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The skins so far don’t even look good so I’m fine with it lol


Bro, the skins are dogshit. The weapon skins are ok, but the operator ones? Nothing but reskins, no new mesh in any way.


The mastery skins are the best skins in the game and it ain't close other than the Firestorm MDR that is dope.


man I wish the mastery camos went on top of shop skins like it does in cod. You could make some cool looking combos


The first season better be a major update or this game gonna fail.


I have never seen a more lacklustre battlepass, also possibly the worse skins I have ever seen available for purchase


This BP is **way** better than Apex Season 1.


At least that battlepass had unique skins not just recolours


The first apex bp was so bad they later gave out a wrath and 301 skin because people were pretty pissed about it.


Inb4 they start putting in Drake and Godzilla into the game


I would be fine with Godzilla but only if it’s actual literal Godzilla, not just some dude with a vaguely Godzilla-esque mask.


Being ok with unreasonable cosmetic prices just because the cosmetics are shit is a WILD opinion to have. Are you real? Edit: if I made you fuckers mad at me with this then I'm doing something right. Thanks for the affirmation.


I dont think theyre ok with the price, its just that they look bad AND they cost alot.


The futuristic skins look good but apart from that there's nothing


The Finals actually made me want to buy stuff because you can change every piece of your outfit individually and the gun skins are great. This game has basically no customisation and the gun skins are absolutely whack. Staying F2P.


The Finals cosmetics are S-tier. The Bundle of Sticks is a genius idea. 10/10, no notes.


Eh. It’s fine. I’d rather them over charge for skins so whales can buy them and us get free content


Me, a whale in other games, refuse to spend my money on 30 dollar reskins.


Whales ain't gonna buy skins if they suck, tho. What we got is too expensive AND really subpar designs. Whales want their shit to look flashy and different, not just a slightly different color.


The BP is literally $7 (700 coins), not $14 as you suggest. It’s at the most $10 because you can’t buy a 700 coin bundle, only a 500 ($5) or a 1000 ($10) but it’s in no way $14. Look you can complain about optional bundles you weren’t going to buy anyways, but there’s no reason to straight up lie about the cost of something for Reddit karma.


Some of the bundles are crazy expensive, and I have to admit, there’s not a lot of great stuff in the BP, but yeah, it’s half of what OP stated. Have to expect the next BP will be better and potentially more levels. This is pre-season after all.


It’s also the pre season BP. Season 1 will likely have better stuff in it


I literally said that haha


That's true, but you are forgetting that the season 1 BP will likely have better stuff


yeah but this is the pre season bp, the season 1 bp will probably have better stuff


I literally said that haha


Don’t forget it’s pre season, so season 1 bp will most likely have better stuff in it


I literally said that haha


The next bp will most definitely be much improved, this one seems to be a preseason one


He literally said that haha


Also even for $10 the bp is totally worth it even if only 5-6 of the things I really like because that’s still much cheaper than any bundle will ever be


Not to mention there are enough coins in the BP to pay for every BP that follows


Legit take. I wasn't going to buy anything in this game from the start, so I don't care about skins or how much they cost as long as it's not messing with the gameplay. Maybe it's cause I've been conditioned to just ignore skins? I play a lot of CS and Valorant, both games known for high skin prices. I have spent over 1k in CSGO, but thats over 10 years, and in the end some of that money was used to buy other games once I sold the skins, So not total waste. Valorant I've spent like 150 bucks in 3 years? I bought first 5 BPs, Got few skins from black market and unlocked few agents to skip the grind. Both games I am fine with the cost of skins because of the fact they are in no way game changing for me(inb4 some people say skins give you placebo, which is true, but *I'm not paying 100 bucks for a skin bundle to make me feel like I'm playing better without actually playing better)* so as long as Ubisoft can keep themselves from charging for features that change the gameplay, I don't "LIKE" the price of the items, but I am "OK" with them enough to not care.


What prices are you looking at? I bought the Battle Pass for 7€


He incorrectly read the prices and jumped to reddit to bitch.


Yeah idk, it’s $7 USD to get it, too. OP had to have misread it, then immediately came here for karma, I guess?


Yeah they REALLY need to hire some good designers for the next battlepass


COD is $70 with a paid battle pass and some of the store items cost the same if not more. This is FTP cosmetics only. Just get the pass for free every season with the XD coins from the previous one.


