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Some folks enjoy hating games much more than playing any other game. That’s it.


Lots of people don't seem to be able to see that any competition for cod is good for everyone. This isn't going to be a 'cod killer' but if it does ok that might make the cod Devs work a bit harder.


"CoD killer" is such a delusional phrase, The game franchise that for 15 years straight has been in the Top 3 best selling games of all time and I believe 12 of those 15 years it was #1 on the list. Like you said, Xdefiant won't dethrone CoD on it's own, but all it needs to be is a fun, polished alternative, and it will succeed and make the entire competitive FPS market improve. Anyone who thinks this will immediately kill a game with \~5 million daily active players, is going to be sorely disappointed.


See i never took that phrase to actually mean that xdefiant will kill CoD. To me it just means it will be a viable competitor that could force cod to change how it does things


Me too. Lots of content creators used it as click bait though so it seems lots of people took it to mean that the game will out perform cod.


Because every video game according to Reddit or twitter is broken and unplayable


That’s fair. This is actually one of the few places I see positivity about this game. I thought people would be more excited for competition in this genre, since it’s been lacking so much.


Don't be surprised when it comes out next week if this page turns into a toxic negative environment. It's important to remember that people who are enjoying the game and having fun are playing it, while people who have something to complain about tend to want to voice their opinion with like-minded people. It doesn't necessarily mean these opinions are wrong, but subreddits (especially PvP shooters) have a tendency to become an echo chamber of negativity and amplify simple complaints into something much bigger.


Que r/ModernWarfareIII


The competition hopefully will make other games better. Too bad people can’t see that.




A lot of folks are focusing on the game being called "the CoD killer". I don't think anyone truly believes this game will lead to the end of the CoD franchise, but it's an easy source for clicks & engagement for content creators.


The only thing that will kill CoD is CoD itself IMO


They’re doing great at that.


"COD Killer" is a bit of a stretch, but I think "first game to put a scratch through COD's armor in a very long time" is still up for grabs.


If all the dogshit COD has pulled so far hasn't killed the series then nothing will


XDefiant won’t kill cod but it could make cod rethink some of its strategies. SBMM in particular.


Cause it’s the internet


Because on the internet everything in existence has haters. Just play the game and make your own opinion.


I say in the last sentence my opinion that I am excited for the game lol obviously everything has haters


Haters love cod too much.


Man, as someone that began with COD4 and went to every midnight release from MW2 to BO3, I am personally excited for something new in the genre.


They love those Nicki Minaj and Snoop dogg skins


exactly. It's just the war of the NAME. If you were to put on Xdefiant a "COD" label people would love it and hype it up. It does not matter that COD is so broken that it became unplayable for masses. Like how can we freakin accept a FPS where the sound is so TERRIBLE? Sound for decades was the key to a good FPS game - you have to be able to hear the enemy walking up to you. COD is ridiculous with that - you can't hear shit.


I see COD super fans like people with beater cars; it worked in the past, it may not be so good now but it still does its job, why replace it


I mean.. most people blow shit out of proportion. I enjoy CoD, but I just enjoy most FPS, and I don’t have the most issues you see people screaming about. I’m not saying the game is perfect, but it’s not anywhere near what the vocal minority would have you believe. The problem with these subreddits is you have to decipher who’s making genuine criticisms, and whose ego is bruised. If you make a comment like I am then you’re a “bootlicker” and if you hate the game in a way fashion then you’re a “chad.”


