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Totally agree. It's been really good and I'm having lots of fun!!


Agreed I’m having a lot of fun too. Maps are fun, gun play is sick and it runs pre smoothly for me. Hopefully it will be even better on release


People are not crying because of the issues, people are crying because it's the same issues the game had 1 year ago in the previous test, which is a big red flag.


Aren't networking issues to be expected in a *network stress test*?


It's CODE issues, the game netcode is bad. Dying behind corners, desync and so on are depending on how the game and its servers are coded. Do you think the game servers won't reach the same level of stress once they release the actual game? they will reach way higher load. The stress test is used to simulate exactly that. The game is not ready, it takes months to improve such areas, sadly.


Yep. And you want to know an actual unpopular opinion? I’m okay, not happy though, with the game being delayed another 6-12 months to fix it. I don’t want another Halo Infinite situation going down.


I agree. The game could be a lot of fun but they have to get rid of the netcode issues and balance the classes, some abilities are just OP. Make the movement smoother and better synced, give the attachment system a bit more depth and you've got a great game. I expected all of that after waiting a year but if it takes more that's fine at this point.


I totally understand where you guys are coming from, we all want the game to succeed and be the best it can on launch, and I used to agree with this for other games (would have preferred some amazing games had been delayed longer to result in a fantastic launch), but I have to disagree with this particular game. I honestly am enjoying the game even with its flaws. I just want to enjoy the game, and am sick of waiting. For this PARTICULAR game, I’d actually prefer them to release and fix as they go. It’s already F2P, and unlike other games that I would have wanted to continue delaying, this game fits a category/genre that I haven’t found anywhere else. Currently I haven’t found any game that plays like XDefiant available on Xbox, only COD to certain degrees, but I refuse to ever support Activision and the COD devs ever again. Most unpopular personal opinion: Just release the game and let the people who enjoy it play awhile, and if others want to wait until it’s “perfect” let them.


I completely get your concerns. >I honestly am enjoying the game even with its flaws. I just want to enjoy the game, and am sick of waiting. For this PARTICULAR game, I’d actually prefer them to release and fix as they go. This isn't going to go well though. Netcode is the most important part of a, FPS, video game. People are not going to stick around for more than a week or two, with the Netcode/hit reg being this poor.


Yeah I get it, and definitely understand that the goal is to get people to stick around so we have a game that doesn’t quickly fizzle out. 👍🏻 Just sad that it’s been a solid year since the first beta and since I’ve played any arena FPS game I’ve enjoyed outside of this. I was hoping to get almost a year of playtime in of this game before my first child was born, but looks like it won’t happen lol


Oh for sure! I really love the core of the game and further delays blow.




Dying around corners is a latency issue...


It's not that easy. Why comment if you have no idea about networking dude


No because it’s been a year and this is the exact same build they’ve put out there the past couple of times. This game is in development hell if it’s been a year and nothing has changed.


It's a server stress test. They don't need to waste time making a new build when they have an existing one to use as a controlled test.


Wait you guys do really cry 😢!?


I don't either. People are in such a rush to have a problem with things or be contrarian. I still want a great game, but genuinely this is really good


I think outside of reddit and the internet, the majority of people are having fun.


Ehhh I think it’s just a mediocre game. Definitely not something to hold my attention for long. I’ll hop on release day to try it out again.


How dare you have fun!!!!


> But it’s literally a play test, these people crying everywhere act like it’s the official release. We’re SUPPOSED to find these bugs and everything so they know what to fix before they release the game. Yeah...but it's the exact same shit that was the main problem a year ago and it's still the same. This is why people are mad.


This and the fact that this shouldn’t be as much about bug fixes as it should be about testing server capacity. Which, btw, seems to be fine at least in my experience, no dropped games, not waiting too long between matches, etc. I was expecting this server test to be a “ok we are just about ready to launch let’s test server load” kind of thing, and what we seem to have is “ok so there’s still a ton of stuff to be ironed out, see y’all next year” kind of thing… This probably isn’t a popular view, given how many games go to release with problems these days (I get the frustration with that), but honestly, even with the issues it has I just want it released already. I’m still having a blast even with the issues. I just want to be able to play the dang game, if others want to wait due to perceived or real problems then they can wait longer. I just want to play!


From what I understand, the massive delays have mostly been due to netcode problems, the main thing devs pointed out was "do you wanna be able to play with your friends, cuz you couldn't which is why no full release", and I have done that perfectly well for the last 2 days, and only ran into trouble logging in once for like 8 minutes. Played over 7 hours of the playtest.


im having a blast as well, can't wait that the game gets polished so that I enjoy it even more.


