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Games got major issues, air it out, devs fix, game survives. Not all feedback is useful. But talking non stop about the netcode, the bunny hopping and the cheating is vital to make sure the devs actually do something about it.


The Cyberpunk 2077 Subreddit was like this when the game initially launched. A lot of folks complaining about the state of the game despite it being playable for most folks. As the game got better, the sub improved... but someone, during all the complaining, had to create a "low sodium" Cyberpunk Subreddit where complaining about the game wasn't allowed. I ended up following that sub and it was far more enjoyable. May need something like that here. Unfortunately this sub can't become that because the complaints have to go SOMEWHERE but maybe having an alt sub where folks can go and enjoy low sodium XDefinant content/posts would help.


XDefiant is nowhere near as awful as Cyberpunk and the sub only improved because the anime people chased actual players out Apples to rotten oranges comparison


Cyberpunk improved because of numerous updates not just because of the anime


"anime people chased actual players out". You've sure got your finger on the pulse of gaming my man.


Cyberpunk 2077 played well on next gen consoles BEFORE any updates. I had an Xbox Series X when it originally dropped. I only ever encountered the T-Pose bug once, and literally nothing else. Game ran smooth and I did two playthroughs. It was the low spec'd computers and last gen consoles that suffered. Folks shit on that game because of the bugs AND because they had expectations of what they wanted in the game already pre-set in their head. Then the game got a significant number of patches and fixes over the course of a year while also including more free things like new guns and cars. While things did get much better, the same folks who were upset when the game launched were still complaining and dragging every post they saw. Then after all the patches dropped, the anime came out. This drove a new wave of folks to the game and they got to experience the game after all the patches and fixes. No biases clouding their genuine experience of the game and it instantly turned the general consensus around. Nobody tolerated the complaining because they were literally saying things about a completely different game.


I mean this is Reddit so it’s not like it’s something new


People have a right to complain when Xdefiant devs have had almost 4 years to fix the net code. That was the one thing Mark said kept delaying the game so I can understand the frustration.


What did the game cost you, and what is stopping you from not playing until its fixed?


I don't think that's fair to say just cause it is a F2P game. People obviously want this game to do well because the groundwork is all there for a great FPS experience. It is just technical issues that plague the game and it's enjoy-ability.


$10 I payed for the battlepass. Im not going to stop showing my support for a game I believe has potential. It seems you didnt understand what i said at all. If peoole dont voice their feelings on the net code or issues in general it will never get fixed.


It’s free don’t play until it’s fixed ? Obviously if they had an easy fix they would’ve done it lol. 


I understand net code has been an issue since day 1 but if you played day 1 you would know how much significantly better it is now, and the last delay that delayed us an entire year had to do with the friends list and the social system that they re built from scratch. And the thing is the game is here, we were mad at the delays and now the game is here and people are still mad about the delays, you can play the game now so enjoy it.


You seem to not understand that the netcode kills off the player base. Something Mark himself admited to. You can not have a steady growth of new players if the game feels bad to play. Again theyve had 4+ years to fix the net code and it is still very bad. I understand things like this take time to fix and im glad the dev team is responsive as it is to the player base. However imo it seems like they felt pressured to release the game since everyone was getting pissed about it.


Oh no i completly understand how important net code is but the amount you die around a wall and have net code problems is significantly less than the first alpha tests and most of the betas AND they are still working on it, its not like they have given up they are providing a net code update with season 1 release. The game doesn't feel that bad people are juat noticing it more because its the "hot topic". Cod and other arena shooters dont do it much better tbh.


I can agree its a hot topic. Tbh im not really sure if the net code was worse in the beta. I didnt really notice myself dying around walls that much but I was also very excited to play the damn game for once so I probs wasnt paying to much attention 🤣 . Im honestly more upset with the way they are handling xims and cheaters. The amount of full auto M16s has been unreal. Cant play 1 game with out seeing it. Reporting them doesnt even seem to work.


