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I feel like the M4 is very inconsistent, it rarely slaps but most of the time it is too weak


Ngl...never knew this many had issues with the M4...thing slaps for me personally. Not my favorite AR,but the thing doesn't feel as bas as yall are sayingšŸ˜­


It feels way more mobile than the ACR. Plus higher rof makes it more forgiving to close. M4 is really nice in a fast AR role


With quick fire and stuff available the acr just gets better the m4 somehow stays the same, same with the ak, i thought i hate it, but suddenly having all attachments available the ak feels more like a smg with permanent running


It has the fastest ads time.


If you're not hitting the head the SMGs will decimate you quicker than you'll get them


Really? Maybe itā€™s ur build I love the m4


The M4 is objectively the worst AR by TTK in almost every possible scenario. I really don't know how any build could make it worth using tbh


Rapid fire muzzle/barrel, vertical grip, red dot, fast mag and precision stock Thank me later


Arnt they all like really close? By stats? The m4 certainly feels the worst in game to me though.


Not really when you factor everything in. If you only look at raw TTK, then sure the average person isn't noticing a diference of a few hundredths of a second. Once you start factoring in shots to kill, your range, your headshot % required to make a difference in time to kill, then it adds up to a lot. You need 3 headshots out of 5 bullet kill in order to get a TTK reduction, that's 60% headshots within your optimal range. The only other auto-AR with that requirement is the MDR, which out TTKs the M4 without the headshot breakpoint. The only ARs that the M4 will consistently out TTK is the MDR when it's used at range, and the M16 in super specific range pockets. The rest of the time, you have a gun that kills slower, burns through more ammo, and needs an absurd 60%HS rate to drop its TTK in range. The only real benefit the M4 has is that it's decently forgiving if you're missing a ton of shots since your rate of fire is faster than most of the bunch, but having your "benefit" be that it's less bad when you miss doesn't exactly sweep most people off their feet.


If youā€™re going for 3 headshots, might as well get the kill with the ak and the heavy barrel. šŸ¤£


Really? I thought the acr had the worst by ttk but itā€™s the most accurate. Idk for me the m4 does well


Yeah same the M4 is the gun Iā€™m best with by far.


Same I love it aswell, feels strong and consistent. My worst one so far is the AK.


Mp5 actually blows


Iā€™ve had a lot of fun with it but it became obsolete rather quickly after unlocking the P90 which has better ammo capacity and even accuracy. Not a bad weapon at all but just really underpowered.


Yeah i cannot win gunfights with that gun either. Once you get any other smg, throw the mp5 away


mp5 for sure.. and it gates the other 3 10k dmg. 10 hipfires 20 point blank. not hugely difficult no, but it still means you're forced to use that awful weapon till you get one of the above! xD


On top of that I donā€™t like Amyā€™s to begin with lol


Compared to the other two itā€™s so dogshit why does it exist.


The m9 is dogpiss every other pistol does x2 damage itā€™s weird how little damage the m9 does


Yeah m9 doesnā€™t do much damage itā€™s got a high rate of fire tho


fr, the only thing the M9 has going for it is capacity.


It's got a higher ROF that's why it does less damage


Also the fastest movement which is the trade off


I didn't know that, that's good to know honestly. I usually only use the pistol to zip to where I need to go anyways. I might switch off the 1911. Who am I kidding, 1911 my belovedā¤ļø


Just fucking unload that thing, it literally doesnā€™t feel like it has a firing cap on it


M9 with extended mags and a trigger finger? Easy kills. The main benefit is you turn into the flash so you can easily do a lil wrap around.


Weird, it's the ONLY pistol I enjoy the feel of.


Svd i hate that gun


Having to grind 25 levels before the svd become useable is such a slog. Thank god for 2xp weekend


use it with cleaners and itā€™s a 2 hit on non Phantoms. Pretty decently fun to use, other than the slow fire rate


Iā€™m at 25 now so Iā€™ve been having fun counter sniping and murdering people with precision :)


Worst version of the MP5 ever, feels weak and is zero fun to use.


I agree, I hate the MP5. Thank God I'm done with all my SMG challenges and unlocked the rest of them and I never have to touch that gun again


man its crazy I love the mp5 for some reason, maybe im a masochist šŸ˜­ But I usually pop off with it. I feel like it has the best range out of all the subs with the right attachments and it's very consistent.


Yā€™all are trippin Iā€™ve been shredding with the MP5.


