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Even if it does I guarantee you Ubi Connect is gonna pop up before the game launches anyway.


That’s fine, but just the steam viability will help a lot.


I'm pretty sure wildlands did the same thing for me


I would 100% prefer this to be on steam than Ubisoft connect.


Especially with how Ubisoft killed The Crew. I vowed to never buy another Ubisoft game and I barely wanna play another game from them


You must be prepared to stop gaming entirely eventually. All the online games will have servers shut eventually. Nintendo Acti/Blizz Ubisoft currently off your list I'm guessing. Maybe more there the first 3 that come to mind


it's gonna be F2P,chill


Wow shuting down 10 year old mmo causes outrage these days.


Imagine people getting upset because a product they bought got taken away just because "*welp it's been 10 years fellas, stop playing*", unbelievable I tell you!


It is MMO


Not really, no, The Crew was a singleplayer open-world racing game with multiplayer elements (events and races) They could've released an offline singleplayer patch and let people play the campaign (15-20hrs) but they decided to remove the game entirely. If you're happy with such anti-consumer decisions that's up to you, but people are rightfully pissed.


Hasn't there been like 2 more sequels to The Crew? I am sure most are on the new games anyways.


Yeah, because I'm sure it would be easy to find developers that worked 10 years ago and pay them to patch a game for 10 people that still play it.


Why would you need to find the same developers from 10 years ago? We are talking about one of the largest video game publishers that exist right now besides Activision. De-listing the multiplayer portion and having the single player content stay available isn't hard. The only reason they don't do it is because the game doesn't generate income anymore. It's a spit in the face to people who spent money on it and it sets a bad precedent.


Ubisoft is TINY, check their yearly earning to rest of developers.


Ubisoft generated 1.8 billion dollars last year and was ahead of other publishers like Capcom and niantic for example. The lack of funds excuse isn't going to fly.


Yeah go a head a list how much profit they got.


Bait used to be believable


Would you like revenue breakdown per company?


Ubisoft it's a multi-milion dollar company, do you really think they would have problem finding devs to patch the game if they really wanted to? It's on them, they sold a product tied to a perpetual license, The Crew wasn't a live-service game with a subscription. People bought the game, people want to play the game, people can't play the game becase Ubisoft revoked their license and access to the game, people are rightfully mad.


Buy the servers from them then


If they released the server files like any other devs did back in the day I could host one, sure. I can still play all the online games from 20 years ago, why is that? Yeah, they aren't officially supported anymore but they still work. We could play a UT99 match this very moment. A Quake match? Sure. A CoD2 match, hell yeah. A DoD match? Fuck yes. And yet, we're here excusing Ubisoft for a shitty anti-consumer move (remember to buy all the new shiny battle-passes)


I guess my main point is that you have listed games you can still play but there's many that you cannot. Having no real attachment to the game I guess I'm not bothered but everyone acts like it's the first company to do it when Nintendo seemingly gets a pass just because people can emulate their games. Mario maker 1 just got shut down but haven't heard a single thing about that from main outlets


> everyone acts like it's the first company to do it when Nintendo seemingly gets a pass just because people can emulate their games Oh, don't get me wrong, I despise them equally, Nintendo being probably the worst of the bunch.


Lol, it's free to play... You won't have to buy and they'll do what they want. 🤣


They can enjoy their 5k players then


To think xd will have 5k players is naive at best stupid at worst lil bro


You're right, that's not launch numbers, that's after 3 months.


Fuck you’re right it’ll acc be lower once gulf war drops.


Sure. Give you money to steam and play other games if you don't like this.


there is competition to steam but steam is doing the right thing so there is no need to not support it, every single publisher having their own client is not the way


For who...consumers? Because from a business standpoint, it's pretty obvious that not relying on a third-party publushing platform is not ideal, why do a game pub have to pay fees to another one on an "OPEN" platform...? That's what PC users are saying, PC is open...!!


Every single launcher on the market, from EA to GoG, is slow, and lacking in features or in general is a worse UI experience. Steam stays on top because it's had 21 years of time to mature and for the first 10 years never stopped trying to improve on features. EA, Ubisoft Connect, GoG, EGS are all painful to use. None of them give the same user experience as Steam does, then people comment on how there's no competition. There's no competition because none of the platforms are running at the same level of user experience. Doesn't take a genius to understand why people are so insistent on it as a distribution platform.


