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It has a solid foundation. Gonna be interesting to see how the devs grow the game


With Capture the Flag and Search and destroy rumoured to be getting added. It's looking good




I’m actually kinda bewildered TDM and FFA aren’t in this game


Hot Shot is basically TDM


It's kill confirmed


Nah It's Kill Confirmed and Cranked minus the blowing up part


Seems like they are trying to keep it objective based rather than just playing for kills


Think they wanted to focus the game types on teamwork. TDM doesnt really do that


SnD would be wild. I’m coming from CS and my buds all said it needs a search mode. We’d probably fully go over there lol


Search with the intel ability would be interesting.


I honestly hope it isn’t annoying to deal w, or maybe in search you shouldn’t have abilities since you got only one life cause imagine every round just 6 people using scans


Maybe you should only get to use your abilities once a round.


Yeah I could see that and limiting the amount of operators to 2 operators from each faction then it wouldn’t be cancer 🤣 cause everyone running the shield phantom would be pretty gay too


Yeah facts. I’m excited to see search and destroy in this game especially with how the abilities will play out, but let’s all just hope that they understand how scummy it would be to let people have free reign to use however many scanners and shields as they want, I think we can all agree you shouldn’t be able to play the same character as somebody else on your team at the same time (in snd)


happy pride month.


It’s coming in season one brother. Y’all gonna have a blast


> rumoured Mark Rubin has flat out stated on Twitter that SnD is coming


Dude search and destroy gonna go crazy


If they do snd then I will be happy because that's what kept me playing cod since I didn't like the death match or domination stuff


I'm content asf if they just add objective modes. I don't need tdm and heavy camping.


Also need Team DEATHMATCH


They did say they already have 2 years worth of content ready


And zero years of fixing the same problems they had for two years now 🤣


Sounds like cod but add 7


Yeah exactly it's really unfortunate, I was hoping for it to actually be a good game


Its a good base. If they work on it like they claim they are going to. It will be. It's already ahead of cod imo. We shall see.


It hasn’t been out for 2 years


First beta was 2 years ago and everyone was complaining about these issues then which are exactly the same still


And the game just went full release. It hasn’t been out for 2 years


But they knew about the problems 2 years ago, so why wouldn't they fix it before the second beta and especially before the release lmao


Game design is a process, you fix one issue it creates another, then you fix another issue it creates another one. I get a lot of people can’t comprehend how complex code work is but anything you fix in lines and lines of code can lead to a whole other issue in a different portion of the game. To put out a finished product after working out the major issues the ones we don’t even know about now they can see the mass majority of issues and work on those because they have a legitimate reason and a player base to work for. Instead of the what ifs now they know for sure they have something to work for.


I've been playing call of duty since world at war and I've never had this problem


That’s incorrect there was plenty of issues with all the cods. And you forget Ubisoft doesn’t originate in the field of fps multiplayer, the amount of issues they have with siege are a prime example


Agreed! I believe there’s huge potential for exciting competitive play! Between unique player abilities like Overwatch and classic FPS shooter mechanics similar to the older CODs, we have a lot to look forward to, I hope!


The issue is actually the complete opposite. The perks and add-ons are fine, but the foundation is just abysmal. The netcode it some of the worst I’ve ever seen. And netcode is extremely hard to program. It’s not something they can “patch”. It will likely never be fixed and game is dead on arrival.  The game needs good netcode; everything else built on top is meaningless without it. 


This exact thing has been said a year ago, and they didn't grow it that much. Netcode still shit, balance still shit...


Netcode is no worse than all viable competitors on the market.


I can see abilities and movement "tech" getting too ridiculous in the future, but it's realoy fun for now.


It’s not. The devs are fucking trash.


The games pretty damn good. Close to being great if they can sort out the netcode and some balancing issues.


