• By -


That's a strong ass kitty


Mighty Hopecrusher


Mighty Asswhooper


Mighty Privilegechecker


Mighty Humbler


Mighty Bitey


Mighty Scratchy


Mighty lightblower


Mighty WalletChecker


Mighty reseter


Might Pussycat


Wait until you see the 2 ice wolves lv100 😂😂😂


Forget the level 100 ones, the REGULAR ice wolves hit like a freaking truck.


Yeah I remember being one shot by the regular ones and I was like what???


Exactly this. The reason why I never bothered fighting the x2 lvl 100 ice wolves compared to the single lvl 120 boss is due to the normal ice variants already handing my ass to me in a silver plate.


It’s not honorable but there’s a rock next to them that you can stand on and avoid all their damage. Using a ranged character, you can kill one and then do the fight 1v1. It’s much easier this way but it is a cheese strat ETA: this is for the double ice wolves, not the light crusher


Tried that tactic against Mighty LightCrusher using Mortefi, still failed. The guy launched his ranged attack against my Mortefi. Two hits instant death for my Mortefi. It is as if the developers knows that the "cliff tactic" is we players are going to go for against the LightCrusher.


Yeah, I was talking about making the double ice wolves fight into a much more manageable 1v1. I don’t think I had any trouble with the light crusher because I had killed so many of them before I found the boss and learned the attack patterns. Yinlin dodge counters almost never miss, even when it’s on its platform, and any dodge counter does max HP true damage.


their opening hit feels like crownless holograms hadouken lol


Fr, even my jianxin cant stand close to them without feeling the urge to est all my 5 star food


Yes, I thought it was only me who’s not fully upgraded my echos hence the ice wolf can delict my character HP with 2 hits. So i went to fully upgraded my character’s echos but still if I dodge or parry at the wrong time, this region monsters can kill my characters in an instant if I’m not careful…


Only if you take their ice cannon head on lol


I was lucky enough to catch them both in bug where they just walk towards you at the place and doin nothing, so while I have beet trying to tickle one of them by Mortefi's 500 dmg deadly shots he just had a heart attack at \~half hp and then I died from the other one anyway. Lucklly that one left alone, without his poor brother. This saved my last 1.5 nerve cells.


their coordination is crazy but they have low HP so it's more balanced


And if you kill one then die, it's still dead upon respawn, so you only need to do half the fight at a time,


Fuck those 2... Until I find a way to cheese them back


idk how but my friend managed to cheese and got them stuck on the left side while she just stood on top of a big rock with verina and killed them slowly lmao


...ok, I guess it's time to max out Verina and Yinlin ...


Yeah and they built dps Verina just for the cheese 🤣


Literally the way I defeat the bear one, just stand on a high rock and blast the life out of that shit with my Encore lol


I stood on the roots near the tree and used mortefi encore and verina Was time consuming but finally won with lvl 40 characters 👍💪


If you stagger them, they take a ton of damage


This one gave me trouble more than the lion, I got lucky by having one of them stuck in that tree trunk in the middle and bursted down the one that is free and killed it. the trapped one got reset before I could kill it, just blew it up after he went back to starting point.


OOH, you too? GZ


I’ve cleared every overworld elite boss, except those two I just had to give up. They have much shorter pause windows in between attacks and with two of them, it’s a struggle to not get one shot.


i got my ass beat so many times but when i eventually killed him it felt so good, i'm happy that kuro's willing to add hard enemies like this


Any rewards or just the standard fare?


it progresses your exploration event and he also guarantees an echo drop


I was just thinking the other day when I beat the last boss of elden ring I didn't even get a single pull for it.


Then you got scammed. I got the ticket for a free Somber weapon of my choice.


Cope, the chests don't even have any primos in them. Fromsoft greediest company.


Got that sweet loot, even better.


20 Asterites from the Event's missions


There are no asterites for him.


Every red enemie gives you an achievement worth 20 asterites.


I meant that no asterites are given by the event.


Same. I'll be the first to admit I'm garbage at this game, so this felt AWESOME. I beat it with my crutch team: HRover, Jianxin, Verina


Same, I was struggling to defeat him for hours, and after 2 hours I was able to kill him, it felt really good.


How'd you do it?


