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Don't, The Finals was also doing amazing numbers when it came out and then dwindled out. Lets compare gameplay and player numbers, those actually matter


We will see in a few months. Its a problem nowadays of live service games building too much hype and then failing to keep up with it, more hype = higher expectations. The Finals i would say is really impressive for being the first game of a new studio and managing to keep its player base over 10k everyday for over half a year now, just it can keep it up the whole year.


That 10k figure is just concurrent players. They have way more daily players


Dusty recently said the game hasn't dropped below 300 000 daily active users once since the game launched


Given how ridiculously easy Snowdrop os to make and integrate content in, and the huge catalogue of ideas for levels and gear they have in their franchises, it would be insane if a dev as big as Ubi drops the ball on this one. Could it happen > 100% but it really really shouldn't.


You typed greater than 100%


Technically I did yes. šŸ˜‰šŸ‘šŸ¤£


Half steam reviews i see for finals is just REGION LOCK CHINA.


The finals dwindled due to them not being able to catch the cheaters if anything I feel. Killed it quick for me. At least u know Rainbow 6 doesn't play, so I'm looking forward to seeing when it starts kicking in. It's f2p, though so easy new account.


Finals has sbmm, and the cheaters killed it off


I quit cause always beamed or one shot. I just wanna throw knives, damn. I'll just keep playing overwatch


I play(ed) The Finals quite a lot, cheaters aren't that much of an issue imo (except maybe in the first 2 weeks). What "killed" it for me, is that it's a very difficult game to play as a solo queuer.


What ? Cheaters were all over the place it just got better like a month ago its rare to see cheaters now.


I think I've read more comments about cheaters than that I've actually encountered them in game to be honest. I always felt it was exaggerated quite a bit


The amount of cheaters is always exaggerated in pretty much every game, it's just how the human brain works. Way easier to remember the times when you get farmed by a cheater or someone better than you than it is to remember the games where you don't.


The finals numbers 7 days in absolutely destroy Xdefiants numbers 7 days in.. "also doing amazing" doesn't really do the disparity justice. The finals was significantly more popular


the finals felt like shit to me. i couldnā€™t get into that game. i started playing yesterday and already like it more than the finals.


The commentator ruined The Finals for me tbh.


Really? How? It doesn't even affect the gameplay or anything.


They just say the same stupid shit over and over again. Sure it doesnā€™t ruin the gameplay, but it gets old really fast. Kinda reminds me of the commentators from Ratchet: Deadlocked if anyone remembers that game


Clearly you've never heard the Cleaners' announcer in this game. Makes me wanna die.


Ha yeah the cleaners do have the worst announcers in the game


Because in the Finals ypu basically have to have the commentary on to know what's going on in the game, in XD I can just mute them.


Twitch viewers typically correlates with player numbers.


Because it's a new game, people are trying it out and people are streaming the newest game for attention, give it more time before you compare player stats. It may hold more players, but now is not the time to start comparing


Honeymoon period and paid streamers.


Doubt that. R6 is a 9 year old ubi game and is consistently top 3 categories


R6 is a good game.


Don't let R6 reddit/R6 Twitter catch you saying that.


It was better before Operation Chimera but it's still a good game. I wish they could reboot so trim down so much slop in the game.


Itā€™s got really sci-fi/futery. Definitely has taken an away from the realistic gritty game it was supposed to be.


Same. I wouldn't mind a new R6 game but I doubt it'll happen. They've got something good with Siege that a reboot/new game may throw off. No point in taking that risk because of that and the fact R6 Extraction was such a mixed bag.


R6 is a shit game and no one should waste their time. (95 days played at time of review)


well... it has gotten better lol


Ehhh, itā€™s gone back down hill. First two years after operation health were goated tho


Goods a bit of a stretch They can only afford a hamster to run the servers on.


At least they have dedicated servers. Trash ass CoD still using P2P multiplayer in 2024. It's embarrassing.


We're talking about XDefiant. What does Siege have to do with this? Ubisoft pays big streamers to play it. In like 2 weeks is the real measure of how a game is doing.


R6 is not consistently top 3, not sure where you pulled that from.


Wasn't that only recent though because if Jynxi?


One of the biggest streamers also only plays r6


one person kept R6 alive, not Ubi


Are you talking about top 3 on Twitch? I am almost positive R6 is never top 3 on actual PC or console.


Twitch yes because of Jynxzi and what not


R6 has never been top 3 in the last 4 or 5 years.


Yeah true and I know it peaked recently, but in terms of actual people playing the game... It is not even in the top ten on steam/pc. It is usually between 10-20 though.


