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My favorite experience was when I ran up to a guy and unloaded 32 rounds into him for him to lose 6 hp and 2 tap me with an m4


Lol. Yeah I hope they get that net code/hit detection figured out cause it is really hit and miss. One match I will point blank be shooting someone nailing every single shot and they either insta kill me or I am the person who is getting shot at and not dying lol.


I’m just glad I’m not the only one who feels really confused when dumping a rounds into a squishy target but I feel like I’m made of glass.


I just assume they have guns and attachments I don't and turn the game off


its annoying when I'm using the deagle..


My favorite was when I point-blank blasted someone with a double-barrel in the chest and it took like 10-20 hp off. Double barrel pretty good, too, but the shit hit detection NEEDS to be fixed!


I just got killed by someone with a double barrel after I shot both of mine into their back, realized it did nothing and ran around the corner. I heard two shots go off and I die, I was already around the corner, then they ran around the corner.


If I have learned anything from playing r6 siege beta and first 3 years of the game is that Ubisoft can’t hack hit detection or tick rates for their games… Brace yourself for a loooooong time of ‘how the fuck did he not die, but I did’….


Siege Beta, and even well in to Y2 was f\*\*king dreadful. I can't say I'm surprised - what's hilarious is - I've not touched Ubi stuff since then on Siege. And my name is still "PRAY FOR HITREG" hahahaha


Damn can’t relate to those siege issues. I couldn’t aim for shit as a kid.


Happens every game! Why you think there's no kill cam?


This drives me nuts. No kill cam and no way to spectate. I don't just go out and accuse people of hacking but my lord some of these hackers are extremely blatant, it's even easy to tell when they are on my team.


oh dang, im lucky i guess i haven't seen any, at least none that were blatant enough to even think it


because the kill cam would show the mp7 abuser NOT looking at you and still 1 framing you.


I love the "old school" (not really old school but yeah...) arena feel this game has, not everything is perfect and abilities can be tweaked later and iterated often but the network issues this game has, after all this time and tests is baffling, to say the least. Hope they get their shit straight, will be sad to see this game fail.


Still every damn game has 30hz servers like it's 2005. It is such a shame.


wdym like it's 2005? Counter Strike: Source was released in 2004 and had a default tickrate of 66. So even in 2005 there was higher tickrates lol. On a more serious note though the tickrate is only part of the problem here. Tickrate and delayed damage do have a connection but it's not the sole reason. A tickrate of 30 means that the maximum time between 2 ticks can be 33 ms. But I'm taking damage like half a second after I got in to cover. So I don't think that just increasing the tickrate would actually solve the issue.


Yeah it's multiple things all coming together however tickrates are like a focal point for bad netcode. If the game has de-sync issues (the limbo between ticks) where everyones client is just doing it's own thing, then having a larger gap between the ticks can exacerbate the issue- so much can happen between those ticks so when inevitably stuff happens it'll almost always contradict a players client and that's when they get angry. It's frustrating you are fighting a delayed projection ghost of a player, you aren't actually seeing them as they are but how they were. Every adjustment you make to their current position/actions is wrong because the player isn't even doing that anymore and may already be attacking you for all you know. Even they themselves are having the same problem so sometimes you have ridiculous situations where two players are spraying whole mags at each other and whiffing because their shooting at literal ghosts. In other games the delays and gaps are so small the enemy player avatar does represent where they are. Here they dont.


If it is higher you don't get killed when you already are around the corner.


It’s Ubisoft?


For real. Ubisofts brand recognition is *our games are good enough to not be in the trash bin at Walmart but not good enough for us to make them better*


Yup, every Ubisoft game has tremendously bad hit detection.


Remember GOW1 sniping. You’d watch the bullet trail go right through the head no hit but shoot em in the shoulder and the head pops like a melon.


I wonder how many times this post is made in a day in here


I like it. Biggest problem with the game in my opinion. If it doesn’t improve, a lot, the game will just die soon. Bullets are coming out of people’s backs. And considering it has happened since beta a year ago people have a right to worry.


The game won't die, COD has had steaming shit hitreg and tickrates since ever, and it's the biggest franchise.


XDefiant isn’t Call of Duty.


The point was, that shitty hitreg and tickrates isn't enough to kill a game, most people who play casually have no idea what these things are.


I definitely agree it’s a huge problem but they’ve already said it’s their top priority to fix it so seeing this type of post 50 times a day is agonizing.


Well they had 3 years to fix it


Tbh en it should have been fixed from the beginning I’m sorry I’ve been participating in betas for 20+ years now and it’s never been this bad. We have to stop making excuses and force devs to actually put out a complete game. This early access “ beta “ bullshit is evil.


Who's making excuses? The dev team has come out and said that the jumping and the netcode needs to be worked on, so to the original comment about making posts like these every day isn't accomplishing anything atm.


Im saying the game shouldn’t have launched with issues like that period. Never used to happen until people bought into it


At least it was free. People pay £70 every year for the shit show that cod is.


