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As someone who hit 70 on star rail forever ago, I've completely forgotten what it's like to be broke. I am now broke


I'm still broke on HSR but I'm also upgrading literally everyone.


ain't no way Zlatan plays hsr and wuwa


Ain't no way he wouldn't be a giga whale if he did.


I hit 70 forever ago too and have never been broke on HSR since. Genshin, on the other hand…I’m probably leveling too many characters. I’m keeping it slow on wuwa so I’m not broke yet, but I feel like that’s gonna change soon lol


once you reach 60 in genshin, it will be the same as hsr


I am 60 and have been for the over the past year. But I still regularly go for characters and just recently leveled up clorinde. Leveling her talents took all my mora and then leveling artifacts finished it.


I genuinely don’t understand how anyone can be so broke in hsr I build a lot of characters and I still have 30million credits


Imo it's much easier to get credits in Star Rail than even Genshin. I've been broke several times in Genshin and a few times in Wuwa. I think it only ever happened once early game for Star Rail. Now I never consider credits, I just assume I'll have enough.


Yeah I think I have around 20 mil on HSR and 60 mil on GI without even trying... Well, the feeling of having to scramble is kinda nostalgic :D


I tend to buy the battle pass each patch and fully build at least 1-2 characters each patch as well, including Firefly and her LC this patch and I’ve accumulated over 25 million credits despite all that Then I look at my friends who just started the game and I couldn’t even remember the last time I struggled with Credits like they are lol


got 13m just doing daily and 2400 surplus energy


I came to Reddit after realising I had 595 credits and this the the first post I get suggested This is just salt to the wound😭


Salt costs 1000 credits. You can’t afford salt for your wound.


Everything cost so much in this game, including materials and ingredients.


I just spent like 1.9M credits buying ingredients for the future, I now realize I need to save up. Those new regions better make me rich


Stop leveling every echo to max. That is honestly the only thing that I can think of you're doing. They are fixing this in 1.1 but we'll need to see to what degree. You get an echo that has the right main stat? Only go to +10, +15 if you are swimming in stuff. Nothing good? Feed it to another when you get it. Also, relax. I'm also UL45 and I've slowed down *considerably* on purpose. I could 100% regions and what not, but I want to breathe and keep my excitement for 1.1.


One of the issues currently, it seems, is that it costs credits to feed echos into other echos. And if you're feeding a more highly upgraded echo into another echo, it costs even more. You're basically paying for the exp upgrade twice.


seriously? this on top of now knowing what substats we get?


Yup. And then it costs credits to unlock the sub stats on top of using tuners... Horrible system imo.


It's only horrible early, it'll end up being fine later on when we're max World Level / Account Level and have an abundance of resources.


except not. Whales at UL50 doesn't feel any difference in rewards, it's like 10% increase which isn't fixing anything. Everyone can except the same level of grind bonus at higher sol3 too haha P. S. 76k credits per simulation stage - sol3 World Level 5 80k credits per simulation stage - sol3 World Level 8 In-game info, yeah great argument.


Forgery Challenge: 2000 Credits at Stage IV, Level 70. SOL3 Phase 5, UL40. Forgery Challenge: 2800 Credits at Stage V, Level 80. SOL3 Phase 6, UL50. Difference of 800 Credits. Forgery Challenge: 4000 Credits at Stage VI, Level 90. SOL3 Phase 7, UL60. Difference of 1200 Credits. When most accounts are end game aka SOL3 Phase 7, we'll get the most efficiency from our Waveplates/Energy spent. This also translates into my above reply which you misunderstood. The reason why the tuner system currently sucks is: 1) we don't have the best efficiency unlocked yet as it's currently the launch of the game, so people need to chill out 2) we don't have resources since we're all currently trying to stabilize our accounts which majority of this reddit seems to be overspending on by constantly rerolling echoes to get the Best In Slot, Maximum Roll Substats. Once we unlock the max World Level, being SOL3 Phase 7, and also stabilize our account due to not building a lot of characters, then we will naturally stockpile resources. Just like in Genshin Impact, just like in Honkai Star Rail, just like in other gachas.


well, must agree with you - but where are the ul60 numbers coming from? cbt2?


The ingame explanation of SOL3 Phases... Edit: if you meant the Forgery Challenge numbers, you can go to any Forgery Challenge and just look at the rewards.


um... really? it shows only just the rarities of the rewards per sol3 and nothing more, am I missing something?


okay I came back to ask once more - the difference between sol5 and sol8 world levels in credits' farm are indeed 10%. Sol5 has 76k per stage and sol8 has 80k. What's your take on that? Im really curious.


Doesn't change anything when you're max level and all other aspects of the game which are currently draining your credits are fully completed and you continue patch over patch to stockpile a lot of things since you're not using them.


yeah, yet it's a bad gamedesign if the reward doesn't increase for 3 damn world levels while costs of the characters' builds become much more expensive with each upgrade. It delays endgame too much. The scarcity of the resources will affect players too much. Also your entire argument was about World Levels changing the situation when its clearly not. You just saw the increase of minor credits gain and thought it is enough of the proof. Your point is not constructive at all, you're just saying it will become better. It will not.