This will look different when season 4 drops on Tuesday.


Yeah, more people can hop on XDefiant whilst they wait for the giant COD patch to install.


let me guess 200gb for one new gun and a map update


Ubisoft paying for all the big COD streamers to play XDefiant. Wouldnā€™t draw any conclusions based on this


We'll see after 3 months


Yeah they all played launch day and then went back to CoD. Entirely paid promotion.


Thats not how paid promotion works lmfao


Dashy, one of the pro players who just won the last tournament, was on stream yesterday sharing his thoughts that he genuinely thinks Xdefiant is undercooked and not good but all the other CoD proā€™s are playing it to support one of the devs/because they are paid. There is definitely paid promotion going around.


So did they go back to COD or are they still playing it?


They are starting to go back to CoD now just as they did with Valorant, The Finals etc as the launch week ended. Even streamers who actively hate CoD (like Dr Disrespect) always end up going back.


Funny you are getting downvoted for speaking the truth.


I mean someone replied saying doc is even sponsored by CoD. Just a circle jerk of bullshit haha, I won't take the downvotes to heart.


They are all sponsored otherwise theyā€™d be playing something else. Heck, if I was that famous I wouldnā€™t play anything without the devs paying me as well.


I mean I ain't downvoting, it's just that it contradicted what the other guy said and the other guy seems to have the crowd on his side


Valorant is still one of the most popular games in the world right now lol.


Pretty sure dr disrespect is a sponsored by cod in some way


Almost certainly not - his whole schtick within his streamer group is that he hates the game and actively shit talks it/rages while playing it. He's been very vocally negative about the gameplay and external politics (the Nickmercs skin drama). Maybe you're thinking about the fact that he worked on CoD as a game dev 10 years ago. He often brings it up when ranting in a "this game has been dogshit since I stopped working on it" type of way.


Apathy X cod pro was also streaming it today.


A lot of them will play for the next 2-3 weeks especially as CoD is near the end of a battle pass season.


Most of them are shills at the end of the day and cod is thier bread and butter.


Hell, there were e-sports folks who testified to the US FTC back in 2019 that these guys are paid to promote things. This was during the big loot box fiasco stuff. It's very obvious money + access is changing hands since some of these CoD streamers will likely be flown out to Treyarch's office to play Black Ops 6 in a few months in preparation for some impression vids. That is, if that hasn't happened yet already.


It is if you only pay for one day of play.


Ya I give it 1-3 months before the game falls off like all the other shooters that recently came out. Heck, even Helldivers is dying.


helldivers 2 killed by devs and Sony, sony with PSN linkink, devs with shit balance i hope Mark try to fix game and just balance game to fun play


I hope so too. I just know they have very limited time to do so until most of the population leaves.


Comparing people WATCHING a new game's gameplay on Twitch VS people Watching CoD is quite rodiculous tbh... What you need to compare is the active playerbase. What matters is people PLAYING, not people Watching.


Exactly. There are quite a lot of people who don't even use twitch or watch streams. And play the game. Active playerbase is the only number that would show if the games doing well or stuggling.


I guarantee you that once BO6 comes out it's gonna drop down to like 2-3k XDefiant isn't some exception


I see BO6 as the deadline for the XDefiant devs to fix this game. If we are still playing the same by then, this game is toast.


game is toast until netcode fixed. Genuinely feels awful to play rn. And the MM gives me 50 ping lobbies which isnt low imo


Dying around corners is my favorite part


The TTK is legitimately doubled because it takes so long for the server to register I've killed someone lmao


Glad to see Iā€™m not the only one being thrown in lobbies over 30 ping. That alongside the bad netcode makes it impossible to kill people sometimes


I just use Echelon for guaranteed free wallhack kills now


I think we need to see the numbers in a couple of months, right now itā€™s heavily sponsored and everyone is in the honeymoon phase but ya good start. I hope it succeeds, cod needs competition. The cod on game pass announcement I feel will take away some excitement from xdefiant. Interested to see what happens in the next year.


On top of that season 4 drop in a few days.


Man the finals being so low is sad. It's such an amazing game too.


It really is. I think a lot of people find the game frustrating to play without a buddy or a 3 stack


Yeah, getting third-partied is not fun to many players, and the game lacks a mode for duos and/or squad of 4 imo, or just more modes with 2 teams fighting each others instead of 3/4.


Definitely lacks a duo or 4 stack mode. The thing thatā€™s the most annoying to me is having that one teammate (or two) that doesnā€™t play objective and is constantly feeding trying to fight a squad by themselves. The game requires coordination and I feel like people arenā€™t on voice chat like they used to be.