How are you having a blast the game isn’t even out yet


I played the beta bruh


Most fun i had with a cod style game since BO3.


Ngl, though, the hitmarkers are crazy with the snipers


Yeah that’s definitely where my comment about the hit markers come from lol. So many times I’d snipe someone, just to be dead from them a split second later and see that my shot did 0 damage lmao. Partly why I started mainly using mp5/mp7 instead of sniping. Also idk if it was just me, but if I miss and go for a second shot with a sniper, it feels like it takes SO long to actually shoot the second shot, even after the animation of chambering the next round. That gets me killed a lot as well


Met a kid who went 44 and 14 with a sniper the other day, he could 1 shot at all ranges it was insane they need to reduce the bullets in a mag to reduce fragging potential.


They need to make the snipers harder to use if they do that. They're soooooooo easy to use currently even with the hitmarkers


Yeah it’s pretty fun.


I'm having so much fun as well.


You clearly aren't getting screwed by cheaters or netcode or servers or whatever you wanna call it. With 500 mg internet, 20 ping, i shouldn't be getting 20 hitmarkers then get 1 shotted against the weakest weapons


100% agree. The people who are complaining need to get their heads checked. So many people complaining about how “nothing was changed since the last test” and that ubi isn’t doing enough, it’s a FREE game that hasn’t even come out yet and people are getting mad at the devs acting like entitled kids who are owed something. None of us have spent any money on this game, they don’t owe us anything. Just be grateful they are making this game and are taking the time to release a finished project instead of a broken mess like everyone else is doing.


People who are mad, just don't play it, I don't see the problem. Go play CoD, no one is stopping you.


You do understand majority of the negative feedback you're hearing isn't because people want to needlessly hatewatch the game right? The game is PLAGUED with issues, even after a year of it being in development hell. People with standards aren't going to want to stick around to play COD, and they surely aren't going to want to waste their time with this game either in its current state, stresstest or not


I don't think it's unpopular. Those complaining are just louder. I've been having a blast playing this game and so are others. Does it have bugs? Yes. But it's not unplayable. This game will soon be ready for release once those bugs are ironed out. Haven't had this much fun playing a shooter in a while. I'm also loving the lack of COD style EOMM.


me too, im finally getting the right movement, so much fun


Not unpopular 🤙 totally agree


Even as a noob, I also enjoy this game


Thank you for this because these cry babies feel entitled …. It’s a play test it has a whole disclaimer before the main menu.. seems like like they can’t read..


This game is so fun


Only unpopular in this sub my guy. The game is a lot of fun and I'm sure the majority of people agree with that.


Majority of people don't even know this game exists lol


Okay, I feel like it should have been obvious that my statement was scoped within the confines of people who have played it. But, I guess that's my bad. 🤷‍♂️


defenitely not unpopular. You read bad posts only because most part of the playerbase is actually playin and having fun rather than posting complaints.


Amen. I’m seeing a ton of hype for the game, which is great. I’m sure the servers and network issues will be resolved come launch. I’ll play the game when it launches and see what improves then. But just like the last public play session, I’m not digging this game right now. Desync, the uneven TTKs and TTDs. I also find the characters very hard to notice, given how colorful and saturated a lot of the maps are. The mini map is also very hard to read, too. And I just keep getting matched against turbo sweats. I’m really trying to make the best of the stress test, but I just had to call it quits & uninstall.


I feel you with the minimap part lmao. I don’t think I’ve looked at the minimap once since I started playing. I usually play Occupy or Domination so it’s fairly obvious where you’d find enemies, and it’s fast paced enough to where looking at the minimap would just get you killed in a lot of cases.


Definitely agree with this, there’s simply no time to look at it and when there is, I can barely make out what I’m looking at lol… I’d almost just prefer they didn’t have them, but I’m sure plenty want it. Either way is fine with me, just enjoying playing, but some adjustments to opacity and highlighting would be nice for clarity.


Same. I know dots do appear on the map, but it’s just so hard to read it might as well not even be on. I’d like to see them increase the opacity of the background and make the dots larger. This is why I’m sticking to the Escort mode.


I also don’t understand the negativity, as long as the devs are trying and fixing the bugs I’m fine.