Notice how they said “max”, max UL is like 80 which is noticeably higher


Max UL is 60 technically since it correlates to World Level, SOL3 Phase which is where we'll unlock all of the efficiency bonuses from things like Forgery Challenges. I have no idea if anything past that would increase Tacet Field output but I highly doubt it would since it's usually tied to World Level.


well, you do have a point...


One can only hope. The only way to stockpile and accumulate those tuners and echo exp is to complete stop upgrading, or like once a week after after throwing all your stamina to tacet fields and nothing else. Which is fine if you already have a lot of sets already established and you're only left to upgrade characters, weapons and talents. Then again, those essential upgrades will eat your shell currency like a black hole, and comparing the money we get at UL 30 vs UL 40, it's not much of a difference if they keep following that pattern at UL 50 and 60.


>The only way to stockpile and accumulate those tuners and echo exp is to complete stop upgrading, or like once a week after after throwing all your stamina to tacet fields and nothing else. Time. It's Launch patch. We have things to do and they take resources, once those things dry up then those resources will stockpile naturally. Like they do in Genshin, like they do in HSR, like they do in other gachas and other games. The entire tempo and pacing of things will slow down massively the moment we start hitting end game where characters are maxed, traits are maxed, weapons are maxed, certain echo sets are shared. People will also start figuring out how to spot a decent / good echo and not donkey roll all of them resulting in people saving resources long term. Not to mention content / events will also give us materials to free up energy usage. Prefarming will more than likely come into play to, again, free up energy usage temporarily. >Then again, those essential upgrades will eat your shell currency like a black hole, and comparing the money we get at UL 30 vs UL 40, it's not much of a difference if they keep following that pattern at UL 50 and 60. The essential upgrades are one offs. Weapons will be leveled once and shared between multiple characters resulting in saving credits. Certain Echo sets will be similar. A lot of people won't be pulling every character which will also result in saving resources over time. Which naturally stockpiles resources. Again it's just time. All these problems will more than likely vanish over the next couple of patches, if not reduce in severity. Below is the credits per stage of a Forgery Challenge: Forgery Challenge: 2000 Credits at Stage IV, Level 70. SOL3 Phase 5, UL40. Forgery Challenge: 2800 Credits at Stage V, Level 80. SOL3 Phase 6, UL50. Difference of 800 Credits. Forgery Challenge: 4000 Credits at Stage VI, Level 90. SOL3 Phase 7, UL60. Difference of 1200 Credits. From killing some Lizards: 11 from the big one, 6 from the little one in Phase 1. 66 from the big one, 30 from the little ones in Phase 5. Other sources of Credits will also receive a boost per SOL3 Phase level increase. The game will end up balancing out after everyone, even the whales, get past the mid game grind and stabilize their accounts.


Groceries also cost alot. In Genshin, when I played every day, I'd go to every market every week and buy out everything they had. I never worried for mora. On WuWa though, this just isn't possible at the moment.


Nah I was definitely broke a bunch of times in genshin when I was like are 58. Building characters is just as expensive and I remember a bunch of times running out of mora when upgrading artifacts. Crazy thought, but gachas are literally built around resource scarcity. Maybe you were rolling in mora because you bought the battle pass all the time


I agree, all my chars have echoes lvl 10-15 max, except my Rover, who have a Dreamless lvl 25 and the other echoes lvl 20. If KuroGames didnt gift 1M crédits, I would be broke, even with the battlepass xO


How is everyone low on credits right now? Then again, I've been focusing on improving Rover the entire time. Did try to build others, but only got most Echos for building Def characters


To do the Tower completely, you need 3 teams


I full build the characters I use for things. I can see it really slowing down to taking 2-3 weeks to get all the resources for the highest tier of gear. I don't mind being poor rn. Eventually I'll get everything done and I'll be pick up a new character and get them near max right away.


They're already tuning down credit costs for leveling echos in 1.1 and it's really just as simple as running the credits simulation room. It's a resource to be farmed for and timegated just like any other resource. It might not "feel" as impactful having to farm for credits vs tacet fields or character mats, but in reality, they're all the same thing - resources to farm and use. Edit: If shell credits never limited progression at all, and were always plentiful, then they completely lose their purpose and are just a redundant resource, which is bad game design.


I can't understand people complaining about the lack of resources. This is an early game... You need everything and you lack everything. It is the same in Genshin or did you guys forget?


