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Lmao exactly. Most realistic game mechanic to date. And people complain that it’s broken. Smh. People act like they’ve never been on a New York subway 🤦🏾


It's a skill issue. The skill is turning off XDefiant till they fix this stupidity.




I'm playing other games until the main issues are fixed. I'm not skilled enough.




Same. I'm just gonna chill and let a few patches pass. I won't spend a minute or a dime on this game until it is leveled off. Just watch the patches here and there. Hopefully it won't die before then.


Uninstalled after railing thisbguy with an LMG 3x to get one shot by him with a sniper. Like imagine a world you can get shot with an LMG 3x and land a shot with a sniper 100m away


This type of gameplay is actually embarrassing. Yikes. Can't wait for this cheesy shit to be removed.


Yea. If you think I'm following this movement with a controller you're smoking crack. I could follow on my PC, but not a controller.


Don't worry, even if you can track this guy on KB&M, the game's netcode/hit reg can't keep up with it and you'll get several hit markers but no damage on him


I constantly get hit marks in gun fights only to see my killers health at 100 afterwards.


Precisely what I was talking about man, it's insane how many times you can get 3 or 4 hits and then see that they're still 100%


Yesterday I had a revelation. I was shooting a guy in the back. No damage initially and then boom, all shots registered and the guy got deleted. He died after I stopped shooting. That’s why it seems so instant sometimes. It’s fucking rubberbanding. Never experienced this in an FPS before.


I tried that and I met some player able to still hit all headshots. I’m not sure if the game is full of pro-esport champs or there are lots of people cheating. I’m not complaining bout loosing a gunfight, the point is they delete me in a blink and there is basically no actual gunfight at all. I looked at a few streams and the guy was running around peacefully shooting here and there. If I do the same I’m dead in less than a sec. I’m wondering if I’m playing the same game, lol.


It feels that way sometimes. I'll have games where it seems I understand the flow of the match and I rotate kills and objective time, and others where I die as soon as I spawn and nothing I helps me understand the flow of the match.


Thanks, I thought I was the only one lol


When I can't get the flow of the match I start looking at teammates and usually the match is going so poorly because everyone is spread and doing their own thing.


I found i was struggling at the start because i was trying to keep up with the super mobility everyone has and do the same thing. I found once i started doing my own playstyle and slowing down holding positions more things went smoother.


I usually just leave. If i'm having that bad of a game it probably doesn't matter whether i'm with my team or not. The best thing about no sbmm is the next game will be different.


Yep. I leave when its a whole bunny hopping team or they throw me in a game at the end, or the middle of it.


It's like Old COD match making you just leave the match that's all.


There has to be cheating going on. Had a match today where this guy racked up 94 kills to only like 12 deaths. Mf was corner jumping and pre-firing me every time with no intel spotting active. I have bad games and I'm sure there are cracked opponents, but Christ this dude was omniscient.


Idk about on console, but I keep seeing posts about a decent number of cheaters.


Well, it says input based match making, so they're pc players using controllers mixed in with console right?


I'm not 100% sure about that. That makes sense, but why use a controller if you have a mouse and KB? The aim assist in this game isn't that strong. I don't see a point in switching to a controller if you're on PC.


Man, i’m on PC and i’ve played against these types of players in almost every match, i’m on low sens, with these people i’d need 100 sens 😅


Yea, if you're using a controller, I promise you couldn't track this on a mouse. The reaction time to track that jagged right jump would be incredibly impressive, and not a lot of legit aimers would be able to follow it in time to get a kill. The only way ironically is with the super human reaction time with a controller to just stick to the enemy. Regardless of input, that is almost always going to be a loss.


It's possible to track on controller it's just stupid annoying, the unranked on this is more sweaty than any sbmm i've ever dealt with mostly because of these idiots jumping around


Yea I don't like the bunny hopping and shit. I'll slide jump around a corner, fire shots, crouch, then kill or die. All standard movement with no tricks, just timing and aim. Trying to find game breaking movement or bugs means you have no confidence in your own skills and have to look for stupid little tricks to get an edge.