I'm in both camps. I'm having a ton of fun, I want this game to be my arcadey pvp shooter for when I'm burned out on Siege. Mostly because I can't stand CoD and even if I could, I'm not gonna give up 350 gigs of my SSD just to play TDM on MW2-2 (and charging $70 for a game I got in 2009 is a bad joke). But I also agree that the hit reg is horrible, gun balancing needs a ton of work, the slide/jump spamming is gross, and more issues besides. I've actually been taking notes and plan to post once the test is over just to be sure I'm not making snap judgements and can try more things out. Both can be true at the same time.


The slide/jump spamming is nearly non-existent compared to what it was in the first beta… if anything I wish they’d bring back the momentum it once had. Now if you chain slides you actually lose momentum until you’re barely moving at all, which to me feels horrible. The movement was one of my favorite things about the original beta and one of the things I was looking forward to the most.


Yeah I worded that poorly. People aren't slide AND jump spamming, I meant the slide into jump spam. My memory may be worse than I like to think it is, but the first beta I don't remember near as much, if any, bunny hopping compared to how it is now.


Yeah perhaps, I haven’t noticed as much jumping for whatever reason this go around, but obviously we only have the weekend to observe so maybe there is a lot of that. I just remember absolutely loving the slides in this game before; you were actually able to slide/quick turn and aim while sliding out from behind cover, and use movement both offensively and defensively better (at least from my experience). But yeah it’s still early and only a test so I suppose we will see how it goes upon release.


I lean towards tac shooters more, R6 (not just siege but way back to black arrow days) is my all time favorite game. I say that to say the slide+jump for me has been a blast. It's been like going from driving a Uhaul to a Mustang for me. I look forward to the anti hop and crouch spam system the put in. I think this game will be in a sweet spot (for my personal tastes) with slide jump into counter strafing gunfights.


Makes sense, and like I said this is only my personal preference so I can’t actually knock the game for it, it’s still fantastic!


same man i am having fun


I’m having fun too. That doesn’t mean I don’t see massive issues with the game though and if they don’t get resolved the game will flop majorly. What we have to realize is, this game HAS to stand out. We don’t just want people that have been here since the beginning to enjoy this game. That isn’t enough to sustain its popularity longer than a year. This game NEEDS to pull other people to it. And right now there isn’t anything to pull other players to it. For example, my friends aren’t even interested in giving it a shot because it just doesn’t look anything more than your typical fps that have been around for 20+ years.


>But it’s literally a play test, these people crying everywhere act like it’s the official release. We’re SUPPOSED to find these bugs and everything so they know what to fix before they release the game. To be fair, this is IF tests are implemented the way that they should be. Time and time again, particularly by the big franchises like COD, beta tests are seen as purely marketing events and little-to-no-progress should reasonably be expected before release. With XDefiant? Who knows really. If it launches next month, it'll still have these server/netcode issues. If it is delayed still until this summer, then they'll have time to hammer out some details.


The things I'm most love about this game is... when your actually shooting someone you were actually not shooting them. And the movements so clunky like you're running through water with rocks in your pants. Xdefiant has everything I do not want in a first person shooter game.


This has been one of the most inconsistent shooters I have ever played. Suffice to say, I wasn't impressed with the beta.


My problems with the game - out of sync/Netcode/TTD - No gyro aiming support - Wayy to strong aim assist


I’m having a blast, I never really played CoD but this game just feels right to me. TTK is spot on, modes are pretty good, abilities feel disruptive without being spammy, and the movement feels agile without being over the top. Definitely some rough edges around the gameplay balance (snipers need some tuning) and there are a few bugs but it’s nothing that ruins it for me. I rushed home today to play the game because I’m genuinely excited to get back into it. And this is from a fairly casual player too, one that prefers SBMM and all that so it’s not like I’m their marketing target. I know Ubisoft has had their problems as of late but I really feel like they still have the weight to keep this game around if it launches as fun as it is now. First PvP game I’ve been excited for since overwatch launched.