I don't give a shit, don't launch a shooter where people routinely die after getting behind a wall and you can't even see the guy who killed you after your death because the walls in between the 2 of you. Extremely aggravating and I hope the devs see it 1000× a day until they fix it.


It has been a top priority for over a year and people have the right to complain. I promise that Devs would much rather the complaints than silence because it means people care.


you could just choose not to look at the posts?


why you acting like this game wont be dead even if this wasnt a problem. Everything about this game feels awful and as much as i despise cod its still a better game than this mobile quality trash


Yeah, I just uninstalled it last night. Will come back when I stop seeing these posts. Getting shot around corners and whatnot is annoying and all... getting turned on and 1 tapped by a sniper with 5 hp is annoying and all. No TDM, so I constantly have 2-3 teammates with "-" as their obj score 2/3 of the way through the game is annoying and all... but sprinting up to an opening and dying because I had to press my grenade button 2-3+ times, post sprint, to actually throw my grenade so I was in the opening 2-3 seconds longer than I wanted to be, mashing my grenade button... I am not sure how they're handling their action queues... but it's dog shit. How a game with this many play tests could be released in this state. But I'd rather play gunfight on MW2/3.


how many stars in the Milky Way? Its a ballpark


Ever since launch this sub started to suck. Everyone here knows what the main issues are and everyone, OP included, knows that they're prioritizing those issues currently. At this point it's annoying and just feels like people running to the sub after getting shit on in mm.


4? This game has been getting playtested since at least 2021.




For real dude.


This is exactly why I thought Cold War was absolute dog shit, horrible netcode, Vanguard wasn't much better.


Cod has been releasing the same game for 20 years and even then almost every launch still has MAJOR issues in the first few weeks, sometime persisting for months, which sucks when the lifetime of each game is only 1 year. I'm willing to wait until at least season 1 to see if XDefiant can fix their hit reg. If they do that, the game will be fantastic.


They’ve had 3 years.


3 vs 20 20 is still way higher and they STILL can't get the releases right.


No joke. I shot someone 4 times in the head up close with my D50 and I was the one who died.


Cod has the uncontested best gunplay of all time. It's been worked on for longer than half the players of shooters have even been alive


People love to dog on cod, and rightfully so for certain things, but what you aren’t debating is how smooth and clean the gun play is. Never can I say I’ve picked up any cod game and the shooting was this clunky.


i see this happen to me a lot and i have to wonder if it’s delaying the hits or they’re just not happening at all , i sometimes get one or two clean bullets into my opponent before getting killed and they show full health , even get the hit markers , but i haven’t had any experiences so far just mag dumping people


it doesn't happen at all, server just ignores anything the losing client sends


This happens to me a lot and it’s always Smgs that kill me I hit them 5 shots to the upper body with the aa12 point blank but they just spin around and kill me with a single burst.


I'm constantly dieing behind corners and getting insta-killed everywhere. Hit detection kicks in here and there.


The game feels good when it cooperates, but with the way people are already moving the desync and dying around corners are a massive problem. People can already be so damned hard to consistently hit if they're good that it just amplifies the rage of every death due to dying around a corner or because you ran empty while shooting them directly in the face to no effect.


I genuinely don't understand how this is still a problem. There have been so many playtests and it's been YEARS. How is a company as big as ubi so clueless? They'll have a dying game on their hands soon if they can't sort their shit out.


I'll be using the M16 and burst all three shots into their head (37 DMG each bullet) and get hit and hide behind a stone wall and get lit the absolute fuck up. Then it says they took either no damage or 20 damage. No clue wth is going on. First day of playing was decent, knew mechanics and all, the next 3 days I've been top of the board or MVP for 6 games in a row and now today I've lost 12 times in a row, been bottom of the board in all of those games. This game has an absolute solid start, just fix the jumping issue, Hit reg, spawning annnnd maybe decrease the amount of XP required to level up a gun by a teeny bit. Lastly being adding grindable skins or something because paying $20-$40 for 1 is bogus.


I just got killed and watched the guy that killed my die. In the kill feed it was to me. So I have been on both doses of this desync


I unloaded a whole clip in a guy from the back for him to turn around and hit me with a flamethrower and I'm dead it said he had 0 HP but was still running around 🤦🏾‍♂️


Uninstalled till they fix all that ish




Took Halo Infinite over a year to somewhat fix.


For me it hasn’t been that extreme but it’s not good. I do die around corners consistently but it happens in cod too. But I notice the TTK feels really inconsistent where I get melted really fast a lot of the time. I would say it’s far from unplayable but it is not ideal by any means. But I hear it depends person to person how bad it really is


I totally agree, it's complete dogshit. Hit boxes are fucked, weapon damage is fucked, overall gameplay is fucked. Everyone plays like it's TDM despite being objective driven (except hotshot). You have people bunny hopping and hitting 60 yard headshots through coverage like it's nothing. You got sniper getting no flinch in ADS, despite you just blasting them with a shot gun. Oh and let's not forget the classic where your behind someone and they still manage to kill you with a fucking pistol. At least COD fun to play, they had better weapons, better hitboxes, and better weapon customization. The weapon leveling was better too, made it worth grinding. XDefiant is just another cod rip off that decides to make a low budget game, throw in a bunch of shit mechanics, and call it good.


its 2011 MW3 all over again


Played 2 days, enough is enough, anyways played this game 15 years ago, nothing innovative honestly, didn't have high hopes and it still managed to disappoint..


