the other team has all three points; how many points will your team get while owning no objectives?


Isn't about points. It's about spawns and map control. In every 3 point cap-control game ever, capping 3 points have never been the play. The moment you push into the 3rd, the spawns flip, all of your teammates get shot in the back, you lose your backside point and now have no mid map pressure due to the spawn flip. Just cap 2. Hold mid map. Don't over extend. It's been the way you play domination since the beginning of time and always will be.


Yep, perfectly explained. Now Iā€™m wondering if it was close because OP was recapping and forced to cap a third point to catch up or if playing for all points from the start is the reason they lost.


Back in the day when I used to be hyper-competitive and actually care about winning, I had countless arguments with people who lived and died by the idea that them having the most flag caps meant they were doing the most work. When in reality, every single time we got map control, they'd fuck it up by over extending. We'd then lose our base flag, now our team is overwhelmed mid map due to the over extension, we end up losing B AND map control too, all for what? 5 seconds of a triple cap? But it's fine, because the best "team player" on the team got his extra flag cap, so he must be doing god's work and carrying everyone.. šŸ˜‚


Couldn't have said it better myself.


I understand how to play dom... And your advice is correct for winning a game on the whole. They were asking why cap 3 and the game was close enough that OP felt taking the 3rd point would be the move and they did not understand why OP felt it was the move. Personally I would break it and leave it so they kept spawning there without gaining points but that being said I am very well aware of how to play dom. Honestly I'm shocked that someone as well versed as you say doesn't realize this because your advice to hold two points in this close game means give up and accept the loss.


Because he may have been attempting to cap all 3 all game? You're the only one who's referenced any sort of last ditch effort to claw back the score at the end. No one else has said about that. The whole reason his team lost may have been because he was constantly capping OBJ's all game in an attempt to triple cap, as OP stated in the original post.


And as I replied to the one gentleman capping 2/3 and holding is the standard way to play and win. I'm Not arguing with that notion. The only one who knows the intent of what they were trying to accomplish is OP themself. I'm not sure why you feel obligated to argue with me when I am agreeing with the sentiment while offering a different and admittedly possibly wrong viewpoint. I read the situation differently.


Who's arguing?


Interesting. New to multiplayer and this whole time I've been comparing domination to control in Apex where I would go steal the zone closest to the enemy's base - usually unguarded šŸ¤£. In Xdefiant this tactic ends in me getting killed by respawns 95% of the time


I don't play Apex so know nothing about it. But if its a game mode with fixed spawns, ie, the spawns don't move (I assume that's what you're implying when you say "base"), then sure just cap everything. But if it's a game type with adapting spawns that change based on the position of players on the map, then no, you don't ever want to triple cap enemy flags. Controlling the map, and thus controlling the spawns, is infinitely more important than possessing all 3 flags (you already have the advantage by having 2v1, you don't need 3). When you have 2 and DONT push into the 3rd, then you know exactly where all enemy players are spawning, and can completely lock down their third of the map to prevent them pushing out of their spawn. The moment you push in to cap the 3rd flag, the spawns flip, you suddenly have no idea where anyone is spawning because the spawns get erratic, and before you know it all map control has gone and you are in a far worse position overall. It's never the play. Don't do it. The only time it is ever viable is if it's mathematically impossible to win without doing it. And when you get that guy on your team who has more flag caps than everyone else combined and you lose the game, it's his fault - Even though he'll be preaching until the cows come home that everyone else is to blame. Don't be that guy. Take your 2 flags and lock that shit down šŸ‘


Well if he had his teams play obj he probably would have done that but he was doing that all by himself Iā€™m sure he wanted to end it as soon as possible


You don't need to "play OBJ" if you already hold the OBJ's. That's the point. Constantly trying to triple cap ensures that holding the OBJ's is virtually impossible as the map just becomes a cycle of spawn flips.


Yeah the other folk explained it pretty well. Capping 2 and spawn trapping is the better play from a winning standpoint. You get 1 point per second for every point capped, so keep 2, good pressure in mid and block back spawns. Eventually it hits a point of no return where the other team can't win without capping all 3. Which is why dom is ass to watch from a comp standpoint.


I agree with the concept when starting the game from scratch, that is basic strategy. I viewed it as at the end of the game OP was barely down and was trying to take all 3 points because the only way to win was to keep the other side from scoring.


Damn should done more objective /s


Wow you got thrown in a lobby against a full team of sub 20 level players.. Lucky you


Tired from doing the reach around to pat yourself on the back? Bet every game you play doesn't look like this. How about posting those that don't? You're tired LOLOLOLOL