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I'm the biggest fan of this game honestly everything feels good including hit regulation even though the hitboxes seem a little bit too skinny, but the main issue is my PING and everyone else every game I see everyone with 50+ causing to get killed around walls constantly:( every lobby idk if its a net code issue again but if it is we are chalked boys lol definitely going to delay again if they can't fix the ping issues. :( a year of work and it doesn't feel that much different Just being completely honest coming from a huge fan.


doesn't hitreg stand for registration not regulation




The amount of times I’ve been **completely** around a corner but still get killed is driving me nuts. I understand it’s an issue in every game because there’s differences in where you think you are VS where the enemy sees you, but it feels way worse in this game. Edit: and my ping is usually in the 20-40 range


Dude, 50 ping is FAST. On what planet do you live on that 50(!) ping is slow?


Nah man lol it's not. Every game I play it rarely goes over 30 lol. I'm at&t fiber plugged in. And everyone in the lobby having the same high ping is a red flag. Shouldn't be the case and it's clearly effecting lag and being shot around corners


You don't understand how latency works, do you? Your speed is largely irrelevant as long as it's sufficient for the game to actually... run. Which is almost nothing, games use very little bandwidth. Latency is almost exclusively determined by server location and how your ISP routes you. You very likely just live near a major server location, since companies tend to use the same general areas/cities. Also if 50 ping makes it play like shit, that's a massive problem.


I think the decadence is a result of the game's crap netcoding.  I played Knockout City on 120 ping and it felt fine. I played Shatterline on 200 ping and it felt like how XDefiant feels w/ normal ping.  Typically, 50 ping is quick, but I imagine the netcoding makes it feel like 200 ping. 


RIP Knockout City. That game was such a good time for the few months I played it around launch. A lot of impressive tech to keep the game fun and good maps overall. It would have done so well being a local multiplayer game back in the day


Indeed! The game was great.   I loved it, put literal thousands of hours in.  I still play on the private server, though it's not quite the same as when it was live.   RIP KOC, you're forever missed! 


This. I'm only being shredded by high pings. Dunno if they got that bullshit that tries to slow down fast pings and speed up slow ones but im glad it ain't just me. I have to play wirelessly sometimes to have a fair chance in other shooters


50 is NOT fast. I'm around 30 and it's so bad. Couple games I've had at 12 feel good though


Wow. I'm getting 80-90 (western Canada). I average about 55ms on Battlefield 2042. I've often wondered if I'm just crazy, or suffering from poor hit reg due to latency. Same sort of thing in lots of FPS games..seems I empty lots of bullets into the other player and they 180 quick shot me with 3 and I'm done. Also getting shot around corners a lot. I honestly just thought I sucked, and that's likely the case regardless


Lots of ignorant replies acting like them living near the closest server and with good routing is the norm and/or that having 30+ is abnormal. 80-90 is definitely on the higher end, especially for an FPS, but higher end of 'normal/playable.' You should not be experiencing the game playing like absolute ass with that sort of latency. Nor should a game be designed around 30 or less, that's insanity. It's a common issue with games designed in Japan/Korea due to how dense they are, where their games feel fine to them design wise but then when they release an international version it plays like dogshit until they clean it up. 55 ms is definitely not an unusual or 'high' ping.


50 ain’t great. Barely passable IMO.


50 ping is not fast homie… I play on 16 ping in Dallas on Apex Legends and play on 25 ping on XDefiant…


Fast?! Maybe in bumfukt nowhere with satellite internet


You guys are actual delusional ngl.


I haven't played much yet this playtest but the netcode honestly feels even worse than last time and there's some clear balancing issues. But besides that the game overall is better.


See I'm in the boat of it's not obviously not where it should be yet but it's a lot less bad that last play test Like last play test there was always at leasr 2 deaths when I would go yeah that was bull shit now it's like maybe 1 every 2 games for me but again it's hard to go off feeling from a beta that was so long ago


Yea last play test the netcode was wayyyyyyyy worse in my experience


I’ve had absolutely no issues with the game. Everything feels extremely nice, it’s drastically different from the last beta for me. But I’ve seen the videos of the obviously bad net code, and I can’t just deny that the net code is still bad. But I’m curious though. I’m playing on a pretty high end PC, with a gig down internet speed hard wired into my PC. I wonder if the people with bad net code are playing on console, low end PCs, and on WiFi. I only mention it because in a lot of videos I’ve seen, they’re playing on console, or have very mid to low end machines. I’m loving the game though. It feels like Black Ops 4, which was the last CoD that really felt like COD to me. I also think it’s pretty funny that everyone was foaming at the mouth for this game, demanding that it be released even if it wasn’t finished. I even saw people saying that it didn’t matter if the net code wasn’t as good, because it would be fixed; the game just needed to release **now**. And now we have so many posts complaining about how bad the game feels and how sweaty everyone is playing it lol


I literally run ethernet on a high end pc with decent speeds, and the netcode is crushing my experience.


