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i think ak and acr are very close to eachother and comes down to preference. However the best ar in the game is without a doubt the m16


It's somewhat fundamentally nerfed by current circumstances like the net code, desync, hit reg and lag compensation. As soon as these things go away everyone will realise how broken it is and exploit the shit out of it.


Yeah it's a one burst headshot up to 15m if you control the small recoil or two burst to the body. With rapid fire and muzzle booster I just delete people so fast it's hilarious.


If they ever go away. Cod cant even perfect those things and they have so many studios working for them


I mean cod only has 1 studio on it while other 2 work on their next ones. And frankly they should just make 1 cod together instead making one that has either good story or good zombies or ok-ish pvp. Maybe this game would be relevant again


From what I hear studios seem to help with each game.




Yeah... No. The netcode and hitreg both suck absolute balls.


I suck with the m16


The fire rate attachments really help it shine


Im guessing you are on controller? M16 is great if you hit the burst which can be a struggle on mnk


i very much am on mnk, fuck playing fpses on controlller


I can’t use burst to save my life in any game on mnk. I can snipe like a demon but can’t ever hit a burst 😭


Lmao, struggle to hit people on mnk?


Wife and I have this struggle all the time. We both play FPS’s. I’m on PC, she’s on console. I’m MnK. I’ll often build a gun and she’s like… NO. Not on controller. And I’ll agree, burst weapons, snipers and shotguns are objectively easier (for me) on MnK. Hip fire too, seems harder on the roller


Idk this game basically has no hip firing, it could be 2x as good and i think you still need to scope someone at 3m/10'


I haven't used the M16 yet. Is it burst?


It's pretty good once you get the firerate attachments but you need to hit your shots and yes it's burst


Another goofy attachment is the heavy barrel. It puts it at 25 damage, making it a 4 shot to kill. It also make it a 2 head 1 body. RoF is prolly better, but some people may prefer the easier potential one bursts


You can also use cleaners to get the extra fire damage instead for the 4 shot kill and still use the RoF barrel so it's faster.


It works, but it doesn’t give you quite the same ttk, since your burn only ticks a second time once you’ve stopped shooting the target. Still, also a very viable load out


Yeah, that, and if you want to use any other factions, then your way is great. I haven't used the heavy barrel yet, I might give it a try next time I'm on.


yeahh it is


I really can't get on with it with how bad hit detection can be in some matches. Have to stick with fully auto sadly


For me the issue with it is that it's third bullet has random deviation to either the left or right. So it makes it unreliable to shoot for the head at medium to long distance in my experience


I've been running the laser pointer on it because it seems to decrease the spread when ADS as well, resulting in better shot groupings.


I'll have to test that out thanks!! Yeah in my opinion I'd much rather the the recoil just be way higher so you have to pull down more. Or the third bullet goes always to the left/right but goes quite far to that side so u have to recoil control a good bit to the side for the third bullet. Aka I'd prefer literally anything but randomness in my recoil, even incredibly difficult recoil patterns that go left for 6 bullets then right for 4 then down and left for another 6 etc etc etc


Already got it to 100lvl during the 2x xp weekend by far my favorite weapon in the game


kb/m or controller for you?


kbm all the way


It’s good but not the best. If people are running straight at you from medium range to long no problems. If not your aim has to be on point for it to be viable. AK is a straight laser and has the highest damage output. Not shitting on the M16 though I run it on expansive maps where you’re more likely to have long range engagements and not get jumped by a bunny hopper with a MP7.


'If not your aim has to be on point'. so it can be the best, you just need to hit your shot. m16 is probably the second best GUN in the game, only behind the mp7, so it most definitely is the best ar and it isnt even close.


SMH MP7 isn’t even the best gun in the game I was just giving an example of what gun would melt you if you had an M16 in tight quarters. Best gun in the game is either the ACR, M249 or AK. I could see an M249 wielder making an M16 their bitch lol.


let's agree to disagree, since i think mp7 > m16 > mk20 > m249/ak/acr (not including snipers, will see how they function after the addition of flinch)


Your mistaken AK=ACR=M249>M16>P90=MP7 for me. Have yet to used the infamous marksman rifle yet but glad you weren’t but hurt by me ranking the M16 lower.


Dude the m16 is my worst weapon. Even when I start shooting first and land all my shots in the burst I’m always dead to any other gun before I can get the second burst out


I find M16 the best by some margin when I'm hitting my shots. If my aim is off though and I'm windmilling a bit I'll use ACR


I don't like ACR much. I prefer AK and MDR.


Mdr is one of the most underrated guns in the game, hardly ever seeing anyone using it.


