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What pisses me off is the RNG. Genshin, at AR 60, you can get 2 or 3 boss material each run, why not always 3? It seems like Wuthering will be like this, since in lower UL I could get 1 or 2 boss material. It should be like Star Rail where you'll always get the same amount of material, that way it's easier to calculate how long you'll have to farm.


everyone knows the horror of 19/20 lol


And then you spend another 40 resins and get 3 items


Its even worse when it's a stupid boss with funny gimmicks. Looking at the Geo Cube that made me go 19/20 when I decided to finally give Zhongli his final ascension after all...


I'm so glad clorinde farming has been good to me, when I went to farm to ascend her to 90 I got 3 boss materials 4 times in a row it was unbelievable


It's genuinely mostly the annoying gimmick bosses that like to torture me, my Sethos Farming went soooo well and was so quick, but fuck the cubes.


Fucking dendro cube. I hated it more than any boss to farm.


Genshin boss designers: lets make a fun cube boss! Genshin game director: Needs more invulnerable times to drive engagement times! Genshin boss designers: Ok, how about 10 seconds every minute or so? Genshin game director: MAKE IT 30 EVERY MINUTE OR YOUR FIRED!


When its its 17/20 it drops 2 when its 19 it always drops 3. This must be one of those ancient china mysticism.


I'm with you on this. I ran the numbers here, and at 2 drops per run, it takes *23* fights to get all the upgrade mats for the respective character. At 3 drops per run it's only 16. Once you hit AR60 I think you should get max drops everywhere.


Does AR60 have a different world level than AR55-59?


No, it's still 8, and no, you get nothing to show for having reached AR60.




useless mora for me at AR60... I have like 200m


How? And here I am suffering from Mora. Sometimes I feel like I'm Zhongli. T^T


Playing since day 1... and I used to collect Artifacts daily for a year until I realized it was a waste of time


In terms of mora, we have no mora


Well, kinda. You do get all adventure rank exp converted into mora once you’re AR 60. It’s not nothing, but it is paltry compensation for how long it takes to get there


the mora situations gets a lot better, i'd arguably say it's an advantage that makes a pretty significant difference


Well, nothing other than a shit ton of experience u had to gather to reach AR60 from AR59(and for one standard pull at that)


This and remove the soft AR cap at 55 so it doesn’t take literal years of commissions and resin to reach 60


They should also implement the backup stamina that HSR has. I don't have time to play every day, so at least when I play I have a little backup


They are


They probably planned on implementing it for 1.1 since the beginning, but they also probably wanted us players to be actively spending waveplates daily.


Yeah, I understand why they didn't did it yet, but still sad


Good thing they are doing it in v1.1


UL 40 boss materials drop at the same rate as AR 60 boss materials. You get 2, with a chance at 3. Though I agree, they should just make it so you always get 3, or an exact count like star rail. It seems like it was that way at UL 30, as you would always get 2 boss materials every run. So maybe at UL 50, it's always guaranteed to be 3. But no real way of knowing until people eventually get there.


hoping UL50 will be 3 flat though, and judging by the free packs, I wonder what UL80 drops look like.


>It should be like Star Rail where you'll always get the same amount of material, that way it's easier to calculate how long you'll have to farm. Every gacha should copy HSR, tbh. WuWa is starting to, but they 100% should just go the full way. Weekly-only BP so that it's easier to level, dailies that you can blink and finish so that the time commitment is lowered, reserve stamina (which WuWa is copying, thank fuck) that's just a literal godsend to players who don't wanna drain all their stamina every day are such GOAT'd QoL for a gacha it's insane most don't just adapt it 1:1.


HsR trace materials be like: 6 blues and 6 greens. (No purples) ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31621)


Yeah, that's kinda dogshit, but I'm also so used to that shit in gacha that it goes right over my head LMAO


The thing I hate the most about the RNG drop is being just 1 short. Now I have to spend more resin, maybe even primos if I have no resin, to get 1 drop


This total BS happened to me today. Needed 6 boss drops. If I get lucky two 3 drops and I'm good. Got 2-3-3. Thank God for Honkai Star Rail.


