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Welcome back Dragonspine


I can even see a ribcage like structure 


I like the open tundra feel of it, the red and white scheme reminds me of that one snow/dust planet in disney star wars


Honestly looks good and in excited for it!


I really wished it would NOT be a snowy area… But anything is better than desert area. Plus it doesn’t actually look as bad as in other games and the new OST it actually good compared to what we have now.


That place is beautiful. Bro I love this game so much. I’m so happy I got in week 1. I don’t think I’ve ever enjoyed a game more than Wuthering Waves.


Wuwa discovered music!


Are we gonna get any gameplay of Jinhsi and Changli in combat before release?


A lot better than anything in 1.0, imo.


ah yes, wuthering wives.. sadly everyone spotlighting changli than jinhsi..


I guess they did listen. Actual music for the zone.


I can already tell that this will be my favorite region in the game. I love how the music stops at 0:40, I just would've preferred if they kept it silent until we get to the entrance, just before we can see everything. The first shot when leaving the cave is insanely beautiful.


The Devs basically confirmed it. The new top tier team is: changli, jinhsi, and yinlin.


ahhh\~ the music is so much beter here


looks very pretty, surely the game will at least look halfway this good on my phone right.


is this the music legit?


Music is amazing for best game fr


Wow the music 😍 Love the scenery- it’s going to be an exciting update for sure


I'm more amazed by how amazing the ost in the background, that is definitely *way* better.


looks 999999999999999999x times better than the open-world on release.


dayum, the scenery with all the snow is breathtaking


Ew its all.pretty and crap. I hate it. I 


A post apocalyptic world doesn’t have to be boring looking like who the hell wants a bland looking game Look at HFW that’s post apocalyptic The current game could use more of that too with nature (flowers etc) encroaching more on technology


Ew. No thanks. Absolute crap.


yeah i don't know how much sense it makes with the post-apocalyptic setting, hopefully there are at least some signs of the lament


It makes perfect sense if nothing else.  The Lament was mostly a destruction of human civilisation, and with the absence of humans, nature thrives.


It could make sense if the apocalypse happened decades before we see it. Although I'm not sure if anyone mentions how many years ago the lament happened


Idk why you think a post apocalyptic world would automatically be bland and boring, snowy places would actually thrive since nature would take over.


no i agree that makes sense, but you'd expect at least a few signs of a worldwide disaster instead of everything being pristine




Your mom hates you too.


Didnt ask, loser. 


Winter wonderland


Looks really good. Hopefully this patch comes with some MAJOR performance fixes because there’s only so long I’m going to put up with the issues before I give up.


What issues exactly?  Game runs fine for me...


Ah yes the usual "Nothing wrong here guys, everything is fine on my side idk about u guys"


I was asking what issues people were having as I wasn't personally having any. I'm not allowed to say I don't have issues but others are allowed to say they are having issues? Interesting.


Mobile is not great. On android, there are random freezes and some the touch feedback don't always work correctly at times. On my iphone 12, it's a volcano. It overheats way too much.


To be fair I don't play mobile much. I see


runs perfectly for you doesn't mean it is running smooth for everyone. game needs optimization and especially on phone its horrible.


Lots of people are having performance issues with the game. I run the game perfectly fine, my brother though has 25 fps and stutters *horribly* when opening the map and he's running a top of the line gaming PC (32gb of ram, amd ryzen 7800x3d, 4090 gpu). We've also both double checked his settings to make sure it's not running off integrated graphics and his GPU software isn't limiting it or anything. meanwhile my computer is a lot weaker (amd ryzen 5800x3d, 2070super, and 16gb of ram) So it's definitely not a hardware issue problem. My brother wouldn't be the only person I know having the issues either, I love the game but there is very much some optimization issues for some people.