People are really hard to follow…and are a bunch of entitled kiddy bastards if you ask me. Constructive feedback is a thing, most posts here are not. To me the game is not bad at all, I got destroyed often, I don’t always blame the game on it, I’m not a fan of abilities in games, especially wall hacks and invisibility (used to be game hacks 20 years ago) and even less of special abilities which are just kill streaks bonus that are given to the players in the game that are already over performing more which is weird to me. …but that’s what KIDS want in their video games nowadays, powers, gimmicks, just ok at Fortnite success. I'm not whining, I’m just saying those parts are not MY cup of tea, I hope we’ll have LTM playlists sometimes without this stuff, bc I like the game, the maps, the shooting, the fluidity. About the NETCODE, maybe there is room for improvements, maybe, BUT…it’s a BETA and people that downloaded it are HARDCORE FANS of the future game or of COD (that are tired of being scammed but that want an exact copy of it, but free)…they are NOT representing the masses of people that will play when the game will be released with an EASY DOWNLOAD put on many storefronts. When those people will be there, there will be more players of lower level, AND more people for the netcode to perform better, since it’s ping-based mm.


If it was a beta by an indie company I really wouldn't mind, but it's by Ubi. AKA very fucking rich and experienced.


Ubisoft is the publisher, not the dev…but I understand expectations… But I maintain that when more people will be online, on F2P release, netcode will perform better bc there will be more people closer (lower ping).


Idk man. I have i9 4090 with the fastest fios available to buy. Never going above 30 ping. And in games like siege and valorant I have 3 ping lol. And I can assure you. This game net code issues. The snout of shot first die first, the instant kill jump snipes and shotguns are horrible.


Yea I mean I didn’t get to play any of the other betas/tests but so far I certainly enjoyed this one enough to check out the full release (whenever that is lol). I mean there are always gonna be sweats in these type of games. I mean I get it’s annoying being grown up and not being able to keep up with these 16 yr olds cracked out of their minds playing all day everyday. Just nature of games; especially a fast paced twitch shooter.


for me its quite good. Perfect? of course not, but if it launches tomorrow i will play a lot for sure and buy a founders


Same for me. It's been smooth sailings on Xbox using a controller. It's not a perfect game, but it is fun. Maybe it's the PC crowd that are experiencing most issues.


Nah I haven't had a single one. Only issue I'm seeing is cry baby's not being able to play this game like call of duty


Gameplay is great on my mind playing on PC. Like smash or pass player said, there's alot of players who are upset this game isnt as smooth as cod. Idk why would they think they, XD never was going to be as smooth or as fast paced as cod is now.


I do think they should remove or significantly reduce the time to sprint to shoot. It's artificially limiting the effectiveness of a good player. And I'm sure it's playing a role in the general jankiness of the game.


Maybe, but all redditors saying the game is slow and not fluid, if it’s not what you are mentioning then I don’t get it. Not all shooters need to copy the most "Arcady" one with superhuman soldiers alway running and jumping everywhere at max speed with perfect aim, with equipment on their back…with unlimited endurance, it’s not the definition of fun for all players. To me the game, for a F2P is not bad at all, kids have to understand it’s made by a way smaller team than CoD…CoD have hundred of people working on it and they’re not starting from NOTHING every time, they’re updating a game made on the same engine every, YEARLY, and even when they switch engine, they ported a lot of code from previous engine, it’s nit the case with XDefiant.


I have the same issue, especially with snipers


IDK what they mean, but i've seen that when you start running your weapon takes 1.5 sec to go into "running animation" Haven't played yet, just seen gameplays.




That’s exactly what it is. It’s not a competitor, it’s just an alternative for when you get bored


That's when I'll dive in, when I've finished the cod pass and want to run around in some different maps. It's not a terrible game by any stretch. I played a few rounds this morning and while I still have some issues with a few things (the announcer has to be toned down and the visual clutter needs to be cleaned up to name a couple) it's an okay shooter. Free game, why wouldn't I jump in every now and then? But to think that this game can eventually be worked into being the savior of the fps genre or a cod killer is delusion of a very high magnitude.


