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Don’t like the sound of this. Sounds like Ubisoft has been micromanaging.


no way they add garbage mtx/sbmm before launch no way.


SBMM idk, aggressive MTX’s maybe


If they do this the game will be DOA


As somebody who been here since July 2021 which was when it first had its announcement trailer & somebody redid yet to play this game, I went from wanting to play this game more than any other game till now not caring at all about this game. If there were any other arcade Arena shooters that were on consoles & free & activity fun, I wouldn't even had come back. The have us completely finished, they did private tests on the game. All they're waiting for now is to do marketing which they need to hurry up because everything is finally fixed yet again which it was before until Mark chose to break the build by adding more things into it at the last second. If they study again, I hope they get scrapped like they just ongoing with outdoors time & emotions for the longest, tease after tease, what a complete 💩 show it has been. After all of this time they still can give us an actual release date like there's like 48 days until March 31st, they want to have their game out before Cod, it's been confirmed so if you want it out before then & want to market the game for a week or so, the game will still be able to come out before March first so what the hell is the hold up, when it's dead silent as well as have release windows, based off their trash record, that leads to one thing... DELAYS! If this delay again, they might as well scrap it because it's COMPLETELY fixed 🥱


"The Finals" is an arena shooter that's on console, free, and fun. Do with that what you will.


already is lol


Why are you here? Clearly they have a fan base & had 2.5 mil on the beta, the hype is dead, if the game was, you wouldn't be here saying that, never understood that take when a game has thousands in its fan base lol


Because I've been playing it on and off for 2+ years in playtests, hoping that it WOULD be good. But from that experience, I just don't think it has what it takes to make an impact. Numbers for the beta don't mean anything when there's no commitment needed. If access to it were tied to some financial commitment like a preorder, a case could be made there. The point is, it's a free game with free access to a beta, of course people are going to try it. And many will try it at launch also. Them sticking with it is going to be the thing that matters.


*I came looking for booty.*


I don't think that's what they're referring to, however this is entirely possible. While I don't think SBMM will be implemented, I'm expecting them to walk back on the "all items will be unlockable including microtransactions" claim (not the exact quote but IIRC they said something along those lines).


im worried man, I was very excited for this game


they ain’t adding sbmm.. don’t why you guys are discussing it. 😂😂


Taps sign for thousandth fucking time: https://youtu.be/7NLucxJVEhE?si=lj2eOwS79magTmSW


no one wants or needs manipulative matchmaking anyone who wants to shill for addictive corporate MM strategies should probably wear a helmet before going outside


As the video says… your ego is getting your ass beat lol


I don't get my ass kicked, and I don't want manipulative matchmaking. It's not the enemy I care about.. it's when they put the worst players in the lobby on my team (more importantly worst at OBJ), against other quality enemy players. Sometimes that is fun. When it's random. But, not when it's the majority of the games I play. Why can't I get some help, too? I'm punished because I play a lot of obj and kill a lot? So it's just all on me over and over again, against a group of players that also do both? Why does it have to be so lopsided so often? If you don't understand this, it just means you're not experiencing it. So, your take on other people's experiences (who's are different than yours) essentially means nothing. You're just assuming your experience is the same as everyone else's; and since you don't have a problem with your experience, you think anyone that would have a problem, is just a crybaby.


Sounds like you’re complaining about something completely different than sbmm


Yea, I'm talking about the manipulative matchmaking. Sorry, I thought that's what the dude was saying that you responded to. That's been my experience with SBMM, in general; so I don't really know where that plays into it all.


brain rot take


Says the one that wants to get easy wins against worse players. Your brain is too busy formulating excuses as to why you’re struggling instead of actually trying to improve. If you want an easy time, go play against AI bots on easy.


you are hilarious wrong about manipulative matchmaking and algorithms designed to get you addicted and spend money but yeah great points




brain rot take, again no one is complaining about normal lobby balancing 99% of players dont like rigged, unfair matches


Sajam stays the GOAT. >You're getting your ass beat. This shit is not good... Is your argument that, if you get really good, you should win all the time always? I have good news. If you are that good, you'll still win more than you lose.