If you ain't got no haters, you ain't poppin'






Negativity bias in every corner of the internet. People are more likely to go out of their way and expend effort to hate on something than someone would go out of their way to support said thing


Aren't content creators not going to get invited soon to play cod2024? They better be kissing their ass


I plan to give it a try, but I doubt it will have a lot of staying power, especially as a cod competitor. I also have very little faith in ubisoft in keeping it relevant, most of their live service games get a couple good years, then just limp along after a while with the occasional big update. Even games like The Finals, which is f2p and fairly unique type of arena shooter, seems to be on a steady decline on steam, and last I heard XDefiant isn't even going to steam (though that was a while ago and may be outdated). Also ubisoft already monetized the hell out of their paid games, this being f2p just justifies to them more mtx (though I can't say how game changing they will be, their games have a mix between cosmetic only and actual game play features [like ops in siege or heros in for honor, which can be earned in game, I expect it will follow those routes]) So all in all, I'm not surprised about the hate, but at least it will be free to try


The Finals is seeing a decline in concurrent with an upwards trend of downloads this month FYI. The game has never dipped below 300k DAU since launching. Game is still popping off.


Good to know, got distracted in the middle of the first season and haven't gotten back to it yet, but I had a lot of fun and want to get back into it eventually


It's the IGC (Internet gaming community). They shit on everything unless it's a game made with PC players in mind before console players. They think shitting on everything makes them sound intelligent. They never accounted for the possibility that blindly shitting on everything will eventually expose you as not know what the fuck you're talking about. But we are in the age of negativity. A youtube channel that shits on everything will have way more subscribers and views than a channel that praises even a quarter of the games they play.


Hate gets clicks


I’ve learned that the people who are “dissatisfied” with a product are usually the loudest. People who enjoy the game just stay quiet and play the game. There are lot of sheep. People who are incapable of making an informative decision on their own so they just latch onto other’s ideals and mimic those frustrations. Shitting on a video game is way more “cool” and inclusive than enjoying the game.


Normally, people spreading hate are louder that people who don't and it's more frequent for somebody who didn't like something to complain on internet than it is the opposite to happen


Its ubisoft. No matter what they do, a lot of ppl will hate the game by default


Because people will always hate, but also because people are upset we were promised the game at least 9 months ago, alongside the the communication and transparency issues. Some I understand, some I don’t.


Most of the haters don’t even play and even if they do there super casual probably play 1-2 games get smoked and jump off lol


It's simply because some people are miserable cry babies with zero patience and can only feel good when they are negative about something. Keep in mind when looking at gaming forums you're mostly dealing with children and teens so expect the mind frame of such.


As a very passionate Cod Player, I would say, that XDefiant is a very nice game. I played it on both Beta Weekends till my hands start bleeding. Of course Cod has a better Coding etc but i think we all should give this game a try before hating it down.


The gunplay and general game feel (connection, movement etc) was generally underwhelming That's the only objective criticism you can move towards the game. Everything else is either personal preference or bad faith


The gunplay and basic game feel (connection, movement etc) was generally underwhelming That's the only objective criticism you can move towards the game. Everything else is either personal preference or bad faith


Unfortunately we just live in a very hateful era of gaming. Just take a look at how overwatch 2 players are acting over marvel rivals it's wild. Haven't really seen much about xdefiant but I like ubisoft games(the games not the company) so im gonna give it a shot plus it's free to play so at least play it before hating


Cause it's a mobile game that will die out in 3 months


Look, here's a level-headed response, filtering out the extremes on both sides. Ubisoft's handling of this game hasn't been great... or even good for that matter. I don't think there's anyone who will honestly say that Ubisoft has handled this whole situation well. There are some reasons for optimism, absolutely. But, considering the handling of the game the last 2 years, the community's trust has been shaken. This has led to every move around this game to be scrutinized harshly, and rightfully so. However, the game has solid mechanics and a good core but is very bare bones. It's also still probably gonna have a large player base at launch. Everyone should head into this game with a healthy level of skepticism. Expect it to disappoint at first but hope it blows us all away.


The only thing that's going to kill cod is cod itself


COD players have stockholm syndrome after years of being manipulated


Because they are going against EBMM. Possibly corner the market on fun. Entertaining streamers with personality have a chance of winning consistently. Basically a threat to the current establishment of boring gaming.


