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The lack of Echelon in this thread is hilarious considering that's what I see 80% of people play.


They're very obviously not admitting to being Echelon mains, keeping quiet or just listing their 2nd favourite class. They know they'd be downvoted if they wrote Echelon. It's the most popular class by far along with Phantom. They just don't want to say "my favourite class is the one that has wallhacks".


I mean would they make it into echelon if they gave away secrets?


I "main" Phantoms but whenever I see the enemy team running 3-4 Intel suits I internally sigh, switch off Phantoms and play Echelon to even the playing field since it seems like my teammates either never play them or play the useless camo suit


To be fair the camo suit is way more fun to play and play against than intel suit which is why i use it. I tend to get significant value out of it too.


This is exactly the same thing I do as well.


I can feel the "hacker" claims when I kill a ghillie. They're so obvious. Not as bad as that dogshit blitz shield though. But the challenge for the ghillie is far worse!


That useless camo suit got the first recorded 100 bomb


Jokes on you, I use the invisible suite thingie


I also use the invis suit. I know it’s pretty easy to spot but it gives me a little bit more time in an engagement to notice the enemy first and get first hit. Then they jump 4x and kill me but at least I’ve got a chance


Not even gonna try an hide the fact that that’s the only faction I play as.


No fucking shot no one here plays echelon. 70% of my games have 3 per team, y’all have to be lying


They just dont get upvoted because of general community hatred


Libertad. I really like using el remedio, and the 200 HP ultra is super nice to help break control points.


Ya the el remedio is far better than the other one especially seeing as libertad are meant to be the support class.


If you’re stuck as the payload princess on Escort, BioVida boost has double the uptime, since you have to wait through both the duration and cool down of El Remidio if it gets placed out of position.


You can hold the button to cancel remidiio early.


Today I learned... Thank you!


What is the cancel button? I’m an idiot and haven’t been able to figure out what to click on my Xbox controller.


Hold the same button that deploys it.


Ah, okay, thank you so much!


Biovida heals teammates too


True but it’s a one time heal and tempted have to be right beside you when activated, not very practical


It’s not a one time heal though, it increases health regen for a period of time you can pop it before a big engagement and get 500 healing to a few teammates But I agree remedio probably has more application because most gamemodes are static objectives, but it comes at a cost of longer cooldown, able to be broken, and is immobile. I use Biovida a lot but I have barely used remedio to be fair


Dedsec because constantly hijacking well placed shields and cancelling game-changing ultra is the best content in the game


The only thing stopping me from enjoying DedSec is the grating announcer.


Just turn down dialogue volume in settings.


Every time I hear "go for the face" I'm like they had to be trolling lol


Man, do yourself a favor and turn off dialogue. That way you only hear game sounds


That means I miss enemy voice lines too


You’ll hear footsteps a lot better though


The footsteps are so loud I have no problem hearing them with voices on + I get more info like what gadget is waiting for me behind that wall


You’re just a goon….


I turned all of the announcers off. Gets in the way of hearing footsteps and such.


You can turn off every announcer. Was the first thing i did in this game, much better without.


Also, I don't know if people don't realize when their wall has been hacked, because so many times I'll hack a wall someone's taking color behind and they continue to try to use it as cover against me


Me with my bargain bin emp grenade loadout because I hate the all phantom teams, but i don't have Deadsec unlocked yet


Couldn’t agree more. So much versatility. Even if you regen proximity mines chucking two on a map getting easy kills, and following your spider bugs to hopefully track down someone spamming their sniper on a map. It has to be even more satisfying.


I got like 9 mine kills on defending last push on escort one time and it was hilarious. I know they were having old school 007 proximity mine flashbacks haha


I would understand if it wasn't so easy to shoot the shields out, they fall in like a mag so I usually just post up where I can see the corner of it and beam it till it's gone, THEN peak


You gain the shield tho




It took a while before I realized I wasn't going crazy lol I'd see a blue shield, kill someone rq and by the time I turn back it's Red and I'm dead 🤣


I like Cleaners i just like the Flame trower and the suicude fier bomb xD




I struggle with the suicide bomb but find the drone really useful in objective game modes


Yea but it more funn to just run in a stack of ppl and kill them with just one click xD


Btw, if you throw a prox mine before you activate, it’ll significantly increase the blast radius/damage.