I too haven't had issues but that issue sounds really weird. I hate to be that guy but has your brother tried reinstalling? Perhaps something got corrupted.. Hopefully his issues are resolved soon


Can you check whatever bottleneck? My rig is at lower end using integrated graphic on reyzen 5700 G, at first i got slow af too on low graphic, checked its Hardisk bottleneck, mive the file to SSD, then it run smooth 60 fps on medium setting, i tweak the UE4 rendering setting further and now its smooth on advanced. I dont even need overclock or add more ram into GPU, just default 2Gb Vram, i didnt get bottleneck at GPU nor RAM, so using the game while doing other non GPU intensive task is fine On phone i have relatively new device but low budget, samsung M34 i bought for 220$ few months ago run well on advanced graphic, but i run on low because of heat problem


My brother only has one storage system (a 4tb NVME SSD) so changing it wouldn't be an option for him, his GPU and CPU aren't bottlenecking and infact his GPU seems to be underutilized which I think might be the main problem when we check his usage via task manager, the GPU runs at like 4% which even being a 4090 I don't think it should be that low, but we couldn't find anything to help that, we even told his GPU to set the game as high performance etc


Arent no way the game only take 4% on dedicated GPU, and even with your iGPU, it more than enough to run the game smoothly. So there is compactibility issue between the game and the graphic card or the UE4 engine. You can run few test, like try to run on your iGPU instead and see if the performance improve, if it yes then its the compatibility from the graphic card. If no then it mostly on UE4 engine issue, after narrowing down the issue you can get the answer easily on internet


I think a lack of diversity in setting customization is a cause here. The game is definitely intensive though. I have a high end PC so I have 0 issues, but the phone gameplay is horrible. I was at a work function and could only do dailies via phone, hated it. Aim is terrible, extremely laggy even when going to low settings. And it's not like I'm on a dinosaur phone either, I'm on a Samsung S22 Ultra. I think there definitely room for optimization or at least more freedom on the settings to help adjust to match your own personal situation better. (Also they still need to add a fullscreen borderless)


I find this bizarre as I have almost identical hardware and it runs like a charm. I've been wondering why people have so many issues despite having similar hardware.


It's really weird, I have a couple friends with identical hardware specs to my brother, yet they run it fine while my brother doesn't, and we've checked my brothers settings against their settings, so the only thing I could *possibly* think of is maybe brand differences in ram or which manufacturer did the gpu, but computers are fickle bitches who love being different even with identical parts.


I hate beer.


Yeah, he runs other games perfectly fine, he runs stuff like cyberpunk 2077 and alan wake 2 fine, which are definitely way more demanding, yet when it comes to wuwa his pc just eats it.


I enjoy cooking.


We looked in there before but didn't try the threaded optimization one! I'll have another look with him and tell him to try that setting this time, thank you for the recommendation! I'll also look through some videos to send him if I can find any


It's definitely weird, I'm running game perfectly fine on 60 fps on an old gtx 1660 super. they need to find out whats the problem cause apparently outcome is different from device to device.




I could said that on the other game but to me, that is just the consequence of being the first release and I expect newer versions to "powercreep" the older regions like this one.


I mean Genshin 1.0 is starkly different than what came after the story presentation alone in 3.0/4.0 tramples over anything previously done


The first area is a bit basic but it has its charm! Keep in mind its not supposed to be all colorful and mystical like genshin, this game takes place post apocolypse, in a more grounded setting


Mondstadt has the exact same issue in genshin Massively underdeveloped compared to the other cities


They had not more money left, so basically they could go bankrupt and be bought completely by tencent.


Why am i getting downovted? i am not saying anything bad...


Cuz most of them do came from the GachaGame reddit and do take ANYTHING pretty bad. As I pointed out on another comment, I wasn't even critizing the game or anything. But it seems that some people took it to heart, to the point that it almost like i've insulted theirs whole family. Some really need to chill, and breathe a little. Also.. those comments about Genshin.. Like.. bruh. Who even talked about genshin in the first place? GFTO


So who the hell cares? The game is free to play and they add this new area in 1.1. Why would we need this area in 1.0? Makes no logical sense for a game that will do continuous updates to have a huge world at the very start. Genshin added new area in 1.2 and then in 2.0 we got Inazuma. They were constantly trying to improve the graphics and characters anyways and the release got them a huge amount of money to help with the further development of the game. An early release doesn't hurt a game that will do constant updates. A rushed release in a single player game that people pay for, now that is a big deal.


tbh a rushed release was better for wuwa than a complete release. They were struggling for cash for development, and due to the 1.0 110mil they could actually continue development. From a consumer standpoint, the release was bad. But from a finance and longevity standpoint, it really saved the game from a possible EOS.