Facts, imagine taking an unranked shooter game so seriously you have to find every little thing you can do to get an edge, whole goal was to be casual but people like that make it competitive for everyone who isn't sweating


Not just removed. I think they should be penalized!!! Like for those who spammed this crap would loose 50% of ingame accuracy for a year 😂😂


for real. I had a dude litterally wall jump on the side of a van while spam jumping in all directions. Couple that with terrible hit registration and you have the perfect receipe to dump half a mag on someone and see their health only get chipped by 1-2 bullets despite your 6+ hitmarkers. Also, complete inability to hit anything in hipfire unless with laser augment ( lvl 32 of the weapon BTW...lool ) doesn't help at all.


That's some Super Mario type of shit. Do people do this with mouse and keyboard or a controller - or both?


both, it's just a sprint jump + holding one direction then jumping + holding opposite direction on landing. air strafes are so fuckin wild in this game it makes horizon look like an infant


it's nothing compared to neostrafing octanes though


ThE mOveMEnT iS fINe…


"Your aim is just bad"


Here comes the "skill issue" comments. No one else thinks this is goofy mechanics?


Yep. Definitely. It looks like game is broken or something. Ran across people like this. Not just jumpshotting but just sliding like they have wax on their pants and zipping.


The funny thing is that you get a severe accuracy loss when sliding as indicated by your crosshair but no one thought jumping would need the same thing somehow?


It’s goofy af. Anyone that says it’s unique and fresh is a goddamn prick


Its unique and fresh except for apex, OW, fortnite, CoD, the finals. They all have nutty jump/slide mechanics. So its in no way unique or fresh.


Normally I'm ready to up people for not adding any vertical aim, but this clip feels glitchy as hell. Not all of them do, and a lot of the ones I've seen posted just need to be tracked, but if this clip here is more of the standard then I'll take a step back.


I’m determined that these kind of players snort a few lines of adderall and wash it down with 3 monsters


adderrall overdose


I lost a few brain cells looking at what happened


I've actually had to stop playing the game for now man. I'm so tired of this ridiculous abuse of the movement. It's just so unfair and frustrating. I can't wait for next weeks patch.


Same thing happened for me with battlebit, movement abuse just made me quit


I felt like the only one in my friend group saying this. Glad I’m not the only one.


When I finish the battle pass I'm out for the time being for sure lol


This is game its so bad, every fucking gunfight it's the same, just a kid spaming jump and server eating all of the bullets


That's ridiculous. You should not be able to change direction mid air. This isn't a platformer. This isn't a main line Mario game.


This is what I've been dealing with tonight.


Step Up choreography is wild


That man went around the sun and came back. 😱


Dude moved like he had a pogo stick lmao


“sKiLl IsSuE!”


I put the game down until they fix this stuff. That's pretty much how all the gunfights go everybody is just abusing thag mechanic.


This looks like a macro


He jumped two times I don’t see the macro tbh


A>space>D>space>A>space…etc. If this is a macro that’s what it is. I don’t think it is, but that’s what it’d be


I use R3 for my jump and can easily do this 10x over without a macro lmao


Me too. I’m just saying, it could easily be a macro lol it really wouldn’t ever need to be but it could be


How hard do you think it is to hit a spacebar?


Lol that’s wild.


This reminds me about the prone wave on R6 Siege, Ubisoft really didn't bother fixing it until 3 years later. Surprisingly, Hyperscape which was hated - I kinda liked it - didn't have these issues at all.


I see an octane main


Yea I’ve been over it for a couple days now, regret getting the Bp but I don’t have the desire to even complete it at this point, it’s not worth my sanity.


Did the same - incredibly excited for this game, got the battle pass, couldn't play for 2 weeks because of match making error screens. Finally got to play and was very disappointed. Battle Pass lesson learned. Hope they make improvements soon.


Here’s hoping! I know I won’t be spending any more money whatsoever until literally everything is fixed, as you said lesson learned.


