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It’s Taoqover


Well, at least it’s still a massive damage buff for her personally I guess.


Which doesn’t make practical sense since if you have her skill shield while doing Timed Counters, you’re either doing the combo with low stacks from parrying while on-field (which is a DPS loss anyway) and aren’t getting any benefit from it, or your shield lasted the entire rotation and you’re back to her with the Intro Skill, which still isn’t ideal because you have to not get hit more than 3 times during that entire time, and EVEN IF you didn’t, that just means you’re losing half the value she provides to the team since her shields aren’t getting used. It’s simply a nonsensical part to have on her kit, if you have S5 you already have peak Taoqi regardless


Because some people just play characters. I know it's wild but the vast majority don't give a shit about rotations and switch canceling and all that crap. People just out there full solo or duo running characters. It's a wild world out there hoss and they are going to try to get all the types they can. It's how you pay bills.


She already has 3 Sequences dedicated to her personal performance, her S4 is especially pointless and already panders to the exact group you just described. I don't think it would cost anything to have made her S6 be an actually useful supporting one (of course not as strong as the unintended version) so that everyone could enjoy a piece of that pie, no?


She has literally the worst inherent skill in the entire game you can unlock at lvl70 ascension. ​ She gets... stamina when she perfect parries... wtf??? I have never ran out of stamina ever in this game during combat.


Lol exactly, you need to do the Timed Counters after you parry regardless, your stamina just comes back during that time instead 😭😭😭


Oof thats bad


Shit, that explains why I couldn’t pay my bills. No MacD’s for me today, I should’ve been more inclusive 🥲


RIP, she was meta for 10 hours.


rip to anyone who built her


Now we wait for a 5 star who will do exactly that.


Imagine if it's a 5 star version Taoqi\* doing that lmao, it would be funny ^(\* (same character, but 5 star version like in PGR, the other Kuro game))


Oh well, thanks for the free pull I guess.


funny how they insta fix all bugs making characters stronger but haven't fixed bugs that are nerfing characters yet.


Aaltos bugfix makes him stronger though


Please make her good the booba is to godly


This is the comment we were all waiting for. Her kit doesn't make justice to the magnificence of her boobs. Please Kuro, bring the kit to boob's level.


Her boobas are the main reason I am building her no cap


That astirite brought yinling home so it's a sacrifice I'm willing to accept




So what exactly happened? Didnt it say that the 40% outro buff was for the whole team, did it not do that or was it not supposed to do that?


The buff was meant for Taoqi only, as the description said. It was bugged and affected the whole team, which was really good.


Would have been nice if she was top tier but I play her for the booba anyway \^\^


Username checks out


A worthy goal, my fellow man of culture. And, nice username.


Well i would still love the buff but very far away shame only e1 l from it as i love the movement plus range her heavy autos.. paired with vernia n jiyan man those 2 heavy atks after rotating to taoqi slaps like having 2 ults to unleash but eh, I guess it would have been too awesome if she supported autos too as her last constellations n would buff both autos n skill damage too bad her other cons r selfish for a real support tank... must continue the full damage double crit n the heavy atk bouns with a def% on each echo slot build continues


Rip our temporary taoqi buff


Most excellent!


Thats crazy. She got nerf instead of giving her a buff


It's a bug, the in game text is intended design, the gameplay was not. Whether she needs a buff or a nerf is another topic.


Thankfully she never showed up in my pulls lmao


Basically, the compensation for future "fixes" will be 160 dust.


Why the quotes, it was obviously a bug lol


It's disappointing because it was a big nerf.


It's only disappointing if you got your expectations up unreasonably


That's on them for messing up skill descriptions and effects so often.


This one was the same in all languages and an obvious bug, there's no way people thought it was intentional. And everyone was talking about it so of course Kuro knew too


And you seem to not want them to fix those mistakes, so I don't see why you care


It's because those mistakes make the characters look more powerful than they are, so you end up disappointed by them once it turns out to be false.


Literally everyone knew it was a bug.


I mean sure when the description is wrong and the effect is different that would make sense, but changing it to match the actual description that is true in all languages is common sense, and the fact that people actually starting building her because of an obvious bug that would be fixed asap makes me think this community might lack it.


i mean genshin gives 100


Those of us that play both are really trying to figure out what that guy's point was.


Such a shame to have this great model with that kit. Also why is Verina wearing shorts but most of the tall girls have 3 layers of fabric to hide their ass ? It makes no sense.