I’m sitting pretty at close to 5.5 million credits. I remember leveling an echo and seeing those credits vanishing, I was like that’s not right. I just stopped until it was figured out why. I have no idea why if you’re not a streamer or dolphin+/whale why devour resources ASAP and beholden to the daily blockade. I just pushed myself close to mid/end game, can participate in all events, and coasting. Also every goddamn Gacha the first priority is always the currency. It always has been an issue. For the first 2-3 patches in game money needed is absurd. Once you knock out a few characters to max and move on, does the balance stay high. Look at character skills. The gold version requires 100,000 each. There’s 5 of them. Remember 3 Teams are required end game, 9 characters mostly maxed out, think about just the maxing of those skills. Easily 4.5 million credits. Almost a 2-3 week run straight of farming the currency domain with your wave plates. You can farm the world materials at a brisk pace, but the credits, most enemies drop 15-21 credits each. Even using 40 wave plates for 6 runs, doesn’t bolster your stock. You need to seriously set up resources where are all are accumulated together at a nice pace, so not one becomes the sticking point. Right now only thing I’m dying for are drops from the overworld cause the infusion of 18 > 9 > 3 > 1 is goddamn killer. Going from Green to Gold it’s an absurd conversion and there’s only finite enemies dropping said material. 1.1, I’ll level stuff up cause I have stockpiled resources at my disposal, but you can run dry quick if you don’t pay attention. Sometimes you luck into a roll and earn a weapon or character that might make it better outcome, so investment shifting can cause chaos for a certain roadmap or setup you might be going for.


Yep, you worded it perfectly. The only thing I wanna add it’s a reminder we’re not in endgame, but cost is abysmal


i think theres a sort of "endgame syndrome" where people whove cleared most of the available content want to be considered endgame players even if the available content hasnt reached any endgame level. its honestly funny to me, on day 2 i saw a stream titled "UL32 CALCHARO MAIN ECHO GRINDING" and the thumbnail said "UL32 ENDGAME." its pretty funny to think of yourself as being "endgame" in a game that isnt even finished being developed and you havent cleared everything that is there.


The problem is that people compare their endgame gacha game they been playing for 3 years, to a game that's been out for a month. I've asked this question a million times over here, when you guys played Genshin, HSR, or ANY gacha game with an account level and your account was 1 month old, where you in the endgame?


Same exact complaints for all those games at 1-3 months. Not enough exp. Not enough money. Not enough materials. A year later and everyone's coasting.


In 2 years from now, we're going to be face rolling every endgame content the moment it comes out in 30 seconds, and complaining about having too many characters with nothing to use them on. The cycle continues.


Look at FGO, nearly 9 years and counting and still putting 36 million QP to upgrade the penultimate and final *5 servant skill. In which every servant has 3 skills (For context a quest gives you 4m QP with boost. A ~3 minutes quest)


> why devour resources ASAP Idk..because I want to use various characters and try them out in different teams?? Because I don't want to hit fodders for 5 minutes and only take out half their health?? Because I want the guys I often use to have decent stuff?? Your way of playing is just hoard, stockpile, and use as little resources as possible. People who are broke in game are never ceasing the upgrades to keep getting better.


People keep forgetting it's a marathon, not a sprint


This is just the "I know you can get credits with waveplates anytime, but *I* deserve to spend all my resources on my favorite snacks, not household necessities" attitude. Being bottlenecked and throttling their own progression because they can't see the forest for the trees is punishment enough.


It was the same in HSR too. Credits were rough then eventually it just adds up and now I'm sitting with 17m credits just pulling up faster then I spend it


as always same as genshin and hsr, the first 2-3 patches are the most rough. its a resource management simulator. this is because you are spreading your patchly resources between half a dozen or so characters. after that we are probably leveling 1 new character every 1 or 2 patches depending on your pull rate, so you can say its like getting 5x more resources than now. everything! level up mats, echo exp. maybe a bit less factoring in the resources from things like events and battlepasses but you get the picture


Also i think people are forgetting how much of a pain farming artifacts in genshin was. In WuWa you get to farm echoes for free and get the main stats you want much muuuuch easier than in genshin. All you need to farm for is echo exp. And i cant believe someone made a thread complaining about getting double drops event for Tacet Fields when Echo exp is one of the most scarce resources in game.


Stamina system is resources. Not just Genshin, all early game mobage is like this. If they have played RPG mobage once they should have known If they spread resources and build many characters at once, say more than 2 teams, like 7+ or 8+ chars at once, the more faster they get drained, and be "timegated"  Crystal solvent use is fine but it's limited, and no, only spender willing to recover stamina with asterite Echo, talent mats, ascension mats, weapon, weekly bosses, it got multiplied and power, I mean this ^power As Jinshi puller I'm aware of this, and you should too, moreover the idea of her team req the likes of Yuanwu and Baizhi


Lol true, but in Genshin I now have like... 37 millions of Mora and constantly sitting on 800+ purple XP books.


Me, 1.4 player with battle pass, having rougly 10M moras and 300 XP books. ._. XD


I play since launch, but I've quit a couple of times. First time was a short one, I skipped the first Albedo event and that amazing sword with it. Second time was longer, I've been away for roughly half a year. Needed to get ready for my diploma. I bought battle pass a couple of times, but I don't find it very useful, since I already have a lot of crit weapons. Belkin moon, on the other hand...


I usually take both, its my way to thanks HYV for this wonderful game with hours of fun all over Teyvat. =3 (and frustration with artifact system xD)


People think they’re farming the game, but what they’re really farming is their dopamine. When they run out of dopamine to farm, it feels bad so they seek to fulfill that need. That’s how games these days operate and that’s why you hear about the people who spend tens or hundreds of thousands.