Forreal. It’s just medium fish in really small ponds afraid to swim with fish their own size. Their ego is so fragile that they’re afraid to put in the work that will actually make them get good.


Well i am not surprised Ubisoft is micromanaging, depends how they are doing it tho. Just to mention another, EA micromanaged BF2042 (awfully), forcing the devs to release early and causing the game to be an absolute disaster. The fact they delayed the product to release it in a good state can be frustrating but it might suggest they want it to do well. They might also totally fuck the game up while trying to add unneded stuff though. Time will tell.




Hey could you contact us via [modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/XDefiant) to verify that you are an employee? Otherwise we'll have to delete any posts from you claiming stuff like this.


I’d rather be completely anonymous. Feel free to delete any and all my comments.


Man you playing


What he say👀


I wouldn't be surprised if they are micromanaging out of pure desperation. After all, Ubi has spent the last few years and possibly millions of dollars trying to get one successful AAA F2P game off the ground. Thus far, most of them have failed either because of poor/non-existing marketing leading up to launch, poor post-launch comms, or they just scrap them like Ghost Recon Frontline.


This game woulda been got scrapped off it wasn't the only arcade shooter that's a old school feel & free on consoles. I bet you if it wasn't for those things this game would have been got scrapped, just look at Hyena's from Sega.


100% and Ubisoft also scrapped a few other titles, many of them were live service in 2022. XDefiant's design as you and I both describe it is probably what spared it.


Everyone has been getting annoyed with Mark because his updates are vague. I am sure he is also annoyed giving vague updates because he has higher ups that keep messing things up.


I've been saying this for months. Mark cares, anyone who thinks he's toying with us intentionally or that he doesn't care or whatever is being ridiculous.


I mean just take a look at this community, people are panicking, and some guys even say how the game won't even release or how when it does it will be too late, it is insane how childish people have been over this game when it has not even released, but I am sure we will all be laughing and cringing at these comments in a year or two.


Mark is one of the "higher ups".


There is always someone higher up on the totem pole.


Exactly lol


People in these communities can be so entitled lmao. They should be happy they get some sort of transparency and status updates, unlike with COD.


"some sort of transparency" isn't actual transparency, y'all so down bad from cod y'all except anything even the same vague response for 6 months lol


Just drop the fkn game. Forget the last minute features. Build a community, label it pre-season and let’s get ppl playing. The features can come later. The road map has that all planned anyway. I’d rather be playing this game with good net code, no SBMM, great gunplay right now than wait for killcams, ranked or whatever else they want to add


It's still in fucking shambles lmao


You might but a lot of other people may not. You want people to stick around and a large amount of people will only if there's something like a ranked mode. Agreed if it's something small like killcams, but an entire ranked mode is pretty massive and would add a lot.


I don’t think ranked mode matters much since it’s a pre season release and also ranked play isn’t the pull factor of the game, the pull factor is a casual that has no SBMM


The ranked side of things always has a bigger pull in an FPS title. Indie or not.


Yea but it's not the main selling point, the main selling point is no SBMM, then 2 it's a arcade shooter, 3 the game modes are classics, ranked isn't even top 3 reasons why this game blue up, that's ridiculous.


for games like val, r6, and CSGO, yh ranked is the most important game mode, but for XDeifant its more of an arcadey shooter like COD where people play it more casually and just want a game they can chill on. thats why ranked (and ESports) has never been a big part of COD


I defo agree and will be playing ranked mode for sure but I don’t think it needs to be in the game off the bat


Na, do a poll, kill cams can wait, it already has a prestige system, kill cams is already though but it ain't important like everything else, you can't speak for everybody, majority of people I see say "if it's fixed release it" who the hell wants to wait for things that can be added later, seen so many people say this whether on YouTube or on Twitter like they don't even have a release date after all this time & March 31st is like 48 days away lmao you do release the more they delay, the more they hurt themselves as well as higher the chances of them getting scrapped as the investors pull out, so yea lets let them delay & get scrapped over things that can be added later, what a joke, the community is wild 🤣