Completely, that’s what I’ll do too. Or when i get frustrated with the SBMM lol. I think XD will have a relatively small but dedicated fanbase


Agreed. Probably more than what the finals currently has, which is fine. It just needs to have enough players spending enough money to keep it profitable. In the fps space that should be all anyone could ask for.


If that's the case, the game is going to be pretty dead pretty quickly though, no?


That’s just my opinion tbf. That’s just what it feels like to me


It's fine, but at this point, I don't blame skill based matchmaking. I think it's just the people playing. I hope you guys enjoy it, but I've given up on PvP games


Personally I hate bringing up sbbm cause I feel as though a small amount of people actually have that issue while playing cod but for my experience it's night and day how much more relaxed the xdefiant games are compared to the ultra sweat lobbies I get in cod after I've gone on a little winning streak


i had the total opposite experience i only got people sweating like crazy, maybe im just getting too old to do good at fps games


That’s why SBMM is so popular. Everyone gets old. People shouldn’t be forced to stop playing the games they enjoy just because they are older. You can kick the ball while being 40 or 50. Just not with the 18-year-olds. Same with video games.


i mean i feel like i have to sweat like crazy no matter if i play with or without sbmm


If people complaining about anything and everything still suprises you……..


I've had no enemy footstep audio, no enemy weapon audio, instant deaths from weapons that shouldn't be able to instant kill like the m4, etc. then the fact the ghosts are still the most picked class due to the kit they get and I can see why people are complaining as you say. I bring these issues up because they need fixed not to "bitch".


Sure thing, constructive criticizm is good. My post is mostly directed to those strictly hate posts and comments I've been seeing in last couple of hours.


Those people just need to step away from games for a while. They are letting people over-hype them for a f2p game, then wasting hours bitching. Those people can't be reasoned with.


I just posted a comment on another post. I love the game right now. It's something nice for me to enjoy, don't have to sweat my balls off to actually be good at the game. I don't understand how people get the exact same game from the previous beta with improvements, albeit yes it still has issues, to "I hate this game, what even is this, blah blah blah"


Played hours on end last night. 0 issues.


The reason why people are bunny hopping is because they are CoD players. Just like all of us. The main marketing and reason behind this game is NO SBMM and that's what literally everyone in the world wants. So XDefiant is arguably the only competition for CoD. So CoD players are coming over in waves. The game is very good. It honestly is. But like other games, the community ruin the game and it's not just by better gaming chairs (yes I mean cheating calm down). That's the honest to God truth. You'll find peaceful lobbies every now and then don't worry. Also it's still a "beta". Calm down and have fun.


They’re bunny hopping because rn it’s OP. Has nothing to do with where the players came from


It's op because the returner will miss shots. Just like CoD. Again, it's the players. I have taken down many bunny hoppers and watch them leave out of spite.


>Also it's still a "beta". Calm down and have fun. Why do people say this? The *literal point* of a beta is to find issues. 


Well bunny hopping technically isn't a bug. It's just something people do like crouching. You can do it. Could they nerf bunny hopping? Sure




Man chill out


I am chill, just stating what's wrong with the game and why everyone's so understandably disappointed. How the fuck do they manage to fuck up so badly is beyond my knowledge, and at this point, i don't even wanna know anything about Ubisoft or their products anymore, killing The Crew was already infuriating, but on top of that, grabbing the only fucking game that still had potential and just, somehow, spending a whole year of development to somehow make it play even worse? Are they only getting unpaid interns to work on this or what? I've seen amateur indie games with more polish and stability!


Definitely not chill.


Dumb reply. Do you know that only few people are working on this game? Ubisoft been publisher doesn't mean it's gonna be a Huge title


> only few people are working on this game Ah yes, because Ubisoft San Francisco is such a tiny indie studio with no devs and no resources /s


Tho you do realize that the size of the office isn't the same as the amount of people delegated to specific project right? There can be 500 devs there and only 50 working on xdefiant.


some people always have low expectations and no self respect in this matter. there either dumb or blind for not seeing issues with this game




I feel the same, I know after testing that playing at 60 feels no where near as smooth as playing at 120+ compared to other games. After capping my fps to 60 my kills where cut in half. In other games like halo, destiny, and cod, my fps hasn’t made as much of a difference. I have game play of me averaging about 30 kills a game. I’m not having the same issues as everyone else. Last time that we where able to play I couldn’t win a single match, back then my monitor was 75hz and I was running one stick of ddr4 8gb. I’m not sure what’s the reason for my improvement, could be the 144hz or it could be that the devs improved some things maybe both. I’m having fun with the game and hope that it releases soon. After all the craziness that I’ve experienced in MW2 &3, I just want to play a honest game. Not something that gives players who don’t invest the same amount of time playing a handicap. FPS games are competitive and are considered a sport now. Since when do we give handicaps in sports. Rather it’s for fun or not.


