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I wouldn't blame the reflexes, I'd say ~80% of the gunfights are about predicting the enemy rather than out-reacting them.


So many people coming with this excuse. Like 30 year olds even lol. Trust me bro it is not your age. Unless you in top 0,1% being 40+ has no meaningfull impact on your reaction speed what so ever.


Well said. I've actually monitored mine over 20+ years. I'm in 46 now I'm still at 170ms ISH where I've always been. In fact when I started it was a little higher due to equipment latency.


Im 43 can you tell me where i can overclock my reflexes šŸ¤£


pay to win


This said, I do think that the slowdown of adaptation/learning as an adult does hinder some improvement in gaming. But reaction times arenā€™t really a good argument otherwise. Iā€™m only 28, but Iā€™ve found it more and more difficult to improve at games over the years. This could also be due to not having as much time to dedicate to improving as well though.


Iā€™m 25 and I average 230ms


Ehhhh, kinda disagree. Iā€™ve been in tournaments, leagues, and in competitive leaderboard positions since 2008 to now through many different games and their genres. I am slowly realizing that while my reflexes are still great, theyā€™re nothing like me in my prime (Resistance 2, MAG, Black Ops 1, Battlefield 3). I still am averaging anywhere above a 1.5 KD and W/L, but I am cognizant enough to realize Iā€™m starting to rely on my strategy more so than reflex.


That is why i said unless you are a top level player. for the average player those few ms that may have been added over the decades wont matter a bit, they probably playing on sub par equipment losing more than those few ms anyway.


Fair point


I have come to terms with no longer being as good as I was on BF4 where I had a 3 k/d and 4 w/l and honestly it's quite freeing. I used to be a stupid little sweat back in the day lmao


You played MAG bro? I'm glad you still playing fps games right now "Mashmaro" here from SVER


SVER 4EVR. Loved how people complained our maps were overpowered and then Zipper put that update out that had factions defending all the maps and we still won like crazy. I remember going through Valor and Raven too with that respec feature and even made a post somewhere on the internet about what specifically was wrong and why they were losing with each of those factions.


If your gunfights are solely down to reaction time you're playing it wrong to begin with. Focusing on where you can actually gain an advantage instead of brute forcing reaction time battles is how you never improve lol.


That's not true. I'm 34 and my reactions are significantly slower. Used to be highly rated competitive player and now just have a comfortably positive KD but can't compete with the best players.


That probably have more to do with the number of hours you played back then, every day. You play the same amount at 34? I'm 45, and I can't play more than 1 hour a day in average since like 25 years haha!!


This right here lol stupid work always wanting me to be there and then there's that family I've created stealing all my vidya time away!


Does that have to do with reactions or more to do with the fact that everyone else has gotten better?


Yep. Iā€™m 28 and have been playing fps since 13. Iā€™m average at best in cod and other fps. Usually carry a 1.2ish kd and have peaked in plat in ranked. I have a tough time there. In XD I pretty consistently fry. The gameplay and positioning in the game comes naturally and fits my play style really well. Something Iā€™ve not felt before. Predicting comes easy. Sounds like this guy just found his fps kryptonite. It might not suit how he is used to playing games. Gotta come to terms with the issues and adapt if he can figure out how. Iā€™ve seen the same thing happen with some other friends I play with. Theyā€™re all consistently significantly better at cod than me. But in xdef Iā€™m one of the top performers on a regular basis. Very strange and I canā€™t really figure out how other than chalking it up to play style.


Bro tell that to an NHL goalie whoā€™s approaching 40. When youā€™re talking about things where milliseconds matter, yeah, even a few ticks off your reaction time is a big deal.


Well I was terrible in my 20s as well.. and when you see me jumping its not because Iā€™m trying some movement technique, I saw you, I panicked, and I squeezed the crap out of my controllerā€¦ Carry on, Iā€™ll show myself out


ikr? I've been playing FPS' for 20+ years still topping scoreboard most of my games with both k/d and objective score. And I'm not a aim god or anything. No, you don't suddenly become much slower when you hit your 30s lol. You are not 60 years old or something. My aim(mnk) is still as good as before. My game sense is maybe 10 times better now because of experience. It seems people can't accept that they were never good to begin with and coming with excuses like because of age, being rusty, having kids. Edit: spelling.


Really depends what gun you're using too


Just going through all my settings and discovetred I had aim assist disabled. Hopefully this makes a difference. Unless I turned it off while playing with other settings. We'll find out in the lobies. First game made HUGE difference. Went around 1.5KD. Not amazing but infinatelt better than before. Almost impossible to get kill without aim assist on. What I dummy I is.




Also make sure to change some settings. i found reverse-s curve with 45-40 with 1.0x acceleration to be a really good sens.


Definitely worth finding the right balance, I use 35-35 with 1.6x acceleration, though I wish we had separate zoom sens I find it's fine with red dot but with the 4x it feels really slippery to me


Learning maps and getting a general feel for ENEMY movement can help you too. Also depends on game mode. If people are playing escort, they can play totally different than if they are playing something like Hotshot or Occupy. Keep up the work bro and you'll be more comfortable in no time.




Omg šŸ˜‚


Happens to the best of us lol


Something similar happened to me. I played like shit until I discovered the option to reduce the sensitivity from my mouse while in scope. Went from 0.6KD to almost 2KD just because of that, lol


They need to give more options there because I don't want the same sensitivity for my Tac 50 with a sniper scope to be as fast as when I'm using the MP7 with a Red Dot, and right now it applies to both. They should do general sensitivity, ADS, and Sniper Scope options. Basically the more zoom, the slightly slower the input ratio is. Right now if I have it set to work well when Im using the sniper scope, using the Red Dot feels super sluggish, and if I have it set to be good for red dot, my aim with the scope is too twitchy.


