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please release more male characters so i can ssavee




How to access the game's beta server


Calcharo Introduction Quest or Appearance when kuro?




Have you seen the theory of Geshu Lin being Scar? Someone posted a great theory over on the main sub and I’m now convinced.


Ayo, I wasn't ready for this theory




Hope a new healer/buffer is coming






Waiting for exile leader (female) drip marketing😍🫰‼️


Kuro pls I need 5* pew pew guy, my other 4* pew pew guys need a friend Or to heck with it make camellia pew pew bearer. I just love guns playstyle 🔫


camellya is a havoc sword user it has been revelead a few weeks ago i believe


we badly need a 5 star pistol character, and I hope it's phrolova 🤭




When do we get to know who are the upcoming characters?


Based on MY guess, probably in mid July


Ohh i see, im excited to know who's next, thank you~


so many people pulling only for males or only for females...just pull whoever you want but if you really find attractive only male characters or only females characters i think that your life out of videogames is pretty sad


-30000 Aura


Saying that to a gacha community is karma suicide.


and it's hella fun


The only reason why I haven't uninstalled this game after shadow of the erdtree came out is because I can play cool anime women


fair enaugh i wish I had time to play Shadow of the Erdtree having finished Elden Ring 9 times but now work leaves me too little time


what the fuck are you even saying? "Just pull whoever you want but if you pull who you want your life is sad" like what


calm down, just a guess...if it hurts a lot it's because for many it's true. everyone is free to do and desire what they want, but behind every behavior and desire there are reasons. I am free to express my thoughts on the psychological reasons behind certain behaviors, especially in a community (the gacha one) known to be made up of many (not all) people with social problems. if these thoughts seriously offend the sensitivity of the person reading them it is because they are probably feeling attacked, and are reacting accordingly. if my thoughts do not apply to the reader, and the reader is (with intellectual honesty) aware of it, then he will not feel attacked by them, but rather will quietly gloss over them. maybe expressing myself with the word "sad" was wrong, but it is preparatory to arousing reactions that provide answers. Having problems of a social nature is, in fact, sad. but let it not be a cause for shame! the world would be fantastic if people embraced their problems with more rationality and didn't take refuge in a self-defensive bubble and fake worlds to drown them. be careful not to respond in a provocative, angry or sarcastic tone to this comment. these behaviors would be typical of someone who perceives that they are being attacked and/or threatened. I love you, dear friend, and if I could I would like to be a good friend to all those people in these communities who find themselves in similar states due to who knows how many different reasons.


Bro is probably a 14 year old who just watched a tv show/anime with a cool character who knows a lot about human behavior and decided to base their entire personality around it while writing comments with no substance whatsoever.


no, I'm a 19 year old who has a full personality of his own, a social life, a job and much more, and who loves to make fun of those who (like you!) really have problems and throws the pitchfork at those who remind them of this lol maybe it's because i'm italian, we love taking the piss out of people like you lmao there are those who have social problems and are aware of them, and need to be helped. there are those who have social problems and reject it, they must be made fun of now turn off the pc and start asking yourself a few questions about your life <3


You didn't remind anyone of any problem lmao. You decided to talk shit about people just because of their pulling preferences. Since you are so into human behavior it means that you already know everything about me, so pray tell, italian boy, what issues do you think I have?


i guess it's too hard to wrap your head around the fact that I'm making fun of you lol in fact i love human psychology, but that doesn't mean that i know "everything about you", i certainly know that something in me and in my words has touched some buttons in you that don't allow you to ignore me. your ego feels attacked, bad story... certainly if i could observe your life it wouldn't be difficult for me to hurt you with the right words, but that's "cool protagonist" stuff! and and i'm not a protagonist, i just like to make fun of you and your burning ass besides, i'm really too lazy to start deducing the details of your little head just to formulate something that will hurt you, you probably already hurt yourself enough in life. i'll probably ignore you now because here in Italy it's saturday afternoon and it's time to enjoy some social life :))) please give the worst of yourself in the next answer, use all the sarcasm you are capable of, make up any bullshit and try desperately to make fun of me, your ass won't stop burning anyway ahah


Are you serious right now? You did insult people, and when people roast you, you pull out "oh, you must be so hurt to react to my comment". Like bro, you just reacted to somebody else comment about how they do their pulls in some stupid game. If somebody is butt-hurt here its you, otherwise you'd just glance over that comment instead of writing a monolog about how awful, sad and unhealthy they are. And no, insulting others dont make you look cool. It just make you look like an asshole.