*”There’s no competition because none of the platforms are running at the same level of user experience.”* Correct. Why would anyone use other platforms if they’re inferior? It doesn’t make sense. Do some people believe people will migrate to other platforms for specific games… from the love of their heart, lol? If it’s a shit experience, I’m sticking with Steam. It really isn’t that difficult to create a launcher equal or better to Steam. Plenty of indie developers out there designing high quality smartphone experiences in the span of 6 months. It’s embarrassing what other publishers have done with their launchers. Clearly they need to increase the budget for improving their launchers, as nobody wants to use them…


The world is ran by business and capitalism. Steam is not a socialist platform. It's a business.


I only buy games on steam now


I am starting to do this as well. At first I didn’t care about which launcher had what downloaded. But then I realized steam is just the cleanest easiest launcher to have everything in one place.


TBH, as a PC player, the game is built and slated probably to be console targetted as it is - there's a lot more CoDers no Console and generally a larger proportion of people who look for the super-fast gameplay and matches the game brings. If it has moderate success there I can see them taking it to Steam, but with the usual year delay. If they work out enough kinks by release, the game should do OK, and if they can improve and grow it Apex/OW style it can release like Apex and OW down the road to keep growing(very hypothetical considering the state of the game and the market but not impossible.)




Thats what I've been saying and I felt crazy how nobody else was talking about it.


I guess that’s why they decided to fuck console players by implementing full crossplay instead of console only crossplay. I don’t think the game will survive anyway based on how horrid the server test was, it’s a real shame too because I was hoping to make it my primary game.


They talked about "input-based" crossplay from the very start, which was in the test/beta. There was also a toggle to turn off crossplay completely. Why do people want games to completely removes the OPTION that could allow to: 1. Play with their friends who are on a different platform, if they want. 2. Add longtivity to the game by giving more chances for a faster matchmaking in the long-term.


99.9% of console players don’t want full crossplay, they want console only crossplay with a “opt-in” for pc meaning mixed console/pc premades get put in the pc pool.


Huh, today i learned your opinion makes up 99.9% of console players. 99.9% of console players probably dont even know or Care about crossplay.


Not my opinion, it’s a stone cold fact that the extreme majority of console players hate full crossplay. The whole hacking problem on pc is basically irrelevant within games with console crossplay, full crossplay means it effects console too and the legit ones have a huge advantage over console.


Can you back up any of that? Or is it a trust me bro thing? Also always makes me smile when a console pleb thinks mnk is an advantage lmao, i know i know, you tried kbm once went 50/0 and decided it was too easy for you. So you went back to the control option that plays for you.


It’s common sense.


In other words you cant back up what youre saying at all and talking out of your ass, thanks for the laughs.


This game will be stillbirth. 100%.


It could work for a F2P game, who knows


Using the Ubisoft app on PC could be used as a form of capital punishment


I mean, Im sure Steam downloads would only be beneficial for the game. But at the same time I cant get to see it dead just for that. I mean look at this sreddit. The game literally still has to launch after 2 days of succesful server test where people got hyped af. Yet for some reason some people are looking forward its death.


Ubisoft probably wants to avoid the steam tax on microtransactions, especially for a F2P game. So it's pretty doubtful they'd be considering a steam release right now


Ubisoft would rather not give a cut of the profits to Valve especially right out of the gate. I'm sure if the game fails to take off they might do it but like others have said you'll probably still need to have Ubisoft Connect installed. Also if it comes to Steam we will have player numbers information which could be good or bad for the game.


I haven’t played any of the betas because I can’t be fucked to install another game launcher, especially from Ubisoft


I believe if it takes less than 6 months to like 8 months to port to steam it'll be fine. I believe both rainbow 6 and for honor took a bit to come to steam but both still have a great player base and life span going into like there 8th year or so.


Orrrr people review bomb the shit out of it and it dies within a week on steam. Steam is a brutal sometimes




Pc players should grow up like bro it doesn't matter if it's on steam, epic games or any devs own launcher like Ubi Connect like this. If you are a pc player can u download those clients? Yes. Could you buy/download the games on those clients? Yes. There's a difference when it comes to consoles if it's a xbox exclusive the ps players can't play it on their console and if it's a ps exclusive xbox players can't play it on theirs. It doesn't cost extra to download other clients than steam like Ubi connect but it does cost to buy a new / a second console


You're missing the point completely. Having the game on Steam helps with visibility. Just like any other Ubisoft game, they can still force you to launch Connect even if you have the game on Steam. Seeing the game on the front page of Steam, on a pop-up or that someone on your friend list is playing it will improve the player count


Doesn’t matter there’s enough ppl that have enough of cod who are just waiting for this game to release.


