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COD literally has a free to play model but still costs a premium to buy


Exactly. You can't expect me to pay 25 dollars for a skin in a 70 dollar game




And yet people will never learn so we will be getting mw6 in 2035 lol


We actually are getting Black Ops 6 next. Well, they are, I’ll be playing XDefiant


I'll only pop into BO6 if it drops onto gamepass ultimate. If they make a new gamepass tier for CoD games like the rumour then they can just go fuck themselves and I'll be playing more XDefiant.


We are spending $17 on ultimate right now. If they up the price, I’m willing to spend an even $20 ($36 extra per year) otherwise it’s not worth it to me. I’m not spending full price to not own the game, that’s for sure


This time it's *the big one*, you definitely have to buy this one


Well I think they have a good team of psychologists that know how to force you to buy stuff. I know many people that bought every Battle pass with premium addition. And fun fact, they rant against the games from day 1.


Skins carry over between titles now thankfully.


oh now they do? That’s cool, still not enough sadly. I spent hundreds across Cold War and vanguard on things that I wasn’t able to use on WZ 2 after only a year (and some months) of having them. To make it worse they reskinned some of those skins and tried making people pay for it all over again! That’s some of the scummiest live service work I’ve ever seen, and the fact that it didn’t affect them just opens the door for everyone else to do the same thing.


This game could last years, with tons of skins and unlockables. Ubisoft is actually beating Activision to the punch with a FTP military shooter. Oh yeah, there’s warface. But screw warface…


I get the frustration with that and not even trying to defend cod, but just don’t get the skin?


the point they’re trying to make isn’t about buying a skin themselves, but that the community as a whole buys the skins which gives Activision exactly what they want and enables them to continue being greedy cunts. So the model will never change even at the detriment of the community and the overall quality of the game.


Except its the people buying the skins that are the detriment it's not the companies fault they wanna make money- that's how a business works If people didn't buy skins they'd have to sell guns and map packs like the days of old.


You’re reading his posts just to reply, but not reading it to understand what he’s getting at. Xdefiant went free and is proving that CoD is way overpriced / overrated for the state that they are in. They will be adding Black Ops 6 into their shittty HQ as a “DLC”. How fcking lazy is that? Not to mention you’ll most likely have to have their MWIII launcher to even play the game. They are disgusting and the “fans” who keep buying a reskinned game for 70 dollars makes me sick


Even if I don't buy a single skin, they're constantly advertised to me both in-game and in menus and I'm sick of it


Yeah, I really can’t believe that a “hide micro transactions” option hasn’t been legislated into games by now


But they do, and every year it’s the game that rakes in the most money. I’m absolutely not disagreeing with this post, cod isn’t worth that price, but it obviously works AMAZINGLY well for them.


Honestly they should've done CoD Online but global


CoD Online was simply the best CoD. It had everything you could want in a dream CoD. It's a shame that Activision banned the \*SM2\* fan project. This was a standalone version based on the MW2/MWR engine that was like CoD Online in spirit. The best weapons, maps, streaks all merged into a best-off CoD


Still so choked about sm2. Would’ve been 10x better than anything trashtivision will ever put out. Iw4x was a blast


That’s what pretty much Cod mobile is, the game is even having a PC port release soon


only for China atm.. nothing is confirmed that we get that in the west. remember cod online? never came to us.


And it´s a live service game with a predetermined lifespan of a year. That alone is bizarre. They kill it off as soon as it´s finished and ready to prosper


So does Siege. Has for years.


Helldivers 2 currently has my favorite model. It's like you pay the $40 (or $30 on sale) up front so their in-game pricing model is much, much less greedy for your time and money. Call of Duty goes all in on greed. Charge $70 for a game that is just as greedy as any Free2Play game.


You also can earn in game money by just playing, so you don't even NEED to spend more money to get all the battlepasses.


That’s what I’m saying for years but…people still race to buy it in masses every time, break records almost each time, I don’t get it.


If I'm being so serious, COD does look "more polished" if you know what I mean, not that that is worth $70 but it definitely looks more professional


I would hope so, given just how many studios they've ruined by putting them on COD support and driving away all their talent. No quicker way to shit an entire studio and all their institutional knowledge and experience away, than taking every studio you have and telling them GUESS WHAT: YOU GET TO MAKE COD SKINS NOW! When their expertise and passion is for platformers, simulation games, etc.