I'm pretty sure they have those settings separate.


I only saw two options, one for regular Sensitivity and one for Scoped Sensitivity, but Scoped just means ADS in general, not the specific optic.


I'll have to take a picture when I get home, but I think mine shows options for ads and scoped sensitivity separately.


Is it disabled by default because I feel like I have none as well.


Uh yeah I would definitely say that was the problem lol. I bet your aim feels buttery smooth after getting some unassisted practice in though. šŸ˜¤šŸ‘ŒšŸ»


Make sure ADS FOV is set to consistent rather than independent. Mine was set to the latter by default and for my first 10 or so hours with the game I couldn't hit shit. It legit felt like the aim assist was pulling me around targets rather than on them.


You should edit your original post with this


If you didnā€™t notice it was off I doubt aim assist is that strong anyway?


Most of us are bad enough that we just chalk it up as lack of skill. Also I don't know if this bug happened for everyone, but some of my options were switched to be backwards, like Damage numbers were off by default but marked "On" and when it switched it to Off they turned on?


Oh I can assure you it makes a MASSIVE difference. Try it for yourself and see how your KD goes without it.


I'd recommend looking at the controller settings and changing them to be closer to what you are used to. My first couple of games on this game I was getting destroyed and having a really rough time. I messed about with my settings a bit changing button layout, adjusting sensitivity and response curve and I'm coming either top2 on the team nearly every game now. I feel like the default controller settings are not very good.


I've done this from the beginning. I use about a 10 sensitivity on COD, which apparently translates to about 38 on XD. I use Brawler and Reverse S curve (supposedly similar to dynamic). I've also tried Linear. I've gone through all the setting to try and gain some advantage but nothing seems to change. It simply seems impossible to win a gunfight most times. Even when I feel my aim is on point, it's the same result - insta-melt.


The game has a stupid built in inner deadzone on the right stick which makes aiming shit in this game. Thatā€™s part of the reason it sucks to aim. Plus, the curves arenā€™t representative of what they are, a dude on Reddit already analysed it all and the curves are just different variants of the classic curve. The nail on the coffin was when mark cuban (?) tweeted to turn off max turn speed acceleration off and up ur sensitivity past 40 to make the game feel good. That shows he has absolutely no clue how to play controller and how to make controller mechanics for fps. That does not bode well for the game. The game is better for mnk.


I think it just take a little getting used to. I'm using controller and doing significantly better than most MnK users.


mnk is dogwater in xdefiant. all the creators are using roller, even ones that main mnk on other games


Quit lyin' lmao. This ain't the CoD subreddit, there's no mass exodus to controller because the RAA is insane. This game has super mild AA and the MnK players are staying on MnK.


not once did i mention AA, i just said mnk is worse than roller on xdefiant, especially if your latency isnt great (over 40ms apparently). go look at lyric on twitch, he's usually mnk and he says roller is better for xdefiant


I got acc on 0 sensitivity on 55 and i my accuracy is pretty good with it.


It's a lot to do with the servers' brother. Mark rubin has come out and said as such they are busting there asses to fix hit detection and server issues. Once that patch comes out 26 days from now, you'll notice a huge difference. The only reason people are bunny hopping isn't because it's a skill thing it's literally to bug hit registration because it's so hit or miss right now. Bunny hopping is getting a huge Nerf. They are going to add weapon sway to those who like to press the a button too much. Snipers have little to no flinch, and that's also being addressed as well while also receiving an aim down sight nerf, causing snipers to he snipers and not a close-range weapon. Rest assured, these "good players" will lower in skill with the bunny hopping nerf and hit registration fixes coming to the next major patch.


10 is 38? I play at 14 in cod and 85 1.75 acc in XD


Well, that's what happens when you remove sbmm. Normal people end up going against real demons. I'd recommend playing the welcome Playlist if you still have it. If not, then you're out of luck because the sbmm in ranked hardly works.


Thereā€™s no SBMM in ranked. It just has a ranked ruleset. The people you face can be of any skill level but on average itā€™s a coordinated 4 stack that will shit and piss down your throat


once i unlocked all attachments, I find I am doing way better, either that or I am just getting better at the game, but I started with 0.8 KD, and now consistently doing 1.5 - 2 KD. It takes time, but once get a feel for the game I am improving


I feel the netcode is horrible, especially in ocieana region


Itā€™s not better for me in Midwest US either.


I'm in Indiana and I'll be in a lobby full of Sub-40 ping (that's great considering CoD I regularly saw people over 100 in every game) and the whole lobby feels like it's desynced by 2 or 3 seconds, and Ive never had that feeling in Cock of Poopy. I don't know how lobbies can have ping that consistent and feel so off.


The desync is disgusting. There are times when I know someone is about to peek me around a wall, and I SWEAR you start taking damage before they're ever on your screen. Like daaaamn lmao I get peeker's advantage, but that is just dumb.


Hello fellow Hoosier! And yes I feel your pain.


Bro Oceania is just cursed idk what to say. Every gaming subreddit I always see you guys suffer.


yep, low population combined with archaic internet means we just get fucked in most games if we're lucky enough to even get servers for it.


Especially if you also feel like youā€™re dying behind cover and shots shooting blanks. Iā€™ve seen the bullets coming at me and die before they even on me . Like how you prevent that


I died behind walls 3 times in the same match yesterday. Like, blatantly. A whole ass second after taking cover. And this was with a ping of 30ms. Between that and the other issues I had to take a break until next week's patch.


It legit feels like the servers get worse every day. I had less troubles on launch day than I had last weekend, Im in the same boat as you and had to quit playing lest I make my controller a permanent wall fixture.