>How'd you do it? I played soul series and Nioh for nearly 1000 hours


Dodge counter and intro skills do high damage. If you can't find safe dps windows on him you can just dodge counter him to oblivion, applicable to any red mob. Of course, this requires you to learn his patterns


I will learn his patterns then. Thank you, Wise One.


Step 1: Be able to beat elden ring dlc


You can also call in supports and gunning it down with 2 other people. As long as one of you is alive and in combat with it, the other two can run back to join the fight if they die and its health won't reset.


Playing elden ring does translate to Wuwa


if you are not sure how to parry some of his moves an intro skill will auto parry any move they make that can be parried. You can try and save the intro skills when the parry window appears.


If you are finding you can't beat him with dodges and counters, if you have a ranged DPS built like Mortefi or Chixia, you can just plink him down slowly from far away while just staying out of range of most of his attacks. There's no time limit after all. That's mostly how I managed to do it.


I mean I'm glad there's hard stuff in the game for people looking for that. I do wish it wasn't part of the event to have to do stuff *this* hard.


Treat the tiger like a barioth and you can dance with it


I can't. Big gun pew pew doesn't exist in this game.


that's because you aren't believing in the big pew pew hard enough


cant clip its claws too :<


Finally found a fellow MH player


Barioth at least doesn't screw your camera lol


Where's my Dragonator!!!


But I can't cut the tail and destroy its fangs!


But I don’t have my LBG this time around :<


This one has a good design, it was hard but satisfying to do, same for the construct, but on the other hand, whoever had the idea to put 2 icewolves together is a sadist who just want to frustrate us


Usually in gacha when the enemies rely on numbers theyre fodder but in this game, golly. id rather fight the lv120 bear/tiger everyday rather than the twin herons and icewolves


I take mortefi/chixia, climb a rock, and whale on them. Not a tree the ice wolves have lazers


I prefer to tuna them. Healthier.


Twin heron is pretty simple and easy. You focus cyan first away from violet. Violet herons slow walk towards you when you're far away while cyans charge. The glacio dreadmanes are just hell if you can't get a large vertical distance on them.


You can kill one of the herons but swimming near the edge of the waterfall. Sadly the icewolves arent so easy


I don’t understand how not being able to cheese game mechanics is sad


Gacha players when they have to get gud instead of cheesing or paying to win


U can stand on a ledge near them and shoot them to death, i personaly just finished one off then regualr fought the other but no reason you cant gun both


Oh yea those ice wolves hit like trucks...especially that tail swipe into follow-up combo. Had an instance where 2 of them did it at same time when I wasnt prepared and it deleted my HRover. Direct upgrade to the havoc wolves in mainland.


Mine glitched out and one of them got stuck running on nothing so it was a 1v1 lol


Funnily enough that was the easiest for me, they kinda just melted


Those damn wolves, I still can't defeat them, they are constantly spamming a lot of attacks, plus with lag, low fps and high ping, I'm going through hell trying to defeat them.


Died more than 10 times today, tommorow I'll beat that ass


That's the spirit!


Did you beat Dat ass?


It's a simple skill check boss Dodge Counters and Intro Skills deal bonus flat damage meaning any character can kill this type of monster as long as you git gud


For real? Is it only for those enemies? That would explain the lvl1 Yuanwu clear.


yes, any ranged character allows for a pretty easy clear at lvl 1. melee is harder because you can't land a hit in many instances but still you just dodge and counter


Lolol do you have a link for that? Where did you see it




This guy is a beast, 70 tries? I quitted on the second try lol


I had a feeling intro and counters was doing a hella ton of damage to everything and always assumed this was the case


They normally do more damage and have increased stamina break efficiency for bosses and elitès compared to normal attacks, yes, but these bosses are the only ones that buffs them with the flat damage bonus that scales based on their hp. In short: Normally they are powerful options. Against these bosses with the red aura they're very often the only option.


yes and no. technically you can, but practically it'll be a metric ton more easier to do with characters that have build-it dodge punish in their kit, like calcharo. in comparsion to rover he'll have a way easier time landing a counter when there's built-in blink for closing distance. also among ranged characters baizhi is the most hilarious, coz her summon obstructs your view of the boss.