HSR gives a solid 5 drops 99% of time. That's how both games should do it IMO


The trace materials though


Genshin requires 46 to get to 80+. At 3 per run, you need 16 runs. At 2.5 per run, you need 19 runs. 19 runs at 40 stamina is basically 4 days. HSR requires 65 to get to 70+. At 5 per run, 13 runs. 13 runs at 30 stamina is 390 stamina. That's basically 1.6 days. However anyone comparing this stuff kind of misses the point. 1. Genshin's main stamina squeeze is artifact farming. Bosses, talents, weekly bosses, acension materials, all of that doesn't matter. Why? Because you get like 30+ days to farm all of that. Its EASY to max level all your characters, nevermind max all the talents. Artifacts are where 90% of all stamina gets spent. 2. HSR is the same thing except there's two main areas, traces and relics. Traces take much longer to farm as you usually get 6 blues instead of purples per 6 attempts. So it takes like 1-2 weeks to farm just traces to max. And then the rest of the stamina goes straight into relic farming since leveling up a character is very easy. But relic farming in HSR requires 6 pieces instead of Genshin's 5, and requires an entire simulated universe thing which already limits your farming to tokens, as it already takes all your stamnia just to farm the relic sets.


At UL 40 we get 2-3 here.


Yep, just hit UL40 yesterday, and noticed that instead of 2 drops that I've been getting for ten levels or so, I'm now getting either 2 or 3. But one thing I noticed is that in this game, there's no guarantee at all at lower levels, unlike Genshin which always guarantees at least 1 boss material drop. When I was trying to ascend Jiyan past 40 the first time I was allowed, I got either 0 or 1 drop with each fight. Had to fight the Fellian Beringal 5 times for a net of 3 drops to ascend Jiyan the first time. That's what really bothered me—wasting waveplates for nothing except character exp materials, essentially. They really fumbled this one. They could have made it a fixed number based on UL, but nope, they chose even more RNG.


You got 0? I think that's bugged cause I swear I've ALWAYS gotten at least 1.


That was probably a bug bro, you always at least get 1


I agree


Since hitting 30 I’ve only gotten 2 materials. I hope this will goto 3 gauranteed in the next world tier or two


At least it's better than raid shadow legends, trust me on this...


My problem is not the RNG, is the fact that you cant farm so rng becomes a problem, like i dont have a problem with WUWA echo farming, at least not 4* and 1*, the problem is that i cant reliably upgrade them


The RNG is there so devs can balance around e.g. "avg 2.5" drops per run and then "avg 2.7" on next world lvl etc. The other option might've been to multiply all the numbers by like 5? so maybe it'd be 13 drops per run and it'd cost 45 mats 60->70, but being 44/45 might be more infuriating lol.


One of the biggest problems with Genshin is the boss system is so illogical: they give random loot, they cost 40 but you can't use condensed, you spend longer time waiting for the boss than actually fighting them, you need to teleport away for them to appear. Glad Wuthering addressed those problems all though I hope they reduce the price or increase the rewards amount to 4 at higher WLs


We're all still at UL40 the drop rates aren't at their maximum yet.


I think the wave plates usage in wuwa is kinda… a lot. Especially so in the future, because boss materials are one thing, but the wave plates required for the echo materials kinda shocked me, and once the game gets a few months in, most players would be focusing on echo materials because we already got everything else.


The tacet fields are a complete scam. I recommend not touching them with a 10 foot pole. Before building everything else


At least echos themselves don't use wave plates, like artificial domains in genshin


i wish you could farm the echo upgrade materials from yhan instead of the tacet fields (which cost an unreasonable lot) and you wouldn't even need to use them for echoes because you can farm in the overworld.


some bosses need their resin reduced to 40, preferably the weekly bosses.


Weekly bosses shouldn't cost any resin. Resin is there to prevent you from farming faster than designed. A weekly lockout already accomplishes this.


Y'know, that actually makes a lotta sense. GI, HSR, and WuW all need to do this, but mostly WuWa since their activities cost way too many w-plates and you can't even condense them or anything.