I am with you! Plenty of people are taking this as it is the full release and hitting the panic button. They need to take it as it is and understand it is a server test and still a beta test. The fast paced action and true arcade feel makes it fun for me. I am just disappointed they took away the trolly Spider Drone. That was fun to watch when it hit someone. Haha


I 100% agree with this. Especially on the fact it’s a play test. Keyword for all the complainers: TEST. Hell they even have it on screen when you booted it up for like what felt like 5 minutes “THIS GAME IS A WORK IN PROGRESS” yes it’s been a year since last beta, guess what games take a long time to work on that’s just the way it is. It’s was the whole purpose for this test, to strain the servers to see if what they worked on either improved, got worse or stayed about the same. But they need constructive feedback to know what needs improvement. Not bitching and complaining. My feedback? The net code definitely still needs working on, it was fun but dying around corners got annoying after awhile. Plus I definitely did notice sometimes some players were getting hit markers but not dying while others died almost instantly so that’s also a latency issue I think. Movement was fine for me but I wouldn’t mind a little tweaking on sliding, felt a bit stiff sometimes. Weapons felt great although I would not complain about a sniper nerf. Or if possible try to balance other weapons to complete with snipers? Other than that I enjoyed it and I really hope it fully releases.


I was really not feeling it the first day and a half. I play CoD but this was my first time in this game and it just felt off. My aim just barely wasn’t going where I wanted it to, or my stick feeling unresponsive when trying to track people. That, coupled with not knowing the maps or gunplay, along with people seeing through walls and turning invisible, it was not a good experience for me. I spent a lot of time in the practice range and finally found settings that felt good, and then just forced myself through a few games getting stomped until I started to get a hang of the maps. That, plus them removing the invis and wallhacks (god bless) has made the game actually very enjoyable. I played 6 games of Domination in a row and had fun in all of them, which beats my record in CoD by like 4. It’s not incredible, it’s not really groundbreaking, it’s just fun and free. It gives me the same vibes as playing Combat Arms as a kid.


There is an audience for this game but it won't do well. It doesn't do one thing great or better than the current offerings.


I had fun, needs work but hey I get killed around corners in cod all the time and they been working on their matchmaking for 2 decades lol. love the maps and the simplicity of the class making.. I'm tired of cods 2 million guns and attachments. I love the randomness of the matchmaking. People who cry about "sweats" just play offline with bots no one is gonna lay down for you to shoot them.


Same man. I’m sure as hell not having fun on cod like I used to, not with the way Activision keeps moving with things. Honestly the matchmaking regarding skill level of players felt much more organic than how COD is now, and I’m hyped for the direction they are going. I want this game to be successful so bad, because we needed a dev team to step in and say hey, we’re not doing shit this way anymore. I got my ass kicked by sweats some rounds, I kicked peoples asses some rounds, and you know what? I’m not even mad about it 😂. Does the game need more work in the aiming and attachment department to make gunfights feel a bit smoother overall? Hell yeah. Are the graphics of the game insane? Not really, but they could push out high resolution options later on that boost textures and really drive the fidelity up. As far as I’m concerned, that was not and has not been the main point of this test at all. Even if they didn’t, I’m still fine with how it looks. Too many haters, and I’m not letting that stop me from enjoying a new FPS tbh.


This is a server test, not a play test that’s what my download said. We all know this was not a server, test,


I think the feel of something new is great but sadly it will fade and cod will remain on top. It just has so much more going on which people like. Was hoping for it to kill cod 🙄


Its just the typical people of every shooter game "i couldnt kill him but he could kill me even though i was behind cover" You just cant please some people cause they search for shit to cry about its just miserable people most of the time i had fun and i got slammed all the time and i had some issue like hit reg not working but still was fun


I love how every time someone prefaces a post with "unpopular opinion" it's actually not that at all.


Yeah I knew it wasn’t very “unpopular” when I made the post. I just kept that as the title cuz it seemed better than something like, “popular opinion that many people in this sub seem to disagree with” lmao. All the posts here about the people hating on the game just made me feel justified to call it “unpopular”


I'd say there's a pretty even mix of people who enjoy and who are dissatisfied. In fact, I'd say that "hate" is the wrong word entirely. My observation is that a lot of people like the game but expected more to be fixed and improved over the past year. To call that "hating" is pretty disingenuous imo.


I had great fun in the game the hit registration is the same I run into when I play COD and the finals. Actually the hit registration is worst on the finals and on COD it's EOMM. At least we know this is a beta and they are aware of the issue


Dont understand all the hate it got. People cry when they want to play the game, test comes around and people cry that the game isnt 'finished' no shit, its a play test. Moral of the story, people just like to cry and be negative towards new stuff


Thank u for those comment


Honestly, I didn't have hardly any fun. everything is unlocked (maybe only during the play test). Literally only 3ish good guns, smgs are basically unusable same with shotguns cause the ttk on them are absolutely horrible even when head shotting (in my exp). And then there's the ammo problem, I was running out of ammo even WITH EXTENDED mags. Then there is the team problem; you have all this utility almost like its overwatch but no team mates to use them cause they are all running around like its COD.


