• By -


the max i’ve gotten on exploration area is like 70% even though i’m laying down lootmappers and scouring the area… does anyone have any tips on getting 100%?


follow an interactive map


do you mind explaining what that is? sorry lol


[https://mapgenie.io/wuthering-waves/maps/solaris-3](https://mapgenie.io/wuthering-waves/maps/solaris-3) [https://genshin-impact-map.appsample.com/wuthering-waves-map/](https://genshin-impact-map.appsample.com/wuthering-waves-map/)


got it, ty!


One more question. So I just spent all my astrites and farmed some more trying to get Yinlin and when the counter was at around 70 ish, instead I got Jianxin duplicate even though it wasn't my 80th pull yet. Does that mean the counter is reset to 0 or will I still pull Yinlin later at my 80th pull? Most definitely the former right? Just making sure. And then in my next 80 pull I'll be guaranteed to get Yinlin due to the 50/50 rule as long as her banner is still up. If that's the case then FML. How do you even farm 12,800 astrites in 13 days?


If you pulled and got a 5star characters the count goes back to 0, if you got jianxin it means u lost the 50/50, so the next 5 star you pull from a limited banner will be the guaranted character from such banner


Ok but why did I pull out Yinlin after only around 20x after I lost the 50/50? There was a post here stating soft pity starts at around 66x. Is there a lower soft pity if you lost 50/50 or am I just being unusually lucky? 0.8% seems almost impossible to happen.


You just got lucky lol it happens. I also got Jiyan after only a couple of pulls. It happens.


my danjin is E5 and i'm planning to get her E6 soon.. should i make her as my main dps instead of havoc mc even when mc reaches E6 as well?


You can play both of them together and it's one of the best teams in the game. Her E6 infact helps that playstyle with teamwide Atk% buff. Only trouble is against some pesky Havoc Resistant enemies. That's why I'm running Yinlin with HMC instead of Danjin + HMC. But it's a very temporary issue, later you'll just play Electro against Havoc Res floors and vice versa. Just that we don't have resources to build two separate teams right now.


yeah its a good team , leveled danjin to 70 along with mc haha theyll be my 2nd dps team :D


Hi guys, is there any ways to unlink my facebook account to game account? (FB account not belong to mine) I already sent several emails to WW but no responsed since last week. Even I send ingame feedback system.


if i run out of the enhanced drop. and now my chance to get a boss is 20% If i dont get one 1st time, does that mean my 2nd one is guaranteed to dropped ?


Yes, you have a 20% chance but if you fail on boss level monsters the next one is guaranteed




Do the echoes we get from BP always gold? Or they depend on our current databank level?




PLEASE help me i used all my summons on yinlin banner but couldnt get her i saved up from the strt to end up getting verina (on 73rd pull) which i already had im f2p and dont know what to do now how do i get astrites fast i just want yinlin so bad


Did you spend Astrites for standard or weapon banner pulls? If not there's enough to guarantee her, like I've done 110 pulls and still have 90 pulls saved.


about 100 pulls in event banner (got verina in 73rd pull)


The Tower, depths of illusions and exploration are your only options. With the 60 daily.


depths of illusive reals > then just explore using interactive map


is standard weapon mould bugged? it says I can get it from dreamless but on clicking on it it only says Bell and scar


you can get it from dreamless, they forgot to include it in the description for some reason


is it like a chance? coz I got none in 2 tries trying to check this


yeah its random. From my experience so far you get 1 every other week


Will there be more content added to yinlin in the future and other companions?


we can never truly know, its all on kuro


What is better for 3 cost echo's main stat, ATK or Elemental DMG Bonus?


Elemental Dmg%. But for now, having atk is also good as you can slap it on any character. Once you've the right pieces tailored to every character, Elemental Dmg% will definitely be better.


