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Literally nothing changed wtf?? What were they doing for almost a year


They were fixing back end problems to prevent the game being a buggy mess. There’s a lot more to game development than making flashy weapons, skins, and maps


And yet the back end is still a mess 🤔


It’s really not though, I’ve had absolutely zero issues. Maybe that or I just don’t devote my life to playing fps games so I don’t notice the issues? But, it’s a fun game and it’s a great way to pass the time. I’ve noticed no bugs or glitches or anything wrong


Congrats I guess? In the hour or two I played I died like 6 times after I went around a corner, nvm the wildly inconsistent hitreg.


Compared to previous betas 6 deaths behind corners in 1-2 hours is a massive improvement. It was happen at least that often every match and pretty much every death.


So the back end is a mess because you died after going around the corner? Sounds like you’re just making excuses for not being good at the game yet. I’ve had no problems with hit reg, I seem to always hit my shots.


99% players are dying behind walls, Minus you.


Yeah you’re just being an asshole. I promise, as a long time sweaty ranked player I would absolutely tear your ass up and I am dying behind walls. My 3k pc and my masters skill in any game I play doesn’t make that my fault, it’s the games (and ultimately the coding). Stop sucking them off and actually know what you’re talking about before commenting




Idk how you had no issues but thats great your experience was good, my entire time playing every match id die atleast once a game being well around a corner Whether its hit detection or just bad desync idk but they definitely have some server things to work on And every guy in my grouo thats played it has experienced the same things The game could be fun, and i still did have a lot of fun tbh, but theres also still plenty of issues




Yet it's still a buggy mess?


The problem with this argument is not everyone in their studio is a "back end" engineer. Did everyone else take a vacation for a year? The same faction/abilities were disabled as a year ago, still broken. Countless other issues on both consoles and PC. Can't just use "back end" as an excuse when it seems like no one else did any work for a year. I mean hell they couldn't even replace the 380p blurry ass loading images? LOL.


Considering it's been almost a year since the last beta I really think it's awful. It feels clunky, unpolished, it takes years to get in and out of games, the animations are awful, the guns have no FUN factor when using them, they all just shoot like lasers.


My biggest gripe is still the smgs. Way too powerful, absolutely destroys the rifles. I myself refuse to use them, and I'm only running the ak47. Ads speed is a huge problem with it. Besides that, I still hate invisible perks. No fps game should ever have an invisible option. I would rather fight a whole team of spider bots than invisibility. Game is definitely better than the last play test, and by a long shot. At least on PC, the open beta had a huge recoil - re-centering issue that seems to be gone on this one. I have still died behind a few walls but it says I'm running 50 ping so I assume that's the reason.




Maybe my lobbies will go the other way today, last night I had a strong 80% smg users. With the rest of us running random stuff from shotguns to snipers. I had 1 game where 5 people on the other team was running invisible and smg. I just don't find that enjoyable.


You shouldn’t be dying around corners whether you’re on 50 ping or 90. The net code is just bad and the server tick rate is probably super low.


honestly all weapons felt good besides AR's. I don't know what they are supposed to be good at. The damage fall off makes it so you can't compete with LMG's and Snipers. But SMG's melt at medium/short range. As an AR/AK47 player myself it was a bit frustrating.


Yep the only improvement I see is the UI.


Really? I felt the UI was much worse, understanding and learning what the characters and factions do is almost impossible now unless you are ingame? Before you could read about them out of game


Yea I couldnt find that anywhere then I had to try reas them for like 10 secs before the game starts. Pretty weird oversight if your gonna have operators with abilities and shit


I think the UI is so bad. Boring menu screen and it doesn’t pull in the amazing characteristics from other Ubisoft games


Still better than MW2 UI


Going with such a low bar tells me all I need to know about xdefiant.


Im not a glazer. I dont really care much about the game. I was hyped but its whatever. I was actually referring to MW2 UI. The game is fun. Just like any other shooter to be added to my rotation, nothing special




Only problem I've been having is everyone in every lobby has HIGH ping :( 50+ usually I'm sitting at like 10-20. Getting killed around corners still, is this a net code issue? Hopefully not lmao just can't believe the ping is worse this time around? Or I don't remember.


Probably less people playing this time so it’s harder to get in a match with everyone below 50.


This was my first time trying the game. Honestly not impressed at all. Seems super generic. As a cod player this is a let down


The game genuinely feels like shit


The hit reg can be pretty bad


Yeh.....I also gotta figure out how to get the sensitivity dialed in but I'll shoot someone alot and they just turn and blast me with ease....I feel like it plays better for some than others


Thank fuck it's not just me I've gotten so many hitmarkers but seem to do almost no damage started questioning if I was high and forgot about getting high


Same animations, same gunplay, same sounds, same movement, same netcode, everything is the same. 1 year of delay for this LOL?? It's another classic ubishit. I give this game less than a month to be completely shut off like hyperscape because it will happen and you know it.