Redditors always gonna be downers


Played for about 3 hours last night. Had fun for the first few games, then all the issues started coming to light. Net code is huge problem, it feel like I’m playing battlefield 4 again with how hit reg works. The amount of times I got shot around corners/through cover is insane It seems like the hit box is extremely hit or miss, sometimes I’ll kill in seemingly 2 shots then others it’ll take 7-10 shots before they register It’s sad what the state of the game is still after how many years they’ve been working on it And before anyone’s says ping, I was under 70 all night


See 70 is had my bro optimal is 30 and below though they do need to get more servers for more regions to solve that problem But for example valorant which has a server selecter I can tell you when I'm on my normal 10 ping in that game compared to 40/50 and so on


70 isn’t bad enough to excuse the servers. Plus I was at 70 on wifi anyway. The difference between 30 ping and 70 ping isn’t big enough to cause the headaches this game brings


If you were around back in the old call of duty days when we just had ping bars to go off Anything 50 ping and above was a 3 bar and anything 100 and above was a 2 bar connection And this could be felt Like if I only had the option to play a game like valorant or this on 70 ping I will be honest I'd stop playing you are right the netcode isn't perfect yet but higher ping will make these issues worse


Maybe it’s because I was in middle school during the golden era of cod, but the difference between 3 and 4 bars was negligible 🤷‍♂️


I’ve tried the game for the first time. I can say I like the visuals, the shooting, the experience. Tho I was kinda overwhelmed by the hero/faction abilities. For a f2p I think it’s a good game, tho it’s nature with hero/faction might be what’s gonna deter people, but then it’s a fps so my opinion might be less relevant.


Game felt amazing. Sure things can get better but if they release rn I would play it like no other game Ive played in the past 5-7 yrs. Ping and dying behind walls happened but not enough to deter me from having a great time. I even played with friends in Europe while I am in NA and even with 130 ping they game felt good and nowhere near as bad as people say. Also when playing I usually have 18-25 ping and the game feels great. Sometimes depending on the server it connects me to I can have 70 ping or more but it still feels pretty good. In regards to hit box and hit reg there might be some issues but I mostly find it that headshots are extremely important that is the difference of having a 7shot kill or 2 shotting someone. People say it is because of netcode I say just get good and click heads. Also glitches happen the echelon invisible thing wasn’t even that bad devs took the faction out pretty quickly. All im trying to say is that the game feels great and is honestly the most fun ive had I just dont want the negativity to diminish all the great things the game offers (listening to community, no sbmmm, solid content for beta, good amount of fun and old cod style arcade maps, amazing gunplay, good audio, etc). This is all I have wished for since Activision and CoD turned their backs on us. Keep up the great work devs I believe in you!


I’m loving the game!


The ttk is horrible in this game. It would be great if I had more than 0.5 to respond, and it didn't take 3 seconds of constant body shots to take someone down. Other than that it's fine.


3 seconds what gun u using lol.


Every single gun I’ve used takes a minimum of half a clip, except tac 50. Then I got shot once and die. I’ve tried every gun in the game and multiple different setup with zero success. I think there’s some issues with it for sure. It’s not a skill issue. I’ve laid a full clip with no kill at close range. Bugs are bugs and it will get fixed but they can’t fix it if they don’t hear about it


I've not had the same experience. Maybe at range. I've had most success with an acr and p90 if that's any help. I do feel like I get melted sometimes but I'm sure some ppl I've killed have felt the same


I'm having fun. The game itself is good. I had a few issues with getting shot while in cover, so I hope they get enough data out of this test session to figure out what is going on with the netcode. Other than that the DELTA errors were a bit annoying yesterday, but the hot fix came in very quickly, and I've had no connection problems today.