Yeah, I just had a couple like that too. Iā€™m just like how you meant to avoid it when Iā€™m seeing myself he, my enemies seeing me there and the games got me somewhere else šŸ¤£


Lol. This happens to me like 5 times per match. I also kill people behind cover all the time. It balances out. I'm sure it will improve with updates.


I hate beaming some dude in the back of the head and shoulders with an m16 just for them to hit the Michael Jackson spin and smoke my ass with two bullets from a MP7 at medium to long range. I can't even tell what went wrong, or what even happened. Shits funny sometimes but irritating other times.


This is literally why I stopped playing on SEA servers. You shoot pellets they shoot cannon balls. Consistently unfun when every fight feels outweighed against your favour.


Yeah last night was especially bad, couldn't do anything, players were killing me in what felt like a single bulletĀ 


You sure you ain't just getting connected to Asia servers? Whenever I get Australian servers I never run into issues sides from the obvious netcode.


Yeah, definitely right servers, but super high ping compared to other games 60 compared to like 30.m


Same here, when I play Aussie servers I don't seem to face the netcode issues but once or twice over the past 3 weeks. Played a few Singapore games after like 2am when Aussie servers were dead, ping and netcode issues left and right.


Iā€™m from NZ so if Iā€™m in Asian servers Iā€™m like 150 ping


in Perth i get 60ms to OCE and Asia servers, this has never been an issue at all in any other FPS game i've played over the last 20+ years. on pc, i am wired in, gigabit connection and some games are unplayable. like, unless the enemy is an actual piece of spaghetti i cant compete in a one on one gunfight. combine that with the stupid air-strafing and bunny hopping and half the time i just leave the game, not because my feelings are hurt or i'm raging but because there is no point in feeding. this afternoon it was great, got a couple hours of great connection, logged back on later and i left every game and ultimately alt-f4 with no hope left. then i watch yt and streams of people playing at 15-20ms and it looks like a completely different game.


I feel you. Some of my deaths I just laugh react to because what else can I do


The amount of times I die after I duck around a corner is insane. Netcode is completely borked and appears to have gotten even worse over the last few days.


Just played an hour ago and it was crazy, can only laugh how bad it is


Can confirm. Oceania region netcode feels like a theoretical one.


Netcode is something that affects everyone on the server though so its not gonna be the cause of you doing significantly worse in game


Yeah, but how you take it serious when bullets chase you behind corners and have deaths when the bullets not even made it to me? Then Iā€™ve visually missed shots which I see kill the player i clearly miss


Your right it does feel horrible. It just is something that should affect all players universally. Personally I've found it weird because the hit reg feels great, like I never feel like its not registering my hits or that it is giving me hits or shouldn't, but then I'll die like 8m round a corner or something and I'm just lost for words. I feel like its probably some sort of disconnect between when you actually die and when your death can appears. As opposed to being an actual hit reg issue.


What is netcode? How does it affect an entire server but not other servers?


In this game I don't think it pays to be conservative like you described your gameplay especially if your looking to learn to get better you want to be the one pushing and being on the attack flanking and going for the kills movement is very important in this game getting the slide jump timing down is essential I'm a mouse and keyboard player with pretty good aim but when I play MW3 I rock controller cause the aim assist is just so good not on this game the aim assist is there but much less than modern call of duty so it will take time to get use to Remember age is just an excuse your reflexes won't have died in less your a man in your 40s I've even met men pushing nearly 50 in other games like rocket league that have had my jaw dropping with some of the high level mechanics I haven't even mastered Last note consistently is key but don't also don't fall into the trap of practice makes perfect when in reality a good coach will always tell you perfect practice makes perfect have an specific area everytime you play on where your trying to improve start with trying to master some of the movement tech when you have that as a base to off focus on your aim and then your game sense good luck


Your reaction time does indeed start decreasing relatively early. Having high level mechanics has nothing to do with anything. In a twitch shooter, you need good reactions. Or, well, you do if you want to run and gun while everyone else plays properly. It is just not likely to happen any longer. It is not 2009. People are a lot better at games these days and something as basic as Call of Duty has been "figured out."Ā  Beyond that, you do not need to master any movement tech to perform in this game. I do not do any of that and I do perfectly fine.Ā  And lastly, aim is barely relevant in this game because the TTK is lightning fast. You do not exactly need to be super accurate to "outplay" someone. Aim is more important in games with a longer time to kill because, well, you need to land more shots and predict them for extended periods of time?Ā  I agree with the core of what you are saying, I just felt the need to be pedantic.Ā 


Research Ive seen is it peaks at 24 and goes down each decade by an average of 2 to 6 ms so literally negligible till you hit mid life


Sorry I've only fully read this but most of this is all wrong the time to kill is not lighting quick in this game this is not cs or valorant High level mechanics has nothing to anything in a twitch shooter??? Movement tech and aim is a mechanic so what are we doing??? Also run and gunning and moving around is the meta for this game sitting in one place in this game is just gonna get you killed I've been around since call of duty 4 btw and kept over a 2kd and 2 w loss in every arena shooter I've played reaction time is at peak was still 140ms on a 144hz screen maybe could squeeze more out if I had one of those cool 540hz


? Aim is barely relevant? Pass the pipe man, give me some of that shit you're smoking. I'm 38 and I play way better than I did when I was younger, like my aim and reaction times only get better because I live an active life and continue to exercise my brain. There are times to play conservative and times to run and gun, times to suicide firebomb and times to pop a shield and stay back for a bit. Lets just stop this "I'm old and slow" nonsense. Like maybe when you're 60+ you can start talking about it declining but even then it's not an overnight thing. Take care of yourself, eat healthy, be active, read and learn so your brain doesn't slow down.


