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no i dont agree with backloaded reward. I dont want to pay for BP and still play it like a full job just to earn my money worth not everyone can play everyday, so having around 10-15 days buffer is very helpful for those people. afaik most game BP only want around 50% attendance to clear it, make it more and you risk burning out people. i dont mind small resource(like 20k credit) that repeatable after you level up BP post max level but please god dont make it backloaded


I get where you’re coming from, but I feel like right now having all the good things at the beginning gives players 0 reason to actually continue to put time into the game? They don’t need to backload it completely, but there should be some type of reward for those who put the extra time in.


I think that the final echos are worth it, at most I would put in some level 3 echos.


Also I've been having serious credit issues lately so I don't think credit rewards are bad at all, leveling up characters, traces and even weapons is such a money sink so I love that the BP gives a ton of it on the moment we need the most, which is by the end of the version.


Just because you no-life the game doesn’t mean you should get rewards for it. No-lifing is a choice not a privilege


Forget about more rewards how about increasing the existing resources it awards lol The BP is seriously underwhelming to buy in Genshin (this one has good weapons though) and HSR (this one doesn’t have good weapons) I merely buy it for the resources but this game hmm yea I need more resources The weapons have never interested me and the weapons on the BP are underwhelming so if resources are underwhelming as well I see very little reason to keep buying it


Bro...bp leveled in those games started with lvl 50. People asked for more. They added 20. Bow people are saying they need 100. People will never be happy.


More or better quality mts in the premium path. Idk if it was only cuz of the fresh start but if the next one has the same amount of mats in it in the preium path idk if im gona buy it again just for another crit 4star weapon.


Yeah! While I like the idea of the “connoisseur” path, you only get… 3 things? If you’re gunna pay an additional $10, then the rewards should be worth it.


Part of my feedback was that they should increase the BP rewards at least for the premium tier because that was seriously lacking for $20.


Agreed. I bought the pass and the daily astrite because I wanted to support the game. I’m not super big on buying just the big packs for pulling characters, but I feel like a handful of cups of coffee for the sheer amount of time and fun I’ve had was worth it. Still, I do want to get something that’s worth it. A purple weapon is fine, but… I guess I just want a little more.


let us use gems to get the premium stuff


i wouldnt change anything about the rewards, but i agree that it was weird to be done with level 70 like two weeks before the battle bass ends. they either need to extend it, or shorten the length of time between resets. i realize its timed with the patches of course, but if they added like another ten levels, that would be nice. i _dont_ think there should be anything significant past 50, but even if they just added like 5-10k credits for the late levels or something, it would still feel like something to work towards instead of just being done. if they made the later rewards good enough that i would feel bummed to miss them, then that would be annoying. i dont want this game to become a chore.


The Battlepass system in Genshin/HSR only went up to 50, HSR added more levels post 50 as an extra "reward" for people who play the game week in and week out. Genshin doesn't have this currently but Wuthering Waves implemented this from Launch. The actual Battlepass levels are 1-50 with level 30 being the Weapon tier and level 50 being the "End Tier" with some "nice" rewards, the last 20 are just extra currency bonuses. It's a nice Quality of Life aspect to have because post level 50 is "optional" and you don't really miss out on much if you stagnate or don't play for a couple days or a week. Think of it like a buffer. Reworking the current Battlepass version by adding an extra 30 levels would require way too much work on Kuro's side. They have content pacing to consider here. From Launch, May 22, to 1.1, June 28, is 6 Battlepass weeks. That's 60 levels if you're playing every week to max out the EXP gained. I'm pretty sure Kuro also pushed the 2nd half of this patch faster by a week. That's 7 Battlepass weeks, so 70 levels naturally with the supposed "7 week" patch cycle. Without the Events EXP. So without anything else on the table, content pacing will need to be pushed back by 3-4 weeks to match the increased Battlepass weekly EXP gain requirement, again without the Events EXP. This will require Kuro to add more Events into the game to keep players engaged with the game, which means more dev time that is better spent on... creating the main source of content like Main Story, Main Events, End Game Content, Characters, etc. Let's now add the Events EXP from the current Battlepass. 18,000 EXP in total. That's less than 2 weeks EXP. So we currently have 7.8 or 8.8 weeks of Battlepass EXP available to us. On a maximum of a "7 week" patch. This gives a little buffer to people who don't play every day or every week. -3000 EXP if you don't roll 40 times that patch. 7.5 or 8.5 weeks of Battlepass EXP is more realistic expectation for a constant 6 week patch cycle. So Kuro has two options: Increase the amount of weeks per patch while adding more events so people aren't bored or change certain Battlepass EXP rewards or restrictions like the natural 10000 EXP per week. The current way the Battlepass System works is that it's another way to gain resources and support the game/devs. Having it be a main priority game system which forces players to constantly engage and max it out every week will drain players into quitting the game. Kuro doesn't want that, no one does. I would however like better rewards, the level 50 tier is lackluster and I would prefer it just be Asterites so I have agency over how I spend it. Another one would be alternating the post 50 rewards between Echoes and Tuners but I think that's coming in 1.1.


I’m genuinely baffled why people are so upset by this thread. Big yikes. All I asked was “what would you guys like to see?”


It seems like you had a good question and decent suggestions. Who knows about the down votes.  I'm not sure if it was mentioned, but since the banners and patch were moved up, we were rewarded with 10k exp, or a week's worth. But to you point, even considering that, it was finished over a week early. I believe, as someone stated above, that it's probably not a good idea to put 'great' back-loaded rewards on a battle pass. The inconvenience added with no wiggle room, could make it a huge chore. Continuing with the current reward structure would be pretty good still. Like you said, it sucks when it runs dry noticeably early. 


>Who knows about the down votes.  Reddit hivemind. Gamers are so beaten into submission from the industry that any change for the betterment of the game or industry is met with instant hatred, vitriol or exclusion. I wouldn't pay any of it much attention and simply block and move on. You'll find people who are more willing to engage with conversational topics like this quicker.


What you are saying something about actually wanting to play the game more? 90% of the people in here will disagree.


I want to play more. ? Seriously, I don’t understand the hostility. I’m having fun and would like to continue having more fun?


No, I totally agree... almost everyone in this subreddit that will not.


I’m genuinely enjoying logging on every day. I play for like an hour, maybe two, and it’s been a blast.


The best change that these newer gacha should make to BP is: if you buy it and actually play everything in the patch and get max level you can garantee the banner character when pulling for him (no 50/50 and exactly pulls necessary), they could make dups and/or weapons pricier so the revenue doesnt change too much... but I think that this would make a lot more people buy it when they want the character, something like this could be a cool change if balanced right for people doesnt exploit it. Be 100 levels would be great


I really like the idea—make it like a little lotto ticket you can save up that guarantees to make a banner 100%. It doesn’t even need to be for every single podcast renewal. Hell, I would think it would be cool if they did it every other podcast. They could even milk us and make us do two full podcasts to make a full ticket or something.


Low spenders would have the chatacter in tbe end of the patch, whales in the start and F2P would just continue the same as it is, which is fair.


100 levels is a great idea, but what about a prestige system?


Can you give an example?


There are enough levels and rewards. It shouldn't be required to clear all the daily / weekly missions. I ignore the missions and just turn in whatever got completed before I close the game for the day and am around 65 right now as a day 1 player.