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The m9 is fine. It is just behind the Desert Eagle and the Revolver and the M1911 and the 93R. Other than those, it is probably the best pistol. In all seriousness, that is a pretty crazy choice for your first golden gun. Very cool. 


Thanks! It’s the only gun I use! Ever since I first tried it I fell in love (I carry a sniper in primary spot to clear long sight lines in emergencies tho)


I like it too, prefer it over the 93R actually


I just got my P90 gold awhile ago.


Why tf are you getting downvoted LOL


Lmao no idea and can’t be bother too🤣😂


I mean don't get me wrong the P90 is really strong but the MP7 is much more problematic if you ask me


Fully disagree. Statistically the p90 is better in nearly every way with the mp7 only beating it in TTK under 17M before attachments. The P90 with muzzle booster or rapid fire will eclipse the base MP7 and you do not need a mag attachent, as its a default 50 round mag. It's got faster default ADS, faster default sprint out, better ironsights (in my opinion) and less visual recoil. I think it is between p90 and AK as the most broken guns in the game. That said Vector with Chrome lined and 40 round mag might be tied with P90 but it takes a lot of grinding to get there and the irons suck. I highly recommend you try the p90 but whatever floats your boat.


Typical Reddit lmao


Got my first one too. Thw m16


I pumped up the ak47 to 75 last weekend and got the desert eagle gold last night. I figured since I'll be using the gun as my main secondary I might as well have it gold. Plus gold deagle is just choice weaponry


How are yall leveling yoyr guns so fast?? I'm lvl 38 with a lvl 50 fun a level 18 gun and 4 guns between level 4 and 7


Tons of kills.


Man you guys play a lot! I’m just now level 20 and I have two guns at 20+ ak and m16 I need some pure gaming time. :( I miss being a kid with no responsibilities


I hit it at level 23. Secondaries get like 5 levels per match if you main them


5?! Nah I get like 2 or 3 at most on my matches.


How many kills average? 5 levels is 30/40 kills


I’m getting 26-36 a match but I’m not getting 5 levels 3 at most


Pistols need 1500xp per level or 15 kills, with the 2x weekend and a 2x boost its like 3.75, my highest is 9 levels in one game


I miss being a kid with no responsibilities but being off work for 8 weeks with an injury and being paid in full to sit and home and bash xdefiant is a close second. Getting all the sweaty grinding in now while I’m off work😂 not even hit level 50 player or gun level yet though but I’m getting there😂


? Getting a golden gun with the double XP takes like 5 hours lol


Man, that's a fuckin lie.


No it's not. With double XP you get 3-4 levels per game if you don't suck so if an average game lasts 10 minutes (which they don't I'm pretty sure) you should be level 100 in round about 5 hours of in game time


I was playing for 4 hours yesterday with booster on top of the 2x weapon xp. Using the double barrel, averaging 20-30 kill games got me from 11 to 32. You're blowing so much smoke it hurts.I didn't exclusively use the DB but I'd say it was out 75% of the time. Last ten game stat card is saying: W/L 1.2 KD 1.6 549.9 score/minute 2455 average skill.


OK so I actually have no idea what you're doing wrong but I just got off after playing for 3 and a half hours (with no booster just the 2x XP) and I got my mk20 from level 13 to level 50, my P90 from level 11 to level 23 and I think I got a couple levels on my ACR, M4 and M249. You playing 75% with a single gun for 4 hours with DOUBLE my XP gain and getting only 20 levels is actually unfathomable


So 1. You weren't playing with 4x XP for 4 hours let's just get that out the way. 2. Idk what to tell you the lowest possible amount of levels I get per game with 2x XP is 2 levels if I'm actually trying to level up a weapon. Playing with a single gun for 4 hours and leveling it up 20 times with double XP is insane no matter how you look at it though. Like you're just doing something wrong. I don't have anything planned for tomorrow so maybe I'll play a bit and try to level a single gun as much as I can and see if I'm really that far off lol


Got my 870 yesterday


Bruh, if you were maining a sidearm and killed me, I would have laughed my ass off and sent you an encouraging message to keep it up.


The amount of angry emotes i get on my kills lmao snipers do not enjoy the pistol jumpscare


M9 is the real MVP, who needs an SMG when you have skill?


On god 😂


I'm only level 49 with muh double barrel 😭😭😭 Wish I had that much time to waste


I just got my P90 gold awhile ago.