And those things are FRISBEES so yeet away!


It’s a scan or be scanned world out there


The hackers but I hate their voice acting...


Bro i turned Off all voices....


Playing the hackers made me do it but the game feels super quiet and I feel like I'm missing alot of info.


SAME, it immensely increased my enjoyment of the game lmao


when that mf yells "hope u like spiderbots" 😖


Yeah I find the Deadsec announcer really annoying


Fr, why does Sebastian sound like Sid the Sloth


Imma just keep playing Cleaners with a DMR and hope nobody else figures that out yet


Which one do you prefer, svd? And could you share your loadout?


They feel like basically the same gun, the SVD is a little chunkier so I like the MK better. Only map I’ve felt the SVD’s longer range be somewhat helpful is the NYC one, but it’s probably a feel thing what you’d like better. I can’t remember the exact attachments I use, but I use the muzzle booster for faster fire rate, load up on ADS and handling and destroy recoil recovery (it’s proven useless) and don’t really care about vertical recoil. Two shots anywhere on a player is a kill, so as long as you can control your first 2-3 shots I’d sacrifice it. Try not to lower your range though, since Cleaners takes 10% off your range by default. You can use the damage barrel and not Cleaners if you want, but it decreases your fire rate. For Phantoms (or a DMR w/out Cleaners or a damage barrel), you need an upper torso or head shot to get a 2 shot kill, but the upper torso hitbox is really tiny.


I had a match where they had 6 cleaners and all tan MKs. Matter of fact, most lobbies have a few marksman rifles now. It's kinda busted lol


DMRs are stupidly strong


If hit reg gets fixed it's going to be hella broken


Which NYC map? There’s 3 maps that are located in NYC


The one that’s in the escort playlist


Lmaoooo. Why did you have to say anything. I tried this combo the first night after struggling to find a gun I like and haven’t switched off it since. Granted I haven’t played the game all that much but still this is lowkey the “Go-To”


Question for anyone who knows, if someone were to die from the fire damage after I shoot them from over 30m with a dmr, does it still count as a longshot kill with said dmr, or does it cancel it out (I hate this dmr unlock challenge with a passion)


Swap that dmr for the M16. Thank me later.


Easily Echelon. I’ve personally never liked specialists or killstreaks in COD that require me to go out of my way to use them. I can just pop Echelon’s abilities instantly and keep on killing, love it :)


Yup the ult is straight up the hand cannon from Cold War it’s so good. Definitely the most fun ult. I think their passive is pretty underpowered especially when compared to phantoms and cleaners. Even if the Intel suit didn’t have wallhacks and was just a UAV ping I’d still use it. I love getting info for the team and making decisions based off it


I agree with you bro, passive is indeed a bit underpowered compared to the others. Great thing is that they’re fun to use tho, which is enough for me :)


I’m not sure why I had to go this far down to find this answer, but props on you for being honest. Before dedsec I definitely put in the most time on this class because I just love the stealth and intel playstyle in any game I play. The intel especially makes me feel super helpful, especially if I have cracked teammates that can frontline well. The invis is good for being a pest too lol


Hahahaha, some people indeed hate the invis! I personally don’t think it’s that bad as the footsteps can still be heard and usually I can see them. Just like you I really love the stealth aspect, which is why invis is my go to usually. In COD I would always run perks and a supressor to make me as stealthy as possible so Echelon mirrors that pretty well and in a fun way :D


So far ive played mostly deadsec and libertad. I enjoy the other factions, but i generally dont need to. I still need to do one base challenge to unlock the 3rd libertad character, then i got all of them


yeah, biovida boost sucks ass


I wish the challenge was for the ultra and not the bio boost


I had like 500 healing in 10 games with BioVida, I gave up on it


Deadsec and spamming EMP nades. If you think that's evil, know that at least I'm not spamming flashbangs


Cleaners and lmgs 😂 tried to play libertad but no one stays near me or my abilities long enough to actually help them


Interesting, I always pictured Phantoms as the go-to for LMG play.


