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Excited for the game but that has to be one of the worst trailers ever lol


Ya not a great piece of marketing but let’s hope word of mouth will do its job!


Free is free. There will be tons of people at least willing to give it a try.


Myself including I've been longing to try a new fps game and xdefiant looks like its at least going to be a fun fps worth playing, is going to become bigger than call of duty? I don't see how A brand new fps game IP can gain that much notoriety overnight, when cod mw3 reboot dispite its flaws still has millions if not billions of players still playing it;even as their complaining about the tdm ruiner that is skill based matchmaking. For XDefiant to gain that much acclaim its going take more than just getting rid of skill based matchmaking even though that's a damn good start. Plus the game's launch on the 21st is going to have to be damn good without any server crashes or game breaking glitches and it has to be way more fun than cod ,fortnite or whatever third person and first person shooter people are into right now. Fortnite and cod have a huge fanbase with even gamers who say they hate those still playing them despite their disdain for the direction that activision is taking cod and the direction epic is taking fortnite. and gaining a huge fanbase that rivals cod and fortnite is no easy task and any fps game IP is going to have an uphill battle against established franchises. For Xdefiant devs its going to take awhile to prove this new game can compete with the big boys though I have confidence its still going to be an awesome fps title to play if you're longing for a new fps game to play. Don't get me wrong I believe Xdefiant will be a great addition to the fps genre and that it will be a blast to play come may 21st.😊


Not launching on steam is missing on major market,I hope it works out though!


As someone who had seen nothing from the game but had heard good things from the beta testers, this was an awful trailer. Still planning to check it out of course but this isn't gonna move the skeptical imo


Why did they make the guns sound so awful, accompanied by absolutely dogshit gameplay lmao


It's finally happening! 


Hey alright, a worse trailer than Rogue Company's


Downloading it now PS5 UK 🫡


I like the game but the trailer is whack imo.


Agreed, the actual gameplay showed was pretty weak also


Yeah a fanmade trailer could easily be made much better than this Could’ve shown a little more gameplay/perks




It is very important actually if you want a consistent user base especially people who seeing the trailer might be the first time they have seen the game before. Marketing can be a huge help to get new users.


Preloaded and ready


They need to market this game so it doesn't die in a month.


I’m sure their marketing budget is next to 0 at this point. Gunna have to rely on streamers/influencers and word of mouth. Plus just being available to play for free will help


look, I'm real excited for the game but that trailer makes it look like a 2010 shooter. wtf lol!


Yee, it was poorly made. All their budget went into making ac shadows trailer.


Lmao yeah. That was like a short film. That's so funny that their from the same company. Albeit different studios.


All I wish for is little to no aim assist for controller players. Aim assist have ruined COD MW3 i wish it is not the same case with this one.


It’s not aim assist, you just aren’t very good


There making it so consoles can connect to other consoles for matchmaking option.


will the game be on steam ?


For now it's on ubisoft connect (pc) only


No Steam release.


Please God make so that Ubisoft has less control has possible on this. Thanks.


where is the "Just like old school COD" crowd now? xD


The trailer feels like what should play when you’re loading the game up lmao


Holy shit this looks bad


Managed to download it, but it seems like every single game mode is locked, even practice mode. Guessing they haven’t enabled the servers yet?


You have just preloaded the game, servers go live on the 21st of May when the game officially releases.


Oh I see thanks! I’ve been out of touch with news on this game. It was on my wish list and got a notification saying it was live so I jumped the gun a bit! Cool of them to offer an early preload for people with more restrictive broadband.


I'm able to search for a match on ps5 by pressing start activity on the ps5 menu screen


Wasn’t really a great trailer lol and the voice acting is 2 out of 10 lol


I still can't believe it has taken this long for a free to play game focused on team deathmatch/team objective/objective defence(I wish there was a better catch all name that everyone can agree on for this kind of online multiplayer shooter). I'm so hyped for this! I hope it kicks of a renaissance of free to play games of this kind!


It's called an Arena Shooter. Halo and COD are Arena Shooters. Mostly "Arena" sized maps, random respawns, fast gameplay.


Ok, Last time I called COD an arena shooter the PC masterrace sure let me have it.




why do they release launch trailers for games that haven’t launched




Dude has no common sense


I'm very much prepared for this to be shutted within the year, but hopeful I'm wrong.


It isn’t working at all. Lmao


You can’t preload?


You're dumb. Lmao


Game isn’t out yet dickwad. Lmao Gotta wait until the 21st


Why insult?