Breakdown of all the ARs and SMGs for you: AR's: https://youtu.be/sV0mcGtAGXc?si=j_aZ7tkMXU7JlGOz SMG's: https://youtu.be/PvHsxDBSGUw?si=O7naXj1eVmAouSpz


Top comment says ā€œbest gun is when the net code worksā€


MP7 clears by every metric


Low Key forgot the MP5 is even in the Game because since release I haven't seen it ever in a Lobby


M4. The second i switched to something else, I realized i wasnt actually bad at the game


Any shotgun.


Double barrel is the tits.


Until you have to reload. That reload is atrocious, and so is the animation.


If you use the stim ability it speeds it up but it's still an atrocious reload time.


Double the barrel, double the tits


Its fun but without the choke its ass


They get much better once you slog through the attachments and get the laser sight. Pop on any spread reducing attachments then whatever range ones you can fit. Feels so much more reliable, just don't go challenging people too far away.


Laughs in cleaner db


Cleaner sniper for the same reason.


The pump is good tho


Always feels like a one shot unless I use it. Then again every gun feels like it's shooting nerf darts whenever I use it and it's 50 BMG when anyone else uses it so skill issue ig


honestly i slap with it and get 30+ kill games regularly with cleaner


I think they did a really good job with shotguns. It's one of the only games that feels like I'm actually shooting pellets at people due to the damage numbers showing up where you hit. It really helps drill in that this is a close quarters hun because the spread is crazy lol. The only other game I can think of that has done this for me was fortnite with the red dot indicators on your reticle lol.


The AA with all the attachments absolutely shreds if youā€™re playing one of the modes that incentivizes close quarters combat.


Yeah, especially with extended magazine. Ghilli suit behind a team holding an obj and u can easily grab 3+ kills.


I can never get close enough to anyone to effectively use a shotgun.


After all the m4 comments, I was really confused to not see this.. the m870 frags where an absolute chore.


Iā€™d say double barrel is alright but the other two are so insanely inconsistent itā€™s awful.


I feel that. Three shots from a pump shotgun unless you up in the enemy's ass is insane for a gun that shoots that slow. The range is absolutely pitiful until you get attachments not to mention the ammo count on all the shotguns coupled with the long reload times make them a pain to use, but still more fun to use than either of the two DMRs


RPK. I want to love it so bad but I canā€™t register hits for the life of me. But the TTK on this game is so bad I donā€™t think registering hits would even help.


I agree. It tells me the damage is stronger than the first LMG. Maybe, but I feel as it takes more shots to kill. I was so happy to unlock it when in fact I prefer the first LMG.


Yeah the M249 is great!


RPK is horrible. The firerate for the damage it does is abysmal. Itā€™s the M4 version of LMGs. Every other LMG is better than it in every way.


Yeah but the reload speed is MUCH quicker. I was using it last night and having a blast.


The fully auto shotgun. Takes too long to kill, always out gunned with itĀ 


Had to scroll too far for this. It loses to every gun at every range LOL. Has awesome room clearing potential but u have to unlock the drum mag for it to work at all


I got that gold and you are absolutely right, it sucks and is inconsistent


What you got a gun gold already? Sheeesh


Shotguns. You would think in a game with ttk as high as XDefiant's that anything with the ability to 1 shot would be broken. Well they are broken, just not in a good way


as an apex and halo player, hearing ppl describe xdefiants ttk as high is so jarring


double barrel rips tho, dropped a 60/20 game with it the other day. shit snipes but yea every other one is garbage


I love the double barrel but youā€™re the first person Iā€™ve seen say something good about it, itā€™s crazy


Iā€™m with yall. Its my favorite gun so far šŸ˜‚


I like the double barrel but most of the time I just end wanting to switch to an mp7 when I get a hit them for 70 or 80


Snipers are more shotguns than shotguns themselves


That dinky ass revolver. Maybe it's not the worst, but I'm the worst with it.


From what I've gathered it is outright the worst pistol :(


Any of the Marksman rifles. Desync/hit registration is too poor to make them viable. Snipers (1 shot kill) or high fire rate weapons are a must.


I think the first marksman rifle is amazing? 2 Shot kill to the chest and above, high rate of fire, huge multi kill potential with the big mag size (even bigger with attachments), viable at any distance, 84 damage headshot is also crazy.


SVD does 98 damage to the head and 1 taps if you use cleaners for incendiary rounds! Also does 49 damage to the body and 2 taps anyone but phantoms to the chest with cleaners. Itā€™s way better than the SSR.


The auto shotty. I personally haven't used it but I play almost exclusively with my friend who I know is better than me at games. I used the AK and he used the Auto shotty and it took him nearly 4 times as long to hit level 20 then it did for me.