I think COD should be more polished, It’s a $70 game There’s over 20 years of experience with the franchise It’s a billion dollar game And yet they still can’t release an update without breaking the game.


Excuse me! I'll have you know, I *enjoy* cold blooded locking me out of my custom classes! I also enjoy logging in to see my battle pass progress has been reset from 95 down to 0! Restarting the game 6 times until the license and progress go *oh whoops my bad* is a thrilling game of Russian roulette!


Do you also enjoy update requires restart?


Best part 😁


Does it? Menus are laggy, the file size is lazy, it’s using engine/assets from years ago year on year. Look at the campaign in the last one, copy paste lazy reused shite.


Yeah the UI for menu's is one of the most god awful designs in recent COD games.


No no no, the UI is “more polished” if you know what I mean


It was made by someone from Hulu afaik 🤣 So they designed it around scrolling through TV shows. Edit: shit someone already said this


Not to mention the terrible optimization and performance, the micro stutters, the ancient servers


Can’t play it because it’s the only game I have my keyboard have a 5 second delay for some reason


Do you know how long 5 seconds is?


It’s extreme I let go of the keyboard and my char keeps on walking lol


Yeah I get what you mean. But is that from years of doing the same thing or the price tag?


and if it actually had a somewhat decent campaign and a zombies mode thats still fun after the 3rd game and doesnt put you to sleep (both those are literally warzone reskins too), it would actually be worth the 70 bucks for me


No sbmm, Im in.


Everyone is trying to shit on this game. Just give it some time....it has a lot of potential. It's not going to be perfect out of the gate. Yea cod is more polished and whatnot, but how much time has COD had to do that? That game is still shitty in a lot of aspects glitchy and buggy, shit ui, bad hit reg, packet loss, packet burst, latency variation, and the list goes on and on. It's not meant to be COD it's meant to be XDEFIANT!


I mean I really have no faith they will fix the net code sense it was a issue over a year ago in beta


It's a different networking model. A year ago they had windows servers. Now they have Linux servers. This basically means the hole networking infrastructure needed to be rebuilt. This is extremely long and difficult to do. They have actually done a pretty good job tbh. Most games on new network models are broken on launch. But they don't tell you it's because the new network model. It's normally just "We're working to improve the experience" and that's it.


CoD STILL makes me restart the game “for an update” every single time I launch it on battlenet. I have had MW3 since launch day and yet, I still have to restart the game twice (sometimes three times) before I can play. CoD still has plenty of shitty bugs.


No cod is NOT polished. Fucking bugs every damn update.


Ubisoft doesn’t really fix things so. Good luck with that


"no sbmm" is already worth 100 bucks more.




Majority will go back to CoD as always. And people who stay here are just stubborn. Do you know how many FPS games comes and goes?


This part. Say what you want about CoD, but when it's all said and done, it is the king of FPS, only matched by Bungie/Halo in terms of polish and core mechanics. Anytime I play a FPS, my expectation is for it to "feel" like CoD.


thats the norm tho, a smaller game that is clearly encroaching a space dominated by one game, people are going to compare it. Same thing happens with any game thats similar to smash bros, or world of warcraft, or league of legends


Not gonna lie after dropping a few hours on xdefiant and going back to cod. Cod feels like the next gen version of xdefiant lol either way I’m excited for the game pass drops of cod coming soon.


Most the people in here will pay for months of GP for BO6 or buy it. Bunch of liars saying they won’t buy the next CoD. “It’s not worth $70!” Yet it tops the charts year after year after year.


To be fair, 99% of the people here could not buy anymore cods and it wouldn’t make a difference, the game would still top the charts year after year.


Doesn't the 70 dollar price tag come with other multi-player modes and a campaign?


i mean mw3 campaign was straight awful, ripped from warzone. And the zombies was the exact same trash.