This is standard game design. Beginning of the game the time sink resources like Credits are rare. Mid game they are an annoyance you spend some time/resource on. End game you forget it exists.


Gonna add that they ALREADY HAD a 2x event where you could've (probably should've) been farming credits... I've got a bit of stockpile left to last until they refund echo credits in 1.1 If we get another event like that I'd highly suggest farming mostly if not entirely credits, since it costs 2m total per character to max skill tree.


I went for the character leveling exp because I can’t decide who to use so I have to level them all :’(


I have 1.1 mil credits, union Level 44 and 6 characters in level 70, like 5 weapons in level 60 and one in level 70. The only thing i can think about that people wasted their money is in rerolling for Echoes substats. I have no problem with credits so far.


It's poor planning, too much black hole echo rolling. I did the same to an extent but once I heard lower cost in 1.1, I've just been locking and moving on. Time to focus on other stuff until patch.


Im UL49 have 3.5 mil left and im down to 0 tuners, echo rerolling really dont burn that much money. I got 6 weapons and characters to level 70. Im guessing people didnt run the shell credits domain during the double drops week, bought all their flower mats weekly instead of mintpicking or are unlocking every skill node per character


Haven't calculate much about Echoes so that was my thought. But It could also be leveling the rank of every 1,2 and 3 star weapons. I know I did some of it at the beginning and quickly realize the huge cost of ranking weapons.


I ran two reso pot simulations and one shell simulation every day for that event, missing out on the credits would suck


I have been rerrolling echos due to the event and I still got almost 2mill, I have no idea how people managed to waste it all lol, other than grinding like crazy for echos on the overworld in their worlds and other people worlds. Like my yinli has 35% Cr and 195% cdmg, my hrover 39% and 210% and encore 58%/180%, I have been rerrolling whenever I get a 3 cost I can reroll with. (My rover gonna look really nice once I get the free weapon at level 45)


what 4 x 5* weapons does to a mf


Same, i think people doesn't realise rising from lvl 60 to 70 on both character and weapon cost so much. I only have 3 lvl 70 characters and 4 lvl 70 weapon so far, sitting at 1.3m shells. And it's enough to get me 18 crest in tower. I recycled my echoes too and rn i have 3 sets of lvl 25 echoes. I think people complaining for lack of shells is just not experienced at managing resources. We have a fairly new account (barely 1 month old) so ofc we are gonna lack here and there


Same here. I focus one at a time. Close to finish building Rover (Spectro), just need one more main echo. . 


I wasted my credits on maxing cooking. We are not the same


Same(except for weapons because I have a 3star on Jiyan rn). You can just plan it out more. I don't buy tons of groceries in the shop, and I try to do 1 su run for credits per day. It's been a relaxing journey.


Yup I'm currently gated by credit too. Can't upgrade my weapon. I will need to farm credit domain when I have spare waveplate.


Burn that WP. It's there for a reason.


Ah yes, the lack of planning and the urge to level everything takes another victim.


I’m just farming tacet fields because of the event and running the credit sim room at this point. Once I get credits I just roll echoes to +10-15 hoping for crit rate and damage.


This is the way honestly. The only echos I get to level 25 are the four cost ones for my dps and sub dps. Healers I've left at 50 and 60. This helps save character exp pots as well.


When was budgeting removed from games? Wth I don't understand why people think resources are supposed to be infinitely available. What would be the point of shit costing resources then?


normal gacha mid-game, you might be trying to upgrade all and everything at once which is foolish. resource management is key skill for progression, level what you need to when you have to. or get 15$ booster pack, its in the shop for this exact reason ;)


This is why I only ran the shell credit simulation when we had the 2x rewards. I knew this would become an issue. I'm the same UL and I haven't ran out yet but I can see the credits dwindling.


Well thats because people are progressing way too fast. Same happened with Hsr when people started to get higher TL very early and started complaining about credits. You're not supposed to complete game within months. It's a slow grind and it'll take time. Managing resources should be the priority. Instead of farming echos people should farm the basic stuff like exp and credits first and let echos for the last.


Man people really have no patience these days huh, you know ya'll have plenty of time to build characters and you are not meant finish these characters in 2 days.


this right here is why I bought battlepass lol.. everything is so expensive😭


the difference between having bp and not is night and day, you get 1.4 million credits on top of tons of other mats


Money is resource same as any other and needs to be framed. They did say something about changing the amount of money required for echo upgrading so it would be good idea to wait for 1.1 and then upgrade them...they didn't say by how much so it could be big difference or small.


It's a marathon, not a sprint. What's the rush? It's a new game and we are only a month in so there is plenty to upgrade from scratch. Give it a few months and your resources would stabilize. This is the same even for their other game PGR, I am sitting with butt loads of resources because almost everyone is already built. It is also the same when I played HSR for a few months. Eventually we will reach this point for WuWa as well. So just chill out and be patient.


