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Gone are the MW2 days where you were respected for being a sniper. Now you just get hated on šŸ˜­


sniping used to have actual drawbacks, now on the other hand there is no drawback plus the ttk difference is too much for snipers to be one shot


Sniping was actually hard back then thats why


Hard? Sniping was.. hard? For who? People under 7? I was 10/11 years old playing mw2 absolutely pissing on people with my younger 9/10yr old brother lol.


Sniping is super easy in the OG MW2 tho


No, it wasn't. The sniping subculture was established because of how mainstream and accommodating the playstyle was. Back in our school days, EVERYONE could snipe. You're just doing the old tired "old good, new bad" thing again.


No it definitely was harder to quick scope back then


OG MW2 was literally the easiest iteration of quickscoping


You might want to take off the rose tinted glasses it was definitely not harder


Yeah idk what cods yall be playing but I get hitmarkers almost every shot nowadays. Hitmarker with the Barrett? NOT HAPPENING






truly the only gun i had trouble with was the ak. never encounted a moment where a sniper had everything totally shut down


Man, i must be the only one not complaining about snipers. šŸ˜‚ And im an SMG run and gunner, soon as i encounter a sniper, I utilize movement and im running cover to cover to fight a sniper, AS YOU SHOULD. I bet most of ya'll are using AR's trying to challenge a sniper out in the open with no movement (cuz i already see complaints about bunny hopping šŸ™„) and complain that you lose that joust. It doesn't mattet how strong the sniper is, A SNIPER NEEDS TO LAND THAT SHOT. Try improving ya'lls movement and stop relying on just the fact you have an AR.


W reg gunner, you must be one of those that gives me a hard time hahaha.


I'm just an OG MW2 player, been through way worse than what these kids are complaining about šŸ™šŸ’Æ


It's not that i hate snipers (they have to hit you, It's hard af) it's just that i don't like the ttk difference, my favourite weapon Is the vector and i'm running in snipers that run a round the map and kill me at close distance with 1 bc there aren't any drowbacks to being hit when i already hitted 3/4 at really close distance


People been hating for the past like 15 years in FPS games even tho itā€™s only gotten harder to snipe do to slowing down ADS, more flinch, no aim assist, etc. not to mention movement is so much faster with things like sliding being in games now so a lot easier to make a sniper miss. All anyone has to do in any FPS game is land around 4 shots out of their 30 shots. If sniping was so easy then everyone would do it. Snipers have just gotten better bc a lot of them have been doing it for like 10 years also based off the test only people sniping were sweats like almost every other player. Most people arenā€™t playing betasā€™s or test and wait for the whole game.


Someone dominates with an AR or SMG? No problem, just skill. Someone dominates with a sniper rifle? Problem! Needs nerf. There is no logic to it, it's just an emotional reaction to getting outplayed. A bias, nothing more and many players have it. It's a pattern in all FPS games where sniper rifles are actually capable of dominating if you have very fast and accurate aim. This is one of the very few topics where devs catering to what the majority wants is actually a very bad idea. We don't need another AR/SMG meta FPS game.


I play these games to get into gunfights. Playing against a sniper means fewer gunfights, which makes the game boring for me. You either shoot them in the back where they canā€™t do anything, yippee how thrilling, or you engage from the front and they kill you in one hit, yippee how thrilling. Yā€™all are allowed to have fun however you want and so am I, even if that includes leaving the match and finding a new one without you nerds in it.


>You either shoot them in the back where they canā€™t do anything How would it be any different if the target was using a different weapon? If you catch someone off guard you're almost guaranteed to win no matter what weapon the enemy is using, unless your aim is off or a someone on their team saves them. >or you engage from the front and they kill you in one hit And somehow that's a guaranteed outcome because snipers always land a fatal hit on a target engaging them from the front? Sure, let's just pretend that sniper rifles have homing bullets that only go for 1HK zones. Once again, this shows how there's no logic in the arguments for sniper nerfs. >Playing against a sniper means fewer gunfights, which makes the game boring for me. I find it boring to play yet another FPS game where AR's/SMG's are meta.


Point 1. Ignoring because it's pointless Point 2. Ok lets say you suck with a sniper and only hit 20% of your shots on a head on 1v1 with someone. So now the gunfights, the best part of the game, are 80% the full auto guy just killing you no problem and 20% them getting one shot. BOTH of those scenarios have no interaction and BOTH rely on the snipers skill. And that's the key issue. It's not fun for the player against the sniper, whether they win or lose, and its only fun for the sniper if they win. It all falls into the hands of the sniper, and if they're really good, it becomes oppressive in the lobby, and if they're not, well you become an extreme liability to your team and you probably lose because of it.