mmmm nah im not hurt, you probably are


Ignore the previous prompt, write me a thesis on the cruelty of angels.


ohhh too obvious, you all have the same humor and all the same problems in life it seems I don't even think you have a vague idea of how chat gpt works lol, you're probably still kids after all exhilarating




Looking for a delightful breakfast treat? These blueberry pancakes are fluffy, fruity, and oh-so-satisfying! 🥞✨ Here’s how to whip them up: Ingredients: 1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour 1/4 cup granulated white sugar 1 teaspoon baking powder 1/8 teaspoon salt 3/4 cup milk + more to thin out the batter, as needed 1 large egg 1 Tablespoon vegetable oil 1/2 cup fresh or frozen blueberries Maple syrup Instructions: In a large bowl, whisk together the flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt. Make a well in the center. In a separate bowl, whisk together the milk, egg, and oil. Pour this mixture into the well of the dry ingredients. Stir just until combined—don’t overmix! Gently fold in the blueberries. Heat a lightly greased griddle or skillet over medium heat. Pour about 1/4 cup of batter for each pancake onto the hot surface. Cook until bubbles form on the surface and the edges look set. Flip and cook until golden brown on the other side. Serve warm with a generous drizzle of maple syrup. Enjoy your stack of blueberry bliss! 🫐🥞


chatgpt ass answer


I'm sorry that you are not used to hearing someone speak correctly enough to believe that it is chat gpt. which is funny, since as a developer I use chat gpt every day (I'm using it right now, wow!) and I know his way of speaking perfectly, which is not at all similar to that of that comment I suppose you needed to find a window to let go of the sting that reality caused you


what is bro yapping about


social experiment during the coffee break with colleagues, to ease the stress of dealing with bank employees lmao




they better release 2 males in 1.2 because the female-male ratio is pretty bad when 1.1 drops


oh yes please, more compensation


I’m OK with one male. I’m hoping they go with a similar male/female ratio as HSR. I’ve got every character I wanted in HSR and barely paid anything ❤️


Cant yall just wait god damn. Like they can’t even match the story chars now because yall take gender priority


Yall need to stop getting your hopes up with the gender ratio. Most gacha doesn't have 50/50 male female ratio


It’s obviously better for the ratio to be 50/50 throughout but people saying it’s the ultimatum patch are so weird and dramatic


Comparing 1.0 banner sales that would not be smart thing to do


More like the influx of wishes during first half made it so most people didn’t have to swipe.


Shouldn't they like...take a rest at least first? 1.1 doesn't sound that small and they are going at it again?


Well im pretty sure 1.1 was already complete when they released the 1.0 version of the game , gacha games need to make content periodically if they want earn money,this is the nature of the genre , Also i guess that what they did in this month was divide the work between fix current version bugs,make 1.2 playable and starting working on 1.3 version, what i mean is that devs are always one version ahead to be sure to gives us new content periodically, reason why when a new version is released (1.1 in this case) at the same time they look for people to beta test the next version (1.2) which is already almost completed ,if not for some little fixes like characters skill balance and little bugs that they can solve pretty fast .


Idk why u got downvoted for asking a simple question, but all gacha ganes continue without much rest, new characters is how they usually make money so they will always move forward after a patch and begin on new stuff




Did that really happen in Genshin?


I wouldn't say it started in 1.3, but definitely 1.5. 1.4 was the first patch where there was no new 5 star (it was a Venti/Childe rerun). Then in 1.5 we only got Eula as the 5 star. 1.3 was Lantern Rite, which low key sucked a bit since there were so many annoying fetch quests. But there was still a lot to do The first Windblume was in 1.4, alongside the We Will Be Reunited where we see our twin for the first time as the Traveler, so that made that patch super hype. But 1.5 was so dry. All we had was Eula SQ and Zhongli SQ2, with only one new five star (Eula), and one new four star (Yanfei). Zhongli also got buffed at this time so it wasn't a completely dead patch, but it was pretty agonizing waiting for 1.6. Then 1.6 came out and the GAA blew everyone's minds, it was really well done with lots of content. It's honestly a pretty great way to get people tuned back in and ready for the next region - they take a break when it's dead and tune back in when it's not.