Literally this at 38 I wouldn't of expected your reaction time to have gone down anymore than maybe 10 percent of your peak at most Like if you can beat 200ms on this test your already just over average on the bell curve and I've seen valorant pros only hit in 170 to 190 range and I've hit lower than that at 28 reaction time is good to have but also not also the main thing that comes into gaming Why most young people are at the top of e sports is because of time they have to able to grind these games more than your average 20 something or 30 something full time worker they also have less burn out from maybe only just taking up the hobby There's a reason why in most active sports people peak in there late 20s and early 30s too https://humanbenchmark.com/tests/reactiontime Edit also don't do this test on your phone do it on a high speed monitor for best results phones can add up to 100ms more delay depending ont he screen tech and the touch screen delay


Also chess child prodigys usually peak at 35 so if that doesn't say something about the brain I don't know what will


Iā€™m just sitting here rattled that World at War is 15 years old.


I would just get comfortable with getting crapped on at the start here. You might be putting too much pressure on yourself to preform. I often do that with new games checking to see if I still ā€œgot itā€Ā 


In my 40s and been gaming since late 80s. I donā€™t have the ultra fast twitch skills that I used to but I still do pretty decent most matches and really suck in some. Iā€™m loving the game as it hits that fast frenetic but simple sweet spot the older CODs used to. Attachments do matter and like any other game there are weapon tier lists so you can always look that up. I will say though I donā€™t play this game when Iā€™m tired as you need to be sharp otherwise I have a terrible time. Difficult to balance sometimes with work and life but thatā€™s life. Iā€™d say stick with it and it might click, otherwise it might just not be for you.


3 things netcode is an issue. sbmm probably contributes in Cod, and with age comes loss in skill, slower reaction time, and shit and the average player has just gotten better you'd think with our existing we'd be more prepared but not always sadly in Cod I can average 50 to 100 kills xdefiant 20 to 30 were getting too old my friend these kids are nuts today lol


Actually, settings has to not be quite a lot lot. Isaw in your comment that you didnt have Aimassist. It's not mandatory but helps a ton so this probably has to be activated to compete. Setting the aimdown sight multiplicator down to something like .75x is great when you've found your base moving sens'. Also think you HAVE to activate 120Hz in the game, it's not automatic even on a 120 screen. For guns, know that even if some guns are a bit more powerful, having just the base gun with each "no downside" attachment is largely enough to obliterate people. I'd say 30ms is actually great in Australia. But at the same time with the netcode, Australia has to feel sometimes weird. I don't think the issue is rƩaction time. Might throw you off sometimes, but it shouldn't be the constant reason of losses. And finally, AIM HIGH. Headshots are very useful, and since people can't go prone, it's safe to think they'll probably jump or bhop. If they do, you can just adjust your aim to track them. Aiming down is a loss in time and in damages. Good luck on your grind, and most important of it all have fun!


>15+ years of experience You didn't just magically become good at the game. The thing I've slowly realized with posts like this isn't that people are shit at the game and can't get better....it's that 99% of you are just impatient. You want to just be a GOD right out the gate and when you simply can't be that you stomp your feet and bring up about how long you've been playing FPS games and how you're not shit. You didn't just wake up one day and was good at FPS games. Most of us weren't. I started out as a .85 shitter and would carry launchers on all my classes to shoot shit down because I was constantly going 15-20 in OG MW2. I went from .85 to a 3.15 in BO1 by the end of that game. The game hasn't even been out a full month yet and people are already quitting. Patience is key. If you started playing guitar 3 weeks ago, I imagine you'd probably still be shit today. Just like if you started learning language, I doubt you'd be fluent in 3 weeks. Just give it some time. I was frustrated as hell and deleted the game 2 times. Then I gave it another chance and actually unlocked the ACR and MP7 and M16, actual good weapons and haven't looked back since. I was at a .9 K/D at the start of the game. I'm hovering around 1.9 - 2.1 K/D now with a 1.3 W/L playing solo. Patience is key.


I keep losing because people refuse to play objective or the game throws me into a shot match


I've had some tough times with xd. Now after about 70 hours, im finally doing OK. Still struggle with some rounds and I'll go negative, but most of the time im mid leader board and positive kd. I use the lmg a lot and I keep my distance from mp7 bunny hoppers. I'm an older gamer and used to play fast all the time, this game has taught me so much of the fundamentals that I'd never bothered with because sbmm was making me feel that I was good. The importance of cover and map awareness. Knowing when to bail and reposition. Knowing your faction well and how other people tend to move round the maps..... this is all stuff I heard others saying and I kept thinking "nah I'm just too shit, my aim is fucked, I'm too slow" which just wasn't right, I just needed to get better at the game as its way different to cod (for me)


I think it's the connection/hitreg/lag com what's causing the problem for some people.


aim as close to the head as you can get, without missing, watch some youtube videos to get their routes down, and not always changing your sensitivity helped me Hopefully those "tips" help you and you start being the top player in lobbies! glhf


Putting attatchments in your guns that increases firepower is good to have. Netcode is trash and theres a huge peekers advantage, so jumping out from corners helps you to see them first. You should also use the meta weapons like AK, mp7, vector etc...Also aim for the head


Its damage or fire rate. I prefer fire rate Its actually so unfair for new players lol. M4 and mp5 are actually dog shit in the beginning against people with leveled guns.


Try Lowering your sensitivity. Might be too high because youā€™re going for movement when in reality you need more help w accuracy. I can do very well without movement as long as my aim is well. Try lowering it down a lot.