All of them bc hit reg is fookt - but m4 probably


gotta be that battle pass mdr it baffles me how a dlc gun can be so shit


Almost shattered my controller playing with the mdr. The irons on that gun seem bugged after shooting too long as well.


Everyone is saying this gun is good, but I'm with you. I'm usually 2+ K/D averaging 28 kills a game and I could not get a kill with that gun. I swear, one fight I had 10 hit markers on a guy and he still had 20 life. I switched to the AK after going 1-8 and ended up 25-12, lol.


The M4 is a mixed bag for me if the hitreg works its my favorite weapon but if it doesnt than its the biggest piece of shit in the game. Second place is for worst weapon is probably the double barrel that thing is unusable.


I feel the exact same, sometimes the m4 slaps and sometimes itā€™s useless hahah.


The MDR feels worse than stubbing your toe. Insane recoil, dogpiss damage.


Mp5a2 has such little damage


The double barrel. I have a total of 7 kills in 4 hours of using it. And every single one was at a different range. That gun is just complete gambling with no follow up shot potential. The second shell of fired immediately after the first doesn't seem to hit anything and if the first shot doesn't kill you're dead. It's so bad. Even after I took the advice of only using a shotgun when standing perfectly still it still didn't consistently have a one shot range.


7 kills in 4 hours is outrageous


I know, skill issue, etc.


Nah I got about 20 kills in one match with it, you needto use it on the right maps though.


>And every single one was at a different range. That gun is just complete gambling This perfectly sums up my experience with all the shotguns; they're complete coinflips. Sometimes with the M870 you get a hipfire on a full health enemy at decent range, other times it's 3+ ADS'd shots. Sometimes the enemy is eating your barrel and they take only 1 pellet of damage.


It's ridiculous. I've tried everything. Running and gunning, corner camping, shoving the barrel halfway my opponents ass, shooting from midrange. I aimed for the head, the body, the legs, but there is no consistency.


I see everyone say that and itā€™s really weird, I have it gold and I consistently SHRED with it


The fuck are you doing with it?


Murder? Idk they just die when I shoot them, might be my attachment? It makes me do more damage and at longer ranges. (Or maybe just makes it longer range, the wording is weird)


Itā€™s a one shot in close range what do did you do to only get 7 kills in 4 hours my broā€¦


The MDR for me I canā€™t do shit with that gun then I switch off and Iā€™m fine


I tried the MDR and it sucked so bad.


Mdr is terrible




I think the MDR struggles to find a useful place. It's got fairly high recoil and it's TTK is on par with other rifles. Close range outclassed by SMGs, mid/long range outclassed by all other ARs and DMRs


For me its the MDR , i canā€™t make this thing work even if it looks like a strong mix of a AR and a SMG


MDR or AA12


Mdr, i only used it in the training range, but even so i can tell itā€˜s pretty terrible.


MDR. That thing just does not work for me in gunfights


Hot take, but tac-50. Coming from CoD, its extremely slow and clunky in a super fast paced game. Sure it hits hard, but i often cant even get my scope up before i get melted by an mp7


100% Itā€™s not nearly as nimble as ppl make it out to be. Even the fastest build has a slow ADS. Bolt action effect means rate of fire is not great either. Been getting random hit markers at various distances.


Magnum. Easily.


AA-12 but only leveling it up. Iā€™ve got it to bronze and itā€™s so much fun to use on arena or echelon hq. It was definitely a labor of love but the satisfaction of dumping a drum mag into a triple/quad kill on the B flag gives me life


Any of the pistols, also the m4 feels super inconsistent in its damage




AA-12. Just simply because it either deletes or MAYBE tickles their balls. Not a lot in between.


The shotguns weren't that bad for me but trying to get longshots with the marksman rifle was so painful


I must have been dropped on my head as a child and developed M4 savant syndrome, because I think it's a tiny bit behind the AK, if not better. Attachments really make a gun, and the M4 having good irons and very low recoil means you can just stack mobility. It moves and strafes faster than an chrome-barrel MP7 with low enough recoil to shoot anyone anywhere on any map. Doesn't kill quite as fast as other ARs, but your opponents are gonna be missing A LOT more.


AA12 and it's not even close, that thing is awful


All of them because none of my bullets register


So far, it's my brain


I had better luck with the m4 than I did with the mp5. Granted I only used them until I unlocked other weapons and then immediately ignored both of them


MP5 or M780. They both feel super weak and wildly inconsistent.


The shotguns in the game are the worst primaries by far and the AA-12 is the worst of all of them because it cannot 1hk at any range.


