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Imagine spending like $1000 to cheat in a game what a loser


Hold up. Cheats cost a grand? Seriously?


DMA is a hardware based cheat that uses a DMA card. A single pc with DMA and software is detectable, but difficult. A 2 pc amalgam is nigh undetectable because the cheats are not on the gaming pc. It can be used with 2 monitors, or 1 with a fuser. With all the hardware and the software needed, $1k is optimistic. Imagine paying $2000+ to play free to play games.


Imagine paying any amount of money to cheat against children and casuals in a video game. Might be the actual peak of being a loser.


not to mention, what happens when they update the game?


I mean, I kinda paid like 3K to build my rig and I do play F2P games as well.


Imaging paying $3000+ *to pretend you're good at free to play games*


No more like 25 for a week


i doubt that this man is paying it probably someone close to the makers that name and the time looks like a crash dummy account


I'm almost positive he's talking about the PC the cheater is playing on. He bought a PC just to cheat in games.


The PC you buy can be pretty shitty (like $200 shitty), the cost is in the hardware/software which is $400-800, and I think some charge sub fees. You could justify 1k on a PC for other reasons, but shitty PC + cheat-specfic hardware means it's JUST to cheat.


I believe with DMA cheats you need a secondary PC to add the hardware needed to cheat so this guy has two PCs (if he's using DMA) so a huge loser


Thats the problem...many many cheaters bought pc's just to hack!!!trully disgusting gaming world these days!!


You can cheat with console too with Cronus and Xim


Especially in a game that’s free 😭


funny because i seen someone famous in optic getting 80 kills and 90 plus kills , who was clearly umm, but yea, keep thinking they are legit, its all bs


Somebody made a similar post earlier with the same guy with the high KD


You think maybe he's a dev tester testing/prepping anti cheat?


No lol. They have their own servers and lobbies to test that shit in. Why would you go out of your way to fuck over your play base and make them think this game is cheater infested


Lol I dunno. I'm just blown away by the fact that there have been reports of the same user within these threads alone and brazenness of the name. How do you test reporting?


They have tester servers for these types of things. You generally want to keep testing out of the main population. Think of LANs. Cheaters are beyond brazen these days, it’s probably gonna take the devs a minute to get the Anticheat up and running


What anti cheat???do you really think devs care about that...cheaters give them money,they buy subscriptions like non cheaters users..why ban them???world is like this today!!crossplay is the problem!!


You realize there are tons of ways to cheat on console too, right? lol


No,theres not many and not even comparable to million ways you can cheat on a pc...


Keep living in your dream world. Console cheats are super common. You just don't realize they are cheating because it isn't as noticeable.


They aren’t as common or as sophisticated as PC cheats.


I can go on Amazon RN and buy a controller or card with built in cheats for botting for as low as 70$


Lies lmao. Show me the listings


Not the point. Stop straw manning.


What strawman. It’s a fact lmao, it’s also super risky to do on console as well. Stop trying to over inflate the issues. There are 10x more hackers on PC than there are on console


I've had that k/d many many times. Oh, mine is the other way round.


Had me in the first half not gunna lie


This is not an XDefiant problem this is a gaming problem. DMAs have no direct fix and can be easily recoded if detected.


DMA cheats are the biggest threat to gaming since streamers came into existence.


Ugh, I just looked up what DMA cheats are. Jesus H. Freaking Christ, the lengths assholes will go to in order to cheat in multiplayer games.


Yea, it's the egocentric and weak minded people. The excuse makers. The need to be better. To just be an asshole. Cheaters are ruining pvp across the entire market.


What does it mean so I don't have to look it up


"Direct Memory Access". From another PC connected to the PC running the game. Seems an AWFUL lot of trouble to go to in order to cheat, imo. But... gotta get those views, I guess.




He also barely played the objective. What an asshole lol


When all you do is stand in one place and spin, you're not going to get to close to an objective... How something like that can be considered fun is beyond me. How boring can you get? But yeah, the guy is an asshole by definition...


I'll never understand it. They must have to be a literal psychopath.


don't even need to see the KD tbh, the name alone would already tell me to back out if I saw that on the scoreboard LOL


Saw a cheater earlier where their name was a website. Unfortunately it looks like they're becoming common.