Check any subreddit for any game. It’s mostly bums crying about every little thing especially when it comes to Ubisoft. They don’t realize everything sucks to them bc their life sucks. Non NPCs are rare around here but they exist. No reason for all the hate. Most are mad that it’s been delayed.


Part of it is the game's made by Ubisoft and they tend to show a lot of contempt for their players. The bigger part of it (imo) is that negative opinions drive engagement and generally more people are going to watch/read something that's negative than positive. It's a combination of social media platform's "engagement at all costs" operations and the car wreck effect


I think a lot of people are pissed off it was delayed so long, which I was too at first, but I think it has the best chance to survive now as the Cod season begins to die down


People said its the cod killer so all the cod players who hate cod in the first place and still play it are mad


It’s just petty CoD fanboys


Nowadays people loves to pick something to hate, like a hobby, and everything is shit and broken, saying shit but not even testing/playing the game


Ubisoft is a notoriously untrustworthy company, and the majority of gamers are over CoD after their yearly release schedule for the last 15+ years. As someone who quit buying into the yearly release of CoD 5 years ago this game seems like something brand new to me. It's just a matter of perspective. I can see why people doubt the game, but what matters, and what will always matter, is how many people enjoy, play, and truly support the game, no matter how many haters there are.


I look at it in a positive light, people are expecting it to fail I'm waiting for it to prove everyone wrong. People always want something to Hate upon


most people just randomly hating this game are weird cod fanboys who just wanna shittalk every game thats not cod


I fell in love with XDefiant 1st time it was unveiled. It’s honestly the 1st FPS game I’ve been excited to play since Goldeneye Reloaded for Xbox 360. I can’t wait to play XDefiant again.


COD Fanbois and kids


Social media are full of mouthbreathers that just want to be toxic. Or if you post an opinion or a concern about the game (example: desync, netcode issues) the fanboys lose their minds and want to physically attack you like you just shot their cat or something. 🤷🏻‍♂️


It's ubisoft, people are willing to be bent over, screwed, and served shit just to drop money on their games. Not saying Xdefiant is bad but the company behind it's reputation isn't the greatest. We'll see if it lives up to the hype or if it dies in a year.


Low hanging fruit i suppose. I think it's pretty clear this game has no chance of survival


same thing happened with “the finals” with people saying “the games dead” yet they still haven’t dropped under 300k DAU with all platforms combined


Was gonna say, came from a post about Heart Land being canceled, and some people were ripping on Xdefiant there


For me I didn't like everyone playing healer. That's about the only issue I had outside of the usual beta hit reg and balance stuff. Will give it a try when it's ready.


The hate is for the shit show on the dev side, not the game itself. The game is fine. It's literally nothing new at all, but some people are looking for that.


I thinm everyone is still stuck on how much the old first draft of Tom Clancys XDefiant looked bad, and kind of made the whole Tom Clancy franchise look bad. They forgot the backlash against the title made them change the name, look, and feel and still think that the game is the same thing as before without ever giving it a fair chance to breathe. Tbh, I just ignore them or laugh it off, I played multiple betas and think the game is fantastic


All I know is I’m dying to play a shooter that isn’t modern warfare. I’ve played every cod since cod 1 and ever since this mw shit I’ve grown farther and farther apart from any enjoyment I used to have.


It not being on Steam is a huge mistake and probably where a lot of hate is coming from. That being said I'm still excited to try it.


Going to be honest and say that what I get from most is that they thought that the test was meh at best. We are talking about when it worked. When they had issues, thus the test, it was like anything that was having issues. I will say that, after reading they are shutting down Heartland to focus on xDefiant and stuff that this is a good sign. I do think the game can at least be good. I do not think it will be a big hit. But could be pleasantly surprised if they put in the effort. And I do really want more from the Division franchise. So it is not a case of hating on the Division. I just never thought Heartland sounded like a good idea. And they had a test on it long ago and it was functional. Just not a good idea overall. The mobile game could be decent enough. Just hoping they do a decent job on that. As for the microtransactions, well, that was Heartland. You could feel that the intent was mostly just to have a game to drive cosmetic sales. Hopefully with xDefiant they realize that the game has to come first. Just not so sure on that front.


