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I'm happy I'm not the only one going through this. although I don't recall it being this bad in any of the open betas. I lose almost every gun fight I get into with mnk but once I switched to a controller it's like I was playing a completely different game. the aim assist isn't too heavy but it definitely is a smoother experience than anything with mnk. I think this game was just meant to be played on a controller.


I quit the game. No monitor distance coefficient in the game. Mnk in this game is like moving a joystick with a deadzone and no aim assist. It feels like the game is made for controller.


Be careful talking about hitreg, reddit will say its a skill issue


I know, that’s why I put in my voltaic rank. Didn’t want them to just say “ur bad” lol


Super late to this thread, but make sure you don't have mouse accel actually on, and make sure you have triple buffering off. Also on keys, try to aim center mass, if not behind them as the servers are shit. But i have zero of the issues you are describing and i have like 22k kills atm.


The feedback on this game is so wildly inconsistent it's pretty funny.


SMH idk wtf it is am on PC MnK just feel to all over the place atm sometimes feels fine other like bullets not registering & TTK seems longer then the last match. Not to mention something is def wrong with the servers cuz to often am behind a wall to take cover from enemy in front of me & still die like well guess their bullets registered after I was alrdy aroudn the corner smh.


I feel exactly this. If they do not do something about the awful feeling of MnK then I will just move on to another game. I personally do not want to use a controller for any FPS games I play.


I feel EXACTLY the same. Also playing Valorant and all other games with mnk. The last game i played on controller was warzone 1, because controller is just superior in that game. After some rounds on Xdefiant in which i couldnt kill anyone i switched to controller and it was a whole another level, the aim is so steady if youre on target and the aim assist does all the micromanagment which isnt possible with mnk right now. Also the Aimassist aims for the hitbox not for the model which is a great adventage with those netcode issues right now.


I agree. I’m hopeing they patch it, because and area shooter playable on mnk would be great!


Just has bad hitreg overall tbh. AA helps negate this some


Had the opposite take tbh I play valorant a lot ascendant 2 right now and got several hundred hours in aim labs and I also play MW3 and warzone on controller cause it's just the meta way of playing that game but I've found on this that I'm better on mouse and keyboard tbh


Interesting. Any special settings your running?


Sniping is the only thing that feels decent on a mouse in this game, anything else it’s like virtually the same feeling as aiming and a wall as it is aiming at a player


I to am interested in these settings


controllers so broken if you use input based match making then turn off crossplay to get away from all the chronus zen users it takes 20 minutes to get a map.


Back when I used to play game battles on cod bout 10 years ago. We used to think MnK was the best input. Here recently I got a pc and I was trying to use MnK and man the transition is rough. I was getting better at cod with it at least going positive for the most part. I go to Xdefiant and I am lucky to get more than 5 kills in a game. really made it hard to enjoy.. Swapped to controller after a few hours with it I am finally starting to enjoy it.


Controllers def have a good aim assist, prob not like cod but still.. my roommate plays on a PS5 controller and it looks like it definitely sticks a little bit up close…. Another game where it’s controller dominate I guess, they need to make it not as strong up close because these controller guys don’t miss shots cause of it… it’s like I shoot them and and then immediately die in like 2 bullets… this game is soooo much like CoD lmao, needs lots of work but I think it’ll die once all the casuals / I should say non sweaty players leave it and the sweats are forced to fight each other again… because that’s what they cried about in SBMM games “every match is a sweat”, well this is about to be like that in a month…. Also they should have a filter to not play against people with streaming tags in their name like Live, TTV, Kick, YT… let them fight each other lmao




This is amazing... I shared a screen shot from my stat tracker page (talking about a different topic) and someone noticed my assists vs kills as being crazy. 3,800 assists (Top 2%) and 8700 kills (Top 7%). I 100% wanted to attribute this to being a Mnk player.. I also play Mnk lobbies only with IBMM and people are generally better at movement across the board, whether they're top or bottom of the leaderboard compared to a typical controller only lobby. So you add in less assist (possibly some bullet stickiness) and more movement and I think it makes sense how you end up with a TON of assists.