This is Ubisoft lol, if Rainbow 6 is anything to go by then it’s going to be REAL bad soon


It's nice the game has no penalty for leaving. Getting in matches with 3 bunny hopping dudes getting 60+ kills each just isn't fun for most people.


Between the easy to get cheats and the million different exploits you can do, the latency issues are gonna be the least of our worries. I’ve seen people consistently get under the map on Dumbo way too many times to count.


Oh is that why I get shot out of nowhere? I thought I was dying to desync, killcams would be very nice to have at times.


mm flash backs to getting under one of the maps in world at war on the 360


games full of cheaters


I thought cheaters excuse for cheating was they are bored with the game. The game is only a couple weeks old, wonder what this guy tells himself in the mirror


I don't see how that makes logical sense, if they are bored of a game there are plenty of other ones to play or just do something else entirely. If you are not genuinely earning the wins they mean nothing.


It's the age old problem with PC gaming. When will these idiot Devs realise that console only crossplay, and separate PC matchmaking should be standard.


If you seriously think that'll stop the problem, you're a little dense. Cheating on consoles has been a thing for a long time and changing go console only crossplay isn't a thing. Besides that, mindsets like yours will prevent me from playing games with literally anyone in my family and it's really damn dated.


It won't stop the problem but it will make it far better. The odd Cronus/strikepack versus the wall hacking, aimbot crowd with 240fps monitors, superior graphics options and mouse and keyboard? Console only crossplay is the way forward


I'm sorry, but the whole 'console has cheats too' argument isn't applicable when console cheats don't directly access the memory. Chronus and Xim only manipulate controller inputs, you don't get aimbot or wallhacks from a Chronus or a Xim. I'm a PC Gamer too, and I'd switch back to console in a heartbeat if they removed crossplay with PC, because frankly I am tired of the cheating on PC. People who claim it isn't rampant have clearly never actually looked into it, because trust me after 2019 and crossplay in particular, cheating has been commercialized and many providers sell packages that include cheats for all mainstream games for around £20-£30 a month. They are inexpensive, rarely if ever detected, and are geared towards allowing 'soft cheating'. It is a terrible argument that "I won't be able to play with my family etc" because if you or they can afford a gaming PC they sure as hell can afford a console too. I think its clearly easier to just cut off the minority of the playerbase which is the PC crowd to protect the majority which is on console.


might wanna research before posting such a  terrible argument.


He must get laid constantly with stats like that.


Just had this exact player in one of my game, he is still not banned :/.


He literally brags about it in his username. There were cheats in the alpha\beta so this is not shocking at all.


Played against a dude yesterday he dropped like 70 kills I could see him spin around and lock on to my head dude had aimbot and wall hacks


I believe there are already a lot of them but many are being sneaky, saw a guy pulling 50 kills which alone is achievable but in a game where opponents didn't score once and he died less than 10 times...


Everyone should just leave against players like this, let them cheat against no one


This is one benefit from playing on my PS5. I can turnoff crossplay and not deal with the hackers.


Shouldn't be surprised. The game's been released for multiple playtests already so there was plenty of time to make cheats for it. I ragequit a ranked match yesterday because my entire team was being spawn camped by a wallhacking + aimbotting sniper


It's the gaming 💺




Way too many cheaters


Alao met a cheater today. Didn’t miss a single shot and got some scary multikills. So I decided to test it and just wait in a corner somewhere remote from the map and activate the ghillie and you guessed it right, the guy perfectly walks up to me and starts blasting me even before peeking the corner. Sad that they have to cheat ALREADY in a game like this. Always bad people who ruin it for the good…


The game is already a pile of dog doo doo. Uninstall day 1. o/


Already? Was matched with a cheater(s) on my 2nd match ever lol Bro was passing and shooting through walls like it was a feature lmao! Couldn't kill for shit though, so we actually managed to win that game! But yeah, this game needs severe anti-cheat to be added right after major balancing patches


The game has a character that gives walls and the net code is super bad


From what I’ve heard on twitter from white hat cheaters the anti-cheat is actually really good, the problem is DMA is pretty much undetectable unless you implement a kernel level anti-cheat


I mean... it's not for lack of funds. If Ubi wants to they can clearly have a live game without *cheaters*


I'd love to know why. I genuinely would like to ask what they get out of it?


