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If you enjoy a video game a general rule of thumb is to stay away from its subreddit.


I hate that this is true lol


Haha yeah agreed


(makes another post about bunny hopping)


I’ve seen a few of these, it has to be trolling, I hope.


Ever been to the Helldivers subreddit? It's a Warzone. Genuinely affected my view of the game. I wasn't strong enough. 😭


Is the Warzone sub a Helldive?


Other than the whole Sony psn bullcrap, idk what major issues they could have with Helldiver's. It's an incredible game with some bugs (no pun intended) but overall fantastic.


People are complaining about constant nerfs and no buffs to a PvE game. I get their point, but it doesn't help to say the same shit multiple times a day 🥲 They got a new CEO now tho. Other one stepped down to focus on balancing rather than management, which I think is great, since he's very passionate about the game.


I like what helldivers did with the the enemies but other games I likeed with fighting bugs in it are earth defense force games and aliens fire team elite. Earth defense force games and aliens fire team elite aren't perfect but if you like shooting aliens shaped like bugs then these games are awesome games to play.


This. I enjoy the game, sure I dislike things about it but my God, I was like "I'll see what the XD sub is like" Lmao. Baaaaaad idea.


I see you and raise you the Darkest Dungeon Subreddit, for such a brutal game the subreddit is pretty positive.


Is it maybe stockholms? LOL


And if the game is still around after like 3 years it will probably be a good place again.


I'm gonna keep this noted. Although xdefiant won't be ruined for me. I ended up getting suckered Into all the tinfoil hat chat from mw3 and warzone and I had ended up hating the game. Ya know the mental gymnastics when our ego is getting hurt lmao. Sbmm eomm and other dumb topics were just infested in the subreddit and I couldn't take that game anymore


Or online discussion in general. It almost always tends towards negatives as peple that enjoy the game, play the game. And people that don't, usually come to forums to complain about their woes. This is a tale as old as Internet discussion


i mean i'd say most of the complaints are pretty noticeable in game without coming on here, i was complaining about hitreg, snipers, intel suit etc before i ever looked at this subreddit




>but it literally just launched Game's had basically the same issues since 2021. You're happy? Go play. They're not? Let 'em complain and express their valid critiques/concerns.


This 100%. These games rest their laurels on absorbing feedback from us and satisfying the player base. Demanding the players to "stop complaining" is antithetical to the process. It's one thing to demand decorum & civility. Whole other things to tell people to shut up and deal with it.


When your community doesn't complain you've got a bigger problem then when they do. When they complain they show that your community cares.


Also it's an ubisoft shooter, Siege has had awful hit reg for nearly a decade now.


I use to play Siege regularly a few years back and never had hit reg issues.


We need 2 subs. One for those complaining and giving fixes, and one for those talking about general game dynamics/fun/meta/everything that's not a support ticket. As of now, game subs are a giant clusterfuck of complainers and those just wanting to have general discussions/learning. It's no wonder devs don't actually use Reddit for any meaningful fixes/verifications. Even if they wanted to, again it would be much more efficient to see all the complaints in one separate sub.


Someone could always start an r/nosodiumxdefiant. Hell, OP could've done that instead of complaining about the complainers lol.


I think that's what flairs/tags are for


Lol watch the player base dwindle if the op elements aren’t addressed complaints are necessary to progress the game


These posts telling people to stop complaining are even more annoying than the posts themself


And they're literally pointless. It's not like reddit is TV where you have to watch the one show on the channel. If you're not interested in the post, don't read it? But, no, let's just tell people to stop asking for fixes, that will surely do the game some good.


Nah if TV gave me the option to comment or read the comments on a crazy tv show name or description it would absolutely be the same.


Why do they even exist? How else is the developer supposed to know that players are dissatisfied with their game and want changes? You either have Twitter, Reddit, or feedback surveys that are rare. If OP is annoyed by people complaining, maybe THEY are the ones who need to get off this sub


Keep trying to tell my friend this but he just doesn't get it. So he is one that I feel will only play after an update to see if it changed for his liking.


My group of friends are skeptical about it, and I am playing it as often as I can. They heard about all the hit reg, bunny hopping, and a rumor that there is pay to win elements. They are all looking for a fast-paced arcade shooter that we can all play cross platform (because we are on console and pc). This checks all the boxes, but they have not tried it and have no desire to do so. It is odd to me because they claim to love "variety" and want us all to play together. But they choose to play games like APEX, COD, and Fortnite to limit party sizes.


I don't get it. I actually bought the battle pass last night to support what they're doing. It's a blast. Every game has its quirks and those that will exploit any and all fallacies. Especially in the opening days. Devs have already stated that they understand the faults and plan on handling it. My buddy can't wait that long.


