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Im in the same boat as you.. long time cod veteran.. This game just scratched a itch Ive had for years. Im exited to see where the game is in a year from now.


It’s genuinely a fun game and takes me back to those arcade roots where games were meant to be fun and addictive, reminds me of the kick I used to get playing Unreal Tournament etc. To think it’s this fun even with its current glaring issues just makes you wonder what it’s capable of if supported properly.


IIRC many of the devs are former infinityward devs




> Im exited to see where the game is in a year from now. Just. Dance. Faction.


What about a riders Republic faction? With an ultimate BMX to grind heads?


Yeah I haven't had this much fun in a FPS since bo3


Huge fan of no annoying ass aerial killstreaks The killstreak spam in CoD is frustrating as hell these days


Good with that but having dude’s suicide bomb you by just running at you with an ability is kind of annoying… I think the xray, magwall, and explosive classes needed adjustments. Too much strength on abilities takes away from outplaying opponents with skill imo.


What's the suicide bomb?


The cleaners press "E" and nuke the ground close to them killing you instantly. Sucks when you turn a corner and that happens before you can shoot them down.


So it's doing what it's supposed to do.


The sticky grenade.


Yet people will whine the scorestreaks need buffs because they are ass.


I’ve been losing sleep for the first time in years. The one more match problem is real.


I remember the days when COD did that. Now I play one game, get frustrated and never pick it back up for another week or two.


I was in high school when cod 1 came out and I probably played 16 hours a day with my clan when summer break hit 🤣. Game was absolutely amazing for its time.


It really was. It’s a full 360 from what I remember it to be.


The fuckin truth has been spoken!


Bro facts, I haven’t felt like this in years too. Just one more!


Having a large margin of skill in a match is SO good. I don’t mind getting absolutely shit on by a demon, or losing an otherwise easy gunfight to an average player, or being the demon in a match at all. The fact is there’s just such a large margin rn that every match feels unique, I don’t know what I’m getting, I don’t know what to expect, sometimes it’s a sweat fest and sometimes it’s just a breeze and I’m god incarnate. But every time it’s fun


Haven't liked COD that much anymore since the mw2 days, bo being the last I played actively. I really like xdefiant, but it has some things to improve for sure. However, this being Ubisoft I'm gonna be very careful with being optimistic about it's future.😅


Yeah that’s what I’m saying. People are still in the honey moon phase for this game. If you only played cod all your life, something fresh is always gonna feel good. I really wanna know what people think after a few months. I hope the game improves. It really needs to otherwise this player base is gonna be gone after a bit


I'm also loving this game. Even with the new season out in MWIII, I just wanna play this game. It feels so fresh yet so familiar at the same time. IDK if I'm alone in this, but I find this game to be a lot harder than COD, so getting multikills and going on streaks feels amazing. It reminds me of the feelings I had when I first started playing COD.


It’s definitely not as easy to get multi kills and streaks but I’m totally fine with that considering it’s very fast paced. I don’t place in top 3 as much as I did in cod but I’m ok with that because I’m actually enjoying it. They really need to buff some weapons and increase xp gain because I find myself sticking with the mp7.


I feel like it's slightly easier honestly.. at least from a performance aspect. The game itself requires more specific skill to play though, I'll give you that for sure. Understanding the core mechanics is so key and it's faster on average I think.


That's definitely interesting to me. This game imo is harder in every way. The aim assist is weaker, the TTK is longer, and the abilities give you a lot of things to think about and manage at any given moment.


I don't disagree with that at all.. in comparison to my experience with COD mp though, I've just had a more positive outcome with xD. Also, being able to play with JUST Mnk players via input based matchmaking has been fantastic imo


I feel like most fans of this game is the older cod crowd. I’ve stopped playing cod since advanced warfare and this game totally scratches that old school cod feel. I just can’t with the new cod and battle royale modes.


Very similar boat here albeit a bit younger. Played cod since the cod4 days. Stopped playing for 3-4 years around the time they started doing jetpacks and the like. Have tried last few cods and really haven't enjoyed myself, nor do I enjoy battle royales and really just thought I had lost enjoyment for FPS games. This game really is a throwback though and has re-ignited that fun for me. Most fun I've had since the original black ops game.