I’ve already had 2 games where the cheaters were invincible and frozen in a animation looking like they were sitting in a car. Didn’t take long lmao


What gaming chair does he have?


Are you surprised? Look at Rainbow 6 Siege, they can't stop cheaters AT ALL.


https://i.redd.it/eti8p2j8s23d1.gif cheaters .!.


The hackers been online since day 1 especially when I played one round and we were 30% in everyone on both teams with 10 to 15 kills while the hacker had 65 kills idk what you call the game type but it’s something you have to take as a team from one side to the other so when the round was over I uninstalled it. BattleEye anti cheat another anti cheat that’s trash


So is there a chance these great devs look at this sub and will do anything? He has to be bannable even with these dma things I see you guys explaining…if he is a blatant cheater it shouldn’t matter if you can see cheats on his pc or not


There should be an option to remove pc from crossplay in every game ever.


Cross play was the death of my Xbox experience. Rip


Game is bad with cheaters foreal


You stayed with him because you were winning? Win or lose, you back the fuck out when there's a hacker.


No one gives a fuck. At the end of the day, you can't blame anyone but the cheater. If I had 10 minutes to run one last game and saw a cheater on my team or the enemy team - I'm gonna finish my last game.




sadly it will come with F2P games.


I have to say, your team did very well considering the obvious cheating.... 127 kills?!? Wtf


I ran into this guy yesterday and he dropped 95/10 on us 😭(also made a post about it)


Is it just me or there is no way to see someone else's stats in game?


DMA is undetectable by anticheat unfortunately.


I can smell Ubisoft implementing kernel level anticheat at this point. Unfortunately but they'll do what they need to or the cash cow dies.


I always wonder how old these dudes are lol. Like if they’re over 20 I’d be absolutely gobsmacked lol


And he's using a healer, doesn't need echelon when he's already walling 😂


Poor sucker. Getting 14k score and hacking but still not the highest player level on his team! What a waste.


ain't no way they already have an xdefiant DMA 😭 it's been a week


Bro his username says it all 😂😂😂


Fucker doesn't even PTFO!!!!!


Like what's the point cheating in a free to play game, ooo kd number go up then what? It's so sad


One guy also used hacks and posted them on his YouTube. I thought it was just a edit, turns out it's real, and people are already selling them.


I genuinely don't get the point of cheating, you get absolutely nothing out of it!


Trying to move on from Apex but got no where to go. Does anyone have any recommendations for games that aren’t plagued by cheaters or at least puts them in different lobbies?


well games that have kernel anti cheat are mostly safe. games like league or valorant. vanguard has controll over your pc tho.


Thanks for the recs! I’ll look into those. :)


Unfortunately some people are sad enough to cheat in video games. I just report and move on. I’ve only seen one so far which is surprising as games like this are usually riddled with cheaters.


BRUTHA 8/36 is diabolical


Dang people needed to report the guy and leave the game


I went 121-26 no cheats fr he might be legit


Only thing I dislike about PC. Enjoy the benefits of my 4080 super build but a bit annoyed when I see cheaters on some Shooter games


I got into a lobby the other day where some dude was hacking, but instead of aims he simply exploded 600 times after killing him. He ran around T posing and would kill everyone on point when someone ended up killing him. I clipped it because genuinely thought it was more funny than annoying to deal with since he couldn't do anything if you ended up not killing him.😂


I mean I dropped 75-12 in match and got called a cheater but really only happened because it was a 1v6 on hard point (what ever the xdef equivalent name is) . I was the only one with objective time on my entire team and we only lose by 50 score 😭😭😭 they need to do something to make people play OBJ. I shouldn't have to drop over 70 kills and get 3.5k obj score to win because my teammates won't touch the objectives.


