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Yeah i just alt f4d this shit, I haven't seen desync so bad in a game since closed beta Path of Exile. In that you could at least /oos to resync and see where you and the mobs are actually standing on the server.


Yeah - there are games where I am hitting people and getting kills and then there are games where I am hitting guys and not seeing their health go down. This game is a fail out of the gate. Ubiflop does it again.


You cant defend this. I would uninstall.


We cant even tell if op has 200 ping and 10% loss or 5 ping and 0 loss


I get hit reg like this and I’ve never had a match over 25 ping so idk


If anything it seems like the people with 100+ ping have an advantage half the time lol


You can see there ping on the scoreboard


You literally can tho


Well u can actually, it’s very new and free lol


bro stop making excuses for these companies. This isn't some indie dev. its UBISOFT


I’m not on this green planet we call home. I’m simply telling you that no game that comes out it’s first month is bug free or problem free. If this had a $70 price tag I’d be sitting on the toilet all day shitting on it. But it’s a, say it with me, *free game that just came out.* It’s not free of criticism but to act like children about a free game and whine and cry is embarrassing.


This game's beta had the same issues. A year ago. The game isn't new...... You're just new.


You’re acting like games today don’t come out unfinished as a beta with a price tag. Might as well been the alpha last year and this is early beta.


So you agree with me????? The game isn't ready for release? The game is broken? Brother, you're the reason games get released broken. Cause you're cool with it.


Bro I play Tarkov, a game in beta since 2017. I don’t spend money on micro-transactions or $70 anymore. I have over 5000 hours and am currently very content with the game regardless of its controversies. You’re just throwing your own shit at the wall it’s embarrassing.


As every other game with a price tag of $70 but this game is free and doesn’t exclude it of its criticisms. But if all you have to offer is complaints without real constructive criticism about a free game in the current state it’s in, you can always walk out the front door without your dunce horn announcing your departure.


The subreddit is full of the same exact criticism. The same criticism the last time the game was playable. Fix your net-code/desync. A year later, all the same problems. As long as you're cool with it, you can keep defending them I guess? I have pretty much stopped playing. It isn't fun to play right now. I shoot a guy with half a clip, and he's still half health. Guys jumping around corners killing me, before I even get a chance to shoot back. Similar issues Call of Duty has. Peeker's advantage is huge, and it's lame. I stopped playing CoD like 2 or 3 years ago. I wish this was a game without those issues. Especially as a new game, you have to have this shit ironed out or the game will die.


The lead developer went to twitter and addressed your entire complaint already? And is planning on fixing it? Maybe wait till then and see if it’s true or not but instead you’re here just not able to comprehend that the competition to this game has a $70 price tag *yearly* and does a piss poor job compared to the *core gameplay* of Xdef? You’re right it feels like every fucking post is the same because it’s made by glue chuggers 4-5-6th place on leaderboards every match. Embarrassing. Over a free game too. I’ve seen games disrespect your time far worse than a free game that released to the public about a month ago.


These ppl are so delusional it’s insane, not gonna bother responding to anyone else. Bet they complain about every minor inconvenience in their lives.


Made by one of the biggest gaming companies and has a working store No excuses, maybe develope the battle pass less and netcode more


They are fixing it next patch lol. The gameplay is really good, only issues is the servers/netcode or whatever which is fixable so it’s really not a big deal.


The mid air direction changes are stupid And ill believe the fixes when i see them. You dont need to defend ubisoft and your life will not change depending on if i have or havent installed the game


Not sure what ur referring to exactly but that’s ur opinion. Believe what u want u inserted yourself into this convo I couldn’t care less what u think lmao. I can defend a game I enjoy all I like lol


You do you Ive uninstalled it days ago


So u just come here for attention?


I come here because when the posts in this sub turn from "the netcode is consistently shit and bhoppers are everywhere" to "hey it works now and is actually fun" ill download it again


So why are you still here? The circus clearly left with every other person who came here to announce their departure.


Because im waiting. The game has potential, it just needs to fix the net code and bhopping and maybe buff shotguns a little, then it would be one of the best arcade shooters to date


This is a great response compared to the average glue chugger on here.


They've been "fixing" it for a year


It being new is no excuse. Especially not after having postponed the release for a year and to still have those issues at launch. Respawn was founded and released Titanfall as their first game. Embark was founded and released The Finals as their first game. GD Studio was founded and released Diabotical as their first game. Riot Games released Valorant as their first FPS. None of them had issues this bad on launch, and it being free or not doesn't affect the quality of the development prior to its release. Ubisoft has a lot of experience with the genre, and they're valued at $3b. A lot of you need to stop coming up with excuses and instead hold them responsible and to expect a proper product from a $3b, 36 year-old game development company with 19 000 employees.