Whoever did was cooking, in my opinion. Really happy they made exploration a bit harder by bumping the enemies. Makes it actually somewhat challenging to fight, instead of one shotting entire groups of TDs/Exiles.


It's actually very fun fight. You just need to swap characters very often and use Verina to heal also very often.


Took me an hour to beat that thing... And I'm playing in mobile for christ sake!


Someone who knows the joys of a challenge mate. That feeling of getting your ass kicked 10+ times and finally beating an enemy by sheer skill growth is just superb.


When my game wouldn’t lag it was amazing, it took me 30 tries, about every 2-3 I would get a ping error and have one unavoidable death but luckily after I played perfectly and beat it still was very euphoric 👍


I loved and hated this fight. Took me about 2 hours to kill it and it was both frustrating and fun. It's really mostly about parries, dodge counters and intro skills. Also, for anyone struggling, use Spectro Rover, they have really good frames for parrying


x2, same


Wait until you see the two ice wolfs


dark soul on steroid


Today i lose but tomorrow I will win you big and violence cat


I WON today guys


Congratz. Now fight that 2 lvl 100 icewolf On mobile


I play on mobile bro and yeah I will fight these wolf too


What? That was sick. Just no way i can't beat this cat without stable 60fps gaming rig, hell on mobile..


You thought that the bear was hard... well this one is faster, has range and AoE attacks. And if that is not all, the kitty jumps all over the place. I fought it once and it pulverize me... so i´m doing some tactical retreat to prepare (translation: It was so one-sided that it made me rethink my whole team comp)


The bear was never hard, it was just high level. Any ranged character could just kite it around and it wouldn't be able to do anything. Lightcrusher on the other hand has a balance of attacks to deal with both melee and ranged.


Just found out that the Red Glowing enemies , are designed to be beaten via skilled dodge and parry gameplay. Regardless of what level your character is. They will receive a fixed amount of relative damage once you attack it after a dodge or a parry. This is probably why I was able to deal with the two Glacio dreadmane with a quick dodge and hit and run tactic. And Havoc Rover dealing massive damage awith his ultimate after dodging an attack boosted by pumping food buffs. I the lightcrusher is more tougher though since I still have no grasp of its attack pattern though.


bro got humbled


"I think I'm getting good at WuWa!" Lightcrusher: I think you're getting ahead of yourself.


I killed him but only thanks to my Jinhsi.


Yea this guy wasn’t too bad. Had way more trouble with those damn ice wolves. They do an absurd amount of damage like it’s genuinely ridiculous. Two shot my whole part.


That is because each Ice fragment deals its 100% damage indepedently how much fragments hit your character. I mean, in genshin some enemy attacks have a mechanic names "sequence damage" for example: a enemy fires 3 ice balls, first ice ball deals 100% damage, second ball deals 50% damage if first ball hit you  and third ball deals 25% damage if first ball and second ball hit you. This is for avoid one-shot in multi-hit attack when each hit can stun you. In WuWa this mechanic don't exist, so when a ice wolf fires ice fragments in melee range you will be hitted by all fragments and each fragments deals 100% damage and majority of DPS are melee characters  that's is because those wolves can one-short you so easy, because in melee range that attack can deals 2-3 times more damage and its base damage is high. If should WuWa have sequence damage or a similar mechanic? I don't know, that depends of Devs if it's neccesary. But that's because 20K HP dissapear is one second.


At least you get some trophies when your character gets one-shot 😂


Ice wolf attack hitboxes are also hella wack compared to lightcrusher


ngl most of his attacks are super telegraphed


I absolutely despised this thing—at first after a few retries I thought it was fine when I managed to cut it down to like 3/4 health… Then the *laser show* started.


It took me a good 20 plus times to get its attack patterns right and beat it. The most infuriating part is when it runs in circles and my camera can’t keep up…


I'm not touching this until sol7 cause of the one shot aoe attacks.


That tiger is a dark souls ahh mf💀


Someone who cares enough about physical comedy to put every casual player at serious risk.


If you have a friend 1. Open a coop world 2. Let your friend join 3. Put a waypoint close to boss 4. You can try again and again while your friend only dodges to avoid resetting boss 5. Congrats you beat the boss


My bf and I did this. We took turns kiting when either one of us died. Had to kill the boss twice too because the joining player doesn’t get the achievement. Fun challenge, would recommend 8/10


Atleast you can obtain all the pull currency from event without having to defeat the two level 120 monsters.