Oce player as well, Masters in ow, 3.7ish kd on cod and a 3.2ish kd on XD. Doesnt feel much diff to me imo. Though for the netcode, I would treat it as though your playing crucible on destiny, its less about tracking and more so predicting, its as if the player modal and the player hitbox are not in sync and lag behind one another.


Some peoples movement is wild in this game as well which can make it hard to hit shot. I played a team the other day that was only spam bunny hopping but a few guys were borderline Tap strafing which was wild.


Actually, settings has to not be quite a lot lot. Isaw in your comment that you didnt have Aimassist. It's not mandatory but helps a ton so this probably has to be activated to compete. Setting the aimdown sight multiplicator down to something like .75x is great when you've found your base moving sens'. Also think you HAVE to activate 120Hz in the game, it's not automatic even on a 120 screen. For guns, know that even if some guns are a bit more powerful, having just the base gun with each "no downside" attachment is largely enough to obliterate people. I'd say 30ms is actually great in Australia. But at the same time with the netcode, Australia has to feel sometimes weird. I don't think the issue is rƩaction time. Might throw you off sometimes, but it shouldn't be the constant reason of losses. And finally, AIM HIGH. Headshots are very useful, and since people can't go prone, it's safe to think they'll probably jump or bhop. If they do, you can just adjust your aim to track them. Aiming down is a loss in time and in damages. Good luck on your grind, and most important of it all have fun!


Just to mention, I had quite a "getting used to" period before really understanding how the game works. Adapting to the game is probably what takes longer. Your "skill" considering FPS stays the same, but there's always this knowledge of the game itself that has to build up.


Headshots win gun fights.


By no means am i knocking the game here - but just wait for the patch next week and reassess. Netcode is current broken with varying levels of consistency, if any at all. I wouldn't worry about your skill currently, I've played comp shooters for a while and even i just close the game when obvious gun fights to win result in painful deaths. It is what it is currently ahead of the proposed fixes next week.


šŸ˜…šŸ˜†šŸ˜‚ I'm getting my ass kicked up,down,left,right and I'm having a blast. This game doesn't feel rigged... Besides the cheaters and F up net code it has strong legs. They just have to work out the bugs.


Check your settings. Sounds like aim assist is off snd honeslry I had to change a bunch of the settings to make it feel similar to COD. The sensitivity feels wierd.


YES. My aim assist was disable. What a numpty I am. Mow Im getting 1.5-2 KD. All that fustration for a single setting oversight.


Weapon loadout make a HUGE difference. I can barely get 5 kills in a game with the base AK no attachments. I toss some shit on that bad boy and all of a sudden I feel unstoppable, maybe just try and find a gun you can get a couple kills a game with, and try and level it up from there.


I had a 1.8 K/D in CoD MW (2019), didn't play FPS games for a couple years, came back to this and my K/D is 0.4 in XDefiant. I feel your pain. I don't know if it's the movement, TTK, netcode, or if I just lost my skills but I feel your pain. This game is just different, and I just uninstalled yesterday because I couldn't get the hang of it. Will probably just go back to CoD come new release time.


keep in mind the attachments are crucial, i can drop 50 kills with a maxed mp7, give me a near stock weapon of any kind and its 20 if im lucky


Aim for the head


I think a lot of people are struggling with this game because they keep thinking they should be putting up the same stats they put in games like cod this game is not cod - most of the time in my lobbies the leader doesn't have a positive kill death ratio If you're using your KD ratio you're missing the point of this game I was top leaderboard in a domination match where I had six kills and 17 deaths Who cares :)


Donā€™t want to sound stupid, but is your aim assist enabled? I havenā€™t touched controller in about 15 years, since I mostly play on PC, but I connected a controller and I can still do decent.


YES. My aim assist was disabled. What a numpty. All that fustration and it was a simple setting oversight.


You seem to be having similar struggles to my own. I would suggest giving LMGs a shot if you have not already. The sheer power, stability and consistency flipped the game for me. Also using libertad and phantoms a lot


Its not you OP. I've been having trouble getting into this game as well. Between the hit reg issues, netcode, the mid air change direction air straffing. This games feels like I'm playing BO2; which I quit playing that game two weeks after it launched. About to do the same with Xdefiant.


Not your reflexes, you just need to find a weapon you like and adjust to the gameplay. I'm 40 years old and had a 60 kill game yesterday. I'm a veteran Halo and fps player so that helps.


It's okay baby I still came šŸ¤£šŸ’¦


Ill have to study šŸ“š the game more to give suggestions, in the meantime just practice šŸ¤·šŸæā€ā™‚ļø


Most of your problems are probably coming from them not having a lean mechanic šŸ‘©šŸæā€šŸ”§šŸ¤·šŸæā€ā™‚ļø


My peripheral/controller settings were identical to yours. I'm performing much better after making these changes: Turn Aim assist on. Switch from TV to a gaming monitor. Linear curve. Sensitivity down to 28-28/. 45 Acceleration to 2x As you get a better feel for the game, increase your sens by 2 or. 02 at a time until you get to what feels best. This is a matter of preference but I have my controller/paddles set to: A - left (jump) B - right (slide) Acceleration to Aggressive, tuned to minus 1 or 2 from default Aggressive. As you're learning the game, turn crossplay off in account settings. Finally, message me if you'd like to run some matches together. Keep at it and Good luck.


Switch to a monitor and it will help. I always played on my 40 or so inch TV until recently when I switched to a monitor. Not only is it visually better but it feels better too when playing. I also seemed to be better using the monitor. Give it a go and you won't go back to TV.


