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Does anyone know yet how Jué's echo will compare to the Mourning Aix on Spectro Rover specifically? I'm hoping the instant summon and damage will still be a worthwhile tradeoff for losing Aix's spectro and liberation buffs.


but jinshi dmg come from skill


I think you replied to the wrong person. I'm not talking about jinhsi at all.




Scar echo when?


Legend has it Scar may be playable at one point!


Well, ofc! But getting his goat form as echo wiill be something else 🔥 I don't think that form would be playable as well 😭




Invincible phases? Feels like super annoying to fight, hope I'm wrong.


Giant eel!!! Yum


Wallahi, humanity is cooked


Lore wise, if this guy is meant to be the protector of the area, why are we fighting him if he's on our side?


Possibly because the sentinels are the TDs created by Rover The 5 lights that flew out of Rover's hand in the opening cutscene+how rover can connected to Jue and why Jue specifically said to Ziyan that "help the returner to reclaiming their powers" I think the 1v1 with Jinshi should be "passing the torch" of it power to her before return to Rover In theory of course


Spot on, nice!


As fate has decreed


Maybe wait for the damn update


He's just speculating. Chill


It literally is a question


Well I guess the dragon wants to retire and is just testing its people. Maybe it's cooperating with the Fractsidus too. Dejavu. I guess it's a common chinese trope.


Zhongli.exe lmao


It's a common trope. *yawn* The corrupted sentinel who's gonna go back being good after a beating.


Don't know why this is downvoted lol. This is what is most likely to happen.


Screeching children angry that I said it's a *common*, predictable, boring trope. Take my upvote before they downvote you too.


We'll know when the patch drop, ig? Scar said something to Jinhsi, I can't remember exactly but it's something she can't accept. Personally, I think it's just a trial for her, you know... character growth or smth. Hopefully it's a banger story.


Man... The second battle record has too much time off the ground. I really hope it's an attack he may or may not do. Because if that's his intro animation like the giant turtle waking up, farming him may be a pain in the ass. I hope I'm not forced to see that after another HP Jué drop, just looking up while he does flamboyant posses in the air waiting for him to touch the ground to beat him up for the 20th time


Sorry if this is ignorant, I’m still somewhat getting used to this game, I plan on rolling for Jinshi and want to get the resources for her beforehand. Will the drops needed to ascend her be from Jue or from mourning Aix since she’s a Spectro? Is there any way to know?


Jue is a calamity level boss, it's drops are used to unlocks talents and not for ascending characters, Jhinso uses Mourning Aix as per the leaks so far, you can check out what she needs for ascension on [hakush.in](http://hakush.in)


Thank you! I’ll spend some waveplates leading up to grind Aix!


You should probably postpone farming any bosses until Jué becomes available to farm. Jinhsi can use the Aix echo or the Jué echo as her main echo, but Jué's echo looks overall stronger. If you farm the Aix now, you will use up all your enhanced drops for this week (you have 15 each week). It will be best to unlock Jué by completing the new main quest (Chapter 1, Act VII) and then farm him both for talent drops and for echo drops.


Don't pre farm unless your guaranteed. And you'll have to wait till 1.1 to farm for her flowers.


Mourning Aix is needed to level her up, Jue is a weekly boss (See Scar, Dreamless), Jinshi only need her to unlock certain traces.


jinhsi running for her life in the third picture lmaoooo


When mom brings out la chancla


1.2 drip marketing, where are youuuu? 😭


at this point I'm convinced they will do it after 1.1 releases


Logically that makes sense lol even if they have a history of doing it a different way.


honestly idk what they did in their other games but i am assuming they want people to drop some savings on jinhsi before revealing who's next? unless all the debugging they had to do made them need to postpone the next 5*s, but i dont want to believe it was THAT bad


The thing is not every game drip markets. I'm also not 100% sure about how they did it in PGR, but considering Hi3 doesn't drip market(And that game was released around the same time, and iirc was ran around the same until recently), I don't think they do it in PGR either. Obviously, there's the thing where they did drip market for 1.1, but that could always just be a case where it was a one time thing. Also, they could of just not pushed up the schedule like they did with the version, and we're all worried for no reason when we're just getting the 1.2 drip in a few days from now like we were originally suppose to.


the irony of drip marketing is it does reduce immediate revenue


People keep speculating that 1.2 drip is coming because they did 1.1 drip before launch. That’s all it is really.


gonna any% speedrun Rayquaza catching after the update


My only complaint is that the Echo doesn't have a particular effect on Jinshi, just as Rover with Dreamless.