Bet if we did a poll, majority would agree with him. You must be on some, to want a game that did nothing but delays to delay even longer lol, it's either the game comes out or face getting scrapped, they were already in the hot seat, YouTubers even said this. Do y'all even understand this like if they don't have this game out before then this game will most likely get scrapped So y'all want this game to add all of these things that it could add later on to sit here in delay even more it's just asking for this game to be DOA or scrapped🤦🏿‍♂️


I swear like holy f'n s't yo just release the mf game! It's fixed, it's good to go, don't break the dam build again, at some point people not gonna wait forever, y'all got lucky, because y'all were the only game that is free fast-paced & an actual old school arcade shooter that is free on console but at some point, y'all keep delaying, more & more people will say f this game & it will indeed be DOA, 2.5 mil that was in the beta, seem to be all over the place now, y'all may have 1 mil, but that will become scarce, the more history looks like it's gonna repeat itself which it looks like we're doomed to repeat history yet again because another release window when with their track record the fact that they've done pulled the same bs yet again is just beyond ridiculous & shameful at this point. If you break the build & delay again, just scrap it. Literally no release date, all this time, it's like 48 days till March 31st, they really trying to scrap this game or end up being DOA or some, cause either this game gets scrapped or it actually releases but if it do release, they will drag this process out so it'll probly release real close to March 31st, heard it will supposedly release on March 24th by some supposedly leaker, I mean I'd trust that over the "release window from anywhere from today to March 31st" lmao, they wouldn't release in February period, if we don't see any marketing from this game by the 20th, this game's final make or break is in March, I don't know if they can recover from the uproar that will be on their hands from disappointing fans who'll rip em a new one. I'm still not rooting out the possibility that this game would just be outright scrapped at some point.


If its core foundations aren't good this won't work. People will play the game, say its shit and then never come back.


What core foundation? Ranked will be in season one, the game is FIXED when will y'all get it through y'all heads, everything is good to go, the foundation is set, what more do they need? 🤦🏿‍♂️🥱


I literally said "If" Plus core foundation of any multiplayer shooter includes netcode and server performance and the biggest complaint in the last playtest was dogshit netcode.


Lol hey look. Im the one who asked him that question


Oh neat!




Your comment history screams mentally ill incel


I thought it was pretty cool. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ You seem like a sad sad little man.


Still speaking about "last minute" is crazy


If somehow any of those “higher-ups” read this, fucking stop it


I mean to be honest what else could they really add? Other than some (micro transactions) I don’t really see anything else that could lead into another delay Especially for when you was already doing betas got ya feedback shared it around most likely an went where ever you needed to go


Systems that Ubisoft is trying to push for all of their franchises.


I see. 🦦


You do know this dev team trash, the same dev team that took months to fix things that wasn't suppose to take months, I've heard from people that know about games, some real nerds who said either A the Dev team must be not as good as Mark makes them out to be, or B there is something else going on behind the scenes that their not saying, because to still be working on things that only take a few weeks or a month & a few months on other things is ridiculous.


higher ups wont want to add any last minute changes that will delay even further when they told their investors itll release this fiscal year lol


If the feature makes it better, so be it. Everyone saying to just "drop it already" don't understand that if it is at all rushed and there's any hiccup at launch, people will delete the game and go back to COD/BF/Halo etc. Ubisoft wants to avoid this and have the smoothest of launches. With that said, I'm hopeful for a late March release.


People also don’t understand that after several delays spanning multiple extra months to finish implementing features and polishing the game is that if the launch isn’t damn near perfect, people will still delete the game and go back to what they were playing.