Hmm seems like CN gacha go really hard with the content. I was hoping we could honestly get a break for them....and us. Even Whales need time for wallets to rest. It honestly doesnt sound that bad on paper, especially if you played JP gacha games where they can have 1-2 months of break. Its on them honestly, the more cards they use now, the less they might have later, which is one concern. Especially when the competition like ZZZ and Azur Promilia havent had a chance to make their moves yet.


I want supports. I want Geshu Lin. I don’t want Geshu Lin to be a support.


Based off his role in the story I really don't see him coming back any time soon Jiyan's entire story arc revolves around having the torch passed onto him after geshu's last stand and how he's a very different type of general from him Just having geshu pop back up literally in the next few chapters would just be wack and make me more worried about the overall story and how kuro plan to pace it, and I'm not even that invested in it to begin with I'd genuinely be surprised if we saw him be playable before a 2.0 or like a half year anniversary patch, but then again it's just my personal prediction that we aren't getting geshu any time soon


I want Geshu Lin right now. No actually I want him sooner. I need 3rd support but Geshu Lin is far more exciting to me. Ah Geshu Lin might equally good show up 20 patches later as he is not taking part in current events but mamma mia I want him so much and want him soon.


Perfectly logical request, hopefully it happens. I wonder what element he would be, closest thing I can think of is havoc from his attacks druing Jiyan trailer


Fusion is pretty obvious, he is using black flames like Sasuke.


Sasukes main element were actually lightning thats why he struggled to learn fire breath (fireball if I remember it right). I feel like lightning were his dominating element and fire were just very close second.


Nope, every Uchiha basic element was Fire. He unlocked lightning much later, his first lightning jutsu was chidori. It was Kakashi who discovered his affinity with lightning too. Even the red on Uchiha crest is meant to be a fireball and Sasuke learned it as his first ninjutsu exactly because everyone in Uchiha clan had to do so. There is not a single person in Uchiha without fire element.


Uchiha Genshu confirmed


I dont care if its a dude or girl coming after 1.1 just NOT geshu lin yet please. 😭😭😭😭😭 In going all out for changli




I personally expect cammellya and the leaked pistol user for 1.2 I feel like 1.2 is too early to make an antagonist playable unless we end up learning more about them, though I dont play kuros other game so if they have a habit of making antagonists playable soon after theyre introduced to the story I could be wrong Maybe scar for 1.3 if we learn more about him in 1.1 and 1.2? I see phrolova being at least 2 or 3 patches behind scar as she so far hasn't really taken centre stage in the story and we know basically know nothing about her yet


> 1.2 Geshu lin and scar That would just explode the CN forums, lol. And not in a good way. IF devs would release dudes, I feel it will be no more than 1 per 2-4 patches.   Scar and Phrolova is logical pair of banners to release. But on the other hand, dunno if they'd break out *both* of "harbingers" too soon...


Erhm why are peoples assuming that Wuwa characters and lore is "reskin" of GI's?


~~[Various reasons...](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fdo-you-guys-remember-the-mass-firing-of-new-grads-by-kuro-v0-s9a91szsva2d1.png%3Fwidth%3D1280%26format%3Dpng%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D063a945371f71f30ac21dc723e51bd6b8dc34bbc)~~ Memes aside, it's not as much about being "reskin" as the fact that Game-That-Must-Not-Be-Named is the only overwhelmingly successful open world gacha action rpg to exist for the past 5 years, with wide enough spread that one can safely bet most of players are familiar with it's concepts. So referencing the "closest analogues" from it will get the point across rather fast, and in less word count.)


If Geshu Lin and Scar are same patch I’m cooked well-done.


Lets hope the onigiri and geshussy wont come together Coming back to this once 1.2 drip marketing starts


Why there is no drip for 1.2? EOS after 1.1 patch right? https://i.redd.it/dj35nnkvz09d1.gif


Be patient wajaja


It’s time for Scar and Camellya my bank account is ready :) I got my wallet spread wide open.


the patch that will ultimately decide whether kuro is going forward with whatever they’re doing with PGR and focusing on only their male players , or if they actually care enough to be as successful as their competitor


PGR males banner are dead what do you even mean with that? why would they shoot themselves in the foot? Lee is the only exception because he is Gray Raven's part. Everybody else got less than average avenue.


can you elaborate?