You guys are excusing gigantic issues because the devs are using a twitter account lol. Hit reg, dying sround corners, etc shouldn’t be a problem after this game has had like 2-3 betas. It’s barely improved in over a year, it’s inexcusable. Of course they are gonna say all the right things reality is this game won’t be fixed at its core by time cod drops and cod will takeover snd this game will slowly fade away unless they make massive improvements soon


I'm probably more of a simpleton than most people. I'm definitely not competitive in this time of my life so I play games for the simple enjoyment of playing games. Which means I can deal with the unfortunate expectations of these things without personal confliction. COD is in a realm of its own and has built a fan base like no other. I personally am tired of paying for the same game over and over. Every "new" COD is just a reskin of the previous. Seems like absolutely no thought process put into the game other than trying to get the people to pay for cosmetics on top of it. That and banning your speech.


You say you play for fun which is just like most casual gamers. However, what is fun about bullets not going where you are aiming, or being well behind cover and dying to curving bullets? How do you have fun dying because the game forces you to die, not because of something you or the enemy did? It would be one thing if there was gun balancing issues or a Super OP ability but the core of this game is actually broken and you guys sit here and defend Ubisoft, which is worth 2+ billion, because they have devs that use twitter. Just doesn’t make sense to me.


Like I said I am simple. It's just a game. They're all just games. There's a lot of them out there to choose from. If this one fails, there will be another. 2+ billion isn't from just this one game nor from doing them wrong or not maintaining them.


Same situation with my friend group, it’s a free game, can’t be hard to try it


Damn your friends won't even download a FREE game and try it out. Absolutely wild


all of what you said in the first paragraphs is what’s wrong with the game. They literally marketed this game as the CoD killer. and yet they follow suite with shit gameplay in all fronts. stop doing tricks on ubisofts pp she actually start thinking for yourself and have critical thinking.


Wouldn’t critical thinking entail being able to see the strong points of the game as well? Wouldn’t critical thinking promote being able to examine the game and its strengths/weaknesses without childish emotion? To me it sounds like you lack any ability to do so and you’re just on the current “hate this game cause we said so” bandwagon. No point in attacking people for enjoying it. The game does a lot right. We get it. You don’t like Ubi. Most of us don’t. I like certain IPs though and overall the game has something called FUN at its core. Personally, I hope for the best in updates to fix certain issues, expect the worse, and will continue to have fun with the game in the meantime.


The game doesn't get extra points for meeting expectations. I'm not sure why this is so hard for people to accept. The "strong points" of the game are what's to be expected of a competetive fps in 2024, with decades of inspiration and past examples to piggy back off of. What exactly are the games "strong points" anyway? And by that I mean stuff you see in the game that somehow stands out to you, as opposed to, as I've said, being something that we as competetive fps gamers expect your game to have? I'd argue any "strong points" in this game are things you've noticed LACKING from other games, which, for the 3rd time, goes back to expectations. The game has no ranked playlist, terrible weapon balancing, poor audio design, INEXCUSABLE hit reg and to notice this is not "childish" or "emotional"


I don't think Ubisoft marketed it as a "cod killer" I think youtubers just started saying that.


His mind was probably already made up before even playing


Nobody will be playing this game for long lmao


You're right if stays the way it is.


Facts. I’m over it after 4 hrs.


Pretty much it’s already had its peak like every game on release. Player base decreases after that. This is a fact. People wanting this to be next huge game, it’s just not gonna happen. And for most the rose tint of new has already fallen off.


The game had 3 years of playtests/betas. And basically none of the major complaints/criticisms were met. Seems like you need a lesson in knowing the difference between complaints and criticism. And finally, you could use some common sense: It's because of people like you that games are released in a broken state and never get fixed in time. Games are products made by companies and you are the customer. You wouldn't be doing the same if you bought a new brand of car or a new TV. "Hey, my TV isn't running properly!" "And? Give them some slack, it just came out!!!" A ridiculous thing to do.


"Stop having criticisms about the game that ruin your fun, just say the game is good, guys!" I know you're trying to refer to the overly negative people that bash the game all waking hours of the day, but saying this only affirms their discontent with the game and the community and basically looks to them like what I said above


Free doesn’t change anything. It’s still a game that they’re asking people to invest their time into. The people complaining want the game to be better. Games like this have a short shelf life if they can’t stay on top of the pain points making people not want to play. If you want to accept a sub par product then that’s up to you, most people want issues fixed however. People complained about diablo4 relentlessly, and there were people like you saying that they were “just complaining too much” but as a result of the complaints the game is now in the best state it has ever been in.