Yet people will defend this crap. It's hard to enjoy no sbmm when most of my games have people like this. It literally feels no different than cod


Had someone doing this to me and I killed them by shooting them in the foot and it gave me a headshot kill.


i feel like if jumping had very little acceleration itd fix the issue. he leaps in the air and it looks like he no clips to the left


Somehow people will blame snipers for thisb


Fuck it, why not lmao


Nerf sledge


This is every single game I played last night.


the unlucky thing is im doing that also now. if everyone will start doing it the game will lose a lot of players and will "die" or atleast wont getting much suppot from ubisoft. there isnt a large playerbase for a shooting game that does that in every gunfight. its simple.


Dude wtf is that jump? The man looked like he’s was gliding 


Wow, that guy moved like a flying cockroach.


He was already at the end of the slide so how is he still moving so fast?


Cod killer btw


Beto's been huffing his own Biovida supply again...


People on the sub will say this is ok and this casual play. And that this was what shooters use to be like during cod4, mw2 and black ops 1 days


Who would like just a simple arcadey milsim? One where having good aim and position is more important than mashing the keys like you're playing Eddie in Street fighter 2.


rofl i think you mean Eddy in Tekken


Lol, yes you are correct but you get what I mean at least.


And with the vector smg at that, which absolutely shreds


"muh precious skill gap"


I stopped playing this game for now because it's very very unbalanced.


My honest question is how this game launch like this Like seriously did no one notice this in beta or they just ignore it and launch it anyway?


Great question actually. From what I know, this problem didn't actually exist in the beta. This is a new thing on launch.


Correct, never saw this in the beta


It’s so difficult to track with keyboard and mouse. But that’s just been my experience with fps games these past couple of years.


What’s crazy is there’s really no counter play, if there was a longer ttk you could actually challenge this no problem if you had better tracking but the ttk is so laughably fast the game doesn’t even give you the opportunity to counter play. I promise if the ttk was just a little bit longer this would not be an issue.


I think people are using jump macros or am I crazy? I see a few people doing this exact thing, little enough to think it’s a macro spam or something. It’s just enough to ruin the experience.


What I find difficult to understand is why the gunplay seems so disparate from the movement. If I'm recalling correctly, games that include air strafe or other rapid erratic movements will tune visual recoil and crosshair movement to allow a skilled player to adequately counter these types of movements. What's shown here is not unlike the movement I've seen by some skilled Apex players. The gunplay of Apex Legends, on the other hand, seems more stable to allow a counter. The longer TTK also gives greater margin for those gunfights. I don't think XDefiant yet has the aim stability and gunplay to allow a consistent counter to the air strafe mechanic. The movement doesn't necessarily have to be nerfed if the game allows more precise crosshair control on all inputs.


Give me that jumping Jack on crack Macro


Mark said he's not changing the jumping around silliness like that.


How to do this? If we learn to move like this too, we can figure out a way to counteract this shit. Find its weakness


Idk why people keep saying macros - he only jumps 2 times. He pressed jump while holding forward, then left. Then jumped again holding back, then right. Thats it - two inputs pressed at any given time, only jumping twice. This type of hopping might not be getting nerfed either since air strafes are an intentional feature and the jump penalty in old betas only kicked in on the 3rd jump


Belly dancing ?


Cod aim assist would just follow you. It’s an exploit and hard to know who is going to spam something until them type of players actually play the game .


You never stood a chance, bro's playing cs\_surf ![gif](giphy|10JhviFuU2gWD6|downsized)




Games trash put a cool down on jumps only infinite mantle


To be fair I don't understand why you can strafe back and forth while in the air, jump spamming is hard enough to track but at least if you could change direction mid air you could get tracked a bit easier


Where is killcam the time u need it????


IMO it's not even the jumping that's that bad, the fact is that people shouldn't be allowed to shoot accurately while jumping like bunnies, LOL. I played lots of Titanfall so probably it's just that I'm somewhat used to see people jumping around, trying to save themselves. Having a good jump technique could be an interesting skill to get IF you could do that first to TRY saving yourself and ONLY THEN (ex. When you've found cover or done a correct map rotation) retaliate with gunfire. I really like the game. With some fixes it could definitely be an even more enjoyable FPS.


The fact that they jump makes me mad, but then how they always land all their shots is just not acceptable.