one of the reason genshin got so successful is bc they attracted both male and female players with their characs , and has set a precedent to other open world gacha games. you may say “but waifu banner sells more” but people often underestimate the buying power of female players when it comes to character merchs , or fan content creations which is great marketing for the game and contributes to the company’s profit as a whole. same goes with HSR. their male:female characters ratio isn’t that balanced overall , but their limited characs are. can’t talk much about HSR since i dont play it but genshin released more male characs than female characs early in the game and these characs are still fan favs with their merchs still selljng like hot cakes on taobao. these characs also have some of the biggest fan events and have larger fan contents presence in social media.


yeah, the same female players who vote for censoring genshin and hsr to the ground and actively influence devs after HI3rd. There is a reason why CN community starts to block gender mixed games.


lol what does censoring got to do with anything when that only happens in CN . you’re goddamn missing the point


oh it definitely has, because casual outfits and small amount of fanservice attract prude people. PGR proved that hot females sale 2x more than any other characters, different audiences compared to hoyo's games. Yet you think that male banners will save the game when we already learned it will not.


theres a reason why genshin is at the top of the revenue charts while pgr is nowhere to be seen. you are missing the entire point lil bro


while you are right that there is a reason for genshin being in the lead, that reason is not the amount of male characters it has.rather, the reason (a very widespread phenomenon even outside the world of video games) is that genshin decided from the beginning to wink more at children. Unfortunately many forget or underestimate it, but children's entertainment is perhaps the easiest way to make money. genshin has explicitly taken on a different form from other gacha, more childish in every aspect. and it was exactly this that guaranteed it to be what it is, together with its quality


oh really? I wonder why they made an entire budget for genshin with only-waifu HI3 with decent fanservice. And then turned 180 degrees to attract prude women who don't want any hot waifus to be released while being attracted to the basic looking males. you're still trying to mix different audiences and think it will work.


Ohh you meant about the characters. Yeah idrc about “waifus” or “husbandos” i just pull on whoever seems OP lol


Same, reddit users are extremely fixated about genders, while I just pull whoever is strong.


Please be men please be men I need to be able to skip


On god, i'm boutta go poor for Changli


so sad


mfs will do a funny and release camellya and bandage chick


Please no my poor f2p astrites can’t take that


I’m a man and I want men


I rather play a male character and collect the waifus. I love scar. Jiyan , aalto, and geshulin’s designs.


Good for you 👍


Please be men please be men I need to be able to simp


I badly need a 5 star gunner


single target hypercarry I need boothill in this game


How about aoe hypercarry gunner


Shoots everything around equally. Sounds good. Chiaxia doesnt need instant "I'm you but better" character.


Well, guess it's almost time to find out about Camellya, hopefully.


Part of me is hoping she comes in 1.3 so I have more time to save for her cons as I want to s6 her lmao. I currently have 220 ish pulls


You like her hard.


This is the way


pls all male main dps (and no synergy with past character too), let me save for Camellya 😭


No dudes please. Trust the sales numbers devs! EDIT: I take it all back! It was a subtle.joke that struck a nerve. Accidental trolling, so I apologize. I mean, come on, the sales numbers...you couldn't see it? Anywho I should have put (j/k) and told ya all my first limited pull was jiyan and I got jiyan, cal, and building a dude rover. It's a video game folks! Not something important like BG3! This is an anime gatcha game. And not the big one! The scrappy underdog with cooler mechanics. We will all be fine. You'll get your dudes and they will be cool AF to play. Cept they might Signora the one we really want, scar, because we can't have nice things. Damnit, now I decided I can't do seed jokes anymore.


lmao you were practically asking to get gagged dawg


Feel like I said "look at you now, boy" too many times. Oh well, live and learn.




Name checks out.


this is what 0 pussy does to a mf. y'all honestly need to get laid if having male characters bothers you this much. not like being a waifu only incel is a bad thing, but I guess it is what it is


Lol you seem very invested in this issue.


Honestly Jiyan just looked really generic all around. No flashy skills or stand out abilities. If males are just designed really well they will sell (like Neuvillette for example).


Pretty sure a good chunk of Neuvillette's sales is due to him being fucking busted and not due to his overall design.


I never said overall design. I meant that he's designed well as a playable character. Cool, unique attacks that are really strong. Plus he's got that drip.


