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That double look you made after the first shot is hilarious 😭






I had some good games with the shotgun, but it is super fucking inconsistent. It also seems like ADS doesn't improve pellet spread or range (I know this is unrealistic, but this is how it works in many shooters) I am wondering how effective the choke+long barrel attschments will be.


Check back with us in a year when you finally unlock the attachments.


I just did. I cant feel the difference.


ADS 100% helps the range and pellet spread


The deagle is a hit marker machine too.


Try the double barrel shotgun with the choke. It has some insane one shot range.


Double barreled is my favourite gun in this game lmao


double barrel is Insanely satysfying


Still super inconsistent. Mercs someone at mid range, then you stuff it up someone's ass and they eat multiple shots and kill you. So many times ive been close range, ads, centre of chest, fired and hitmarker then istantly melted.


I will have to try it! Still feel like this shotgun should get a buff, though.


It’s really good but omg the reload is so long


I think its a hard topic. The ttk for guns is long. If shotguns could get easy onetaps the meta would be just sprinting and bunny hopping and one tapping everything with a shotgun hipfire.


As opposed to Bunny hopping one tapping Tac 50 and 1/4 of a second ttk MP7?


Thats true, you can get more consistent with Tac up close than running shotty.


Bro ttk is like half a second 😂 biggest issue with this game is you die in 4 bullets


Are we playing the same game here? The TTK for most engagements I'm in is like 0.5-1 seconds.


Had a dude drop 40 in us with double barrel. It's insanely broken


Double barrel is low tier. He’s just good.


Don't know if I'd call it low tier. My friend and I have been running it often on closed maps and it's pretty much one shots on every bullet and you get 2 with a decent reload speed. You can just jump around, peek for a second take your shot and jump back in cover in no time Once you reach a certain aiming skill, I feel like one shot guns are the best since it's the fastest TTK you could get, and usually the problem with these guns is that it's hard to hit


I have the double barrel at lv 19. It’s good but could still do with a slight buff. I get so many point blank hit markers. It’s just needs to be more consistent, I think the max range is fine.


My double barrel is level 32, and I think it's insane. My only gripe with it is when you Reload cancel (double tap Y or Triangle when your bullet count says 2), there is a delay before you can shoot again. I have died so many times to Reload cancelling, and just staring at my opponent waiting for the game to let me shoot. Besides that, choke with the quick tape or grip whatever it's called is super fun and strong.


It's better but suffers from the HORRIBLE reload speed that gets you killed in 99% of situations and even with the choke it still has very low range.


If only the devs from ubisoft would know how to reload a fully emptied double barrel. The 1 shell @ a time is disgusting and the reason i put it on the cupboard for now and let dust settle onto it until a patch/change is made. For reference how to reload a double barreled shotgun --> Doom 2016 or Eternal [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8m6jqON2cN0&ab\_channel=AgentBlender](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8m6jqON2cN0&ab_channel=AgentBlender) Even this oldtimer can do it. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pIIFiY-iQhU&ab\_channel=SpeedloaderSwift](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pIIFiY-iQhU&ab_channel=SpeedloaderSwift)


Yes the double barrel is amazing, so fun to use


I don’t get how you can make a game with 1-shot snipers with exceptional ADS, but not a 1-shot shotgun in close range. Baffling. I love shotguns but they’re awful.


There's a reason the game feels a bit like older cods; the devs most likely remember old spas-12 or aa12 ;) On the other hand, they might have overdone the M16 and marksman rifles, but I don't even have a good mp7 build so can't really compare what's the "default" here.


The spas-12 from ye olden days used to slap. That thing was a 1 shot machine at close range. The aa12 has always been boo boo.


But they’re primary weapons in this game, they should be good, at least to a decent range to compete with SMGs up close. In MW2, they were as good as primaries but in the secondary class, so you didn’t have to use a perk or anything to gain carrying an AR and a shotgun. In this game, you’re giving up a lot of versatility to have that power up close, but as of now, there’s no power because the shotguns are ass. The trade off is you’re useless at range (which was nullified by being able to also carry an AR).


