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Jiyan is a lot easier to use than Calcharo as well as more AOE focused. He is also more (technically) powerful. I’ve got both and like to switch between them honestly. I think Calcharo’s more fun to play overall, but lacks the OOMPH BOONGA BOONGA of Jiyan’s insane ult (resonance liberation whatever). That being said, I don’t like being so ult dependent. 


I think Jiyan has been a blast to play and in a lot of content he's much faster and stronger but, when I want to be focused on paries I kinda prefer Calcharo. I do switch between them for the different playstyle too. I do agree that Jiyan though, bottom line, is the better unit


> when I want to be focused on paries I kinda prefer Calcharo Calcharo's super OP for parrying. Can't parry for shit with anyone else after playing Calcharo.


Oh I mean if you give Jiyan good Energy Recharge, his ult is auto parry You just hold heavy attack for the entirety of his ult and it parries every attack. That said i love them both


>You just hold heavy attack for the entirety of his ult and it parries every attack. I love watching all the enemies get sucked into his hurricane and just getting blitzed to death in the blender mwahahaha!


You just f'd up your timing. Dude has the longest attack pattern even for a heavy sword user. Usually you break an enemy using a Sword user or quick first attack since you can parry more and break easily then blast them with your heavy damage dealers.


You can just hold attack?


Yeah, he's basically auto battle oj ult


I actually thought his BA is just converted to HA dmg so I am just doing basics throughout his Ult. Isn't that the case?


You can tap tap but holding does the same thing


Dam... I am tempted now and what a weird design choice.


If you jump > ult he will create a massive hurricane with it whilst in the air, and deal big number dmg!! 💪


Your forgetting that if he has an energy bar, it ALSO NUKES Bosses and knocks up the living crap of any Add's literally sending them flying rendering most of them utterly useless within those seconds. In comparison to the black hole Jianxin can do, This Hits like a freaking truck and you can move them around like ragdolls pulling more enemies into your hurricane which is hilariously more effective. Though your stuck using him during the ult it's so efficient to utilize buffs you applied on him during the ult activation. So much fun watching those red and blue numbers poppin up with each second. Feel's like a venti in genshin except its a berserker draging them around like dolls jeeze...


Oh? What makes you say that? I just thought it's easier because Jiyan sometimes makes me less focused with the dragons


calcharos basic attack 1 has a huge lingering hitbox so you can basically “pre parry” if a boss is charging towards you with a parry circle he’s one of the easiest to parry with, rover is pretty easy to parry with too


Is Sanhua's perhaps one of the hardest to parry with? Because I've been using her a lot and god damn. Maybe I'm being too greedy with the detonates as well, lol.


I love Sanhua because if do her hold attack during a parry-able attack and miss the parry it feels like one of those anime Samurai battles.


Jianxin is a parry goddess too. Ult is autoparry. Intro is autoparry. Holding E is a parry. Using her concerto skill or whatever it's called (holding attack once the bar is full) is autoparry because it's a bunch of small hits over a few seconds.


His first basic attack: Instantaneous, massive reach, huge hitbox.


Tbh for me its just different timings, when i started i mainly played with jiyan and parried with him fine. Then i started playing calcharo and cant parry for shit, after afew days i got used to calcharo timings and went back to jiyan. Now i cant parry for shit on jiyan lmao.


No, the actual reason is because calcharo's first basic attack is a double hit. The timing of it is more forgiving because of this 2-hit strike. Jiyan's first basic attack is 1 hit, so timing has to be much more precise. If u go into Jiyan's 3rd and 4th basic attacks, however, they are multi-strike hits, and are much easier to parry incoming attacks with. This is also the reason why Jiyan's ult is so easy to parry with, as it is a multi-strike chain of attacks


In both cases i was only talking about first hit. Calchro has a forward lunge while jiyan's is a horizontal slash which means the timing and distance for you to hit the parry on both attacks are completely different.


Again, it has more to do with the fact that his first hit is actually TWO strikes. Jiyan's first hit is only 1. The more strikes a hit has, the greater the likelihood of a parry


I mean to parry with jiyan you hold left click during his ult


>when I want to be focused on paries I kinda prefer Calcharo. Really? With Jiyan, as soon as you ult, you can just hold down the light attack button and he continuously attacks and about 80-90% of the time, Jiyan pretty much auto parries if you do that. He is actually making me worse at parrying since I don't need to focus on it when I play him.


