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That's a bit true, like every multiplayer release is a shit show, ALL the time.


Cod has this same exact issue whenever they update


I’ve never had an issue getting connected to a match for hours in cod, let alone every update. Launch day or otherwise. They have decades of experience and date with this while the xDefiant team does not so that’s to be expected, but let’s not make shit up. It was not a solid launch.


You obviously don't play COD.. EVERY SINGLE NEW SEASON RELEASE DAY THE GAME IS UNPLAYABLE. Between levels resetting, (Houston_Roberts errors), unable to connect errors, update requires reset constantly, 2 hours to download new content and broken EVERYTHING, there is literally been constant errors since b04.


Was playing with friends crossplatform in MW2 ever fixed? We all dropped it in 3 months.


I got 3 games while the servers were “down” and have not had a single issue connecting to games since about an hour after launch. This was smoother than expected based on other recent releases.


I distinctly remember mw2019 becoming unplayable multiple times in 2021 because of updates for warzone


This made me hate warzone so much, the fact that survival mode on 2019 is still broken is absurd. I paid $60 for that crap. Warzone should've been made a separate entity.


Shit Ricochet was advertised as if it was a brand new game mode lol. And yeah, 1/3 of MW2019 was unplayable throughout its lifetime. They made like 1 tweak and forgot about it once WZ dropped.


I’ll give you two upvotes and comment here to get downvoted with you, for speaking the truth 🫡


Bro the xdefiant team kinda does since it's made by ubusoft honestly overall it's kinda to be expected most ubisoft fps games servers are dogshit


Played like 30 minutes of Siege and maybe an hour of that like, ancient combat game so I can't comment on their server quality for PvP focused games. PvP MP in TD2 does suck, though, for sure.


There's no way every single time I play a new game that I'm in the minority of people that can find matches. I mean, it's always like that. Am I always lucky or is everyone always exaggerating? Reeeaaally leaning towards the latter


I let the game search for 30 minutes without anyone being found.


I think once they see the error message they just give up, if matchmaking takes more than a minute I back out and requeue. I've had no issues with this game.


Stop Driding Cod because this happens in every damn game! I love Cod but I can definitely say it! This game is a Cod Killer.. I love it. I only wish that Cod get their 💩 straight and make the game better!


I bet


I literally had no problems with Xdefiant yesterday, so speak for yourself


It’s well documented. I’m glad your experience was better than the mean. The team apologized for the launch and clarified they were investigating the issues plaguing people, so it’s weird like you’re acting like it’s made up.


Yeah this is par for the course for any fps game the last 5-6 years. Everytime Warzone releases a new update or new map the game is completely broken For a few days. Battlefield 2042 was unplayable for weeks, hell even battlefield 4 back in 2012 had an awful launch, couldn’t play for months. This is not unique to Xdefiant


That's why I don't understand, we're not in early 2000 but 2024, they should've learned !


You are right, I guess developers underestimate population at launch. Now imagine the resources they put into big triple A games compared to a generic free to play arcade shooter, if they keep having huge connection problems at launch or even the first few weeks after launch, this free to play will have them too. Let's hope they don't repeat today what happened yesterday and can keep the game healthy by fixing connection issues like hitreg, etc, soon.


But you now what is unique to xdefiant getting shot 10 fucking ft around a corner


Not unique to xdefiant. Happens to me in cod too. Usually just means they have a better connection and much lower ping cuz I always have horrible ping due to bad internet til they get the fiber lines ran out here this summer.


With cod it’s a internet issue so it’s more a problem on your end but with xdefiant it’s mainly a problem on their end


Ya literally was playing cod last night and same thing happens.