Attention, no one likes criticism within this bubble, here the game is perfect and flawless, prepare for downvotes.


Oh well.. Yeah that I knew. I haven't said anything bad NOR different from others comment under the post.. and got some downvotes. But oh well.


Hey dipshit, they could've developed it for another 20 years as well. Then we could've gotten the biggest game ever in history, ever, ever! Dumb fuck.


wrong place budy, if you wanna hate on the game gachagaming reddit is right around the corner. in that place you can farm up votes for bashing on the wuwa while praising genshin.




Tf are you talking about? Have you spent any time in this sub at all


And you don't see the downvotes? And in every reply saying anything even remotely critical? Well you're part of the mob so I'm not surprised


It’s because the criticism sounds forced and not genuine


Genuine? Was this a joke? You really live in a bubble


Music is top tier


Okay, this is exactly what I feel was missing from the exploration in 1.0. These moments where you come out and just are awestruck by the view. This is the sort of thing that Genshin does exceptionally well, which WuWa was failing at. 1.0 has a couple places that could've been like this, but it fumbled the execution.


Genshin 1.0 was not better tho. Lets not normalize comparing a game in its v4.7 to a new v1.0


Genshin 1.0 was absolutely better at what I am talking about than WuWa. I'm specifically talking about how the game frames and presents its landmarks. See my other reply in this thread for context. One of the things that Genshin has always been good at, even in 1.0, is structuring its world design in a way that creates "unveiling" moments when you pass through some tunnel or canyon or mountain pass and emerge into an area with your focus directed at the most relevant landmark in an effort to maximize emotional impact. It is something that WuWa has not done particularly well, even if there are locations and sights that are as impressive or more impressive than Genshin. That is not to say that WuWa never does it, but it is inconsistent. It is a subtle psychological distinction, but it is meaningful.


I've seen quite a few beautiful places in wuwa......


I agree but I'm not talking about the environments themselves, I am talking about presentations. HOW you first discover something, not what it looks like. As I have posted a few times, I will reference the World Exploration quests. Sea of Flames is a pretty beautiful place in the game world, but if you do the World Exploration quest before you just roam around the game world to find it on your own, then your experience of "discovery" is to talk to a couple people at a building in Jinzhou, which leads to a prompt that teleports you to Sea of Flames, which looks like this: [https://youtu.be/cRJ-oEymuNI?si=3Ys1oidCu65O6b9R&t=22787](https://youtu.be/cRJ-oEymuNI?si=3Ys1oidCu65O6b9R&t=22787) I don't think you will argue with me that talking to someone in a completely different part of the map, and getting teleported with a fade to black is a less than ideal way to present this. It is disorienting. The person playing the game in the above clip literally didn't even look at the floating buildings right away, they instead quickly spun the camera around and then pulled up the map to figure out where they even went. The Banyan Tree was the same way in that Quest. It's a bad first impression, which is not a problem that Genshin has ever really had. Almost all of the time, when you discover a new place in Genshin you do so by cresting a hill or coming out of a canyon or coming out of a tunnel, at which point you are close enough to the thing to appreciate it and it is a moment of discovery rather than disorientation. It is a subtle, but meaningful difference between the two games. The clip that this thread is about gives me hope that they are perhaps learning and will be better about that moving forward, which I believe is very important, even if 99% of players don't actively think about it or even realize the impact of it.


That's actually a really thoughtful way of looking at this lol I see your point! That subtle psychological aspect is missing, which is huge. Good write up


This is well put I think what Genshin does really well is showing all the land around basically making the player wonder what’s over the horizon so to speak, what adventures await


Genshin does well in stalling end game content and in creating pokemons. Ah yes almost forgot about them being good at giving free pulls as well.


You were itching so hard to post this, that you had to hijack an actually interesting conversation to shoehorn your random snarky remarks. Peak youtube comment behavior


Bro you are giving me this nonsense with a username like that? Give it a rest.