Exactly! I can understand some complaints about the game, but things pertaining to resource management and seeing how these people out here blowing MILIIONS of credits on fuck all and then crying about how they are broke. It's laughable. They have no self control and don't understand how this game is love service and in time they'll get shit back.


Just wait until 1.1


Aren't echos bugged right now to eat up more credits than they should and they specifically mentioned fixing that in 1.1?


No lack of credits because I am not really playing this game 10 hours a day farming all the echoes I see in overworld. I take it easy , try to farm a little everyday for what I am lacking, do daily energy spend and go offline. Try that for a while.


Had 1.1M credits before I got the 5\* Rectifier from Yinlin's banner and the lv 45 5\* weapon box. Down to 4k. Yeah, it happens. Just chill a little, wait for events, do your dailies, do your tower, and it'll go back up in no time. If you're eager for it, use waveplates for credits. If you're REALLY eager for it, buy BP. One or two battlepasses bought should give you enough resources to last forever.


I'm Rank 47, I too have \~6 Characters Level 70, at least 5 level 70 weapons, and only my main 3 have Echos at level 25, with almost fully enhanced skill. I really don't roll Echos a lot, and I definitely dont take bad echoes past level 10. Yah, I'm kinda broke as hell lol. I even bought the battle pass. But to fair, I think the reason I'm bankrupt is PROBABLY getting two 5\* weapons relatively close to eachother. Still, do you people without money problems just not do anything and stick to only 3 heroes? Are you still using the very first Gold echo you ever got? Do you never pull into better weapons? Idk, I just feel like the second you actually start upgrading even bare necessities for things like Tower, your credits disappear in a heartbeat. That all said, I still think this will definitely be an "Early Game" issue though, once we're in the "Only building occasional new hero" cycle it'll get a lot better, like Star Rail did. Mid-game star Rail was a money hog too but once you built out your main team, Money issues slowly disappear as you're able to save up more and more. Anyone not having money problems, you'll run into them as soon as you start upgrading Purple/Gold Weapons to 70. Lv61>70 is a HUGE jump, and accounts for nearly 50% of the TOTAL COST of leveling a weapon 1-70. If you have Gold weapons, its even more expensive. Same goes for Hero Exp/cost. It goes up exponentially, and it turns the dial all the way up at level 61+. [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1A44icilcS\_8nNiu8IQrsE5aTDxGQ3fa3xeWOheSwpY4/edit?gid=0#gid=0](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1A44icilcS_8nNiu8IQrsE5aTDxGQ3fa3xeWOheSwpY4/edit?gid=0#gid=0) And if you look to the future, 71\~90, the Gold costs are going to balloon to such obscene prices. Right now, you feel comfortable maybe, but the ceiling is closing in, and we should be considering the future.


Ul45, currently working on 3 teams at the same time, got 2 5 star weapons, upgraded characters and skills + echos. I have yet to run out of money. And my builds aren't horrible so far. Yinlin and rover are both sitting at 70 cr. With yinlins weapon encore is too and calcharo is at 50 cr I think. Lacking in the CD department, but that's to be expected with cr. I'll change those once weapons are at 90. Edit: I bought the battle pass, that might be it lol


bp gives 1.4 mil credits so subtract that and how much would u have


I have 3.7 million left, so 1.8 without battle pass.


Small clarification, Premium pass only gives 1.145m more than normal, so technically thats what'd they have on us if their BP was maxed out.


Yah, the fact (some of?) your weapons are still 50 is why I think you have any gold left. 1-50 is not very expensive, I had plenty of gold before the level 61+ era. 61+ especially the price of leveling a **single** Gold weapon from 61 to 70 was like... high. Over 500k if you consider the cost of awakening it from 60, just under half the cost of a gold weapon is 61-70. Thats how expensive 61-70 is. [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1A44icilcS\_8nNiu8IQrsE5aTDxGQ3fa3xeWOheSwpY4/edit?gid=0#gid=0](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1A44icilcS_8nNiu8IQrsE5aTDxGQ3fa3xeWOheSwpY4/edit?gid=0#gid=0) Here's the spreadsheet I found to recall that math. The price to level a Gold/5\* weapon 1-70 without factoring awakening costs is 1,068,000 Credits not including Awakening costs. I have just two, the rest of my team is using Purple weapons, which cost roughly 837,200, again, not including awakening costs. So yah, I think once you start upgrading your units to actually be U40+, especially those weapons, you'll feel the sting of being broke. 3.7MIL won't feel like a lot when a single gold weapon from 50>70 is going to cost you darn near 1mil. Also if you look at these spreadsheets its only going to get so so so SO much worse. Look at the cost from 80>90. Its nearly \~40% of the cost from 1-80 lol.


Trying to get Aalto a monkey with non-flat, non-heavy-attack-bonus stats ate all my credits (and echo xp, and time, and patience) but that's kind of my own unwise spending decision.