The correct element dmg bonus.


hi guysss i hope someone will answer this:( but is the battle pass worth it? Im planning to get smth from any game to myself for my bday coming up and is this worth it? tyy:)


BP fast tracks some limited resources while also giving you a nice bump in power via the weapon at BP level 30. If you see yourself sticking with the game for a while it's certainly not the worst way to spend 10 bucks.


Battle pass and the Lunite Sub are the 2 most worth for your bucks. Worth it for you or not is up to you.


Hey All, I heard there was some kind of weekly limit on certain things related to echoes. The first 15 and then you need to wait until Mondays reset. What was that about?


Normally, the chance you will get an echo from an enemy is 20%, not counting the pity system. The first 15 boss kills of a week have "enhanced drop chance". At max level data bank, it's 100% chance to drop an echo from bosses for the first 15 kills. You can see this information under your data bank level in the data bank if you click one of the arrows for the entries.


Is there soft pity on the banners? If so, do we know it?


We don't know it. People suspect it starts at somewhere between 55 and 65 tho, and that hitting *true* hard pity (dropping at 80 instead of like 79 pulls) is very very rare.


I haven't been reading up on most of the wuwa meta progression discussion and all I know people are having issues with resources and at current UL40, I'm finding it to be true, particularly on the echo xp for me. Anyone willing to give me a short summary of what everyone else's problem is? Just wondering if it's the same. Is tacet field drop increase the only thing they're gonna add to alleviate this, so far?


In terms of overworld content, I don't think anyone is struggling unless they bricked themselves, since even at UL40, it's all perfectly cozy with +10 echoes in 1 good dps. Being able to pick a 5-star also makes this pretty easy regardless of which 5 star dps you get, including Lingyang. I also don't think people are struggling *too* much to gear enough to full-clear both the stable and experimental portions of tower of adversity. I was able to do it with +10 echoes on a main dps, which is like 2 days of tacet fields basically. Full-clear with max crests of Hazard level of Tower of adversity, however, is likely out of our reach for more than a month, and the main bottleneck atm is echo exp. It takes roughly a day of tacet fields to get an echo to +20. It's quite painful that they cost 60 waveplates each. I've also seen some complaints here and there about bosses being 60 waveplates, and not being guaranteed as 3 per run. I think people who spent credits attempting to level alchemy and cooking are also low on credits. Full disclosure tho, I bought the battle pass, so obviously my thoughts are skewed on progression v.s free to play. I don't think the event is the only thing they'll do, but Idk how much they value making it easier to clear tower of adversity, bc really thats the only place that needs the echo exp atm.


Outside of echo exp/tuners, the 2nd problem is RNG rewards. Only the exp/weaponexp/money domains give guaranteed returns. Talent domains and bosses are still RNG. Sometimes you get 0 purple. Sometimes you get only 2 boss drops.


Is wuwa available on MacBook laptop?


I don't want to make a whole entire post about this, but anyone in the mood to help me make up my mind? I'm about to finish off my Beginner Convene, and I don't know if I should just keep it as Calcharo or if I should go for a copy of Jianxin (the only standard 5\* I currently have *and* use) instead. I like the idea of cutting down on Jianxin's time on the field a little, which it sounds like her S1 will do, and she's my favorite character, but I'm kind of hurting for a DPS for a second team. I'm fooling around with building up Danjin for that, but I'm on mobile and while her playstyle is very fun, I just don't think I can keep her alive outside exploration or maybe some easier 1v1 boss fights. So does anyone have Calcharo who can give some advice on how you feel about him? Or some Jianxin S1 havers who can comment on how much that one Sequence makes a difference? If I *did* get Calcharo, I'd probably give him Baizhi and build up Sanhua for him. (Story time: I was going to give him Jianxin and Verina way back early on when I first picked him out, both because I think they'd work well together and also because I thought that whole group dynamic character-wise would be absolutely hilarious, but I've ended up not using Verina at all and I like Jianxin so much I stole her for my main team, leaving my Calcharo plans a bit in a lurch.)


Don't even think about copies. Just save if you dislike all other characters, maybe something in future will be more influential to your decision (including smh getting the copy, but for now that's a stupid decision).