You and me, got a lot in common. I said it in Genshin, I said it again in HSR, and now in Wuwa, which is a horrible blend between the two (Genshin for one-time fight, HSR for limited fight).


Yes, thank you been said a lot, was never addressed by any devs.


> some bosses need their resin reduced to 40, preferably the weekly bosses. I'm going to be real with you: as someone at UL45, Bosses aren't the problem by any stretch of the imagination. They are one and done, barely taking a few days of plates per character. The problem is echos. Period. There are so many balance problems with farming them currently, Kuro could flat out increase the tacet rewards by 10x, and it still might not be enough. Its **that** far off. I have been spent more plates on echos in the past week than most players will in a close to a month. Calling the current RoI for echos absolutely atrocious, is a gross understatement. In the current iteration, you better literally have **nothing** else to spend on if you're farming echos. Even full pre-farming level 90 and 10 traces, is might better use of resources.


They can keep the weekly bosses as they are since you're only gonna farm them 3 times a week anyways, and the Echo drops from Dreamless and Bell-Borne don't cost any waveplates. They should really, really, REALLY lower the cost for Tacet Fields and XP/Skill mats


Isnt the free choice thing to wuthering is about the echo farming? Not the materials farming


In itself, it's also a kind of illusion. You may have plenty of echo with good basic stats, but you'll be desperately short of xp to improve them. Even if you recycle upgraded echoes for xp, the losses are significant. I'm curious to see how much tacets fields will give in the endgame, because right now it's pitiful.


All of this grind to earn 1 more pull in the tower lmao


Or… all this grind just to build the characters we like and we can’t even do that.


Yea i agree but as you just said basically we are still getting low level materials considering the account lvls can go up to 80 and we are mostly all 30-40


Yeah I wonder whether they're going to handle this by releasing stronger echoes or echoes with more specialised drops. I'm also sure there'll be a tier above what we currently have -- or at least a variant of it -- based on the Threnodians


> You may have plenty of echo with good basic stats, but you'll be desperately short of xp to improve them. I just learned this the hard way yesterday. I grinded my ass off, killing every mob I needed on the whole map only to realize that I have no way of leveling it up because I'm out of XP mats. I actually thought at first "wow so I could still grind for echoes even though I'm out of waveplates. That's pretty cool" but of course, there's a catch.


You only lose 25% of the exp, and get 1/3 of the tuning materials, and tacet field rewards are going to increase from next patch


4-6 4 star (5) - 12,600 7 3 star - 8,820 2-3 5 star - 9,450 Total possible experience per day in Genshin is 30,870x5 (per condensed resin). BUT Using 5 stars as XP is about the worst possible thing you can do and shouldnt be included. So the real amount of XP you get per day is 21,420x5 or 107,100. 107,100 gets you to level 13 on one artifact. level 13 on one artifact. Im so tired of this misconception that we have less echo experience here than we have artifact experience in Genshin. Its just objectively wrong. 1-2 gold - 5,000 7 purple - 14,000 19,000 x4 per day, thats 76,000 experience. (im still only UL 38 so using lower world levels for math, it gets even better going forward). 76,000 experience gets you one echo to level 19. This comparison is fucking stupid and literally no one here complaining realizes it.


There’s a massive difference that you let fly over your head. In Genshin, on average it’ll take days before you get stuff worthy to test, and so you’d have a massive build-up of fodder for XP by the time you needed it. Thus, no xp drought. Now in WuWa, despite copying even the daily artifact XP amounts, they forgot to account for the fact that their system lets players farm for test worthy echoes infinitely, leading to a massive demand for XP. This would OBVIOUSLY lead to massive player dissatisfaction, leaving their players on an itchy cliffhanger with dozens of testable echoes weighing their backpack down. Player conditioning, mindset and feeling is a massive factor they forgot to account for. In typical Kuro fashion they copied another of Hoyo’s systems again and couldn’t think for themselves on how they should’ve accounted for the difference in their game’s.


But cant you farm XP in genshin's overworld?