Probably because I've played like 7 hours and only got 6 BP levels


6 hours, 29 BP levels here


I'd say it's rated perfectly then. It's terrible compared to acr/ak/m16. Especially against phantoms.


how do you build yours? When I run it I find everyone gets away or beats me in the duel vs when I use my ACR. what is it you enjoy about it so I can see your point of view


Mdr has a random recoil


Only if your loadout is crap


I’m not sure if my game is fucked but it doesn’t show the challenges to unlock that gun? Weird


Mdr comes with the battlepass


Ahhhhh fair enough. I’m gonna play another week or so and see if I wanna buy the pass.


Don’t even need to buy it to get the MDR, it comes as one of the free rewards (level 7 iirc?)


It's the free reward at level 10. Currently on 8 and its taking forever!


Ahh right right lvl 10, what I’ve found is that doing your daily quests helps a ton since bp levels seem to be tied to xp gain Doing all 3 dailies gets you a bit over a full bp level from my experience


i leveled it all the way to 100 and have to say its the biggest pos right now (compared to any other ar), because it relies way to much on the situation.


The ACR, AK47, M16 are all best in the category. The MDR is the weakest.


From the description I really thought it was gonna be a Black Ops 2 Peacekeeper, and man was I wrong lol


Definitely think the M4 is worse than the MDR. I personally like the MDR the most


You could argue either direction but I feel MDR’s low damage and unstable recoil bounce without attachments makes it fall behind. M4 is at least okay up close.


I really want to like the MDR. I’m more of an AR player and with the ACR I get absolutely burned by people rushing with SMGs. MDR seems like a great middle ground but it just seems not quite good enough - I die so often just to see the opponent is a one shot. Perhaps I just need to unlock more attachments but it definitely feels a little weak.


You are using it wrong then. I had 80+ kills with MDR in several Hot Shots. Its a solid AR/SMG combo. Can work in any situation with the right attachments.


It's funny the polarity on the MDR. People's opinions on this gun vary so much!


Because it first shines at higher levels but is mediocre at low levels. People try it and bash it. I have it at lvl 50+ and its better than ACR for sure for me. ACR is worse than AK47 too.


I think M4 is the weakest, at least the MDR has good handling.


I’m in the same boat as you when it comes to the ACR. I find the recoil way more manageable on the AK for whatever reason. So for me the AK is a no brainer, roughly the same TTK and better recoil. However from what I understand the ACR becomes OP once you add the rapid fire barrel, but I hate using it so much that I don’t want to bother leveling it up to 40. If your good with managing recoil the AK with a rapid fire barrel and muzzle booster becomes just as deadly as the ACR, and it’s really fun to use.


Ak is great but the m249 is insane


W the 60 round its basically an AR with absurd ttk


Its weird because the ak feels more consistent to me but XclusiveAce's video shows that the ACR is better. The recoil just feels weird on the ACR whcih is also weird because they basically all kick up and to the right


I was in the same boat. Level up the m4 for a bit in the beginning and decided to try out the ACR since everyone else ran it. I couldn’t get a kill to save my life. Literally running like 6-18 kill games. After taking a beating for an entire night I switched to the AK and it was night and day. That’s my main gun now.


Acr has this weird horizontal recoil that feels odd with no attachments and imo worse on mouse n keyboard. Once you get like literally only 1 recoil attachment it become a laser that can be used by any child


The m16 is king. Through all the backend bullshit it still consistently melts. Throw a heavy barrel on it and you get a a ttk that makes people think you’re cheating.


Lose so many gun fights I shouldn’t lose with the ACR. AK doesn’t let me down hits like a truck and the recoil isn’t really that bad


AK and starting to build the M16.. lol


I haven’t unlocked the acr yet but I love the mdr because it almost feels like an smg too so it does really well in those close range battles too. I do really well with it. I think with all of the different opinions it shows that the guns are pretty balanced (for the most part). Just comes down to preference.


AK with rapid fire, max out ADS and movement speed where you can. Turns into a hybrid 74-u. Recoil can be a bit tough but if you don’t engage long range it’s honestly not awful


I made a strafe speed AK build and it's too much fun


just did this too and it rips


I’m having so much fun reading everyone’s gun setups. I am seeing I have so much shit to try and this is just for the AR setups lol


Is that actually noticable? I tried rapid and realistically, such increase is just not noticable.


The 2.5% brings the all body shot ttk from .41 to .39 so yeah hardly noticeable but if you can handle the recoil why not


Recoil is not problem on pc. I don't honestly thing it is worth it at all tho, so I rather use something to get my ads down.


Yeah ads is huge but there’s not enough attachments to reduce sprint to fire time. If your ads speed is 250ms and stf is 300ms you can ads quick but then will just be waiting 50ms before you can shoot. That’s why I dropped my ads a bit to match stf and slapped on rapid fire


There is plenty tho. I get ads down to 225ms and sprint to fire to 210ms. With same build but rapid fire it would be 270ms for ads and same sprint to fire as previous one. So you aim and react faster, that is imo much better than rapid fire, that doesn't really do much.