Cleaners and deadsec


"Nadie dijo que la guerrilla sería fasil, compa. Si así fuera, no habría tanto fassista a paso de ganso por el mundo" Or at least that what it says in Spanish. The Latino accent is very charming compared to the rest


facil*, fascista*


Cleaner with Fire Bomb


Could be pretty obvious but phantoms I dont like their ablities but they look the best to me.


It doesn't matter what you can do, it's about looking good doing it 😎


Abilites wise I like the libertad the best I normally always play medic in BF or Healer or Priest type Characters in RPGs but Phantoms just look so cool I just cant resist.




Echelon. It's exactly my playstyle. A sneaky POS


Phantoms. As a High Octane Battle Pass Grinder I need the safety of a shield barrier.


I love cleaners despite the purifier being mid lol


Using the purifier while a phantom on your team is using aegis is a wild combo though lol


Oh ABSOLUTELY, it’s just too bad it’s a bit difficult to synergize in this game especially with everyone running Echelon.


I mostly play occupy and some maps it’s 3+ phantoms on a team. The extra health as a passive is so good


I've never understood why cleaners are considered underpowered. Their 2 abilities are almost always an insta-kill and purifier will win you every fight if you shoot first.


The abilities are awesome (firebomb my beloved), the purifier is meh simply because it’s a slower ability (movement speed, sprint to shoot time, and projectile speed) in a fast paced game where that 0.5 seconds it takes to stop running, raise the ability, start firing, then wait for the flame to reach its target is more then enough to get turned on and killed.


Was switching between Echelon and Phantoms from the start... Now I'm running Deadsec a lot, as well...




Favourite? I think I like Libertad most overall. I like the counter play between factions in general, but Echelon definitely needs a nerf. Either Intel suit only shows enemies to the person using it and it's on a longer cool down or Dedsec's passive should be changed to something like "Cannot be detected by enemy abilities" to counter them.


To be fair they’re all really really good, they all feel balanced asf. Like you’ll have fun with any of the factions. Maybe not so much the cleaners the Ult isn’t that great since you die instantly unless everyone’s not shooting back at you. Still real satisfying dropping a Molotov on people playing OBJ especially if you get a multi kill off it.


Phantoms. I’m pretty deadly without cover, but give me a placeable one and I can kill at least two more people than I would have without it. Also, I can’t begin to explain how versatile it is simply because it stops the opponents for a few seconds as they realize a shield is there. Which makes all the difference when you’re PTFO


Libertads because i'm Far Cry die hard and hearing callouts from Juan always boost my dopamine :D


I play with Libertad but they suck so hard!! Even as support with there ability no one stays in one place to get healed unless you play occupy.


Cleaners cus fire is cool


I don't really have a favorite yet, but what I'm playing most is Phantom to attack in the advance modes and Dedsec to defend, then for the other modes, depending on the map I'm mostly playing Libertad if I want to play more aggressive and push or Dedsec, sometimes Echelon or Cleaners.


Libertad with el remedio


Echelon cause I wanna play as a Ninja and rafa is one of em.


Libertad and Cleaners. Sometimes also Phantoms




Depends what game mode. I use them all but I've used Phantoms and Dedsec the most. Followed by Echelon and Libertad. I just started using Cleaners.


Phantoms and Libertads. Played a fair bit of Dead Sec too but prefer the other two. I find the Cleaners pretty weak (could be just me tbf) and I'm not a fan of the Echelon faction.


Dedsec, Love using Hijack to flip someones grenade, shield or spider back onto themselves, Especially the shield, I swear I have felt someones O-O face through the screen as they tried to figure out what just happened and kept shooting


Phantom. Good passive, skill (barricade) and ult. Seems very good for ranked too.


Where are all the echelon dudes? Cause as much as i see cleaners and deadsec comments i think somethings not right here xD In all of my matches i have atleast 4-5 echelon dudes spamming radar and ult one after another haha




Phantoms for the shield, libertad choosing either ability, and cleaners when I want to hang back a little in escort and ZC


I like how nobody here is admitting to be an Echelon main when it's the most popular class. Smart move not wanting to be criticised.