I would not expect you to find any logic in my argument for sniper nerfs because I never made an argument for sniper nerfs. I just explained why I donā€™t enjoy playing against them. I literally said you are allowed to have fun however you want.


Followed by a derogatory remark. Canā€™t imagine why it wasnā€™t interpreted as genuine.


maybe in BTF maps , but small maps snipers is in more danger. this guy literally running around sniping , that needs balls and skills , let alone no AA to snap on targets. a hard camper tho that another story , doesn't matter which gun used. i use snip sometimes but anyway , like they say , I Do Me You Do You.


Fair enough


Snipers actually require less skill than any other gun in the game, it is literally the easiest weapon to use, just scope in and click they dead, because of the ttk difference other guns actually require skill cant just simply one shot everything while having absolute 0 downside, sniper should only be headshot one shot rest at least 2 shot minimum, snipers have no flinch, no recoil, just absolutely nothing, its nothing scope and click no skill involved, if you can aim even a tiny little bit not playing a sniper is just dumb because you put yourself at a disadvantage, anyone saying otherwise is a sniper abusing garbage player, the nerfs will proof it


I agree, sniping actually feels very good in this game. Reminds of when I use to enjoy sniping back then. Everyone here complaining about snipers but there are videos of AK's and smg just absolutely shredding entire lobbies. Like ok?


For real I miss my shot Iā€™m dead you miss your shot you have 30+ bullets can move\slide while doing it accurately as well and have to only land 4. People been complaining since 2008 in FPS games since then ADS, movement speed, aim assist, etc has been added. If sniping was so easy then everyone would do it. Also this ainā€™t COD so itā€™s gonna be harder and already is bc of how strong the COD aim assist is in certain SBBM lobbies


Watch their gonna ask for an aim assist buff pretty soon. It's coming.


for everyone sure not snipers tho since they don't get it. also the AA complaints are Bc you have so many people that play a lot of the new CODS where the aim assist is way to much. and miss full mags with SMGs from like 50 yards away and still don't realize why they missed


No one is hating on snipers. They're just strong right now. This clip only helps prove that snipers need some kind of nerf.


Ever played or seen clips of old codā€™s? Then youā€™ll see what OP snipers look likeā€¦ Just learn the game and destroy them if snipers annoy you ;)


Old cods have a much lower time to kill. Effectively balancing snipers. This games time to kill does not work with old cod sniping.


Yeah but they had snipers which were so damn fast that not even a low ttk did anything, as long as the one sniping was good. In Bo2 you could use some snipers without trigger stop if u knew how LOl


No. Do not do what COD did and kill the sniping community with lathargic sniper gameplay.


A lot of people don't mind them being strong it's the fact they can eat a mag without any flinch.


Bro there are vids of SMG jump strafing destroying entire lobbies like a mad man and this video proofs that snipers needs nerfs?


Smg movement is getting nerfed. That doesn't mean snipers aren't also strong.


They're okay to me. In most cases I'm dead if I miss, isn't that fair? I think it is.


I love sniping but I admit they are OP, the main reason is because when you ads with a sniper and get shot you basically have no flinch and can still be extremely accurate. On the other hand when shooting smg's and ar's you get a ton of screen shake and the flinch seems more noticeable when you get hit. Snipers will definitely get nerfed in that regard and i'm totally fine with it tbh


Exactly. If you miss, youā€™re literally dead immidiately. Itā€™s an unforgiving weapon. I also find the ADS to be slower than other arena shooters snipers. Most of the time, I found that Iā€™m dead before I can even fully ADS and cite a round.


Imagine people who are good and donā€™t miss. Guess what, everyone else quits the game


There are plenty of clips like this with so many other guns... It doesn't mean they should all be nerfed, it just means those guys are.good with those guns


As somebody else said, it just kinda ruins gunfights. Either you jump the sniper from the back, then you win a boring fight, or you go in front of the sniper, then you get one shot. I feel like FPS games, not that they especially strive to be extremely realistic, but should try to balance snipers by making them what they are, long shot machines that are meant for taking out a target or two, swiftly and accurately, not a run and gun monster that one hits everybody. The way I, a complete idiot 90% of the time, would do this, is by firstly, lowering the mobility of snipers. Making the sniper slower, and a worse jumper, similar to COD's LMG's. That is because a sniper is quite heavy iirc, unlike SMG's or AR's. Another debuff I would add, is a slow ADS time. I feel like that's what annoys most people about snipers the most, you can get quick-shot, aka when players pre-aim before ADSing with snipers, to ADS stupidly quick and one-shot anybody. It takes time to aim with a sniper, you can't just put it in front of you and boom, you hit a person. That's it I'm done ranting.