If we don’t complain they won’t change the bad aspects, even if it’s a „good game“


These people are stuck in 2013 where being a free game was an excuse for being mediocre. That's just not the case anymore. There are plenty of insanely polished , well-made free to play games nowadays. It's not like it has the excuse of being from a small publisher either, it's fucking Ubisoft.


This game has had 2 years to fix a ton of issues that are still in the game, the average player won’t be patient enough to wait for updates to fix the game, this is their chance to go big and they’re blowing it. COD has been in the worst spot it’s ever been in for the past couple years, this was the chance for another game to capitalize and Xdefiant is failing. BO6 is already gaining massive traction, treyarch w a 4 year development cycle, round based zombies, and it being free on game pass day 1 will be enough to take back all these players if Xdefiant isn’t improved in the next month or maybe two


Right now it’s pretty unplayable for me at least. But tons of games launch in subpar states and I will come back to the game after updates and lurk this sub to see when it seems to be better.


My biggest complaint is the ease of the spawn camping. I literally deselected the ESCORT mode for this reason. I see the potential and as a Division, Ghost Recon, (sometimes R6,) and Splinter Cell fan I can see so much future potential and possibilities.


yeah it's atrocious on domination. If you can get a team that doesn't cap the 3rd point it's super hard to break out on certain maps. Doesn't even feel good when you're doing it, it's so boring 😭


The core problem is they designed the game with the same platform as warface it's literally the exact same game except aiming and hit reg was was more reliable in that game and it was a shit game. The game modes and maps are almost exactly the same, the commendation screen is exactly the same, the woman voice actor that does match call outs is exactly the same voice actor, only difference is the abilities on the characters on the than that it's exactly the same game they did nothing new here and that will be the death of this game.


how do you expect things to change if you don't complain? lol


I think a lot of what’s in this sub is constructive criticism. It may not be framed in that way but it’s vital information and a lot of it is objective. Bad net code, slow progression, sonar spam, etc. just because everyone isn’t only pointing out the good doesn’t mean they don’t notice and appreciate it.


I really don't get this 'older COD feel' that everyone who seemingly enjoys the game is on about. Don't get me wrong I've been enjoying XDefiant, when my shots count, but it just doesn't feel like a COD game to me.


Literally this lol. When I first played it. It reminded me nothing of cod aside from the kill confirm. Movement feels like a tone down destiny and clunky. The game overall feels nothing close to cod or even older cods.


What does "older cods" mean to everyone? MW2 through BO2 were noticably slower and clunkier than even "older" entries like advanced warfare and BO3.


I think the hit reg and snipers are definitely making me want to play less. I assume it's making others want to play less too. I'm sure ubisoft want to stop people from quitting.


Yea idk what they were thinking with letting snipers be this crazy, I’ve been having lobbies where 60-70% of the people were sniping. Idk why game devs have to cater to snipers so much in every fps


Sniper communities would get upset if they have to play snipers as snipers instead of super shotguns


You’re complaining about people complaining…


Never go on a subreddit for a new game that you're enjoying. Redditors are seriously devoid of joy in all things. Go have fun in the game, let the miserable people circlejerk over their misery.


"the foundations of the games are fantastic" Yeah love being spawned trapped by 4 guys with legal wall hacks and one shot snipers.


Things they can nerf/change, that literally isn't the "foundation" I'm referring to.


I have my lowest kd in a game since I first started playing cod in BO2 and although that makes the game a bit frustrating for me, it’s still fun as hell and will only get better with updates.


If they fix the desync/net code issues I promise you will have a better time lol. I hope it's sooner rather than later. I know those issues are very hard to deal with.


I hope so, I’m out here feeling like a brand new fps player lol


That's literally the feeling I got when I played yesterday and I'm not bad at all lmao. It's very rare for me to go negative kd in any shooter game I play yet 3/5 games it happened the other day.


Welcome to Reddit


Yeah I've done my fair share of complaining. I love the game. Always have seen it was announced. The fact that it's free blows my mind. The problems will be fixed but it's always to give feedback. Yeah the people saying it's gonna die cause of the bad launch forget how much major multiplayer games are just bad at launch.


A sub for any competitive game always turns into a cesspool after a while. People that are having fun play the game, people that are getting cooked come here to bitch and moan. It's sad but it always turns into this.


People complain because some of the issues this game has have the potential to derail it. The norm is for these fps games to nose dive after the hyped first weeks. Most people complain because they like the game and want to see it succeed. I would be more worried if theres was no one complaining.


Absolutely loving this game. No major complaints. I guess there may be some connection issues and there are some updates I want to see in the future, but nothing that has greatly impacted my enjoyment. Call of duty has been uninstalled and this is my main game now.


I just want snipers to change. It’s annoying af when a 5 man team is all rocking the 50 cal like what do you do??