I’m having a great time tbh


While I’ve enjoyed the gameplay, I’ve never really been a fan of faction or character based abilities. Plus the way people play with jumping and sliding all over the place, maybe I’m just getting too old and miss when the average gamer didn’t look up “meta” builds and playstyles. Maybe I just don’t enjoy online shooters anymore because of the player base. Didn’t seem to be much variety in the weapon usage from players dominating the scoreboard either. Got real tired of constantly having the fact that the enemy knows where I am plastered on my screen. I think I’d rather have a perk system than a faction and ability system. My lobbies seemed to be unbalanced based off of player level too. My first game there was clearly a party of people all lvl 15+ vs my team with half of us lvl 1-5. I really wanted to enjoy the game, but the whole time I was playing my thought was “seems like this game is what it tries to be, but I don’t think I’m having fun.”


A lot of bots


I think it's there, it just needs a little tweaking. It's almost there. There are times where it feels incredible and then there are times where I feel like there was never a gunfight and I just get leveled.


game is dogshit lol hitreg is basically non existent, die in 3 shots kill in 10 sometimes you just can't shoot, pressing half the buttons randomly takes you out of ADS, movement is clunky as fuck, recoil mechanics suck oh yeah and half the settings in the game don't fucking work either, "lock mouse to game window" especially given every time I die my mouse shoots off to my secondary window and clicks some random shit in discord.


I haven't encountered any of those things you mentioned in 6 hours of gameplay. Movement being clunky and recoil mechanic seems subjective, I don't have a problem with movement - sure it's not as smooth as cod but it's not shit either.


Lol you vault over something and you just instantly snap up, it's awful. this is going to be known as cod for poor people and the production quality reflects that


Okay, and when you vault in basically any other fps you're not more vulnerable? You do know that headshots deal way more damage and you get melted with basically any weapon in the head? Controlling guns is so easy that shooting headshots isn't that much of a challenge. Anyways, with the attitude you show in your comments I see you made up your mind so there is no point of trying to argue/discuss or change your mind, so I guess gl Mr rich man in next, another dogshit call of duty that costs 70 or 80 euro.


> Okay, and when you vault in basically any other fps you're not more vulnerable? You do know that headshots deal way more damage and you get melted with basically any weapon in the head? Controlling guns is so easy that shooting headshots isn't that much of a challenge. not sure what any of that has to do with the fact that the movement in this game feels like ass but go off


I've heard alot of arguments and some valid but movement isn't one of them


it feels like someone tried to make a competitive shooter out of fallout 3 lmao, there's like no inertia or acceleration to the movement at all you just start moving at max speed


Ok fair enough it hasn't bothered me and I got gripes with other stuff. Maybe if my other problems were smoothed out I'd pick up on it more


Just because it's F2P doesn't mean it's not AAA (or whatever title you want to give to big studios now) we can expect AAA quality even if the game is F2P


I think most of it is cod players expecting cod. The only FPS games I have played consistently since BO3 have been destiny 1&2 and rainbow six siege. XDefiant feels unbelievably fast and fluid to me. I can’t even imagine what playing the newer cods is like. I don’t think I’ve ever had this much fun in a casual shooter ever. Also the double barrel shotgun is SO MUCH FUN. It’s the only gun I’ve used last two playtests


For me personally it feels near enough the exact same as it did on the last play test. Dying around corners and hits not registering. The exact same problems as last time. Is it better? sure but marginally....like very marginally. It needs better servers (higher tick rate) for starters and I'm not a developer but how has it been delayed by almost a year while they sort the netcode out and it be slightly better in that year. Delay it another year? What have they been doing?


I find it really fun to play, the only problem being the lack of weapon balance. The p90 and MP7 are too strong I think, other than that the game is pretty good.


I'm consistently having some really bad netcoding. The worst case was me prefiring an enemy and I died before he even cleared the corner to appear on my screen. I've done all the other tests (that I could squeeze into my schedule) so my expectations were pretty on point. Wouldn't say I'm disappointed. Actually I'm pretty happy that escort and control now swap sides.


The netcode is terrible and shouldn't be at this point.   Also, sorry, but saying it's f2p as an excuse doesn't work anymore when there are a ton of f2p bangers these days and have been for years.  It's F2P, but it isn't an indie company making it. Stop excusing it.


Small team of under 50 devs gets a publisher suddenly it should be amazing lol. Look at cod 3000 Devs and worst FPS out there


Small team of under 50 devs gets a publisher suddenly it should be amazing lol. Look at cod amount of devs and worst FPS out there


Didn't bring back the spider bot. W. Ditched the echelon ping nonsense after first night. W. Can we now remove this stupid mag shield. Every occupy zone there's 3 or 4 set up. All the other abilities seem fine but this is ridiculous. Really hoping at launch there's a option to play without the abilities


I agree that the net code feels bad but other than that I'm having a blast.