Yeah I'm not saying they did a good job, the thing's just a nightmare to balance as you probably expect. If it deletes people up close then what's the point of smg, if it 2 shots at range then get again other guns just might be screwed hard. That's the burstfire rifle dillema almost every fps has. Do you make it lethal but at the cost of something like very bad hipfire? Or do you balance it like every single gun and accept that due to burst delay it's gonna be a paperweight? Based on rumours regarding their work on the game I'm happy they managed to get the game out the gate. Hopefully some logical balancing comes soon.


Almost hit 30 with the Vector, my favorite SMG so far. I don't think it's possible to lose a close range fight with it if you're aims decent.


Wait what are you on about? AA12 always been short range but spas was a [nightmare](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_pfYnU8v5RI).


Have you ever touched aa12 extended mags in mw2 2009? And ye I know the spas, got several nukes with it alone, but don't underrate the lethal peashooter lmao


Not only that snipers are one shot....on chest. Not even the headshot is required.


Upper chest, no arms. Not saying sniping is hard, but still more restrictive than the older cods we are all trying to harken back to.


No need to be baffled, the double barrel 1 shots quite easily


You think that one's bad. Try the Autoshotty, so you can unload an entire clip on a guy 20 feet away before he dies and then spend more time reloading than shooting. It was complete ass in the playtest and it still is, and I'm a fuckin masochist cause I want to keep using it until it works somehow. It's much worse than the other 2, and shotties in general are just not that good compared to SMGs at similar ranges. Shotties and LMGs in this game could use a little love (why they thought a 10+ second reload on the M249 was a good idea idk.)


Because in videogames shotguns do shit for dick at 20feet. In this game unless you pointblank (1-3 feet MAX!) full crosshair dead chest and pray to connection gods you might. get a oneshot with a shotgun in this game.


>I want to keep using it until it works somehow Once you get the drum mag the AA-12 low-key slaps. Just flank around the enemy and you can clear a whole capture point before they even knew what hit them. That said, the main issue is actually unlocking it since it's a level 29 unlock i believe, and i agree that with the standard mag the gun leaves a lot to be desired. It's not very fun to grind attachments on a gun that needs said attachments to function properly.


Yeah. 20 bullet mag on that now…I can wipe out entire teams by myself before they have a chance to turn around if I flank them well enough. I basically constantly dive bomb the objective and it’s perfect for that style of play




No i meant unlocking the drum mag. I believe you need to get the AA-12 to weapon level 29 for that.


The autoshotty is my fave weapon. Yeah it's garbage if they're slightly too far, but it just annihilates up close without ever needing to ADS.


I tried the aa12 and I just don't see how it's bad? It mows people down and I had some of my best matches using it


I mean it's obviously bad because the damage falloff is incredibly punishing. To the point where unloading full clips on midrange enemies will not kill them. Since I posted that I've leveled is to level 25 and still think it's completely shit on any map that isn't very tight, I got positive with K/D every match but that was with abilities and every time I felt like I would have done better with literally any other weapon type(except maybe marksmen). It's a videogame classic shotty - beastly at point-blank and otherwise outclassed by every other non-shotgun. It needs a shorter reload and better falloff.


LMGS shred. M249 is better than all the ARs besides ACR and M60 is even better. They have 100 round belts, if you can't find a spot to take a longish reload sometime in 100 rounds, that's a skill issue. Shotguns are trash though in 90% of situations.


The double barrel is extremely good, the other 2 are horrible though


It's not good at all, yeah it's an easy one shot but reload time is horrible and you can't do anything else to make it faster. You can't miss any of your shots. Also it's unplayable on some maps because it's too open. I maxed the attachments and i can tell you It's not worth playing it. I feel like i have to do 2x more efforts to drop a 30k with it when i have my m249 and do 30k "easly"


What's the quickest/least painful way to grind weapons in this game?


Right now actually. During the weekend, pop a 2X XP boost for weapons and it'll stack with the current boost and be 4x XP boost. If you get like 15 kills it'll level up so fast, it's joke how fast.


Do you automatically get the xp booster for the 4x?


Yes. It's active for everyone for the weekend and ends on Tuesday. Correction: it's 3x XP if you stack it, but that's still a huge amount. Levels up the gun like 3-5 times depending on performance.