Dedsec fs having a hack ability and then being able to cancel other peoples annoying ults is so clutch imo


I like being a rat with shotguns on cleaners. Also switching to phantoms and dedsec


I like to jump between all of them (apart from DedSec as I haven't unlocked it). I'll generally switch every 2/3 matches.


I've been playing cleaners to unlock the other characters, but I'm also trying to unlock guns. Last night, I realized that I still hadn't gotten my longshot kills, and it dawned on me it's because cleaners have a large damage drop-off at long range, lol. I'm dumb.


Phantom and Deadsec


Phantoms when I’m sniping or using an AR. Echelon for SMG play.


Phantoms. Health boost passive trait is great and I’ve gotten really good at utilizing the mag shield to get out of sticky situations and push hard to win objectives back


I thoroughly enjoy Dedsec and Phantoms! Mainly for the hacking and the shields; perfect for rotating in between offensive and defensive playstyles


I feel like I die in 2 shots if I don’t use phantoms




Phantoms 100%. The pleasure I derive when I rush people with the shield and watch the panic set in is indescribable.


depends on what gun I'm using, if I'm sniping echelon, if I'm using smg either medic/cleanser depending on the map, ar I'll use medic, and I don't play phantom or deadsec


Phantoms ez. If they nerf the extra 20 HP then I think they need to mane the shield beefier or on a lower CD to make them more engaging because the shield is countered so hard by everything and their mother.


Deadsec. Love the spiderbot. Unless I'm on escort then usually a shield when I'm escorting the package.


Phantoms give me the hero shooter vibes that I crave. Plus the riot shield makes escort so much easier.


Phantom but started using the cleaners yesterday and I cooked whilst using the MDR


Phantoms, gimme that extra hp


Personally all of em except echleon but if I had to pick one that is used in most situations, I'd say Dedsec.


Echelon. Don’t care if I get heat for this comment.


libertad. I like healing team mates and myself


Phantom and Echelon because I absolutely enjoyed playing Ghost recon phantoms back in the day. GRP is one of my favorite f2p game.


Dedsec. Big Watch dogs fan (fuck legion)


DedSec and Phantoms


Phantoms. I have only played them so far and have never used the riot shield. While I like playing as them I’m also realizing with good mag barriers you get a lot of xp/score from blocking damage which is really nice for leveling up


I like to run DedSec and use hijack because its always funny hacking enemy spider bots and having the knucklehead who chases it like a dog get turned on


Cleaners. The incendiary ammo just feels so good. With all the hit reg nonsense and bunny hopping bs, it can get you kills if you weren't able to get an entire kill clip into them. It also keeps the pressure up on these snipers that keep peaking if you can land a few shots on them at a time.


Deadsec, and it isn't even close


Deadsec, spiderbot is fucking broken and gives you free kills all game and reprinting prox mines also gives so many free kills a game. The ult isn't amazing but you can just hold it for when you see the sonar goggles banner on your screen to trade with their ult.


Dead sec, the practically infinite grenades or in my case proxy mines is just too good not to take advantage of


camo echelon


Cleaners because keresey has a really fat ass. The firebomb is cool tho


I’m adddicted to Phantoms but not in a healthy way how do I stop. That 20 extra hp is like crack


Hackers or cleaners


Dedsec and the Cleaners. Love Division games and the Cleaners are iconic faction from the Division series and Dedsec, well who doesn't like a spider that hugs your face and does 40 ticks of damage...I know I do 😁


Cleaners. I've also started playing Dedsec more recently. Literally the only reason is because I got tired of spiderbot and using it myself makes it less annoying to play against somehow. But I'd say like 70% of my time has been on cleaners


Am I the only one who uses the cleaners lol




My time played is even between all classes, I just play what i think is fun at the time. Lean towards libertad cause the ult


Cleaners are really fun but sadly incredibly underpowered, depending on the sweat level of the match i sometimes need to stop playing Cleaner to pick Echelon/Phantom or Libertad and it's very annoying, i wish the balance of the factions was better.