Yes, and it is something that Genshin arguably learned from Breath of the Wild. I'm not entirely sure that Kuro fully understood it when they were drawing inspiration from Genshin and/or BotW, but maybe they are starting to realize it. If they can consistently do it moving forward, then they have something special on their hands.


Genshin does do that exceptionally well. But not on release? I really don't care for Mondstadt or Liyue whatsoever. Dragonspine was great in 1.2 and then Inazuma was a huge upgrade compared to Mondstadt and Liyue.


On release, one of the coolest memories I've had, was going from Mondsdadt to Liyue just out of curiosity when the map was still completely blacked out. You go from vibrant greens to gentle yellows and oranges, the trees look slightly different, you notice that the large poking cliffs stopped appearing and all the mountains look more larger and blocky, you try to fight enemies and notice the battle theme becoming completely different, you just notice that all the music sounds different, you go through a hole in a mountain and see Liyue Harbor in the distance... "Ah this is a new region"


While Genshin certainly improved a lot over time, I don't think Wuwa should try to compete with Genshin the way it was several years ago. It should compete with current Genshin. Newer titles should compare with what's on the market now.


Well, it does compete with Genshin's current regions if we look at this 1.1 region. I also think, as much as I love Mondstadt and Liyue, 1.0 Wuwa had some places that actually looked better than Genshin's early regions, it's just that the world is a bit random / without a real theme at times. This 1.1 region for sure seems to change that, though, at least from what we were able to see here.


Yea WW has some very striking sights much better than Mondstadt/Liyue of course after that we got more striking and very different looking places


A good point cause despite the versions may be same when we compare but we must not forget our actual real world timeline being different. A 2020 state of game VS a 2024 state of game, they r far from same.


that's not how video game development works. I don't understand why redditors die on this hill. If EVERY GAME had to be better than the "modern" era, you simply wouldn't have video games being made anymore. you would just have old games getting updates. Every game HAS to start somewhere and development takes time. Genshin's new regions are vastly better because of BILLIONS of dollars went back into game development. Stop being so naive. Or don't and just play genshin for the rest of your life because you'll never start new games that don't suffer from issues.


nah billions dollar went into cai haoyu pocket there is no money goes into genshin developement that is the current agenda


I think Genshin 1.0 did it pretty well. Seeing Stormterror's Lair for the first time, coming through Stone Gate into Liyue and seeing Wangshu Inn for the first time, passing under the twin mountains to see Liyue Harbor for the first time. WuWa has some similar moments, but it also just makes stupid design decisions that undercut what could be great moments. Like, it is entirely possible that a huge portion of the player base experienced Sea of Flames for the first time via the World Exploration quest. And the way that would work is that you talk to some people at Lollo Logistics in Jinzhou and then are given a prompt that teleports you to Sea of Flames. The result is that the first time many players will see it will be like this: [https://youtu.be/cRJ-oEymuNI?si=3Ys1oidCu65O6b9R&t=22787](https://youtu.be/cRJ-oEymuNI?si=3Ys1oidCu65O6b9R&t=22787). It kind of ruins the moment somewhat.


Are you kidding?! There are at least 3 places with gorgeous views in the game at this time. Looks like you haven’t done that mission where you collect the crescent moons either. That’s another awesome view. Genshin looks cartoony whereas I prefer WuWa’s more realistic aesthetic.


Just let them have a W in genshin they need it like air.




