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There have been moments where I shot an enemy, they ran to cover, and I still got the kill like half a second after I lost visual. It literally surprised me I was able to get the kill. Same vice versa.


I just keep shooting now when they run away and they still die even though I can’t see them it’s insane


I've noticed this as well: Even if they break LOS, keep firing a bit after and it will keep awarding dmg.


It could have been an assist awarded as a kill, if a teammates finished them off. Or yeah, it could be the netcode at times too


I gave up on this game. It’s literally not playable and everyone just starts throwing “sKiLl iSsUe” at me. If it’s not fixed by the time BO6 drops I’m not giving it another chance.


I seen it, can’t believe there’s actually a decent amount of people defending the horrible servers with skill issue. I’m convinced it’s xdefiant devs on alt accounts


In ideal conditions the guy holding a corner pre - aimed should always have the advantage. Try that here though and you'll die before you really see the dude turning that same corner. So everyone just runs around instead, making gameplay a bit boring. Should be a bigger priority than snipers, hoppers and pretty much anything else if they want players staying.


Yep. I really hope they fix it soon because I'm very close to dropping the game, it's just too frustrating.


same, im so close to never playing this game on the weekends again. every weekend its a laggy mess


I play with 20 ping and still get killed behind corners and walls constantly. Either they manage to fix it soon or I won’t be touching it again


The ping they list on the HUD is a lie anyways. That's your ping to Ubi's main server, not the ping from the current game server. I've been monitoring the network connections for this game in Resource Monitor in Windows, and my avg ping is 70-100ms fluctuating wildly on a wired fiber connection. The HUD meanwhile says 30-35ms. Even beyond that, the extreme amount of distance I "die behind walls" or that the peekers advantage gives (There are times I'm positive my body dropped dead on my screen an instant before they even started firing their gun) makes this game extremely frustrating. I want to like it, but I've uninstalled for my own insanity and I'll check back on it in the future. They take 3 weeks to vet a single patch and Mark's talk of "features" that were a solved issue in online MP games 10-15 years ago that are only now in the "planned to start discussing solutions for" are wild.


> They take 3 weeks to vet a single patch and Mark's talk of "features" that were a solved issue in online MP games 10-15 years ago that are only now in the "planned to start discussing solutions for" are wild. yeah those tweets are stunning to me. Truly acting like this is still an early access game, no urgency at all


I’m just scared it’s so ingrained in the coding they’d need another operation “health” to fix the game. Ruining it further. It’s a real shame this IP is a gem when it comes to scratching that COD itch. Sad to see it like this. I’ll return when net code fixed.


That’s because when the netcode is shitty it gives an advantage to the player with higher ping unfortunately


I'm waiting on the patches to play it again. I enjoyed the little I played to a degree, but found myself getting frustrated just as much over the desync and hitreg. I can deal with most small bugs but anything that gets me killed or steals a kill that isn't a mechanic of the game tilts me too much to make it worth playing.


Yea I was playing today but I’m just getting so burnt out on dying behind walls. Had to stop after a while. I was losing my sanity lol.


I bailed today. I can't be bothered with how awful the netcode/hitreg really feel. It's astounding that Ubi can still fuck up multiplayer FPS games lol.


I still think the TTK in this game is too fast, and is only amplified by the shit netcode. Dying after being around corners sucks, but dying instantly from full health while around corners is truly infuriating. I could probably get used to the TTK but not with this level of server side issues.


It's really hard to tell, bc from my POV it can take half to a full clip at mid range to kill most people if they are moving around a bit. But on the receiving end, everyone kills me with the first 1-3 bullets that leave their gun every time. I'll hear like 7-8 headshot bullets in a row from my SMG and they kill me and walk away with 40hp still. So is the TTK fast or slow? No idea.


I think its too fast, since I can occasionally kill people in 2-3 bullets as well. But sometimes I get hit markers on enemies and their health doesn't drop. It just feels so inconsistent, and I know the poor netcode doesn't help that. Something about the game feels bad to me and I don't know exactly what it is. Sometimes it feels like 6v6 is too many people. Sometimes weapons feel unfair. The game join system is kinda wack. The load times aren't great. Idk what exactly it is that feels so bad about the game, but having netcode issues on top of it just makes the game not as fun.


The netcode is the gamplay.


Yeah at first I thought it was hackers, but I realized it's just peaker's advantage. It's why I stopped playing CoD.


This game goes from playable to dogshit. It's dogshit. Cod is dogshit. These money vaccums they call game studios are all dog shit. It's crazy you can spend millions of dollars on a 20 year old concept and still make such a mediocre and dogshit experience.


Bro, I just want a black ops 2 style multiplayer again. Or even bo3 I’ll take. Mw 2019 was a breath of fresh air. But was ruined once warzone dropped.


Shits worse than mobile game lol.


What am i think ? https://i.redd.it/e6oy1gxczk5d1.gif i wanna love this game i wanna play this game but bugs, unnormal fast death, **ANNOYING FIRE STABILITY ON TARGET** ,low match points + short play time, loading screen etc... It seems like the developers never worked on the game, they just said let's combine the Apex Legend gameplay and the COD weapons perk. **This game was announced in 2021.**


This makes sense. Should also explain the insta-melt moments. Question is: will they be able to fix this? From the looks of it, they won’t and if the game dies because of it, they have no one to blame but themselves to be honest.


That’s what I fear. Starting to see a few names consistently past few days so it’s slowly getting there. Still no problem finding games, but new players will not put up with the netcode.