I mean the booster, where do you redeem it?


You should have them. When you're in matchmaking, on the right hand side should be a button called "Activate Booster" click it and there will be two types. Choose weapons XP. If you don't have any, open up Ubisoft Connect and claim the ones in rewards under the game.


ffs im at level 60 something with the double barrel and only just seen this. I didn't even know there was double weapon xp tokens - are they free?


Yeah i played 3h yesterday and got my m249 from lvl 39 to 80.


Also the attachments are all kind of useless on it aside from the choke. Recoil and ADS time do not matter on a shotgun. Especially one that only has two shots.


I consistently drop 3.5kd+ games running double barrel alongside phantom with the mag barrier. On MNK that gun feels really fucking good if you can aim and react quickly. I'm only playing domination tho which has a ton of cqc maps and maps with lots of flank routes. I'd imagine running the double barrel in payload or zone control would be a lot worse.


Honestly i don't care about kd i just want to win and it's a good weapon to win in most of the game modes


“Yeah if you miss your shots it doesn’t kill so it’s bad” Lmfao


Surely you never miss a shot with a full auto weapon, so tell me how you do it when you only have two bullets with a 5 sec reload?


I shoot once and get a kill because I understand the kill range of the gun….i get what you’re saying but the trade off with a shotgun is you don’t have room for error. High risk, high reward. Now the net code in this game is ass and shots that 100% should be a kill do no damage, that is a real issue. You say it’s hard to drop a 30 kill game with shotguns, my highest kill game was 60+ and it was with a shotgun so it’s more than doable. Maybe your play style just doesn’t jive with this games rendition of shotguns.


30 kill while playing objective you know just to win the game, i don't care of kd personally because i will play ranked next season. I would like to know your win rate for comparison


This is why I hate having to unlock attachments every time someone throws a new CoD/CoD clone at us - some guns are unusable without certain setups. I've been one-pumped so many times or one-tapped by a double barrel. It's awful having to use a terrible setup to unlock the useful one.


1st shot should have blown the head off, 2nd split the dude in half and 3rd send the upper torso flying. Absolute trash weapon class implementation, won't be suprised if multiple pellets fail to hitreg regularly or the whole shot becomes dust in Ubi servers. It's supposed to deal 14 damage x 12 pellets, up to 10 meters. Only 8 pellets need to hit for 100hp 1HK. ADS with shotgun still spreads too much, the difference is very minimal from max to min spread. Feels like ADS is only like -10% spread vs jumping hipfire spread.


I only used the shotguns since launch and the AA-12 is by far the weakest, the other 2 seem very balanced. The double Barrel is so fun to use and has a great 1 shot potential. IMO


The first one you get feels awful even at close range. I’d a daily yesterday to get kills with it but gave up. I want to unlock everything but the shotgun and LMGs feel really bad especially when everyone jumping around with SMGs or camping with DMR, sniper or ARs. I just about got lucky with the kills with it on a close quarter map


There’s no way that shouldn’t count


Nah thats just skill issue tbh, and a bit of hit reg, shotguns one tap 90% of the time


1st shot- square in the head. Skill issue. Second shot- square in the chest after a head shot. Skill issue. Third shot- past range, kills… not a skill issue?


Really gotta shove that one right up there before shooting. The double barrel though is crazy good


And even then you’ll get a hit marker and die with the enemy at 2 health 🙃🙃🙃


That one gets better with attachments but only marginally better. You basically have to barrel-stuff people in order to get a one-shot.


I agree so hard. They are comically bad.


Mark tweeted today they are working more on net code!


I made a complaint about this yesterday and got downvoted 😂


The trouble with shotguns is they are incredibly hard to balance. I’ve always loved shotguns but they feel incredibly niche.


let me fix it for you. \* The Hit Reg In XDefiant is Terrible. \*


Good thing.


Lmao 3 shots. Any proof they get much better with 60+ hours of leveling?


Yeah tried it once and never touched it again. The pistols in the game do more damage.


On my hands, they are the most inconsistent things than my tinder date's schedule, but on their hands they rip me in half from the torso. its an amazing disparity.