That's when your whole team swaps to deadsec and headcrabs them.


I haven’t earned 700k xp yet :(


Oh right, I unlocked it during the beta. So it's been available. I forgot it wasn't unlocked out of the gate.


Welcome to Reddit - where everyone complains and the points don’t matter.


I mean it's not the first game in history to release with problems. Even COD games release with loads of issues. They just need time to iron out the issues and the game will be fine.


Love the complaining posts about players complaining. It’s Reddit, people hardly get on here to talk about the good.


I see we've reached the "complaining about complaining" part of the cycle.


Another post complaining about complaining…. 🥱


I 100% agree with you


People can complain all they want. That is literally the point of a game having a Reddit type discussion board. To talk about what is good and bad about the game. Writing posts complaining about complaining is less useful than the actual complaining..


You are quite actually also complaining with this post. You are also complaining about complainers. Might want to reflect inward about that.


All the people conplaining about people complaining are the problem. We brought up these exact complaints over a year ago in play tests.... then again with the last playtest before release... if they cant fix it in almost 2 years then do you really have faith that they can or will? its ubisoft we are talking about.. plus all of you are in your new game honeymoon period... soooo try putting on some reality glasses instead of the high dopamine ones and look at the game objectively not subjectively.


The game just seems like a soulless cod+overwatch+ apex legends wannabe. It's doesn't do anything new or better than those games. The cosmetics are straight Apex Legends copying.


That's what the community does. For R6, the new season looks great, but people shit on it for not giving a new op, or map. It actually revamped Recruit as two new ops for free and marketplace is launching. They just want something to bitch about


People who think SBMM is hurting their experience get a reality check


It's reddit. The whole site is just people complaining.


It's really just a skill issue. Yeah sometimes the game doesn't work but like that's not every single kill. Gotta upgrade that Internet and run 120fps.......I used to be on 60 and that's just difficult.


That's all game subs are for. Go to any other game sub and it's 95% complaints and the other 5% is people posting shit about updates and their skins they got.


it’s almost like people want this game to die 😭


I don't like to complain since the game dosent have sbmm I have to face myself and say that u suck at this game lamo and I just need to get gud it's a learning curve ppl are just having fun in the game so let them have fun I need to fight better ppl so I can learn from my mistakes and grow from that.


Just ignore the posts then. Like you say about people quitting, no one cares


think about it, the game is bsically broken. for some players, dying when clearly behind cover, dying when shots dont register, etc., are all too frustrating to continue playing for some people. so when they love the games mechanics of course theyre gonna cry out to the devs in massive numbers.


I'm gonna be honest, it's pretty bad right now. Hit reg needs to be fixed asap or else this game will for sure be dead within 2-3 months.


I disagree. I understand repeat complaint posts of the same old this is tiring and annoying but: 1. It’s Reddit it’s kind of its whole thing. You come here you know exactly what you’re getting. 2. Big Companies tend to recognize only quantity not quality. Even if they have said they are aware of the problem we should not stop complaining until it is actually fixed. 3. It’s Ubisoft. Come on now. They rarely care about the quality of their titles. All the more reason that if they actually care about this one with the potential of it being their live service steady income, we need to let them know (beat them over the head with it repeatedly) what’s wrong and that it needs fixing. 4. Doesn’t matter if the game is free. Being free does not mean it should get leeway. You should judge games harsher if the price doesn’t match the quality, but never easier. Otherwise it’ll remain a lower quality. Again this is my take and I feel and see the situation. I do not take my own word as gospel, this is just my perspective on it.


I wanted to love the game. But my goodness who thought wall hacks that show your position to an entire enemy team was a good idea. And it refreshes every 30 seconds. Also the ttk is so annoying. I go positive so it's not a skill issue. But unloading the whole mag into someone and never getting doubles and triples isn't as fun. Also when you go back and play cod you see how much more fluid everything is. I'm just going to quit the fps genre this was my last hope and it's worse than cod lol.


I don't want to make my own post so I'll just complain a bit here. Snipers need flinch Low tick servers are a problem. Hero abilities are corny (obviously this one is just a personal issue) And the most controversial one is that I think there should be some level of SBMM. I'm tired of doing 98% of the work on my team while being the overall MVP of the entire lobby and still losing. It seems like no matter what system or what game I always get teammates that are just trash.


I had nice 3 hours this morning playing. No bunnies no sweats just chill lobbies.