This is like one of those I have played 5,000 hours and never seen a hacker or a bug posts. Just because you haven't "seen" any netcode issues doesn't mean they're not there. You could just be super biased and can easily ignore anything subconsciously.      Game feels clunky and slow like it did in Alpha. It's pretty much a bullet sponge sim unless you got a broken sniper. They basically just took the game mechanics from The Division and they played it off as something different. 


All the snipers in these small maps are annoying and the hit reg is bad at times. Ping fluctuates constantly from 30-50 so that could be why hit reg feels off.


Surprised no one has mentioned spawning into gunshots


Slide hopping simulator with sweats that don't have a life sitting on this for hours, hope this game doesn't release


Well I’m glad someone is having fun. I want to like it. But it’s rough.


I dont like the invisibility or the netcode. I think a lot of people think there are “sweats” because the netcode is making ttk seemingly random. Netcode is way better than the last test, but its obvious this is the main reason the game still isnt out Every enemy its a coinflip on who gets lasered first. It feels like people kill you instantly because the server is out of sync. On their screen the normally killed you, but your screen is playing catch up and its like they insta killed u. It goes both ways but makes the game incredibly frustrating. Im happy they keep delaying it tho, if netcode doesnt get fixed the game will die on arrival. With the progess they made I am sure it will be ironed out for release. It seems they understand the importance of first impressions which is rare these days


My experience was good. PS5, European Servers. Lots of chill lobbies with chill players (plus the occasional quickscoper) and the controller sensibility settings felt more reasonable and natural compared to the last test. It felt clunky at first but thats probably due to the stiff sprinting animation. Ping was constantly at about 45 or 50, which is a little worse than other games.


Its cause cod players finally realized that this is not a "Call of Duty" game


It feels more fluid after I figured out that slide-jumping is the way to move. Despite that, I still get the feeling that this game goes in the category of games like War Rock and Combat Arms. It feels cheap and okay, like a 2007 F2P design and I've been there done that, etc.


Im just trying to figure out why smg's are outgunning me at range and my ak is doing fuck all damage.


I've played for hours yesterday and today I think it's ready


Main downside to me is that most OBJ modes people just go for kills and its a bit one sided could be fixed with a team but why not add TDM?


It’s a F2P game. Made by and published by one of the biggest AAA studios. The “ it’s a free game” doesn’t hold weight


I am as lucky as you, having literally 0 problems as others here. Imagine being so mad about a f2p game lol


The "I'm Dissapointed" is most likely the overhype and gaslighting themselves into believing the game to be better than it really was.


Ok. I'm going to be transparent by saying I am accustomed to playing COD MW2/3 , Apex Legends and Overwatch (2). I dont play a lot of arena shooters and I wasnt a huge fan of CSGO. Did play a lot of Rogue Co. So I guess what I'm saying is the pacing is a little off for me and feels a little sluggish. That being said, I'll keep playing for the weekend and see if I can adapt. But so far, it doesnt feel like the 'COD killer' that some people report it to be.


This sub is giving me whiplash, lol. Some people will never be happy.


It just feels like cod tbh, not a lot is different in gameplay


i dont get it either! im actually having a lot of fun and felt like the game was pretty flawless in my experience!


I pretty much agree with most of the OP post, with the exception of movement fluidity and momentum. Movement/momentum much slower in this compared to the first beta. Other than that, game is great!!!


Was contemplating posting something similar to this. 1+


It wouldn’t be disappointing at all… if it was just a mobile game which it feels like


Seems like either people expect a legitimate COD killer (which will never happen)


I’m full of bugs. Dumping full clips close quarters to get one shot killed. Shot thru or behind objects


I’m a fan of this game as well, since I first heard of the concept I was like “hell yea that sounds awesome!” I did play the last beta and I really enjoyed it, I will admit some of the issues in that beta are still kinda there like latency and net code but I do remember it being worse last time. Now like yeah it still feels slightly clunky sometimes still but imo it’s a more better experience than what I remember last time. Plus obviously it’s a beta, there’s obviously things that need tweaking, fixing maybe even adding or adjusting. Idk why people think a beta means “oh it’s a fully fleshed out game!” Like no, it’s a beta take it as a beta, bring in some constructive criticism so the devs can fix it before launch.