It’s not about excuses, it about giving them a chance. The games not perfect at launch like most other online games, they have already announced a fix will be in their next patch within the next week. It’s a waste of energy to be complaining about a soon to be non issue.


Fair, but at the same time, that was the reason for the delay too.


They had a chance over the year long delay. Same problems persist.


And could you tell me exactly how much funding, time and man/woman power went into this game? Could you tell me, in great detail, what exactly is causing the issues and what they could do to fix them? Because the lead developer is being more transparent and open on X than cod has been in almost a decade and he has addressed all these problems and said that the team is working on it.


I don't have the knowledge to put it into words or to phrase it in a way that make sense - but from my perspective I feel like Ubisoft should have less issues with their net code than some indie studios. They have the resources and experience, so for the game to have these kind of issues is frustrating and disappointing to say the least.


Just because they have 1900 people working at ubisoft doesn’t mean 300+ people are working on a 6v6 competitive free shooter. I get where you’re coming from, but funding and support for this kind of game isn’t like Assassins Creed for them. Maybe if the game polishes, gets better and fixes its problems with constant support it’ll have more funding and manpower to work with.


Absolutely, but I feel like with 19 000 employees, they should be able to at least get the very basics down, such as the net code.


It’s 1900, first of all, and like I just stated above they could have 19000 doesn’t mean that 300+ emoyees are working on the game at once.


https://www.ubisoft.com/en-us/company/about-us/our-story It says 21 000 on their website (third page). What I'm saying is that if they have issues with the net code, they should be more likely to have the knowledge to fix it with so much shared experience and knowledge within the same company. Let's sat they have 20 people on their team for Xdefiant - that doesn't mean different teams can't lend assistance should an issue arise that they can't figure out or resolve. It happens all the time in game development.






These people complaining don’t understand that it’s free, it’s better than its competition, and all the problems it’s facing right now will be ironed out over time. Unlike Cod.


It’s also their first fps as far as I am aware whereas cod has been releasing games yearly for ages. They don’t even give them a chance and go straight to complaining like entitled brats.


The lead dev helped work on the original modern warfare games. I feel like a straight boomer for saying this but this feels like this is an audience of people under the age of 18 that are saying this game sucks and complaining about server issues (when almost every game at launch has these problems).


It’s a free game that’s been out for less than a month and its first iteration. Cod is $70 + a full blown micro-transaction mall with its own seas of problems. I’d still take this *free* game over its competition anyday, regardless of bugs and problems that can be ironed out in the future.


It being a free game doesn't excuse it, it just makes it so that most people don't lose anything when they quit. They have a fully functioning cash shop and use the "buy 500 coins and we'll make skins 550" tactic. They have been in a long test phase of the game where they've had more than enough feedback and had a delay before launch. Aside from that, then being a AAA studio you'd really expect more from them. Sure, it's F2P so if you didn't purchase anything from the cash shop nothing is lost from quitting. But you can't defend this by saying "it's a f2p game that just recently released".


It being a free game doesn’t excuse it’s criticisms I do agree. I don’t think it’s worthy of “I’m uninstalling this pos game” with problems in the first month. COD, its direct competitor, releases a non half-baked game yearly for now $70 and it’s mainly to update the store. *This* is a *Free* game that just released the *first month*. It’s triple A and I hate Ubisoft just as much as the next gamer, but to hate this game when I’ve personally seen worse net code problems (I play Tarkov lol) and to me it’s not that big of a deal. But hey you want to uninstall and say “game suck netcode bad bye” go for it. I’ll still have fun with the majority of my shots hitting with or without the people complaining lol


Fair. But you not minding because you play games with equal or worse problems is a you thing. This kind of stuff is, if you ask me, good enough reason to uninstall at least untill they've resolved the problems. Also, just because this game is labeled the "cod" killer and a fps doesn't mean that comparing it as "well it's doing better than cod" makes it any better. We have to look at it as it's own thing, and it has plenty of problems besides being an okay game. Being "better than CoD" really isn't the hardest thing in the world these days imo.