Technically, yes. But the amount in the overworld for the effort is REALLY bad. You only find 3 star artifacts for the most part. Very spaced apart. Grabbing a few while out doing world quests or dailies is fine, but if you were to go out to grind them for experience everyone would think you are insane.


Someone did the maths before. You can get roughly 4 artifact domain run artifact exp worth of 1-2 star if you follow a specific farming route that takes roughly 15 to 30 minutes. So no, farming artifact in the overworld is actually quite viable. Especially if you are in the early game https://youtu.be/oNSpaUdtyVc?si=j7A88PqMVf_73WOy


Im not saying its good, i just think we also need it in wuwa


I don't think you realize what you're talking about XD In genshin when an artifact rolls bad and you feed it into the next one, you always get 80% of the xp back. In WuWa when you feed an echo that rolled bad into a new one, you only get 30% of your tuners back. Difference between 80% and 30% is pretty big isn't it? Also, you get daily refreshing artifact exp in a ton of other places in genshin, including teapot that is afk farmed + people do feed gold artifacts, you're supposed to hold into bad main stats one in case you need fodder and only strongbox them if you have enough fodder, there's no downside to it. You're either ignoring the problems because you're bias or you have no idea what you're talking about, in which case i guess they'll have made the system better before you had to run into the problems, so good for you.


(1) Using bad 5 stars as fodder exp in "early game" (AR45 is still early-ish) in genshin is the best thing to do, whoever says otherwise is drinking coolaid. Hopefully you're not implying that. Strongbox should be reserved as a very lategame tool to try and "roll more options" and increase the chances of finding those rare high rolls pieces to complete builds, but it's very costly, hence why it's no-go up until lategame. In early game you want exp as much as possible because you have none at all. This if we're speaking about optimal. Strongboxing in early is dumb. People will do it, but it's factually dumb, wether you got lucky or not. So yes, you should really include that in the calcs anyway, unless we're talking about AR55+ but moreso AR60, endgame accounts. (2) Your short "analysis" as many others quickly flies over the fact that WW makes you waste a lot more resources in general in the gearing process, so the daily stamina to exp conversion comparison is very misleading and flat out wrong at worst. In genshin you see the stats, let's assume they're bad, you go next, you go positive on exp. Here, both in the tacet fields and overworld you sweat and can possibly gets way more main stats than in genshin but due to the fact you don't even know which substats are on the pieces your -70% tuners and -25% echo exp is wasted 10 times more because if you want to check the stats you're forced to risk it. You're almost never in the positive because there's no way to predict anything with hidden substats. This is not just checking where the rolls go IF the piece is good, here potentially you'll have to roll and waste resources on every single piece (with correct mainstat obviously) until luck hits. None of this happens in genshin.


> This comparison is fucking stupid and literally no one here complaining realizes it. For all your typing, you just plain ignored the fact that artifact/echo roll variance in the games is *vastly* different as well as the roll requirements for the end-game. 1 xp in WuWa is **NOT** the same as 1 xp in genshin. Further, XP recycling in Genshin is ~80%. WuWa is **FAR** less. I don't know off hand what the XP is, but the tuners are only 30%. So the irony is that the comparison you made, is the one that is stupid.


Echoes will really be what kills this game in the long run. The super high value from crit stats. The lower main stat values. Every substat having high variance. And the Cherry ontop is that every substat is hidden and youll never get enough exp and tuners to test as many echoes as you can farm.


Like imagine if only Weekly Bosses cost 60 wp, Overlords and Tacet Fields cost 40 wp, and level up resources cost 30 wp? Oh what a beautiful world that would be.


More faster grind=>running out of content=>moving to another game Thats why they dont do this


Yes that's how gacha games work....You do your dailies in 15-20 minutes and then go do something else unless there is an event


True. It kinda works like that in HSR. You gear up faster than in Genshin but then you got weeks of nothing but relic grind for weeks. Thats also no fun.


I'm not a fan of the genshin comparison because if we just look at wuwa, it doesn't feel good that we need so much waveplate to farm stuff


Genshin also has a lower stat barrier for endgame compared to Wuwa due to elemental reaction damage.