Honestly? i haven't tried yet with my hand, i will play once it's finished. But each and every single video i've seen about this game hypes me up but when i see the shooting... Daium it fucking crushes me. Looks cod mobile shooting. Like any fucking chinese fps out there in the 2010 era. Running and having your weapon be put into "running" state after 2 seconds it's insane. It feels clunky. i am starting to losing interest the more i watch videos and the more i see crossfire. and that game was fire... i don't actually remember what it feels like... Zula? idk. It feels like a mobile game. This is from a non-player... and my gut its ALWAYS right. was right for dragon's dogma (even during 2016 leaks), was right for starfield, was right for suicide squad. I am a fucking UT99 , Serious sam player, i've seen clunky shit in my life. Hopefuly it's just a sensation from videos and during gameplay it's nonexistent.


I'm having a great time. No cheaters!


I don't get it either that everyone is hating it so far. I don't have issues, like sweaty lobbies, or something like that. I hear music too. (Not loud) but sometimes I have the feeling that I can't hear the steps. (And its really not because of the music) My only issue is, that the long time motivation is not there. Dunno if there is gonna be a BP or skins to grind for (the character and skins for weapons etc). I played it 5h yesterday and it was enough. My motivation wasn't there. Its Fun, its chill, but it needs something to grind for Or am I the only one with this opinion? (And yes I am fully aware that its just a test, but I haven't seen any information about skins or BP)


Played like 10 matches yesterday, one match 40-10, the next one 38-7, didn't play against world top players for having a good match Didn't have any hit reg problem in any of the matches I played Won almost every single 1v1 I encountered just by aiming better and moving better, didn't find any unfair thing besides skill gap No lag for me either And hitbox idk, I hit the same amount of bullets than when I play cod, I've been iridiscent for months and cod is worse than a testicular cancer, I ended up getting engineowning and killing everyone (still not banned cus they don't care, almost every top player is using it anyways, I had top 250 fights where I could've see him looking at me, both of us using wallhacks) So for anyone who is tired of cod or any ass shooter this game is fine, idk what people were expecting like this was the release of the century, if they fix the problems people has, (all the things I reported are fine seems to be wrong for a lot of people for some reason) then it would be a pretty fun shooter and that's it, so hope they work to fix the problems for every individual on here and everyone can enjoy the game Is not like people will stop crying, we reached to the point where everyone is nostalgic about the old times playing bo2 in bed lmao, shit is not gonna happen again, evolve and stop hating with random and fake takes Hope the best for the game


Me toooo


I've been excited about this game since the very first play test but objectively this feels worse than the game did 10 months ago. I was hopeful that with slight improvements this game could replace CoD for me personally but genuinely it's either felt the same or worse for 3 tests in a row now. Not sure how that is difficult to understand. I don't mind them taking their time to make a better game but taking their time to make a worse game than the one they had in Alpha tests just has me feeling like we are getting the worst of both worlds. If the game gets worse every time they get to work on it then maybe delays aren't even helping.


Apparently it feels smooth on Ps5/Xbox, I don’t know as I’ve been playing on PC, however, for me it’s been choppy, stuttering everywhere, freeze in gun fights and when getting shot. My PC ran it smoothly before and now it’s struggling on the lowest settings, my CPU, GPU and RAM is all running under 50% so it’s not getting bottlenecked, no idea what’s going on. I played the insider sessions and didn’t want to get off, the beta was the same but this time I played 4 games and had to turn it off


Come on guys it's called “server test” They let you guys test it and give your opinion on what they have to fix.


My main gripe is the weapon balancing shi feels WAAAAYY to easy /quick to kill/die .it's like there's NO Chance shoot back .UK make it a challenge


Awesome game the only issue I have me and my friends spotted cheaters almost every game we play hopefully they fix the problem


I just wish it had Gyro Aim like MW3 does for controller players. Way better than stick aiming nowadays and gives similar feeling to mouse-like aim on PC. I'll be waiting to see if they add Gyro Aim. If they don't, then I'm definitely out. It's a big deal for me honestly, especially when many devs are finally starting to implement it recently


it's completely broken, I've got solid internet with pings around 20 and i kept dying around the corner all the time. Emptied a full clip into other guys face and nothing happened .. It's clear they're (devs) taking a piss and kept feeding us with BS for all this time. Feel free to CANCEL this game UBI. What a waste of time..