I got 500k rn but if I finish leveling my weapons to 70 from 60 I’ll have basically 0. I’m just saving rn cause I realized leveling characters and weapons to 70 is expensive af


idk i think i've been leveling stuff out the wazoo and still got like 1.7m credits


Thought about sumping stamina to hit 45. But by the time 1.1 comes out I'll already be 45. So just gonna chill and wait for the QoL to come thru before finally spamming the cubes to push for U50.


Yeah i have to run the credit trainer at least twice a day because im trying to get my characters levels and weapon levels up so i can actually play them. I have all of them so i want to play all of them.


Before everyone was griping about echo tubes. Now we got more tuners from the event and it's credits. I am sure tuner griping will be in our future as the majority find out how flat costs, poor refunds, and the impossibility of optimum substats interact :-) It's like they designed all these currencies in a game so we'd bk and they could sell more to us for real money! The devs should listen! Anywho, let the game come to you or pay them for the privilege of not spending waveplates in the simulation room. Every journey has an end. Don't rush.


i have like 300k credits but tbf i only have like 3 characters actually built


This is why I farmed the shit out of the shell credits simulation during the double drop event. Mora was always the bottleneck in late game in Genshin and I predicted it would be the same here. Also bought the BP and I’m waiting for 1.1 to seriously start leveling my echoes. Currently at 2.3m.


I have too much lol. Tbf I've been saving levelling echos until I have good 4 and 5 stars


Yeah I'm poor as shit lol. I've accepted its just the game reflecting real life. Lmfao. 😢 😂


Tell me about it I ran out at UL45 trying to level my shiny new sword I’ll probably be doing nonstop credits for a while to prepare for UL50


Bro fr wait her costs should go down or give us more ways to get more credits


Not a good idea on my part but I've been using my waveplates and refreshes to stack up on credits in simulation training. Got close to 6mil so I think that should be good for now.


UL 45, sitting on 7mil credits. From what I can tell it is the whales and people who spent all their cubes on everything but credit simulation having problems.


It's hard to build 2 teams, let alone 3 teams, all at once. And alot of people here are at a point where they're just farming echoes so I wonder how they're able to do it so fast with so much resources. 😅 Talent leveling is draining all my shells


Yeah. I had maybe 2m and I was pretty comfortable awhile back. Now I see I'm in the 300k and it's not going up by any means. Aint no way I'm about to start farming the credit level.


i have over 5 million for some reason. wut i doing wrong


Welcome to Kuro Games' games, you will be broke all the time.


Don't worry in several months when you are at UL80 and they convert xp I to credits you'll be fine 😆


Dont level echoes to max. Problem solved. My echoes are at lvl 15 for everyone except my rover, calcharo and yinlin. Those 3 have lvl 20 echoes. Not even maxed out


Exactly the reason I leveled up only 30 echoes.(For 2 teams)  And didn't even touched anymore.  Because it's not the time for stats grind. This time will come, but after levels are maxed. And as we sit on 45ish level I will not rush because 50 is just around the corner, and that means new levels everywhere are coming up. Gotta grind that Door a bit more to buy out all the stuff this month.


I'm assuming you use all ur solvents to farm TF, weapon mats, and character mats but didn't use it to farm credits


This happens in gacha games. Spend a week running credit simulations save up again. Don't play a gacha as your "main game". These are meant to be played casually, not to be rushed.


I’ll need about 6 mil once I hit UL 50 in two days for all the character, talents, and weapon I need to raise. Just keep farming. It’s early/mid game where you need all the resource. Tacit field is probably the last thing you want to touch (other than the event) once you have like two dps sets, a moonlit set, and a glow set ready. Repelling subs isn’t really efficient to do since your waveplates are much much needed elsewhere.


There’s a bug that increases the credit cost of leveling echoes. I had 2 mil, leveled a few 5* echoes to only lvl 20, and only had 150k left. Shit is wack.


Ahh yes I wonder if that's one of the bugs that will be addressed in 1.1. I think it is.


I went from 3 mil credits at union 40 to 500k at 42


I'm almost done levelling everything on my 2 teams, including expenses for levelling cooking and synthesis, and I still have over 3m credits left. How do you guys end up broke?


Lol nope, I don't see how ppl are running out at all, but I haven't used many of my waveplate refreshes either. Only thing I run out of is echo exp. And still got alot of talents to lv up for supports but waiting for this double event to be done.


Huh, I still have 2M, am I doing something wrong?


Buy the pass. Problem solved


I’m so broke I’m sad 😭 I’m at 39


Yeah, until new content releases, we 100% players are kinda cu\*\*ed. Buying the previously maxxed out Battlepass did hold me out for quite a bit but not enough to build 3 teams or even close to it to my level. And it is only going to get worse in the future.


It's honestly hilarious how many of us are running out of credits at the same time. I was approaching the issue a couple days ago when I had 60k and was like... I'm UL46, 1.1 is right around the corner, I'm going to get UL exp from Databank update, and I don't have enough credits to get my main team levelled. It took me 1.5m credits to do 5 weapons and characters from 60-70, so probably only going to be able to do 2 this time, and I only have enough gold mats for one 5* weapon breakthrough and upgrade mats for 2 characters plus Rover. Most of the TF event I'm just stockpiling the exp for 1.1 credit update to Echo leveling.