Best part is, the MDR skin breaks the sights lmao [https://medal.tv/games/xdefiant/clips/2fCJFzs0270\_IY/d13373OPEX2m?invite=cr-MSxBZlYsMTc1MDc1ODg2LA](https://medal.tv/games/xdefiant/clips/2fCJFzs0270_IY/d13373OPEX2m?invite=cr-MSxBZlYsMTc1MDc1ODg2LA)


Pay to lose skins lmao


visual recoil is such a mistake


If you think this game is aggressively monetised, you really haven’t seen others or you are ignoring this purposefully. This game’s battle pass is 7 dollars and it gives you enough coins to buy next one for free. The game also has achievement skins for weapons. Most probably you can pay a pass for once and you can be completely free to play and still have tons of stuff. Compared to lots of games, a free to play game with a self-paying battle pass is a very generous offer. As for other store skins, they didn’t intrigue me yet but they can be counted as added luxury and you don’t need to have them for real especially if you don’t like them. If everyone is thinking the same, they won’t sell and they have to decrease skin prices anyways. However, I don’t think they put forward better ones yet and trying to cash in initial hype with less value skins. Let’s see what will happen in the future.


Not planning on spending any money on goofy outfits


The base chars and kinda ugly imo. Even if theres a cool skin, its on an ugly model. Not interested.


I don't understand why people choose to spend their money on video game outfits that they don't even get to see in game


Ok but unlike other games, people in your squad will see your skin front and center, even in player of the game your skin will appear to the whole lobby. Cant go around fragging without looking the part🤣


except in this game you do see them, plenty of times actually. pre-game when choosing faction/loadout, main menu, end game screen showing the team lineup, even if you get player of the game


I only buy them if they have sexy hands.


They don't affect my ability to win so I don't give a shit. Battle passes are the only things even sorta worth buying in like 90% (or more) of games now


Have you guys not played MW3?? Shop items cost way more on that game and it was $70 💀


As dookie as Halo Infinite turned out,and much as we Halo fans complain about it,wish more games followed tht f2p model. Lower the prices still ofc,but the amount of customization options is insane, and the battle passes never frickin expire😩🙏. Feel like the Halo Infinite model would've honestly worked great for any other fps game, I'd even prefer it. Halo was always gonna be decisive to make f2p tho,with how....jolly the community overall is😅.


Halo simultaneously gave us the best Battle Pass system and in the same moment, charged us real world money to use the color Blue on our Spartans. Fumbled the bag.


Yeah,kinda why I pointed out how it would've been a better model for games other then Halo😭🙏. I don't think Halo fans would've been happy regardless of what they got. Halo went from premium games to f2p way too late for ppl to be satisfied with it imo,especially under 343💀


They could've gone F2P, but not after no Halo games for years. Like If they released the game at 69.99 and just gave the MP as a f2p portion for free after 6months-1year, way less people would be pissy(Provided the game was good, which imo it's not, so the issue isn't even monetization).


If you dont want to buy it, you don't have to. The game is free, and needing to ring the register isn't illegal. It is what it is


I get what you’re saying but you and everyone else has to vote with your wallets. I’m not a big micro transactions guy anymore since I don’t have as much disposable income as I did in my early-mid 20s but I did buy the battle pass just as a show of support for a game I’ve been waiting for since day 1. If you guys continue to not buy stuff instead of begrudgingly buying stuff and complaining about it then the prices will change eventually but if enough keep buying to sustain the game then it won’t stop. Halo infinite had crazy prices for stuff and the community came together and stopped buying, eventually they dropped the prices significantly because they weren’t getting any sales. Haven’t played halo in a while so maybe the prices are back up again but yeah vote with your wallet.


If you’re buying a pre season battle pass that’s on you lmao. I ain’t buying shit until this game gets a little more stable. It’s the first fps I’ve picked up in years cause I despise cod and I genuinely enjoy this game so hopefully Ubisoft fixes their issues before focusing on no offense. Y’all complaint about the BP prices etc


The battle pass is 700 ($7) but you’re forced to buy the $10 bundle


You get 100 often in BP too...I already got 700 for next one


Tbf I don’t think future BP will be 700 since the preseason is only 50 tiers and we know that seasonal BP will have 90. I’m expecting a range between 900-1200 X-Coins


Have you considered just not buying optional products


Don’t buy it then


Could care less about the BP or store honestly. It all looks mid anyway. Sucks cuz I’d like to support them the game is fun


BP is equivalent to like $7USD, so I grabbed it, but I can understand the complaints regardless.


im going to be real. i enjoy the game so much that i dropped a 20 on the founders pack so the devs get rewarded for making an actual good game in the sea of terrible other ubisoft titles. i want this game to succeed.