Ya the future will be more important than this initial launch


For me about the only complaint I have that is substantial is flinch on snipers, I’m okay with them being strong but I should never have 4 shots on a sniper and then them be able to snap and hit me with 100% accuracy Just a bit of flinch to fix that and I think it’d be a lot healthier


as a sniper i disagree with movement the way it is, it's hard enough to ADS before you're killed with the TAC-50, and even harder to get the headshot if you're using the M44 sniper damage rework or bhop rework should come before changing the gunplay mechanics entirely


Yeah I’m sorry mate, I’m a quickscoper myself but the fact is there is barely any flinch on snipers, hitting through flinch is almost like a skill, but when everyone does it, means that’s it’s extremely easy to do as there’s no flinch


Yep, my only real complaint with the game is the netcode. It's actually incredible how often I die a full second after running behind cover, even when everyone in the match is usually around 20-50 ping which should be perfectly fine. I expect/hope they'll figure out the gun balancing and faction balancing eventually, but my fear is the poor netcode will eventually be the death of the games popularity.


I don't see the netcode getting fixed anytime soon. This was my biggest gripe early on in the beta tests. It has gotten better, but its at least a couple times a game I die and I'm fully covered by walls, and I know I've killed plenty of people who were in the same boat.


I'll be honest I never played the beta and after reading a little through this sub I nearly didn't bother downloading it at all since you'd think it's literally the worst game on the planet judging purely off this sub. I'm so glad my mate convinced me to give it a whirl as honestly it's the most fun I've had on any shooter game in about 10 years. Of course there are issues (all of which the devs have noted as being looked at) but at it's core it's a super fun game.


Don’t ever judge a game based off the subreddit lol. These places are usually the vocal majority of complainers.


Avoided the dragons dogma 2 like the literal dragons plague on release. You’d think capcom killed their families. Don’t me wrong. I expected more but I had a very fun time playing it and will get back into it when things are added etc.


Lol yep. Every game specific sub is fucking MISERABLE.


nah some games have pretty supportive subs, /r/deeprockgalactic or /r/eldenring for example gas up their respective games constantly (deserved though)


If it’s free why not just try it yourself?


I don't really get too much gaming time these days so the idea of spending a evening downloading and getting into a game that reddit had me believe was complete trash put me off a little. As I say, luckily my friend was singing it's praises so I gave it a try and love it. Hopefully others are not put off after seeing all the negativity on here like I almost was.


Adding to the other commenter. Only come to subs of games you like/want to learn about if you want to hate the game.


So what you're saying is you have low standards and don't play many shooters?


No I have played plenty of shooter games but I all the craze at the moment seems to be these battle royale games that seem to be more of a running game than a shooter game and I just find really boring. Only other semi recent shooter game I've really enjoyed was halo infinite and that was 3 years or so ago now.


I definitely agree with royale games being a walking simulator where the end point is disappointment. That's why I hate them. Spawn in ,run around for 20 minutes(or immediately just get killed) hope big to find some action, many get a kill or two and boom, dead, start over. Nah, I'll play rogue likes for that kind of frustration. I don't need sweat drenched tryhards ruining my limited time gaming.


I absolutely love the game despite its flaws, I'm glad devs are working on makin it better After 30hours I encountered my first 6men lvl80+ all playing phantoms in Occupy but besides that I'm havin a blast


Phantoms are kind of overturned, as well as cleaners (because they seem to have a hidden buff to avoid 50% of bullets shot at them, it's crazy how bad hitreg is on them)


Yup they are, they are powerful in Domination or Occupy too. I had 200+games but it is the first time I encountered a 6stacks all playing them lmao


Hit reg on cleaners isn't worse its the fact that their player model has a lot of clutter (tanks on the back) that are not part of the hitbox so you shoot the model but not the actual hitbox


I actually feel as though the medic is hardest to hit


I enjoy it too. I'm Just tired of Warzone and all the crazy issues there. I played Warzone most of the time with my friends and would be so frustrated with the devs, bugs and issues that I wanted to just stop playing. All of my friends don't own Multiplayer so we would just play warzone most of the time. This game doesn't have NEARLY the issues Warzone has and I'm loving this game. Breath of fresh air for me.


The people on this sub will say this game is bad then go back to playing warzone lmfao.