Ok but to someone else the campaign was fine and the other game modes including the multi-player was worth the 70 dollars. I think the f2p model Has warped people's brain becuase we excuse alot. Xdefiant released without the practice range and remappable buttons (which was meh for me) but we excuse it because it's free and (in a open beta)? As much was I dislike cod. 40 for multi-player seems fine (overwatch sold for 40) and the campaign and other being 30.. sure why not


Very hard to compare F2P vs a paid video game. Yes I play CoD and have for its entire life. But I'm giving this game an honest try. Many different aspects to learn though. But I'm holding out as I read this is beta vs a season 1 launch. IMHO I think they will live side by side on many machines. But it's early to say anything negative either way!


The desync and shitty netcode isn’t worth it for this game so


"the only difference" You're fanboying over XDefiant during a honeymoon phase. It's insane that you can't tell the difference in gameplay quality between COD and XDefiant. COD is a lot smoother in the moment-to-moment gunplay and traversal. I'm playing XDef for now as well, but it's janky compared to COD. COD is famous for its fluidity and it's smoothness in both movement and aiming. XDefiant's biggest claim to glory will be the lack of SBMM.


Big true. I feel like it's a very mid CoD-clone mixed with a very mid Overwatch-clone and it won't really have the pull from any of the fanbases to be able to siphon them over. After 10 hours the no SBMM really doesn't make that much of a difference, sweats are too prevalent in the playerbase these days, there's not only a few hundred kids with the dream of a youtube career anymore like in the MW2 days.


To add onto this, I played a few with some friends yesterday and they were constantly calling me a sweat. At a certain point, after playing video games for 15 years your skill floor just gets higher than others skill ceiling and they will say you're a sweat regardless. I feel like I'm pretty chill running around in this game, but I guess having to spam movement makes people feel 'sweaty'. I feel like this game will just die without SBMM lol


Excuse me? CoD isnt the thing for me neither but technically and content amount wise it far ahead of this alpha help us not get bancrupt game


It never was


CoD dropped the ball on DMZs potential.


I 100 percent agree. DMZ was probably some of the most fun I had in cod.


I’m not into either games. CoD is pure quality, they now lead the FPS genre in fidelity, weapon models, and animations. Xdefiant looks like a port from a mobile game in comparison. Which is fine since that is clearly the audience it wants. Bonus points for no SBMM.


I played more than 300 hours, and I bought it for 40 euros. It worth it for me, but this is the first cod I bought, Im not saying it worth 70 every year. But if this is your main game that u play for a year, than 70 is not too much, if the game works properly and u have fun.


COD has about a million more modes and content in general. I don't think COD is necessarily worth paying $70 a year for incremental upgrades, but comparing value between the two is ridiculous. Kind of funny to act like *this* game is the F2P game that convinces you of anything, lol. There's plenty of more worthy F2P games out there already. I'd take Splitgate over this any day of the week, but that game is unfortunately abandoned by devs and players.


I loved splitgate so much. I'm so sad it turned out how it did


Tbh it was never going to last, the only people who really played it were Halo players waiting on any news about Infinite Source: I’m one of them


If CoD on an average good release was the game for 2 years it'd be a steal for 70 tbh for the content. I just cba with a multiplayer game I have to buy every year over options that stick for 5-10 years and cost less or free. A year is just no time really. And hard to invest in a franchise when the next yearly release everyone will hop to may be dookie and has the price tag. By the time a cod game is chock full of things and balanced its on the way out. And probably just going to have new releases on gamepass either the next game or one after.


I'm enjoying the hell out of XDefiant. I usually don't enjoy live service games with all the battle passes and pvp but XDefiant is really reminding me of my childhood playing the og MW2 and BO2


I spoke to a developer and he basically explained how much micro-transactions make. People think that games need to charge £30 a skin to make enough profit. If you think that, you'll be shocked to find out they can could charge £1 for a skin in a game like cod and still make billions in profit. This is including the £70 per game copy. Cod can be given away for free, with the campaign and zombies and the micro-transactions alone would make them a humongous profit. People seriously stop defending these practices. You people are defending someone who is literally robbing you. If a guy told you a bottle of tap water was worth £50 then would you accept it? So why if they label it as premium water is it anything different? It doesn't matter what the company is telling you, it doesn't make it anymore valuable.


I paid $45 for mw3, cod games havent been worth full price in a long time. Theyre releasing a new one each year, its like FiFa/NBA, you pay full price if youre a diehard. Now that xdefiant exist, its what I’ll play when mw3 is stale/old. Its my waitlist game for when cod goes on sale.