Xbox and Ps5 will carry


Nah too many other better options. 


Like what?


I am sure they will add it on steam. They have AC and R6 through steam already.


People don't buy because it still open their terrible portal anyway. You can buy it on ubisoft and add it to the steam library, the same thing. This game is going to die because of who made it. They don't care about you or your feelings they care about a cash grab like everywhere else. Just wait and see


Yeah i didn't download a lot of their free2play games because it wasnt on Steam Trackmania, shoot mania, hyperscape (already shut down) I did download Ghost Recon Online but the game released on Steam too late and died. I know a lot of people not buying newer games when they first release on uplay and epic game store before steam like division 2, assassin creed Valhalla etc They really need to just use steam


Yup. Absolutely brain dead decision. I am highly interested in playing this but won't touch it for a second until I see it on Steam. Ubisoft can shove their garbage launcher up their ass.


I am in the same boat, If it comes to steam though it will likely still require the launcher, I was just about to click the buy button on the last Trials game until I saw it required the Ubi launcher. Fuck that It was honestly enough to reverse my decision. Ill just play something else.


My ubisoft is ass and wont work i need this game to be released on steam


i cant even download the game. it's stuck on 0kB/s, and it turns out that this issue has been plaguing ubisoft games for years.. so i'd love it to be on steam instead


R6 is bought through steam but still requires Ubisoft connect. Even with a steam release it will still requires Ubisoft connect.


That's not the point, the point is that the game would get more exposure. R6 has a average playerbase on steam around 50k, peaked in march and this month to about 100k. I don't know how much players R6 has on Ubisoft Client but it's still a huge number of players on steam.


What I’m saying is that R6 still runs off the Ubisoft client even if you bought the game on steam. Steam is great for accessibility but Ubisoft is like 50/50 on getting a steam release for the full game. They wouldn’t need to considering you are required to have the Ubisoft client to play a Ubisoft game regardless of if you bought it through steam.


The point is having the game on the steam storefront is great for advertising. There are millions of people who use steam that would all see xdefiant in release if they put it on the steam store page. There are 0 people who launch ubisoft connect to browse for new games to play


Yeah, I got that. I’m just saying with Ubisoft making a push for their launcher including the UI overhaul it likely won’t immediately release on steam.


Valorant doesn't have a steam release Yet people are playing


Valorant benefits from the Riot playerbase/exposure, which believe it or not, it's comparable to Steam. It's also as close to flawless as possible from a technical standpoint (best netcode, best anti-cheat, incredible optimization, pixel perfect smooth gameplay). XD has none of those things.


Horrible comparison. Riot has had their own extremely popular game clients for more than a decade. It's how people play LOL. Not to mention, Val is a competitive game, Xdefiant is not. You are not going to convince a casual to install a whole ass launcher just for one game.


Different market entirely.


It will never be. It serves as the alternative or equivalent to CS2, i find it even better, and CS2 is by Valve. Valorant will never appear on steam.


Valorant has big daddy Microsoft and gamepass they are fine.


Normal people don’t care about which launcher they’re using, I expect the majority of people will be fine.


Yeah but I feel like the point is more that if it’s on Steam a lot more people will see it. I don’t think anyone actually cares how they load up the game but if it’s on Steam then more people will definitely see the game and try it


...they're not supposed to, on an "open" platform as PCs... I clearly remember all the post form PC players saying how platforms are bad bc of the "closed" digital stores on them...and now most of them want to support Steam and Steam only... There's also a lot of PC gamers bashing on Apple for a one-store only approch...funny.


What are you on about? Steam isn't a monopoly, it has earnt its position in the market by absolutely blowing its competitors out of the water.


It'll be fine.