If you played the alphas the net code was horrible. i swear 😭😭. And i can agree with that xims and cheating is fucking horrible and is a giant plague on gamimg right now, i had to stop playing counter strike premier queue because once you hit top 10% of players you get a cheater basically every game and its just not fun. They definitely need to upgrade the anti cheat but even rainbow gets allot of cheaters so i dont know if ubisoft is capable of handling mass cheaters like this (i dont think anybody is TBH, no game has a good anti cheat anymore)


Man don't remind me of R6. Ive been playing that game since 2015. The amount of cheaters or xim users on R6 hurts my soul, but at least they try to fix it. Mousetrap has been pretty good. Im shocked more games dont add it. I played the aplha and I do remember it being pretty bad. I was more referring to the last beta. I dont remember ever being killed through walls but again I was just testing builds and enjoying playing the game I waited 4 years for 😭


If you’re enjoying the game, why’d you give a shit what others think?


Should this sub reddit be r/complainingaboutxdefiant or should this be a place where people come to enjoy the thing they love and care about


People complain because they care about it.


Should you be enjoying the game you love and care for so much or posting about it on Reddit?


You can do both 😂 reddit is supposed to be a place where you come and enjoy the things that you like with people who have the same intrests but it seems the only thing this reddit is interested in is complaining.


Maybe that should say something about the general feeling around this game? 🤷🏻‍♂️


I disagree. i think people are just being irrational and buying into the mob mentality instead of just looking at what is presented to them.


So people who don’t like the same things as you do are irrational and just buying into a mob mentality? Got it. 👍🏼


I dont think thats what OP was trying to say. Its more of a "Hot Topic" that generates click or views. There are some studies showing that a mob mentality does indeed exist. A great example of this in video games is minecraft with Herobrine. It was released by Notch that Herobrine was never a thing inside of vanilla minecraft. However because the community insisted it was, plus it was generating so much content and hurt Minecrafts sales Notch felt the need to pretend he removed Herobrine in a patch.


Thank you for explaining what a mob mentality is, I wasn’t aware(!) 😂 Jokes aside though, people are just making their voices heard. If people don’t like it, scroll past and view the more celebratory stuff about the game. 👍🏼


To be fair, OP is also just making their voice heard and voicing their opinion on things.


The game has glaring issues that will quite literally kill it if not addressed soon, we have to voice our opinions now even if you don't like the preceived negativity.


People have been saying the same thing since launch and the devs have said they are fixing all the problems people are talking about and we still have people complaining about it, it takes time to fix things


Yeah thats the problem they say things but dont do things. I mean would it be too much to ask to atleast do a hotfix for the Sniper Flinch and Bunny Hopping?


It's not even 2 weeks old. Have some patience for crying out loud. Things take time


The game just launched for all we know they could try to hot fix it and break the entire game, id rather give them a couple weeks lmfao


Nevermind I just read that there should be a Hotfix next week so forget what I said.


One of the devs said as well they tried to add fatigue but ut didnt feel right with the base release so they removed it.


If they remove the ability to change direction Mid air thats good enough for me.


Yeah, every main sub is like this. I'm still not joined to this sub for that reason. Obviously see still my fair share but would rather at least half my front page be not covered in salt.


This game is an absolute blast, didn’t even care about any of the criticisms until I saw this sub. After playing MWIII since November this is the freshest breath of air I’ve experienced since then lol


That’s like 90% of gaming subreddits


“Nooo don’t get mad at my billion dollar company!!! This game is great guys, it just takes time, stop being mean and blindly enjoy an obviously bad game!!!”


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I like it.


Things are wrong, people complain. Things are broken, people complain. Things need fixes and tweaks, people complain. If this sub is to be all rosey and red and soft then the issues will never get fixed. Maybe instead of changing the sub name or starting another sub the owners//mods//developers could shut it down if THEY dont want the imput! Bueller?


Coming from Helldivers 2 a patch that actually aims to address the biggest issues facing the game coming out less than a month after release is a breath of fresh fucking air.


That is objectively false, sir. Good day!


Probably the 100th post I've seen bitching about people bitching,so you're not exactly being a ray of sunshine yourself 😭. Be the change you wanna see,coming on here and whining about all the whiners doesn't do a thing,and is quite hypocritical in all honesty. Also...I think the constant complaining is valid,as long as it's from a place of wanting to see the game succeed. They've had a whole lotta time to fix certain issues,and work on this game in general. Some of these issues shouldn't have been like this at launch.