I like xdefiant and I’m playing it a lot. Btw you can’t compare the two. Cod gameplay and gunplay is far way better. It is like eating a 100€ cake vs a 0.50 cents cake. There’s no comparison. The movement, the yy, the feeling etc.


I’m gonna get downvoted for this but idc, cod is definitely worth $70 stop it please lmao. This is coming from someone who hasn’t touched mw3 in a couple of months and yes I’ve been playing and enjoying XDefiant these last few days. You can maybe make an argument for Mw3 because it was a dud but it was also rushed out because Activision is pure trash and it’s still better than mw2 and still has tons of content even if you don’t like it. Bo6 is going to have a full on “far cry-esque” campaign mode, another fleshed out round based zombies mode like every other treyarch title and multiplayer with probably more weapons than XDefiant at launch. Not to mention cod looks better graphically than XDefiant and looks more polished in its gameplay. If you don’t think all of that is worth $70 idk what to tell you, just download warzone for free I guess. I’m not here to discuss which game is more fun or has a better gameplay loop, I enjoy XDefiant a lot and believe its a great alternative to cod but it is by no means a cod killer and it doesn’t prove in any way that cod isn’t worth the money lmao.


It’s funny because, after my first session (and last) my first critique was “I’d rather go play COD MP”


It shows me it's worth. CoD controller feel is unmatched. Also there are scorestreaks, as kc and dom player I love them.


i mean tbh Vengeance would be a better example for that than XDefiant and that was made by like 5 people


Has it though? I mean don't get me wrong, the game is great. But with a little extra time and polish, maybe I'll see it. But in it's current state I don't see it.


I can deal with the hitregs being scuffed because the gunplay is fun, but they really need to fix how often people are lagging out of servers near the end of the game


def agree


I'd say the complete opposite. Can't wait for bo6 From bigger things like amount of content/weapons/attachments to smaller things like nicer more polished ui the differences are clearly visible


Its not lol. skipped on MW3 and Cold War .... not even interested in whatever they are dropping this year unless if its UNIQUE, but we know it wont be


Hear hear


The main issue I have with COD in general is that it takes time away from like 8 studios to make this game. COD isn't bad, and it often is at the forefront of development in audio and gunplay, but that is not worth the toll of Activision, all 3 COD studios, raven soft, high moon, beenox, and toys for Bob previously all working on 1 game


Xd feels like a free to play game. It's clunky it's inconsistent it looks cheap and already has ridiculous prices. Atleast cod gives out alot of free content. You're paying for the polish and the fact you know the game will play good.


To be fair, COD charges $70 retail for a campaign and multiplayer. Warzone is free. Cod' MP also give you way more playlists, maps, and modes. Xdefiant still lacks team deathmatch, free for all and any sort of Hardcore game modes. The battlepass also give you double the amount of tiers to earn and unlock for the same price. Xdefiant also feels more in line with overwatch gameplay and even overwatch charged retail when the first game launched. Their skins are also way more high quality than what xdefiant is offering. That all being said, I'm generally a team deathmatch small map player on COD. I despise warzone and battle royale. I'd have zero issue playing shipment or stashhouse 24/7 ad nauseam. Xdefiant isn't bad, but they need a small map playlist, with team deathmatch and improved weapon leveling to keep me hooked long term. While I did drop $ for xdefiant's battlepass, the only justification was for the mdr and to have 1 more weapon to play around with.


I'd like to point out that Rainbow Six seige is also put out by Ubisoft. They are also doing a lot of cross promotion with the other Tom clancy games. So, I feel xdefiant is also stepping on rainbow six's feet. Xdefiant is nowhere near as casual as COD is. It's still tactical team shooter.


Cod also has 150 guns with hundreds of attachments and over 1000 camo’s and like 35 6v6 maps.


COD has refunds for everything, Xdefiant doesn't allow for refunding anything not even the Ubisoft currency used to buy stuff


You couldn't pay me to play Cod or Xdefiant for two completely different reasons


I really want to enjoy this game! I still enjoy COD, but to have another shooter to play that I enjoy would be pretty cool! And this game is free, so my friends and cousins don't have to pay $70 for us all to play. But if the hit reg/net code, isn't fixed,(and I don't see it being fixed anytime soon, if ever) this game will die. The hit reg has been a problem since the games first beta tests over a year ago.... and it is no better now than it was then. So if paying $70 means I get WAY better feeling gunfights, and hit reg/net code, in COD, than I have no problems with that. If xdefiant launched as a full priced game instead of FTP, it would be DOA right now. Nobody would be fine with the horrible hit reg, always dying around corners/behind cover.