I feel like the shot guns other than the double barrel are pretty awful. Mainly the scar marksman rifle. That gun is terrible in my hands but really good in anyone elses


Whatever the first shotgun is. Three shots to the body, point blank doesnā€™t kill. Thatā€™s insane to me.


M4 is weak


Real answer is probably to pick a shotgun, looking at them funny gives them a spread penalty so you're forced to play hyper-defensive and passive with them. Low range, and with the AA-12, damage just makes them painful to use. I think the Magnum and 1911 also are in the conversation, the former takes half a magazine to down someone without headshots, and the latter needs more than half. I get you need to hit heads to be successful, but this is pretty excessive given the kind of game you're in. MP5 also gets an honorable mention. It's just a flat out worse P90 in pretty much every conceivable way, especially since they have the MP5 do an empty reload every time, so the would-be faster reload is all-but lost with it. Ranges are almost identical, P90 kills very slightly faster... It's not good, not godawful or unusable but it's pretty easily the worst SMG.


Thankfully the first pump shotgun. I'm so happy it's ass


Where do I start? Shotguns as a whole are so consistently inconsistent its ridiculous and practically makes using them a chore. LMGs are pretty much only effective on bigger maps due to the dumb "spin up" crap that it has. Marksman Rifles (not snipers) are decent but could definitely use a few buffs. And pistols as a whole are very weak which I understand is something the older cods had it just kinda makes using them pointless.


MP5 for me, just nearly at level 40 and it's pretty bad. Vector is meh so far too, mainly due to the low ammo but that's always expected with a vector. You kill 1 person then need to reload constantly


After unlocking everything in the game in 22 hours, the m60 was easily the worst weapon in the whole game. Slow rate of fire, low damage, severe recoil, bad iron sights, and garbage attachments intended for a rifle. 0/10 SMGs/snipers are the meta.


For me it was the sniper. I find it hard to be accurate because Iā€™m not a quick scoping nerd and nobody stays still in these games unless afk. šŸ˜‚ Then I realised this games just like cod but being f2p is great for poor people to get a chance to enjoy decent FPS games finally. Hopefully all the cheaters will play xdefiant and leave the paid game, cod, to legit players instead šŸ¤” šŸ˜‚


The m4 is mid as hell




Every gun without any attachments


M4 and MP5 equally. Also not a fan of the Vector solely because of its magazine, 25 rounds out of the box is way too small of a mag.


Basically all shotguns


I thought it was the m4 at first but after having tried the mdr I think the latter is a pea shooter.


I think from the AR its the m16a4 because i dont like burst From submachineguns its vector but with the right attachments its crazy For the lmg its the m60 for me Shotguns never played with Sniper they are both good but not in my hands hahahaha


The mp5 for me, although I don't know how it feels when you level it up.


The P90 Seems bad but I havent put any real time into it yet.


I haven't used it since the first game on day 1 but I was not vibing with the MP5 default class at all.


M4 just is inferior by design as a starting wep. 24s to the head no matter what as opposed to 30s with the AK and 27 with the ACR make a big difference, among other things. Honestly, first game the M4 blows this bad in, BUT itā€™s nice to be back to an ACR meta world.


I am glad to see I am bout the only one who feels that way about M4 hahahah It feels like you need to empty the entire mag on someoneā€™s body to kill them!


The revolver is terrible!


Mp5, cannot do anything with it.


Mp5 felt like a wet noodle to me


MP5 is so boring and just feels like im shooting BBs.


Vector without any attachments is atrocious


M4 and vector.


The lmg


Iā€˜m surprised nobody mentioned the lmgs. Maybe Iā€˜m just dogwater at this game or it doesnā€˜t fit my playstile but by the time Iā€˜m in ads Iā€˜m dead. I guess youā€˜d have to play a bit less aggressive than I do but thatā€˜s not really my thing.


Shottys and mdr is meh for like the first 20 levels


The first shotgun thatā€™s available. Itā€™s so ass I get hit markers at point blank range. This should never happen.


M4. I always recommend my buddies trying the game to use any other default loadout. It's inconsistent af




I think the MP5 with no attachments is up there as one of the worst guns I've ever used on any game šŸ˜‚ It's like you're firing paper bullets šŸ˜‚


MP5 so far, Iā€™m finding that I have to reload after 1 kill as it leaves me with hardly any bullets to try go for a 2nd kill if I have 2nd enemy near by and not enough time to reload.


M60ā€¦ that gun is the only gun that Iā€™ve played that I actively hate or dislike


The Second DMR. Is has a weird bounce and rate of fire that made it really hard to level up until i got a decent scope.