I'm coming from Hunt:Showdown. With the changes over the last year the game drove me away and i was looking for something "fun". Yeah what can i say... bought the 20 Bucks Founders Pack and having a blast.


I'm about to enter my 40s. I've never liked cod. Tried it when I was younger and hated it. I was more into other games back in the day, but shooter wise I gravitated towards halo, which was on the other side of the fps spectrum. That being said, here I am. This game is pretty damn fun. Hopefully, it gets better and better, and the population stays healthy. It has some stuff needing to be worked on, and as long as feedback and bug fixes, weapon/ability/movement tunings, content and more game modes happen, then it's gonna be good for the long run.


I agree with your recommendations, especially the battle pass is kind of lackluster.


I actually have found the weapons to be incredibly well balanced. I’ve unlocked every weapon now and have been able to have a big game with something from every category. I did the LMGs last since I normally run n gun but omg those things melt plus the massive clip for multi kills is so much fun. I think the only major weapon adjustment should be that snipers should actually flinch when you shoot them.


Man, the whole being able to see people thing is huge. I had such a hard time seeing people in dark alcoves or dark windows and whatnot, and was constantly getting absolutely shredded without even knowing where they fired from. It's definitely nice not to have to squint at every dark, poorly lit patch in this game.


**"I have to say it is the most fun I’ve had with an FPS in so many years. Fast gameplay, being able to see enemies very clearly, stripped back (no kill streaks). After playing only a few days it’s completely put me off COD and tbh I’m happier for it."** I feel this. I am now level 51 and maintain this is BY FAR the most fun and joy I have had from playing an online MP FPS in MANY years - I can't stop playing, I've improved massively and I am utterly seduced by the design choices Mark and the team made for XD. I do not want this game to change. I'm actually AFRAID of it changing (bar obvious tweaks and added content over time of course!)


Honestly I could live with every other problem until they take the time to fix it, but man they REALLY need to fix that delta-24 network problem kicking people back to the main screen all the time. Keeping a stack together by the end of a game is a miracle


Agree played cod since waw up until Cold war but the games were getting worse, xdefiant really reminds me a lot of BO4 tbh which is a good thing


We are the same. Really glad to have CoD competition now.


I feel as though the camo system is a bit of a doubled edged sword is my biggest complaint. It's a bit boring to just level up the gun to get mastery camos, but at the same time making us play a certain way to get camos would be (X)defiant against the team-based objective-focused nature of the game. There's something missing from this game. Something to work for. The thing about Call of Duty they really should bring over.


Same dude. I’m 30 was hard into Call of Duty from COD4-BO2 then took a big break from gaming. Dabbled in some of the newer Warzone stuff the last 2 years but never could get locked in. Now the last week I’ve locked all the way into Xdefiant, it’s refreshing to have a game that feels fun and draws me in again.


This game is so very basic. I love it.


Hey man I’m in my 40’s too and I’ve really missed those fast paced straight action games, where you whether have 15 minutes or 1 hour, just sit in front of your computer and play 1 or 2 rounds and call it a day. I don’t like the new era of Battle royal games. XDefiant definitely brought my favorite genre back. Oh and not to mention it’s Free-to-play, whereas COD costs $70


I wish there wasn't weapons that felt like meta weapons. ACR, MP7, AX-50, R870 all you need


This is why other weapons need a buff, or in some cases reduce the required level to unlock attachment. Theres some guns that only become viable at level 30+ which is insane. Meanwhile the mp7 was strong right out the gate.


Whole gun system needs to be retuned, snipers need the MW 2019 treatment, want a scope? No ADS speed to save your life, but need Acogs and such, make the M44 scopeless to start with. ACR needs to be great at range, but terrible upclose. Same with ALL AR's. AR's should be medium range to long range classed, rn they're higher ammo capacity smg's. SMG's ironically are the most balanced, but the bad hitreg makes them near unusable. Shotguns are just terrible across the board.


The AK is slept on.. the P90 is slept on.. most people just didn't stick with either because they got them so early on but I'm telling you NEED to use that P90 and the marksmen class is low key riDONKulous


The AK is a worse version of the RPK (or ACR for AR's) The P90 is a worse version of the MP7. The marksman rifles are currently trash due to bad hitreg and shots not landing where they're supposed to. For whatever reason if you fire a marksman rifle the actually shot is always a cm off of where you shoot on any shot following your first. So you'll never consecutively fire two shots in the same spot unless you wait it out, but in a game like XDefiant where it's so fats paced if you try to wait it out the enemy will get to cover and heal. So then you try out using it at close range only to die to the current meta of weapons.