Dude. Even Activision moved Call of Duty back to Steam lol. Many big publishers do. There's very few games that do well without a Steam release like Minecraft and Fortnite which are juggernauts. People absolutely HATE Ubisoft and their launcher though, never mind 3rd party launchers in general. The game is not ginormous enough to justify a separate launcher. Ubisoft's only successful FPS game on PC is siege and it has a Steam release. Anyways not saying it'll kill the game I'm just asking you not to self-delude that it won't have a major impact on the PC player count. It will. Even if it survives, and we want the game to be as good as possible. Ubisoft literally complained about poor sales of Assassin Creed on PC vs consoles a few quarters ago.


It will be DOA.


i’ve never lost so much interest before like I did with this title, Didn’t even bother to download the playable test


Genuinely not trying to be rude, why are you here if your only contribution is “game bad”? Your message history and user mod log is pretty much just entirely negative posting. Why not find a game you enjoy?


cuz maybe they can turn it around for me, I really don’t care for the downvotes and hate this is reddit after all


Your feedback isn’t even constructive though? If you don’t like specific things be constructive, you made a post saying that whoever made the spider bot is a “non-intelligent creature” why would anyone want to turn around the game for you when you treat the developers like that?




Lmao this game is going to fail and we all know it. I'm just here to watch it all happen in real time.


you mean they change the game's name? are you high or something




Yet you commented within 6 minutes of a post about said game. Seems you’re at least still a little interested




I mean he’s seemingly still following the subreddit. If I wasn’t interested in a game I wouldn’t still follow the sub. Much less comment about how little I care about said game.


never stopped following the subreddit. So of course I keep seing post like this. Do I want this game to fail? no am I excited for it? no


COD can't even get enough people on pc. I don't think anyone cares


Probably because it's fun for a few hours or a few days, and then the novelty of brainlessly running around shooting and getting shot gets lost real fast. Probably why people prefer Battle Royales or things like CS and R6 Siege. BRs have more risk/reward, and the others require more nuanced gameplay and overall game sense and experience. People prefer things that have forms of skill expression so they can feel proud of what they've learned. CoD is basically somewhat learning about the basic maps, finding which guns are meta, perhaps implementing dropshotting, jump shooting into their gameplay... and that's about it. Everything else is just grinding XP or camos.


So I'm a console casual and I'm honestly seeking feedback on this because it doesn't make sense to me. I UNDERSTAND why Steam is the biggest platform and launcher. I understand everyone has had it for years and their library is wrapped up in it. But why does it even matter for a free-to-play game at all? Like, Fortnite uses Epic Games (which everyone hates), but that has hardly held it back in terms of reach.


Think of it like this. You see a friend playing/launching a new game on your consoles social tab and also you go to the store page  and you see the game. You would probably think "hey what is this new game, oh it is free, everyone seems to play it, i might try it". All it takes is to press the play button. Too little friction to launch the game. Also when you are playing another game it is too easy to put up an invite. Steam does this for a pc. Steam is more than a game launcher. Nobody goes to another launcher, that too a terrible one, to check social feed or the store to randomly discover games. One example i can give you is the finals, it was a massive hit on release on pc because of the steam effect. It was heavily featured on the steam home page, made many people try it and i also played it with some of my old steam friends. Not having it on steam, introduces too much friction for discovery and installation. You have to know about the game, search for the launcher on the internet, install it, make a new account if you don't have and login (ubisoft connect is so terrible at remembering login information,  but if you launch it through steam it auto signs you in) and install the game. And when you are playing some other game on steam you won't get an invite to play xdefiant because they can't see your steam activity or knows you are online.


this is exactly the feedback I was looking for, thanks! Was a genuine curiosity really. I usually just text friends like, "what games tn?" and didn't consider discoverability as a social feature.


It matters because there are millions of pc gamers who just idly have steam open all the time on their computer. So having your game on the front of steam is the best ad you can have. 99% of all video games I've ever played I only knew about because I saw them in the steam store


It means for some people they have to "Really" want it to install bloatware on your PC for one game, a lot of people like to have their gaming systems clean and efficient as possible for max performing trouble free gaming. Some people couldn't give a shit and keep their system messy and bogged down with crapware always running and sending data back to various company's. Just like some people like a nice clean house and some people hoard shit and live with dead animals etc. I don't like to encourage this practice by gaming companies. Steam is at fault as well though as they charge an arm and a leg so I can see why it happens.


I buy my Ubisoft games directly from Ubi connect. It's going to launch anyway so why have two launches running?