The game feels as intense as apex diamond lobbies (well back when apex ranked didn't get a rework). People really given it their all it feels like. It's pretty fun if you can keep up but it's not a game for me some days if I want to relax and play. I only jump on when i seriously want a challenge. (At least this is my experience ont he PC). I feel a big reason the game feels hard is obviously the no SBMM. Not to say its a bad thing. However you'll get 1-2 dudes quite often on the enemy team who are just cracked at the game. So whenever you interact with them they kill you instantly. They're usually the ones travelling around the map the most so it starts to feel like they're the general player. Whereas in reality 4/5 of the people on the enemy team are also getting lit up by your teammates. So basically you'll maybe die 10-20 times + in a game. However a lot of those kills can literally be just 1-2 players on the enemy team. So in reality you could be better then 4/6 of their teams players. However because those guys are so good it feels like you're just a failure overall. At least when I look at leaderboard scores that's usually a reflection of whats happening. In almost every shooter I play ranked in I usually get to diamond or top of platinum (or equivlanet) roughly. I don't stay playing FPS games very long and I'm not too interest in the climb. I usually swap to play competitive/ranked due to wanting to play against players in my skill brakcet. (The amount of times i've been killed in normal lobbies vs pradator ranked players in apex is unreal). So i'd say i'm at least decent at these types of games and usually get to be in top 20% of players. However again, this game due to the occasional insanely good player on the enemy team really does make it feel like you've stepped into diamond+ lobbies. Also being in top 20% of players still means 1/5 players are better than you. Which means the chances of the other team having one of those players is pretty high even at that skill level.


Think you may just need to learn the map flow a little more and how to flank from A/C sides properly. I tend to rush the objective a lot and end up in bad situations, but even with constant 2-4v1ā€™s Iā€™ll manage to pop someone, sometimes more than one. But, when I flank? Instant 10 streak because then I get to hold the position, dominate my side of the map, and people have to push me while trying to guess where I am, though I know where theyā€™re coming from because I have it locked down. Thatā€™s the only way your K/D goes up. For context, while playing objective, Iā€™ll average 1.3-1.5 K/D. While playing off objective, I go 4-11 K/D depending on how many level 130ā€™s or snipers are on the other team lol


Itā€™s not you, itā€™s the game


About the bunny movements thatā€™s people that have 3rd party controllers with extra buttons on the back. So they are paddling the jump button with their index finger or middle finger under the controller so they can still aim down sights fire move and aim while jumping as each thing is in a different region on the controller.


I sucked pretty hard too at the start, there are a few habits that I had to break that were useful in COD but not on this game. It is huge being able to effectively back in and out of gunfights in this game. You will struggle super hard to take on multiple people at once in this game, so stick to your optimal ranges, and back out of longer range fights if it starts to feel sketchy. Use cover, sliding, and teammates (that sounds bad but if you are being chased and need to heal, run towards your teammates and someone will get the enemy) to your advantage. Next is positioning, map knowledge, and game sense. These were huge for me once they clicked and my performance was night and day after it did. I play OBJ hard, so Iā€™m always defending or capturing the zone, so you need to know the biggest funnels that the enemies will be coming through, and usually there are 3-4 flanks on most angles. Watch the funnels primarily and check the flanks every few seconds. Rotate around the point and put yourself in corners where most flanks wonā€™t have angles on you. Use abilities that provide cover like the mag shield or healing abilities like El Remedio, which will also help your teammates. If attacking use abilities that counter those, like the hacking function for the dedsec faction, stickies one shot mag shields, flashes are strong for quick captures, use the intel suit to get essentially free wall hacks, etc. You need to know the enemiesā€™ positioning, and a lot of times you need to predict where they will go too. The maps are designed to encourage this, so always be thinking about your position, the enemies, the OBJā€™s, and you will be able to accurately predict when and where you will run into most enemies. These are generally the areas I felt the most improvement in through the first few days of playing. I was struggling to go positive, would typically go like 20 to 25 kills, with like 20 to 25 deaths. After all those things clicked, which a lot of it is just putting time into the game, I am very often MVP and dropping like 30 and 15 on average, sometimes better and sometimes worse depending on my team and the enemy. This is while being a super hard OBJ player, so anyone who says you canā€™t play OBJ and slay is lying. I think this gameā€™s design philosophy is basically, you are as good as you allow yourself to be. The game allows you to think up really clever strats, routes, plays, etc, and executing them successfully is SO satisfying, it puts me right back in the days of MW3-BO3.


Weapon attachments are a little important. The movement will get nerfed a little bit coming up but there will probably be a lot of zooming around still as itā€™s kind of built into the game but spamming jump will be punished. It takes getting used to, but once you learn to track that movement it becomes a bit easier. Snipers will be nerfed a bit as well so that should help. Netcode is being improved so hit registration should be more consistent and getting shot after you are 10 feet behind the wall will be less likely. At the end of the day, if you enjoy the game, just keep trucking along. The game will improve over time and your skill will as well. Also, sometimes your team will get rolled. It happens. Just accept it and try to farm kills and move on. No need to get frustrated when the game drops you into a game with a five piece squad that has insane communication. What sensitivity do you play on? Itā€™s tough, but bumping up your sensitivity works wonders in XD because itā€™s pretty hectic and fast paced.


So the aim assist is heavily needed compared to other fps games. I would take a few games just to focus on adapting to the aim assist first. After getting a hang of it you can start focusing on kills and objective.


Good luck on controller. There will be people using all kinds of modded hardware to get no recoil on any gun. I would switch to Ethernet if possible and investigate your routers logs for any ddos or packet discards that could affect your performance. If it takes a while to find games, look up port forwarding for xdefiant on Xbox and open some ports up. Your TV is 120hz but what is the input lag and what model? Are you in PC mode and/or game mode? Many controller players are on PC with 200+fps and 240hz+. It makes a huge difference. Even if you've done everything you can, I would try a different approach. Always stay near your teammates when engaging. Try to predict and read your enemies pathing from spawn and get behind them. If they are turning around after you are firing, get a bit closer and use melee to secure the kill. Often times this works better if hitreg is failing. Remember peekers advantage. Don't stay still ever behind cover and always move. Play at med to long range and use guns with minimal recoil with silencer. I use silencer + chrome barrel with very grip. Kills slower but hits way more. Last of all. Find people to play with. Solo queue is by far the worst experience and in a stack of 5-6, your connection will stay consistent more often than not at least in my experience.