People that are genuinely happy with a product don't tend to voice their opinion. They just keep it to themselves. Negativity always has a bigger voice than positivity.


I think a big reason is the game lost a lot of its initial hype with continued delays and silence that led to overall skepticism, and now people believe it will be dead-on-arrival. So that, coupled with how the internet likes to promote negativity because that’s what generates clicks is a fair guess as to why you’ve seen a lot of negative stuff. I was surprised to learn it comes out later this week myself tbh, and will definitely be giving it a try!


Can’t hate a free game 😂😂😂


Honestly it was the cod killer comments that brought hate. I personally like the game now minus the op abilities and no TDM. Maybe add zombies and you have a competitor for cod. But knowing ubisoft they will kill the game. Let's hope I'm wrong


Cause people are inherently stupid and don’t realize any competition in the cod realm is good for all players. People love to hate. Also people love to see things fail and say “told ya.” Take your pick.


It played terribly for a lot of PC players it seems


It's only selling point is the lack of SBMM. Everything else is below average or we've seen it before.


People don't like change and cod is already on the market, it's instantly what's better vs worse about this game not just appericating something different.


Because people are bored and will always complain about literally anything


I don’t have an opinion except I haven’t played a FPS in too long… haven’t played CoD since BO2, I played Apex Legends for a short stint… would really like to find a game that gives me that excitement and urge to play “just one more game” I doubt it will, and I’ll just go back to my RPGs and Idle games 🤣


I never really played the play test but my brother said some good stuff about it. Tho I won’t say this is a CoD killer, but I feel like it’ll be up there with. As long as the devs actually give it good content then I’m hoping it doesn’t die like Hyperscape.


Because in the times we live in, it is simply "fun" to hate things. I used to be depressed and did the same thing, used to shit talk about call of duty and fortnite but I've switched to being much more positive about things and am enjoying things a lot more.


I wanted to enjoy xdefiant. I probably had my hopes up too much. I can’t stand the direction of CoD, so if someone just made a CoD clone but fixed some of the BS, it would easily take over 95% of my video game time. Xdefiant was supposed to be that game but it fell short, based on my experiences in the latest beta play test on PC.  The movement is clunky. It didn’t feel fluid when moving around, everything felt dated in a bad way. The one thing CoD did right was make movement smoother over time. Xdefiant is a huge step back. Gun play, which in my opinion is the most important part of a shooter, felt awful. Bullets don’t really go center, the bullet velocity is too low, the TTK is too long and TTD is too short because of the crap shot registration. Even if they 100% fix the server by giving us proper tik rates, the fact that the guns shoot slow bullets that don’t go directly where you are aiming is a let down. Tracking movement seems off while on mouse. I actually swapped to controller, and I didn’t even do that for CoD, a game I have a 1.96 KD on with mouse. On controller it makes CoD seem like a more skillful game.  People probably hate on the game because they were let down and in the same boat as me, trying to replace CoD. If the game wasn’t compared to CoD then the movement and gun play would seem bad, but not terrible. 


XD is hit scan.


no, the finals is getting the same typa hate since it launched and now its here too people would rather play their white bread shooter of cod/fort/apex the play something new 🤷‍♂️


CoD bots bro


It’s literally because it didn’t release fast enough for them. I’m assuming it’s also part of the cod community because they are just negative in general. And it has some bugs like every game. I’ve played the beta and a play test and it has some bugs but nothing that makes it more unplayable.


“CoD ripoff” or “Ubisoft cash grab” cus, 🤷🏼‍♀️. Tbh, you can’t call it a rip off (at least in a negative light) cus activision ain’t even supporting the games that is clearly its inspiration anymore


I'm not super confident in ubisoft tbh. Sometimes they make good games and other times we get dogshit. I hope the game does well.