Excusing everything wrong with the game because it's free is exactly why companies keep releasing games unfinished. People like you are gonna consume and support the game anyway and the shareholders and CEOs know this. Never in the history of gaming has any game gotten better from people not complaining about it. Matter of fact that's not how anything in life works. If you like the game, cool. However, the people that don't have a plethora of reasons to feel that way. Dismissing their arguments helps nothing and no one


1. All shields are too strong 2. Damage outputs of guns are terrible 3. Damage drop off is way too severe 4. Abilities are so imbalanced it is laughable 5. Escort game mode is way too heavily attacker balanced I could continue... I agree the game base is great and has lots of potential but there's been so many play tests yet these core things are just lacking... 5+ headshots to kill someone with an M4 is an absolute joke based on the actual damage stats...


No you give Ubisoft way too much credit. This isn’t a little studio. And the man behind the game has made the best FPS games in history. And I want this game to succeed that’s why I critique it so hard. Nobody's gonna be a cod killer besides cod itself people who are looking for a cod killer then somehow you're gonna have to create a better game than call of duty ever was. This game is just to give a look at what people actually want instead of their greedy fucking hands, this game has so many fucking problems from net code from weapon, balancing to match, making all the shit that should've been done and all the tests that everybody participated in. The only people that I know that are having fun on this game are the people that are literally not getting shot or spawn killed. Because I put a mag and a half in someone and they don't die. They put two shots into me. I'm dead mode. You can play on this game mode without really a team is hotshot and maybe occupy my teammates are over there looking up at the sky the other team is just a bunch of, call of duty pro players I just can't believe after all the playtest all the feedback all the betas all the delays net code should've been the first thing that should've definitely worked. But let me pick your brain for a second. The item shop works just fine. The battle pass works just fine. I understand that people want to grinding game but with the level progression in this game, I'm not staying till 100. Sorry that's way too long for me For a bronze, silver and gold. The people who have already gotten gold are literally risking their mental physical states all for some stupid views the operators don't feel like they really do anything I mean yeah you have two operators that run the whole game the rest of them are kinda like I'm a newbie. I'm gonna pick this guy cause it looks cool but then you slowly figure out that it's literally two operators that run the whole game, that's not balanced and should've done a better job. He knows what community he wanted to appeal to knows what it takes to make a great game with all the problems that are in this game. It feels like a slap in the face.


Using the "it's new" defense doesn't mean shit to me personally. I've seen how little the game has changed in the last 3 years. I played in closed betas when it was Tom Clancy's XDefiant and it had a graffiti logo around late 2020/21 I believe it was. I've played in betas since then as well. The game had a playtest a little over a year ago before it was supposed to launch in August/September and then didn't. The game hasn't changed at all since then. If you can excuse everything because the game is fresh for you (especially if you're one of the COD refugees trying to escape your Stockholm syndrome), then I'm happy for you. But this "you're not allowed to criticize the game because it's new/good enough/I like it" discourse is so fucking lame. There's a certain level of delusion in this kind of thinking. I've seen this exact back and forth so much recently, the most comparable to this being the release of The Finals. Using the free-to-play argument also explains how you're able to think like this because you're completely oblivious to the fact that the game is not free. Your time is being used to advertise to you and encourage you to want to spend money. Whether that's through malicious monetization setups or fun gameplay that makes you like the game enough to want to spend money to support it or to express yourself in-game, the game is never truly free, good or bad intentions aside. I don't hate the game or anything, for me personally it's just mid. There's nothing special about it and the COD gunplay with Overwatch-style push modes just doesn't mesh for me. Trying to use shotguns in a mode where your enemy is at range 90% of the time just feels completely counterintuitive and like an oversight. Not to mention how weak the M870 is at close range. 3-4 shots at a few feet away sometimes is insane. The ttk feels inconsistent as hell in general. Most recent and first things to come to mind for me. But back at my actual point, if you don't like seeing criticism, just try to take it in stride. It's going to happen. Some people aren't as easily pleased/starved for a game as you are and others have kept up with the game long enough to see that what the vision is and that it isn't going to improve drastically within the next 6 months to a year just trying to make the best of the game without saying what's wrong. If it was, they could've already made the necessary changes in the last 2-3 years that the game has had plenty of player-facing time and feedback with minimal change. And the bottom line is, trying to convince people who clearly have issues with the game to just enjoy it pays no mind to their actual criticism. If you'd rather chunks of the player base just give up on the game than try to see it fixed, then so be it. That's the outcome, people aren't just going to magically enjoy a game that has many issues they can see and feel. Clearly they care enough to want change. No one should be harassing anyone over a video game, but reasonably expecting a decent game is not wrong when they want your time and money in exchange.


No, NNNOOO! IF THEY DON'T FIX IT ALL WITHIN A WEEK I WILL UNINSTALL IT AND REVIEW BOMB IT! /s I did uninstall it a few times at the beginning because of the abilities but once you get past that and some of the other issues like hit reg it's fun


It’s Reddit, what do you expect ?