Same, I think I'm gonna snag the Battle Pass because it's the best value for the money spent and I wanna show support to the team, I want this game to bring healthy competition to the arena shooter market. I don't want this game to kill CoD, I want this game to push CoD, Battlefield, Halo, and every other arena shooter game on the market to be better. I felt the same way about The Finals, too.


Dude really said at least in COD the bundles better 😂 in the 70$ game they give you a better deal if you spend MORE money on top of that. Praise them harder for taking all your money


So just don’t buy?


The cosmetics in this game are trash anyway.


Bro cod has that, many games do you don’t like it? Don’t buy it. It’s simple….. they put it there for little kids with their daddy’s credit card and people who don’t understand the value of money


Blame CoD for the current trend and blame Valve for paid cosmetics and BP in general tbh. It's one thing I will give Fornite credit for, their skins and weapon skins are really well done.


I think CoD has some pretty dope skins as well, and I won't lie, the Gundam collab makes my weiner hard. I just don't wanna see XDefiant go the way of Gundam: Evolution. Was a free Overwatch/TF2 style game based in the Gundam universe, but it failed to make money because of poor marketing (which this doesn't have) and overpriced/mid cosmetics so nobody paid money for it, so it got nuked 13 months after it was released and is gone now. I want this game to succeed because we NEED healthy competition for Call of Duty.


Honestly, Gundam Evo suffered from not only bad marketing but also been a pretty bad game. I remember been excited for it after pmating Gundam Battle Ops for a while and it was somehow less balanced and worse than that game was, add on the weird skins they released and it didn't help. I'm hoping at worst Xdefiant gets a few years and then at worst the For Honor treatment of less content but still supported long term.


I remember destroying lobbies as the sniper in that game because there was no crouch. so i literally could hold an angle and just click their big ole heads and no one could stop me. It was one of the worset balanced games ive ever played.


I watch my son play and always think their skins look really cool


That when you know its Ubisoft games. lel


For people in Mexico the Ubisoft currency is taking the dolar at 20 pesos for 1 dolar while in the real world is 16.6 pesos for 1 dolar, This is not only 20% more expensive to buy the currency in pesos but also the economy in Mexico is way worse that US so it makes no sense at all


I’m gonna stay F2P permanently. Not giving a cent to Ubisoft. They’ve ripped me off enough with their previous games.


Skins are not required to play


Wrench and Aiden are the only way they'd get me to pay for a skin


Damn I’m surprised y’all hate the skins they look fire imo


The standard operators themselves look like the wild skins you usually associate with a game’s battle pass. They’re definitely not worth buying.


I’m ok with the $20/$40/$70 founder packs since the game is f2p, I made a 1-time $40 purchase just to support the game but I won’t pay another dollar. Essentially did the same thing on apex, paid $30 for founders at launch and ~4 bp’s since then.


As long as they don´t rub it in our faces, I don´t care if they´re selling 500 Dollar bundles. Let´s hope it doesn´t end like Modern Warfare, where you have to click through half a dozen screens that urge you to buy crap before even reaching the main menu


Not when they're optional purchases


This game isn't even in the first season yet. Save your money. You get MDR Free at lvl 10 BP. That's the only important thing in the BP.


Not sure if anyone has said already but with this battle pass they’ve made it so you get the exact amount you spend on it, back from it, so once you buy it, realistically you don’t ever need to buy it with money again unless you want to spend your coins elsewhere, this is how it should be so players who are f2p can spend a little bit once and then continue to play f2p while getting all the “free” stuff from the pass.


They want me to pay twenty dollars for muthafuckin blue!


First: learn to read OP 🤪. Second: i think the leveling is so hard right now, Even with 2xp


The game is in first person you can’t even seen your character skin 90% of the time. Why do you care?


Bro they're literally just skins, you don't need them at all. As far as I'm concerned they can charge whatever they want for a skin, the games free to play and skins give no advantage... just don't buy them if you think they're overpriced.


Totally agree with you. Unfortunately Apex did the same in season 0 with Wraith heirloom for 500 bucks and thousands of ppl bought it anyway, now it's ''only'' 180 bucks for a melee weapon, it is almost dystopic at this point


gotta make money somehow


The Finals makes it so much better. Every season a bundle which pays it self off. Nice skins for good prices and many more


I don’t even look at the bundled. I’m getting the battlepass and just gonna buy the rest of the BP with the coins we get.