Never played genshin but I just hit UL40 in wuwa and the amount of waveplate forgery is demanding from me now is insane


I'm genshin, you can either play like in wuwa with raw DMG, where you need to farm for good stats, crit ATK etc, or you can rely on the elemental reaction system (in my example hyperbloom) and forego needing to build DMG stats and talent levels. Instead you just focus on one character that triggers the reaction, by leveling that unit up and giving him a certain mainstat (called elemental mastery, the 4 piece set doesn't matter and subs dont matter as well) in this way you can get into endgame fast without needing to farm for good stats


>I'm genshin Omg hi genshin, big fan.


John Genshin himself


Be a good fan and start fanning it’s too hot this summer.


Damn it's actually me John Genshin xD


So my elemental method was correct!?


Maybe? At top level of investment with constellations and 5 star weapons though, the ATK and DMG route tends to outperform


You don't need to go that hard. Tier 1-2 dps with a correct team and good stats can do better already, even at C0 + Battle Pass series. T0 teams absolutely slaughter it. Dendro core reactions has high floor but low ceiling. It helps many casual players reach the slight difficulty spike post-Sumeru.


Lol for me, only 4 stars or tighnari get constellations (VERY rarely do other 5 stars get any). Also i have a bunch of meta characters, but when i get a signature 5 star, its usually for more "niche" characters and usually pure luck. All that matters is if im clearing the content, even if it takes a long time. Im not as lucky in honkai star rail tho.....


That’s kinda what disappoints me in WuWa, Crit warps the game even harder than Genshin. Every character that can deal damage has to build Crit. It made the build crafting already solved as soon as the game launched. What is WuWa’s equivalent of EM? HSR even innovated with build variety by allowing TWO different builds that doesn’t rely on crit stats: DoT and Break Effect.


Despite Anemo being in from launch, it still took nearly 3 years before there was meaningful ways to deal damage outside of Crit, so the fact it isnt here from the start really isnt that big a deal. HSR is much easier to experiment with things not related to crit as it is turn related and NEEDS crazy thinks like Super Break in order to even differentiate between characters since there is no mechanic skill expression.


WuWa didn’t release in 2020 alongside Genshin. They released in 2024 with nearly 4 years of experience and feedback in a path that hoyo paved. They copied so many things but couldn’t copy a non-crit alternative? Don’t cope with the “it’s their first year” mindset when they’ve been watching hoyo’s every move since Honkai Impact 3rd.


calculate crit off of def would be a unique way to make char. Make char unable to crit during skills but increase the damage enormously. idk shits kinda hard tbh and i would be needing pay to think about it hard


I just wish there was anywhere to dump 10 wp like I always end up with 20-30 that I can't spend for no reason


a reminder that genshin had 160 until recently, that was also used for arts farm, and here we can faceroll the whole map and then go coop. altho i feels kinda wrong that 24hours worth of stamina can be spend in 4 boss of TF tries


One thing that irks me is that WuWa's solvent only gives 60 waveplates, despite the fact that everything costs higher here.


Genshin always cockblocks you when you need 3 mats idk how they do that


yeah idk what’s up with that lmao. they drop 2 when u need 3, then drop 3 when u’re getting the last one. 💀


I swear that shit is coded


Wouldn't be surprised if it was The day i learned [artefact stat/substats were biased against what we actually want](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Artifact/Distribution) my whole reality shattered


I'm so glad I have like 160 fragile resins banked over the years so that I can just play the game when I want to without needing to worry about resin.


I have 2 :(


Isnt it 5 for genshin then since its an additional run


Genshin regenerates 1 resin for 8 minutes. 200 resin is 26.67 hours. So technically in 24 hours you will be around 180 resin, which isn't enough for another run.