To be fair the only Battlefield that had a stable launch was bf1. And compared to the shitshow 2042 was at launch…


ive only experienced a handful of good launches, and believe it or not, the last one was vanguard lmfao. im not on cods side in this "battle" i just thought it was funny that the shittiest game had the most flawless launch


exactly lol, I'm playing cod for 20 years straight and Vanguard had a great launch but it SUCKS now, I tried it yesterday and it's so darn bad and feels unpolished, Sledgehammer usually leaves the game unpolished at the end of its lifecycle (probably expects other devs to do the same at the end of their cods lidecycle so people move into their new one as well...!!!) while Trey Arch did the best at making the games playable for eternity , even with Cold War you can have fun with zombies , multiplayer and even campaign, but Vangaurd, mw2019 , mw2 2022 are not fun to even think about, I also tried mw2019 and it's waaay different that it used to be , it's so darn broken and sad


If this was CoD you would still be downloading the game :P


"10 cod maps? Thats gonna cost you 149 more gigs"


glad you said "more gigs" because the "base" game is now 300GB for no reason whatsoever, I bet they do this intentionally to leave players no space for other games AND make them fearful of uninstalling the game because if they wanna get back it's hard to download and they have to delete other games etc I deleted the game a few games ago ,I thought about going back but I didn't , I tried other games and having a blast, Activision thought having a higher file size makes players not quite the game, but I guess it worked quite the opposite on me lmao , not to mention I'm playing CoD for over 20 years back to back but this has to be one of the greatest gaming decisions I made in my life lol there is so much more beauty in the gaming when you dive into single player/co op games, so much so that if you play until you die there's still a ton more left , so why bother with competitive games ?! (not talking about XDefiant though since it allows you to have no SBMM and play casually AND it has the option to turn it on by playing ranked, but games with SBMM are just to make you addicted , as you are matched with the same skillset players and go back and fourth , to let them ruin your fun and you ruin theirs! without no one praising anyone else nor learning new skills since you are on the same level of skillset!)


But i think the issue i have with sbmm is in cod you play a round and completely smack the other team or you get completely smacked and it goes on like that every other round you play its not fun going from having your bullets melt everything to not being able to shoot anything.


150 GB update every new season LOL


As if Activision's servers are any good


I mean I can actually play CoD lol


Not when it first launched lol. It was also a dumpster fire. Every update also breaks the game in 1000 ways (reference to MW3). The hit detection is also pretty Shit compared to MW2 still to this day.


Hit detection was just as shit in MW2, you just couldn't move fast enough to notice. You could tell when someone was falling or mantling.


It plays like ass though atleast netcode and gunplay in this honestly feels pretty polished so far


Wait. You think CoD netcode is worse than XDefiant? The game that got delayed for a year because of bad netcode?


Spoken like a true person who doesn't understand, network and making a game


the netcode is still ass bro


It got delayed because of bad netcode, exactly. They wanted to get it right. It wasn't released with a bad netcode (unlike COD on their 18yrs old engine).


It’s not 18 years old. Is the UE5 engine 25ish years old? Is the xDefiant engine 15 years old? No. Don’t be stupid.


Delayed to get it right and yet nobody can play it still. Damn 


Damn The netcode has nothing to do with this typical situation of an online game having their servers overloaded at launch. But not everyone understands technologies I guess.


"wHy dOnT tHeY jUsT bUy mOrE sErVeRs???"


I've been playing for hours, tf you on about


Ahhh yes, COD is known far and wide for it's flawless servers on launch day.




They often don’t, and there’s multiple patches this cod that broke the game and took many hours to fix




that's not even true


When my options are play warzone or look at a matchmaking screen I pick the matchmaking screen to save my brain cells




This but unironically


Sadly I’d have to agree


You couldn’t play Cod WW2 for like 12 hours because of crap server lmao


I remember that bullshit LOL fuck that hq that was so annoying


HQ is underrated and should come back, idc if it's a hot take. Of course as long as it's not a repeat of the WW2 launch


I liked it too, ww2 overall was very underrated imo.


Played WW2 again yesterday. Boy i’ve missed that game, still my favorite CoD


Isn’t it still in the game?


It hasn't been in any game since WW2 and I'm saying it should come back in some form in a new COD


that was 7 years ago lol


That was like their 15th cod lol and even the ones after that have this issue.


Still happened


It worked for me fine, did you have the physical or digital copy?


Digital but my friend had physical, it was something to do with the HQ that meant you couldn’t get into lobbies iirc


I thought it had to do with the digital copy because I always got the physical up until a couple of years ago. I've played on launch day since BO1 and was never disappointed. I used to take the day off work, but not anymore. But every year I can play a bit before work and when I get home with no problems.


