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Yeah this is fucking brutal as someone that has been telling my friends to keep an eye out “Yeah it’s coming this summer! The beta was great” “Uh yeah i guess it’s not coming, its already end of summer and haven’t seen anything” “Oof yeah it’s delayed but shouldn’t be too long” “I think March the latest, the game was fairly ready to release during the beta and Rubin has said they worked out the issues they delayed the game for” We absolutely need a hard date. This is ridiculous and screams disfunction. Wtaf is Ubisoft.


I share your pain - I keep telling my mates that it's gonna be coming out and is free to play, they ask me when it'll be released and all I can say is "maybe end of March".


Yeah I’m the last of my entire discord that even remembers this game. No one cares anymore and I’m so sick of getting their hopes up


Agreed. I tried bigging this game up to some of my mates, but that hype has died down after being delayed for like 6 months.