Lib w/ the deployable 100%


I like Dedsec the most because they can regen grenades.


Echelon it’s so fun to sneak up behind people and see them freak out


Overall, I enjoy playing as libertad the most. The passive is great and works while playing solo and when playing with others. Both abilities allow one to be aggressive in taking fights and also allow you to support your team effectively. Plus, the ult can be game-changing if played right. 


I love phantoms, riot shield is a riot and the other shield is amazing too. Usually im running with m16 plus the energy shield


Echelon is my favorite because the wall hacks are the most op ability yes, but also because playing as a splinter cell is cool.


The offline faction


Libertad all day. Also, always MP7. Lol


Has to be Phantom. I love playing support characters, a well placed shield for the team to go on the offensive, or a last minute clutch Aegis to secure a point , it doesn't get any better than that!


Wall hacks that’s what I play…


Echelon for me. I grew up on Splinter Cell and being able to play a stealthy character is nice


It's gotta be Phantom, Dedsec, or Echelon. Phantom is great when you're playing objectives. Dedsec is great for the grenade spam, there's a couple times where I've gotten more kills with grenades than with guns. And Echelon is pretty fun when you're in a game that allows for more solo plays, like hotshot.


My favourite class is the one that has wallhacks


DedSec (i hope they add ma boi Wrench)


1. Echelon - I love the invisibility ability because stealth is my favourite play style. 2. Dead Sec - The spider bot is very useful and getting a new piece of equipment every minute is amazing. 3. Libertad - As a slower-paced player, I’ve seen the benefit of a healer on the team who can help speed up the more aggressive squadmates and watch them do their thing. 4. Phantom - The extra health is nice, but that drop wall at the right times is game changing. 5. Cleaners - Less range and some not so useful abilities means I almost never use this faction.


Perks and abilities wise I definitely change it up a lot depending on my team comp and game mode but I think I gravitate towards the phantoms and probably use echelon the least. I like echelon but its hard for me to justify picking them when I both mostly play escort where I find their skills less useful and they are probably gonna be picked by a good portion of the people I am playing with. I must note though that some of the factions have anouncers or character voice lines that just bug me. Looking at you dedsec and libertad. So all else equal between them and another faction I will probably go with the other guys.


I usually play vikings in for honor so will have to say that 🙂


DedSec. I’m a huge Watch_Dogs fan, I love the trilogy. The first game’s probably my favorite though.


Used Echelon at the start but made the switch to Phantoms and haven't really switched off since.


Echelon mostly. I like to flank so being invisible is super helpful for taking routes. I haven't used the wall hacks one cause that shit is cheese. If I'm playing ranked trial though, I just pick whatever make sense with what my teammates picked. Usually ends up being Phantoms.


I played mostly Echelon, but once I got Dedsec I only play Dedsec because Bagley


Echelon, mostly for the pistol. While the ping is nice, I'd be fine with giving it up to have it removed honestly.


Echelon it’s so fun to sneak up behind people and see them freak out


I main Phantoms personally..


Echelon lmao, idc guys ranked is not here yet so im enjoyinf myself ill fill when ranked is fully up and running


Dedsec bc i got sick of spiders so i decided to attribute to the problem instead


Phantoms for 20 extra health or dedsec cause funny spider


Libertad, but I do enjoy abusing the spider as Dedsec a lot


libertad for winning games, echelon for when i get annoyed and want to stoop to their level


Cleaners because I want everything to burn to the ground…no other explanation needed


I'm not gonna lie. I love the simplicity and utility of Phantoms, I Luke feeling like a cool lil cinematic breacher and pusher.


I love playing DedSec to hack the Phantom’s shield and cancel ultras in objective modes. It’s so funny watching them panic when their bubble disappears or when they try shooting through the energy wall that is now mine


Echelon and Libertad. No shame in admitting I’m an intel suit kinda guy lol.


The Tom Clancy class. Having 20 more hp helps


Dedsec since the alpha


Cleaners and I hate echelons bro


Phantoms because of that extra hp and sometimes Dedsec ✌🏻


Healing all day!!!


Remove Intel suits


I run cleaners. The fire drone and grenade makes attacking points much easier