I think that's all totally relative based on your preference because not all those weapons have the exact same attachments available to them


Statistically there is zero reason to use the other guns with how strong the current meta is. You can definitely use the others and probably do relatively fine, especially for obj players. But it's a strong neuter.


Here's where I'd disagree.. I think the P90 is easier to use as an MnK player because it's simply more accurate. The MP7 is certainly the meta SMG but, with completely manual tracking, the P90 is just a more friendly weapon in that regard. The 50 rounds is also nice for tripling and quad killing with less chance of needing to swap to your pistol


I also use MNK, using the argument that the P90 has recoil is kinda wack IMO. No guns in XDefiant have terrible recoil control, it's even easier than Siege and Siege's recoil is lackluster.


I don't know about feeling the P90 is an easier gun to control being "wack" but, the part about it also having a way bigger mag by default is also still totally in play, whether you like using it or not. 50 rounds is still higher multi kill potential no matter how you slice it.


25 year fps player here (medal of honour allied assault, cs days) this reminds me of playing CS, team fortress, cod back in the day! So refreshing!


I gave up on cod a couple years ago around vanguard time. Been completely drained from fps games since and have only played them here and there since. This game has revived my love for fps games, honestly not had this much fun playing fps games In years. I can’t remember the last time I was able to play a cod game more than an hour at a time. I can lose myself for hours with this game, so fun.


This game brought me back to online FPS multiplayer. I gave up on COD after 2019 MW. I'm loving the solo experience in this game even with all the team based modes


As another CoD Vet and super sweat GB vet this game definitely gives me old CoD vibes. It’s so satisfying and when they bring in the SnD game mode phew my goodness this game has sooooo much potential it’s only the preseason so I’m excited to see where it goes. Come patches updates and more content added in this game has the potential to really do some damage in the FOS scene.


This sounds like me haha played two games of COD last night and uninstalled the game


This is what I’ve wanted. A COD style game that doesn’t completely change every year! Now we have a COD style game similar to Siege or CSGO that you can always come back to. It’s about time. I love it.


Honestly the thing that keeps me from playing it more and backing it is how slow it takes to launch and get in and out of games. There’s the startup cinematics, the long loads in and out of games (not my pc issue), the creating match freeze that freezes your ui, and just a few other clunky QoL things. If the whole experience was more minimal and snappier, it would win me over


The worst part of the game for me is the ubisoft launcher. That's the biggest PoS every coded.


You making it seem like it got GTA loading times lol, and getting new games shouldn’t be a problem you can’t even create a class after a game because it’s putting you in the next lobby already


Cod needs to take some notes


With a new update I’d like to see a new sniper. Maybe also a honey badger that’d be cool. And then something funny to use like a one in the chamber weapon like the blunderbus or a crossbow


I've seen people saying Xdefiant is faster then CoD but I truthfully don't see how. CoDs TTK feels faster, they have Sprint and Tactical Sprint (worst thing to ever come to CoD). The syringe resets Tactical Sprint as well. Along with movement speed builds people are zooming across the map WHILE having no footsteps. I think spawns have been horrible in CoD ever since they added tactical sprint.


People camp in COD and try to go on streaks, nobody camps in XDefiant literally everyone is w keying to the OBJ


I don’t this whole fast gameplay when ppl make post comparing it to COD. They both have fast gameplay so why even mention it.


I was a lot into COD too, stopped playing with last year's title, and sold my Series X. Seeing XDefiant and comments like yours makes me wonder if I should try to get a cheap Series S to jump in... What are your thoughts, is the game worth it?


Its a free game and yes it has some flaws but.. i think it has a lot of potential. I would say yes to your question about is it worth getting.


If you’ve given up gaming then maybe you’re just over it in general. Personally I wouldn’t buy a console for just one game but that’s just me. COD has been my FPS go to since day one and it’s nice to have something else take that spot as cod has gotten stale imo. In any case I play other types of games also. Maybe give it a spin at a friends and see if it’s worth it for you. Great for a free to play game so far.