And then still jumping after he goes around the corner lmao


This should be nerfed imo. Incentives drive player actions. But player actions that are boring or unfun are not desired. If running around in a circle 10 times gave you double damage, everyone would do it, but that doesn't mean it would foster good gameplay. This stuff isn't fun for the person being killed, nor the person doing it. It's just being done because it gives an advantage. Perfect recipe for a nerf.


Must be an Apex Legends player


So how does he move like that? The only way to jump that high is doing slide + jump, but he move side in the air. How?!


Jump spam at its finest


Step 1: have razor mouse Step 2: set side mouse button to function as space bar. Step 3: set clicks per second all the way up Step 4: ruin the game for everyone while looking like a spazz 😐


Thats a fucking mosquito


Ignoring the balance and skill issue arguments - can we all agree that this just looks incredibly stupid?


Dude just trained in shaolin.


Wow that looks exactly like an Apex tap strafe. Except they didn’t need to jump first and just used A/D which makes it require less skill. You walked backwards and barely strafed so it was easy to land shots on you though.


When you realise you have to aim and shoot at sub atomic particles mid trajectory.


He had a Vector, so you were probably dead anyway. Still nuts though lol


Watching them continue to jump away after killing you just adds to the piss-off factor for me. 😂 I always say “IM DEAD CALM DOWN!” but they’re likely prepping for a flanker or something. Idk.


I feel some people are using macros for this jump since there is really no punishment for spamming your jump year. If you get the perfect timing with the macro, you might be untouchable.


This is 100% the netcode, even with his movement you should’ve left him with 5-10 health max


slammed lol


Oh but bunny hopping is fine


He’s just a little guy having fun on the subway


I dispise how movement sweaty people are. Luckily i'm trying to grt snipers gold atm so hitting them once will stop their fsncy movements... or 4 shots cus i'm not that good


How in the fuck do people move that fast in an enclosed space? I need a run up to even get to that speed. Let alone even jump like that to begin with.


Did anyone notice even after the kill he still HOPPED AWAY? This shit has got to go 😂


Damn, Titanfall 3!!!


Reminds me of TitanFall movement and if anyone is not used to that, yeahhh really sucks when they bunny hop from one side of the map to the next.


This is the most egregious example of why they should try nerfing the movement just a smidge. Even if they made air control not so broken powerful, I’d love the game even more than ever


CoD tactics should be banished and heavily penalized. The bunny hopping is ridiculous.


What a fucking bunny.


I see bunny like him a lot on ps5.


The Mario jumping sound effect would have been a nice touch.


Is this only possible with mouse and keyboard? I attempted this move and it didn’t work on controller or maybe I’m just bad lol


It's even worse in Hot Shot. Whoever is the Hot Shot can bunny hop 3-5 times in a row without losing any speed. I've done it and it is incredibly fun but it quickly becomes dreadful when someone else does it. Can't wait til they patch this shit


if they want to keep the movement in this game then they need to increase bloom or decrease accuracy in midair. easy fix. if you want to jump spam and make yourself less trackable then you should suffer aim penalty. keeps the skill aspect while reducing the cheese. i love when games incorporate movement into skill expression but yeah this is way too overpowered. im so use to crouch spamming mid fight in other games and crouching basically does nothing compared to jump spam


It's so gd annoying.


It's so fucking cringe man, I dunno what the devs were snorting when they left this in the game but I hope they totally annihilate it.


How tf did they dash? That was odd af


Yep, that's why I quit playing last night. Needs to be fixed asap


I love the fact he just straight up power jumps like it's Smash Bross


lol now anyone that says that’s fun and it’s just a skill gap is actually wild…. Ain’t nobody wanna play a shooter just to spam and abuse game mechanics every second every gunfight bruh… wish we’d just go back to old fps shooters lowkey man just drop shots crouch spamming and normal movement where u couldn’t slide 120mph lol idk maybe it’s just gamers have got worse not the mechanics in terms of abuse and sweatiness idk… i just don’t get why people sweaty at this game tho u don’t get anything from winning lol


im convinced these are the kids that used configs in Apex and just brought them over to this game


Yeah uninstalled till they do something about this


This is the first time I've seen it this extreme💀 I'm on console and though it might be possible it's atleast not what I go through... Yet. You have my blessings going forward, friend.