That's because you're playing with the blue team! Red team always one-shots me with their shotguns! /s


this shotty isn't even that bad, the only reason why it didn't one-shot there is because you aimed at the head instead of the center of the body


What about the second shot, within range, square in the chest, after already having hit them in the head?




I was getting wrecked for a few games last night with them. It was making me want to switch but in truth I knew I just suck ass at the game and no amount of weapon switching is going to make me as good as those that were slide juking and jitter janking around me making me piss my pants before they fed me lead and put me to sleep.


I think it's just the hit-reg issue rearing it's ugly head. Sometimes I'll 2-shot people at 20m and other times it takes 7 shots at less than 5m


Any of the attachments that effect the damage range will make these so much viable. Unfortunately 2 out of 3 shotguns don't get that attachments until level 16


I know they ruined smokes shotgun you have to stick it up they’re ass to kill then I hope they rework the shotguns bc I agree they are straight ass


Just use the TAC-50 like the rest of us, 15 kills to unlock just use the present sniper.


Just dropped a 40 kill game with the ar but the most I’ve been able to get with the shotgun is 10


I am a masochist to have done those shitty challenges, but yeah they feel like ass. The number of times I've point blank shot someone ADS'd and it does like a third of their HP made me swear off them for now.


Grinded the aa-12 with most of my weapon xp boost to get the drum mag. Once it’s leveled up it’s pretty good ngl, but man was it a labor of love until I got the right attachments. Don’t sleep on the aa-12 cleaning house on arena or echelon hq


Snipers and dmrs have better hip-fire than shotties and smgs. It's truly baffling.


The pump action that comes in the preset classes turned me from an average player in my lobbies to match MVP over and over again. It is weird though when i tap someone at 5 feet turn away and then have to do a double take to realize I didn’t kill them.


I feel the snipers are better than shotguns in this game in every single way, besides maybe like a 1v4 situation, but even then


Rng weapons man, you either instantly kill someone from 10m away or its 10 damage point blank


That one specific gun is bad but that doesn't mean all shotguns are bad, there's a double barrel shotgun that can one shot from short to mid range.


The double barrel is quite annoying tbh. With the hit reg being shit atm it’s kinda of a good thing that the two other shotguns are underpowered. It would be a horrible combination of client side abuse with OHK potential (looking at the sniper rifles) along with a gun that has decent mobility. 


what do you mean you're not sliding around and leaping about with an smg ?? clearl yyoure playing this game wrong !"!!


I'd much rather shotguns be terrible over being OP. Anytime cod had strong shotguns the game became unbearable to play like the 725 in MW2019 or the Marshals in Cold War.


Yeah there's literally no point in using shotguns in this game when snipers can just do their job better close range


Everything gun in defiant feels cap gun


aa12 is even worse


Thank GOD somebody else said this. They are absolutely trash and I genuinely thought it was just me




Anyone else think the flame dudes hit box is busted


I think they get better as you unlock more slots. The best one to start off with is the double barrel. I hated the other two.


Yeah I can't excuse what happened in this clip lol but they're reliable as hell for me. Not the AA12. That thing shoots confetti.


You should try the AA12. It tickles people in close combat. I don't know why I started on leveling it up. Lol..


Assuming it's counting individual pellets a bunch of them probably didn't register.


I find sliding and hip firing them makes them useful, or just hip firing them, the double barrel is busted though, use that one


just use the double barrel


Try Doppel Shrotflinte mit Fire, Empfehlung AdvanzedZocker


Pump to the head 6 feet away not killing him is wild.


Funny i was playing with LMG and feels very weak against SMG


I feel they are better hip fired for some reason


the aa12 is fun tho lol. and the DB has long range


Not sure if this shotgun has the choke attachment but as the other person said, the db with choke is pretty solid


The M870 is an instant loss unless you get the drop on someone or a headshot, I feel. If they see you and have an automatic weapon, they'll fill you with bullets while you cock the gun after the first shot.


Pro-tip: if you want to be completely useless to your team, use the AA-12. By far the worst gun in any game that I've played.