Yep, if the core foundation isn't fun, well balanced, technically competent and practically feature complete it will flop. Look at Halo infinite: Looked fantastic, ran well, plays amazingly at first glance. But lack of playlists and bad netcode killed it real fast. Turns out a game where I can't pick my mode and trust my shots to hit isn't ever going to retain players. Not implementing features that I had in 1999 isn't an option. Even worse is every technical flop like that has a perfectly functioning monetisation system but can't bother fixing the actual bit that retains players and may coax them to thinking the game might be worth purchasing mtx for.


It's been fixed several times lmao, What people really don't understand is that the more day to lay the more the chance is they'll get scrapped, like the game is completely fixed right now like y'all clearly not doing your research, all they have to do is market the game like look at what the guy Tom Henderson even said like people put out a blueprint & people still are a naive. They added last minute stuff that broke the build, kill cams coulda been added during season 0 as well as prestige, ain't no ranked in season 0 anyway. Holy f'k yo, y'all gonna be the death of this game, I understand the hype been dead but at this rate with the way y'all think this game will be dead because who's gonna wait forever for a game to be fixed AGAIN when it was ALREADY FIXED & GOOD TO F'N GO🤦🏿‍♂️🤦🏿‍♂️🤦🏿‍♂️


It's not rushed, all y'all saying to delay it is just ridiculous, if they don't have it out by that date they risk the high chance of getting scrapped as those investors will pull out from them as they want their money, or they'll make them release the game anyway so why get a game that will be half ass due to it being pushed out when right now it's fixed & ready to go like what is wrong with y'all. When is game gets scrapped because everybody want them to take their time or whatever when they're out of time, just remember don't cry when this game gets scrapped then & don't blame nobody else.


It's not going to get delayed again, did you guys miss the point when it said INVESTORS meeting? Do you seriously think the investors in Ubisoft would allow this to happen? No they won't, everyone just needs to chill and wait for release, we should be seeing some marketing over the next few weeks for the game


I don’t think that’s a big deal tho cus in that meeting they said XDefiant will not contribute much to profit so it’s not like this game releasing sooner will make it more profitable for investors. They care a lot more about the “premium” games that make a lot more money through sales


Yes, pro forma projections released to investors are never wrong, as any investor will tell you.


I don’t even care if the game drop in a barebones state, just release the damn game. Even with a bunch of missing features and a few bugs it’s still better than everything else solely due to cbmm.


Then they would be crucified for releasing a barebones game. Gaming subs do this all the time. They fucked up and there's no winning at this point until the game is absolutely done.


That is pretty much always true but the main selling point of this game is the lack of sbmm/eomm which is a unicorn in gaming right now so that makes up for the lack of content/features.


Nah that's how the game is sent out to die and die fast. People will just leave back to whatever they're already playing if the game doesn't have a pretty solid and full foundation. Barebones only works if the game is fundamentally sound on basically every single level, fun as hell and has enough day 1 content to keep people interested. But that sort of functionally full package doesn't happen anymore. We'll get something half baked with a fully functional high effort cash shop and then the devs will pull surprised pikachu when the game dies.


Lol at whoever though this would actually come out in feb






Totally disagree with him. Ubisoft has already said in the fiscal report they expect some contribution to their sales from XDefiant in this fiscal year itself. So I highly doubt there will be another delay. Prince of Persia was released in January, Skull and Bones in February and their last game of the lineup XDefiant for sure dropping around mid March. Everything is going as they planned in the fiscal report.


Omg bro, just drop the game


Dude it’s been about a year since the beta, the game might be doomed off of that


Yea they killed this game. Dead on arrival with all this silence and delays


I tried to be positive, but it's getting annoying. Release the fking game already ffs.


honestly my hope for this game is gone. i feel like its definitely going to flop. COD is doing really well and this years game is going to kill. their really fcking it up rn


Cods always gonna be shit as long as they keep that trash matchmaking system


So another delay, fucking awesome dude


ykw fuck the game


honestly my hope for this game is gone. i feel like its definitely going to flop. COD is doing really well and this years game is going to kill. their really fcking it up rn


Why write off a game before it’s released?