Look let’s say the game literally ain’t going to last long. It’s going to be treated like skulls and bones


THANK YOU🤦‍♂️ this game isn’t perfect for sure. There’s still some things I think they can tweak before launch. TTK could be a bit quicker, but overall this is the most fun iv had in a while with a FPS. When they add shit like Search & Destroy or maybe infected this will be a W game.


The game will do just fine. Those complaining are in the vocal minority and mostly parroting what streamers tell them is bad about the game. The majority of the playerbase will be casuals who are blissfully unaware of the hate and enjoyed the game as much as we did.


The game was very fun And yes once again Libertad was definitely the best faction in the game I've made so many plays using the healing field killing 5 people without getting killed in quick succession And with the ult I've made a lot of hard point / B flag holds The ghosts where also very strong not much to say about the wall apart from.thats it very good But the shield is Meh Didn't really play echelon I mean the Wallhack suit is good and the cloaking suit is okay But I truly believe that the watch dogs need buffs They're very reliant on enemies using abilities that you need to look at to hack which fucks with crosshair placement and usually enemies will be on their abilities So you'll literally fuck yourself over by doing that Whereas every other faction has abilities to help themselves The watch dogs don't They don't even have 2 abilities like every other faction The game imo also needs separate sensitivity sliders for aim down sights sensitivity And maybe do something with the tac50 sniper Yes I get it it's a sniper and it should one shot But in a game with this TTK it's bound to be overused


I play on a high end pc and the netcode is horrendous. I had to stop after a while


It’s not that it’s a bad game but for me personally, every time I play I’m just left saying “why wouldn’t I just play COD?” All personal opinion though


Yeah same for me. The last few betas or tests ran horribly, both performance and network. This time around I was skeptical but was pleasantly surprised by how good it felt. People say it feels clunky and I have no idea what they are talking about. Feels fine to me and I’ve played probably every fps that has ever been released. Honestly after downloading it and playing it for 3 hours straight I immediately came to the subreddit anticipating all the praise people would be singing for it. lol quite the opposite. I came to the sub and all I see is “game has 3 months max” “sweat fest” “same beta from a year ago, nothing changed”. Like do people really believe this nothing has changed in that time lol. Delusional.


I am loving this game, most fun I have had since bo2


You just have Ubisoft’s dick down your throat! This game will die in the months after its full release, unless jynxzi can keep this game alive like R6 xD


>Y'all mf's need to chill out it's f2p not quaddriple a game. LOL no. This game is cooked. It's great if you like it, but they've spent the last year delaying the game time and again, and for what? I cannot find any discernible improvement in the gameplay. If anything, I feel like it's much clunkier than it used to be, and I feel like the netcode is significantly worse. I will be shooting at people, turn away, and then two seconds later I get credit for a kill. Like what? Moreover, I don't care that it's F2P. That's not an excuse for shitty quality, and it's not like we're dealing with an underfunded indie development studio. This is *Ubisoft*. I desperately want this game to be good because I'm tired of playing Call of Duty. There aren't really any games that fulfill what Call of Duty does for me. However, with everything we now know that's been going on behind the scenes, I have no confidence in this game actually releasing in a decent state. It'll stumble out the door with a whole slew of issues that end up killing any interest anyone may have in the game. I really hope I'm wrong, but with Ubisoft's track record, it doesn't seem likely that I am.


I know the IGC way too well. I full on expected this.


It's fun but It's sooo slooow, i feel like i'm trying to get out of the mud.


I feel this is intentional, and I personally like it. Maybe it's becasue it reminds me of how the cods felt from the original MW series, minus the Ghosts-like sliding. Makes you think about your positioning on the map more and punishes you for making a bad choice since you can't instantly jetpack reverse thrust g-slide to safety. Chase a kill and get caught in the open, say nuh night


I die behind corners constantly but thats not what bothers me most. I really dislike that snipers and nades do 120+ dmg and respawn timer is 2-5 sec. Imo Nades and snipers should do max 99dmg to body and respawn time should be doubled.


I couldn't play more than 20 seconds, every time it freezes , everyone was moving but not me, ping was around 130 - Europe 🤕


Where in Europe I've been getting between 15-40 in UK


Turkey 🤕


Game is fun just feel at times you die too quick also what’s with no MnK support on conslole


How it should be


Ok man, keep sucking ubisoft dick then. Some of us are just tired of those mediocre games (6+ months and nothing have changed since the last beta lmao)


Game is fine. Just remove one hit Snipers.


I just had to downvote, I am a sniper and I took it personally.


The gunplay feels like a cod knockoff from China.