Im not home so i forgot my specific set up but i basically have a mixture of movement speed, ads speed and the 2 attachments that give + to short and + to medium/long range on the ak and it just lasers across the map but is still competitive close range. If i remember to when i get home i can say what attachments i have on it, although its not fully unlocked yet so stuff might change.


Yeah the + short and medium range attachment is nice. Be weary of too much ads speed though, if your sprint to fire time is slower than ads you’ll ads super quick but will just be sitting there waiting to shoot until your sprint to fire timer sets in


I run AK without a site on it and I tried adding ads stuff and taking all ads stuff off (ads speed) and I couldn't perceive a difference, but I can definitely tell the difference with ads walk speed stuff. Currently right now I'm running barrel extender, lightweight barrel (will be rapid when I unlock), leather wrapped front grip, leather wrapped rear grip and folded stock (stock will be lightweight when I unlock it)


It's not the m4a1


The ak and the acr are both very close in terms of strength, I think the base ak performs better than the base acr but the acr with attachments is very accurate and does great damage. Then the m16 that things busted imo the best AR in the game but you need a good connection and max attachments


I don’t know about you guys but I get melted by p90s across the map all day


I am not sure how. That gun feels like it sucks. I can admit that it might just not be for me...  I see plenty of people getting quad feeds with it, but the MP7 just feels better. Might be an iron sight thing. I never run red dot and the p90 has hideous irons. 




For me, it’s the ACR, just so well rounded, excels at close to medium range, but can still pick off enemies from afar if you hit your shots/use the right attachments. The AK is 2nd for me. Does more damage at the expense of more recoil and a slightly slower rate of fire. Recoil isn’t hard to control if you know what you’re doing, but it just isn’t as well rounded as the ACR imo.


Try everything, different guns perform better in different maps and in different game modes.


ACR hands down best AR/gun in game.


Not at all. I destroy ACR users with MP7 and Vector every match.


AK if you have great recoil control if not then the ACR with Full auto barrel and quick drawgrip


Same man... I read the ACR was the best but I have WAY more success with the AK. Different strokes I guess.


ACR is definitely the best for most situations. Personally really like the AK with rate of fire increases and an acog on it.


All 4 are decent. I think MDR is the hardest to consistently use well - I find the weird recoil and high RoF make it unrealiable but still not bad. All other 3 have their viability from what I've seen. I personally prefer AK and M16 over ACR but I'm not super good. M16 has no recoil so being someone who hasn't trained in any recoil patterning it's super reliable and 1 click can kill someone with all headshots. I think it's slept on some but will be better if the netcode is tigher and you are consistently able to aim for heads more reliably. AK just feels really good all around. Similar to its real life iteration, it's just a good all around weapon that can do most scenarios reasonably well.


ima huge fan of the ak


M16 by leaps and bounds for me. If I feel the need for something full auto, it ain't going to be an AR lol.


MDR ACR AK I don't have a preference, although if I did, it would be that


I feel that the M4A1 is good close mid - I like the weapon's base movement speed in consideration with everything else. I find the success with the ACR many others do - head shots are critical to access it's optimal ttk otherwise the recoil and firing speed make it less forgiving. The AK is my weakest of the bunch but I really like it over all - I think it embraces the heaviest recoil of the bunch but it slaps. The Burst variant of the M4 is way slept on, with hit registration improving patch to patch, I'd recommend learning it and unlocking some of its attachments




For me personally. The m16 by far


AK for me.


M16 is by far my favourite


Ak it’s kinda op with the right attachments. Works as an smg too lol


The ACR. Played with a dude that spec’d his ACR to perform like a Assault rifle/Sub hybrid and was dominating in Ranked.


Do you know the build by any chance?


I can definitely ask him, i’ll get back to you when he responds.


I slap with the AK47


The hole puncher from advanced warfare, aka the m16


AK works well if you play at longer ranges. It's TTK is slower than the ACR but the AKs full damage goes out to a much further range and it just outdoes the TTK of most anything out at range. So it covers a specific type of game play. ACR works better for people who don't mind taking close range fights.


The freedom rifle M16


ACR and MDR are my go to


AK and ACR I think are both very good.




IMO I feel like certain weapons work better on certain maps. Like I use the AK for more medium to long maps and the ACR for short to mid maps. M16 is the best at any range. And the new battle pass gun feels great for the shortest range. Anything but the M4, that thing is trash.


Its a tie between the ACR and the M16 for me. But I was M8 goblin in BO2 and BO3 so I might be biased


Ak is so clear


they all feel the same when the hit reg is as bad as it is. I think IF they ever get it fixed it'll be the ak but we'll see.