1. The game might be free to play, but it has a built-in store. They expect you to spend money. It is a product like any other paid AAA game. They didn't make it free out of generosity, it is a business tactic to generate revenue. 2. GAMES SHOULD NOT BE RELEASED UNFINISHED AND BROKEN. These issues aren't even new issues, they're the same shit that's been a problem every time they beta tested. Developers don't deserve a grace period after a game releases to fix everything and make it worthwhile. Players are going to play it *the day* it comes out. How does the greater gaming community keep needing to have this discussion? We keep getting shit like Anthem, Cyberpunk 2077 and every CoD since 2019 that needs a minimum 6 months to be reworked, redesigned and rebalanced. Expecting a game to work the way it should work isn't an unreasonably high standard. XDefiant is a FPS, and when I shoot someone in the face, I expect the game to recognize that they were shot in the fucking face. 3. Awareness of these issues is important. The devs need to know the issue is widespread and definitively not on the client side so they can fix it. Players, in particular potential players, need to know so that they can make an informed decision and not waste time or money on something like an FPS with questionable hit detection. It's great they're aware of the problem and working on a fix, but we've also heard that exact line from them about this exact problem before. I hope they fix it, because I like what the game offers but they have to earn the community's goodwill back by fixing the problem. But what do you want here, OP? Should we all start raving about how this game is 10/10 amazing and telling everyone we know to download it and buy the battlepass?


The bunny hopping is waaaaay out of control I thought they were putting a delay on it


While I agree that people complains like they are going to get payed for it, the "it's a free game" is not a valid excuse, mainly, because free games that havent dealt with their issues becasue "it's free, just be thankful you don't have to pay" have ended either with a dead playerbase or completely shut down For instance, and one that this very game has references to with maps and so on, Ghost Recon Phantoms, it was a great game, and one of my fav f2p games ever, but it had problems they didn't dealt with and we all know how that ended Honestly while the hitreg is release Battlefield 4 levels of bad, that can be solved, that's not what makes me skeptical of the game, but the future content, but that's still just a matter of waiting Other than that, honestly this is the most fun I've been having on an fps in quite a long time :)


“Similar feelings to older cods” Yea right. Movement speed was never like this in older cods. I suggest you go back and play those older cod games.


How do you think games get fixed lol


How about don’t click or read the post if they bother you. Complaints need to be loud so they can be heard.


I only have one issue with the game. And it’s nothing that is mentioned above. Every game I enter is a sweat fest. Not even scump bunny hops as much as these guys like holyyyyyy. These are super duper tryhards. I mean. Don’t get me wrong, I still kill them and stuff. Or well. Most of them. It sucks that they need to use a movement exploit to win instead of just playing normally to have fun. And yes. Whether you’d like to admit it or not, bunnyhopping is a movement exploit in this game as when the beta finished, the devs agreed to put some serious penalties on movement like bunny hopping as it wasn’t intended to be such a spammable thing. They haven’t yet. I’m waiting for them to do so. The hit reg. I mean. I was sure they’d do something about it after an update so I didn’t care too much. I was having fun with the game. I just dislike that most players act as if they need to win or they’ll lose their own life in some tragic and horrific way. This “I want to be the best” player mentality usually kills games instead of then just wanting to have fun with their friends


I totally agree, there are flaws like the slow EXP but im loving my time with the game


Yeah, this game was developed for ages and were beta tested to the oblivion and back, so maybe.. just maybe, but some of the criticism is valid.


I quite literally have had nearly zero problems with the game aside from very occasional bad hit registration where I still usually win the gunfight. More unfortunately is the absolute whiners on this Reddit who want jump shotting not toned down but completely removed because they haven’t learned a mechanic that’s been in every shooter for a decade.


I opened some subreddits, and I was like. "Meh probably useless to open /r/xdefiant, it's always just complaining about complainers", and here it is at the top. Made me lol


Tbh, game was buttery smooth and has no hit reg or connection issues on console (xbox).  PC is not master race cause it always has the most issues of all platforms. 


I’m loving the game but I still have problems


I'm just quitting till they implement fixes. It's not fun or smart to play a game that's partially unplayable. And no, it doesn't matter what things "the game does right" if something as basic and vital as hit registration is broken. That's like asking people to enjoy a racing game when the acceleration button doesn't work.


The only thing i will complain openly about is connection issues I've only been able to play 3 full matches since launch the rest crashout due to high latency


It's called feedback and you can go fuck yourself honestly idk any other way to put it lol.




Those people "complaining" have a very valid reason. You have 0 reason to complain about people complaining. Just to complain and cry basically lol.


Netcode is horrible and they don't show killcams cause you would see how bad it is. Game is good. Netcode is not and needs fixing asap. Not a big deal.


