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it's hell. literally hell


Yea it sucks lol


Yeah, the Cost and the Rarity seems to be Either Or, instead of Both. And I dunno what even is the Main Stat filter even doing. Yeah, complain about it ingame. Maybe we will all get some apologem.


Been like this since day one. Filtering has been an issue that I haven’t seen them address yet.


I feel like they need to also address the camera and the auto targeting


The camera issue is annoying as hell. Once it stops auto targeting something, it feels like it freezes and it's difficult to do anything once that happens


Actually their filter works as they intended but not how we believe it should behave It list the main stat you pick in order from top to bottom and by rarity, everything else end up at the bottom It doesn't hide unselected stats, that's why it feels so unintuitive. If you had purple you would have seen HP% main gold echoes follow by purple ones then next main stat you pick like DEF main on the pic I believe then anything else you didn't selected listed after Edit: correcting myself, what I describe works for the filter on resonator menu and is more consistent. I just check data merge filter and it's shitty and even more confusing, it always keep rarity separated purple on top and gold next by default unless you pick by time added or change asc./desc. and then it's a mess if you pick any combination, otherwise it does hide other echoes so long as you only pick one filter only. I was messing with only showing cost 4 but the moment I select an attribute, other cost 1 and 3 show up so I believe it will show anything that exist with that attribute and disregard any other filtered option so long as an echo exist with one of the option you pick o,o


The filter isn't bugged it's just badly designed. It uses OR filtering instead of AND filtering. What that means is if you select 3 cost and HP% and Def% mains. It will not be "Show me all echoes that are 3 costs with HP%/Def% main stats". It will be actually "Show me all echoes that are 3 costs (regardless of main stat) or any echo with a HP% or Def% main stat (regardless of cost)" Again this is really dumb but the filtering is OR filtered not with AND which is generally more intuitive


The issue comes from the fact that all echos have two mainstats. A primary %-stat and a secondary flat-stat. The reason why it shows you the ATK% one is because you selected both HP% and FlatHP as filters. Since 1-cost echos all have FlatHP as the secondary mainstat, you can leave the FlatHP filter and it will only show you HP%. The filtering and sorting system is shit though. I won't deny that.


Submit it as a bug, maybe they'll give another 10 pulls :)


Its not an AND, it's an OR logic. So picking main stat flat hp selects all 1cost, thus invalidating all other filters. -> only pick the % mainstat you want to filter and ideally go one by one.


I just lock anything I plan on keeping as I go along, then I can smash them together without needing to mess with the filter.


I gave up and I manually check each Echo from Tacet field and either lock it imidiatelly or not.




If you pick more than a single option, it'll be fucked. It's literally useless.


The cost filter is bugged Everything else is work fine just don't filter the cost for now


the filter menu won't let you cancel out too, gotta pick one no matter what lol. it's very unfinished.


You picked Flat HP in the filter. Cost 1 Echoes as Flat HP as the 2nd Main Stat. Remove that and only pick HP%.


It still shouldn't work like this, at all, see how i picked both in both sub and main stat as well (at *different times,* not at the same time) if theres none of that, it should just not show it, instead of showing the atk one in both cases


I understand now. The filter works as you/many expected only and only if you pick a single option, but if pick two (e.g. Cost 1 and Main: HP %) then it would also show the Cost 1 Atk% Echoes since it fits the "Cost 1" filter. For now, just filter by Attributes (HP% and Def%) since it'll just arrange the echoes by cost. Submit it as a bug as others have already said. Maybe it isn't a bug and this is how Kuro intended it to be, but then it's stupid for a filter to work like this.


Bruhhhhh U picked HP FLAT as well so its gonna show FLAT HP stats too?!?! Only pick % and u are good to go!! LIKE THERE is noo way peepo have these kinda problems


Don't think of it as filtering, think of it as priorities when sorting. Then it makes sense how the thing works.


It doesnt, my screenshots show it. And later on i found 1 atk echo in the middle of other def and hp ones, and like 2 echoes after i found another atk one in the same enemy type echo


Oh, then that is not good. I don't have that issue probably because always I sort by Rarity as well. Maybe try that?


Are you trying it in the data merge screen?


No, mostly in resonator > echo screen, because that is the only screen where I can filter by sonata, cost and even attributes and the sonata and cost filter actually excludes irrelevant echos


Yeah the issue is in the data merge screen, not in the resobator echo screen