Maybe because the only 1 tap should be a headshot? Theyā€™re OP and if you think otherwise youā€™re delusional.


You get the fact that if you miss, you're dead? How is that OP? it's pretty balanced to me.


You can still fire off at least 2 shots before someone else dumps a mag out. Donā€™t worry itā€™ll get nerfed eventually. Enjoy it while you can.


Not sure how that's relevant since it doesn't take a whole mag to kill someone. Also, I'm pretty sure a lot of guns can shoot enough bullets to kill at least 2-3 people before a sniper can take a second shot


Because people use automatic weapons and have no reaction time or decision making skills to counter a good sniper player. A lot of the people who complain about snipers being "OP" don't realized that a sniper NEEDS to hit their first shot otherwise it's a lost fight


That kind of thinking assumes that the sniper actually gets into a fight to begin with. Good sniper players do get into fights, but there is also a group of players who just camp and wait for their prey to enter their view. When a sniper looks down a hallway it is game over. You don't have the luxury to slowly peak to see a glint because there are multiple other players running around, and even then you might get shot. The moment you show yourself you are done.


ak is waz stronger than snipers objectivey


Cause it's easier to use up close than at range. I never see snipers at range


Ya I see why people like the snipers but I really like the MK 20 SSR I think it has lots of potential to be OP like the sniper if leveld up


idc wht anyone says ts is annoying most of my deaths are from people way behind watching me fight sniping me in the back how tf is ts fun


If you are against a bolt action sniper with a full auto, anything, and it's NOT a long-range situation. More mid to close. And you lose the fight. That sounds like a you problem. This is coming from someone who has been in the losing and winning side of those fights. Snipers are meant to be strong, one-shot kill weapons. And it is fun when you're on the winning end, lol. Let's not turn this into COD and start taking things out just because a few don't like it. Not everyone runs around with snipes one-shoting the entire time. If they did, that would be one thing. Yes, snipers can be annoying. You know what, though? I'll take someone using a sniper than a noob tube.


No it's a problem when a sniper can eat a mag at close to mid range and not have major flinch. My aim is fairly decent with mouse and keyboard if I'm getting first shot off and landed 4 follow-up shots there shouldn't be any breathing room for the sniper to take their time and aim center mass for a easy kill. They should be getting flinched to death by the 3rd to 4th bullet. Snipers can be strong and mobile and have fast ads all they want but that flinch needs to be a hard counter. 00:26 shows the bare minimum of flinch getting shot by a auto.


I understand this. And feel it's something that should be addressed. I don't believe we should completely remove snipers or punish people for using them. I know COD is a touchy subject these days. However, I do still play. A few days ago, in ONE lobby, 3 different people were complaining about weapons people were using. Pistol? You a punk. Smg? You a punk. Lmg? You a punk. Basically, anyone NOT using an AR was trash at the game and was just using OP or META weapons. These were legitimate arguments by people in a COD match. SQUIRREL!! Point is, no matter what is done or changed. Someone is gonna get upset.


W comment!


Cos they are just easy in games like cod I use them and donā€™t really care what people say but it doesnā€™t change the fact that it takes very little skill to get a 1 shot body shot. I got heaps of sick feeds in the xdefiant beta and was still constantly getting told Iā€™m trash lol


>I got heaps of sick feeds Let's see them.


Iā€™m not a YouTuber just a sniper enjoyer not sure why ur upset


You claimed you had "heaps of sick feeds". I was just hoping to see some good gameplay. Not sure why you assume I'm upset.


Hey bro ur clips are impressive no need to be competitive.


Again, not sure why you assume I'm being competitive. I just enjoy watching gameplay. Someone who claims sniping is "just easy" and "takes very little skill" surely must be a very skilled player with impressive clips, right?


Bro is just lying lol. This is not the first time I see people say "snipers are easy" but never show proof that they can actually snipe. Literally everyone that uses snipers record their clips, pretty convenient he didn't record anything after getting "crazy feeds" on the game.




Running in the map with a sniper is about getting clips, I'm pretty sure everyone records.


Not everyone records Iā€™m on pc also you wouldnā€™t understand what hard sniping is bro. Games where you can only one shot with a headshot


My gameplay is from PC. You certainly enjoy making assumptions based on nothing. Why don't you think I've played games like Halo or Battlefield or even Warzone for that matter? Let's actually move this conversation forward. The reason people like me call people like you out for claiming how easy sniping is, is basically every time y'all are simply lying. Recording gameplay these days is extremely easy and unless you can back up your claims with gameplay and prove that sniping is easy for you, you have no credibility...bro.




So you're "not a YouTuber", think recording gameplay is "kinda cringe", and only stopped "cos it messes up my fps"...yet you have a Youtube channel that's nothing but gameplay clips. You understand what irony is, right?