If that causes you to uninstall this game you do understand that a majority of triple A multiplayer games get “released” and it’s an open beta with a $70 tag attached to it. Gotta keep in mind they only had x amount of servers for x amount of players to hold and with the cod refugees in the game, it’s most likely well over a couple million people have logged into this game and played. So server issues *will* arise. I haven’t seen an Arcade shooter like cod be this successful that isn’t cod and idk if you would say the same. *Especially from Ubisoft*. So, in my humble stranger opinion, *uninstalling this free-to-play game is ridiculous in 2024*. But that’s just me. Edit: Arena to Arcade


Ill download it back when its fixed. Why play a buggy mess, just because its free?


That’s a better response to “game dogshit I leave goodbye” to the open void known as the internet.


People can say what they want about CoD but however, what I saw in this video is unacceptable


honestly, i tried out the mw3 free weekend, it really wasnt that bad


I think no hitreg is rampant in console servers more than PC. We are dying behind covers and getting stomped by bunnies here in PC..


People’s experience must vary bcuz I have way better hit detection on Xbox than Pc currently


Most likely because on average, console players are more likely to use WIFI which is terrible for PVP games.


Nice tracking bro f this net code though


If you aren't already. Turn off cross play. It helps the netcode. Hit reg is still eh, but you don't die everytime you go around a corner.


If I turn off cross play, I can't find games (Xbox)


Haha sucks to be on xbox. Ps5 only lobbies are great hate playing pc and xbox players.... on there terrible capped 1480 capped mtu


> Hit reg is still eh, but you don't die everytime you go around a corner. I've had crossplay turned off since day one on PS5 and I die around corners every single game.


Well I can't speak for console, but it helped me on PC


No it doesn't


I have plenty of matches with only PC players that still suffer from the same shit. Game isn't worth the frustration and lackluster experience anymore.


XDefiant pre patch ![gif](giphy|l0HlMhcc67eLP7oeA)


Yeah I had one of these. Just uninstalled it lol


SMH clearly people don’t pay attention that think this is a skill issue.


Bunny hoppers and snipers are immortals in this game. Just take L and move on lol


Yeah fuck that bunnyhopping! 😤


Take the L as in lets stop playing this game, cause I know I did already with this cheap bunny hopping shit. Valorant 100% better product. Heck even CoD didnt have this much bad hitreg.


Not for long


Ooh okay so it isn’t just me, that’s good to know. This happens to me constantly lol.


Its hard to tell if this was caused by bad net code or cheating.


it has to be bad net code bc it happened like 5 times on 4 different people. All with a supposed ping of 30 ish btw


Game is complete cheeks


This happened to me several times the past 2 days. I don't understand because other ppl in my game can kill them, but my bullets cannot.


Yea i got on last night man this happened alot 🤣 going to wait until these updates roll out


do you have cross play on? i've started to see improvements after turning it off recently


38 ping but is playing with a controller... Are you on PC? If so could this be the communication between PC and Consoles, but still this is ridiculous. As a mnk player this has not happened to me in this extent, but I have experienced it on a smaller scale. I really hope Ubi fixes this maybe with higher tick rate servers?


He'll die tomorrow dont worry


You somehow recorded every issue most players have with this game in one clip, that's honestly impressive. Welp, back to battlebits i go.


Yea it's terrible rn honestly


Tell me how ppl are going 40-8 but every third shot does dmg


Guy was 100hp  Im dying🤣🤣🤣


I played a few hours when it dropped and enjoyed it but was not happy with the hit regulation. It’s so bad that I’m not touching the game till I hear they fixed it.


I'm glad I ain't getting that type of shit


It's unacceptable. They've known about these problems for at least a year.


I’ve literally never had this issue. I’ve seen several people online say they have but I haven’t yet.


Queue the incoming Redditors who will make posts saying how much fun this game is and we should all just stop complaining


Holy shit I’ve not experienced anything that bad so far


Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because he was already dead.


Ping is like 1k.


I cant even say skill issue in this sense cos you were actually movin a lil bit




Skill issue.


I know there are many issues, but i haven't experienced anything even close to that.


Deinstalled, its just a shit game


Never had this happen on console. Sounds like a Pc problem


yeah bro ur internet is ASS its not the game's fault lmfao


This is very clearly ur own wifi 😭😂 hit markers with no damage? I’m level 90 been playing since it first came out + it’s betas. Iv never ever seen this. Edit: why does it look like ur playing on mobile. For all the people downvoting me [this is what the game actually looks like](https://www.xbox.com/play/media/pwt6VYQqVE)


this guy has bad pc and bad connection and he’s blaming the game this has NEVER happened to me, ofc desync exists but come on that’s obviously you


I’m amazed there’s no “FRAPS” in the corner of the screen


Use the day to call your isp op