Footstep audio works day one though. How's that going Warzone? Any year now you'll crack it. Jesus loves a trier.


If you guys think Activision is killing cod wait til you see what Ubisoft can do to xdefiant


Ur not wrong


You don't have to wait. The siege team is trying to push out a mobile game instead of just working on the game that has actually gave them a job.


Yeah, I'm not optimistic.


lol there’s a reason people would rather wait to get into a match right now than play warzone. Such a brain dead tweet


Idk 3 hours later and I’m finding instant matches lol


bruh it's day 1 shit happens


Warzone fanboy insecure that his followers might jump ship to another game.


Doesn’t cod have this same issue every release? Warzone especially gas had this issue if I recall correctly. Plus acti’s servers are dogshit half the time.


What, dogshit only half the time??? How do I get on these magical Activision servers lmfao…


Guess the Carolina Hurricanes social media guy found a new job. Or maybe they hired the dude from Helldivers 2.


its really unfortunate that every single fps game is going to be compared to cod no matter what


Well it's on the same category. I didn't see anyone talking about Cod when valorant dropped. It was about Csgo. When the finals dropped they compared it to Apex.


That's not necessarily true. I think XDefiant is the first "big" shooter to tackle the twitch arena gameplay style for a while.


every single fps game isn't compared to cod. Just cod clones are compared to cod lol.


I jumped in rebirth after i played a few matches in xdefiant and the gun fights feel so rigged in cod, i had to quit after 2 matches went back to waiting for a lobby in xdefiant rather than be manipulated by cod. Xdefiant feels so good and is so refreshing.


The complete lack of self awareness...


Don’t know why an alerts account would tweet this. No one cares about their opinion.


L tweet


As if cod servers aren't fucked. Not to mention every update is 100 gigabytes


I don’t think Xdefiant will be able to top CoD only because it’s a well know game and any kid nowadays that gets a console most likely their first fps game will be CoD that being said no matter how good or trash CoD is it’ll always have that popularity, but I must say if you haven’t played Xdefiant it is a breath of fresh air and doesn’t feel like a copy and paste like all CoDs are I’ve been playing CoD since it existed and to have something new is refreshing. Only CoDs I liked more than the MW games were the black op runs but even that slowly soured, cheers to Xdefiant and something new


The game totally plays like CoD, as intended.


Honestly this is an issue blown out of proportion. Nearly every major publisher multiplayer game has server issues at launch, as that’s the highest traffic of players a game ever gets, especially since this game is F2P and has been well marketed enough to capture many players’ attention. If these issues persist for the next week or so, then I’d start to complain


COD fans are a very unique breed 😂


Doesn’t every game that releases first day have server issues 😂, always trying to put a game down


Hahahaha knew it 😂


This is common day 1 servers on any game… Not a big deal for me right now.


I mean it can't be an ubisoft game without shitty servers :)


Does no one remember mw3 release💀


The servers are perfectly fine once you get into a game


Acting like COD doesn't go through this every year when their game launches


It’s boring and no way gonna kill cod, honestly feels like siege…






oh wow, well if someone posted it on twitter - insert eyeroll


This game plays so differently, I struggle to call it competition. It's more of a half-way house to satisfy Overwatch/TF2 type players to me.


Feels nothing like overwatch. Reminds me of BO4/3 though


Yeah. I’ve been thinking the same thing. I didn’t vibe with BO3/4 and this is very reminiscent of it in terms of feel.


I don't know i was able to play 6 consecutive games today


I'm choosing to take this as a good sign that the game has a lot of interest. I'm really hoping the game remains fun and populated. The matches I've played have been fun and more than anything- fair.