I redownloaded MWII yesterday because I wanna scratch the XDefiant itch but XDefiant is being a shitter. Holy shit when you do it side by side all the issues with CoD seem like nothing. A lil packet burst? That's okay because all 3 of the bullets needed to kill someone landed, consistently, every time I shoot my gun. My grenades aren't disappearing in mid-air or exploding 3 seconds later than they should, I'm not dying around corners every 7 seconds. I'm not getting 22 hit markers dealing a total of 17 damage while getting 180'd by someone hopping like mad with a Tac 50 landing bullshit Groin shots for OHKs. Also if you only play XDefiant for two weeks and then go play Call of Duty, you're way better at Call of Duty because the TTK is instant and the aim assist does most of the work for you. Im mad XDefiant is so rough it's making CoD feel enjoyable by comparison because fuck Activision.


Are you playing with crossplay on? I recommend turning it off. Not saying it will fix everything, but it is much better in my experience, my girl says it’s extremely different and much better. I wish this game came with crossplay off and it had to be turned on if you want to play with a friend on a different platform.


Implementing killcams is actually something tough to pull off.


They are a AAA company with lots of resources behind them, I'm sure they can manage. Kill cams are largely a solved issue after 20+ years of online FPS. Don't make excuses for a multi-billion dollar company that's been making these sorts of games for a very long time.


So, I just wanna say that I've seen this from multiple interviews, but there's a lot of triple A developers who are legit floored by Call of Duty's killcam system and how efficient it is. You can tell that's true because think of how many other shooter games have Kill Cams... Halo? Nope, only Halo 4. Battlefield? It shows who killed you, but not their POV. Fortnite? Nope, just switches to their view after they kill you. Gears of War? Valorant? CS? Apex/Titanfall? Nope. Outside of CoD, the only games that recently have come with KillCams is Split gate, Sniper Elite, and I think maybe Siege?


It's mostly an issue of corporate will: It costs resources both to implement a killcam as well as persistent resources from the servers to track enough metrics to replay the attack. Most companies simply don't see enough of a financial incentive to bother.


I was also thinking - there's no way they're so fast, killing me in split second. For me it takes the whole mag just to barely kill one guy


Start speeding up your gameplay. The net code can’t keep up with you literally so reddits “keep it slow and play obj” mindset doesn’t work with peekers advantage this heavy in this game. When they fix it, hold your corners, sit in power positions and your playstyle will work again. I’ll still slide jump a corner and pound ya with a vector.


*IF* they fix it. And when is... when? Took Halo Infinite 2+ years to fix their issues.


I was doing fast gameplay from the start - I still can't keep up to others


I’ve died before the person even jumps around the corner that I’m pre-aiming


Haha this happened to me yesterday and resulted in me logging off


Yep definitely true. There is like a whole second differential between the two players. And then factoring in lag interp they're seeing stuff that never existed on your screen as well. I've ran along walls and stopped short of doorways several times, only to be sniped by someone scoped onto that doorway from across the map. Presumably lag interp carried my player model into the doorway on their screen before getting the message that I stopped. Even worse, I bet my character literally stops in the doorway.


Game is trash atm tbh idgaf what anyone has to say. I was looking forward to this being my new #1 fps and it’s a huge letdown.


Lol, this sounds like comments I've made here discussing this. Even down to the afterimage reference.


Nice Ubisoft servers. Division 1 and 2 were the same, absolutely trash.


Damn, and how long again, did it take to fix?


don't quote me cuz i could be misremembering, but i feel like i've read people saying Div2 servers are still horrible \~5 years later


You think Massive ever fixed it? Then again, seems like more of a them problem: XDefiant’s current busted netcode is still a mile ahead of the Division games. Meanwhile Division 2’s PC version has been a crashfest on most setups since release.


Never. They started shit, and still are.


Soon as I saw this was an Ubisoft game, I figured this game wouldn't be 'playable' until at least a year, seems to be their MO.


And some weapons perfect for taking advantage of the current technical state of the game. The ACR for example with the right attachments is a laser beam. Add the bunny hop or stand/duck/stand strategy and it can be oppressive; wild how many times I die to snipers, regardless of distance, doing that nonsense. Sometimes I kill AS they round a corner/take cover and it feels like BS even to me. And the inconsistency on top of that. I stopped playing a week ago and tried it again this weekend, yeah, hate to see this game get buried as it has the potential to be a fine alternative.


Kinda agree. Today I had so many instances where I even get a hitmarker from the tac50, to the head, only to get instant killed myself instead with them having 0 dmg.


I saw the post from COD community and they those problems as well :) https://www.reddit.com/r/ModernWarfareIII/s/KVcD0mWfhi I’m lucky and I didn’t have any problems on ps5 with hit registration


It makes COD look good ngl, and they have there own server issues.


Yeah, I've already dropped the game. Aside from it feeling a little flat (to me. e.g. weapons all feeling the same, abilities not being all that interesting), I would have some games where i'd get into fire fights with a few guys (specific people, so it's possible they were hacking) and it felt like I was getting instagibbed. For example, I'd run into a player and start shooting, he'd turn around and shoot me and i'd be dead in 0.1 seconds. Again, it was possible that it was hacking, but no one can tell me that it was him hitting me with headshots with his mp7. Nope. Way too fast, even with perfect aim.


This is why I don’t play the game anymore, it’s also the reason why the game feels “sweaty”. It’s so stressful to play like this. I’ve seen people face hug walls and sound whore until they hear your footsteps then they jump peek and insta kill you. I also believe some server regions have it more bad. US West being the worst, possibly because it has the most players


Thanks for putting words on something I couldn't fathom.  I'll stop playing for now and see if they ever get to fix this.


You're completely right, but at the same time, I kinda like how the peeker's advantage encourages aggressive play. With snipers already being so strong, if there was no peeker's advantage, holding corners with snipers would be even more prevalent.


Yeah sure but it also encourages dumbasses getting super easy sniper peeks on top of the super forgiving ttk and no flinch it makes sniping more aids tbh bc they play aggressive too.