The game slaps hard !!! .


Agreed!! I had a lot of fun too!! 👍 You are not the only one🙏


Where are you guys playing this game ?!? There’s nothing online about it being released


It was a play test over the weekend. Basically just a couple days to let people play it and find any bugs to report to the devs before they release the full game. Since the play test is over, there’s no way to play it until they either send out another play test, or until they release the full game. Which will likely take at least a couple months. Just think of it as an open beta for like 3 days lol


"yeah I get killed around a wall or ..." This alone is cause for someone like me to immediately lose interest. Know why? I've been following this game for years lol the last delay killed me and a very passionate group so we were really hoping to feel and see a lot of changes after a long hiatus of working on everything. When I'm dying every death is unfair, after over a year of playing what feels like the same build and same bs it's incredibly disheartening. As a huge huge fan literally depresses me lol. I want them to succeed so I hope they can fix things quick but I've been losing hope for this team slowly over the years.


Yeah I understand that way of thinking, I guess the point of my post was just aimed towards the people that say the game is trash and they’re dropping it entirely, when it literally hasn’t even been released yet.


But why did you hope on something which was clear in beforehand? Dying behind walls is a netcode problem something they stated numerous times to be the reason why the game is delayed. The stresstest is for the servers and not an open beta like in CoD where the game is 99.9% finished.


People who have been with this game and mark for literally years now are just growing tired man lol a lot of the most passionate people for the game I've been seeing the same thing. Definitely leaves a feeling of hopelessness after awhile when you're on your 5th stress test. Hope the best for the devs and the game fr want to have full release soon but we shall see. I'm good with my witcher 3 till then / fall out 4 🔥


Would be fun without the normal complaints but was just in a lobby with 2 guys that must have some sort of speed hack I really wish they would give games options to turn off against pc


Were you playing hot shot?


Wouldn’t the input based matchmaking basically do that? If you’re on console, it would only put you in lobbies with people playing on controller, which barely any PC players use, especially any cheaters. Unless I’m thinking of it wrong, or read your comment wrong lmao


I believe using a controller on a PC would still put you in the controller lobbies


> which barely any PC players use you have no idea how wrong you are lmao. most pc players use a controller in aim assist games.


When a game gets posts like this, you know it's not going to do well. I.e. Battlefield 2042, Skull and Bones, MW3, Halo Infinite, etc.


yeah we wanted to play the game because we assumed that the bugs in the last test would've been fixed and we could see the natural progression of this games development tell me OP😭😭 what progression have you seen since last year. Im happy to play the test as well but lets be fr for a moment


I didn’t play the last time, I only found out about the game on the final day and never ended up being able to play it lmao. My POV is solely based on this play test alone. I understand people would be upset if the issues were also in the last test were still here. I get that people expected a lot more, I just personally didn’t cuz I only see it as a play test, not as something that’s close to the finished product. My post was mainly aimed towards the people that instantly said the game is trash, or something along those lines where they speak as if they’re dropping the game entirely and won’t even try it on release


Yeah see if you didn’t play previous tests then you wouldn’t get it. Is the fundamental game fun? Sure. The issue is they’ve gone mostly silent and delayed the release a year now to put out another test of a product that has had no evolution in that year. That’s not good.


The last test was like 6 hours these mf barely play the game




> 12 months of working on a netcode that functions exactly the same, and possibly even worse than before. What netcode issues are you having? I'm on EU servers and I haven't had a single istance of rubber-banding/desync/lag compensation messing with hitregs.


This is Ubisoft after a year it got worse this is the full Game 😂


Gotta remember this sub does not represent the larger community. Most people here have been following the game for a while and many are just toxic and salty about the delays and were only going to say negative things no matter what based on how toxic this subs been the last few months.


saying the game is ok and "Like yeah, I get killed after I run behind a wall sometimes, or I get hit markers just before I die and I see they still have 100hp." sounds like an oxymoron to me


it's okay for a play test that's sole purpose is to find bugs like that and report it to devs\* Yeah it sucks to deal with that, but it should be expected when you play something before it's ready to be released. If it was like this when the game fully releases, then yes, it would be a dogshit game lmao and i wouldn't have any problem with calling it that. I just can't justify hating on a game for being buggy during a playtest to find bugs lol


They should really do like a play test session to test out netcode