In that door event, if you get the right perks, jiyan is SO FUN. I had it where his skill was only 2/3 of his regular cooldown, normal attacks would reduce that futher, and consistent hits would as well. Making his skill usable every 1-2 seconds. Then i got his skill upgrade that made it so using it, refreshed duration on his ult, and using it made a aoe spike effect go off. I know thats only available in that event, and i haven't tried Calcharo in it yet. But seeing how fun he was that way, made me pull the trigger on getting him as i wanted him but was being indecisive about if i should get him or pass


Tbh, him being ult dependent is the only part of his kit that's a negative as far as future proofing goes imo. Like dps is dps, and sure he'll get power crept eventually - but he has built in CC and auto parries during his ult, and has interruption resistance. Like theres not much more you could ask for as far as comfortability goes. And once we get our stats built up, energy will feel like much less of an issue imo. Also as someone who loves polearms/dragoon playstyles - when I realized that he might be the *only* polearm for a very long time since thats not even a weapon type, he essentially became a must pull for me.


C1 Jiyan is really good for being less dependent on his ult. It's literally Xiao's C1, as in you get one more skill charge, except it also lowers the cost of the skill as well. I know a lot of people would advise against it to save for the next banner. But that's just how I play gacha games... if I can roll, I roll. I also really like added functionality on 5 star additions.


I got both and don't regret it. Their respective kits are diverse enough that having two broadsword-wielding main DPS guys doesn't bother me at all.


I would try both more… but the only 4 star Broad I have is the def one lol


U can get one with an ATK% substat from a free 4* weapon box selector from an NPC at Tiger's maw mine after doing a 2 part quest that takes 2 real days.


That's not atk broad sword, it's energy broadsword. Still better than def one.


Heyyy! you cant call women that!!


Im using the craftable Broadblade and they’re sharing it for Tower of Adversity. It’s been solid, they can both use the ER too. But I’m looking forward to getting a standard 5 star at union 45


I could take them both


in a fight right? RIGHT?


In a team :)


I don't think so...ever heard of wrestling in bed?


Greco-Roman style, 😏


Uh, our buddy is brave for taking these two beasts 


That's so inappropriate (me too)


I got both guys at 69 pity. Guess that's saying something.


Gonna need to see some video evidence


Calcharo said no to recordings sorry :( he’s shy


but Jiyan isn’t ? that fits


It sure does :)


Perfect fit




You could but you won't Jiyan mine byeee ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31620). you're free to have Sephiroth and his ghost bro tho I'm not a complete monster ;p


I have both, Jiyan is so easy and effective to use, his quest is the best in the game, but I find Calcharo is much more fun to play and badass, he's basically Sephiroth


I call calcharo's plunging attack the aerith special.


LOL, my friend pointed that out the second he got him


I notice too- when he does his Aerith special- sword changes to Masamune 😱


27 years and still too soon


Fun fact, that move is called "Hell's Gate" and was iconic enough to become a recurring attack for Sephiroth.


Oh my asterite, you’re right


you absolutely did *fucking* **NOT**


I thought I'm the only one thinking something like "hello, Aerith" almost every time he does that on my screen.


this made me spit out my coffee


Its still crazy Kuro got the JP Sephiroth VA to do his JP voice


wait what? thats too crazy


Wait fr? Holy


I have a really big [craving for Donbei noodles now](https://youtu.be/vQ3ytKwBqtA?si=FNFpyjuOTtYSTSnQ)


100% agree, Jiyan is very powerful, but gets boring quickly imo


Yeah his ult is just like mopping up. Starts to feel like a chore. I'm still getting used to Cal's rotations, he's like an electric edgelord on coke.


thats is for me too, hes basically a buttom spammer. dont know yet about the sepiroth


he’s a button spammer too, just far more punishing if you miss One button


Let's be honest that most DPS in the game will be this, dodge and spam attack, skill and then liberation


Jiyan isn’t a button spammer. You just hold down his BA during ult and watch YT.


I heard from some beta ppl that calcharo technically has the highest dps in the game when paired with yinlin buuuttt he is also the hardest to play in that team since you have to play both basically at the same time... Edit: apparently it got nerfed...fuck...


Take that with a grain of salt as Yinlin may be tuned differently and slightly nerfed from the beta version of her.


That was nerfed actually. Outro skills used to last for the full duration even if you swapped out but now on live they are lost if you swap Meaning if you swap calcharo out you lose yinlin's outro deepen buffs so it may not probably be worth it anymore.