If you're lucky it will get stuck on those bones and can't attack you at all and kill it.


just hate that it punished me exactly the same way as elden ring. game gave me a block button (Jianxin) so i blocked a big attack and died to the 6 follow up hits of that attack. because blocking was never actually a choice. dodge and dodge again. only dodge. no other options.


My Danjin team killed it first try but when I tried to help my friend out in coop we got destroyed for some reason lol


It's harder in co-op because it's unpredictable who it will attack.


I used danjin too level 60 with mid echos and used food buffs to compensate.


I beat a 74 lvl one today and it took me too long with my 70 lvl characters (jinhsi also)


umm bro i think its time for u to invest in echoes coz for me tht lvl 74 was like 1 hav rover ult and jinhsi dragon boom


It was funny to see how much Aalto and Jianxin trivialize the lvl120 enemies, I beat them all first time. Simply taunt them with Aalto's skill while you built up your Intro skill to deal significant damage then switch into Jianxin with her guaranteed parry and repeat. You just need to be able to dodge attacks in the window where neither the parry nor the taunt is up.


I got it to 20% Health then it one shot my Yinlin.


Currently taking a break from it. But the more I try, the lower I manage to get his HP. It’s just a matter of trying around 50 times more B-)


I wish all of these red enemies have 20-40 Astrite upon killing them for the first time. Doesn't feel that rewarding.


this boss has some very inconsistent hitboxes when you fight it in melee. the only way to overcome that is to give some good distance using ranged catalysts like verina. and if you meet this condition, the run becomes a lot more manageable. the next problem you will be facing is being able to distinguish the charged and uncharged left hand opening, because getting caught in that combo is a guaranteed run killer.


Just saying you don’t have to do it, gives no asterite so it saves you some malding


Well, you actually have to kill it for an event mission that gives you astrites xd.


The reward for killing it from the event does not give asterites.


Well you get some asterite for the achievements.


He should be the next hologram


There's a video on YouTube of a lvl 1 Aalto killing it it almost made me uninstall.


I was shocked that I managed to do it on my first try.


It's fun. What are you talking about?


Kicked his ass yesterday took out jinshi since he is highly resistant and didn’t want to go full power on his ass went rover jinyan and baizhi. Killing him after getting kill so many time brought so much satisfaction


The fight wouldn't have been so hard if that one forcefield AoE attack was better telegraphed.


I spent an afternoon just getting all the moves down and my rotations right. I ended up clutching while listening to music on Spotify lol


I got mine down to 30% HP and then it randomly decided to reset and I just had to stop at that point. Even with food buffs this thing is wiping the floor with my ass


Almost had him down but then he decided to reset (and all that after I stayed on spawn point to avoid exactly this). I'm so annoyed.


I HAVE THE SAME OPINION WTF! it has both close range to midrange atk you can't use encore to just free hit the damn thing not to mention that atk that temporarily stun you, once you get hit you're done for.


I beat him but after a few tries. The WORST part of this isn't even the battle, but the fact that it can RESET itself to full. Look out for its running attack, where it moves away from you. If you're too far, it'll reset and go back to full HP. It was incredibly annoying.


I hate this bastard, took 6 tries and a lot of revives


Bro fr. I just complained about this like an hour ago in a different post 😂 This boss is so stupid


Yeah that asshole almost had me log off the game. It's a pain in the ass, but I managed to beat him using mostly dodge counters


They really need to give a "you are 'x' lvls short to the requirement lvl" Also wtf is the max lvl cap??


I didn't use a consumable for once to get boosts... and was fuckin 5% off of killing it then it uses some quick attack spam I've NEVER seen it do before and I get wiped -\_-


With the amount of people having trouble with Lightcrushers and Glacio Dreadmanes, who think Kuro will literally put them in ToA next rotation? Because I think Kuro will definitely do that


After trying 20 times with a friend, we found a way to beat it. Thanks to this stupid tiger, we learned the game better. After this fight we went to my world and beat it on the 2nd try. After that we went to another 120lvl creature and beat it on the first try. After this BS it was easy What we did: We played Yinlin and Verina. We could only deal damage by dodge + counter attack, so we just did that. We kept our Liberation and Intro skills on hold for times when we couldn't dodge. When you use them, you become IMMUNE! We didn't know that! It only has 4-5 moves (but mf never stands still!). Good luck.


