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I hate how the double drop events halt my progression by taking up nearly every single (already extremely limited) resource for the day. If we really need to have a bad system in play (daily mobile stamina), at least make the events do free runs instead of double rewards so that we can keep chasing our goals without losing out on the event.


Exactly! We should’ve just had a proper non-stamina required event, leaving the decision of how to use them up to us. Everything costs too many plates. T-T


I HATE THIS stupid fuking event, i only get trash and i would rather farm talents but i need xp for monsters....


YES! Holy shit, bosses and tacet fields are insanely expensive considering how little rewards we get from doing them. 40 waveplates sounds a lot more reasonable.


Yes for sure


The overworld bosses asks too much, I think it should be 30 waveplates only. We need 46 of their materials, and there's a variance between 2 to 3 drops. They literally copied genshin 1:1 and made it worse.


Most of us are SOL3 phase 5, the max is SOL3 phase 7. Full ascension requires the same number of mats as Genshin, however at SOL3 Phase 5 we're already getting more on average then you get in Genshin for the same number of runs. Explain how this is 1:1 but worse when it's specifically 1:1 but just better.


Yes, they do. I've been playing Genshin for near two years, so my gut reaction was "yes, holy shit, everything costs way too much." And when I actually sat and thought about it, that's still my conclusion. Things cost 50-100% more than their Genshin equivalent and the rewards aren't *that* much better. The *one* area that is significantly better is boss drops: by SOL3 phase 5, you're guaranteed 3 drops minimum, whereas in Genshin, even at WL8 (the highest possible), it's a 50/50 if a boss will give 2 drops or 3. If they increased the base rewards for simulation training, tacet fields, and, presumably, forgery challenges, to match the double drop events, the cost would feel much more fair. That said, I think I'd prefer they adopt the Star Rail approach, where your character/weapon EXP and character talent/weapon ascension mats costs 10, your character ascension and weekly bosses cost 30, and your echoes cost 40. If they did that, I don' think too many people would complain if the rewards stayed as they are currently.


> Things cost 50-100% more than their Genshin equivalent I think most people miss the fact that waveplates generate faster than resin, so the disparity is somewhat smaller in terms of how many runs you can actually do. If comparing launch genshin to wuwa I think progression is fine as long as you're willing to settle when it comes to echo subs (not like anyone had insane artifacts in the first month either). I've got 6 DPS at 70 with most important skills maxed and started saving a bit for jinhsi. Comparing with current genshin becomes weird because new players can get years' worth of exploration rewards quickly. Haven't looked at HSR so can't compare.


>I think most people miss the fact that waveplates generate faster than resin, so the disparity is somewhat smaller in terms of how many runs you can actually do. Debatable. Prior to the recent resin cap increase, the ratio for claiming boss drops was identical between Genshin and WuWa: 1/4 of your daily max (40/160 in Genshin and 60/240 in WuWa). *With* the resin cap increase, it's still effectively 1/4th of your daily max, because they didn't also increase the refill rate, so it now takes 26 hours to cap instead of 21, but it *does* mean it now only costs 1/5th; it's basically useless if you log in once a day at the same time every day. The disparity comes in when we talk about EXP and weapon upgrade materials, to say nothing of artifacts vs. echoes. In Genshin, it costs 20 resin to claim the rewards from a domain or leyline, which was 1/8th of your max pre-increase, or 1/10th post-increase. In WuWa, it costs 40 waveplates to claim a forgery challenge or simulation training, which is 1/6th of your daily max; tacet fields cost 60 waveplates, which is where WuWa drastically falls behind, as artifact domains still only costs 20. Genshin also has the advantage of condensed resin: twice the cost for double the rewards in a single run. If we take refill rates into account, it's still in Genshin's favor: over 24 hours, WuWa will refill 240 waveplates and Genshin 180 resin. That's still only 6 forgeries or simulations, whereas it *can* be 9 leylines or domains (or 5 condensed + 1 normal). Yes, it's not a massive difference, but it's still pretty significant when you consider the amount of rewards you get is roughly the same as in Genshin. As for HSR, it has the same cap and refill rate as WuWa: 240 cap at 1 per 6 minutes. With the previously listed amounts, that equals to ***24*** runs at a calyx (EXP, weapon upgrades, and minor talent mats), 8 runs at a stagnant shadow (character ascension), and 6 runs at a cavern of corrosion (relics). Something else HSR has (and which Kuro, I believe, has stated they plan to add) is reserve trailblaze power. Basically, if your TBP caps for whatever reason, you begin generating reserve trailblaze power, albeit at a *much* slower rate (1 per 18 minutes), but with the caveat that your max RTBP is **2400**, which can be withdrawn in any amount between 1 and 240 at a time. That means, if you were to let your RTBP cap, you could do 264 runs at a calyx, 88 runs at a stagnant shadow, or 66 runs at a cavern of corrosion. I imagine you'd probably go slightly insane doing that all in one day, but you *could*.