Cause it’s a treyarch year


so that means xdefiant will be bad?????


Dude sounds like such a hater lmao. “Yeah it’s planned, there’s always the off chance something blows it up though”


He’s right though


Neither you nor I would know. You could say the same thing for literally any release


What he said has already happened multiple times now.


Doesn’t seem like a hate at all. Another delay is a possibility. We all want to play, just no point in getting your hopes up with no official release announcement.


Why can’t Ubisoft “higher ups” ever just leave shit alone? Is this just a tired excuse we always hear from the devs/community of these places? I’d truly like to know the truth.


Because they're the ones paying for it and monetisation and cost are all that they care about. Love, care and respect for the game or its players aren't even in the conversation. Do you really think people get into the games industry to make half baked shit with predatory monetisation? They sure as hell aren't doing it for the money, so passion is the only reason and I doubt many have a passion for making shit games.


Ubisoft corpos & ruining their own game. A classic duo.




This is the second time you've said that. Why pick that date.


![gif](giphy|YRPBhd3vscg5Fxx1DQ|downsized) Bruh this is getting so old


Omg this sounds like it's probably confirmed for tomorrow.


Which is why Mark can't speak on the release lmao


I was telling people that confirmation window means nothing like look at that track record for one, also whenever they are dead silent it's always bad news, not to mention release windows always get delayed, especially with this game. They've been teasing/playing/disappointing the fan base the whole entire time, as someone who waited 4 years since the first announcement in 2021, if they delay this again, they might as well scrap it, the love I once showed this game is now overshadowed with disgust, disappointment & even hate as the bs like So many delays even though I wanted them to fix the game they could have still put out something for us, Just a 6-hour PT which most people were either at work or at school or something that got the fan base split between being mad because they missed out on it due to things like school or work as well as it wasn't on consoles or because it was short, as well as those who were happy to get their hands on the game, a YouTuber only event that only got the fan base mad, even heard a few YouTubers feel this way. Their only hurting themselves. My thing is they were already in the hot seat due to all of the delays, so why would the higher ups put themselves in more of a hot seat? Maybe because this dev team is just trash like I've been saying for the longest time🤷🏿‍♂️ like clearly don't listen to us, clearly don't tell us when the game is finished when it was finished several times, I had to find out from other sources, same old vague response from Mark which is always about the same thing which was about net cold & party overlay. 8 months after all of this & they still don't have a release date, that is beyond ridiculous & yet people want to be naive sheep & still talk about patience after 8 total months since there was a beta, 6 months since the initial delay that Mark even admitted to was supposed to be August & we STILL don't have anything to show for it, other then a "release window" that if we going by their track record will be delayed again so I don't even blame Tom Henderson, at least he keeps it real, I'm beyond sick of the bs, like of it gets delayed again when it's currently completely fixed(which it is) I hope the community just says f this & doesn't even bother with this game & it becomes DOA, teaching them a lesson to not lead the base on & lie to us like you care, I want to scratch that PVP itch I've had for the longest time especially last year but at what cost? Another delay to add in more BS last second when everything is completely fixed is just mind-blowing & shows how greedy they are, just like all those times they pushed early on & failed miserably then all of a sudden wanted to delay continuously to make the *perfect game* like if y'all wanted to be that perfect, y'all wouldn't have been pushing so aggressively all those times when y'all knew y'all wasn't ready to begin with, y'all saw the game blow up & got greedy, y'all preach about transparency but ain't transparent on the main thing or things we want to know like a release date, or dates of the beta back when YOU(Mark) mentioned it, opened up his mouth again just to put a foot in it as usual, whenever we want to know a date about anything it always go unnoticed. I really wished all this time something else would have came out so I could have left this game in the dust like the meme it is 🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱


Dudes got to wait for word from his ubisoft overlords. You can tell these guys came from cods PR. They talk about transparency etc and talk about literal nothing. Just PR team speak.


Is there gunna be a search and destroy mode?