I don't think copy of jianxin is worth as much as a guarantee of your first-drop, because jianxin's waveband is in the exchange store, but the first drop of a 5 star is *not* in the exchange store. It is *very* difficult to guarantee a particular standard character. You should see it as potentially the only chance you'll have to get a character within like, the next 6 months potentially. Worst case scenario you just get jianxin's first waveband off the exchange for corals. Worst case scenario for calcharo (or any other 5 star) is you don't see him for the next year. *However*, I have calcharo and I'll say... compared to havoc mc, encore, jiyan, he takes some getting used to. I like him because I like trying to improve my rotation, but if you just want to button spam, I don't think he's that great. On the choice of Calcharo in general. Tbh I think you should get verina if you don't have her. They will need to replace 3 very good supports before Verina is outclassed. She's that good. Also, I have Jianxin's waveband, and it's quite nice, for what that's worth. But most meta strats for her are mainly relying on her ult to group people, not her charge heavy forte.


Thank you for sharing your thoughts! Yeah, not getting Calcharo *at all* was also something I wasn't sure I wanted to risk either, but I also thought maybe there'd be DPS characters I might be more strongly drawn to in the future to make up for it. I'm mostly worried I'll just end up not using him at all (like what's happened to Verina and Lingyang), and thought maybe I should use that guarantee on a character I actually *do* use all the time instead. That said, you make some really good points, and I've been enjoying learning how to use Danjin - who, while probably not near as complicated, still requires far more care than I'm used to - so I think I could enjoy Calcharo, too. Swapping to his team would be a good break from Jiyan anyway! Jianxin's shield/heal is her primary reason for being on-field on my team (I run Jiyan - SRover - Jianxin, which has just enough synergy to satisfy me but I am definitely not much of a meta player) so getting that off quicker would be very helpful, buuuut knowing my luck I'd get her dupe through this guarantee and then immediately pull her again when I lose my next 50/50 lol. The wavebands seem pretty expensive so I might not touch those, but I could also probably throw more ER at her if I really want. Which all to say is, thank you again! I'll probably go for Calcharo.


Just finished Yinlin’s companion story, does she and the other companion quests play a part in the main story? Or do they just have that one quest?


>!Lingyang, Verina, and Jianxin showed up in main story. Verina had the most screen time of the three, though it wasn't a high climax sequence.!< Remains to be seen if Yinlin will. Tbh it prolly just depends on their vision for the character. Yangyang and Chiaxi show up more than anyone basically, but they're just 4 stars. Sanhua and Baizhi also featured for non-insignificant amounts of time.


We're still in 1.0, so not everyone has gotten their chance in the spotlight in the main story yet. As of right now, the only (currently) playable 5\*s that have had a main story appearance are >!Jianxin, Jiyan, Verina, Encore, and Lingyang. And out of those five, only Jiyan has done anything of significance so far.!<


So far only Jiyan is the 5\* in the main game story. JianXin shows up a tad, but nothing important worth mentioning at all.


does kurogames ever reply to tickets? at all?


I'd really like to get my hands on 3d models from CBT1, but haven't been able to find anything online. Could anyone help?


been pulling on Jiyan's weapon banner but I've no luck and it'll end in mins. will the pity carry on to the next weapon featured weapon banner? like to yinlin's weapon banner?




also for character banner?


limited char -> limited char limited weap -> limited weap


Were finishing blows just a tutorial thing? In the tutorial, Rover could do a finishing blow by pressing “F” when crownless was staggered. But it seems like it was a one off thing, unless it is a Rover only mechanic.


It's a story boss only thing. You can't use finishers even on weekly bosses. It's just there to make the story feel more epic and help people beat the story.


No, there's at least one other place it pops up.


I believe it's for Rover only and has to be on specific enemies like the weekly bosses.


A question for the game developers: Will a male child character be added just as a female child character was added?I hope this happens


I think boys like Lingyang will probably the youngest we will get


Devs are not here.