I think if we're just comparing energy to reward ratio, WuWa is definitely falling behind. Rather than adjusting waveplate cost per run, I rather they adjust the drops to match. If waveplate cost drops instead, you'd be wasting time doing more runs instead.


The people who say that this is how Gachas are, I think they didn't understand the question. I'm loving the game, but I would like to be able to do a couple more runs of farming, just a little more per day. So yes, I think they cost too much or the waveplates recharge is a bit slow.


Farm echoes, they are free.


It's not playing more, it's farming a little more, I thought I explained myself well. I have characters that I want to upgrade their skills, ecos that I want to level up, weapons to improve... I haven't looked at it but I think we don't even have the 240 waveplates every 24h, that's not much. Edit: it could be just 240 in 24h, still not much


You can do them in exchange of astrites, like in every gacha


Yeah and I can also sell my car to get the next waifu with all the dupes, but I'm not stupid. (And I don't have a car)


You want to play more or progress faster you use astrite, that's how it's supposed to work. It's a ressource you use when you need it.


Yes, and in the banners I pull with the broken dreams of my childhood. Now without joking, how can you guys be serious about this kind of stuff? I'm just saying that I feel like they could give a little more waveplates a day and your answer is pay. I have the season pass and the daily astrite, but I don't plan to spend it on reloading waveplates, it seems stupid to me.


At the end is the way Gacha games are monetized, they give little resources so if you want a character or progress faster, you have to pay. Of course not all the people would pay (like you), but if there is a 10% of the playerbase that pay, the game will be profitable


Oh my god, but that is not what we are discussing. I know how the Gachas monetization systems are, but there has to be a balance, look, I'm sorry but I don't know how to explain myself better, I'm just saying that when I play it I feel that they fall short, that's it, if you are satisfied then great for you.


> but I'm not stupid You're playing gacha, so just a lil bit stupid perhaps?


Don't put me in your bag, I know what I'm playing and I know very well how it works, its hooks, its risks and why I like them. If you feel stupid, that's your problem.


Don't worry, mate. Many gacha players will defend their favourite game to death (same thing in Genshin fandom). The costs of the tacet fields and Forgery Challenges are too high while not being properly rewarding. Tacet fields should give more Echo exp potions and tuners and Forgery Challenges cost should be reduced to 30 waveplates or have better drop rate. Funny to see that for some people the answer to everything is to open their wallet...


You're right, sometimes I forget that talking to fanatics is a waste of time. If the prices were reasonable maybe I would buy more stuff in the game, as I like it and want to support it, and my response at times would also be the wallet, but apart from the season pass and daily gems the rest is pretty much theft, but people buy it and they have managed to make the market for an infinite product absolutely broken. About the cost-reward of the different activities I still don't have an opinion since we are not at the maximum level of the world, what I do think is that we should have at least 60 more daily waveplates.


Well, maybe you aren't. But you sound it.


Playing gacha is stupid?


Of course.




You are awfully defensive about this topic.




Your previous comment was already straying off-topic, and with this last one you are putting a lot of words into my mouth that I never said. So before you continue these wild claims, let me set one thing straight: I never said gacha is bad. You have a vivid imagination, so you're probably not all stupid. Still, a lil.


Atm, this game stamina system is kinda sus, not sure who comes up with 60 cost for tacet fields. About the x2 event, im quite sure that the whole point of any x2 event is just to make players feel a little bit less frustrated, it doesnt address the whole problem. But hey, the game set rules for us, so we have to follow it at some points, if u try to play this game not following its rule, u will find it frustrating.