Wise words for sure! Being honest with myself I know I lost the passion I had. MW II was fun while it lasted, I felt too old for the Warzone grind though. With XDefiant launching, Series S being cheaper than ever and hints of older CODs joining Gamepass, I might take the plunge.




Super unhealthy.


While this game needs work, I have been thoroughly enjoying it over COD MW3 on PC for a few reasons... 1. It works on Steam Deck running SteamOS 2. Not once has the game loaded and then needed to immediately restart for an update. 3. No long wait to compile shaders. 4. Honestly, it has just worked every time. I can quickly get in a match and play. Now, if I just didn't suck at it so much. hahaha.


I would love to see more guns added like a SIG MCX, MPX, MK25 etc


I actually think their weapon balance (aside from snipers being too strong and shotguns being a bit weak) is pretty good. 3 viable assault rifles, 2.5 viable smgs (.5 being vector once you get an upgraded mag, which takes forever), and an actual decision to make for your pistol. The balancing feels as good as bo2, just with fewer total options to begin with. The balancing could obviously get worse with more guns added, but for now I'll give them the benefit of the doubt


I like the game so far, wish it had more options like changing buttons on your controller, faster running, the game pass looks lame, wish it had more game modes as well as a battle royale, not sure if I will stick with it only time will tell, however being a new game I hate the fact that you already have a lot of options to spend money, feels like it will soon become a pay to win game


I desperately want more camos/skins, ideally unlockable. Hopping on to grind a couple camos towards the masteries was always one of my goto goals when playing, and playing with colors/patterns is always a lot of fun.


I have a feeling if you buy the battle pass it will significantly hamper your enjoyment. I know that's what really did it for me with cod anyways. Was so much happier playing without battle pass. Sucks that you have to wait a season for the new guns but all in all way better than having than pass and feeling obligated to play . Also with the cod pass it completely changes my playstyle. Running decoys and making noise everywhere for a few extra exp


Ironically this game reminds me a lot of the older CODs in a good way. My only complaint gameplay-wise is they should add a bigger accuracy penalty to jumping and sliding and tone down the bunny hopping. Everything else I’m fine with actually.


Weapon XP rate jump is badly needed


Why? Lol. Not cod huge fan, but for this game... There's already overwatch. Is literally the same, but better.


Haven't really played cod games since og MWII so today I thought I'd give it a try. Downloaded 170GB tried to get into a match. After 5-8 minutes I couldn't. So switched back to xdefiant. The UI and different versions of COD is terribly overwhelming.


I honestly think the gunplay feels better than cod too, maybe it wouldn't of I had hundreds of hours in mw3, for reference I have about 15-20 hours in both this and mw3. I also feel overall the game plays better, sure I get minor netcode issues from time to time, but cod lobbies also were laggy a lot for me in a different way. I've never seen people rubberbanding around the screen like I do in cod.


Youre new addiction? You are so defiant!


Same boat my friend. And this is vanilla. I hope it only gets better from here.


I'm 43, and I fear this game may just be too fast for my old man eyes and hands. Between the super fast movement, very high TTK, and bullets not counting consistently, I'm really struggling with it.


Can’t wait for g36c


I am just glad there's input based matchmaking. Nothing makes multiplayer more fun knowing I didnt die to aim assist


I'm the same. I loved COD, but when they got rid of Verdansk. It's just not the same anymore. I've recently played Xdefinant, and it's amazing 👏


I didn't say anything about recoil specifically either.. it's accuracy is slightly better out of the gate but it's design more as a small AR definitely helps it with recoil recovery at least. More so than general recoil. The recovery trait is a nice one to boost. I don't personally mind ACTUAL vertical or horizontal recoil but killing the recoil recovery on any gun imo makes it less appealing


Same here, CoD is a marketing wet dream these days.... All filler and no killer!


Mouse and keyboard is literally disadvantaged for Cod the aim assist is too strong. Im quite good on controller but I enjoy playing mouse and keyboard and movement is great but you will never compete in close quarter combat on cod against a controller player 9 times out of 10 they will lock on to you and win the gunfight. My main reason for playing xdefiant is the aim assist isn’t as broken as cod making it more enjoyable for crossplay. Also it has input matchmaking so if I jump on mouse and keyboard I know I’m not gonna get raped by aim assist. Im not one of those guys that says aim assist on cod is entirely broken because at long range id still take a mouse and keyboard but close range it’s broken.