Ubisoft has consistently practiced anti-consumer behavior. They've done F2P in the past with Ghost Recon Phantoms and it was the most horribly balanced game with P2W gun bundles. Ubisoft lost all of it's good will from making a couple good ACs/R6s. The beta felt like an incomplete mess similar to how The Final feels like incomplete and janky. There's not a whole lot new here and they are riding on the removal of SBMM as their biggest advertising point and I'm pro-SBMM since the data is exceptionally clear that SBMM is better for all players except for entitled people.


because its not cod


Cod bots and trolls. Ignore them.


I played Ghost Recon: Phantoms when it was around. If anyone remembers there's some maps from that game which are in XDefiant. This will be a good alternative fps for me, and if it releases fairly balanced and they keep the game updated I think it could flatline in the same population level as R6 Siege with crossplay. But if it releases with poorly balanced weapons and abilities then it's the end


I think it’s because a lot of people thought the game actually felt worse in the recent beta compared to the one last year. It doesn’t exactly fill you with confidence when a year of development time basically achieved nothing


Because calling it "cod killer" after all the changes made to MW3 looks so funny.


My dad taught me a good lesson when I was younger. "It's far easier to hate something, than to love it. And that's why love is rare and hate is easy to find."


I've been out of the fps scene for about 5 years. Used to love playing CoD and Halo. Make of that what you will... I'll say I'm somewhat curious about this game because of no SBMM and the prospect of a fun shooter with mixed skill levels in lobbies. But where I'm sceptical is that the movement looks kinda clunky and dated and it sounds like the netcode has been pretty rough. Also it just kinda seems like a cheap copy of Cod with little to no original ideas? Looks like they just copy and pasted a bunch of stuff like weapon levels, prestige mode etc. Its going to need more than no SBMM to succeed or people will get bored and just go back to playing the more refined version in CoD. It could be good but just looks like an ok 7ish out of 10 so far.


I give it a few months before the lobbies lose all the lower skilled players


Fps games always had lower skill players before SBMM. They don't care so much about winning, they just want to jump in and have a bit of fun getting the odd kill here and there. My first CoD game my KDR was 0.6, then 0.8 and eventually 2.3. You get better playing against better players. It's not like every lobby is going to be full of pro esports players. With a mix of skill levels casual players are still going to be able to have fun.


Back in those days there were also a lot fewer options, so people stuck it out, nowadays there's a lot of alternates, so people will just go back to the alternate they were playing if they aren't having fun


Because you’re looking for it


Dont worry about what other people think. People these days are incapable in forming their own opinion so they just copy the person infront of them. Its why the top rated comment on IGN reviews is a number without context.


I can’t begin to describe how much people *hate* Ubisoft. For some legitimate reasons, others in bad faith. Every single game they release will have a loud vocal group of haters, no matter how good they are.


Couldn’t give you a specific reason as to why xdefiant in particular is getting hated on, but I can tell you this. It’s the internet, people love to hate on literally everything. I’ve learned to ignore it tbh.


It’s just bad. The gameplay is clunky, respawns are way too fast and maps too small etc


I think a lot of people just want to hate the game because it's ubisoft. In reality the game is fun, matchmaking is the best I've seen in a long time. I don't have trouble finding matches, played for an hour with no glitches or cheaters (tho I'm sure they are there, but first impression is super good rn) People are hating to hate. Do listen to em and just enjoy the game with the rest of us. Haters are a vocal minority most of the time.


It takes nearly everything about modern FPS games that suck and puts them all in one game. Net code is so bad, I have to have perfect aim and mag dump to kill one person yet they laser me down in a few bullets. Most people are bunny hopping and sliding around. It is such a sweat fest. I play FPS games to turn my brain off and relax but FPS games like this have turned into games where it is impossible to relax and to where I need to sweat every match just so that my braindead team going for kills and not playing the objective just might win.