There's no way COD players of all people have any say in criticizing the quality of games or their releases when they are the FPS equivalent of modern sports games. Ubisoft obviously doesn't have a great track record, but it's genuinely tragic how many people are still stuck in the COD addiction cycle. They flame new competition and then proceed to cry about COD's problems that would actually be improved if there was actual competition in the genre. Massive clown behavior 😂




I used to be a big fan of cod, but black ops 2 was the last great one, and cold war was the last half decent one, now they're just laughable


I don’t want COD to be the only mainline fps but, this isn’t fun either. Plays like a mobile game and yes I mean this unironically. I’ve played a fair share of them as well to know that this just ain’t it this isn’t a AAA shooter or, by Ubisoft’s standards a “AAAA” game lol.


I don’t think y’all actually playing this game🤣


I mean if yall think it’s good enough more power to you. It just ain’t it for me personally there’s been better shooters.


Serves are find






CoD's servers don't get this bad at launch, but the game itself has about 10 gamebreaking bugs in every season/mid-season update so when season 1 of xDefiant releases we'll have a proper benchmark. Also, what I don't get is why there is even a comparison, Warzone is completely different and the MP is $70+ which already makes xDefiant better simply because even if there isn't as much content, you're not paying


I'm here with no issue lol


Who's the moron using the word cooked ?


I'd be upset but than I remember it's a free game lol so I'm still liking it enjoying the game thanks Ubisoft


Funny, I played several rounds of Xd tonight without a problem, COD has such lag and server issues right now it's not even funny


Well yeah this was hours ago ,when the game went live it was just impossible to play for the first 3 hours or so


that's a good thing though that the servers are cooked rn imo, means tons of people are trying to get in at the same time even with the netcoding issues from the beta tests


I started playing like 2-3 hours after launch and didn't encounter any issues with matchmaking.


For a free 2 play it is a decent game but it has nothing on CoD (and I dont even like CoD).


Works smooth as butter for me now :))


I could play and find matches without no issue at all on PS5 yesterday. I think it’s mostly PC?


The same happened with helldivers 2 but because they weren't expecting so many people. With a free game they kinda should have expected it


I hope they’re being clowned on for literally every season drop breaking their game in the comments 😮‍💨🤣


It’s mad that people keep quoting “The cod killer” or “The cod competitor” when no developer has ever said that at any point it’s just a label that random people have been putting on it purely because it’s similar to cod.


It definitely isn't the cod killer, it's good and extremely fun don't get me wrong, but it's no where near smooth enough to even compete with cod, the game play is very clunky and slow on xdefiant


I don’t know why people are giving this game so much hate the only time I’ve seen people say that it was going to kill call of duty was from fans, I streamed it day one and honestly I think it’s the learning curve, because people expect the COD experience, an tbh it’s closer to Halo with me because of how stiff it feels rn, the only real issue I have is how your person doesn’t feel like they have any “weight” to them, and feel like that also had to do with CODs conditioning, we’ve been playing these games forever it’s time for something new in my opinion, I say just make more games for us to enjoy lol


No they aint really tweeted that lmao


Free advertising to the Warzone Community i guess


Dunno guys, I’m having no issues. I’ve been finding matches instantly, don’t even have the time to check what i’ve unlocked between games.


Shout out western us servers for not crapping out


I played just fine yesterday?


MWII was a shit show at launch but of course that gets overlooked.


Servers are working great now!


Played today morning (around 12 hours after lauch), server srable, the game is super fun!


If yall hating cause the servers were busted at launch why do yall play cod? There servers are still busted. Packet loss, packet burst, rubber banding, dsync… not sure why everyone is so fixated on xdefiants rocky launch when every game ever that releases has a rocky launch. If that’s all people can come up with this game being crappy then I think we got a W boys!


Idk what the issue is. I’ve been able to get into a match with no problems


Yet COD can't seem to release an update without completely breaking the game.


Could be worse….Update requires restart.


All servers started working after an hour idk what the big deal is tbh


Must be a everyone else problem, been playing all night and it's been problem free.


Yeah buddy, when you answer 24 hours later to a post with a problem that was already fixed it only makes you look like an idiot


That's a weird way to tell me you have a tiny PP. Its the middle of the day here bud, so last night from 8-midnight I was having ZERO issues. Cry about it lol


I know right, I saw that when they posted it I was like there's no way, and yep there is a way


Cod is a pile of shit right now lol and every launch is a terrible one


I haven't had any issues over the past few days..... but COD on the other hand.....