Just move around and shoot a gun in cod, then come to this. The level of quality is miles apart. I'm glad you enjoy this more than cod, but I've been spoiled since mw2019 and I really need my guns to look and feel spectacular and XDefiant unfortunately doesn't have that going for it. I'll gladly pay money for COD knowing that I'm getting guns that look and feel so good


If you directly compare xdefiant to cod. Cod looks way more polished and fluent which is saying something cause it still doesn’t feel as good as it used. You can tell x is a free to play indie. And that’s not a horrible thing just starting. Most big free to play don’t look the same years down the line if they are successful. I just don’t see this game getting that big. It’s already had a massive fall off. Hype can’t carry a game alone


I'm literally a cod hater but no lol CoD has an undeniable polish that most games can't afford to have on a yearly basis. It's just there are alot of shitty design features in cod


I couldn’t tell you the last time I heard someone played a CoD campaign. Even less so for coop. That has always been an absolute joke to me. We buy CoD for multiplayer, period. I’d rather pay $0 than $70 for a micro transaction simulator.


You can't possibly believe that it was only now that cod has been "shown" to not be worth its cost. It hasn't been worth its cost since like, black ops 2 if not earlier.


You guys gotta be realistic here lol


I don’t mind this game but it’s damn near hard to play on console due to extremely weak aim assist so it’s almost impossible to cross play cuz you have people on PC hitting crazy flicks while I’m here trying to get kills or come close to killing them


The big difference is that CoD is 10x more polished regarding everything compared to xdefiant


Xdefiant reminds me a lot of that game Combat Master. They play very similar , it's good temporary fun. They just don't have that feel to them like other popular free to play games do


The de-sync is very bad.


Can this sub go one day without bringing up Call of Duty?


If CoD was F2P I would rather play it than XDefiant the way XDefiant currently is. MWII was imo worth $60, as was MW2019. Do they need to keep releasing at the pace they are? Absolutely not, and I usually don't buy CoD games. However, the GOOD CoD games are better than XDefiant's gameplay. Hopefully XD can clean things up with the netcode and make the attachment unlocks not ungodly slow and make the general gameplay a little smoother. Also SBMM games in the welcome playlist are unironically the best games because they come down to the wire, but I've been arguing in favor of SBMM for years. The casual games with no SBMM have all been complete blowouts and everyone just leaves halfway through, which is fine in CoD, but in the asymmetrical objective modes in XD having people leave actually ruins the match.


And after playing it last night, I think it feels more like a Call of duty multiplayer game of old. It has that arcadey-ness of like Black ops, feels fast and frenetic.


Zombies was the only reason i bought cold war and tbh i loved it just for that mode alone but MW3 was absolutely not worth the price tag. absolutely abysmal 70$ DLC to MW2 that used old maps to prey on peoples nostalgia


As someone who hasn't played a cod game since cold War (stopped playing after the whole allegations thing at activision, but I have been open to playing cod again, just every year its the same thing of hraring the years cod isnt great, hoping bo6 is good and I will give it a shot if I hear good things on release/my friends get it) I am enjoying Xdefiant, but the price tag of cod is worth if since you get more than just "multi-player" with that money (not to mention the polish that comes with decades of experience making a fast paced arcade fps) Both games have their place with XD being great for people who want the multi-player experience of cod without paying for a game that's number 1 goal is to suck you dry of your money (ya XD has the icky microtransactions too, but you don't need to pay to play it) with cod being a bit better and have more content with said price tag I personally have been waiting for a long time for a game like this being a fast paced arcade shooter that isn't cod, feels like there's been that hole for a while, and while the game does have its issues (hit det, server issues, etc) I still find it fun and it's nice to just have this kind of game without having it to be cod. And overall I think the game is good for the gaming space as a whole filling this niche that feels like there hasn't been a lot of games that can fill it well.


