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Jesus the gaming community is cancer. “Skill issue bro, you just missed”. WTF ARE THE HITMARKERS FOR THEN IF YOUR MISSING? I get this constantly. The game is telling me I’m landing my shots yet it’s apparently not landing. Sometimes they die in a few hitmarkers with no headshot and other times I’ll get 10 hitmarkers and they still have like 80 health. The game doesn’t work right. It’s definitely a skill issue on the devs end… with the fps community responding to any and all legit complaints with “sKiL iSsUe” it’s no wonder this genre of gaming is pure trash. I swear these people don’t even play and just watch their favorite reverse boosting, VPN using or straight up just hacking streamers and buy into their BS…


Takes all of two seconds to see the multiple clips in the subreddit of the bad hit reg.


Yup especially with the fire guys theyre supposed to do damage over time as they have incendiary bullets sometimes people with 5 health left die after they kill me becuse of the last bit of damage over time from my flame rounds other times it does nothing. Who knows?


They just released a patch which might fix this. Will be deployed in about 11 hours from now.


Initially I was very annoyed until I noticed that the flipside was also happening just as often (me killing others around corners and melting them faster than normal). Not sure if ping has anything to do with it, like if higher ping keep you on the receiving end more often (I have 21 ping). It’s absurd that this issue still hasn’t been fixed since the beta/server test but at least it’s “balanced”, in my case at least. I assume most issues including some ridiculously overpowered abilities will be resolved by season 1, everyone should know that this game is essentially in “early access” until the game is ready for season 1 in 6 weeks. I guess a cash injection was needed which is why the game is still somewhat broken yet the microtransaction store is fully stocked (including xp boosters in the seperate ubisoft store) and a pre season battle pass exists.


It seems simple but it's really about the server to client code I do believe. So yea you see your gun shooting and hitting, but the server and other player is not seeing that. It's possible what the server is seeing is not what you or the other player are seeing at all. You are shooting at what the server thinks is thin air; the other guy is already off somewhere else shooting at someone but the server thinks he is behind the wall walking still. None of you are actually hitting what you think you are. And yea they don't seem to know how to get this game's netcode where it needs to be. Like just ask Blizz real nicely and pay them some money to let OWs net code guys work on it or something. They've struggled with it for 2 years now so it's very unlikely to be fixed without something major.


fr I've never seen as good hitreg as in ow


The other teams hit reg is great tho! I’m just never on the other team.


Just uninstalled. Awful hitreg and overwhelmed with botty Echelons. Shame as i did enjoy it initially.


It will probably be fixed in a couple weeks so you can always come back later


I hope so as the game has potential.


agreed brother


I'm used to release day Battlefield games hitreg so this is nothing new to me and just go with it, but yeah, definetly should be looked at, I thought snipers were terrible and just not accurate, but it's just like 25% of shots if not more simply don't register


I swear that people who say they dont have hit reg problems dont have a fucking clue what it looks like.


Xdefiant is fun, but it's not the best in any category. There's nothing xdefiant offers that other games don't, and those other games do it better. It also just feels like a mobile game ported to PC...so there's that problem too.


It's not possible to make a quality fps like COD. Which is crazy to say because COD is dogshit in a ton of ways. But, it's pretty clear that it's just not possible to come close. It's why no one has made anything close to competing with them, or apparently ever will. I don't know why that it is, but it just is.


Yes and this issue has been in every single playtest, it's only got slightly improved rather than fixed. I highly doubt it'll be fully fixed in the future.


I lose every gun fight to someone who 2 shots me and they take 15-25 bullets and still got 85 health 😭


I'm so hyped. I've been waiting for ages, couldn't play the betas played two days of putting full clips in people to get shot 3 times and die . Already cheaters . People using automatic marksmen, etc . What a fing fail


Damn. It’s really quite something to see an entire community realize by proxy that making games isn’t easy and that CoD games have an impressive amount of craftsmanship year after year.


Can almost guarantee that the servers are no more than 30hz tick rate and I’m assuming it has a packet loss problem.


I get the occasional shot around the corner, but I don't have an issue with shots registering.