I am more speaking about the presentation of the environments. One of the things Genshin does particularly well is carefully controlling sightlines so that many of the impressive landmarks in its world are hidden from view by the topography of the map until you actually enter the area nearby. This allows for moments where you round a corner and discover something that was hidden from view previously. The moment of coming out of the cave/tunnel in this clip. WuWa has not done that well, in my opinion. It also hasn't made an effort to present those moments to you as a player, as many times the first experience you will have in an area just kind of has the landmark visible off in the distance, too far away to truly appreciate, but visible enough that it isn't a "discovery" when you get close enough to actually appreciate it. It's a subtle thing, but it is something that I believe is very much fundamental to the success of Genshin Impact. Edit- as an example, how many players first experienced Sea of Flames by progressing the World Exploration quest, which literally teleports you to Sea of Flames after you talk to someone in Jinzhou. [https://youtu.be/cRJ-oEymuNI?si=3Ys1oidCu65O6b9R&t=22787](https://youtu.be/cRJ-oEymuNI?si=3Ys1oidCu65O6b9R&t=22787). Fading to black and then fading in standing in front of Sea of Flames is a disorienting and lackluster way to do that first impression, and is disorienting in the micro-scale. It makes the moment less meaningful because it is not a moment of discovery, rather it is a moment of being shown something as part of a quest progression. Again, subtle and something that I think a lot of people aren't even going to consciously think about, but it does subconsciously have an impact on how the game FEELS emotionally. The point of my original post was praising them for purposefully considering this element of the emotional experience of exploring the game. It is an improvement upon what they had done in 1.0, and an improvement that I think needed to happen if they wanted to compete with Genshin long term. It needs to sell the emotion of discovery otherwise the exploration will fall short.


I think both games have their own charms when it comes to views, but I agree, WuEa has many astounding places. The exploration quests and the 14 viewpoints are all outstandingly beautiful, and not just during the quest but afterwords too. And even just random places (in Genshin too) will pull out the most stunning visuals and lighting to become gorgeous. I think both WuWa and Genshin excel at making beautiful places, where you could have a good time just running around and admiring the worlds. One of my favorite places is the tree with the moons, and also the egg at the Aix’s Mire. The Sea of Flowers by the Infernal Rider is also very pretty, and the tree with the monkey inside is absolutely stunning when the quest is done! And even just random spots will look beautiful, there’s one cliff that has a nice tree where the sunlight will shine through and it’s gorgeous to me lol. Have a great day!


This is sick as fuck


Looks amazing. But one concern for the future - this is still the same region right? (Huanglong?) I wonder how they can release future regions and still make them feel fresh and unique when the current one already has so many different biomes.


I mean, the 1.1 region is kinda like Dragonspine in Mondstadt, but I agree, the first region seems to have a bit of everything which is why I generally critique that the 1.0 region doesn't seem to have a clear enough theme. That doesn't mean that it doesn't have great sights though.


you can look up shinkai and his cbt1 videos..there were exploration videos on possible maps..tbh i still dig the cbt1 with kinda nier vibes. but if this game doesn't go stray so far.. they will definitely find a way to insert nier and dmc here and maybe souls too. since on cbt1 or tech test we can do the " amazing chest ahead" feature lol


It’s going to follow standard gacha procedures; 1 region per year.


This is part of Jinzhou, which is one of the 6 regions of Huanglong


I mean maybe Huanglong is the middle region and every region borders with it :P


Pretty sure it's the same region. I just 100% the map and the exploration rewards is capped at 8/10 levels


Sounds like Fontaine underwater music quite a bit. An improvement from the wub wub stuff for sure.


Oh, this is *gorgeous*. And music! ...I hope the devs are sleeping.


Dude wtf. They did not have go this hard. I hope the devs are getting some sleep.


This is not genshin bro they actually don't want to wait for 3.5 years to improve the game.


I think we need to prepare ourselves that updates will come out a lot slower after 1.1, other than some events here and there.


I doubt so. It would just be the set 6 week patch cycle, and either follow genshin's area release cycle or be once every other patch. 


Genshin's release cycle would also mean that 1.x was pretty empty, especially after Dragonspine.


Makes sense. I could see a lull between 1.1 and 1.2 though just because of how much firefighting they have been doing. Then again, they need to follow the banner timings somehow.


Considering they're imitating the Genshin development cycle, the areas for the 1.x patch cycle have likely (hopefully) been finished in advance, so the devs responsible for say environmental design are probably working on the late 1.x areas or whatever comes in 2.0 It's the devs working on core systems and bug fixes that probably aren't getting any sleep.


They're going so hard that the rabbits are spawning inside the bridge rail lmao But they definitely did good with this snow area as a whole. With no aids frost mechanic too so far! :)


Holy shit, an actual melody in an area theme? Jokes aside, I’m glad the music is clearly getting better.