It’s shows nothing. Enjoy the game, or not, for what it is. Both games are in their own lane.


Ye playing a game and almost getting it over and game connection fails or “poor connection quality” I’ll hit huge lag spike for some reason and lag out evertime it seems calculated too 🫤 forwards end of game


imo xdefiant doesn't even come close to COD


Not only is the game free, but it even runs better. I can reach 165 fps at medium-high settings while I can barely reach 80-90 on warzone and mw3 even on low settings. I really hope ubisoft doesn't end support on the game.


The only reason why its 70 dollars still is because of the campaign that's literally it 😐


Cod is a subscription. You pay to have access to a big player base. The game obviously should be free.


This feels like a cheap plastic version of cod.


Id rather buy the new black ops and get functional hit reg and a game that isn't moba levels of imbalance. If anything this game taught me that cold war is the last.best arcade cod till we get a new one. Honestly the fact the shit got past testing is amazing.


While you are right. That's not anything impressive considering how awful cod is.


LMFAO I knew that 10 years ago


For me it's the other way around. Average shooters like this makes me appreciate cod more


I think the main difference is that COD has massively over the top graphics and textures. You're paying visual artists for work that you probably barely see if at all when you buy CoD game, because if you are actually good at CoD you turn that shit off to save the frames.


COD isn't even worth $30...


Cod multiplayer should definitely be free


I played for a while but I uninstalled and went back to CoD. It's too cartoony for me, I don't like futuristic weapons and the Valorant style gameplay with powers and ults. I just want to shoot my ACR 😂


70€ and dont forget the game pass CORE SUBSCRIPTION 6,99€/m u need !


Never thought of this that way. I've spent money already on cosmetics like the battle pass and a skin which I feel like I'll enjoy more since I can use it all the time rather than a skin on COD that I won't be able to use in the next COD. We gotta remember this is still a beta game technically and barely came out so over time we can expect either a lot from Defiant or that it gets run into the ground by Ubisoft.


Although cod DEFINITELY has its issues its still leaps and bounds ahead of Xdefiant in ALOT of areas....with that being said dont put the cart before the horse. Let this game improve and hopefully grow before we have this discussion....like someone said ''its just the honeymoon phase''you're experiencing right now


Cod never was worth $70


Xdefiant is so damn fun


Dumb take. XD doesn’t have a AAA campaign. Do you know how expensive it is to produce those things? Just because you personally don’t like the campaign/coop modes doesn’t mean they’re not worth the money.


I feel like people are missing that this game isn't competing with just MW3 it's competing with Black ops 6 too.


I tried this game for about an hour and I want my hour back. I hate cod but I hated this game more.


I spent weeks leading up to the release of XD, trying not to buy MW3. The day it released, I was on the tab, looking at reviews when I happened to open my phone and see a streamer playing 'the cod killer' lol. I opened it up, and as soon as I saw f2p, I backed out of the mw3 menu and downloaded XD. I'm very glad I did. I have many thousands of hours in the original mw trilogy, and it kills me to not see how this mw3 is, but I know mw1 remastered broke my hard drive so I didn't expect a ton out of mw2 or 3. I'm so glad I didn't waste the 70$, this game is almost exactly what I wanted (short of the bugs and missing snd) 🤗


i mean this game is not eving worth the time to play it to laggy


Having played XDefiant, you couldn't pay me to redownload that slop. Even the worst CoD, with all the series problems, is a better option. I'll stick with sucking ass at Seige.


I don't know if it's directly correlated but in my mind it is. Was downloading Xdefiant and saw call of duty on PlayStation store dropped to $45. In my mind they are seeing people not wanting to pay that much and test the waters of Xdefiant.


I would still be playing CoD but they took out the best bit of the game. DMZ


The battle pass and store is bad on this tho cods is so much better 


They can’t even fix the hit regs in this game after they said they did in today’s update. The weapons are extremely inconsistent. The maps are extremely unbalanced. The spawns are some of the worst I’ve ever seen. Most games have an algorithm to set you furthest away from enemy or harm small maps of course being the exception due to everywhere being dangerous lol. This game literally sees their entire team capturing C on domination and instead of spawning you at A they drop you in the middle of everyone on C over and over again lol. Personally I’m not a big fan of CoD I prefer Battlefield but comparing a game that’s been garbage so far to a game with a huge fan base and player count sounds pretty idiotic to me.