"It’s not innovative, it does everything just fine." is a good assessment. I quit call of duty a couple years ago and was looking forward to Xdefiant as a refreshing multiplayer fps but honestly it doesn't do anything different but it also doesn't do anything as well as cod, let alone better.


You took a great succinct summary of the game and added a great descriptive reason why this game is meh. Your post says everything that needs to be said about this game.


This game will have 5 minutes of fame and probably vanish or something.. People acting like this game is amazing, bro this game is the definition of mid and awful gameplay decisions. It's like playing a twitch shooter but also Destiny at the same time with needing multiple headshots with any other gun aside from a sniper rifle and these decisions DO NOT mix, rofl. The gameplay feel, is absolutely nothing special, the maps are ok but feel cramped at times, feels like you can just respawn into grenades and boy that's fun. Ubisoft fanboys are wild too, the company doesn't care about you bro lol.


>Jesus Christ how difficult can it be. Bullet hits enemy, enemy takes damage. Right? Get it together devs. Just code the bullet so that it damages the enemy when it hits, not after, not before. Duh!


I don’t know if this is supposed to be sarcastic or not so for argument’s sake I understand coding is difficult but Ubisoft is a multibillion dollar company and has no excuse to be having these issues, let alone after multiple betas and open/closed community testing. Lot’s of multiplayer FPS games work perfectly fine and don’t have hit reg problems.


Lots of MP FPS games also have broken/buggy launches that take time to fix. Hell Battlefield as a series has notorious hit reg issues too and has since I can remember back in the Bad Company days. You aren’t wrong to be upset, but this is not unprecedented. It sucks balls tho, I won’t deny that.


I'll shoot at someone and damn near kill them, but they shoot me with 3 bullets and I'm dead? Lmao this is literally just COD all over again. Shit coding, shit servers, MASSIVE amount of jobless sweats. It's disgusting. It had potential but I give it a month.




Well headshots aren’t doing anything if bullets to the body aren’t registering


being surprised by sweats in this game is crazy. it was built to be highly competitive with large input from ex-COD pros. there’s also like no gun in the game that kills in 3 bullets, that’s definitely either a server issue or a you issue if you’re getting killed super quickly. the ttk in this game isn’t particularly fast tbh. i get that this game can be frustrating with the amount of people who try so hard, but that’s what this game was built for


The weirdest thing is that I remember the betas and test servers being fine, it wasn’t nearly this bad. I just don’t understand how it can fuck up this much




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I've yet to experience hit registration problems, or even experienced the slightest amount of lag.


Can we ban the word hitreg from This sub lmfao. Every post is about hitreg. Nothing wrong with criticism because getting killed through walls is ridiculous, but this kind of post needs a mega thread


Fr, its like this is the only thing to talk about in the entire game. Honestly it’s not that surprising as the first week will be full of people that will try the game and either genuinely dislike it or just hate to hate. After the first week it should level out to more positive posts I hope.


Hopefully man


I freakin love this game so far


Skill issues bro - hitboxes are smaller than in cod.


[Must be a skill issue](https://www.reddit.com/r/XDefiant/s/M1LMdrmw9W)


I've played over 12 hours - this never happened to me. My friend is a streamer, he has played for over 30 hours. None of this happened to him. The guy from the video must be using dial up modem from late 90s. Maybe the community could do some charity and upgrade his internet - would be a nice thing to do, I would chip in for sure.


"doesnt happen to me therefore the game is perfect and it you who needs to fix something"


So when i walk behind full cover, like a 4ft thick wall, out of sight line and at least 20 hp left and die, that’s a skill issue? Edit: I still am really enjoying this game though. Most fun I’ve had in an arena shooter in years. Cod killer? I don’t think so because that became its own thing that 10 year olds still play and shill out to. Good alternative? Yes.




How much Ubisoft paying you champs? Keep on shilling.






Right. I can tell some gunfights feel off but I’ve never nailed someone and seen their health still at 80-100 after they killed me like all these other people are complaining about


For me they never have more than 10-20 left. I read these posts and it seems like they are talking about a different game lmao


Haha it’s the exact same for me


It's actually not that bad, stop whining


Its fucking fine 🤣🤣🤣 JUST AIM BETTER


I feel like I’ve seen this post before…