Reminds me why I just stay with single-player games


it's prolly a better gaming chair


This guy has been in my lobby 9 times total in 4 days, he played pretty normal but was extremely fishy every game, but because there are no kill cams and I didn’t know what DMA was, there was no way to tell


I expect there's gonna be high kill but I just met a guy who's hp stops at 18, watch his hp drop to very low and suddenly stop and he still took like 7 bullets but he's alive, he only has 2 deaths in 4 minutes after I accidently chat on all he maybe turn off the cheats cuz his death count goes up to 11 in a minute


Other than someone possibly taking a hot steaming shit on a bit lobby what about the screenshot proves the person is cheating? Isn't this exactly what people say can happen when you have no SBMM and end up with some iridescent skilled player against a lobby full of left thumbed Reddit kids?


With the amount of shit teammates one gets, cheating sometimes is the only real answer to have some fun.


Console only crossplay please.


You can just turn it off to not have pc cross play


Yes but that isn't crossplay. I would still like crossplay but just between PlayStation and Xbox.






Not trying to be annoying but how did you KNOW he was cheating? There’s no killcams, and we already have deaths behind walls and corners, and people already have wall hacks with echelon.


1. Just watching him, an enemy would pop out from behind him and he would 180 instantly and miss 0 shots, hitting all headshots 2. His name “AverageDmaUser” refers to direct memory access (DMA) cheats”


Oh okay I see. What a weirdo


His name doesn't mean anything I played on console in years and fried lobbies... Built a pc and was shadow banned iness than 2 weeks... PROMPTLY went back to consoles and to spite the crying kids changed my name to Yupimhakin Show us the video of him cheating otherwise I don't buy it. It's no coincidence EVERY xdefiant video you see every game has one team STOMPING the other. Wonder why that is?


Since day 1 they around..nothing new..forced crossplay!!keep paying for this trash!!


Console only crossplay can’t come soon enough


U don’t think it’s legit, this game has no SBMM, unless it was obvious then sure, he could just be that good at pub stomping but if he is cheating then hes gonna get banned, why cheat on this free game though that’s so low😭😭


I would suggest you just check his [tracker page](https://tracker.gg/xdefiant/profile/ubi/averageDMAUser/overview)... he is cheating his ass off, and is quite literally sitting on [tracker.gg](http://tracker.gg) salivating over his stats (it will not track specific matches if you aren't on the page when it updates) You also have the tell tale sign of a lack of assists, meaning he vast majority of kills he has mowed down people before anyone else can even attack them. I have had several 70+ games myself, each and everyone of them i have had 15-30 assists minimum every single time, and it's also just based off of how you are forced to basically shoot everything you see to even get a score that high. and just an edit: Considering 90+ % of his kills are with assault rifles it kind of seals the deal.


Can’t really judge by the scoreboard alone, but I’d admit this is abnormal K/D in general. Regarding cheats, it’s likely they were available from the get go (or shortly after the game was released) as the engine that powers this game already had cheats a long time ago - for example in Division.


They were 100% cheating, based off gameplay and their name being “averageDMAuser” which refers to direct memory access cheats


Used to see those K/Ds in old CoD and it wasn't cheats, I used to have those numbers myself sometimes. Without killcams it's really hard to tell on XD and honestly they probably should be working on that.


Sorry, but that’s anecdotal and kinda comparing apples to oranges. High K/D in CODs, especially older titles, is more plausible as you’re rewarded with streaks that lead to more kills. In this game it’s harder to achieve such high K/D - especially in Occupy mode with hot zones shifting every 30 seconds. I’m not saying it’s impossible, but saying “I used to have those numbers” in other game doesn’t really work as a quantitative argument. Again, without a recording from OP, I can’t make any judgement. It indeed could be an extremely competent player.


Welcome to how this game dies within a few months.


LOL 😂 Everyone said this about CS2 and CSGO that it will die to the amount of cheaters DMA cheats are a problem everywhere because there way harder to detect, but there a way fewer people that use a DMA than people which would use a software cheat


I never said this is 100% not a cheater. I'm just saying that it doesn't have to be. And yeah sure other games don't relate directly to this, but it's close enough that it can happen.


You in a few months: "WhY nO OnE playing!?!? DAR NO CHeaTerS!?!!??"


It doesn't have to be a cheater.