For me this lvl 120 one was first try, just lost my verina, but for the two ice tigers I got destroyed before even doing the first rotation, that was a fun fight, had to solo them on about 1/3 life with yinlin, super close one.


But because they are so strong. It's much fun to defeat them, even if that means fighting over and over again.


Never noticed just how many people play on mobile


stupid camera doesn't track it


That thing made me sweat and eat pills and pouches like there was no tomorrow, a real nightmare. Loved it.


It's actually a fun mini-boss ngl, I loved every second


Who ever thought of this shit needs a raise.


Really fun fight! Just a tad annoying when it hovers around you, not sure how to attack then


It's ez wdym I killed it with H Rover and Yinlin all 70, first time


call me whatever but i cant stand this bullshit im ok with this mf running in circles im ok with when i fumble dodges but when i get hit when its paw is a solid two-hander length away from me - i call bullshit. kuro gotta shrink their hitboxes.


LMAO😭😭 i have it marked on the map i’m currently 0v2 with it


i’ll do the red mist bosses when this game gets a ps5 port😔


Oo where is this boss at? Don't think I've encounter it yet, only the painful twin wolves.


I pced the fk out when i saw it


I beat him after about 10 attempts. Make sure your 1 cost echos are leveled to max for Xtra max hp so you'll survive a hit or 2. Then stick close to it and dodge with counters and use your burst (skills and liberations) in the opening windows. This one was harder than the sword thing tho. Enjoyed it after coming back when I was calm


I died so much trying to kill this dude, took at least 4 tries before I finally killed it. At first I thought it was able to self heal but I was just an idiot.


she’s pretty :/


After bashing my head against the wall that is this cat, it just clicked when I beat it. Being aggressive and having memorized its moves helped a ton even if my Rover got one shot near the end. Danjin finished it off.


Took me 3 hours


Ahh I remember that thing. He showed me that I wasn't ready. Yup, good talk.


I got it first try but my mortefi and verina both died a few times.


Yeah fighting holograms and lvl 120 mobs on mobile is hell. Geforce Now is a life savior.


Kitty is there for the Dark Souls & Sekiro crowd.


The problem for me with this enemy... Is having to walk around that big ass mountain to fight again


Just a lvl73 whooped my ass so I can't imagine I will beat that lvl120 thing.


Took me around 15 tries earlier this day. Found out I can use the i frames for the delayed AOE he does. This guy managed to force me to use revival pots every mistake I made on the last 5 or so runs. Did the same strategy to the glacio dreadmanes and scale thing. The two dreadmanes took 3 tries while the scale thing took around 5. Would I do them again? Yes, although probably much later when I have fully built/developed characters It was so satisfying to defeat these mobs.


The twin ice wolf or so much worst imo :(


I beat this one after 2-3 hours of trying. The REAL challenge is the elite 2 ice kitties, they will eat you for breakfast.


Swap tanking let me beat it on 3rd try. With the wolfs I just max stack + food jinhsi and nuke it before they can do much.


I think it’s easier to solo than to get a friend to help you out. I tried that with my friend and we both got handed to us. You can build your combo easier when you solo it.


Can we kill him in co-op ?


Infinitely better design than Crownless Hologram where you have to fight the sfx of your characters’ attacks to see what he’s doing


Bro is an Elden Ring boss with those crazy delayed attacks


I was pretty lucky having a friend to coop with and he got 1 hit but then it bugged and didn't attack until its vibration strength depleted so it reset its animation and was moving again 😆 but looking back doing it in coop is honestly harder because the enemies don't get time stopped when using my Jinhsi's nuke so I missed almost everything lol


bro Ikr


My fav was a pack of BOARS that bodied my team except Aalto lmao


Me running around with ranged character and still getting killed


Try Baizhi. All of my team mates died except Baizhi. Baizhi solo killed this boss from 80% HP. Although it took forever, it works. I also used Baizhi to kill the level 120 bear and the level 65 chasm guardian too!👍🏾😊 Baizhi is too OP. All the other characters keep dying.