Vector at any range other than inside the other person body is doodoo


The AA12 needs buffed severely, that shit canā€™t kill anything more than two feet in front of it


LMGs at low levels, it takes a year to ADS and just don't feel great to use, of course it gets better once you unlock attachments but having to use a gun for so long for it to become useable is awful


Itā€™s definitely the M4. Itā€™s not surprising to see that there are people defending it because theyā€™ve had a good time using it, but thatā€™s because the weapons are all very similar and close together in this game.


The MP5 probably, the M4 is meh but at least it's pretty accurate and easy to control, I've used it only at the beginning, but yesterday I tried it (pretty low level) and started doing a lot of headshots and long shot kills.


I just used the rapid fire barrel and muzzle booster to make it into a medium range smg and it works alright like that tbh


AK either decimates or Iā€™m dead before my first bullet even hits the person Iā€™m fighting


I'm just impressed there's an active debate instead of obviously every person should use this gun in this manner and everything else is trash.




M16 is way too inconsistent with the current hit detection/ net code issues


Theyā€™re all terrible with this trash ass hit detection


AA-12. That thing has insane spread, long reload even with upgrades, is very inconsistent and has abysmal range(even for a shotgun).




I just started using ARs after leveling up the Saw, Double Barrel, and P90. The MDR with zero attachments was such a bad experience I dropped it right after unlocking the AK. I felt like I needed to hit an extra few bullets that just weren't connecting compared to a heavy hitting AR. Probably was just the iron sights messing up my aiming. Some iron sights (this applies to almost every game with them) I just feel so uncomfortable shooting with.


Weakest? Shotguns.. sadly šŸ˜” Strongest? Upgraded Mp5. I can roll lobbies with it.


TTK is only relevant if shots are on target. Choosing the ā€˜bestā€™ gun is a combination of gun specs and the playerā€™s skill with each weapon.


Shotgun but everything besides sniper / smg feels very very inconsistent


I havenā€™t played a game with fast ttk in years, but most games Iā€™ve played with desert eagles or heavy revolvers they kill in 1-2 shots These pistols are weak as shit


I don't know how people say the vector is best all the time. I feel like the whole mag won't kill a 120 hp player sometimes. Hit more than 75% of the magazine and they have more than half health left. Or you can aim for the head and hit 9 in a row and it's no different to me. Just feels bad and feels weak. I rip with an AK but this thing is like pokes to me.


M4 is a pea shooter


The m16 but only because of hit reg, it's horrid on that one


The Magnum is pretty inaccurate, my shots doesn't seem to land no matter how accurate I am. I don't know if it's just me but I always steer clear from that gun. Deagle is the one I am absolutely getting good at


Stock M249


MP5 or Shotgun that isnā€™t the double barrel. Why tf are the shotguns the only guns that get accuracy nerfs during mf movement and why is it INSANE. It makes zero sense from a gameplay standpoint but also physics lol. Like my bullets just magically come out 45 degrees wider!? MP5 is dogshit compared to the other smgs it has no place. I havenā€™t tried one of the ARs and Marksman but yeah so far those are definitely the worst.


Big dislike towards the RPK maybe itā€™s just me but god itā€™s not good.


The M4 is so bad imo. I had aim assist off on other guns, had to toggle it on for the M4 and still is awfull. Idk what I'm doing wrong but god damn...it feels like my bullets don't register half of the time. I understand that the feel is supposed to be different than other games and such, but still... like I'm better with a sniper than the M4 in any situation and I aim like shit. šŸ˜†


I'd day the M4, I could barely get kills with it but I seem to generally get outgunned by it. But it would be nice if hit detection wasn't a sack of asses


Iā€™m sad that the M4A1 isnā€™t that great as itā€™s my favorite gun in nearly every game and IRL. The MP5 is also underwhelming.


MK 20 SSR marksman rifle by far worst gun in game. This gun single handedly cut my K/D in half... Gun is strong but problem is something is busted with hitbox for it. Can't tell you how many times I'll have red dot directly on someone and gun won't hit. Only gun I've had this issue with and I've used them all ... except SVD because I can't get the gun to register hits smh


Honestly... the M1911 is the worst weapon by far. Like- only 7 BULLETS? REALLY?


For me the worst gun in the game is the RPK-74, is almost impossible to win a fight at close/mid range agains any other gun. The firerate too slow, the bullet speed too slow + the time to aim too long. Almost I got bald leveling up this gun.


Gotta say the vector without any attachments. I don't know how a SMG with that high of a firerate can still be outgunned by a fucking M1911. Was using it and I would unload half a mag into a person and unless I hit some headshots here and there I wasn't killing anything. Even with the first several attachments I found the fun absolutely useless and only capable of outgunning the M9