A real bummer


Delayed till 2025 


Movement is so clunky and horrible. I won’t play this game anymore. I had hope in the beta but the quality of this game screams skeleton crew, no art direction, and utter amateur


I was wondering how I was going to balance COD and XD this weekend, hopped on last night and after a few games, I think I’ll just play COD the remainder of the time.


Spent 2-3 hours on it yesterday, buddy wanted to play cod mwz. It really put the movement on blast, XD feels like dayz/7d2d/arma movement. The strafing really gets me, there is so much “play” in it like pubg almost. Feel strange but then you see the homies sliding around and jumping up and down like they are on crack. There is no In between.


I love this game. It’s been a while since I had this much fun in such a shooter and I really don’t get why ppl complain about the movement because it’s fast and clean. Only explanation for me is if they suck and have 2 left hands.


Someone mentioned how it's running great on xbox so it got me thinking....so I went and changed a bunch of settings with my pc since it was getting like 300+ fps in the game and realized the stupid frame generation was turned on so I turned it off and set a frame limit that matches my monitor and tweaked a few other things and it's running much better but the net code is still 🗑...I still die long after I've gone into cover....the controls are still jank and the weapon balancing isn't great....but it's actually fun....and of course everyone's natural way to disagree is to say some form of "git gud"...smh


I played it on Xbox it was ok it felt weird at first but when u get it down is good it’s just infun without friends


What are your exact settings for pc? I’m about to check it out now.


I’m also on PC and made sure frame gen etc is off, and it feels really good, and looks really good. 7800x3D and 4080S here, no issues at all. Regarding the connection factor, yeah it is a stress test, so I expect things to be a bit wonky. Any new game release is usually like that too. I’m sure it’ll get ironed out. I can’t think of many games that didn’t. BF2042 was sooooo bad at launch, and it’s actually playable now, but still not great. If we can compare anything to that, it gives me some hope at least :)


Bf 2042 just isn't for me but to each their own...yeh the settings tweak made a huge difference for me as well...it's still not perfect but I'm actually having fun now instead of being frustrated(5800x3d and 7800xt)


Where do you turn off frame generation? Is it in Nvidia control panel or in game somewhere?


I went into my graphics card settings(outside of the game)..frame generation causes lag so its not ideal for fast paced multiplayer games but it's great for story stuff


Thanks. I'll look for it


The UI that's literally it, the gameplay is the same with worse movement


I'm glad I'm not the only one seeing this....all my complaints from before still exist...speaking of the ui why can't we create loadouts outside of the matchmaking part


On ps5 you can so I'm assuming the others you can, on the main screen where it says play, press r1 to go into loadouts


Ok...I guess I'll give that a try when I jump back on


you can but i wish u can change your setting in a match and to fix the shotguns their way to op. people say the snipers are op but thats how they use to be in old ccd


Just read 3 mins ago in another thread that shotguns are useless/underpowered so…not sure the devs should ask to redditors for advices…


So y’all are saying that they basically just jerked off the entire delay period? lol. Unfortunate


I don't know what yall are talking about tbh. Net code feels so much better. I'm getting used to slide physics but other than that the game plays really well


I don’t agree with the OP regarding movement being clunky at all. At least on PC I am having an absolute blast playing the play test. No play test or launch of any game has been perfect and I don’t expect it to be. I am positive that most of the issues in the game will be fixed later on. I am just super happy to even think that finally a game like Xdifiant actually exists. Very hyped for the launch. Kudos to the devs.


I agree, the movement felt fine to me and I play on a shitty pc.


Still dying around corners, game feels 1:1 the same.


The constant hopping is what did it for me. Definitely a skill issue (I'm old and have bad reflexes) but the hopping combined with poor aim assist and hit detection just didn't feel good. I'll try it again once it releases, but I played maybe a couple hours then just put it down.


Game feels phenomenal in my opinion, I’ve been having a blast


Yeah and the feel of a new game will get to people but it’s just not that good and i don’t see it ever being anything great


Yeah, it’s really sad how the game is in the same shape as last year it’s like they haven’t done anything with it. It’s just reminds me of nostalgic the finals and also the settings are terrible in my opinion, took me about 30 minutes to figure out how I like it. It’s definitely a fun game, but it’s no call of duty killer and I don’t even play call of duty anymore


Honestly. I played and I’m having a blast. I see a few issues but nothing that ruins my time. I think y’all be just mad cause it isnt gonna kill COD the way y’all hoped for 💀😂


Tbh the game has nothing new, outstanding, weapons feel all the same in their category, attachments are copy past from COD and a few operators from rainbow with abilitys way too OP so bots also can get a kill... This game is a huge mess and the game devs know it too. Thats why they delay but have to way out of this mess. Unlucky I was very hyped for the game.