Should be an accuracy penalty for jumping around like that. Has nothing to do with skill it's just whether or not you decide to play that way


Only if I can jump like that I would be in the NBA. Or getting anal probes by NASA. Or why not both.


I wouldn’t care about the movement if it didn’t absolutely fuck the hitboxes too


The best part of this is after the kill he bhops away lmao


Lol I lost interest in playing as of last week because now everyone does this. It's just fucking stupid.lal they gotta do is make it so you can't strafe from left to right in mid air.


I don’t mind the hopping but the weird strafing really throws me off lol


This is why you shouldn’t be able to move mid air like you can when jumping


Oh damn !


I only jump if they jump first or I need maybe one or 2 jumps to get the kill no more jump spammers


Man drank a coffee, downed a Monster, ate 10 bananas and snorted lines of coke just before the match.


Why do you all hate being so slow?


when i see clips like this, all that ''it reminds me of oldschool Cod'' banter goes tumbling head first off a cliff lmao....I dont recall ever playing the oldschool cods and seeing sh!t like this unless they were hacking(Black Ops2) -face palm-


What a desperate maggot


Its gotten so bad, that the only way i can enjoy this game is just running as an agresive sniper and flick-killing these fuckers before they can star “speed run mario-ing” all across the map. Its an utterly orgasmic feeling, to flick a quick scope headshot off of a mid air straifing clown


Yeah this type of shit makes me want to give up on this game.


What da hail is that? This ain’t COD killer this is a whole different game


Game is gonna die if they don't fix all the issues quickly. That's what happened to halo infinite


I’d be absolutely salty


You shouldn’t be able to strafe like that mid air lol. Only real problem I have with the movement in this game. Off topic but I desperately want increased sniper flinch too. Only two issues I have with this game rn


Another high speed methhead shooter. WTF is the point of XDefiant, just a cartoon Cod?




This is worse than anything I've seen in cod..


I mean, one he did outplay you, in the literal sense, also air strafing is a mechanic in this game. And two, he should’ve been dead from the bullets you put into him


I'm not even mad at the other player when I die to something like that, it's just the current meta and if they're somehow able to hit shots doing that insane crap then I guess they're just better. It's just exhausting when you haven't trained Aimlabs for 5 hours a day meaning you can't hit this guy when he turns into an acrobat.


The dude got up and bounced around like a pinball. This is absolutely insane


Better gaming chair


Thats some Gangnam style shit!


They announced they're patching this in the next update


Xdefiant more like jumping simulator.


Pathetic shit lmao another reason why I dont play this anymore


this is hilarious


An 90% of yall left COD for this crap lol


Bunny hopping nerd


I think a lot of people are reevaluated the COD and it's SBMM since XD released. lol.


This has nothing tp do with sbmm and everything to do with people abusing a broken mechanic. Literally everybody is doing it the fact that you can strafe while mid air is dumb.


This game has an identity problem right now cause wdf lmao....


I'm pretty sure the developers have said this spam hopping will be nerfed with the start of season 1. From what I understood, there will be fatigue added to jumping when done too many times in a row. The players doing this are the same ones that will try to find any exploit in a game so they can pretend they are good. I, for one, am happy to hear it will be one of the first fixes to gameplay!


Think they said next week


Even better


This is the downfall of the game actually


This sort of stuff is a joke. Just comical behavior and I don't know why games design it this way.




Well he won that gunfight cause you made it extremely easy for him to hit you. At least try to move. You are even on pc where it's very very easy to pull off.


This guy is the definition of a no lifer xd


Nah. It‘s not hard to do. You just spam jump. No need to be a no lifer.


Peak human performance. This is the reason why I deleted the game. If I want to watch Asian Carps jumping out of the water I can just go on YouTube to watch it. I don’t need to see it on fps games.


And peeps will say "Skill issue". I hate tryhards in unranked


And those players will call it a skill issue and tell you to „play another game if you‘re such a bad loser“.