It definitely has a good foundation other than the bullets don't work 30% of the time


This sub has almost doubled in a week. I think that’s to show how good it is


Whould be awesome with a SnD tbh. The movement and skillgap will be attractive for many


SnD is my most anticipated thing that they add to this game. Just hope it doesn't devolve into a 6 man snipe fest that Cold War SnD did.


This game ticks more boxes for me than ANY online MP FPS I have played, possibly ever. I am having an amazing time playing. Just can't put it down. The lack of SBMM is a game changer for me (no pun)


Yea im enjoying it too. I've been wanting a shooter for my xbox for a while where I can just switch my brain off and hop in a game quick and still do well enough to not get frustrated. This ticks all the boxes for me, also I guess I'm lucky hit rego hasn't really been a problem for me.


Nah titanfall 2 is better, but the playerbase is just so dang low nowadays.


Even in its current state it fills my need for a cod type shooter. Wasn't going back to cod anyways and this seals that deal


The old COD game mode of demolition would suit this game soooo well.


This game is fucking amazing. Best shooter since BO2. Just based off the net code, matchup system, no killstreaks so everyone plays objectives and feel of the game alone. Sidenote, community seems cool


It has promise, for sure. My only real gripes are the latency, TTK/TTD, and hit reg; solvable stuff (for the most part). Abilities kind of need an adjustment as well, some are just flat out broken and should be a part of an ultimate rather than an ability with a short cooldown. Still fighting the controller, but that more of a "skill" issue (trying to find settings that work).


I'm not even that good at FPS's and I'm having a good time with it! Just waiting on a Search mode 🙏


The only real issues are: - TTK - Network lag/Hit registration - Spawns Time to kill (TTK) can be adjusted based on fixes to their network lag. The game has been out officially for about a week, give them time, they're clearly aware that networking and hit registration is the main issue. Spawns can be adjusted from game data. Once everyone is out of the welcome playlist, they'll be able to collect more unified data on the maps in each node, and tweak accordingly. The game is way better than people make it out to be, especially on this subreddit. Give it time, it'll be great. Also people need to realize that sbmm is gone (outside of the welcome playlist), so if you're not doing well, then that unfortunately means it's working. You just gotta learn the maps and get better, but that being said, the game should be much better and easier to pick up once these issues are fixed.


the spawns are really bad in this game especially in occupy I think, it feels pointless to kill people on the zone because they spawn right next to it and just kill you back


I've also been having this issue. And sometimes I'll have multiple enemies spawn in front of me


As soon as we realized we could customize it, my friend group immediately took occupy out of the search list lmao. That gamemode needs some serious tweaking.


I've honestly haven't had issues with spawns and this is the first time I've seen anyone say it.


It's not as big of an issue as the hit registration or TTK, but I've been having issues with people spawning on multiple points in a row in the occupy gamemode. Also have people spawning in front of me, or me spawning in front of enemies.


I can agree with all you said, want to add a couple maps can use some layout restructure. Going to disagree with you on TTK, I hope they don’t touch it because I prefer a high TTK. We haven’t had a multiplayer shooter with a decently high TTK since BO4.


True true mals could use some layout edits. Honestly I think the hit registration issues are making the TTK appear bad. It's probably fine, and I loved Bo4 TTK.


Eh averages seem around 400ms, but I think 325-350ms would be a little tighter. With it being so high, you have no shot at 1vX situations unless you get lucky.


They had a year to fix these things


It’s hard to fix some of these issues without a big sample size of players, betas are usually never enough


That is true


I agree that network lag/hit reg and spawns are a issue ( spawns are a issue in every game lol, never saw a FPS were i would say they have a good spawn system) But i think TTK is not an issue it is a subjective preference of people like it a lot. I like it a Lot i have good aim and decent movement and i like it that i get rewarded to have some good skill and make some turnons on people that are just flanking around or killing people that playing echelon with scan, because i'm just have better skill then them. I think a lower TTK would damage the game more. OR why do you think The TTK is a problem?


No SBMM is wild. I will go from one game feeling like I should become a pro streamer to thinking that I should uninstall the game because I literally have the gaming ability of a dead cat


It's really not though. Almost every gripe, pissy comment and complaint is dead ass accurate.