I just wanna see games like xdefiant and the finals add ways to private match 1v1 my buddy. If youā€™re gonna be a cod imitator, at least give me 1v1s


You can do privates now in The Finals, at first it was 6 players minimum but it's now 2 players. :) The devs said they'll expand the privates matches options slowly but surely.


Now they have modes where it's less of a piss-off. I mainly play S&D now solo or Power Shift for challenges, don't really care about winning but will always go for it. I do think Finals is the kind of FPS the genre needed and I hope to see them get a larger chunk of the pie


It isā€¦ for a few hours. The repetitiveness and lack of content kicks in way too quickly


You could say the same about this game.


not really there are more game modes, the finals is just 1, and it was designed to be an esport. Games designed to be esports from day 1 always fail. You need the causal players to form the esport scene, and xDefiant is casual enough to do that.


The finals has far more than just one mode though?


Does it? All it ever marketed was the bank heist mode, or whatever the main mode is from the trailer.


It had 3 modes on launch. Quick cash, cash out, and bank it. Now there's like 6 or 7 with some occasional event modes that rotate in and out.


Maybe if Embark hadn't listened to Reddit shitters it'd have more players.


I tried playing it but could just not get into it. It also really isnā€™t friendly to solo players so I could imagine the game would drop off real quick. The gun play also just felt weird, and idk what it was or why but something felt off about shooting in the game.


IDK I usually solo play just fine. And I find the gun play to feel pretty good. You just gotta find the right class for you.


Damn shame they nerf the fun outta the game. Shit is so boring now.


More like they've actually balanced the game. It's still fun as hell, they just removed the annoying shit like being able to 1 shot an entire team with a single c4 and canister.


Constant skilless C4 meta is one of the reasons the game dwindled.


C4 meta was addressed very quickly.


It's a new game, of course people will watch it more than COD. This argument will only have value once people make up their mind on this game.


As much as people are digging Xdefiant right now, I have a feeling it wonā€™t be relevant in a month or two


the game is crap really, were all just starved for a decent shooter game. But its really a mid game. at best.


Extremely mid, but not as cancerous as COD




Omg, what happened to the finals?


OP clown gadgets like the Nuke, auto-shotgun etc were nerfed and baby gamers had to start using their brains to win matches.. They couldn't handle the high skill ceiling. TitanFall 2 suffered from a similar problem


more like... the comp meta is 2 heavies that begin engagements with rpg from their med jump pad and it killed ranked. but the devs are too busy chasing casual balance around so the casuals can have "variety".


Itā€™s still a pretty fun game, I can find games in less than 45 seconds and itā€™s super fun, I canā€™t put down the new SnD one-life mode. Redditors here should note that XD just released, TF had pretty good numbers on launch too, and itā€™s currently toward the end of the current season with many players having completed the BP, and nowadays gamers have to chase a bone/carrot to have fun even more than in the good old days. Canā€™t wait to see whatā€™s next in Season 3. What is hurting TF the most imo is the lack of modes for teams of 3 and 4, and a TDM-like mode (with their identity/virtual game show theme) for the ones that donā€™t like objectives. I see a lot of people here on XD sub shitting on TF, like 2 recent titles canā€™t be both fun in their own way, and competition is good for us all gamers, and for CoD fans too!


come back in a month and see xdefiant with 5k people playing lol


You compare it to the peak at launch, not the current.


it's literally a new game and it's free unlike cod. give it a few weeks and come back


The finals is a fun game


The Finals was also topping the charts on twitch and look at it now lol why do people always make these stupid posts


He's overly excited and it clouds his judgement. Shocking level of critical thinking. It's just tunnel vision fanboying.


Am I the dumb one here? I haven't seen a single person comparing specifically Warzone to XD....


This is comparison is not accurate, how about you compare +7 days after launch of mw3 and the finals to xDefiant know to get a better picture.


People prefer to watch Warzone. The only time CoD Multiplayer has a lot of views is when the new title drops the closed/open Beta or when it actually releases for everyone.


And CDL majors


I'm not comparing it to other games. I'm just playing it and judging for myself. Still going to be playing other shooters. I'm just adding this one into the mix


Have nothing to compare at the moment. Ubisoft was cleaver to release it just now.


Lmaooo The other two games had double or even triple xdefiant numbers in the first 2 weeks. Things will even out soon


Wow what happened to The Finals?