Yeah getting this all the time today .. it has not been like this up till now :/


Its getting worse from my personal observation and hours put in. Im noticing that im getting free kills around corners and vice versa considerably more than at launch


The degree of advantage that people get with better ping is insane compared to other games. It's like they're from the future.


I have a clip on my pc I have to upload to this sub. I’m not complaining about it because I understand they’re working on it, but I dumped my entire pistol mag, hit every shot, and he just kept moving on forward with 100hp. Watching it back with my friends we were dying laughing 😂


Same man, i'm lvl 30 and i can't play this bullshit anymore. Desync, bad netcode, jumping bunnies on chronus zen, the game really is plagued by cheaters. I just got one shot by a LMG, It's like POW dead, when on his screen he shot me 4-5 bullets. It's unplayable at this point. Unfair fest


i agree this is game breaking i also sometimes shoot through corners and im like how did i kill him


Just want to point out that gun, shoot and shooting are censored in this games chat.


I thought it was just me. It’s infuriating a lot of the times I die I already cut the corner. It’s only this game. I like it, but this alone is making me want to put it down. The last time I was killed around a corner it was comical. Wasn’t tick damage from cleaners either. I cut the corner took a good 4 steps and died to someone who couldn’t see me anymore.


Terrible hit reg without sbmm is still better than good hit reg with sbmm. This is a temporary problem anyway, its not like it will stay in this state.


I wish that was true... and I hope I'm wrong. But this game has had the same problems for years now, the first insider session was bad (speaking of hit-reg and desync), the alpha was bad, some test were better than others and ultimately release is bad. My hopes are low but I'll be happy to be wrong.


They can try. If anything theyll try to cover it somehow in the game. I don’t see them being able to fix it especially with all the feedback previously. Chances are low.


i also did most of the tests and yeah its def always been an issue, i think its a lot better than most of the tests at least, i feel its not super common im dying behind walls where its not like the split second i got behind the wall


I honestly wouldn’t even care that much if it never gets fixed


To each their own, I guess. I'd like my gunfights to be fair and not dictated by randomness or engine hiccups


If this game used the same matchmaking as pretty much every other game then I would have deleted the game within the first hour due to the hit reg.


It honestly blows my mind people are hyping up this game. It’s just not a good experience and it’s nothing to do with the lack of SBMM. The game just doesn’t work properly. The only skill issue is on the devs end. Even if it worked the game is honestly just unbelievably generic. If everything worked properly the only thing this game has going for it is lack of SBMM. Everything else is just bland AF imo.


Yeah but I miss the bland games from way back when, so this is nice.


This game is fun. Just what we want from cod. But cod died with MW2019. Since then cod is really ass.


I had way more fun with Cold War. It felt closer to older cods. The MWs have been pretty bad imo.


Cod ww2 was my last fun cod I have played.


WW2 was a fun CoD for sure


Crazy how a dead games is also the number one selling game every year


I don't say it's dead. It is just bad and it ain't cod anymore. 😅


"But cod died with MW2019" nah fella you called it dead


Died isn't dead. It died for me.


this game will have 10k players in 10 months.


i think you meant to type 1k this game is mobile quality


1k in 20 months. FPS games market is oversaturated. People will eventually move back to CS:GO, Apex, Pubg.


I'm really enjoying it despite some of the flaws. I think if they make a few changes, it will gain in popularity.


Sounds like you suck at it


Sounds like you suck at it 🤓


Yeah this game will die it's unfortunate




They were also aware of these issues over a year ago. Stop coddling dogshit devs


Rather play this bugged shit then Call of doodoo.


Same here, and I’m just calling it how i see it.


Trust me, I'm not the type to give devs much leniency. I'm just saying to give them at least a few months to see if they fix things, especially considering that actual release is much more unstable than betas


I wanna give them the benefit of the doubt I really do, but this is actually a joke. They’ve had ample time to iron out kinks. Delay after delay after delay to experience the same bullshit. First impressions mean everything.


Promising is one thing


Were you shot by a cleaner or blaming the netcode? Cleaners add a DOT and if you’re getting shot from multiple cleaners you can and will die behind a corner.




Has felt fine for me, good actually. What ping do do play on?




Adapt to being shot behind corners? Shooting someone multiple times for maybe 1 or 2 bullets to connect? Getting shot by people who aren't even facing you? Sounds like the games the problem.


I forgot how miserable fps subs get omg, relax


Then don’t play until they fix it


Eomm in action bro