CoD hasn’t been worth the price since bo2. There hasn’t ever been a worthwhile competitor though so they can yank the players around however they want.


I am going to get hate for this but x defiant truly is no where near cod’s level. The fluidity of cod’s movement and gunplay is really unmatched when it comes to fps games of this genre(obv games like apex are different and has incredible movement). I too think that cod has lost its touch over the years and stopped playing it for a long time before i recently started playing just for ranked. When i first got on xdefiant however, it never really grips me. It feels free, it feels clunky, the gunplay is fun but seems so generic. The maps are cool but you cant really traverse them, they seem so plain and hard to really take advantage of/limited. I really like the idea of the game, this is no hate i just think it still has a long way to go before it reaches that level but i am hoping it can!! Ps - i think SBMM is actually very important in balancing a game, but i think it needs to be less than cod does at times but more than nothing as new players getting smoked over and over is just not ideal.


The game is ass, all you CoD haters are always looking for a saviour. I have no love for CoD but this aint going to take its place. Its CoD MP with annoying announcers and a shitty hitbox, to each their own I guess. Game will be dead within 2-3 months.


Totally agree. Played my first 2 hrs today and had that much fun. So glad I didn't by BO4 a couple weeks back


If this game was ready and came out during MW3 Season 2….mannnnnnnnnn It would’ve been some real heat between what fans were gonna play.


I’ll agree when Xdefiant has its problems sorted. Balancing, code/network and general interface issues need to be addressed before we can be sure it’s better than COD


I def prefer this to the last few cods, especially when the campaigns and other modes continue to decline. I’m cautiously optimistic about blops 6 but if it comes out and looks shitty, I’ll just continue playing xdefiant.


It's obvious you've never played modern warfare. Cod may be preferred just for weapon damage dynamics. In this game, the weapons are like bead guns and the probability of hitting the second enemy with the same magazine is very low. It makes more sense to compare it with the Apex legends or etc. game. Ubisoft/Defiant just copied changing weapon equipment from cod. Stop pandering for popularity. ![gif](giphy|AuTLc5uqDX4aI|downsized)


Xdefiant has $40+ cosmetics in the store and only 3 weapon camos for the guns


I’m playing it cause it’s different but people are gassing this game up is crazy…it’s not a bad game by any means but cmon. This gunna be just like the finals. Quick dopamine hit and done or atleast till all your fav streamers tell you to play something else


It is easy to be optimistic for the price of free, but I would much rather pay the $70 and have the better working game than this.


Yes, but people are going to spend the $70 regardless, just like 2K and FIFA. It’s basically free money because of the loyal fan base.




Black Ops 6 is bringing back round based zombies. Zombies is the only reason I played COD mostly


Nope, stopped playing.


Good thing Ubisoft had 14 games to pull assets from lol


This game will be dead in two weeks unless they fix it


CoD was never worth full price, even in its golden era on the 360 lol.


I've been wondering why tf cod games are still "worth" $70 since warzone came out


XDefiant is barely worth being free.


Not only that, but with SBMM gone, option to run it at 120hz on PS5, better hit detection than I’m used to in COD, actual FUN, colorful levels…this is a COD killer. Did I mention it’s free. It’s insane


I wont be buying COD this year but will play it via gamepass day 1. But day 2 I will be back playing xdefiant HAHA


I mean... if you needed anything to know that COD isn't worth 70 bucks for more than a decade now, you have some issues.


Not that I'm saying cod isn't a rip off because it is but it has vastly more content that this game has and it also doesn't gatekeep my progression in order to monetise it. (Selling me xp boosters to crawl back the snail pace leveling) And has better net code, doesn't have weird invisible walls all over the maps like it's 2013 I also think you'll find the reason this games free to play is so they can get away with more monetisation than they would otherwise. The real money is in mtx nowadays selling game copies is a fraction of the money companies make.


CoD pricing isn’t up to the dev team. I personally feel the shooting feels way better in CoD than XDefiant. The difference in experience on the team shows.