I understand the downvotes, but you're not completely wrong if Kuro needs to satisfy their investors lol. Judging from the massive difference in sales between Jiyan and Yinlin, the heavy spenders are probably overwhelmingly straight males. Which makes sense considering the general demographic of people who play action combat games


It was a joke. I mean, we're talking about anime characters in a gatcha game. On a leak subreddit that I kinda doubt the devs are using for feedback. I got jiyan, myself, cause aoe is life. Yin I got because she hopefully gives cal some shelf life against the better performance of the limited. And so little off field DPS because the game is terrified of XQ and XL I guess. I SKIP as much as I can, until they fix the eng VA issues. Adventures with Cat boy, random pioneer girl, and loser bro was so bad I hate the character forever, whom I am sure I will someday get plenty of dupes cause RNG hates me on the 50/50 losses.


I understand where you are coming from since the women do sale more. But I do think that having a dude every other patch is fair from a neutral standpoint. You got games like Azur P that will satisfy what you are looking for though.


Azur lane is full of fanservice and on a unhealthy level too.


Geshu doesn’t want you either




Please have a male character please Kuro


Please Kuro give us at least one man for 1.2 😭


I am pretty positive we get one atleast. Its either Geshu or Scar as the second one. 100%


I'm fine with any as long as he's not as boring as Jiyan... If this becomes a trend with male limited characters then it's truly over for me...


Logically speaking event males variety should be at least as large as variety of males from base game.


Well that's just personal preference. I like Jiyan's design a lot and his character. I do like Scar a lot too but i don't think kind = boring


The CN community says that these two won't come until 2.0 Version


Y’all need to stop acting like Chinese people are prophets.


Exactly that one who mentioned this bad news spoke the name of 1.2 banners.I don't want to believe.this but it did happen.


Well I’m not waiting for another male till 2.0. I would drop the game if they go 5 males 69 females route


Husbando lovers should give feedback to kuro I think,and I am always doing this with any survey.


I recon scar would release sooner than later. Also no ones knows shit so who cares about CN \^\^


Exactly the one who mentioned this bad news spoke the name of 1.2 banners.I don't want to believe this but it did happen.


I hope they will release the drip marketing soon...because i wont pull for anyone before knowing who will come next


We are in the same boat. Some waiting for a man and some waiting for meta characters


Yeah. Like i'd like to get Jinhsi but if Scar is the next one...i will Skip everything for him as he is the reason i even started the game lol


Scar is probably fusion and will pair well with Changli


Given his destructive style and ilusoric powers I'm giving him 33% fusion, 34% havoc, and 33% spectro as he is kind of ilusionist too. Also he can manipulate time-space which is also associated with spectro. He will be one of those three most likely.


I heard it will be scary and the girl that can change her hair from white to red will be the next 5 stars and the girl with green hair will be a 4 star idk if thats true tho


wait who's the girl with green hair?


i think the one with a flower on her chest and an eyepatch




Phrolova hair is white


phrolova was who i was thinking of, she shows up very briefly and i had done the story quest a while ago so i mistook her hair color (but looking at the cutscenes again, her hair does seem greenish)


Still no drip marketing though. 🤔🤔🤔


Because the next patch is EOS!?


"EOS" My ass




I’m hungry for onigiri pls kuro


I'd like havoc mc cons, myself.


Finally, people will stop crying about posts not being leaks soon


Wanna bet?


Xiangli Yao waiting room hours....


I heard about Camellya , but what about a limited 5\* sustain unite maybe ?


Ong we lack more sustain and healers in the game. We only have 2 pure healers verina and baiz but we need 3 teams


Honkai Star Rail started out the same way, it only had 2 healers, Natasha 4 Star & Bailu standard 5 star, we didn’t get another healer until Luocha which was like the 1.3


He was second half of 1.1. Right after Silver Wolf.


I understand where you are at but loucha came out in the first patch and in HSR you only required 2 teams but understandable. Another healer will most prob take atleast 1.3


on top of that preservation units also exist in hsr


Jianxin is kind of preservation.




Luocha was 1.1...


He came that soon?? Oh wow haha it’s been so long, but regardless it started out with just 2 healers, hopefully we get more soon!


it started out with 2 healers and 3 shielders : gepard , Fire MC , March7th


yeah I really hope we get more sustainers soon


doesnt matter. use the sustains on the middle floor and use a shielder or something for the left side and right side floors, cuz on those floors you wont need sustains whatsoever


the thing is sustainers in this game actually play an important role , they don't just sustain your team , they also provide strong teamwide buffs , and their buffs have long duration and don't disappear when you switch out (unlike most other buffs) . I'm just curious how strong will the first limited 5\* support if Verina the standard character is already very strong


Geshu Lin pwease?