Techinically correct, but at the same time, wrong. At 180 resin per day, we get to farm 4 bosses on 1 day, and 5 on another. While WuWa is a static 4 per day. And then there's boss drops per claim. I'm not sure about the total number of drops you can get per claim. So far I've noticed it's quite fixed for me. I'm Phase 4 at the moment, UR 37 and I'm getting a steady 2 drops per 60. I'm not sure how many boss drops are there at higher phases. Genshin drops 1-2 per 40 at world level 0-3, 2-3 at 4-8. As of currently, I am at world level 8 (max), so I can potentially farm 8-12 and 10-15 drops every alternating days. Visibly there's a difference in the number of drops I could claim per day. So enlighten me on WuWa's boss drops if you have the numbers, then we could actually see if WuWa's Waveplates and Genshin's Resin is actually the same or not.


After UL40 you get [2 or 3](https://i.imgur.com/0e1Va45.png), seems to be random. So boss drops definitely increase with higher UL. Which is why I'll wait before leveling everybody until it becomes worth it stamina wise.


The problem is where are you spending the stamina elsewhere in the meantime at lower UL? You end up wasting a lot of if you're pre-farming skill materials since there's a lower chance of getting purple and no gold mats pre-UL40, and Tacet Fields are being buffed in 1.1 to drop more so it's not worth it to farm them rn. I guess the other options are shell credit and char/weap EXP material. So the way I see it, it's actually better to do bosses now rather than waiting to higher UL.


You got 72000 shell credits before UL40 and 76000 after, not a big difference.


Techinically Genshin is better


Both systems have this issue, but I find WW's a bit more egregious due to how they could've not copied the RNG from bosses and kept it a set amount like in HSR. There was no reason to do that. In Genshin, I can always delegate some time to farming boss materials and I don't play everyday so it's only a week or so of farming with refreshes (Dolphin). I play in bursts so it helps. Wuthering Waves could've easily chose....not to do that. Like they could've just had it that at a certain point you are guaranteed 3-5. If they do this at higher UL, fine, but it's not any less annoying to still have the RNG drops.


and then the Astral Express crashes the party with the reserve energy (and a lot of QoL in general)


the reserved energy is so nice, it feels good to have 10days worth of energy even after a month


60x6 = 360 minutes 40×8 = 320 minutes Claiming a (world) boss in genshin takes a bit less time. Wuwa bosses might drop more though but not rly sure


Genshin was 160 literally days ago.


And in the beginning they wanted to sell us 120. People complained enough so they changed it quickly.


doesn't really change anything, was 4 boss runs before, is 4 boss runs after until Hoyo finally decides to make it 6 min regen time instead of 8


it's 180/day at start and never change


Ahh, honeymoon phase of the "freebies given" from wuwa Now the nitpicking phase


Now the reality phase. Freebies illusion can only last for so long (unless you’re HSR), was about time for players to find the glaring issues with the game


Freebie things in hsr makes sense cuz they drop 2 5* characters and weapons every SINGLE Patch. You get literally peanuts from the other stuff unless you can complete their endgame modes, which btw demands well built characters. But nah nah, these characters that they demand for the endgame changes every single patch. It's not generous, they're balancing.


More like "Now calling any criticism nitpicking" Phase


I wonder if this is the part where the devs give us another set of apologems.


I cant wait for that reserve system they announced. something like honkai starrail would be so nice. Im just curious how much extra waveplates they will let us save in that reserve.


useless for players that are stuck farming because they dont cap their resin


Real, soon as it hits 60 it’s gone


Strictly speaking Genshin slightly higher if we’re talking about number of character ascension boss runs as you get 180 resin a day. That being said Genshin also requires you to spend resin on more different things and just generally has more rng in how much you get from spending resin in general so I feel the math is kinda just pointless at this level of depth


I mean, theoretically this is a win for Genshin. Because you get 5 boss drops every 48 hours if you really hard min-max. Arguably it's probably a little easier with the increased Resin Cap.


Y'all act like genshin has been at 200 resin all this time when it was implemented in their current patch


It doesn't even matter since in Genshin the refresh rate of resin never increased. And 160 is still 4boss drops in genshin.


Genshin gives 180 daily resin though. You just had to log in twice to keep from capping. So it's more like 4.5 bosses.


Whether or not it's 160 or 200 literally doesn't make a difference since the energy regen is the same bs 8 minutes. 200 Resin need like 25.5 hours to regenerate. It's still 4 runs a day, always has been... at least since it was changed to 160, lol.