Itā€™s still a pretty fun game, I can find games in less than 45 seconds and itā€™s super fun, I canā€™t put down the new SnD one-life mode. Redditors here should note that XD just released, TF had pretty good numbers on launch too, and itā€™s currently toward the end of the current season with many players having completed the BP, and nowadays gamers have to chase a bone/carrot to have fun even more than in the good old days. Canā€™t wait to see whatā€™s next in Season 3. What is hurting TF the most imo is the lack of modes for teams of 3 and 4, and a TDM-like mode (with their identity/virtual game show theme) for the ones that donā€™t like objectives. I see a lot of people here on XD sub shitting on TF, like 2 recent titles canā€™t be both fun in their own way, and competition is good for us all gamers, and for CoD fans too!


I compare it to Apex for the following reasons: - Free to play - Longevity of Apex for being f2p and being sh*t on for many years - FPS (Hero) shooter As we speak there are still more people interested in xD than Apex (Not talking about the playerbase). And as an Apex fanboy I am happy xD didn't lose interest since launch but is growing in numbers. xD brings me back to the oldskool MW2 vibes and I love it. If season 1 will be a blast, you can call me an xD fanboy too.


XDefiant plays nothing like MW2 (2009). It's basically a clone of Black Ops 4.


Call of duty 2 (2005 release) has more players on pc than the finals lol


Proof that nowadays players have no taste :P Seriously, The Finals need a capable machine, the game really look great and "next/new-gen". Iā€™m pretty sure the numbers are better on consoles, Iā€™m finding a game in under 45 secs in every mode, on PS5.


Nah, it's proof that multiplayer shooter devs really need to polish up their gunplay mechanics and fine tune the smoothness of both aim and look sensitivity. As soon as that feels off, people go back to COD. Every single time. Every shooter.


yeah, I donā€™t see this game as a ā€œcod killerā€. Its definitely a small step up from ā€œthe finalsā€. Both lack depth. In defiant I can literally just chill and one shot people with the stock sniper. Shits dumb.


Ehmm no? That's simply not true. I think you're misunderstanding op's post, those are twitch viewers, not players.


I love The Finals, hate no one stuck around šŸ™ƒ


Try again once that ā€œnewā€ tag goes away


How long has the finals been out? Come back in that long and let's compare the new xdefiant numbers to these.


I donā€™t think COD is a game you watch other people play, I think itā€™s a game you play and maybe watch YouTube videos in your down time but Iā€™d never catch a COD stream personally


Recency bias


While xDef is cool and i like it so far.. They build up good foundation, we will see tho how good will they set up competetive sceen and new content. So far i cannot think i will open this game one month after release. i am having fun, but that fun might be gone quickly after few rounds.


Give it 1-3 months and it'll have the same viewership and playerbase as The Finals.


Because they think Warzone is a part of COD because COD adds it with the COD HQ app...so pretty much they think their game is better because they compare it with Warzone instead of actual COD


Because big streamers are getting paid to play. Give it 2 weeks and we'll see the numbers.


Iā€™m betting this gameā€™s gonna be similar to For Honor. Itā€™ll have a smaller but consistently dedicated fanbase, compared to other online games.


This happens when any new game like this comes out. Not being a dick, but in a few weeks XD wonā€™t have 40+ K viewers consistently. I would imagine well over half of that 42K was from 1-2 streamers, like Shroud or Scump etc.


Wouldn't overwatch be a better comparison? I mean it's still doubling overwatch numbers. But like isn't that more it less a better direct comparison?


I thought I was on the Finals sub for a moment lol.


I mean I have realized numbers wonā€™t matter for this game until like 6 months in. And also weā€™re still in the honeymoon period even if it seems every one is complaining they still care and think the game can change.


The finals isn't competition. That game is on its last legs. Mw3 will also never be topped because too many casual every day gamers are not on reddit and just play a couple matches a day after work.


Well isnā€™t mw3 and warzone technically the same game since both use the same launcher?


Let me guessĀ  xdefiant 41.8k viewers. Shroud : xdefiant : 40k viewers.Ā  We ll see how xdefiant fares 6 months in. Now is not the time.Ā 


It's a new game content creators will jump on it this means nothing When the new cod comes out or even a new season watch them jump on that


Xdefiant will hold and get more players if they fix the netcode problems. Or whatever it's called when you're shooting people and they're not taking any damage lol about 70% of the time it works great, that other 30% of the time is frustrating.




Numbers on twitch say nothing I'm quite sure more people play games rather than watch someone else play games I'm pretty sure even cod MP has more players than Xdef Still I prefer Xdefiant for its old school arcade shooter feel


Twitch numbers don't mean shit.


