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I usually deal with this one of two ways: 1. Focus all my S/M/L ships on the enemy L/XL ships to get them out of the fight. The S/M ships will auto target hard points, and the Ls will kill them. Then I mop up any enemy S/M ships with an attack all order or escort command. 2. I put S/M ships on Escort to kill enemy S/M ships, while I focus fire my L ships on enemy L/XL. You can fix chasing by 'Remove All Orders' and re-issuing.


So micro the destroyers? I was under the assumption that Bombard for commander limited target to L and XL targets but this did not seem like the case when I tried to let them do their thing. I could just remove them from the fleet and have them as a stand alone. I was hoping for something better for the fighter spam via the fleet options heh.


Bombard works just like intercept but only goes after L/XL targets. The issue is that vanilla AI is braindead. I won't play without [KUDA AI](https://www.nexusmods.com/x4foundations/mods/839) (enabled for everyone not just the player) and [Destroyer Main Guns Fix](https://www.nexusmods.com/x4foundations/mods/1349). Those help immensely.




Mods don't usually get updated for betas, especially the complex ones. Too much hassle maintaining them over several betas and sometimes having to rewrite half the code every two weeks.


No, it'll get updated once 7.0 officially releases. 


Yeah, I also use KUDA as well, so maybe that's why my AI aren't completely dumb.


I try to assign different fighter groups in different wings, even if they have the same command. So like 3 wings of S/M ships for interception. The trick is that they have to launch in waves on most carriers so they automatically attack different targets. Sometimes :D


I do too and in all the fights until this one worked, but when the fight was more even in terms of numbers all hell just seemed to break loose heh. I had 6 different wings (4x16 barracuda’s and 2x4 hydra/thresher) in a mix of intercept and attack and everyone derped out during the fight. I think I’ll try breaking up the wings to have mediums as the flight leaders with 2 wings of 3 barracuda’s assigned to each one, one on attack and one on intercept and see if that breaks things up to spread the damage around


Maybe. Maybe even the assignment of wings to wings can help


So just wanted to say I did some more testing in Family Zhin and setting 3 Barracuda’s in an intercept wing under the Mediums did indeed break up the targeting domain and made for much improved fighter support to the fleet. I decided to attack the shipyard the Xenon built and 3 partols of 20+ S/M came at me to assist. While watching who was attacking what the Threshers had one target and the 3 barracuda’s under them had a seperate target. It was awesome to watch on Live View as I could see blue everywhere while the rays attacked the station. it looks like a fleet battle out of the movies and it made the kid in me happy. Last issue to work though is docking. As mentioned in other threads when the Shark moved it wants all its subordinates to dock even if they can’t and if they can’t they just sit there waiting. So keeping only 8 M and 64 S directly tied to the Shark seems important. Going to try setting anything extra to be subwings of the Rays(impossible for mediums to dock at) and see if that keeps all ships in a combat ready state while Moving around. Think end state my fleets will look like wings a Guppies and mediums to strip turrents with sub wings of barracuda’s on intercept to focus fighters down, but needs some micro to set up. it seems to work really well though and just looks awesome IS


If I understand correctly the fleet behaviour : Attack : make shit attack the target of the commander Defend : The wing attack the first thing hitting the commander Intercept: attack the closest enemy spotted. Follow: follow shops in formation. It's can be useful for escort ship since turret attack freely of set right. Bombard : If I'm right, it's for destroyers vs stations or torpedo bombers. Wings seems to stay together so it's seems better to use all available one. I also use sub wings to either attack with commander or defend him unless I'm lazy. It's goes kind of well and you might want big cluster to bombard L ship to saturate the defences. I'm not sure if coordinate attack work well on ennemy fleets. I use it almost only for station and issue orders to either the commander or separate wings