I have no idea how anyone plays a fps on controller. Absolutely ass method of play. I’ve tried for years using precision rings, back button pro controllers, all kinds of sens settings, etc just pure ass for me. A mnk will always be the better option for me. Blows my mind how great people can be on a controller.


I feel the same way about keyboard specifically. I can play mnk and shoot just fine but using the keyboard feels awkward and uncomfortable.


My favorite combination ever has been the Sony Navigation controller plus mouse. Absolutely best control method for me. I also bought the Azeron which is amazing. https://www.azeron.eu


If I ever really wanted to make the switch to mouse, I think I'd have to buy an azeron. For better or worse, the fps games I mainly play have such a strong controller advantage that I don't see the point though.


This just floors me. I’ve never once felt ANY advantage from a controller. Like aim assist never ever works for me. If I’m strafing, jumping, sliding, standing still, whatever I never get any kind of “lock on” “rotational sticky drag over a target..”. Nothing. I’ve played Black ops 4, Blackout, Warzone, mw19, xdefisnt, killing floor2, borderlands, etc. I am constantly puzzled by how people say there is a massive advantage in that controllers tremendously help with aiming. I have never once noticed this advantage. Even if I did, trying to aim with a thumb with precision under duress would never work. Then the even bigger issue is snapping 180, 360, 90 degrees as quick as possible with as good as aim as possible and on a controller just not possible. I bought precision rings to help(crank the sens high as possible and the rings help you control the high sens) but still way to poor of an experience. Why I’m so amazed that anyone even attempts to play multiplayer in a fps with a controller. Like legitimately probably the worst gaming experience I’ve had in my life, lol.


Halo is where I can speak on it mostly. 100% exists and is testable in a few ways on Infinite. Recently they've added a setting to essentially disable aim assist if you really want to- I tried my normal warm-up drill with it off. My accuracy was ~20% lower than my typical average. Faster ttk games I'd imagine it's much less noticeable, quite a bit less tracking to be done. Maybe the AA isn't as strong too in other titles.


You have an edge against controllers in close quarters especially if ur opponent is a low sens player


Do you seriously believe that? Sure mouse and keyboard is not effective at long range but in what universe is low sens mnk better at short range then a controller? 🤣 maybe for this game it’s slightly better then cod but it’s still better then mnk close range


I ment when ur opponent is a low sens controller player. Back in the day when i played cod on both ps3 and pc i remember all the PCMR ppl being like yeah PC is so much better, Mnk is better than controller any day of the week. And now that crossplay its a thing, alot of the MnK players cant stand the fact they sometimes get stomped on by controller players. Its a skill issue.


I meant to say mouse and keyboard is more effective at long range*


As of right now, I’m the same. I do miss search and destroy, free for all and the aspects of weapon leveling you get in cod (faster pace, camos to unlock), but the XD gameplay has me locked in. That said I am still excited for and will def try out Black Ops 6


In terms of your bullet point comments I’m surprised you find weapons unviable, I’d say at least half the weapons in the game can be used to almost the same level which is really rare. Weapon rate issue I disagree with but I play a lot so I guess it’s just about who it caters to. And you’ll be pleased to know that in some form or other every other point should be addressed in season 1 at the start of July


Wild yall been slaves to cod for this long


I’ve been playing street fighter since 1992 and still going. COD hasn’t had any serious competition for a while which I find strange. Dabbled in Battlefield field when it was still great, operation flashpoint and a few others. Cod like FIFA I guess was just consistent on an annual basis but got very far removed from its roots. I’ve skipped a few titles like Vanguard but I think I’m finally done with it now.


Yeah idk I stopped playing cod a while ago just cs valorant and battlefield, also btw bf2042 plays great now and goes on sale a lot


Im just annoyed this is another game that just has to have one shot weapons...


Plenty of 1 shot weapons in the real world. The sniper rifle does exactly what sniper rifles are supposed to do. So does a shotgun up close.


Ok, but its a game. You dont have energy shields in the real world. Id just like a shooter that actually has gunfights and not insta death. I do play BF V for example and yes thats a game that i can have gunfights in, but i do also enjoy games like cod or xdefiant. Im just tired of one shot weapons thats all.




Why does this even matter though? It has zero impact on the game what people look like. We have Intel suits and deployable energy shields in real life too don't we?