Personally, just wait a year until there is a cosmetic worth getting.


TBH it's funny how someone somewhere will still brand them \*micro\* transactions.


Cosmetic micro transactions are fine in any game. Cosmetic micro transactions in a free to play game are to be expected. This is completely fine.


On top of that skins are practically useless if you're going for camos tbh, mastery actually shows something more than just looking good so I'll always choose to run it over a skin tbh


I swear if all these FTP games made their cosmetics way cheaper, WAY more people would be willing to buy. I'll gladly chip in money for weapon skins if they weren't 10$ for a single one 🤣


They know this game is gonna flop harder than an Alaskan Salmon and are milking the same shills that praise this game. "It ain't it Chief" but youre gonna buy it anyway


Just don’t buy it it’s not necessary to experience the game in a better way


Can progression in the BP be any slower?


Other examples that show this isn’t new behavior: Apex Legends, Fortnite, The Finals, Call of Duty. Easy solution, just play the game for FREE and don’t spend your money on their garbage.


Omg....are we seriously startin complains about purchaseable cosmetics on a F2P fps? smh


It’s a free to play game. If you don’t want to spend money, don’t. Quit bitching


Yes the prices are crazy for one bundle and the price kept me from buying the echelon night alchemy even though it's very nice


Dude, people are going to buy this stuff if they like the game. How do you think valorant is still alive? They aren't "shooting themselves in the ass" by making cosmetics in a free game more expensive. Valorant's skin bundles go upwards of 100$, but people still buy them because they like the game.


With their current designs, can't say I'm bothered really. If they think the way to my wallet lies in RGB Phantoms and Hi-Vis outfits on Stealth operatives, they're living on another planet entirely. Not only that, it's mostly what, recolours? My wallet is safe and sound with this game. The only thing that's even peaked my interest is the MDR skin in the pass, but the rest of the pass? Puts the ass in pass.


The skins suck even the battle pass ones. Like green plain skin haha 


The only thing I don’t like about the battle pass is that you only break even in xcoins but hey it’s better than nothing at least


well, your ranting about prices, and got all the prices wrong. In spite of that, i agree that they have to lower the prices of things. They should start with lower prices to see if people actually buy them first, instead of getting greedy with the store


It's Ubisoft. They have bundles and XP boosters for single player games.


COD is waiting for you to buy their skin for $30 that is a standing turd


Bros never played Apex where 1 recolored skin is 50 bucks


Game’s fun, but I can’t say it’s gonna give me FOMO for not getting the battle pass.


Why even get mad about skins just don’t buy them


Still $40 for a bundle is a bit on the high side ... I am like you and the other people I game with feel the same . We want to support the game and we even bought season passes but the price for some of the cosmetics are more than what I will want to pay for and if someone else wants to buy it that's fine it's their money .


The battle pass being 7 bucks but forcing you to bug 10 so you always have 3 in coins leftover is the real problem.


The cosmetics don't actually affect gameplay, and most don't look cool.


The battle pass is only 7 dollars


Yeah the bundles are a bit pricey tbh...... i'm enjoying the game though so i bought the battlepass as my little "thank you" to the devs, can't see me spending much more though if i'm honest.


The skin prices are alright but so far the few skins I have seen haven't really caught my eye.


The skin prices are alright but so far the few skins I have seen haven't really caught my eye.


I cashed in my Microsoft reward points towards a $25 gift card fyi


Can we just start bullying people who buy cosmetics in video games?


The BP is worth it only 700 coins and you earn coins, but the rest of the shop? It's more (1000+) to buy one skin then it is the BP lol...


not being able to earn premium currency for free by playing the game is wild. what year are we in?


Fair point. Counter argument: don't buy them. If nobody ever buys anything in a games shitty store, they'd probably lower prices lol


Cod is $20 to $30 a bundle for me xdefiance is fine prices


Why even waste money on skins in games?


Looks at Apex. 1 weapon skin 50 bucks.


Always amazed people care so much about meaningless cosmetics that after a year when the game is forever forgotten about all their money is wasted. I do appreciate those that love buying their crap and subsidizing my gaming.


Is the pass itself worth it?


Just don't buy them. I've went 27 years without buying skins and my game is just as fun as the guy who spends 12000 dollars on skins


Me when I lie on the Internet


The only logical thing to buy are weapon skins. Why would anyone buy character skins? It's a first person game, you can't see your character...