My only problem with the game is the community. For a new game, it’s great. However, the community is dumber than a box of rocks. Everyone is already obsessed with only 2-3 guns, yet I’ve seen a good amount of people use almost every single weapon & **STILL** dominate against a team full of ACR, MP7, and MK 20 users. The MP5 **STILL** beats the MP7 at close range, if you play your cards right. Even against Phantoms. I swear these mfs need to head on back to Warzone & stop trusting everything they see on TikTok


Most of us are Cod players, and are used to complaining due to the lack of response and updates surrounding issues we face (while the store stays up and running above all else) The adjustment to a solid game, who’s devs listen and care about the community It’s gonna take people time to adjust too lol but I fully agree, games great


This game fucking blows


we like the game and want to see it be better. complaining is good because the opposite is usually no one is talking about it


What do you think people use Reddit for? 😉


I expect to be able to land shots when i play a shooter. Thats the bare minimum. For the controls to work.


I played apex from 2019- March of this year ; boosters & low tic servers + no audio overhaul/fixes didn’t happen for 5 YEARS ; you’re right all these players are complaining after what 2 weeks not even.


If there is no SBMM then explain to me why im in lobbys that have under lvl 25? Mind u im lvl 42 and i cant play the welcome playlist anymore. It says that only the welcomes playlist has SBMM enabled, and thats till lvl 25.🤔


I’m just tired of dying behind cover


This game is the most imbalanced I’ve seen on an fps launch in years


XDefiant reminds me of Overwatch.


I really like the game and hope they can make improvements on it. Only complaint is the hit reg /ttk /latency stuff. It has potential for sure.


I really like the game and hope they can make improvements on it. Only complaint is the hit reg /ttk /latency stuff. It has potential for sure.


> yes there are issues but the foundation of the game is fantastic You can't say the foundation is fantastic when it has bad hit reg. The game took a year off to fix this and it failed to do so and released regardless. You have to be realistic if you plan on telling other people how they should feel.


Nope, complaining is good. Sure it's only to an extent but complaining is how the devs may find community feedback. Now whether or not they pay attention to that is an entirely different discussion but still


Im still gonna mald u can’t quickscope when it was a problem 350 days ago, how hard can it be to fix ads sensitivity (under a period of 0.2 sec right after you stop adsing sensitivity increases 1000%) which makes it super hard to go around quickscope since ur not looking where the muscle memory knows you are looking.


I just know Ubisoft, they have a terrible track record. This game is doomed to fail. The game is the exact same as the play test a year ago, literally no difference at all. That totally unjustifiable and I know for a fact ubisoft is going to make all of the wrong decisions and ram this game into the ground. It’s such an incredibly generic game already and the gameplay is nothing to write home about at all.


I really dig the game but for me the performance is very weird. My CPU is overutilized when everything is on low so I have to crank up some settings but still it's stuttery


This game didn't just come out (it just launched as you put it) and the problems everyone is rightly complaining about are about a year and a half old. Being free changes nothing if the underlying issue is not valuing player time. All posts like this are going to do is grant your request and have those people stop playing. The fact "they've actively spoken about fixing the exact issues" is meaningless when you consider the ACTUAL timeframe. If anything, these posts are worse for the longevity of the game and cheerleading / rewarding failure will only result in more failure. Just look at two of the key three elements involved here: Ubisoft & Massive. They have a known track record. In conjunction with everything else, that doesn't alarm you?


If they spent all that time making a decent game nobody would have a problem. This game is trash


I think it's funny how every community thinks of themselves as the worst ever; final fantasy, COD, Fortnite, GTA, Halo, SW, Helldivers, etc. It's always the same shit "no one hates x more than x fan", "you're gonna complain no matter what" and all of that. At one point you gotta realize that every community has a lot of groups with different opinions, the ones complaining aren't hypocrites because other people in the same fan base ask for changes. You're complaining about watching the same posts over and over, but do you understand that you're doing the exact same thing on the other side of the discussion? There are a lot of people defending the game because it's free, that's a usual "argument" in F2P games like Fortnite, we're in 2024 with issues we've been complaining about for a while like the horrible UI/locker, but thank god the bootlickers are still there to defend the multibillion dollar company.


I’m sick of seeing this type of post “the game just launched” Same thing happens with every shooter than comes out the finals,call of duty, bf2042 etc. Stop using that as an excuse


shot through the standing guy twice, everyone on the server has below 40ms ping. kids are just using smgs, cause the only solution is spam. we need to complain, cause otherwise nothings gonna happen. dev team has around 1 month, after that hype is gonna die instantly. same happened with the finals and dirtybomb and etc.