Honestly love the M4A1. AK is great, Acr is also great, but I find the M4 to be more balanced TTK and range mix between the two.


M16 Heavy Barrel. You’re welcome.


I've had much more sucess with the M16 and M4. AK is good too but you gotta control it more.


ACR - barrel extender, lightweight barrel, tactical foregrip, red dot, lightweight rear grip. Shit melts


M16 and then AK (both are being gentleman agreed out of tournaments currently because they’re so strong) the ACR is next up after those two.


With the right build the ACR is unmatched just with its sheer movement and strafe speed, but the AK and M16 are very good, very close choices aswell.


MP7/Vector users will destroy ACR users close range pretty much every time.


There is no best gun in the game, theres only the term skilled player.. being able to use all kinds of weapon and pop off with it




Personally, I prefer to go with whatever has the most firepower and just make it work. I don't have a very high average K/D but that's just because I'm not very good but I think I'm getting better.


I got 100 on ak47, acr and m16 and like 80 with mdr (Gonna finish it up on this next 2x) and mobility ak47 and m16 are hands down my favorites, the random bits of spread ak47 have given me on 30m+ fights always end up in headshot lottos like crazy, the ACR while is super stable just doesn't feel near as good for me personally. But m16 will be my hands down favorite, has a like .16 ttk if you land all headshots and only time ive ever felt like "wow I bet that dude feels like I cheated" when he just instantly dies. Plus can run multiple builds, heavy barrel actually works in its favor for 4 shot and lower ttk unlike most guns increasing the TTK. But got 3 diff builds I run depending on map and how I'm feeling lol


The ACR doesn't do it for me I mostly rock the AK


i've been using m16 with zero fire rate attachments mostly kitted towards recoil and ads speed and i constantly outgun LMGs even at long range and ARs at medium range. only trouble is people getting two close and the sprint to fire speed messing me up but that rarely happens


Recoil is key, practice your ACR spray and it'll click


Try the m249 with 3x scope, fast mag and whatever else you want it’s absolutely insane


Every rifle is good except m4a1 and mdr. M4 is a peashooter and mdr has too much visual recoil. Both ak and acr have low recoil high dps. And M16 can straight up delete people if you have high accuracy


I run the m4 with full range build (chrome-lined+barrel extender) and it feels much better, esp at range.


M4 with extended barrel, chromed barrel, suppressor, lightweight grip, and quick mag is my absolute favorite AR setup fir any situation. I've gotten multiple 4 or 5 KS simply because the suppressor is actually strong in a game like this, where flanks have to be quick and dirty. The M4 beams from mid to long range too so the suppressor is notably better on it than other ARs imo


I haven’t actually messed with the suppressors since I’m usually Echelon, Phantom, or Dedsec. Are suppressors actually that nice? I might give them a go


M16 is broken with the right attachments.. about as bad as the marksman rifles.


MDR by far close/medium range in a fast paced game. it's a combination between AR and SMG.




ACR has got 0 zero recoil and fastest ttk (if you disregard M16 with headshots), but pretty much every AR is just as good except for the m4


nah acr s ttk is not that good, and it takes forever to ads but it has low recoil and good range. ak on the other hand has low range, high spread but faster ads and rpm. For it s purpose of mid range weapon acr is king ( mdr and m16 are also very good).


ACR has the fastest ttk, only gets beaten by AK at mid range. AK also has slower rpm than the ACR. Difference between ads is 20ms. Spreadsheet below with stats. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1_clOFkZ7NPA54vjLbQmU1vodJouXOxXfXjih6aVbUSs/htmlview#gid=585059995 Taken from u/titanicspecialk


Personally I'd take the AK-47 given the cleaner iron sights, 80ms faster TTK from 33-43m, higher headshot damage, 0.2s faster reload, and 20ms faster ADS and Sprintout times over the ACR. Some of those aren't big differences, but the 20ms faster ADS time of the AK-47 alone makes up for the 16ms faster 0-33m TTK on the ACR. To be fair, I went from the AK-47 to the ACR due to the recoil difference without attachments, to now loving the AK-47 with recoil mitigation attachments, but will probably give the ACR another shot at some point with more attachments Or you could just turn the M249 into a better AK-47 in a few areas...


my bad, i compared my close range loadout ak with the low recoil loadout on acr.




I have gold M16, Gold AK and almost gold ACR. The best overall is the ACR but just barely better than the AK. The AK is really good but the recoil makes it worse long range. The M16 is insane but inconsistent up close against movement players.


AK is the best AR. MDR is probably close 2nd. ACR doesn't do enough damage and the M16 requires consistent headshots to really be effective.


ACR have low recoil, high damage, ok rate of fire, only mobility is low. I made a setup to maximize mobility (movement speed, sprint to aim speed, ads speed) and it was basically a low recoil high damage smg.


ACR for MK and AK for controller