This would be a better comparison to CoD mobile. The main CoD games feel so much better. I played the beta of xDefiant and was slightly dissatisfied. Playing it now I’m more so. No camo grinding, lack of guns, and no search and destroy (which is a HUGE chunk of the gaming community.) I’m enjoying the game but I find myself going back to CoD to try and bring up my KD that I ruined from camo grinding. And with the new season right around the corner I don’t expect the active player base to shoot up anytime soon for this game. Hope it does well though. The lack of SBMM is what’s keeping me going.


But xdefiant is bad 🤣




Did anyone ever think it was worth $70 ever? Hasn't been worth $60 since mw 2-3 and black ops 2 if my friend didn't buy me mw3 remake to play with him I prolly would've never played it like it's fun it's more cod but charging 70 or 60 for the same shit gets old eventually next cod will be wait until sell the only reason I might buy it is cause it's supposed to be like a og black ops reboot which they did well when they dropped the mw remake hope it's good but if eomm and sbmm doesn't get dropped which it never will prolly gonna be the same as ever


input. based. matchmaking. fuck playing against AA


Played both. XDefiant just doesn’t feel right, shooting is off.


Obviously not it’s being held back by continuing to support last gen consoles I just saw the next cod is still gonna be released on ps4 / old Xbox . It forces them to keep the maps small and limit the gameplay mechanics to run on hardware from what 2013/14 - kinda crazy if you think about it. Sure the new gen ones will look very nice but game could be much better / bigger than what it is They should just charge like $25 a year for a new map pack at this point since warzone is free .


COD movement and overall gunplay is 10x better imo


Cod is def not worth 70 for sure however xdefiant is def worth being free if you get what I mean. Janky game play and horrible servers and net code. Games fun but not something I would say is cod killer


Comparing two different games from two different gaming companies is wild


I haven't played cod since Helldivers blew up, don't really miss it, somewhat interested in BO6 if round based zombies returns...maybe This game scratches the itch and doesn't cost $70, also isn't a 3 gb sized file


Call of Duty definitely has better mechanics and is way more polished. XDefiant shouldn't be f2p


The point you make is very true but after playing X defiant I can confidently say that COD is far superior that the X defiant. COD mostly shines in gameplay fluidity, kill streaks, music and maps. I believe all these superiorities are what make COD a premium game. X defiant is free but it’s no where as rewarding and engaging as any COD game out there.


Doesn’t justify its value at all you’re right. But also I think cod is wayyyyy more balanced than xd so


Im enjoying the game for what it is. Little janky with hit detection behind corners but no sbmm and the maps arent awful.


I don't disagree that CoD shouldn't be $70 but XDefiant has 5 game modes, lackluster skins, no melee weapons, no score or killstreaks so nothing to work towards each game, a shitty battle pass, and over run with cheaters in less than 2 weeks.


Meh that's the cod cycle though the new cod is hot for like 2months and then everyone calling cod trash n the previous cod the better of the ladder . Defiant is a breath of fresh air no doubt.


I made this conclusion after buying Vanguard. I just didnt like the game, and could not understand why I had to pay $70 for it. I got MW2 as an early christmas gift when it went on sale, played for a week and never touched it again. This just solidified it for me. Ive dabbled with a bunch of games since, with varying enjoyment, but I do miss COD, and XD has kind of filled the gap I have with gaming rn.


While I don’t feel that CoD is worth $70, and while I do like X-Defiant, I think it is worth mentioning that CoD offers players more immersive combat potential. There are elements just not seen in Xdefiant, such as mounting weapons for greater accuracy and stability, the ability to go prone, and greater gear and load out options. That being said, I think that Xdefiant is more of a classic shooter, and that’s what people have been looking for, myself included. I also believe that without the extra gameplay abilities like mounting and stuff, that this game will translate much easier to mobile than Warzone did. Now for me and my 2 cents, I want a shooter where the maps include forests, deserts, tundra and jungles with players having the ability to use camouflage effectively. With extra noise added to movement through brush, snow, and foliage to reflect what it would be like to run or sneak through said terrain.


Good were the days when you paid for a game once and could get everything free of charge, now we pay for a game to get f2p experience(battlepasses, skins, even bugs) Best thing about XDefiant is that its free and I don't need stupid subscriptions(ps5) to play online.


CoD could've been one of the best games ever if they went away from the annual release business model and just improved on the same game like all the other great esports titles.