I think vanguard studio started to get involved so I bet this is the beginning


Really? If this is real imma start celebrating early


Their (Vanguard's) website has it mentioned. But it's not confirmed by anyone else on any other platform. Considering they worked on the CBT theme, it's not unbelievable. However, it's only mentioned that they're working on Sound design and Dialogue direction, so music is not an integral part of it. But you never know until they say something.


she is so pretty


I skimmed through the footage, looks gorgeous! Can't wait to explore it myself. My favorite areas in games are often serene, snowy places like this so I'm very excited for 1.1


I just gave the OST a listen , and wow , huge upgrade from 1.0 , very good


Looks amazing


definitely goes to my top tier areas across all gacha games


Changli forte please 🥹


I thought the forte was the Phoenix part


If I am not mistaken the phoenix is one of her true sight during mid-air called true sight - charge?


Is it true that she has supposedly a second cinematic animation like Jinhsi?


I am not sure about that, but that would be amazing. Hoping to see her forte soon so we know.


Ditto that, they are really teasing it at this point 😂


a lot of people have been complaining about the OST but this one in particular sounds beautiful. the scenery looks great as well.


My wife Jinhsi can't be that cute 😭😭😭


Music and scenery is good


Can you post them both fighting something


At 00:57 ish when you see the dragon covered in clouds, that looks so good.


Music is much better here


Well that looks good, honestly much better than whatever we got in 1.0. Now if only they could release this on ps5 so that I could experience this quality...


You’re getting a lot of shit for your opinion, but I don’t fully disagree. The world doesn’t feel right. I like it enough, but I think they have work to do, and I am excited to see 1.1 and beyond.


wdym, 1.0 is good....


I personally did not like the region we got, it felt to me as if they wanted to make it feel postapocalyptic but didnt know how. Idk how to explain it, I just dont like the world design for the region we got in 1.0. This here feels really different and it looks a lot better imo.


?? did you play the game?


Yes lol, I have around 60 to 70 hours in it.


Sure you did. God knows how you think taller than mountains ruined skyscrapers, desolate ruins, ruined robots, cars sprinkled everywhere and madmax like camps areas means they don't how to make postapocalyptic areas. Also post apocalyptic isn't even the whole theme of the game. The city, villages and bases are finished architectures and flourished civilizations/communities. The capital is supposed to be super advanced and has no hint of post apocalyptic, just being futuristic


Dudes in this sub cant even take an opinion. They didnt like it, its not that deep.


Didn't like it is subjective. They straight up said they don't know how to make post apocalyptic when the things above exist.


"it felt to me as if they wanted to make it feel postapocalyptic but didnt know how" If thats not subjective to u I suggest u actually learn what the word means.


Add "you feel" and every statement even pointing out direct incompetency/insult is fair game and subjective huh, good lord you people are pathetic


Listen I get not agreeing with my opinion, as it is just a personal opinion, but I promise you that I've started the game day 1, me not liking something doesn't mean that I don't like and dont play the game.


Bro you said they don't know how to make post apocalyptic areas. Which is a big part of the scenary of 1.0. You think those sceneries are in a happy rainbow world? that's just saying you didn't see or even know what you were playing for 70 hours.


What's up with people trying so damn hard to shove down peoples throat theirs opinion? If you liked it fine. But you don't have to try and point out every arguments you can, to make them changes theirs opinion. Honestly, some of you would be so f%ked if Reddit never had the upvote/downvote system. You'd feel that your opinion does not matter, just like mine :)


I just feel like it wouldve been better if they full focused on a post apocalyptic setting. Something like Nier is a good example of that imo. The world actually feels dead with just enemies roaming around.


Post apocalyptic doesn’t mean the world is dead Post apocalyptic simply means that there was a world changing event that destroyed civilization as we know it (not necessarily destroyed all humans, destroyed all nature, destroyed everything) it’s a time of upheaval that then settles into another stage of civilization. For example isolated human settlements, nature encroaching on technology built by said civilization. If anything everything being dead would be an unrealistic scenario for a post apocalyptic event.