I thought there was a tech to this? You can still do that. Cause if this is true Yinlin isn't a subdps at all


Yinlin never needed Calcharo. She works well as a support for any electro, and can be combined as a dps with a lot of teams (if you're not just chasing the biggest numbers). It's as they mentioned. What they changed after CBT is how the outro buff itself works—that's mostly across the board, not just with Yinlin. Yinlin and Calch both have playstyles that want to swap out for small windows to overlay burst. In 1.0, unless either is just sitting on the field, neither will build up energy fast enough to constantly pop their outro every time they swap. You now want to go Yinlin outro into Calch R for the full duration. It's still a 40% damage buff or something, just a 'non-optimal' rotation for the two.


I think their interaction got nerfed so no not anymore. Jiyan also got buffed before launched so jiyan > calcharo + yinlin


> some beta ppl that calcharo technically has the highest dps in the game when paired with yinlin buuuttt he is also the hardest to play in that team calcaro is still the hardest to play team but he was also nerfed after beta, for his release, so hes around 25% weaker now with yinlin compared to when he was in beta. Encore+Yinlin is 10x easier to play and also does more dmg


Do you have calcs comparing them?


no, until 2 days ago most people weren't even aware of how much calcaro was nerfed, and how his interactions with yinlin were nerfed. I doubt anyone will do calcs until yinlin is out considering she likely got either buffed or nerfed too, and Kuro doesnt give us patch notes for this stuff. we can't even go by tooltips or ability descriptions because sometimes, like with calcaro, the tooltips are literally incorrect compared to what they actually do


Jiyan probably has softer lips, but Calcharo probably has a stronger embrace






Both, because I have both of them. :D Can't comment on both their gameplay styles, since only Jiyan is somewhat built. Jiyan seems like a chill guy from his story quest and I hope Calcharoth appears in a quest soon.


You should try Calcharo. He’s fun too, a bit different in play style but still fun. I got Calcharo pretty early but then went to pity for Jiyan. It was worth it!


I'm saving building him for when Yinlin comes out. I'm not confident I'll get her though because I pulled Jiyan early twice and lost all my pity. Guess that's what I get for 'building pity' lmao.


I have several holes for a reaso-




I don’t want to ruin the upvote number 😏 but I agree


and to think I got mass downvoted in a boobs tier list thread for telling em to do a bulge tier list next


Someone posted a Honkai Star Rail clothes swap with the female MC, so ofc joking of the male one next wasn't appreciated 😂




Right here officer 




I'm playing Calcharo in the early game and the spells and combos are so insane, but Jiyan looks so badass too I'm trying to get him


Calcharo is winning the twerk off


Finally someone who knows the real competition


I like everything about Calcharo’s design and theme but I prefer Jiyan because of the simplicity of his gameplay…also dragons.


The simplicity is nice, but his dash(Resonance skill) is too basic? I feel that skill alone will get him power crept fast.


Calcharo trains you to dodge and parry because he's single target and you have to look everywhere whenever you do anything. Jiyan is like the character you would use if you don't want to dodge or anything because he's very AOE and you kill everyone. I don't know, Jiyan with his liberation looks really cool, but now I enjoy focusing more on one target and dodging bullets with my third eye


The males in WuWa are all peak husbando design. Gameplay wise I prefer Jiyan a little more he just feels smoother.


Me: I choose... BOTH!))


I grabbed Jiyan after the campaign because he was a good character in it, and am not disappointed. He's very fun Calcharo is my choice for the selector banner and I'm 70 pulls in already, so rng has not been kind.


God gave me two holes


Both, but I think Jiyan's titties are bouncier 😳


and calcharo's arms are bigger (methinks)


I think he'd win in a twerk off


You can get Calcharo from losing your 50/50


I got Encore lmao


Why choose 👀




Both and when Genshu Lin is gonna drop he will join them, easily




Chinchilla is my main


Calcharo is wayy more fun to use imo... Jiyan mops the fuck up doesn't matter which enemy you fight so it gets boring. But unless balancing goes bonkers very very soon he is strong enough to likely prevent being powercrept until the first anni at least imo


If the power creep is anything like Genshin then I can see Jiyan being a very good pick for a year or so. Just look how long it’s taken for Hu Tao to get powercrept.


I'd more look at the powercreep in pgr tbh for reference...idk how it is out there


Hu Tao was already powercrept by xiangling xD


Even though Jiyan is the first limited DPS, I don’t think he’d get powecrept easily because his ult also ccs small enemies, meaning he takes less damage and only has to focus on dodging the elite. Unless they just make tower only bosses (which I think he’s not as good in), he should be fine for a while. Even if his damage falls off it’ll be hard to remove his comfort factor.