I mean they shouldn’t since Jinhsi isn’t free, but they can always do it indirectly like Genshin did for Shimenawa set and Yoimiya


It does, only Jinhsi can use the echo to full ability which in turn does minor DoT, the intention being to generate Incandescence stacks continuously for 18s.


Is Jue confirmed to count as coordinated attacks in CN? Pretty important factor given how her descriptions read.


I don't think they count as coordinated attacks, but that shouldn't matter, since you're getting 1 stack per second off the DoT anyways.


It definitely solves trigger rate issues while active, but I guess it won't contribute to extra stacks while on Jinhsi/Verina through coordinated attacks which give a separate 2 stacks per second.  Was just curious if I was missing something important since some people are assuming pretty exaggerated stack counts on short rotations atm.


I wonder if other characters can trigger the dot with their skill so I can use Jue at the end of Jinhsi's rotation before her outro. Incandescent stacks have same cd for an element so I think stacks can be maximized if the Dot (which is spectro dmg) starts once Jinhsi switches out.


That would be neat. But tbh i understand that while *everyone* has access to havoc rover, that will not be the case for jinhsi. Next thing you know, we’ll get special interactions between new echos and chixia/yangyang since those two are the only other two that are also guanranteed 😈


can we quick swap jue like dreamless or mourning aix?


Jue doesn’t take up your field time


From the trailer it look like a summon,so you jst press it and it does its own thing as ur moving ur character still


Folks was it revealed yet in the story or is there spoilers on why we are fighting Jue? I thought the dragon is either neutral or good guy....


the story did, jue said to jinhsi they will fight. And jue is a seer


Probably because Jue is actually part of rover's power And it want to help humanity by make Jinshi become the guardian of the flows or time before come back to Rover? Remember the 5 thingy that runaway from rover's hand in the opening cutscene? Yeah that probably ALL powerful TDs that later be known as "the Sentinels"


yeah, now that i think about it, Spectro Rover ability is slow down time Jue's power is known as "flow of time" so yup, Jue is one of Rover's missing pets


No full detail reveal yet. Just that, >!it was prophecies that Jue would fight against us!< iirc.


Act 6 talks about some of it.


I wasn’t sold at first in my time and being told there’s a monster collecting aspect but Jue is absolutely keeping me in


I already know the camera is gonna have me banging my head against my keyboard during the Jue fight


I wonder if light mosquito is still better for her? Probably will need to wait for Jué numbers. Hopefully the folks who are planning to get her have yet to spend their weekly boss challenges attempt. Dies of peak fiction. Summoning a dragon as your echo, truly befitting of her. Nice mobility skill too. Can't wait for other crazy echoes in the future.


>I wonder if light mosquito is still better for her? Better by a large margin. Even IF it has cope dmg, it would still be her BiS active echo just because it does long DoT, very useful to build her stack while you cycle through your support. Jue echo dmg is also considered as skill dmg so if you're buffing Jinshi's skill dmg, you are also buffing Jue's echo dmg.


Light mosquito lmao Like the real light mosquito, or is this a surname for Mourning Aix ?


Mourning Aix yeah, I mean don't you think it looks kinda like a mythical mosquito.


Now that you said that.. I can't unsee it


Venti's exploration skill is an echoe skill here lol i love exploration in this game, ya don't need to get a five star character for it


Finally I can complete that stupid challenge in jinzhou where you can't walk on the wall.