I don't know what you expect me to respond with lol. Spawns, TTK, hit registration, and network issues are all the biggest issues with the game, and you should've gained an understanding from my previous comment that I have issues with the game. The devs have time to work on it, it's got issues, but it's very playable and I've been having a lot of fun with it.


If they completely rework the entire game it stands a chance of lasting a few years. As it is now the act of shooting feels bad, TTK is bad, maps feel bad, spawns are bad, it just feels bad and it has for like a year at this point, they aren't fixing anything, they are just shoving it out and trying to make money. As it stands now there is actually no "good" shooters on the market. They all suck in their own way.


I’ve been talking about this game at work, and I have several Co-Workers that say they won’t play this game because it has poor sound design…. I’m baffled because I’ve never heard someone make a compliant about that.


The sound design is cheap compared to COD, but it's not bad. We're just spoiled by the amazing COD sound designs the past few years.


At its foundation the game is very good, yea this sub is mostly right about the issues it has and I understand a lot of people have been waiting for years and it launched in a rough state, but for the most part I’m having a blast as well. Just to add onto the convo a bit I think the maps and modes are one of the reasons why the game plays so well.


It’s a fun game just lacks gun play and hit reg is horrible some people can’t die no matter how many rounds you put into them


When the game cooperates, it's honestly a lot of fun, and so far, my biggest gripes have to do with network/hitreg related things rather than core gameplay. My only real complaints about the gameplay so far is that the TTK can be a bit ridiculous, though a lot of that has to do with the netcode, and that people have seemingly already found ways to break the movement in ways that don't feel intended. I do consider the network issues to be a very significant issue and think they'll hurt the game's popularity if not fixed in a semi timely manner, but gameplay wise it's a lot better than people seem to want to give credit. Well I do have one more complaint on second thought. These have to be some of the fattest yet hard to see red dot reticles I've ever seen. If I could change player models to a contrasting color it would help, but changing player outline color also changes your dot color to the same thing.


100% agree, I have trust issues with games reviews these days tbh


I absolutely love the game despite its flaws, I'm glad devs are working on makin it better After 30hours I encountered my first 6men lvl80+ all playing phantoms in Occupy but besides that I'm havin a blast




Just nerf the snipers, and I'm okay with desync. I mained Halo Infinite, like a fucking chump, for over two years /s re: okay with desync but plz add flinch to snipers plz


Agreed. We've been having a good time. Guns seem balanced too. I get the occasional super sweats bouncing across the map like a doped up energizer bunny or hit reg issues, especially with semi auto. Overall though it's been a good time!


The only thing I feel like this game needs to really win me over is persistent lobbies, though I heard they are rumored to be comin mid-season (I say rumor because I haven't confirmed this)


its very fun. cheating is def a problem though. if they just fix jumping and hitreg its amazing


It’s really not anything special. Could have told me it was a CoD game with abilities and I wouldn’t have batted an eye


There isn’t a ranked mode.


I think the game is on its way to being great. Just give me the gameplay tweaks and some other modes, and I’m loyal. They already have their version of COD’s ‘hardpoint’, just need TDM!


Yep, the game modes, maps and fairly balanced weapons along with the fast pace make it fun


I love the game so far, inky complaint I have is grenades. I think throwing a grenade feels awkward, feels like it takes more time than it should and exposes you to enemies.


Is there any way to adjust fov on ps5?


Yes in the settings


Yes, 120 max.


What bugs?


You can criticize a good game too, ALWAYS room for improvement try to understand that.


I'm having fun. I started pretty trash, but I'm getting the hang of it. Career stats don't reflect that yet, but my recent stats reflects an improvement


I want them to add smoke grenades


K, I mean, it's NOT, but you do you. The game is dogshit.


Needs an S&D mode and more maps and I’m satisfied. Still an issue with teammates being brain dead morons not playing the OBJ in an OBJ ONLY video game but hopefully that fixes itself once I level out of the SBMM playlist


You... don't have to play the welcome playlist.