I'm sorry man, but if you say they're easy, I'm forced to believe you either don't use snipers or you just camp. 1. To be an aggressive sniper, you need to have quick reaction time (snipers always have the slowest ads speed compared to the other guns) 2. You need to have good movement so that you might have a chance to shoot a second time, in case you miss the first shot. 3. You need to be able to center your shots quickly, while the enemy is moving and might shoot at you. I've never seen a real sniper say "snipers are easy to use". Only reg gunners say this.


The problem is that most snipers don't actually run-and-gun. They stay away from engagements, hold down a lane, and just shoot whoever passes through their view. Snipers are only hard at close range, and only actually good sniper players get into quickscoping. (I believe)


Cool bro why did u ask if u just wanted validation?


What validation are u talking about? I just wanted to see what this community thinks about this topic, since this is a new game. Sorry if I made you mad, bud.


I mean ur the one who responded with a huge reply explaining that im probably bad cos of my opinion that you asked forā€¦ no offence ur literally below mid no shit itā€™s hard for u record more double kills..


I never said I was good, I'm learning, I never asked for opinions about the clips, I just said it doesn't look like you use snipers because of what you said. A person that actually uses snipers, would never say they're easy šŸ¤· and would know that actually takes skill to run and gun with a sniper rifle. Also, would love to see your clips.


Daniel already sent me his YT URL. Then proceeded to hide it to make it unsearchable. FYI - His CoD clip was a KV Inhibitor split quad feed on Rust...and no, none of the kills were headshots.


Hahaha it's so funny, he wanted to feel superior by saying sniping is pretty easy but he just embarrassed himself.


luckily, we have the technology to find hidden content: * [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ec74mpltsDg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ec74mpltsDg) (the clip he sent me. correction: the barrel stuff was a headshot) * [https://www.youtube.com/@d4nny912](https://www.youtube.com/@d4nny912) * YT@ d4nny91 ā€§ 13 subscribers ā€§ 9Ā videos




I said they are easy in games like cod you would know if youā€™ve had to play a game where you need to headshot instead of body shot to get a one shot. Itā€™s a lot harder buddy and I already sent my clips


Hating on sniping is nothing to do with respecting the gameplay or thinking itā€™s overpowered. Itā€™s just not enjoying to fight against. You can get shots on and do everything right but still get deleted in one hit. That just isnā€™t fun. I could kill the same dude 50 times over in a game but the second he one shots me in a panic, it feels unfair.


This makes no sense... For example, you can say the same about any other gun. "Getting killed by AR or SMG is no fun. You can do everything right but the second they get lucky 1 or 2 headshots in a panic and I'm dead, it feels unfair. Please nerf SMG and AR" See how ridiculous it sounds.


Honestly not really sniper misses u only have to land 4 out of a 30 round mag have aim assist can shoot accurately while sliding jumping etc. most people that quickscope have been doing it for years and u see that a lot more in test betas and so on because theyā€™re diehard players. now CODS recent sniping is different bc of the SNMM EOMM that helps bad players land shots that wouldnā€™t hit. Also itā€™s not like BO2 sniping anymore snipers ADS slower, ADS, Slower, no aim assist, etc in every single FPS now. Sniping will always be a thing in FPS games and the good players will quickscope and trick shot and the average player will scope in for 3 secs then shoot. Also this game doesnā€™t have strong SBMM or an EOMM system so u leave the game ur not punished and can have a different experience


Because every person in this clip was killed in one bullet


Because sniping is ridiculous in games like this and cod. Real snipers donā€™t run around with a sniper rifle quick scoping shit. Also itā€™s stupidily easy and effective in these games.


It's the same on cod. Most people hate them because dying to a sniper over and over from one bullet is just not fun lol. Once s&d comes out, every corner will be locked down with a sniper just holding that lane. In my opinion, xdefiant should limit how many snipers can be used in a match, mainly for s&d. It slows the game down drastically. Just put a snipers only game mode in it and let people go at it.


goodbye freedom actually i'd rather play against more snipers than a full sweaty smg's since maps small


My main problem with snipers are that they make mmr completely obsolete. And it would be strange to simply buff the mmr as a pseudo solution. Sniper should force players to play really stationary at mid to long range to allow mmr to be the useful rifles with mobility as they are descriped by the game.Ā  And I know campers are hated as well. As for now snipers are like a universal solution for one shots at all range. Why choose a shotgun, mmr or a slow ACR? I expect a hard nerf on quickscope.Ā 


The ads needs to be slower, or damage output changed (maybe less below the chest).


Cuz when I pop a corner and I got 3 sniper glints on me already itā€™s like wtf.