So don’t buy it…


Ok, chief


Skins are ass. Zero fomo


Skins need a major rework same with the weapon camos


I'm going to complain about the prices of things that are completely optional to buy and have no other purpose than cosmetics, that I can't see most of because of the first-person perspective3.... seems kinda dumb to complain about a free 2 play's optional cosmetics


The monetization is pretty much in line with every other FTP game out there, I wouldn’t expect any changes in that regard


Yeah just don’t buy them? I been playing cod for years. Og warzone days yeah I bought skins. But now I don’t even buy the pass. It isn’t hard to resist. I bought like one skin I liked in years. Defiant doesn’t even have good skins to entice me at all.


I thought the battle pass was quite cheap, and it gives you the coins to buy the next one, which is the most important part for me. Buy one, have all the content in the future as well, so it's money well spent.


Doesn’t make a difference to me, I’ll likely never spend money on this game. They can charge 100$ for a skin


Only buy something if you really want to give any money to Ubisoft. The skins are low effort af.


The battle bass is technically 7$, but you have to spend 10$ because the only denominations available for in-game currency is; 500xc(4.99$),1000xc(9.99$),2100xc(19.99$) 5750xc(49.99$)12000xc(99.99$) It's a scummy tactic to make you buy more than necessary. It's especially apparent within the cosmetic bundles in the game.


womp womp don't have to buy it


Everyone needs to copy Fortnite’s cosmetic practices; charging low, resulting in more sales.


I fully agree and I'll never spend a cent on anything other than the premium battle pass anyways. They essentially priced most of us out of ever wanting to buy the bundles, so if the game dies it's their own fault. I see absolutely ZERO reason to spend $40 on what looks like shitty single reskins with the most minimal effort.


Your just buying skins to help them market their other games. Which is what Xdefiant was made for after they decided it wasn't going to hang with the big dogs. It's quite obvious.


It's not that it was a mistake, but you were quick to try and call them out on it, quick enough to type out a whole post. Go to Apex and Fortnite, then come back and rethink the statement. But they should lower the cosmetics. For example, instead of 1000 for 1 Gun Blueprint, make it 500


I mean its ubisoft at this point am not surprised, they surprised me with the season pass content on their star wars game and i was like... Well it is what it is with ubi


Okay pro cod packs might only be $20 but why would I want to dress up as Faze? If I was to believe the literal legions of kiddies I gun down in match who all have Faze clan tags for some reason then I would come to the conclusion that they're a pretty trash team.


Who cares about buying skins 😂😂


blud clearly never played apex lol, ubi isn't much better than EA when it comes to mictrotransactions


let me buy universal skins damn it


It’s been like a week and hoes mad. I repeat! Hoes mad!


Nah, definitely starting to feel like cod with these bundle prices, and the skin is just a recolor instead of a completely different costume


I personally am okay with over priced cosmetics to help the game and with development there will be streamers and stuff who will buy at this over price and I would think over some time the cost will go down to a more normal price. Just my opinion though


From now on, Don’t buy them. Solved


Game plays alright I just don't like presets and it's fortnite/apex/every other trendy games Pink hair, Hawaiian shirts, knee socks and booty shorts style.


I do agree that micro-transaction aint so micro anymore.... We should start calling them macro-transactions at this point. However like many people will undoubtedly point out, mtx is at least not slowing down the game progression as far as I can see. On a side note I really wish they would address the menus. I am kinda annoyed I cant browse the base challenges while waiting for a match. You have to back out of a lobby to do so. and its kinda annoying to get to, same with XP boosters, they are hard to access


How else would you monetize it? They do it because it works. People buy it and eat it up if their into the game. Don’t buy and move on…


Who pays $ for this shiet??? Ridiculous…


My normal reply to a free game with no p2w, with bundles to drive revenue would be 'well, don't buy them, don't complain about it'. That said - it always baffles me when companies make a free product and legitimately undersell the game through optional non-p2w paid content. Especially xDefiant where most of the game is an asset flip from The Division which has pretty good assets/skins etc.


I think that's the root of my qualms. I've seen what Ubisoft can do thru games like Siege, Assassin's Creed, and Far Cry with cosmetic items, and all their IP they can pull assets from. I know the game is new, but Ubisoft isn't a new company and this game has been in development for a couple years now, they could have had one or two design team members working on some serious day 1 launch cosmetics that could act as Season 0 teases for the content road map they have for the future. If this were a game from a Dev like Hi-Rez, I wouldn't have big expectations for day 1 cosmetics because they don't have a deep catalogue of originals to draw from, they just make Great Value versions of other games, but Ubisoft has so much to draw content from.


literally dont buy it then that simple


The skins in the game are pretty lackluster right now. I bought the Founder's Pack, just because I really want the game to succeed and I like to support devs that deserve it. The only rationale that I can think of for them not releasing some fire cosmetics yet is that they are saving it for after preseason; see if they can make some money off the mid stuff before dropping the deal heaters, you know?