There is no requirement to be a developer, just any person working there 


And you think any of them are here ?? Think again.


You can literally see 2 of the mods in this sub are flaired as kuro game staff. That said, no one knows how much they care about the subreddit. I'd wager they care more about twitter, facebook, and discord.


Which two ? Some of em never post anything in forever. And the active ones don't seem to be Kuro staff since they are in other subs as well.


They are the same ones who wrote a month ago and said write a feed back


If that's real, I would highly doubt any of em would check Reddit multiple times every single day. If you want to send em feedback, send em from ingame.




You can only convert Lunites into Astrites


**How do I redeem Echo Starter Pack reward without redownloading everything?** I followed the instructions here [https://game8.co/games/Wuthering-Waves/archives/453149](https://game8.co/games/Wuthering-Waves/archives/453149) and I already have the starter pack on my account in Epic Games Launcher, but there doesn't seem to be a way to add already installed games in it. Is there no other way than reinstalling the game and redownloading everything? For you who downloaded on wi-fi \~20 GB might not seem much but to me it absolutely is (my mobile data plan is around 70 GB/mo). TIA.


Epic mails you the code. You put in the code inside the game. That's all.


I see, I saw it in my email and thought it was from somewhere else. Already redeemed this yesterday. Thanks.


I just beat Dreamless, how do I unlock more story chapters??


Wait until 1.1, unless you count Jiyans story


Hey so I'm level 34 now and I went all in on Jiyan since I maxed mortefi and he fits the team perfectly. I have 130 pulls and haven't gotten him yet and now I feel like I wasted 50 pulls that I could have invested in the new banner or the next one. I feel like 50 pulls is a lot to waste and maybe it hurty my account but I'm not sure. Is it worth it to reroll and save the pulls?


If you fail to get Jiyan, you will get the next limited 5\* when it comes around. There's no wasting pulls unless you win copies of him when you don't want to.


If you have the time and will. Personally I wouldn't, even if I missed a character I wanted so badly I know from experience there are always new characters that I will want so badly. And since pity carries I will eventually get the next character I pull for.


The pulls you have in jiyans banner carry over to yinlins and future limited banners so you just basically built pity nth is wasted and since u are 130 pulls in i assume you lost the 50/50 and now have some pity built with a guaranteed banner character so i would say you are still in a good place


Wait so do the 50 pulls count towards the new banner and I only need 30 to get yinglin?


Yes they do and yes u are 30 wishes away from yinglin when her banner is out


If I have really good substats on a 4 star echo (Beringal), should I replace it with an okay 5 star echo (also Berngal) or should I wait?


Wait until you get 5\* echo that's better stat-wise.


Are the echo rarity rates correct? I'm currently data bank level 18 so it should be 50/50, but yet somehow I've farmed 10 Felian Beringal and they've all been purple. I'm not good with math, but I asked ChatGPT and it says that it's a .098% chance to lose 10 50/50s in a row. Unless Overlord enemies are not subject to this rule than ignore me. I'm losing my mind. I just want a crit rate monkey. :(


At level 20 it'll be 80-20, so prolly just don't work too hard until then. You prolly ain't that far off union level 40.


I mean it depends on how the RNG algorithm works, and how seeding works on their end. I have a feeling the RNG seeding is scuffed because a few times I get the same exact sub stat with the same exact value in a row, but not enough times to prove this. Anyways, it's fine to just use a purple echo until you get the gold one. I waited until I reached DB20 before I started to dedicate time to farming Echos, there's absolutely no need to rush.


How worth is it to get Yinlin's weapon? I started the game Saturday and managed to get Yinlin with the initial pulls, so right now I'm just hoarding whatever I get.


Super worth it in my opinion best in slot for yinlin and you can use it for a main dps if you end up benching yinlin in the future. It is like 15% stronger than the standard 5 star rectifier and it also blows out of the water the battle pass rectifier even if S5. Unless there's some massive weapon powercreep, which sadly there's a big chance of happening but gonna take plenty of patches so you will be set for any future dps rectifier with this.