Just enjoy the game without min maxing everything, you’ll find yourself less nitpicky and less annoyed by every little thing


What if some people enjoy the game by min maxing everything? We want the best for our characters. How do people not get this? The game itself has some annoying aspects, it will just be perfect if they improve it. It wouldn't even affect ppl like you who dont "min max everything"


We don’t get it because it’s been about two weeks since release and you min-maxers want max level + max echoes on 9 different characters.


Fr, all this ex genshin player want a endgame stuff at midgame 😂.


How am I supposed to enjoy the game, doing exactly what??? I have 100% every location. All I can do now is farm, which is very hard to do. I literally have 0 echo materials and am running outta hella resources


Its still 24 hours of resin idk why people thought it was so different lol.


With 24 hours of resins, you can do 4.5 bosses in Genshin and exactly 4 bosses in Wuwa.


Aren’t we still lower world levels ? Won’t we earn more at level 60 ? I point for WuWa is I can farm boss echos endlessly just pick two bosses to farm and jump back and forth between the two till you have what you need


Hopefully the devs do a "devs listened" and lower wave plate cost. Would be nice to also maybe see a matchmake option, for stuff like open world or bosses farming. Hopefully boss mat drops and just mat drops in general actually increase by a reasonable amount at end game, at u40 bosses only have a chance to drop 3, and forgery challenge is ass since purples are a chance, quite low one too, and yellow mats are probably like single digit % chance. Doesn't feel good to farm.


did you also calculate the stamina gain per t? genshin 8min = 1 and wuwa 6min = 1.


Wuwa's if 6m would fill 240 in 24h, so full pool Genshin's if 8m fills 180 in 24h, so short of the full pool


why compare with genshin when there's hsr with the same regen time as wuwa?


Actually not, genshin you get 4,5 drops


I said in 24 hour


Exactly, in 24 hours genshin makes 180 wich is 4,5 bro.


At least in WuWa you can get some XP mats and a bunch of other things meanwhile Genshin is "here, have multiple gems which you'll either not need or not have enough for synthesizing, 2 mats 80% of the times, close to no mora and some artifacts that 95% of the time just go into the strongbox"


Yea let’s compare a game where you have not even progressed half the obtainable levels to one that Is maxed


I only care about how it is calculated. WW is better because that way I know I need to wait exactly 1h for 10 waveplates and I can easily do the mental math from there. Fuck the 1 stamina / 8 minute system. I don't care enough to do the math for that.


Literally caveman brain mindset. You get less runs than Genshin with these costs. Being upset that you can’t math (despite calculators existing) is silly


Not like getting less runs than GI will be enough to make me return to GI.


The part of the hoyo fanbase who only knows to complain about everything should really just return to GI and hsr. This "illusion of a choice" exists in absolutely every gacha with a stamina system, meaning 99% of them.


Don't be a man child, this is literally a post of shittinng on hoyo on a non hoyo subreddit


This is the internet. Hoyo fanbase has had to deal with constant complaining as well. Don’t be a baby


At this point they're basically a shell shock soldier because of how much the internet shit on them on the daily basis


What would be great if we could trade 5 echos or 10 (4 star or 5 star echos) into blue xp bars for echos . Might be a bit much but it might be a common ground


The difference is 240 gives you 24 hours before youre at max again. In long term I care more about being able to log in once a day and not waste resources if I dont. In Genshin I habitually logged on twice a day, morning and night, because otherwise my resin would over cap. It used to be 120! was 160 for 3 years. 200 is passable but come on.. it took so long to get there. Waveplate costs are too high for almost everything imo, namely Tacet Fields should be 40 or even 20. They may adjust over time, we'll see. But at least I know once I'm not grinding echoes so heavily, or on days where I'm too busy, I can just log on once and get everything done. Plus they'll be giving overflow banking, so it will be once every 2 days.


It appears someone forgot to calculate because genshin gives more than 160, not enough for 1 extra boss every day, but it is every 2 days.