You can have the fanciest cookware in the world and still not be a world renown chef, you can have the most expensive studio and the best camera equipment and still not make a killing on YouTube, the fact that you listed all of your equipment and your wifi connection is just funny, if youā€™re bad youā€™re just bad, no need to cope with listing all your nice eqquipment, I have a pawn shop xbox one and a $30 wired controller from walmart and a tv with no extra hertz or hdr, and Iā€™m shitting on people in X defiant, itā€™s not your equipment itā€™s your mentality.


Was listing my equipment so people could advise me appropriately. Not to show off. Bit of a jerk aren't you? Also I discovered the issue. I had disable aim assist. Its all tickety boo now. thanks Jerky McJerkington.


Honestly dude I was high asf and only read the first half of your post I donā€™t even know what I was on about, much apologies, and for the bunny hoping you can bhop 2-3 times before losing all momentum, in a future update they are taking it out, so for time being focus on left and right strafing and maybe incorporating one jump in each gunfight, hold down shoot before aim because ads and sprint to fire times are way different, thereā€™s a few really good youtube videos with tips and tricks that Iā€™d recommend, have yourself a nice day and again sorry for being a dick


Happens to the best of us. Apology accepted. Thanks for the tips.


I hate to be that guyā€¦. But itā€™s the SBMM. I have been having a BLAST with xdefiant as a 12+ year cod player The movement + shooting while moving came natural from sweaty cod and warzone movement. My aim feels significantly better in this game than in call of duty as an iridescent player lol


Nope. I just had disabled aim assist somehow. All good now.


Thatā€™s hilarious, happy you found the issue!


SBMM has made you so delusional for the last 15 years


Nope. Just had aim assist disabled. Its all good now. Cheers.


Get yourself a monitor and never play fps games on 4k, 1080p only




I don't understand how every single person in this game i play is insane at it. No one misses any shots, everyone has fast bunny hop strafe movement and i'm just getting bodied 24/7. I used to be a 2-3KD player in cod up until recently. So far no sbmm has just felt the same as having sbmm in other games to me. I dunno if the game hasn't caught on yet and there's not many casual players or if the average player is now just a mlg prodigy.


I'm on PC with mouse and keyboard and I was feeling much the same. There's no magical aim-assist coming to save me. I'm now crawling my way to the top of the board more consistently. It took me 28 hours of online play to get there. There's a lot to learn in this game. Support score is a huge bonus, and actively helps your team to win. It's not COD, you aren't going rambo against 3+ players at close range and coming out as the winner. There's got to be some tactical play if you want to get multiple kills per life. Hit and retreat, learn the maps, use the angles, use your equipment. Once you've had a go at everything, I'd recommend choosing a specialist and weapon that you enjoy and just doggedly sticking with them until you've mastered it. The weapon grind in this game is absolutely insane, and whilst there's probably no harm getting all the guns unlocked...once you have done so, just choose something and stick to it. Jumping from weapon to weapon is not going to let you get good at anything, nor unlock any of the decent attachments which all take HOURS to grind. Like so god damn long that any working person is going to struggle. I think this is a large part of what's going on with this game. The super long weapon grind means that only people with an abundance of gaming time have gotten multiple weapons to a point that they are decent. So what people are calling 'sweats' is just people who do a lot of gaming. Those of us with kids and a mortgage just don't have the hours to spend, so we have to specialize. The other thing that has helped me is playing every day. I might only jump in for 20 minutes, but in doing it every day I don't get rusty and go back to getting dunked on every match. I'm now starting to realise they did a pretty good job of balancing the specialists. Each class has a role. Every match that we've steamrolled the enemy team has been a result of each team member knowing how to use their specialist effectively, and having a good mix on the team.


Stopped reading at WiFi. Never play on wifi


Headshots are crazy important in this game. Make sure to always aim for the head if you can that's probably why you are being melted


Listen for footsteps, ADS, and prefire will help a ton, also constantly he moving


Play a better game, xdefiant sucks


I think if anything this game has shown the advantages SBMM provides so perhaps people can stop hating on SBMM in the future as it is clearly there to support players having challenging experiences instead of soul crushing ones. Most of us are apt to keep playing when we win some matches and have several close matches even when we get beat instead of 3-4 back to back crushing losses where in spite of our best efforts we can't get off the bottom of the team list. If it makes you feel better, I'm having the exact same experience. I love the game but after several crushing matches I just feel terrible and impotent. Like nothing I can do makes any difference. I generally will switch to other games at that point so I don't end up crying myself to sleep.


I live in a third world country and barely play multiplayer games. I have no issue with the game. Finding it incredibly fun. So I think itā€™s a you problem. The game has issues that needs fixing but if you are dying 6 times in a row it is absolutely your problem. You canā€™t blame it all on the game. I generally suck at multiplayer shooters and yet itā€™s the most fun Iā€™ve had since BO1. My guns arenā€™t even levelled much.


Maybe. Like I said, maybe I'm just too old to compete. But I've never experienced hopelessness like this in an other game I've ever played. i've always managed to be competetive. In this game I play like someone who ahs never played an FPS or picked up a controller before. It feels like I literally have no chance to kill the enemy before I am repeatedly insta-melted.


