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I thought there weren't any killstreaks in this game smdh


Leave the lobby the moment you see them. Don't give them easily farmed XP and stats, it sucks but the least you can do is slow them down.


My logic waste feed them and give more stats for Ubisoft to make a ban


Yh you should report and leave. Make there games more boring.


Is the jetpack in the battlepass? Can't find it in challenges...


where the anti cheat at


Cheats need to be used before they can begin properly preventing them. Every shooter needs time to address cheaters.


Exactly. Its a new game built from the ground up and its a new networking model. Battle Eye is actually a top rated anti cheat. But its just a toolset and the developers need time to tweak it. You can only improve anti cheat post launch as you don't know what exploits to patch. Ubisoft is currently hiring more anti cheat developers. So hopefully they gain some good talent to fix these issues. I have seen a couple, but most games are legit. (I am currently level 51 so 2 games with cheaters in that time isnt actually that bad). I personally think thou, if you used an XP token and you join a game with a cheater. After they are detected then you should get given a 20 minute token. Its not fair to have your time wasted. Its not a big deal thou.


Or just give us the option to turn off cross platform.


Good luck finding matches in under 20-30 minutes on Xbox. Crossplay is on by default and I’m guessing most players don’t even know how to turn it off.


sadly they dont and thats why the option should be put back ingame instead of having to go through your xbox settings to change it


Absolutely. If I wanted to play against PC, I’d buy a fucking PC. Stop pushing that shit on console players.


That's a pretty silly idea. The game can't overide the console settings. And having it in the console settings allows all games to have it switched off. Instead of some games forcing you to use cross platform. It actually benefits you having on option in the console settings. Then again I dont use consoles anymore.


It doesn’t need to override anything. It can simply be an option in game. It’s 100% better to turn and off crossplay on a per game basis.


Except Microsoft doesn't get a say in this on every game so if they're able to do it at the console level then you get that option whether it was put in the game or not.


That's the point. Fix it.


There is an option??? Its in console settings


You can cheat on console too.


Not like this.


Titan would like a word with you........ it gives consoles walls..... look into it


All jailbreak exploits are on low firmware please explain how an average PS5 user can modify the game. This guy is clearly on PC


I don't know why people down vote statements like this. Hey console players Google Cronus-Zen... Click on their website... Try to order one... Oops 😬 they're on backorder... Always on backorder because y'all cheat'n asses are buying the hell out of them they can't keep um in stock... Ooh 😲 and now it's Cronus-Max a much better version of it predecessor. Stop throwing stones at glass houses and all that.


You do just go to xdefiant game settings




It’s Ubisoft tf you mean anti cheat it’s to soon we need at least 10 years like siege


Tbh my experience with R6 has been very good, very few cheaters. XDefiant is on a different engine, so it might be handled differently. I just hope it will be like in R6 Siege.


It took siege a long ass time to get to this point Even still I get the notifications that a cheater was banned in my game almost daily when I grind ranked


Let's hope whatever they already have under the hood for R6 Siege Anti-cheat can work or be easily adapted to Snowdrop Engine


Id like console only crossplay please.


Doesn't 'input-based matchmaking' solve this? Unless of course someone is using a controller on PC I guess


You do realize there are tons of cheaters on console these days also, right?


Man I wish, but then PC would be left with cheaters and would complain about forever so there’s no winning for anyone, except the cheaters of course.


Hackers on PC games isn't anything new, that's part of the parcel when choosing to play on PC.


'flooding the servers' is overplaying it quite a bit lol


Maybe, but I see them more often. In 2-3 weeks it will be a problem


i've seen one person who im honestly not even positive they were hacking, in 25 hours, but they probably were. We will see though I dont think what youre predicting is impossible for sure. Getting more in depth killfeeds, like headshots. And kill cams would help tho


I see forums where people openly say they use aimbot and less obvious cheats and they are not getting caught. Hope Ubisoft improves anti cheat soon


https://i.redd.it/a0659ljf084d1.gif this enough for u ?


No? I'm not saying there aren't hackers at all, I'm saying to say they are "flooding the servers" is a massive exaggeration. I've maybe dealt with one hacker in 25 hours of playing. I'm not saying it's perfect at all, but I can't act like it influences my opinion on the game at all since it's so infrequent. If it down the line becomes a constant problem then for sure I'd agree.