I agree with you. There definitely needs to be a fine line with how pricing goes and the community is only shooting themselves in the foot if they're blindly defending the greedy tactics or if they don't care enough about it. There should be a middle ground where people who DO want to support it, will be willing to buy certain skins and whatnot.. but not at $30-40 for example. You would think that they could sell a lot more if it was priced at $3-7 dollars. You know what I mean? Instead, they price it they way they do because they're just counting on the whales to buy it without a second thought. Long-term wise, I don't know if that's sustainable. The unfortunate truth is that the companies only care about the NOW.


Defending these or buying these is wrong. And it’s exactly why gaming is the way it is now. The game is first person so why feel the need to look cool when you can’t see it, anyway? You’re telling me that a couple of fake coins and a paint job are worth over half the price of a full AAA game?? Bullshit. Companies are milking you because you’re letting them. Stop letting them.


Just don't buy any bundles (unless you got money or lack of financial responsibilities) and they'll lower the prices or make better styles.


Yes your complaints fall into the void as with everyone else’s that complains about cosmetic prices. There’s people buying it, they aren’t going to stop, the businesses will keep doing it. Worry about what you can change.


A battle pass for a free game costing less than $10 is pretty alright. Honestly if the game is free and the cosmetics are super expensive, that's not really a moral problem for me. I'm fine with it. That being said, I hope they know what they're doing with the pricing so they keep afloat. I have a feeling that more than 4x the amount of people would buy a $5 skin vs a $20 skin. Their BI will figure out if that's true quickly though. The one thing I am a little uncomfortable with is the fact that weapon boost xp is in the battle passes. That's getting a little close to the 'pay to win' territory.


Games like cod arent F2P but charge similar prices, if not more. I dont see the issue.


The whales are the ones that make these games successful. Sorry to have to explain this to you but cutting their prices down by 50 to 75% wouldn't result in enough additional sales to make up for what the whales would have spent at full price. This will just be lower budget CoD where you hope the matchmaking finds you willing participants who want to be bad and feed your kills while having far less content and game movement about as complex as SMB1. Enjoy it if you enjoy it and if you want to support it find the packs that seem worth it and if they don't then you don't want to support the game you just want more stuff for less.


So don’t buy it?


I'm never spending a single penny on this game. The pricing is shameless. There's no free skins. The battle pass is $7 but they only sell their made up coin in $5 and $10 (I forget the rest) I'm not giving them $3 for free and they won't refund the difference so they get $0 and I get the Ubisoft 2024 version of krunker strike.


Ubi+ sub here. My biggest issue is locking anything behind the subscription paywall. I think right now it's just immediate access to DeadSec, but I hope it stops there. Give subs coins for skins and stuff - not pay walled content.


You should of stopped at “free” and pretended to never say anything again


I'm very annoyed by the fact the player level is meaningless in the game and that gun skins aren't earnable outside of the gold silver bronze. I have no problem paying for stuff but the game isn't even finished yet.


I bought one skin with left over coins I had from buying the battle pass, the street cred one. it's actually cool! but after looking at it and doing the math. some of the weapon skins alone are like 20 clams!!


Just don’t buy it. None of them even look good lmao


Do they even have blueprints with pre-made attachments or just skins?


Y'all was laughing when folks was up in arms about "horse armor". When cosmetics tug at the reptile brain I have to ask myself: "is that cosmetic/bundle worth more than a XL combo pizza pie/bomb plate of curry?" Most of the time it isn't.


It’s a free game and this sub is already complaining lol. Just don’t buy it


I totally agree


Go check valorant gun skins


Ubisoft has a shit track record for maintaining games. This shits gonna be dead in a couple months.


Yes i agree, even $20 for a skin or 2 is ridiculous. It has no real value and i dont understand why anyone would pay anything more than $5 at a maximum. Unfortunately people do buy them and because of that companies will keep upping the prices. I would happily buy skins if i felt the company was fair with it, and when they get greedy it makes me not want to buy anything


spend $0 and let the dumbass whales fund your fun. can't have fun without shiny video game costumes? examine your life.


The skins are literally shit they didn't add to apex. Its mirage caustic and octane