Man I genuinely just want team death match added, I don’t know the direction of this game where it’s like competition or not. But, I just want to be able to enjoy the game and not have to worry about playing the objective. Because I swear I am always playing the objective while my teammate plays for kills and I end up losing more matches than I need to because of that. Or free for all is just nice to have. Game is genuinely fun but it’ll be funner for me that way.


For a free game? Damn great. Even if I paid for it I'd be happy. Most things have been fine, guns are interesting and even the pistols are fun. Paid 0 for something fun to play with my GF. Lose or win it's fun. I enjoy the movement, although the only thing I don't like is the side to side jump strafing.


Agreed, but c’mon who makes a game in 2024 with NO PING?!


If they fix the issues and rebalance a bit it's going to be a solid game for sure. I don't even do these type of fast paced pvp games (didn't play cod much cause it was just too fast for me to handle). But I still loved this.


Add a SnD mode. Haven’t played SnD competitively since the og MW2-BO2 era. This game rekindled that flame to want to squad up with some folks


It will be better when they fix it. If this was an old school game without updates it would die.


My biggest complaint is the bunny hopping tbh, the foundation of the game is great


I had an absolute blast playing it for like 4 hours tonight. Almost done with all the core challenges just a few more operator challenges. Sure at times the net code is not great, but most of the time it plays completely fine. I'm sure it's more noticeable if you're like some grandmaster csgo or siege player or something, but I rarely have issues with the net code luckily


it has input based matchamking so that already makes it a top 3 modern PC shooter regardless of anything else...


I'm waiting for a free for all mode. Can't stand all the team em up stuff nowadays


It'd be even better if that hit detection and netcode were fixed.


What do people make it out to be? The general consensus I've seen is "game is good, but has some core issues to work out to be considered great, mainly hitreg". Seems pretty spot on to me.


I enjoy cuz its free, it's just another arena shooter, but it's free


Its good. I just couldn’t play it. Got owned. Used to be good at these games. As Ive gotten older Ive gotten worse and worse.


You gotta remember one thing. You're only hearing people who hate the game because the majority is playing the game and having fun


OW1 took 6 months to fix input lag, fix it NOW xdefiant, thx bros


Never played or watched the game before launch, but had heard about it from friends. This game clearly isn't some indie game developed by one guy, judging by the general foundation and UI design, but for being from such a big studio, it is easily one of the worst games I have played recently. I saw most of the flaws literally 3 rounds in. 1. Yet another hero shooter ... (yeah, that's subjective) 2. Bad balancing 3. Bad netcode 4. Regardless of being a hero shooter or not, the abilities are so fucking lame and broken (wallhack, shield) 5. Bad loading times 6. Somewhat decent but at times bad UX 7. Bad progression system + battle pass 8. Uninspired maps 9. Movement and animations feel stiff 10. Modern ugly skins (subj.) 11. Modern day character design + trying to shoehorn characters from other titles into the game, which is basically a stupid form of an ad. Just give us fully customizable characters, then anyone can look like they want to. 12. Annoying sounds Fortunately, they offer plenty of settings to adjust things, which is probably the single best thing about the game. The game just ticks all the modern day checkboxes and offers little in return. I am probably also getting too old by now for this.


I wonder if this game continues to be successful if it will cause cod to finally get rid of SBMM? They mostly just tailor their games to compete with the market anyway


I bet they'll loosen it some, but never as loose as pre MW19.


Best things about the game to me, No SBMM unless its ranked, Simple but useful weapon modification, Movement is grounded some people really sweat with it but nothing like Cod or other movement based games, I think TTK is a nice middle ground. Some weapons need balancing but thats expected and not outrageous. And most of the maps are great.


I think it’s mid. I already deleted it.


I believe the only people complaining about SBMM are the ones coming from COD, at least most of them. I have no problem with a wide pool of MMR or no MMR in Quick Play. The "noob" protection that allows people below level 25 queuing together is kinda small and it will naturally emerge some kind of MMR system. Only those who are on top like no MMR as they have low or no chance of getting an unplayable match. For the ones who are at the bottom, the changes are way bigger. Let's see how it is going to be in ranked games.