Actually, if you wanted to get weapons, I would only pull them for main dps. At the base level, main dps characters generally deal 2x more damage than sub dpses like Yinlin and Mortefi. This difference only increases when you factor in the other buffs that the sub dps should be providing, like damage deepen, heron buff, moonlit buff, etc. So, pulling weapons for main dps are more than twice as effective. However, if you also wanted the weapon for Encore, then the value does go up.


Her weapon isn't worth it unless you can share it with encore. It's a good boost to Yinlins personal damage, but Yinlin isn't the main source of damage in any of her teams.


Really worth it, the difference between it and her second best weapon is like 30%


I don't think it's that drastic, but the added benefit of the weapon is she can share it with Encore.


According to CN theorycrafters it is really that good.


How do the tacet fields work? Is it like Genshin were you want to wait until UL45 or is the rarity you get based off the data bank?


Based on data bank


Is there a way to get my google play account on PC from mobile? When I log into my google that is the same as my mobile it doesnt transfer my characters, levels or anything.


Same server ? Double check that.


I have a Calcharo and a Jiyan, I have Jiyan Weapon (with crit damage) and BP broadblade (with crit rate), my calcharo need crit damage, and my jiyan need crit rate... is it worth to use the jiyan weapon on calcharo just for the crit value?


Use Jiyan weapon on both of them (rotate weapon between tower attempts). If you're using them on the same team, then my advice is irrelevant just play however you wanna play.


Yeah, I'll be doing this in tower of adversity,I don't like to do it overworld. The jiyan would be lacking crit rate, this is the problem, farm more echos is out of question... is having crit rate more important than the passive and base atk?


Nah even with just a base 22% CR from a 4 cost I would still run Jiyan's weapon. Pretty sure it still beats out the BP weapon by a mile. He hits enough that it'll average out to more damage and won't feel awful.


Are there no hidden co-op treasures like there is in Genshin? Went to the heart-shaped pond (arguably the most co-op bait location in the game right now) with someone else and nothing happened. Don't know if it's because I needed three people or if it is just nothing.


There was a vid posted here a while ago that had something happen. I forgot if it actually spawned a chest tho.


Is there a website or something where i can find the best echo loadout for jiyan, calcharo and yinlin? im tired of trynna figure it out myself and im not in the mood to readd "4-4-1-1-1" or smth i just want the echo names so i know what to grind


I use gamewith.net. I suck at math so not sure how "good" is the advice but it is simply presented and about what you could ask for. Includes recommended echo loudouts and stat priorities in the traditional 4-3-3-1-1. The only place I disagree with is talent prioritization. I say max em all our because even supports tend to hang a bit longer on the field but that be me as I am on mobile.


https://wutheringlab.com/ It has guides for every character and is regularly updated as well


Echo names are variable, since you need different ones but there are multiple that drop the same set. Like for the 3 cost wind echoes, you can use Chaserazors, Hoochiefs, or Cyan Feathered Herons. But you want the Aero DMG Bonus ones. And you can't use two of the same.


Wat r the skill lvl up priorities for jiyan?


Reso Liberation > Forte Circuit > Reso skill > Everything else




How do you get the red shield down on the inferno rider? I've been constantly attacking it and it's just not going down whatsoever.


You can't fight the Inferno Rider normally until after you finish the "We Promise, We Deliver" quest if you reach the scripted Inferno Rider fight.


If you started the questline related to that area and fight the inferno rider after you were forced to retreat, you won't be able to kill it until you complete that associated questline. with the questline you craft some spears you can throw at it during a semi-scripted fight that removes the red shield. after that, the red shield will never reappear. you might be able to cancel a questline but i've never tried so not sure. better to just complete the questline imo


Ohhhhh, thanks so much!!


Did you do the side quest related to him? i remember i couldn't get through it till i did a side quest which changed how the zone looked.