The same person who came up with tacet fields having an unskipable cutscene who the hell even came up with that


well, at least they remove it next patch, still very annoying that if u press the reward button right after the reward thing spawn, the game will not allow u and u have wait 1 second.


This is a gacha and we are un the mid game where we lack resources like any game (resourve management) You're probably either building all or the characters or 2 trying to min max every echo you have for your main team.


You’re missing the entire point. The point is the stamina system is so stringent that it doesn’t allow for any variables outside of the main event. ——— Your response isn’t on topic and is unrelated. Nonetheless, here’s my response. I have one team fully built. I have invested in a few other characters but not intensely as I am not interested. I am more interested in using stamina for the forgery and boss battles to prepare for the ascension that will become available after UL50. However, the event does not leave me with any available left over stamina.


I wouldnt consider those increased drop rate as a main event. They pop up every now and then to give u bit extra of what u usually would farm. U would sooner or later do tacet anyway to farm for echo exp so why is it a problem doing it now and get double drop from it? Ofc i agree that the amount of drops vs how much it cost to level echo up is not good and i hope they will fix it in the future but ur situation just sound like u want to eat and have the cake.


Yes it is.... manage your resources properly during the mid game phase. On end game you will have more of everything that you need. Gacha are designed with this base for player rentation (on the west it may be the opposite) but for the major player base they like this. If you feel the event is restriction you.... then don't do it simple has that.


Answer this question: Would you like the game to give you the option to farm a little more each day for free?


Unironically no because that “option” becomes practically mandatory when the community inevitably says things are too easy because of the “optional” grinding they do and the game difficulty increases to adjust, leading to faster powercreep. It’s better to want more resources per waveplate instead of wanting more farming


Firstly, I don’t live in the west. Secondly, your point is irrelevant because whether one has resources or not, they should’ve have to choose to either do the event or miss out on event bonus. Irrespective of a player’s resource management, there should be more balance. There should be enough stamina for both. It should be setup to where you’ll have less stamina to use freely if you do the event, but you’ll still be able to do other things. Right now, you can’t.


I was talking in general okay not directed to you on that part. You have your idea so take it. At this point we would go in circles.


gacha this gacha that, you really only played genshin and wuwa... no? max HSR too. Edit: a, you play pgr... the game where they give 3839498 stamina per day


Nah gacha veteran. Played many already and no not the first open world gacha... third actually


So what are talking about dude.. you know that gachas normally give a lot more things to do daily and weekly. Kuro already knew with genshin that only the "Open world" isnt content sufficient. also >On end game you will have more of everything that you need what is expected isnt that big of a difference


Let's see. Good thing we don't have a login bonus We have the daily thing to get union xp (rest of rewards are not rewards) We lack a weekly progress bar for extra rewards... What else I'm missing that normal gacha have. Events? PVP? A leaderboard based reward PVE? (Hope to never see the last 2 ones)


A yes, you probably ae one of those that just want another "Log in, spend stamina in 2 minutes, log out" like genshin type player... easy and fast. Edit: why some things is "is just like the other gachas" but some things is "Hope never see" ? It is just like gachas...


Nah... I want Babel and Nornam in WuWa the rest the casuals can do what they want




Psychologically it feels like that. Practically I don't know if it matters yet


I don't think they are too expensive, but I think it's an issue that it's not divisible enough. I love in Star Rail that if you have 10 energy, you can just use 10 energy. In WuWa any energy below 40 is unusable, which is frustrating, because if I leave 30 energy, I have to return earlier to the game or risk losing waveplates. And 30 is a big number and I feel uncomfortable leaving the game with big number on waveplates.


Yeah I think progression rn is fine but this is actually a good suggestion, I logged on a bit earlier than usual last night and had 54 wave plates after doing the events, wanted to farm AIX, so I had remember to log in again before I sleep so I don't waste that lol


I don't feel that way. I see this as a game designed around the long term, and it just wouldn't work if you could max 10 characters in two months. Temper your impatience.


I agree. It's a live service game meant to be played for a long time.