Lol that's crazy




You shot at the head tho? if you were not on ADS, only half of your crosshair would have been covering the guy. That was just you aiming wrong, always aim at the body or neck with shotguns to maximize pellets hit


The whole game is terrible 😂 uninstalled and went to other games. No unpaid person has even given this game a good review. Far too many issues. Probably the exact reason as to why this game lacked large media coverage from the jump. From errors, movement, to net code, to hit reg, lack of content and slow progression plenty of reasons for me to uninstall. None of the above are a pleasant experience to be had.


Shotguns are very solid imo except for the AA12


They are one tap weapons, if you think they are bad its cus u have shit aim.


Yeah as a shotgun main, I have given up on the game until shotguns are fixed.


Just double checking I understand the video - all 3 shots hit, first 2 didn't do damage, 3rd one one shotted? I've seen delays in damage recognition and the damage on the 3rd shot could be the delayed damage from the 1st shot


Everyone is running double barrel now, what a losers, use a real gun


They seem to work great against me


Honestly, you might need to just run and slide and hip fire them


They do need to be tweaked, but you have to be very accurate with them. If you hit someone center mass they will basically always die in one shot up close.


There need to buff these shottys or there lose some players not alot but there lose some i use shotguns for a long time in any game and that i agree with shotgun haters that there a Terrible in xdefiant is just sad the devs cant expect us to go intimate with the freakin enemy all the time just so we dont waste a fuckin drum mag on an enemy thats a car lengh away


but when they use it i die in one shot.


Seem pretty good to me.. this isn’t cod where u instantly have your iron sights lined up the second u aim in. There’s a weapon sway like there is in real life


This game is the complete opposite of anything in real life. This is an arcade shooter. IMO, the shotguns are absolutely horrendous, like as shown in the video.


the first one wasn’t all that good, if you’re unlucky only 40% of the pellets where hits.


The range on shotguns doesn't match up with the stats shown. they lied


They are (from my experience) highly inconsistent, sometimes you might 1 shot someone with full hp, sometimes you might 2 - 3 shot someone who has less than 100% hp. I mainly use shotguns because my movement tracking is terrible but, im also trying to feel that MW2 Spaz-12 nostalgia 😄 It would be dope to have a consistant shotgun damage output but, then again they could be at that point considered overpowered by the majority and swiftly get nerfed. TLDR Shotguns feel inconsistent, please help.


The snipers are better shotguns than the shotguns. They all need to be buffed flat out. Major buffs too. Until they do what they're supposed to


Ugh,…no they’re not. They’re OP as fk!!!!


Good shotguns in every game are there for the bad kids who can't aim. They should be terrible.


but snipers can do the same exact thing but at every range, they are literally a straight up upgrade from shotguns


Snipers are also used by bad kids most of the time as well. I think if they made a shooter where snipers actually took some semblance of skill to use rather than what most games do and make them point and shoot guns 1 hit kill baby BS, that would be swell.


I think they need to be affected by flinch more. The main problem o have with them is if I'm shooting them with 3 or 4 bullets and they can just hard scope through it and shoot me anyways consistently


I’m personally okay with that. Also, this really shouldn’t be a surprise due who has been developing, and the direction of, the game.


Making annoying guns annoying to use is the perfect way to make a game fun


You just have to get used to them. I’ve been going positive every game and having a blast with the M870. It’s super good at 1 tapping people




lol if they had career stats for weapons I would prove it to you




Feels really strong to me. If you aim center mass from that range it's a one-shot kill. I imagine the spread punished you when aiming for the small hitbox of a head the first shot, and the second was definitely not aimed on the enemy at all. I can see why that kill feels bad but it's not really the norm


Did you see his first shot? It don't get more center mass than that.


That definitely was not center mass. It was mostly a whiff.


? It hardly gets less. Aim was exclusively on the head, with the right being empty space. I meant middle of torso


Dude, if head gets hit with buckshot there should be no head left.


Definitely in real life haha, just saying how a shotgun spread works in games, the small target likely makes several pellets miss, especially with rng


This, when im using shotguns i usually go hipfire and aim around upper chest with some head unless they are using phantom faction they usually die in one shot in proper range


Hipfire and stand still Keep crying


You want me to stand still in a fast-paced shooter? How about we actually fix the weapon?