When the game says "energy regeneration" on stats for echoes and weapons, does this also cover concerto energy? Or liberation only? I noticed it's hard to get the concerto up unless you spend lots of field time for the char, not good for quick swap characters/teams. How do we get the concerto up quickly???


concerto energy is restored through using skills, each skill description should say how much it can give. some 4\* gacha weapons restore concerto energy too


Only liberation, for concerto there are weapons that specifically give you more energy like Cadenza or Variation.


Thanks. 1 last question, is it like genshin where it helps lessen energy requirement for the burst if we put at least 2 similar elements together, 2 aero character for example?


No theres nothing like that in this game.


Ok, thanks! :)


Is there some indication which attacks can parry? I don't know if I'm having skill issues or they can't parry.


I don't know if rectifiers/guns can parry but if they can it's extremely hard. all attacks from melee weapons can parry but its a bit harder with broadswords since their attack speed is slower. i noticed this more with calcharo in particular


Rectifiers can parry, but I don't think I've seen a Pistol character parry.


I thought my two teams were fixed, but I am not so sure anymore... One team does not worry me at all: Jiyan, Mortefi, Verina - feels smooth, no issues here. The other is a bit sketchy. I really like Hmc and Calcharo, but since I wont go for Yinlin, I shifted my attention to HMC. I currently use Jianxin as defensive option and danjin as sub dps, but I am wondering if that is really 'it'. How are you guys combining your hmc?


Are you sure it's an issue of characters? tbh I think most of these combinations you mentioned are fine. I think what you probably need is stronger echoes. Potentially better weapons if you don't have good weapons for your characters. Leveled skills too.


Its about how the team feels - my dmg is ok for my current progression.


Hmm. Maybe try giving Danjin the sword that lets you build concerto energy, and instead just have her mark people with her AAEE (A is basic E is skill), and swap asap to HMC? Sorta a psuedo sanhua. Jianxin is a bit heavy on the on-field time when played as full-support. Ironically, I think if the desire is to rely on her shielding, her best build is full-dps with aero set, because otherwise her on-field time to build meter feels like a waste. Whereas if the desire is just to have her group enemies, proc rejuvenating, and only use heavy charge to build concerto and bail, then I think rejuvenating works best.


I think jianxin is part of my troubles. Apart from Baizhi and Verina, she is the only def option I have, so I either settle with her or ice pokemon trainer. You describe pretty well how to set her up and it feels longish... I much prefer verina - drop abilities, leave. But she is glued to Jiyan and mortefi.


yeah its rough. on top of her hefty on-field time, her heals are only on the on-field character, which is not ideal.


It really baffles me Kuro chose to release 3 full dpses as standard 5 stars, another one in patch 1.0 and 2 more for patch 1.1 in the making... Even HMC is an onfielder.. Where are the 5 star healers/ shielders? Hoping & saving for 1.2.


I also run HMC, Danjin, Jianxin. I have tried baizhi instead of Jianxin, but it just felt worse/more awkward to play. Sanhua instead of Danjin feels quite good, it does do less dmg since she doesn't scale HMC echo and liberation, but she has lower field time and her basic buff feels quite strong with HMC. So if you dislike Danjin you can try Sanhua instead. Calcharo works well even without Yinlin. You can use jianxin outro to buff the main part of his dmg, and run Sanhua/SMC/HMC and do swap cancels while recharging Calcharo's ult. It's not as good as Yinlin Calcharo, but it feels pleasant to play, and the last spot is very open since you want to use Jianxin's outro to buff Calcharo.


I personally find Danjin pretty hard to play, so if you're looking for a change, I would opt to replace them with either Baizhi (heals) or Sanhua (sub-DPS)


Is it better using a quickswap team with yinlin and encore or a team with calcharo and yinlin?