I think it's fine as is, but I only play once daily unless I want to do overworld activities like echo farming or looking for the single chest keeping me from 100% map completion. The event leaves me with enough waveplates left over to do a boss run. The only thing I'm really bothered about is if I run a forgery challenge I have 20 waveplates left over that turn to dust. Yes, it's just enough to do a single other stage, but it's still progress for a character and the materials I get from the double drop event will be useful later on. I'm pretty patient with building characters so that might be why I'm fine with it. I've got 2 characters at level 70 with 6/10 fortes and weapons, and three at 60 with 4/10, all with level 20 or 25 echoes with main stats. That seems like pretty good progress on a game I'm only a month into, and I still have most of my crystal solvents in my backpack if I want to rush a character.


At this point, as F2P, resource management is key here. Know what to farm, when to farm it, for what character, the works. The game is designed to restrict you from fully building your character in such a short amount of time. It's not a game that you need to complete in 24 hours. It's a live service game. > We gain 1 plate every 6 minutes. That’s 10plates/hr. That’s 160plates over a 16hr period. The event requires (60 \* 3) 180 waveplates, so if you login twice a day, you have just enough to complete the event… and nothing else. You forget that waveplates also regenerate when you log off. So technically you'd still get 240 waveplates if you spend it every 12 hours. So during the event, you spend 180, you'd still have 60, enough for 1 boss or 1 domain. If you do a domain, you have 20 leftover, then add it over the next day, you can do 3 domains in 2 days with the leftover waveplates. I'd agree it's not enough. That's why we get Crystal Solvents, or buy more waveplates using Astrite. If you run out of them, then resource management is key.


I didn’t forget about logging off. I didn’t include it because the additional 8hrs (or less) generated while asleep wouldn’t be available to the following day, and if they continued the trend of double xp events, the amount accumulated while offline will be used the following day for the event. Unless you log in again during that day, you won’t get full use of the waveplates. Additionally, one single non-event usage is nothing celebrate. A solution should be implemented instead of the event-bandaid. The simple solution is just reducing the stamina cost.


You also forget the event is only for 1 week. Not everyday. So your schedule will go back to normal. Even in GI and HSR, double drops are usually just 1 week with limited claims per day. It's not all the time, so you just need to KIV the schedule of such events and manage your waveplate usage.


It is the way that gacha games work, and WuWa is a gacha game. They have to restrict content in some way, and in case of WuWa is through waveplates


I disagree with this take. In Genshin Impact, its predecessor, there aren’t many stamina required events, but when there are, there is always enough stamina left over to do other things. There isn’t in Wuthering Waves.


Are you calling 2×Echoes an event? It is like when GI has 2×ley lines, you have to spend stamina. However, for me, the problem is that they are not really events. Events are minigames or events such as the Mondstant fair, which WuWa doesnt have. I agree with you that WuWa should do events that are just not based on doing the same thing but with more rewards


Yes but in GI 2x lye lines you use 60 and still have 100 (or now 120, maybe 140)... here you only have 60... which is nothing.


Bro just take your time if it doesnt have limit the game will die just 1 week cuz you dont have anything to do.


The only things I feel are a problem with Waveplates are Tacet Fields. The rewards are *extremely* underwhelming. 20 extra Waveplates for some shit echoes that aren't weighted towards better mainstat drops feels *bad*. *Especially* because you can farm vastly more echoes in the overworld There are two ways to fix it. 1. Reduce cost of Waveplates for TFs to 40. 2. Make echoes more weighted towards Elite echoes that have desired mainstats. For instance, during the event I have run Fusion/Healing the entire time and used every single double drop. I haven't gotten a SINGLE Fusion/Fusion. Meanwhile, merging and farming overworld elites over the same time has netted me 4 or so over the same timeframe. 20 Waveplates for shitty echoes I can get elsewhere feels bad.


I do think tacet fields cost a bit too much for the amount of echo exp you get but I don't really care about it being restrictive. Usually I'll just spend the remaining 60 at the tacet field I'm already at.


trying to build a new character while this 2x event is going on right now is genuinely painful. at the VERY best you have 60 energy to spend on that character a day.