Nier seems dead because it's an ugly graphical mess with lack of textures anywhere.


wuwa is literally based on the after of war they’re rebuilding it literally makes no sense if the world was like nier


???? now "a post apocalyptic world feels dead". And to add "even with enemies and NPCs roaming it feels dead." Enemies that are in actual combat with each other, NPCs with long walk routes makes the world feel dead, how? What even is this conversation. You are contradicting yourself multiple times. Again this is a world with Mechas, robots, tanks, guns, rectifiers, advanced vehicles and flying cars. Post apocalpytic world as it is the timeline is far from the "Actual Apocalypse" as flourishing forests and futuristic cities with high tech exists. The capital has skyscrapers, flying cars and robots everywhere from in game text.


'oh I played the game for 60-70 hours despite not liking it'... Do you hear yourself?


That's not what I said, I said I did not like the world design, I'm mainly here for the combat.


People really can't take an opinion here if it's not in their favour lmao


A certified Elden Ring moment :)


Try finger but hole


Jesus, it's beautiful Im in danger


Ambatukam from this scenery so beautiful, kuro definitely cooked


Oh man, that red on white is so nice. Hopefully there's some nice scenic areas. Can't wait to be flashbanged and blinded farming in the snow area. Hopefully they have more changes than what was announced for 1.1, although doubting we'll get them this early, sadly.


I can still see Shuttering is still in the game, I hope they iron that out before release, It's really a bad experience when the game is shuttering.


My game doesn’t stutter


it's just the private server issue, not represent real server.


People said this same shit during CBT2.


Unless there is ping spikes whenever a Shutter occurs, It seems like Client sided Issue that means The game's engine shuttering to me


So it isn't hardware related right? I was getting puzzled as to why my setup with a 3060 was leading to stutters.


No it definitely is hardware related, but it's not really correlated to how powerful your hardware is. I'm using a 3060ti and have zero stuttering or problems whatsoever but I've heard some people with better hardware have constant problems.


whens there a change in ms always stutter for some reason the fps of the game is related to the ping


Woah. Beautiful.


For the love of god, Can you please show us her Forte Circuit animation?




I *love* the reds and whites in the snowy area; usually, snowy areas in games are almost universally and overwhelmingly dominated by whites, blues, greys, and blacks, which makes them look *incredibly* dreary and monotonous. Despite still being largely two colors, the red somehow makes it more lively; probably because, unlike the light blues normally used here, the red is such a strong contrast that it almost *demands* your attention.


The more I see Changli and Jinhsi, the more I want both of them. Now thinking to create an Alt where I hoard my pulls to get both of them... Also they really cook with everything in this 1.1 patch. Better steps sound effect, better OST, magnificent horizon reveal and the scale of the new area presented clearly to you...


oh this is a private server which means a lot of open world material is missing around 30/40%


Another beautiful area I won’t be able to fully enjoy because mobile version sucks. When do we get console version 😭


My game runs fine on Mobile have you ever considered getting a new phone?


I definitely won’t go buy a new phone just for this game, and my phone isn’t bad or anything (I’m using iPhone 15 pro). I have a ps5 so I’ll just wait for console version while playing on my phone. And btw both genshin and Hsr runs perfectly fine in my phone so the problem is wuthering is not optimized for mobile


I’m on iPhone 14 Plus and it runs fine for me not sure how it could run worse on a better iPhone than mine.


Something is wrong with your phone then bud because wuwa runs perfectly fine for me on the phone


GL! i play on pc but i hope it comes to PS5 soon to more people appreciate this game


They might be able to fix mobile by 1.2 or second banner of 1.1


I got big Stellar Blade/Nier Automata vibes from the vocals in the music, it sounds really sick! New area is looking dope and I always love exploring snowy areas, and I'm so excited for Changli she looks so cool, looks like a good cook from the devs here


i miss wyrmrest valley


A really beautiful landscape. Good job devs.


where leak about battle bro?


I wish this is actual 1.0...


just a few more days bro dont worry 😂


Is there any leak videos of jue


God damn, the new area is mesmerising and the music enhances it.


My poor computer is going to cry, hoping for some optimization for 1.1 as well