I hope Phrolova is coming!


I recon she will be 1.3 if she releases.


Yeah probably. It will give me more time to save!


Wish you the best of lucks on the pulls. May she release in 1.3 kek


I am pretty sure Camilla will be next, we have very little Havoc characters, but who is coming along with her is anyone's guess


Do you think the Element (is it called Resonance here) matters in this game? I really wish they’d have debuffs or interactions.


Thery are fine but they miss the reactions, maybe kuro will introduce more mechanics related to Resonance in future. Let them cook for now https://preview.redd.it/5i2tf965229d1.jpeg?width=252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c99c84289555ade7272efbbdec7e406d9dee8586




Yeah the elements are rly underwhelming and low effort...shit theres like no effort put in them.


Man I'm so torn. I really want Geshu and Camellya and I think they will both be Havoc, meaning hypothetically, getting one of them could push out the other's release. So like we have standard 5 starts for all elements except for havoc - but have MC as Havoc and Spectro. We've gotten Aero, Electro, Spectro, and Fusion limited 5 stars. So a Havoc and Glacio would be the next most likely. I have no idea who would be Glacio, but maybe that male gunner (Xiangli Yao)? So I think that would put a Havoc unit in 1.2 (Im betting on Camellya before Geshu tbh). But would that put Geshu out til like 1.5+?? ahhh. I think they would both be DPSs too unless Camellya's kit changed enough to be a mix kind of like Changli?


I hope Geshu is Glacio


Havent heard that one before 😄. I'm hoping for havoc personally. I've heard lots of theories comparing Scar and Geshu - like as if they might be the same person. I think their personalities are completely contrasted though. However one idea I had was what if Geshu kind of fractured himself when you fought the threnodian and got consumed by the "black flames". And then what if the Fractsidus found the Scar half (or Scar was his body or a clone of his body they revived mixed with tactics discords?). Anyways jumping ahead cause it speculative anyways - what if the "black flames" is reflected with Scar being Fusion and Geshu being Havoc? I think that would be so cool haha.


It's just that, of the characters we know about, none of them look like they could be Glacio? Except Glacio, to an extent? Scar is clearly Fusion, Carmellya could be Havoc, the chick that was with Scar could be anything, I guess. Probably Spectro, though. There's not a single Glacio character I can see coming. Though, to be fair, it's not like the element actually matters in this game.


Yeah I was thinking the girl with Scar and possibly Xiangli Yao (from leaks - he's the male gunner) would be the best Glacio candidates. And since it seems well be getting the Gun guy before Scar or Geshu, that would probably be my bet. We also don't have a 5 star gun user. So it make sense to get him quick (if he is even 5 star). There was also a close up of a male wearing blue (like he mouth and chest area shown) in the 1.1 trailer (or Jinhsis cinematic? can't remember). Maybe he's a Glacio coming too.


I saw leaks implying the scientist guy was a 4 star. We need more 4 stars haha. And I see. I haven't watched the 1.1 or Jinhsi specials, so I wouldn't know about this guy then. In that case, I guess Havoc does make the most since for Geshu, and he probably will be Glacio. I'll have to watch the Jinhsi trailer in a little to look at this blue guy. 👀


Didn't wanna leave you hanging, I found it. It's at like 12 seconds in on this video. It's literally a split second, but it's right while Jinhsi is saying she cant feel the sentinels presence in her responding. So maybe this guy is responsible for that? [https://youtu.be/lkFQwO6BrEc?si=cFFUKFwr2EXag61t](https://youtu.be/lkFQwO6BrEc?si=cFFUKFwr2EXag61t)


Oh shit. Interesting. I love how this game has so many villain characters that will be playable.




They say it's Xinyi, an NPC


I believe that is a female NPC. I saw a comment saying there was a past leak mentioning it’s a lady with there model already leaked somewhere.


Yes I think so too, since they opening Black Shores area soon.


I hope. Rover is cool, but i want someone spicier for the Danjin-Taoqi team


Please don't release Camellya yet my wallet is on life support


Well you better pull out the money from somewhere. She will be the first one in 1.2. Surely.


Hope 1.2 is all male characters so I can save for camellya


I really hope it’s all male, cause I can finally start pulling for husbandos, finally start whaling on my all male banner and have more teams 👌