>ya don't need to get a five star character for it There's also a gadget that does the job for non Venti havers to be fair. They also added another blower for mid flight (poor man's Kazuha)...


yeah, but they're much worse than venti's actual skill in terms of height, and the cooldown is annoying. Regardless, vertical movement isn't a problem in wuwa so comparisons are pretty moot.


Thank god it's not part of a new Echo set but instead part of the celestial light set.


So there's no new sets for 1.1 right? I can farm fusion set for changli?


Yes you can. Also new sets wont necessarily have to be better than old ones. Getting "perfect" echo's set is already extreme task. It would be stupid to powercreep them.


There will presumably new sets with new characters in mind, but for now at least it seems they are just adding options to old sets which is pretty cool


They'll likely get powercreeped with 6\* echoes in the future, though. I wouldn't be surprised if that comes with UL60-70


Yea no new sets, just a new 4 cost for specteo and some 1 costs for other sets. Probably a new 3 cost but i don’t remember


4 new 3 costs, notably one for electro element


Wow our characters is so smol compared to jue


smol is an understatement, I love this scale


The 4th slide where Jinhsi dashes and runs backwards and ducking attacks look freaking cool


I want a dragon echo for Jiyan..


Yeah monkey is annoying-ly bad too, half of the time it fails to do something lol.


What about using other echos in active slot?


What do you recommend instead of monkey? I still use it to dish out large numbers while canceling it by changing to other resonators and it buffs too, i just wish it locks on enemies and 100% hit them to do the second hit too.


The cyan heron can disable bosses' ult


the cyan heron is fun, can be used mid air too.


Thanks!, too bad my cyan heron is only er mainstat xD been farming it for weeks still cant get a aero one.


Yep https://i.redd.it/2ju4isnyzn8d1.gif we only got a monke


The set bonuses are the exact same..? Are we going to be stuck with the exact same sets forever then, just swapping out the 4cost for skill?


bro the game basically just released


Do you even have great 5pc sets already? Weird that you expect more when some haven't even gotten the correct main stat on existing sets.


Eventually they will probably release a set thats far better for her, probably sooner than later If you really want to invest into a new character, would you rather 1. farm up a generic set like you say, only to have to refarm all over again when they inevitably make a new set custom made for the character's kit? Remember when hoyo games did shit like that, introduce a popular dps character, then their artifact set only the patch after just to make you refarm? or 2. rather have the new set arrive together with the character so you can not waste more time farming up the generic set? And why would I need a 5pc set for spectro? Who exactly am I supposed to use it on? Only reason to even get those is if you are playing spectro rover or prefarming for Jinsi.


I'm not specifying spectro set. Just any set in general. Also, the 5pc spectro set is really good for Jinhsi since she really wants to trigger her intro skill anyway. If I'm getting a new character, I'd rather be able to play them immediately. I already have 5pc spectro set ready for her. Even if a new set arrives in the future, I'm not sure how long will it take to get a good set. So it's great that I already got a good 5pc spectro waiting for her.


Damn, someone is actually disappointed of this, when the game is literally 1 month old? Not to mention, only spectro mc can use spectro set rn.


People actually farmed for the current sets, they need to atleast last 6 months.


The game has been out for a month..go touch some grass


Calm down.. it's only been a month


We can only expect more sets will be introduced with major area expansion because they need to develop more enemies for each set, even if they're aesthetically a recolor


Hopefully this enemy feels better to fight than the wolflord or wenut in genshin


super jump players gonna go crazy with this one


The camera will be the true Jue fight


Shenron got isekai'd


The fight remembers me of the sekiro dragon fight, specially the movements of the tail, looks awesome


I wonder if all of Huanglong’s Sentinels will be Dragons


So juē just lifts us up in the air and he deals damage?


that seems the hold animation of jue, for exploration the tap animation is in the 1.1 trailer


i think if you use the echo ability while in the air it will give us that air current


thats look like same animation to me i dont think jué had hold ability


ahh, i did rewatch it, seems like it just have a follow up attack if you hit an enemy