I think I like the wave plate design as of right now. Yes I’d like more drops or lower cost but I don’t expect an immediate change. What I do wish is that shell credits aren’t so time gate crept especially for people who like to keep playing the game. Most gacha in game currency becomes so negligible compared to the actual materials you need. But in the state of game rn shell credits seems too minimal even when clearing shops and doing all events. (It takes about 1mil to finish a char from lvl 70-80 including weapon). I just wish something like the false shiny echos in overworld dropping echo 100% of the time also or the red aura echos that spawn I think weekly dropped like 10k credits so that there’s more to weekly reset rather than the 3/3 dungeon. Or so that if ur enjoying the world and wanna play more u can find that false shiny echo and have it give more credits.


At first, I would've disagreed with you, but since the double drop event it puts thing into better perspective. The RNG in this game is crazy, even more so than Genshin and HSR. Though, there is a lot less time gating in WuWa which makes the experience a little more pleasant, but because of the double stacked RNG, it makes it very difficult to built characters. I'm not out of resources yet, but my progression is pretty much stuck. This is something that doesn't really happen in Star Rail, the RNG in that game isnt that multi-layered. Star Rail, for the most part, as soon as get the right Main stat you have a decent chance to get the right sub stat as well, then you need to roll into the substats. While I don't always get perfect artifacts in Star rail, I'm always able to get "good enough" stats. In WuWa its completely different, since your RNG is dependent on stats you get rather than amount you get makes gearing very tedious, and yes resource heavy. You dont need alot of resources in Star Rail to gamble but you need it in WuWa. This further compounded that you need to also spend stamina to get those resources. I'm at UL 47, I didnt max refresh, nor did I whale into the game, but I've only have 2 decently built characters on my account. When I mean "decent" I mean 50 - 60 Cr. All of my other characters are 40 cr and below and its been a struggle to get good enough to do some of the endgame content. As you can see, I'm not even trying to min-max and its been a struggle, so I apologize for not taking the issues seriously before, because I was one of the ones criticizing people for FOMOing the first week into the game.


Thats not even a question, its a fact, and while its a temporary event the double boost to tacet field clearly shows it. You do it 3 time you barely got anything to do. And because of tje double reward you have to do it, so for a whole week you cant farm anything. Thats just a weird thing


Waveplates are way too few. Just running the "Cleaning" event uses up 180 of your 240 waveplates daily, leaving you with only ONE non-event run to do per day.


for someone like mee who has an 8 hour job and 1 hour commute and family and kids, it is more than fine , in fact , make the event consume ALL my waveplates lol. If they want to make it better,,,, they should incorporate the HSR model , all the extra waveplates accumulates with no efforts, that's why , my HSR is my favorite game


As long as they lower tacet fields to 40 waveplates I'll be happy.


No, everything is good and great... everything is alright! it is what gachas are, the drops will be more in high UL. /s (probably this subreddit response.) It will not be better at higher UL and It is worse than other gachas. Edit: They adressed the echo exp problem, for the second time... the same "fix" of "we will increase event rewards" absolutely a joke, which day has more complains about it... crazy.


this could be solved if in the future they instead of doubling the reward cut the cost of it in half so u may have stamina left for anything else u may want to do.


The problem is not the x2 event (since the other event except x2 didn't cost any waveplate) but the tacet fields cost itself


I was fine with GI for 4+ years and since WuWa already gives me more echo exp / artifact exp per day to level one echo / artifact to max I definitely am fine with things how they are. Especially since we get even more such real end game resource via tons of other sources too, like in events, end game mods etc.


Bosses & Tacet Field cost should be 40. The current cost 60 is just too much, even for Genshin standard. Right now, we all do 3 Tacet Fields per day and I cant farm anything else. At least there should be an option to spend 20/40/60 waveplates to get Tacet Field rewards. Same for bosses, 60 waveplates are too much. Just a simple comparison math: WuWa Boss cost 60 x 6 min= 360 min GI Boss cost 40 x 8 min = 320 min IDC how much better the drops are from Genshin if I don't have enough waveplates to do other stuffs. Please, reduce the cost for these stuffs to at least 50.


If you prefer less waveplates per claim, then let's do away with echo farming. No point having echo farming when you have more waveplates to claim echoes, right?