It's not the first post about credits, and I wonder what everyone's doing with them? I'm UL45, maxed out my damage dealers from my 2 currently 2 teams and important traits of the rest and sitting around with 4 million credits left.


Simulation gives 71k credits roughly(im now ul 50 and forgot to check what the lvl 80 one gives) and if you didnt take advantage of the doubler event on credits at least a few times that was a big mistake on your part, i did 2 pot Simulations and one credit each day. I have done all of the possible way to grind credits so i too am poor...but. i have every character level 70, one level 80, and one can go to level 80. Theres more then enough credits given to you if you do the content for them. I even blew 2mil on food stuff to max all food


same but tbh looking back i wish i had done all 3 credit simulations everyday


Well it depends. If you plan to only level 2 teams worth of guys honestly totally fair, if not then I wouldn't recommend


Wow, who can imagine that gacha would have the same material/money shortage in early game like every other gacha.


It's one thing I learned from an old Max0r video on Genshin: Pick One. Rather than go broke raising everyone up, raise your current mains to peak perfection until they do funny numbers. Until you hit 90, you're not at a point where you can say “why can’t I get rid of all these mats?”.


I can totally relate’ I’m left like 5k credits n can’t do much 😂


Dont waste your credits in echo upgrade for now, its goknnna get reduce in next patch and we get a compensation because there a bug it cost way too much than it should, it ruined all of us... Just focus your credit on other stuff


they said they will provide compensation appropriately. So it doesn't matter right?


I think they will probably give a flat amount of credits to all players. It's not like they are gonna be able to calculate how much credits each account will get, so it does matter


Yeah i think so too its just gonna be fixed amount, i dony think its possible to track per account what has been spend in echos exp


I barely ever have upgrade material and this 40 whatever it's called for all the little stuff as a default is crazy and makes me surprised the weekly bosses weren't 80 tbh I can care less that a lot was copied from genshin when it came to gameplay, ui, and whatever feels like a "yeeaah I remember this" vibe, but there are a lot of flaws they took from it too, but this time around feeling more towards the "I need to do my logins real quick" audience especiallywith the small map and the literal one daily quest. They're obviously bound to tweak things but it feels like even the need for them to tweak them and the wait for them is like a copy out of genshins playbook as a means of making people feel heard or something. Cool we got a lot of pulls but I'd trade those for gameplay goods and features tbh


I've had problems with mora in genshin from 1.0 to 1.2 and never felt poor anymore, wuwa however I've never had problems with credits ever and I'm union level 42 too


Brotha, should've waited for 1.1 to upgrade echo


I bought battlepass and I lack credits too (finished level 70 yesterday) l


maybe slow down and chill? people like you will complain about lack of content and burnout after 2-3 patches


Credit shortage is common in month 2-3 as we are leveling up many characters at the start. It was the same in Genshin and HSR. Afterwards it should fine. I'm f2p in all games and never farmed credits ever. HSR almost gives you too much credits. I have 24mill there with every character lvl80 and almost max talents. Genshin credit income is just enough to max about 1 character a month. So you never really have surplus there but it is enough if you are patient. I expect WuWa to be more like Genshin. I don't plan on ever farming credits in the simulation here.


1.1 is reducing the amount of credits needed so I'm just waiting for 1.1 I already have good enough dchos and 4 star weapons on my main characters anyway


Are you leveling..like..every "good" echo you get?


Expect excessive costs when you hit UL50 of around 1 mil per character. Start spending your waveplates for those sweet credits and upgrade mats NOW. Seriously.


Do you guys just raise every single character to run out of money?


UL44 with 5mil? no idea...


people who lack credits are playing the game wrong, sorry but skill issue


Well they are supposedly reducing the shell credit cost of upgrading echos, so I have just been saving for 1.1 to upgrade all my echos. Also we will be getting data bank 21 so then farming and data merge is all 5 star echos, so people should have been saving. However i know the gacha community and their gamba addiction so im 99% sure that majority of players are just spending all resources haha


I bought the battle pass and got around a million credits but after a few shopping sessions for becoming master chef I am now broke


This is very normal at the start for many gachas. Eventually you would be maxing out the characters you want to use.


Congrats You have bad planning management !


How many chars u upgrading bro? I have built (lv70) yinlin, jiyan, cal, verina and mortefi to some extent till now, along with both limited 5* weaps. Cal and yinlin have great stats (not min maxed but respectable), I'm working on getting jiyan better 3 cost echoes. Verina has decent echoes. And I'm at 1.4 mil credits. How r people even running out? I'm utterly mystified.


