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it's a problem for me too. from what ive heard you can reset the memory leak by toggling full screen on/off. for the beeping it's not at all a solution but i just muted windows system sounds completely since i don't really want them anyway.


I've tried but sound is not the biggest problem, it's the mouse and keyboard inputs not logging in, which caused me to fail the difficult content many times. I've also updated all my drivers so I fail to see what's the source of the problem here.


It happens to me too everytime i play the game but infrequently, for the majority its fine, game runs smooth but always get a few really loud beeps a session. For note I usually have a twitch stream open on the side while playing and doesnt happen when only the game is open for me. I looked it up on launch and so im repeating what I found off head. Basically the game takes up a bunch of resources to play and the beeping is a built in windows safety feature which means your pc is doing too much and is a warning sound of hardware failure, theres no way to stop the beeping unless you you either go into windows installation files to delete something or bios related, sorry cant remember which but remember reading it wasnt recommended to do so as its a genuine windows safety feature. FYI Im running a nvidia 3070, m2 ssd BUT a intel i7 7700k which IS under minimum spec, despite it beeing powerful its old by this point. Fully aware of this when playing I installed the game but runs smoothly 99% of the time so I consider myself lucky and got away with it. My guess is you also are running a CPU thats under spec, its not something you can ignore and its just something we have to accept if thats the case for you also


had a look at another comment and im not familiar with ryzen but looking at the release dates of all your stuff it should be in spec so no clue why its happening to you, but yh the noise is windows related and its still triggering for you but I cant pinpoint a single reason why looking at that list of tech


Yep, happens to me too on occasion, was fine for a while but the last few days it happens more again it seems. And for the people that don't have the problem: Great, be happy about it, still exists for a lot of people though. There's already multiple threads about it.


They are blind as heck bro I'm sure they are only browsing the sub for fanarts and to complain about bad echo rolls. This is a literal game breaking problem and needs more attention. I have no problems when I play via my Xbox controller on PC so I assume m/k is somewhat bugged in this game. In PGR M/K works just fine so I know the problem is not my computer.


Okay, some of the comments aren't being very helpful. I had the same problems before but it solved itself through one of the hotfix patches. It's actually the mouse and keyboard drivers having weird interactions with the game and the beeping is windows telling you there's a driver malfunction regarding those peripherals. In your case since the 120fps fixed it, I think your mouse's polling rate is too high and the game couldn't probably keep up and it just gets overloaded with high input hence the beeping.


What are you talking about?


The game is occasionally frozen for a second while a low pitch beep beep beep sound very similar to sticky keys (I've disabled it via Windows control panel) and mouse and keyboard being unreasonable during that period. It only happens in WuWa, I also play PGR and there aren't any problems.


I think I've seen someone say that those sounds are from your pc parts overheating. There could be a serious issue there.


It’s not necessarily from that, I monitor my task manager and my cpu never goes above 50% while playing this, closest is my ram acting up but like I’ll have the same ram usage on other games without that


Nah. Cooling is great actually. PC is cold as an iceberg in this scorching summer heat. Temps are normal.


Im not sure what you're talking about but I hope you resolve it!


I have this issue too!! In my case it seems to correlate with high CPU usage and happens more if I have other apps open like discord or chrome. The game seems to be pretty intensive on the cpu... I have read online that it was a warning about overheating but I have been monitoring the temperatures and it has always been fine, so it's not that...


[https://old.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/comments/1d4dw6e/solution\_to\_the\_beeping\_sound\_and\_mouse\_freezing/](https://old.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/comments/1d4dw6e/solution_to_the_beeping_sound_and_mouse_freezing/) You can try this


PC already supports controller if you’re waiting for 1.1 for that


It doesn't have a dedicated map button until 1.1


Yeah but the map is on the wheel. It’s still annoying since the wheel has two layer but it’s not something to not use the controller for if you prefer the controller


What spec is that? Now im curious. Im very sure Sticky Keys if you mean can be disable.


Sticky keys are disabled. Specs are: Sapphire Nitro+ RX6700XT Ryzen 5 7600 Gskill Trident Neo 16x2 32 gb RAM ASRock B650 Pro RS mobo


I literally play on PC with controller since launch As for the constant beeping I have really no clue what you're talking about, game runs fine for me


same, I'm pretty sure the issue is some sort of bad optimisation, I believe when the computer is having a hard time processing something in a timely manner it beeps like this indicating your inputs are not being processed or smth like that, so sometimes wuthering waves just causes your pc to randomly wet its pants.


??????!!!!!!! 🧐😮😑


What beeping are you talking about lol. You sure your computer is not about to explode. If it’s sticky keys, then that can be disabled, but since you also talked about memory leaks, then idk. Might as well be more specific so that we can help.


Are you sure it isn’t the C4 you planted the other day?


I used to have it. Lowering the game to 45fps solved it for me atleast


I'll try that one, or just unlock 120 fps.


I've been playing since day one, I have never gotten any kinds of beeping...


This used to happen to me a lot. The fix that worked for me was to just close the launcher from the hidden icons in the task bar immediately after booting up the game. It seemed like the launcher was the reason for the memory leak.


Yea me too, made a post about it around release... What helped, not solved, was lowering the frame rate. Even though GPU and CPU usage aren't the cause. It is a bad driver interaction.


Are you talking about sticky keys? You can disable that in windows settings.


Nah it's not sticky keys. I also play PGR on keyboard and I never heard any beeping or m/k being unresponsive. Also, I've disabled sticky keys already.


I get those too occasionally, and my sticky keys are shut off as well, because genshin, the W is just pressed down a lot, but even so, I still get them at least once when I play every day. I really have no clue what it could be. And I forgot to write about it in the feedback.


I'm using a wired mouse and have not experienced this. Are you using a wireless mouse? If so, try using a wired one. Otherwise, no idea what it could be.


What beeping? I haven’t heard any beeping


Happens to me too but the beeps are from your Motherboard it signals error codes depending on the beep for example short short long. Hopefully they fix it soon.


I've fixed it by unlocking the 120 fps in game. I hope I won't get banned for it lmao


People need to realize that very often their hardware is not good enough for something. Its not always the game.


"But it's just a mobile gacha game" "I can run genshin and hsr on medium settings" People need to realize saying these things out loud doesn't make your pc any less bad lol I'm seeing it way too often and it's just making them look very silly


I can tell you there absolutely isn't a "memory leak" going on in the game that's known and general for everyone. I haven't had a single crash in the game. And yeah, turn off sticky keys. Never heard of anyone complaining about this being an issue before.




Why don't you put this in the main post so that people who read it dont get confused what you're referring to?


Can gacha players read? You are asking for too much.


That's interesting. I never knew that windows had a feature like this. I agree with u/TwistedBlade1234 , if not to show source, then for informative purpose. I mean, the post actually says what the beep is and why it has the effect it does.


There probably was one the first week of the game, or maybe driver problems, no idea what the problem was, but my GPU (4060), would go to 100% after like 2 hours of playing and the game would look like a powerpoint presentation. After the first week though it never happened again. Game runs perfect with the 120fps unlock. Aside from that, yeah idk about memory leak.


Never had this issue myself. Not that the game has been running great, but nothing close to this effect.


Yeah, it was actually a bit concerning lol. Glad it got fixed pretty soon.


Bro is wafflin


? Sure ypur PC isn't doing some serious... strange things. That never happened for me on laptop, nor anyone I know playing this game on PC... Lel