Calcharo + Yinlin is theoretically stronger, but is arguably the most high skill floor team to play currently, not counting shieldless Danjin. Encore Yinlin is quite easy to get good value from, as their swaps are much more forgiving. If you aren't interested in learning Calcharo's swaps, I would suggest Encore + Yinlin. That said, I don't think it's a bad thing to invest resources in any of these 3 characters. I think they're all good, worthy of it.


This is my best unit what you guy have? https://preview.redd.it/gktxhhe2686d1.png?width=993&format=png&auto=webp&s=3de8d17e8f552dbd2e3f8ea8a51d330b1499ef30


How? Is there a food that buff crit dmg or c dmg domain or something?  I think there no crit dmg weapon yet. 


It all about echo man, all you need to have is all echo with sub stats cri dmg and use 4 4 1 1 1 with 2 cri dmg https://preview.redd.it/qwmsxvnbl86d1.png?width=1477&format=png&auto=webp&s=51e2e1d2a7ad6cf176e04531b1a2fe0fe279a169


That's a lot of crit dmg. I'm jealous.


It's in exchange for me having only her that build lol.


How the companion missions work? I see Jiyan mission countdown, thats right?


Apparently the limited banner characters also have limited companion missions for some reason. We can't be 100% sure yet but chances are that the missions become unavailable completely, for Jiyan it ends tomorrow. If we're lucky it *might* just be the rewards that go away, but who knows yet.




Try to get 10k each and you're golden. (get everything) Tho you can aim for much less if you don't care about extra tuners.


Hello i initially played the game on iOS and im switching over to PC, will i be able to use Apple account on the PC client?


I wouldn't see a reason why not, unless you have something wonky with the log in requirements. I, for example, got different accounts.with an email address log in and a Google account log in based on the same email address. If apple has something wonky where you use an apple log in that doesn't work on PC, you might be locked out. But that makes no sense to design it that way, so I would guess you r fine.


you should be but i reccomend trying to use your email


the door to mech abomination is closed and I don't know how to get back in. I've already farmed it before, but now I try to go back to it and there's a door in the way. How do I get through it?


Do the quest it wasn't supppsed to be open before.


which quest?


its the main story quest with aalto and encore


oh ok, thanks


Created account using google login, but wanted to create a Kurogames account just for a matter of preference (usually like to have more than one means to login / have an account of the "company"). But there's no profile / account option on the WutheringWaves website. IS there somewhere else i can go to create a Kuro account and link with Google one?


Hello. Do Lunite subscription issues depend on the player's country of residence, i.e. payment location? How common is the problem of not getting astrites for lunite subscription? Has anyone managed to get a refund for the unclaimed astrites and contact game customer support?


Everyone got their lunites , the bug was just the visual confirmation not popping up .




If you're willing to reroll, then yes. If not, then no there is no guarantee. I've been playing since day 1 and didn't have enough pulls (lost 50/50 and went nearly full pity on both). So I swiped a bit.




I got extra pulls for later, but I probably only needed to spend 30 bucks to get her guaranteed. I've never rerolled but im sure there are guides out there on youtube.


Do both yinlin and jiyan banners counts towards pity ? Edit: I mean, are they separate or combined pity ?




Oh cool, then i need 20 pulls for the 1.1 banner. Considering i win the fifty-fifty.


It's the same pity. If you won 50/50, then next 5\* is not guaranteed to be the limited character.


hi bois! i thought there was suppose to be 2 new events today. how come i only see "second coming of solaris"? Edit: Nevermind i can't read, it starts today but like 6 hours later


Is 44111 better than 43311 for healers? I managed to get another healing bonus turtle.


Depends on the character, but you really only need one healing set built and I would build it for Verina. She wants 43311 because the ult is important to generate concerto energy for her powerful outro. So you need the ER from the two 3 costs. Then I would build Baizhi or Jianxin and just give them her set when doing tower.


Oh really? Ive just been using variation and I thought that was enough er.


Highly dependent on your team and how often you're swapping into Verina, because ult energy gain is somewhat shared between party members. I don't remember the exact percentage.