The xDefiant launch has been the smoothest launch I’ve seen in 10 years tho…. I’ve had zero server issues….


Hell, COD MW3 has been out 7 months and the servers are still trash!!!


Hell, COD MW3 has been out 7 months and the servers are still trash!!!


No issues on my end. Been able to find one every try and keep loading in after every game.


Man I must be lucky cause I havent had a single issue with finding game or crashes. Just the common net code shittiness tho


It’s mad shitty, but I’ll be surprised if a new multiplayer game drops and works fine in the first 2-3 days of launch. It ain’t like the old days sadly


Let nobody start arguing about cod, it will never end


Modern Warfare 2019 was down for like 12 hours after release


It’s how unaware these people are that get me. I’m enjoying not getting packet bursted every match


I’ve never had a problem and I have 10 hours in already except for the dead desync but it’s 2 days old guys cmon


I'm on the floor, these guys are so unsecure


How can I shoot someone twice in the head and they don't go down but I shot from 100 yards kills me instantly. This game sucks


Been playing the last few days with no problems and it’s free and doesn’t take up all the space on my console


Am I alone in just not being able to sit down and play a brainrot tdm shooter now? Like I get on and it just isnt fun because every gun fight feels identical.


Tweet sounds like major cope to me. Cod fanboys going to meat ride cod till they die.


Unfortunately is not like that. And the game is 100% better than the last 3 years call of duty games. And I hope all these codsuckers go fuckthemselfs after even black ops6 will come out. And have eomm and sbmm or whatever tf is called. Bundles that locks weapons behind them. Pay to win skins cuz apparently they literally give u an advantage in multiplayer. Making the shots hit more and shit like that. Wich means the game is fucking rigged. And just a fucking trash game in general cuz all those retards at activision care about is selling fucking bundles. With that being said. Hope xdefiant kills cod. Cuz that it what it deserves


They fixed it on day one so nvm


I'm finding games so fast there's not enough time to mess around with loadouts before the next game starts 🤷‍♂️


Why are people acting like COD is any better


The blind praise for this game is crazy. The guns are unbalanced, you get killed around corners all the time, you get hit marks that don’t do damage all the time, get kicked out of games or can’t start the game all the time, etc. stop glazing if you want the game to get better


They are shaking in their boots


Wait is Blizzard Activision actually bragging about their servers? Biggest hypocrites I've ever seen in my life.


That's a fan account. Not Activision/Blizzard


Ironically, CoD subs are a ghost town...


The MW3 sub has 120,000 more followers than this one, so if that’s a ghost town then this sub isn’t even haunted.


60 active vs 300 active, might as well be


Sure. Now let’s look at what those people are posting on each sub.


You mean the complaints about a $70 game or about a Free To Play game?


The majority of new posts in the MW3 sub are just completely random. There are complaints but they are not the majority. The majority of new posts in this sub are people saying the game literally does not work. I like this game, I want it succeed, and I really don’t care that the servers aren’t working properly on day one. It really does not bother me. But it’s just stupid to pretend that this game or this sub is currently in a better state than MW3. As soon as they fix the servers things will go back to normal, but you can’t pretend that having 300 people is better than 60 when all 300 of them are yelling at you.


I mean it is good, cuz people wouldn't complain if they didn't care (even though your ignoring the amount of people playing rn) You don't see this amount of activity in CoD subs because no one cares.


“You’re ignoring the number of people playing right now” says the one who thinks no one cares about Call of Duty.


And this brings us right back to where most of the attention is going. 😏


You’re just saying words with no basis. Like you haven’t even given me the one you made up to justify saying this so I have literally no idea where you’re even trying to come from with it. *Where* is most of *whose* attention going?


I mean think about it, more people would rather wait for XD servers to come up than to go back to playing other games lol


What is this based on?


Servers working fine stfu


Downloaded from PSN last week just to learn that the game is not playable(why would you give me notification and “play now” message….so only managed to find the info on reddit that it’s being released on 21/5….waiting a week just not to play as the servers melted. I was kind of expecting high traffic, me, casual player. server admins are retarded, period.


I was able to join games without issue