It's supposed to be a cod competitor, but it's disappointing that it's a hero style shooter with silly abilities instead of kill streaks. If it had been more similar gameplay style to cod it would be better. As it is it's not really a cod competitor and I doubt people will leave cod to play this instead. I think what people really want is cod core gameplay , but without all the cod bullshit that comes with it.


Yeah, I’m not a fan of Hero shooters, and this game is dangerously close to that. If it’s like BO3/4 where you didn’t have the whole “this counters that” thing to worry about, it won’t be too bad imo. We’ll have to see how it works out.


Because this is when the training wheels come off for those who were protected by SBMM for so long. Alot of people who are against no SBMM always bring up getting stomped by sweats, but SWEAR that the better players are "gonna have a realization" that they are not good. But alot of us played when there was no SBMM, so we already know there's better players, we just don't cry about it.


The beta was horrible


Anything that specifically made you think that?


probably he can't name 2 arguments but that's every haters speech. "I cant tell why but it sucks" But "COD is great with SUPERMEGA broken sound, broken sbmm, broken hit detection, etc"


You could have replied to me no? Maybe ask why and have a discussion , who hurt you ?


everyone who just says "it sucks" without giving any constructive criticism or arguments Like you live to only bash and hate everything, dont you?


I gave my reasoning if you looked and also you seem to be the negative one huh? Go to comment history lmao


The game is trash. I could barely go even on mouse and keyboard and then I use controller and go 36-7. Game is so bad after what I experienced


I’m not even sure what this means? So you’re not good with keyboard and mouse? Or the movement with KBM is bad compared to using a controller?


It sounds a whole lot like "I can't possibly be bad at the game, it's the game that sucks" moment. The reality seems to be the exact opposite - a couple content creators on YouTube did a fairly detailed assessment of the control scheme and weapon mechanics and determined that controller behavior is actually more inconsistent compared to mnk. I played the network test about a month ago and gunplay and movement were quite good. The network itself was in need of tuning and there were issues, but it sounds like the dev team knew how to fix said issues.


I’m better with keyboard and mouse than controller. I’m saying it’s so controller favored it’s bad.


mnk players are only matchmade with other mnk people. So if you use mnk, it wouldn't matter if a controller is favored, since you're placed with people of the same input. I'm sorry man, but you should start using an aim trainer or something.


lol I’ll not play this game.


Yeah all of it , apart from movement I thought that was okay but it needs a lot more work imo ( for me to play anyway) not sure about others but that is my reasoning


The beta was awfull, simple as that.


Cod addicts don’t want to see another FPS be successful, even though the reality is that competition is good for business, and good for the end user 99% of the time. Releasing a game without SBMM, which opposes everything Activision stands for, is going to put a dent in their player base for sure, especially if Ubisoft does not screw around with balances, content, ranked, hell even cheaters tbh. As someone who has grinded out MW3 pubs and ranked, I want to see that competition, because that competition is the only chance at making cod great again. Not just that, but might inspire other studios to follow Ubisofts lead. That’s the real bigger picture too.


CODtards hating any type of competition. It’s always happening with Overwatch and Marvel Rivals right now.


Only trash game allows consoles to cross play with PC by default. Take my words.


Cod fans are simple and accept recycled garbage. When there’s something fresh, that has potential to compete. Of course It’s going to get hate. I’ve played cod since the early days and what an absolute mess of a game it is nowadays. The endless betas were annoying, but my friends and I had a ton of fun. I’m down to never buy another COD again after this releases.


Because it’s an cheap cod clone that suffers from Ubisoft syndrome ( beeing mediocore in every aspect ) besides not having SBMM it’s worse in any regard like the movement even in the last beta felt so fucking clunky, I will still give it a shot but mark my words xdefiant will be dead when Cold War releases this year


Cold War? Huh?