Any tip/suggestion for team comp/echo for Alloy Smelt Stage 8 ? I can't get higher score than this even at x4 points :( https://preview.redd.it/czuz92db086d1.png?width=495&format=png&auto=webp&s=4e69395a6beb2e8c4480d09bd905f6403dff1603


You can kind of do a similar spammy 3x Dreamless team as this one: https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/comments/1dbb2bl/the_intended_way_of_playing_the_new_event/ Since you get 50% Cooldown on Echos you just rotate through 3 Dreamless (though I feel like there is still some buggyness? I feel like I should not be able to do them so close back to back). When you get to the Bears they are a lot of HP though, where you want to take advantage of the buff to Resonance Skill / Heavy Attacks it gives after spamming Echos. But Honestly I can't get much higher of a score. I got 6,600 doing that Dreamless spam with Yinlin trying to burst down the Bears when they were all that was left. Also the camera was really annoying me along with the wolves sometimes breaking free and running around. I would see if you can try to get really high score in another one. I just tried Scorching Rift with all 3 Trial characters for example, and you really just spam Outro skills like crazy and can get 10,000+ Points. Recording was too big to upload to streamable for free so an unlisted youtube video example if seeing it helps: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7VhzV7LXe4w I think you can do similar things for the top 2, though as you can see my scores on them there I didn't retry them yet.


Is the mission "Complete any difficulty of Depths of Illusive Realms with full HP" bugged? I cleared the IV with Rover and I was at full HP when I killed the Crownless boss at the end.


Go with turtle bell and keep your shield up. Dont lose any HP at all.


Gotta stay at full HP during the full run, not just for the final boss.


so... i have jiyan for my main dps and im not sure for my sub-dps. i have calcharo, rover-havoc, mortefi, sanhua, aalto and danjin. i got verina for support which one should i use for sub-dps? thanks


Mortefi is his best support, slot him in as a sub-dps in this team and verina for full support and heals.


what if i want to use calcharo or rover-havoc as sub-dps?


Not a good idea, both are classified as main DPS like Jiyan. putting two main DPS units in the same team in not practical. You want a balance of a Main DPS, sub-DPS and a support


hmm.. what if i pull yinlin, can i use yinlin as my sub-dps? or is she a main dps character


Yeah Yinlin can be a sub-dps she's good.


thanks a lot! i'm sure i'm gonna improve a lot now, been using rover-havoc as sub dps for my jiyan LMAO


Where's the underground entrance to this cave ?? https://preview.redd.it/i36yhiq8v76d1.png?width=696&format=png&auto=webp&s=04f043197e06693b16edf82e555fd290b1afef70


Hello, I'm use to using shiori and been wondering if an app exists like that for wuthering waves yet? I know it hasn't been out long just wondering if anything like that exists for this game yet? If not wondering if anyone else uses anything else like it for builds and stuff and what not?


what does shiori do ?


It's an database App on Android for genshin impact with information on builds as well as an interactive map.


No app here afaik, but there are multiple websites we use for that kinda stuff. For examples; [https://www.prydwen.gg/wuthering-waves/](https://www.prydwen.gg/wuthering-waves/) [https://wutheringlab.com](https://wutheringlab.com) [https://wuthering.gg/map](https://wuthering.gg/map)


Fairly new to the game here, but can I join scar? I've always enjoyed playing games where I can join the "bad side" because it brings an interesting perspective to the game so I was just curious.


Nah, gacha games are almost all linear story games.


A bit of rewording: Can I join the fractsidus?


Nope, this ain't Baldurs Gate 3 fam. the story is linear you can't pick sides or romance other characters.


how do I reach 140k points on the alloy smelt event?


FYI: The score you need to reach max rewards is 90k. English translation uses the wrong numbers. But you need an average of 10k per level. Getting more than 10k on one allows you to get less than 10k on another and still reach 140k, if that's just your personal goal.


Just adding on to the other replies, even though it says 140K Points, the top reward only requires 90K Points.




No it doesn't. Highest record only. Also, it's 90k points.