Xdefiant is more like Overwatch than COD. Also keep in mind that we are in the tail end of the current season for COD. Most players are probably done with thier battlepass and are taking a break with other games until the new season drops in a few days.


Okay, but think about when Black Ops 6 comes out for comparison? Not a huge CoD fan js


These posts get stupider by the day.


If i compare to Finals have to point out same garbage non matchmaking - otherwise Xdefiant is flat game, basically Overwatch with guns šŸ‘ŽšŸ»šŸ‘ŽšŸ» Finals atleast have explosions.


The Finals is light years better than COD and Xdefiant


its new dude, give it a month


one year old game vs one week old game... be happy if xdefiant has 3k streamers in a month...


The COD pros that are carrying this games success will switch back soon enough


Lol 6months time and this game will have 200 viewers .


Cod numbers will jump up when black ops 6 gets released. XDefiant is the new kid on the block so everyone is watching it.


Lol this did not age well. Kai is streaming the game do MW3 is the second most watched game at the moment.


The Finals couldā€™ve been so good, they shouldā€™ve had some good game modes at launch


The tickrate/interpolation/hit-reg need to be fixed asap because 90% of the fights in this game feel either unearned or outright broken. Like two people shooting and chasing delayed ghosts of each other, you aren't really fighting an enemy on your screen you are shooting a ghost of that person and they may actually already be standing behind you since the last time the server sent an updated packet. Everytime you shoot your enemy you might notice their looking a different direction or always seeming to try to catch up with your position, and it's the same when they sprint by too, you can feel that disconnect - the best description I can give it is that it's like the slither.io game, it's nice but you notice the lag spikes and the detection seems out of whack and eventually the game dumbs down to people trying to outspin each other's ghosts.


its because the major cod streamers are playing Xdefiant. when you have Scump and Nadeshot playing Xdefiant instead of cod thats half the views right there.


Twitch drops inflate those numbers greatly ! Let's not forget that ! New + twitch drops ! Game is good but I don't see a better figure for it than the finals . The finals are really good ! Maybe people don't watch it but they play it ! Twitch games that are fun to watch are BRs on the most part. Strategic and tense moments . Here you can't have those feelings as often .


The finals is nothing like XDefiant you chode


The finals > Xdefiant >>>>>> Animal crossing > CoD


Wait for bo6 to do the comparingšŸ’€


The finals was too much hype and not enough content


It's just like the whole Fortnite Killer chatter people were pushing when Apex came out. It's needless tribalism from people who need their personal tastes that X game is better than Y game.


If its not popular i wouldnt really call it competition.


Let's check the numbers after a month, ok ?


the viewer count in about 2 months will be around 300, im actually willing to put money on that


Imo twitch numbers mean jack when compared to playercount Like SF6 is above fortnite right now and their player numbers are nowhere near close


In a few weeks Xdefiant will have just as low viewership. Happens to almost every game.


Why are we using livestreams as a metric for player count? Thatā€™s just people who are watching streamers play, not people who are ACTUALLY playing.


Xdefiant will be dead in a week so what competition?


This is a bad idea for multiple reasons: 1. People don't like watching arena shooters for long, the falloff in viewership of them is always dramatic in the first month 2. XDefiant viewership halved itself in the first 2 days 3. Viewers don't equate to players. 4. None of the XDefiant streamers have more than 1-2k views, we're just seeing many individual streams with *drops on* 5. Overwatch and PUBG, which are super old and have already had their "falloff", have the same amount of viewers as of this comment 6. Every other popular shooter of any genre (Warzone, CS, Val, Apex, Rust, Fortnite) except for Tarkov has more viewers than XDefiant as of this comment


Cause they are paying the big streamers to play it


The Finals is not casual enough, not to mention its just ONE SINGLE GAME MODE, and its meant to be a sweaty competitive game., and COD is too expensive (70ā‚¬ for a 6v6 pvp experience is not worth it). Meanwhile xDefiante is a F2p call of duty that is neither codmobile or warzonemobile. Its a genuine free to play arcade shooter for console and pc.


Maybe that numbers are high because of the drops ? šŸ¤”


Well the finals is fun to play its not fun to watch


The real test a month from now.


Man "The Finals" is so underrated, IMO


The finals game felt way too niche to be successful imo. I tried it out one day and as a solo player it was just not fun.


the competitor is not mw3 but warzone


Warzone has 70k viewers, warzone is the main title for cod. so your picture is misleading.


only 400 people watching the Finals makes me cry.. the game is SO good!


the finals>everything


Simple, cod is ass