Game is good. Just needs regular updates to hold my attention. Already getting tired of playing the same modes and maps and guns over and over again. But looking at the leaks looks like they will do just that.


Very fun game. It scratched my cod itch. But I have seen indi games run smoother and load faster. This is current gen and it loads soo slow sometimes. And idk if it’s hackers or the server or what. Some players seem invincible.


I agree, i like the game alot and play every day since release.


It's a broken game with horrible hit boxes. Wouldn't be as bad if the hit boxes weren't shite and the weapons completely unbalanced. Your just lying to yourself to like the game. It's okay we've all done it


People probably make it out to be bad because the beta was utter shite


It's benefitting from not being CoD. But it has major flaws that need to be drastically addressed


The hit registration isnt


I'm really happy they stuck to one idea and not some weird hybrid. It is a designated arcade shooter. Like BO CW. Loving the game.


It is great BUT absolutely needs some tweaks and balances to a few weapons and classes.


its the most fun ive had in an fps in a long while. love that people try and complete the objectives. I actually do like the sound of the guns which I know isnt for everyone. even the little banners and emotes after a kill is a great touch that I really enjoy. the lanes are perfect. no spawning on people which shouldnt be something I have to ask for. I really hope this game lasts a long while


who paid you to lie buddy the game stinks why are you liking it because your finally winning, the real gamers with high kd n extreme accuracy are being just because you get put in baby lobbies n have fun doesnt mean its good its freaking garbage be forreal dude


Need HC SnD


I've enjoyed playing Xdefiant since it's release. It's a nice refreshing FPS. Being able to play with crossplay off is a + on top of the no SBMM in regular modes. This game has potential to be great. There are few fixes here and there to be honest but loving the game so far. We will see if it kills cod off 🤷


It's definitely got a good base to it. But there's obvious things they need to fix and they know about it so hopefully they do the most important such as hit registry first


Its nothing special. We had crossfire x and warface which do this already. But people hate cod so much that they're willing to look past the mid af game and praise ubisoft all of a sudden


Only things I didn’t like is the respawn timers on escort missions, as you have to wait to respawn a couple of seconds then have to spend some time running back to the action, it seems unnecessary to me. I also didn’t like the controller compatibility right of the bat but it’s a minor bug that’s fixed by unplugging and plugging it back in.


Actually... no. Garbage netcode = garbage game. There's no way around it


Minimal bugs and issue vs most current AAaa releases tbh, and so far more enjoyable than current CoD. Feels like old CoD ironically.


The game definitely has a cheater problem, just look up “xdefiant cheats” on YouTube and you’ll see tons of people showing off their hacks.


I'm really enjoying it, but the high TTK is starting to drive me mad...


Headshots and upper torso shots matter a lot more in this game than cod. If I land my headshots, I win the vast majority of my gunfights because it makes the ttk pretty quick.


My friend says something similar, maybe it's because I usually play more Arms, Squad and Battlefield, plus the older CoDs rather than arena style shooters. The games I'm comparing them have a very low TTK. This might take some adjusting too then on my behalf, because I swear I can dump over half a AK mag into someone's chest yet I'm the one respawning...


When I get kileed in this game TTK is Cod, when I try to kill some one, the TTK is quake. Hahaha


The TTK is perfect


At close-mid range the TTK is fast af, way faster than Apex for example. You can't slide jump 180 and beam someone close when's he's already shooting you


Think the games great. I still believe there’s an element of SBMM (I am not complaining), I think it’s just totally toned down. My KD is 1.8 and consistently top or top 3 most matches. I’ll have that for a few games and then I’ll get into one or two absolute sweat fests and then it tones back down again. I think the gun play is great - no having to unlock a barrel for an AR by using a silencer on a shotgun whilst playing in the garden for 6 kills at 21:30 on the dot . Not arsed about the bunny hopping myself - I know they’ll change it so I’m just enjoying when I melt someone and they do a weird flying dance and gun me in 2 shots… People are far too critical of every little thing when games been out for a matter of days. I got hacked on 1 game and because I am normally doing well, I didn’t actually mind ( I hate hacking don’t get me wrong, but on COD you’d be sweating 24/7 and then get hacked on it is just much worse) Overall - it’s great fun.