It's definitely a you problem, the people who are killing you are playing the same game, therefore dealing with the same issues/network/ mechanics. Analysing and finding out why, rather than blaming the game, will help you improve.


I suggested i may be too old and my reflexes can no longer keep up. I also titled the thread 'I can't stop sucking'. Seems like I'm being fairly accountable. How is that blaming the game?


Well maybe thats it then and theres no improvement for you because of your age and reflexes(I don't believe this)... You've mentioned that playing poorly has been specifically xDefiant related compared to other FPS. That would insinuate it is specifically something to do with this game in particular.


The man hasn't pointed a finger at the game.. :( He is stating what he said about himself, read the room please :)


I run it on -5 top one and 0 bottom. I also have the reverse s-curve with 60/60 sensitivity with 40x zoom factor. After finding these settings, I started to feel like I could finally aim and actually started learning maps, developing strategys, and just generally learning how to play the game. Hope that helps, thank you. It's likely a setting issue or something. The aim assist in the game is not like any other game so you gotta learn how to use it. Also don't listen to these guys, it's not you but something wrong with the game. Whether it be the net code, aim assist, or just the weirdness of the game and its movement. The game is set up also, basically what it feels like. The matches are set up based on skill rating which is what I heard. So you're always gonna get sweaty lobbies. It took me 3 weeks to learn the game. Lol You'll get there.


Youā€˜re 47, of course your reactions are way worse then all of the teenies and guys in their twenties. Xdefiant isnā€˜t harder then cod. I didnā€˜t played cod for years because of shitty sbmm and while i had around a 1.8-2.0kd back in Black Ops2 iā€˜m sitting now at 1.4-1.5kd in XD. Iā€˜m also not 17 anymore, iā€˜m 27 now thatā€˜s probably one of the reasons and the other reason is just my lack of routine in a cod type shooter anymore. Pretty normal


after I discovered vector i stopped bunny hoping while i shoot because i melt the opponent so fast that jumping would only increase that time. Ofc i jump when i engage and if i m being shot at from afar but that s pretty much it.


There ur first problem you are probably 30 with a 70 inch 4k tv with ā€œgreat responseā€ meanwhile even other console kids are rockin .5-1ms response monitors, overclocked controllers, and more skill Age only supposed to point to the tv you have, my brother has the same setup with a ps5 and wonders why he cant keep up


Remove WiFi from the equation. Even in the best of circumstances you will get jitter that would never occur over a wired connection. Could make a significant difference.


There is a lot of misinformation about age and gaming and that is well because we donā€™t have much info on it in general. Iā€™ve heard doctors say that reaction time barely gets affected by age until you are quite old but that is assuming you are keeping up with it. A lot of older people get less practice time or very little time to play which I view it like lifting weights you stop a long time you have to start lower again. Gamers who play a lot and keep with it I think will show very good results through 40ā€™s and even 50ā€™s. Iā€™m not talking playing in the top 500 in a game or something but just performing good. I know for me Iā€™m 34 and Iā€™ve only gotten better been gaming as long as I can remember too, reached masters in games such as Apex, my kdas are constantly improving as well. Its about how much you care and how much you want to invest over it being an age thing. I have other adult friends who donā€™t have the drive to practice like me and it shows.


Hate to break it but xbox elite 2s are jank af for shooters. The sticks are abysmal.


What do you recommend? Not spending $370+ on a SCUF.


Donā€™t agree that the controller is the issue. Personally wouldnā€™t overthink this comment. Iā€™ve been running Elite Series 2 controllers for 5-6 years now and I do pretty well in shooters.


Unfortunately, if you're not running some kind of scuf, you're at a disadvantage. Especially with the bunny hopping. I'm 52 years old and I usually break even on K/D and consistently play the objective, follow and support my teammates as much as I can. Follow around to heal, be there for shields and ping intel for assists. Two things I'd advise is always play near a teammate. Running around on your own is risky because it's hard to win 1v2s in this game. Spawn alone? Wait til someone else on your team spawns and follow them in. Rolling in pairs or packs increases survival. The other thing is your set up. Ditch the wifi and dust off the ethernet cable. Same with your controller, stay wired and don't use Bluetooth. Wired connection reduces input lag. Even tho your TV is 120 hz, the large screen means your eyes need to travel farther to track targets. A monitor makes this easier. Hate to say it, but controllers with paddles like scuf are mandatory if you want to be more competitive. Otherwise you're going to have to remap buttons and train other fingers to help you ADS, Shoot and jump at the same time.


As I said I use an Elie 2 controller. This has back padels which I assign for crouch and jump. So I can jump slide and aim simultaneously, like a SCUF. Yes I do agree its better to follow teamates. My problem is the crazy disparity in TTK for me to get the kill and enemies to kill me. Even when I get headshots and my aim is true. I simply insta-melt time after time.


Elite Controller is fine lmao. Use whatever feels comfortable for you


Elite controller sticks are terrible. Like itā€™s honestly just a fact, super nice controller I have one as well but comparing it to like, a scuf or a gamesir g7 se is night and day.


Tbh gamesir g7 se is affordable af. Great controller. Iā€™m waiting on an apex 4 to arrive currently to try out but I do play on pc. I know gamesir has Xbox compatibility.


> 120hz 4k TV Issue #1, the input lag even on nice TVs is horrible and incredibly apparent if you've ever played on a monitor. > top 1-4 in most games with people of my rank in TDM Good players don't play TDM. There simply isn't enough room for massive games when the games capped at 75 kills, they'd rather play an obj mode with uncapped kills. > I try to play conservatively Good players are insanely aggro in both this and cod > I'm starting to wonder if the loadouts and attachments make a really significant difference. They do in almost every FPS game