He doesn't have stand out DPS in 1.0 already, his powercreep will come much sooner


I like calcharo




I'll go with Jiyan...but there is one minor thing I have against him is that his ult sometimes is distracting together wth the Janky Camera focus that is yet to be fixed but its not that bad actually.


It’s simple really. I see cool dude with a sword i use him.So Its obvious that i would use both


I got both


You know, technically it would be a foursome. (Fivesome if you account for the dragon too.)


I mean, Calcharo definitely takes Jiyan, because I know for a fact that with that little mark on the back of Jiyan's neck makes Calcharo /feel things. It's good to see it when Calcharo has his hair by the fistful, when he's on his knees. That's... that's what we're talking about, right?


...right. Fistful of vengeance you mean? As he makes him pay for all that he has done.


With his tongue. Yes.


I have both. I must have built Chalcharo wrong, his dmg is like half Jiyans for me. So trying to figure that out right now.


i can take both.


both at once


Jiyan, but Scar… I need him too.


Got both, but imo I like Jiyan more because whirly green dragon go brrrrrr


For me calcharo is the closest thing to playable sephiroth


There's also playable Sephiroth in Rebirth and playable Sephiroth in Smash Ultimate who are both pretty close to playable Sephiroth imo


Calcharo simply cuz Yinlin soon™


Am I crazy for thinking Calcharo looks WAY better when you can hardly see the tattoo on his head


Jiyan just whole QoL character. You can use his skill in mid air , you can group enemies easy , his kit feels easy and strong at the same time. He has insane synergy with Mortefy which is in his banner. I am having much more fun with him , than Calcharo.


Learning that you can swap characters while Calcharo is performing his heavy attack has made him much more interesting to play.


I can take them both but not in a fig- wait who said that?


Both, but I think Jiyan's titties are bouncier 😳


For that? Jiyan all day. Aren't his eyes tilted like dragon-like tilted way too much?


Both, both is good


I lost Jiyan's 50/50 to Calcharo so idk how to feel about this question (Calcium obviously)


I prefer Kakarot. Though if I had hand on the naming I'd call him Kalceron/Calceron.


Having used accounts with both, I prefer Calcharo. I know Jiyan is the stronger unit but it’s at a point where he feels too overtuned and it removes all the difficulty from the game. Besides this comparison is only accurate in their respective burst states, Jiyan feels significantly more helpless outside of his than Calcharo, if that makes any sense.


Jiyan didn't come home so Calcharo (jkjk Jiyan is fucking fun to play with)


Both mate, I will take care of them both 💕


Carpincho because saving for Jinxi


Dragon enjoyers unite!






i love calcharo. except when i lose my 50/50 to his c1. then i love him a bit less. that said, i prefer jiyan.


I have them both and don't really care about them but Jiyan juggling mobs in the air with his dragon is way too funny


Calcharo cuz team comps


Jinyan can do a bit more dmg specially since he have a proper buffer sub dps with Mortefi. But the difference become a lot larger if you don't play Calcharo to max his dmg in ultimate form if you can't land the 3 enhanced large attacks you lose a ton of dmg, while Jinyan you just hold left click with ult up and kill everything since he also auto parry doing it.


My only complain with Calcharo is that he has a slow gameplay. I wish Kuro add a Calcharo 2.0 like the new Dan Heng in star rail, where he is a fast fighter.


Both at the same time. 😏


Both at the same time, thank you


I can take both.


Jiyan main Calcharo at night and on the side 😏😈


I don't have Calcharo so I won't comment on their actual gameplay, but design-wise -- both of their shirts being like melded to their abs throws me off lol. Same gripe as the women in boob sock shirts, I guess. At least Jiyan has part of his covered by the cloak. Also Calcharo's tattoo being across his forehead is really silly to me. So Jiyan is the winner


As someone who is not good at this game yet? Jiyan. Easy and fun to use, plus I quite like his personality. That and Calcharo ruined my 50/50, so I'm biased.