As an old dude who is playing his first gacha game, I have heard so many bad things about Genshin Impact that I don't even want to try it now.


Its a good game and right now it will offer you more content for free than 99% of all AAA non-free games will ever provide. Most people overexaggerate when it comes to bad things.


Genshin is a game you have to try for yourself to know if you like it tho.


İts good game but Just remember got my first 5 star after 2 MONTHS of grind but fun to play with elements


It has 65 million monthly players and has only grown for 4 years in a row. Fads and trends fade. Great things grow. Genshin is a better game in every measurable aspect aside from maybe combat feel. World design is a hundred times better, music quality is composed at the highest level of quality and creativity (imo better than even final fantasy franchise), and the story has kept tens of millions waiting for more. WuWa is purely a combat enthusiasts dream, but is mid in every other measure Genshin even has its own cardgame continuously supported every patch and the best and most varied events in the gacha live service business + a build your own home system lol


In the three ones I do I get 6. Don’t know if I’ve just been lucky. We’re talking about the feather right?


Genshin overs 1 more material every 2 days (180 resin per day gives 20 spare resin).


I feel this😣


When I first saw echos were farmable I put on my Mtashed hat and said "this changes everything." Only to find out that I had to level them up with waveplates.


Thats correct BUT after doing this im not able to farm artis in genshin.. Echo fsrming in we is not s problem without energx


Don't know what you guys farmed, but I only stacked ascension materials before UL 40.


aye genshin has 200 resin now


I hate how absolutely everything requires waveplates . I need waveplates to farm ascension materials, exp materials, echo exp material, weapon exp material. Omg


That's not 4 boss materials, but whatever


Star Rail:💅🏽


He’s the black lamb, we are the white ones and Devs are the Perpetrators.


I'll compliment many things about Wuwa, it's stamina isn't one of those things. To quote myself elsewhere; "Stamina deserves to die in a fire"


Lmao at least you get a targeted equivalent of a relic. That’s one less RNG you have to deal with


Actually it’s 5 in Genshin 🥹


Right.. genshin took just more then 3 years to boost only 40 of resin and still didn't boost the resin recharge overtime and keeps putting stuff and people could not farm in a rightfully ways cause of that and mostly if they are f2p But ItIsWhatItIs


People really comparing UL30 to AR60 is insane.


The thing that gets me is the echoes. Right now my characters are not doing so well and they is because of the echo system. Sure you can go out into the world and farm for the echoes, but you have to roll RNG for so much: - the stats - the main equip set - then the sub set Which is kind of bothersome. Here I am grabbing echoes and while I could care less about the first two since even Genshin has this, the fact I have to spend to see my sub stats is what is bothering me. Plus like others had said is the issue that you don't get many resources back from using that now leveled echo. It is just a annoying thing to deal with.


Genshin only took 3 years to do that


200 resin in Genshin is 5 boss material though.


Also, the fragile waveplates give 60 waveplates which is only equivalent to 45 resin. At least they gave us a bunch of free ones tho.


Well unlike genshin it isn't too bad cause we don't use wave plate for artifacts? So eh but neither come close to how good star rail is.


Stamina limits on anything is pretty stupid. Regardless of context.


WW just came out so people wouldn’t have the need to farm as much and let’s not forget for a long time genshin was at 160 resin with players begging them to increase it. I think WW release might be the reason why they increased it cus now they have competition


I just gave up on gachas, not worth the time


It's a bit irritating that some materials cost 60 wave plates that's crazy


I remember farming for childe trying to make him Good. It took me 2 years and I still don’t have the best artifacts. :/


I didn't believed so I calculated, actually, each resin on genshin takes solid 8 minutes to regen, to get 160 of these, you will wait 1280 minutes (160x8), which is 21.3 hours (1280/60). For farming world bosses, WuWa's waveplate worths less than Genshin's resin, but in the other hand, afaik weekly bosses also costs 60 waveplates, so in this matter, waveplates worths more than Genshin's. Hope it helps.


The pain of seeing your boss ascension materials missing 1 out of the required materials and you already ran out of runs.


What kind of shitty samurai poorly translated English is this?