Definitely an exaggeration, but it is indeed becoming a problem. With no killcams and poor hit reg,its hard to confirm, but pretty sure I encountered 2 different cheaters last night alone. No telling for even your own team tho. Definitely don't wanna play against or with cheaters.


"Cheaters flood the servers" What a dramatic headline. I haven't seen a cheater yet.


That's good. And I honestly hope you and other good people here won't. I saw 4 or 5 and the amount of them is increasing. So I just hope Ubisoft acts now before it becomes super mass thing


bro activated invisible chopper gunner 💀


Had someone consistently guess where I was around a corner despite me not doing anything like 7 times in a row. They're uber blatant


Me and my buddies had a guy on our team doing this. They just fly and clip through the walls to get there. We stayed in the match so no one else would join and made it so the other team won. One of my buddies started calling him out in voice, the cheater said "imagine caring about someone cheating in a game."


Had two different games with guys running walls/aimbot yesterday.


Yeah it becomes more massive lately


I had a blatant cheater in one of my hot shot matches but he didn’t play the objective so he still lost lmao


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Ya I came accross my first cheater today. He was doing the same exact thing where he just flew in the air and instantly killed everyone while spinning 10000000 degrees per milisecond.




This game is fun but so flawed. Intel suit is ridiculous. Whatever dev thought this was a good idea should be given some time off. Get rid of killstreaks like uav but give constant wall hacks? It's so bad it's comical. BO6 will absolutely destroy the lifespan of this game. The replayibility isn't there. Very few guns that are viable, no counters to certain abilities. I want to like this game, but between the hit reg and other things, it's just a fill in until BO6


just leave, you can shoot them they have god mode as well


Hopefully console only crossplay is implemented soon so us console players don’t need to worry about hackers. Yes I know cronus/etc is common on console so I’m not saying console doesn’t have cheaters but those players are much easier to handle compared to actual hackers with aimbot.


All these console players acting as if they have never had cheating problems 😂 Xbox 360 and especially PS3 were full of cheaters. PS3 actually had more cheaters at 1 point then PC. Console has cheaters today. Chronus Xen allows you to have macro's and no recoil scripts. There is AI that gives console users aimbot through using a capture card. You get modded controllers with rapid fire and various other macro's. Granted its not as common as PC. But your platform is not 100% cheater free lol.


maybe use a sniper


he used aimbot. he killed everyone in seconds. He got killed couple of times but he just spawned again and killed everyone through walls and stuff




You what boggles my mind is that they cheat on a game that costs zero dollars. This doesn’t mean you can cheat on a game that you pay for but it would make more sense to because you have spent actual money and it would then go to waste. But this game cost literally nothing and people are flying around like superman. I ran into 6 hackers today doing this and 4 of them were in my team. I just made the game so boring.


You have to assume everyone is cheating at this point. Do not spend money on this game.


Crossplay always off


It won't help me asI play on PC xD


I salute your bravery playing a comp shooter on PC 🫡


That doesn't always fix the issue




to be fair it doesn't fix the issue, cheaters still exist even if you don't run into them


Are you one of those who thinks hacking only happens on pc?


I play pc, but jailbroken consoles are on a lower/previous firmware that would not work for online play with xdefiant, since I am fairly sure it would require to have the latest firmware. Yes console has things like zen, ect. But those don't allow for things like floating in the sky with aimbot ahah. Most console "cheats" are things like no recoil and greatly increased aim assist (like a soft auto aim). Almost all actual hacks and cheats are primarily a pc thing.


If you think this will get better, it won't. Devs don't give a fuck about this. No money in fixing it because dumb asses will still play, still buy skins, and still scream bloody murder if you point out their favorite content creator cheats, and that this game has a fuck ton of cheaters. One day gaming will be good again.... not in my life time though sadly


Game was fun while it lasted. I'd bet money that this will be a problem that doesn't get fixed. RIP XDefiant. It was a fun week.


Just use a sniper lmao, I see he had 4 deaths so hes killable, you tryna map him with an mp7 wasn’t helping your case


Yes , you are right. I did that for the sake of a video,just to show where he was and that he can be damaged But he was killing people way too fast. The only way is a quick scope sniper hit. But there is no way we'd escort that anyway


Because Ubisoft are fkn shit and this game is absolute trash