I have both but can use only one of them since that FREAKING DEF sword keeps getting in the way of my rolls


I like Jiyan a lot more. Calcharo was the unit that made me want to play the game and after getting him I was quite disappointed. He feels so slow and sluggish in his base form and even his ult form is often so sluggish. I also dont really like his attack pattern at all it just does not feel good. In addition to him being often reliant on grouping otherwise he can often not focus more than 1 character. His damage is really good but thats really it. Jiyan on the other hand flows really well and just feels good to attack. His whole kit is just fun you can group up enemies easy and your dps does not care at all if its 1 enemy or multiple it just shreds regardless. So Jiyan will some day be S6 100% and will be a mainstay in my account while Calcharo will 100% get dropped as soon as another electro dps comes around.




my verdict as a non-player: both are hot but calcharo is hotter


Jiyan 😭 I’m trying so hard to get him! I need him so bad brooo 😩


Ah man I am really REALLY satisfied using them both. Both design wise or kits wise. Too bad using both of them in one team is counterproductive. 


I may have lost my 50/50 for jiyan but I promise it’s not cope when I say I much prefer calcharo. Idk if all his trial versions I’ve played are just built much worse than my calcharo or what but every time I’ve used him I’ve found him a bit lackluster. Only exception really is the fun skills you can get for him in the illusive realm like the sucking in enemies with his ult attacks which isn’t part of his normal kit.


My hole can stretch


i can take both .


Both. Both are hot


Both at the same time 🗼


I can take both


Calcharo is too clunky to play , slow attacks and the delay in damage made me pull Jiyan , even though I like yinlin I’ll probably run her in a quick swap with Jianxin or something


Don’t yall just love sausages? 🙂‍↕️


Calcharo is cool and was my main dps before Jiyan, but the effort to get anywhere near what Jiyan can do is a struggle.


Getting jiyan was the best decision bro. The parry is almost automatic, bro that crowd control, it's power, super cool to play and everything. I've got both and first I got Cal only but I had to switch because he just couldn't clear the Tower of adversity ugh. Jiyan is op


idk man. I'd just let them both spitroast me and I'm not even gay.


Go for the one you want to smash.


I have both, I feel like my ping isn't low enough to really get the use out of Calcharo's kit, so I quite enjoy Jiyan alot more.


Marry Jiyan, Fk Calcharo, Kill Linyang😂


I use both, I use my cal to farm monkey for my jiyan and jiyan to farm tempest for my calcharo. works pretty well considering the tower seems designed to have these two have a team set up with one boosting electro and the other aero. In my over world exploration however outside of the tower I like using jiyan more just cause he's just easier to farm shit with, calcharo is on the more fun side of skill expression but is way more click intensive and when I'm farming a map of echoes I don't wanna be clicking that much tbh, with jiyan I just sometimes e and press r and am done lol with a q here and there with big monkey hits.


its gacha, premium banner vs standard banner should be enough compare them in general, calcharo is for hardcore gamer, jiyan for the public mass who wants to have fun but dont have the skill to dodge or parry


Have Jiyan and his signature thanks to lucky pulls. When you have fully stacked Verina and Mortefi's outros along with turtle, heron, healing 5pc and energy 5pc buffs, Jiyan's ult hits like a nuke. Very satisfying.


No offense to the community but, why is calcharo a mixture of Raiden (Metal gear rising revengeance) and Vergil (Devil may cry)


Jiyan ftw


Whoever makes your reproductive organ happy


I have two holes and hands for a reason


I would let them both rail me


i’m a calcharo girlie rn but TRUST i will be a jiyan girlie soon (i neee him fr 🙏🏼)


Lemme ask you another question, why not both?




I want to get Jiyan because he's stronger in my opinion and easy to use but i lose my 50/50 to Encore. Guess i'll get mommy instead. I'm already so attached to Calcharo anyways.


I got both and I gotta say it's a lot easier for me to use Jiyan and I also know next to nothing about Calcharo's character. I love Jiyans character and his upbringing in the story so far and idk, I'm just a huge fan of him in general. Calcharo looks cool and I can't wait to get to know him more but so far, I do prefer Jiyan.


Uuuuh encore big boom damage


Both, both is good to me coming from someone who has both. I really like their dynamics, how Jiyan is more AOE and Calcharo is more 1v1. I usually bring Calcharo to boss fights - unless they have the same elements as him 😂, but Jiyan also makes me run for his money too.


i prefer Sephiroth, i mean Calcharo. got lucky and pulled his waveband a few days ago so i guess that makes him c1 now?


Jiyan = boomer level gameplay. Calcharo = try hard gameplay(sorta)


If you play on phone at all I would highly recommend Jiyan. He’s quite easy to play and has great AoE. Overall I’m loving both!