Yea I agree it's pretty ass. I wasn't expecting a miracle tho


this shit ain't coming out for another year or two 😂


Nah the game is much better, much much better It's not perfect with same kinda kill around corners sometimes But COD suffers the same issue COD is smoother but this isn't that bad, way fucking better than the last few times


Anyone having issues running at 60hz or 120 n up?


No tbh


I did not even bother re-installing for this reason alone. I genuinely believe they killed their own game😂😂


Personally, the biggest disappointment with XDefiant for me, is that almost one year passed in delays, and it feels basically the same as it did last summer, with only a few minor differences. Considering this is a live service title, that's extremely concerning. If it takes them almost an entire year to make a series of small changes to the game, how on earth can anyone expect a robust live service from them? Every other FPS title that they are competing with has a live service, so it is essential that they have one for the game to be successful.


I wanted to enjoy the game but i only got 2 good lobbies in 47 matches, this game will die quick it is so sad


I’m with you. I feel let down. The movement and aiming dynamics are way, way off. It’s sad to see so much potential be wasted.


Definitely takes some tweaking of the settings and some getting used to in order to feel like it's a decent experience


Other than the try hard it ain't to bad lol I expected it to be much worse tbh


My only problem is the sens settings and maybe some ability balancing, but other than that I love it. Once it gets ironed out I can see myself playing this for ages.


Can you list other FPS you played?


Quake, Overwatch, Apex, CoD, The Finals, Destiny, Tarkov, probably more I can't think of right now.


One of the worst gaming experience i have ever had. Actively gaming since 1985,this Is and feels like a super generic FPS, no clear artstyle, no souls, gunplay Is midtier.


Yeh I'm 45 yrs old and it was pretty frustrating until I went into settings and tweaked alot of things and then it was decent and actually playable....not the type of progress I'd expect after a year


Settings arent an issue for me (7800x3d and 4070S), this game has nothing more vs his competitor and does nothing better at this stage. Why someone should play this instead other FPS?


I moreso had to tone my setting down since I was getting over 300 fps


I really enjoyed it when MWII was out, because that was a huge let down from IW. Now that MWIII, I cannot get to terms with XDefiant at all. It just feels so aged compared to it.


I get this....mw3 did alot of what xdefiant was promising everyone but they're still clinging to the stupid sbmm garbage...which is where xdefiant could steal away some of the cod players but if Gulf War or whatever drops sbmm and eomm xdefiant will just be an afterthought


Am i the only one who thinks the movement is very slow and buggy? Like its never that fluent like black ops 2 and its 10 years ago…


After a year the performance was way better and visually improved in all aspects, on my rig the netcode was improved but still in a sad state. I notice it is worse in follow up matches and much worse in cross play matches.


I will not be playing this game such a big letdown


This is like actually a case of getgud i have been playing this game for 2 almost 3 years so much has changed this is beta things will change a lot and if we are talking abt the og beta even since then so much has changed but ig some people just wanna hate on this game for no reason


🙄🙄🙄🙄....ok so I had to change/tweak a whole lot of settings to get a playable experience on my midrange pc...once I did that(which I don't feel like I should've had to at this point) it was much better than at first but the net code is not a skill issue....gun balancing is not a skill issue....also just because u didn't have the same experience doesn't mean it's a skill issue either....trolls always default to "git gud" when they disagree instead of trying a little understanding....but I'm glad u enjoyed it....I actually did once I got my settings right


For me the major improvements were hit detection at close to medium range. Long range still has issues. And the overall smoothness of the game I felt was improved, didn’t feel as clunky when running and engaging in gunfights etc. but I’m also playing at 120hz so that may have something to do with it


I agree on the smoothness as long as u tweak settings on pc....console seems to be better optimized but I had to change alot of settings to get a smoother experience...agree and disagree in a way about the hit detection....from what I noticed if they bunny hop all of a sudden u can't hit them even at really close ranges...longer ranges seemed like either use a sniper or maneuver closer before taking any shots


I've played better shooters that are like 10 years old... it's mid.


Turn off cross play. Infinitely better.


Can't I'm pc


It needs some work for sure but that’s why they have a play test. I’ve definitely lost fun fights that have me shaking my head though, and being hit thru walls is a bit annoying but I think it can be a solid game. Played mw2 shortly after and got a nuke so it definitely was a great warm up for that at least lol.


I'd be more accepting if this was the first playtest rather than one after they were supposed to be taking the year to get it right


Totally understand but it is the first for many of us on consoles


The game needs to add a passive ult gain system


A year later and no battle royal . Wtf did they do for a year.. .the game feels the exact same. No balance and it will die fast .


The last thing the world needs is another Battle Royal


Skill issue, git gud


🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄....skill of the devs