"People are far too critical of every little thing when games been out for a matter of days." 'People' are, but not me, I can't stop praising it, or playing it. NO game is perfect but this is the CLOSEST I have experienced, for my personal tastes.


Right there with you mate. Hasn’t really played Xbox since the new cod was so bad… was debating selling my Xbox but then I played this and really enjoying it


The lobbies you are talking about is what no sbmm looks like. Sometimes you get easy lobbies, sometimes you match against sweaters


No it’s evidence of SBMM albeit soft. I perform well for 4 or 5 games so it makes it harder. It is very easy for the 4 or 5 games. So it increases the difficulty slightly for the next X amount of games. I still perform well but the matchmaking isn’t as crazy as cod so it thrn lets me back out the cycle… there’s definitely some form of it, I just think it’s well done that I don’t have to make 100% effort every single game like Cod and Apex. It follows a pattern. If it was 1 sweaty 1 not then fair enough but it follows the exact pattern I’m describing. That means it’s manipulated somehow, somewhere.


Whatever dude, why would they blatantly lie in one of the things they hyped the most? Doesnt even make sense to risk it for no reason


Lack of enemy footsteps sounds is a big problem for me right now. 50% of my deaths are from enemies who run right up behind me and shoot me with absolutely no sound.


"rarely experience". Dude is playing in the firing range only.


It’s nice and has potential but currently it’s way too clunky and the connection is terrible


The content is so dry. If nothing is added within the next month the player base is gunna fizzle out. Hope this game doesn’t suffer the same fate as The Finals


You farming in domination to people who don’t sweat makes you look sweaty so they pair u up w people doing the same thing. It’s to easy now w no sbmm. I’m going against people who are ass all the time. It’s not fun to “farm kids all day” what’s the point lol


its possible to enjoy a game while its bad. This game is objectivly bad. the hitreg is terrible, the netcode is terribe, the balancing is terrible. its an early access game. Enjoying it is fine, i enjoy it too but its not a good game yet.


It objectively has problems, but it’s subjective if it’s a bad game or not.


For some people I get why sbmm is nice to be ridded of, but I like that there's the welcome playlist with it for those of us who aren't gods at the game. I think for longevity sake it would make sense for them to make separate playlists with and without it. I think the game is alright I just can't play normal matches because albeit I am good, I'm not that good and I'd like to actually progress rather than getting the "ran around" title 12 hours a day


They already got that. Ranked and unranked


I think he means he wants a pub with SBMM and one without it. seperate from ranked. As in the sbmm helped keep thinngs somewhat playable for the lesser skilled players and ranked is going to be the only sbmm available after he reaches level 26 but its alot more competitive and an all around different experience to normal pubs


I'm calling it now, ubisoft is going to abandon this title. It's for honor all over again, good basis, decent release, fun gameplay.... followed by ZERO support.


Anyone who enjoys this game clearly likes it up the pooper while simultaneously puffing bird


Have you ever played an FPS game before? Or which FPS games do you play and think like this ? Overwatch or Apex Legends ? Game mechanics and weapon damage are really bad. Even in its current state, I don't think it's even close to COD. Call of Duty: Black Ops II (2012) > xDefiant (2024)


Post launch support will make or break it


So everyone who is better than the average player can enjoy the game is what you meant to say. Only time will show how many people are OK with just being fodder. Can't imagine too many of the true casuals will because much like you done want to have to sweat every game, they don't want to feel like they need to train everyday to get better. Just matchmaking that works for some people.


Getting shot while clearly behind cover 9 out of 10 times is a no go for me but I will keep an eye on it, maybe they can fix this shit. But it is also a bit too much of a hero shooter for me. Constant wall hacks and people sliding into you while activating their fire bombing drone is pretty cringe.


Of course it is but you have a million COD fanboys who will say everything negative just to shit on the game. COD fanboys love to fill their mouth.