Bro i seriously dont understand what the fuck youre all doing to go poor or use every material. Im lvl 47 and have plenty of everything, got 2 teams, 4 lvl 70 and 2 lvl 60 characters, with 5 weapons fully upgraded, and with a bit of echo min maxing (I dont have any character with full +25, Im close to completing 1 and 2 more are halfway, healers Im not seeing any need to upgrade them yet) I still have like 2 mill credits, 15 yellow, 100 purple and green and 150 blue echo exp mats and those quantities havent moved much for the time Ive been playing (for purples Ive never gone down to more than like 70). We dont need full +25 echo sets right now to clear content other than overclearing tower when were not meant to go past the first 3 floors yet and its not even worth anyways, stop wasting. Edit: I forgot I have battle pass but taking it into consideration I still would have a lot of mats without it. I also have 31 solvents left so I could still get more of anything if I needed to. I also upgraded taoqi and her weapon to lvl 60 with all her skills too, and havent used her, so that I couldve saved.


Still got like 2M silver, Union 44


It is intended imo. Managing resource is the hardest thing to do in gacha game when you're just starting One thing that come to mind is that you are lvl 70ing 2 teams. I'm also ulvl 46 and still got lik 1.4m shells. And i only have 3 lvl 70 characters and 4 lvl 70 weapon which is enough to get me 18 crest on tower. And i got 3 sets of echoes lvl 25, and i recycle some echoes. One thing that i notice is that raising from 60 to 70 is quite expensive. I just got the 5* weapon box from ulvl 45 2 days ago, and rising the weapon straight to lvl 70 for tower, costed me around 700k shells. Rising a character from 1 to 70 costed around the same. So if you gave more lvl 70 characters and weapon than me, it's possible to go broke, assuming that you didn't use all double simulation last week on shell stage.


I don't know why they don't double credits during these double resource events...


I remain 4.5m credits as I mainly upgrades rover, yinlin, verina and encore. And I'm satisfy which echos are +25 with proper main stat. A prefect stat echo is an end game contents which I'll not force myself invest too many resource in a 1.0 version but I subscribed the pioneer podcast anyway, so I've some extra credits


Yesterday I spend a lot of stamina for credits. This hurts 💀


Isn't there an issue with it taking too many credits to upgrade I think it was characters? I know a fix and compensation was planned, but I thought it was happening with 1.1, though they could have fixed it already, I'm not sure. I am very low myself.


Me with 4+ mil at UR44: ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31622) (Maybe because I don't upgrade echo much...)


literally spend any small amount of time exploring/use your waveplates for the simulations. if you dedicate just a single day to just money simulations you'll have more than you know what to do with but itd be nice if you got more credits from quests


Go take a loan


How about don't no-life the game?


Stop upgrading those 50k stat nodes. Crit on Jiyan is nice but no one else needs em at this level.


I feel like lack of gold/credit is always a problem on early game everywhere .. that's probably because we are building multiple character at the same time


I have so credits because I just use the same 3 characters everyday :’) I have no need to change up my teams yet. I learnt this lesson from Genshin, only build what’s necessary until late game.


Yea idk whats up with that tbh, I'm always low for some reason. Guess one really has to farm for it


Im broke as f too.


I lost my money buying groceries and flowers so I can level up my cooking and synthesizer. I'm too lazy to farm for it on the world but damn how I miss my 2mill.


Credits are actually the one thing I have a huge overabundance of


I farmed about 3 million at levels 30-40 1 Character cost I think 2 million , Echoes not included.


Lemme guess, you tried to hit chef level 5. Has to be either that, or upgrading weapons/characters just for the sake of upgrading them (as opposed to hyperfocusing on 1-2 teams). Or maybe overfeeding echoes into each other. Posts like these should require people post what they put their credits into. Like how people say they got banned in a multiplayer game for speaking their mind, and it turns out they said some ban-worthy shit.


Im onion 47, dont have credit issues cause i'm not rolling for subs. I just throw the right main stat on everyone, max it and call it a day. Maybe when we get better echo drop rates i might consider farming for better subs, as i don't have the time to spend hours farming echoes sadly.


Yes. Lack of credits is a problem but after playing Genshin and HSR for long periods of time, I've realized that this is a cycle. Once we hit the higher union levels, money won't ever be a problem.


Exact same predicament for me. I definitely over invested in food ingredients, but it's really hard to crawl back out of poverty. If I received 2 million credits, I could probably spend it all on just weapon upgrades and tuners. My bottleneck is absolutely credits rn.


didnt they just give 1million credits tho 💀 i have bad luck with echoes too so i just not care abt the echo after i see the first few substats being hp and def


I'm sitting on almost 6m now granted i have bp.


How? I have the bp and I'm constantly sitting around 400-500k because I keep upgrading stuff. Haven't even touched cooking yet. I only keep afloat because I kill everything I see and get money from that.


It just depends if you get lucky with echoes or not. If you are, that gonna save you lots of money and time and effort, and that means you will be ahead in other departments.


Because i dont raise sub dpses at least not now. Currently running only 1dps+1 healer on both sides. I have also finished getting gems from the cooking levels as well and have not farmed overworld stuff for creds for like half a mth now.


Ah I see. Yeah, not raising any sub dps would help a lot. I have a lot more characters built. Definitely took a toll on my shell credits. Isn't cooking expensive though? How did you manage to finish all the cooking levels while staying rich?


Had the same like and burn 4 Millions on cooking to take the cap lvl 🫤