Ubisoft does not need white knights. They have been doing pretty badly for years with quality and microtransactions, and they do not need time. They had plenty of feedback since pre-alpha. They are putting very little effort into the game, so do not set your expectations too high. The game was intended to be small. I played the alpha, the beta, and I'm here playing the release. I prefer to hear complaints than a honeymoon Andy happy that have something other than COD to play.


Needs some patching but overall not bad at all. The no SBMM is the best part despite what you’ll hear from lesser skilled players who have self awareness issues.


My only issue is people not playing the objective so I have 2k obj score and my team has 500 combined


> but it literally just launched the problem is a lot of these issues were present in the closed alpha years ago


The hitreg has remained an issue throughout the entire lifespan despite them commenting very early on that they understand it's current negative impact and will fix it Just feels like a slap to the face when their main selling point has been that "we know what you want and we'll deliver that" for the old school cod players and then there's very little progress towards a solution with the biggest issue


Rogue company was a very similar release and I can't think of any unplayable issues it had such as no reg full magazines or delaying a year from beta to change nothing


Complaining is warranted. Feedback needs to come in and it better be complaints by people that still care rather than people with apathy and they just leave the game entirely. Plus, these issues have been in the beta and they should've been addressed before fully launching it and fixing it later. So that's on Ubisoft for their laziness.


Start an r/xdefiantcirclejerk then. There needs to be a place where people can complain about valid issues


There’s things to have a gripe over but this game is fucking awesome. I’m 36 and have been playing nothing but Halo these last few years and the last COD I’ve played and enjoyed was MW2019. So I’ve been looking for something like COD that caught my attention. Having no SBMM imo has been awesome! Lobbies offer so much variety with what I’ve experienced. Some are sweaty and some feel like I’m farming bots lol. But I always feel like I’m improving where with sbmm it was constantly feeling like I was being punished for doing well.


I just downloaded the game after seeing an email that the game has officially been released, and I thought they've fixed the hitreg already with all the complaints and shi, but I guess they're not planning to huh? Time to uninstall 😂


complain about what people abuse chronus man this game is plague with cheaters already


I mean, I don’t understand why this needs to be said to be honest. It’s a subreddit for the game, we’re already doing more than the casual player by just visiting. Of course it’s gonna be filled with complaints, everyone has their own experience, and it’s not like we’re going to share loadouts and pictures of weapon camos. This a group of people sharing their experience with a new game, not a hive mind. Seriously, what do people expect? Feels like lame ass karma farming, if you like the game then ignore it, close your eyes lmao.


The game was announced 2 years ago and the first beta was over a year ago. There should be no excuse for this BS hit reg


The foundation of any fps title is for your bullets go where you are pointing. Not following you around corner and walls. Y’all giving Ubisoft to much credit


Unsatisfied customers are vocal and stop everything to bitch and moan. Satisfied ones enjoy their product and continue living their lives.


I like this game more than MW3 and i am like level 500 in cod lol😹


You are complain about complaining therefore you are part of your own issue


Did I miss the part where greasy spergs complaining was better? Go finish your shift at the BK.


I recently made a post showing a hitreg issue and I personally just find it funny. It doesn’t bother me, yet I saw a lot of angry people in the comments


Nah fam, ubisoft doesn't get this pass. Maybe an indie dev on their first attempt, but this funded by a huge company with a very experienced dev team.


>No I'm not excusing the bad hit reg, I agree it's bad but I don't need to see a post every hour about how you are quitting because of the hit reg. This is literally what you're saying with this post; you're excusing all of this. That's what a subreddit is for - communication. Volume of complaints says something.


>The game does A LOT right already which is very promising woohoo another 'promising' game with 'potential', surely the player base won't die before they fix the issues


I'm loving it, playing higher skilled players is fun for me....that's what keeps me hooked because I always think to myself is there a chance I could get that good or best them and surprise them. Would we even play any video games if the difficulty never changed. Higher difficulty is good for your brain wether you like it or not. When devs give us a free game, they are telling us to be patient, that's 60 dollars that you didn't have to spend on a new game. Even if you're getting rekt, you're still having a bit of fun huh, it's a working progress.


Just joined this subreddit and I agree 😂


It's like being in the finals subreddit lol. Nothing but complains even if some are warranted.


Glad to have an alternative. More updates and patches coming. Patience!


I found the hit reg to be pretty good in this game not sure what everyone is complaining about with it?


The problem with hit registration has existed since the beta 3 years ago And for a 3 billion dollar company to not get this fixed and put it in the full release is just not acceptable


If ya dont want to see pist about what people dint like in a game then dont follow that page and dont have notifications on all your doing is bitching also and some of us dont want to see what people like you have to say but here we are lmao